tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 9:52am-10:22am EDT
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little