tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 3:01am-3:31am EDT
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it's eleven am in the russian capital you're watching r.t.i. marina joshie italy is deciding on the future of a highly unpopular a sturdy package intended to put a leash on the country's runaway debt the country's lower house of parliament is voting today on whether to pass an extensive set of tax hikes and spending cuts or measures already been passed by the senate despite weeks of wrangling and mass public protest but even if passed many wonder if it will be enough because as are two sarah first reports years of economic stagnation our culture of government access may have left it too little too late. as italy prepares to once again tighten its belt in the light of mule stares he measures politicians it seems to found a way to save themselves and pennies we publish a new of the inside of the parliament and the.
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new. free. with very cheap private this cheap yet exclusive menu was leaked to italian let's press a magazine that this is no name it should instead be stray be born before we vote that these roads. prize for the people of the parliament. five million some for around a thousand. a year and it's the taxpayer less fitting that was paying bell in fact that's been hard for many to stomach but we are an economic research and arlene are my people like us pay the creases. a decrease is because they don't care they interest our feet only they care only they interest so we are angry seek anti-red outside the parliament building of protest needs and has been growing led by a guitar in a ferrari who's been on hunger strike for months. all the people here are hungry for a future for their children. we don't see that at the moment but to make the politicians
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listen we know we need to get three million people here we hope they will come there protesting against what they say is the politicians of piece of taxpayers' money and an inability to deal adequately with the economic crisis in the country so we're asking for. this salary suffered by i mean paris because they are the i guess salaries in our europe ok in an italian police. one hundred eighty thousand euro in spain for example only thirty five thousand euros. for the controversial spending doesn't end there politicians have four hundred thousand euros allocated for learn which of course is naver million euro is spent just for their stationery and his public anger builds the protest movement has been gaining momentum we really do feel something will soon go to the greek protest in which. people who are for. young. know where to find.
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the situation's going to be very very complex still across italy costa to be cuts in social spending in people's wages when it comes to the politicians it seems no expenses sped up people's appetite for change is growing. thing that. have. no politician spoken so that they vow that the hunger strike will continue and that remain here until they get some answers sara artsy. and as our allan his guest discussed the growing crisis in italy is not unique in the united states especially there is great concern over the engine of the world economy the once mighty and now shrinking american middle class that are more and crossed are coming your way in just over twenty minutes time but here's a preview. i was amazed to discover when i got to the united states that everybody
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who's in the trade union is considered middle class you just mean guys with jobs that's what you mean about your very own terrible family capital or capital gains or whatever you just need people who make money from money and people only money from work most of these middle class people make money from work and they should cast their lot in with the poor of people who make their money the point where being employed means middle class well i once. went to dealer i know in both one said very powerfully that for him working class men people who didn't want to work . was in argentina when it collapsed and i would put it the other way around when you get a crisis the middle class becomes the people who have to work and they don't having this illusion that they can become rich like everybody else and suddenly realize hey we're just like the poor guy down the street that i used to pass by.
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washington has strongly backed only be opposition since the revolutionary wave engulfed the state it's now equally enthusiastic in its support against syria's president bashar lost it but the concern is whether america's decision to take sides could backfire on its closest middle east ally israel or she's got an edge to count looks at the possible repercussions of u.s. policy. as nations in the middle east and north africa are torn between the struggle to bring about change and the struggle not to let that change ruin their lives washington views the arab spring as an opportunity to finally see some of its longtime foes crumble even though. iran is not an arab country the arab spring to spread two absolutely. and i think in many ways it's a matter of time before that kind of change. and revolution occurred in the loans
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under the umbrella if arab revolutions washington is also beating the drums of regime change in syria iran's closest ally in the region violence within the country has been widely condemned countries like russia and china call for both sides in syria to talk and end the bloodshed while america is blaming our side alone the transition to democracy in syria has begun and it's time for assad to get out of the way i think assad's days just like the darfur number let's hope that by sure assad is next in line they were overthrown khadafi they're going to have a proxy or client government in tripoli the next step is syria they want to overthrow syria to take advantage of any movement that exists in syria to overthrow the assad government now they have a more democratic government a more humane government but a government that is allied with the united states and after syria the next target will be iran itself watching regimes go down one by one american politicians are
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filled with new hopes and aspirations some went as far as to predict the arab spring would spread all across the world what this is all about is the arab spring and bashar assad is next and even places like china and russia and other places they're very uneasy this is about people aspiring for freedom and that's what the libyan people have just achieved oh that's wishful thinking on the part of john mccain but it speaks volumes to where the real orientation is in washington not just of the republicans but the democrats too so they would like. overthrow the government in china they would like to overthrow the government in russia they would like to overthrow the government in venezuela and cuba or wherever people are independent of the dictates of washington but when it comes to syria and iran washington doesn't seem to be just fantasizing about revolutions it actually fosters the process by pledging support for anti-government movements there but some say this might eventually turn against america's closest ally in the region
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israel what you have with. with hamas could essentially spread to many more places and then you have a much much larger population base in an extremely hostile position towards the very existence of israel by throwing its support behind revolution makers and really say washington is seeking to increase its influence and control in these countries let's look at how things have been in the control department so far it thousands protest against the u.s. backed military there that still in power last week a gyptian storm peace really embassy and rage by the killing of five egyptian border guards in leave here washington supported leadership is taking over but the country is at risk of plunging into tribal war syria the opposition includes those with radical agendas so the aftermath of the so-called arab spring remains very murky and difficult yet washington seems to be using the herb spring to fulfill its long time goals but the fear is it might end up getting the opposite of what it
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wishes for and undermining the whole region i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. israel's strained relations with turkey and egypt threaten to leave a dangerously isolated from the whole region a situation made even more delicate by the upcoming decision at the u.n. on whether to grant a palestinian statehood turkish political commentator told r.t. that israel's current policy is leading it now we're. israel now is getting away from the notion that it needs rational democratic allies in the region and this isolation now taking place because israeli coalition israeli decision makers on the political level are choosing even to to if you will only those doors allies by refusing to apologize for turkey for what has been taking place and hoping to get away with what has been done against them certainly puts
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for forward the new in israeli image in the people's eyes that the country will continue in spalt fashion on the seas while the world or around them in their near vicinity is is really changing powerfully and radically. on the ground in libya the national transitional council has given everyone in the besieged stronghold value only two days to leave or face a full scale attack last week opposition fighters launched an assault on the city but you offensive stalled in the face of fierce resistance rebels however claim they've made gains in the city of red valley sixty kilometers east of kid office hometown of syria and even though the word about civilian battle leader is still unknown steven rambam who is the head of an international investigative agency says it's just a matter of time before he's found. khadafi is a nerd but he's
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a very clever and up and he's a nut that's managed to survive for forty five years and i'm sure he took note of pro or so above water was captured and i'm sure he took note of how saddam hussein was captured and i'm sure he's avoiding those mistakes but he will make a new mistook. while a full interview with stephen rambam is coming up in the next hour. imprisoned without charge in britain extradition laws are catching people in legal limbo shot was accused of terror related to fans and attained at the request of the u.s. five years ago he's still behind bars waiting as artie's i'm about to found out the british government is in no rush to close the gaps in the justice system. is in complete. good hands.
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the anguish of a family torn apart. from. the. party who wants to do. i'm not going to lose some. abu our son son is one of britain's forgotten terrorist suspects held in custody for five years without charge trapped in the twisted depths of its justice system we know him to be very weak and connect one properly and you know. decisions them critical and mentally sick. our son was arrested in two thousand and six on alleged terrorism offenses he hasn't been tried here because it's not the u.k. that wants him but the us it accuses of supporting the taliban and being involved with websites it calls extremist one of the websites servers happen to be in
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america and that's why it's after him people. if they committed anything occurred in this country and issue brought to justice here and if released and the get on with life five years prison i mean this is storm issuing britain won't release him because of a treaty signed in two thousand and three in the post nine eleven crackdown it means the us can extradite terrorist suspects without a hearing or even showing any evidence to has families relentless fight for justice is the only thing stopping them america says nobody. the. americas. only the people who provoke us with something but nor none of the government protested. this is where tell how was arrested at his father's shop just over five years ago since then the family have seen their son
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once a week but fear they won't see him at all he was extradited to the states in prison here tell her writes poetry and teaches english if extradited and convicted it will be a supermax jail solitary confinement and life without parole extreme measures to those who know the man born and educated in london i'm very surprised that the british courts have not treated him on bail at least in all these these years because it's completely clear that he is not any kind of threat to anybody there are four more like including bubba our maid britain's longest attained without charge prisoner gary mckinnon another fighting extradition since hacking into the pentagon seven years ago both pm town has suffered from asperger's syndrome which helped keep gary out of prison unlike the muslim suspects karen mackinnon is say you know white
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middle class english boy and and. are very highly educated. british middle class boys and they're both asians and they're muslims and what that tells you is sort of something rather awful about our society despite opposing the treaty in opposition the government's done little to overturn it only an independent review jew out in september down has families gone to the european court of human rights in a last ditch bid to get him tried here it's taken five years to get this far but town has father's not giving up hope yet either bennett r.t. london. you're watching live from moscow a pilot error has emerged as the most likely cause of the tragic plane crash in the russian city of jaroslaw which killed the majority of a top ice hockey team
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a week ago while we now cross live to our correspondent peter oliver for more on the latest theories so peter what are we hearing from the crash investigators at this point. well this latest news has come from a newspaper report from here in russia quoting sources inside the investigative committee saying that pilot error was the most likely cause of this disaster which killed forty four people. last thursday what they are saying in this report is that the pilot failed to turn off a parking brake similar to the hum brake on your car and this then resulted in the . in bringing the aircraft down now this doesn't really sound like the type of thing we would imagine would bring down and cause such a crash however it has happened before in two thousand and five pilots. forgot to take off the parking brake it then broke down the wheels and they went into the engines now that time it didn't result in any kind of disaster like we saw last
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thursday but it has happened in the past we're hearing so they're saying that this type of. this type of pilot error is most likely now the initial investigation is revealing that the pilot had said that he was on well and had asked the copilot to pilot the the aircraft on its way to minsk carrying the locomotive ice hockey team to play the opening much of the case. no investigators will be questioning the one sole survivor a flight attendant who is on the aircraft to try and determine if there's anything he can tell them about this new news that we're hearing the pilots were at a parking brake may have been left on resulting in this fatal claiming the lives of forty four people. right here thanks very much indeed for bringing us the details but all of our reporting there. the leaders of the u.s. and rumania have sealed a deal under which america would station its much debated interceptor missiles in
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eastern europe under the agreement the us will build a network of military facilities in the country over the next four years but this is only the first stage of the plan with more bases to be set up around you or the state it entails the program is to defend europe against attacks from rogue states such as iran and north korea but according to a p.r. girl and professor at parris west university the fact that there is no real threat to america or its allies puts a question mark over it just kill the shield is aimed at. i don't think it's really a military necessity no one really believed that it was a possibility of iran in europe its me size did not reach could not reach western europe should was the deployment was scrapped in the czech republic nodders a new deployment in rumania but i think this takes up surely political washington probably wants to reassure the former satellite countries. so it's
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a political move but hardly a military necessity and also considering the state of the us economy i don't think it's a wise move in financial terms one obama had this reset policy of would brush at least he was achieving something corp russia and she issued this new deployment is aware of antagonizing russia which is going to turn into maybe some kind of new arms race which is totally pointless not only because the effectiveness of bitch shield is problematic god's will but also because it's going to cost a lot of money unnecessarily because frankly i don't think iran is in a position to attack anyone in the west. watching r t let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world c.c.t.v. footage shows the moment a bus and two passenger trains collided during morning rush hour in argentina eleven people died and two hundred twelve were injured some of them children the
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bus driver is thought to have been trying to beat the train across the tracks several of the carriages forced off the rails hit a train facing the opposite direction. heavy flooding has killed two hundred people and left two hundred thousand homeless in southern pakistan rescue boats are collecting those in villages cut off by water but many remain trapped most of the displaced population are staying in tent camps floods began early last month but heavy rains have aggravated them hampering relief efforts. a series of coordinated attacks in afghanistan's capital kabul left at least seven people dead and seventeen wounded and resulted in a nineteen hour long gunfight militants target the american embassy and nato forces have quaters before of several suicide bombers hit police stations elsewhere in the city insurgents stormed an occupied a half built high rise building firing guns and rocket propelled grenades from there afghan and nato forces surrounded the building killing six militants and
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forcing several others to flee u.s. embassy staff were ordered to retreat into bomb and bulletproof shelters texas based darry crowd brave new foundation think tank says the presence of u.s. troops in afghanistan merely encourages the taliban to keep on fighting. but here we are just as the nine eleven ten year anniversary and major attacks are being mounted in the capital we're just weeks out from betray us you know kind of crowing about the most recent statistics you want to cite saying that you know violence was coming down but that was immediately followed by august which was the most deadly month ever for u.s. forces in afghanistan and then followed by the spectacular attacks in the capital it shows that the military approach in afghanistan simply hasn't worked what's happening is that because the united states to nurse on to their primary just for cation for the war being achieved which was the killing of a son but life that has lent credence to the taliban argument with the local people that the united states has its own purposes in afghanistan that has given the
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taliban even more recruitment abilities be able to say that what's happening here is the united states is occupying afghanistan my prediction is if the united states doesn't change course they're going to see continued slide instability in the country and it continued rise of local instability and local power brokers who are going to further destabilize the country we're actually generating a situation in afghanistan right now that was much like the situation that led to the political rise of the taliban so unless the united states gets serious about political negotiations with the leaders of the taliban we're not going to see an improvement the situation there. ah brings us up to date for now remember that for more of now let's turn to our web site r t v dot com alice now take a look what's happening in the world of business with helium. hello and a very warm welcome to our business update fresh concerns about the european economy have caused another wave of turbulence and the global stock markets stocks swing sharply by hundreds of points and while investors away the chances of the
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meltdown in europe jacob mel from morgan stanley says russia doesn't have much to worry about so far. russia is actually a much better position and other central european countries and say turkey in the region because it has less strong trade and investment relationships with europe because it's more of a global trading country and it depends on the price of global commodities such as oil which depend on growth in emerging markets such as china and india above all so russia's fate is tied up with the growth of china and india are not at the moment looks reports and hasn't been affected by the downturn in developed markets as compared to other. countries i think russia is in a boat with brazil as essentially a commodity exporter which is exposed to movements in commodity prices which are affected by global growth it's not like china and india which are large enough that
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they can determine their own fate to make their own economic weather to a great degree because it depends on commodity prices which depend upon global developments. let's have a check on the markets oil prices are heading down pulling u.s. crude off six weeks highs investors concerns about the euro zone are taking precedence over tightening supply might switch us trading below eighty nine dollars per barrel while brandi's that one hundred and eleven dollars. and asian stocks are mostly lower pulled down by weaker financials europe's debt walls are still in center stage as the threat of greek default continues to loom hong kong's hang seng was setting for its lowest close in more than two years as developers retreated and after the chinese premier's signaled china should not be expected to bail out the global economy. and here in russia the markets are seeing losses in early trade tracking asia lower than my six on the r.t.s. a both down just under one percent what investors are going to be eyeing today is u.s. inflation figures due out at sixteen thirty more of time let's not have
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a check on some of the individual index movers on the my six most energy majors are under pressure as you can. and we could close with gas from the down point eight percent nickel reversed tuesdays gave the company has approved tests buyback of seven point seven percent of its shares belonging to minority shareholders it will cost the company four to help billion dollars telecom is also down the company has reached an agreement to join to develop its customer terminals with the international chip maker intel looking forward to that someday rifkin at that poli sci believes although investors a generalist still cautious russia's stocks are looking more and more attractive. so if not we will be to fall in europe and we'll see how you are goes we especially everybody strike in european banks and all the things that are related to. greek and other countries. of the situation so we will definitely see will that
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suit you we will definitely see but russia still still. kind of we can call it so then we would know we can call it safe for someone worth. stealing most of definitely will be some of the investors because why else are you a little bit afraid of the good to be in some new ideas and why and in some new ideas especially definitely not in the liquid names everybody is looking at the liquid stocks or what is looking at the right time to give you. all the news russia is considering delaying the privatization of a ten percent stake in its second largest bank ficci be the sale planned for next year depends on disposal of another assets seven point six percent of the country's top lender spoke about it was reported russia could revise its privatization plans due to the latest volatility in the stock markets. that wraps up the business voice in the europe to date more news and analysis for you and our website our to dot com
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welcome back if you just joined us you're watching r.t. live from moscow here's a look at the top stories italy prepares for a life of a stereo as a government sits down to approve a range of major tax hikes and spending cuts while downplaying fresh outrage over its own web budget. the u.s. and remediate seal a deal paving the way for america to build new military bases in the former communist state brings to fruition a bush era missile interceptor plan for you were. the taliban here again capital kabul with a wave of attacks killing at least seven people and sparking a nineteen hour long firefight gunmen targeted the u.s. embassy and nato headquarters while suicide bombers hit throughout the city. this week top stories on the back in about thirty.
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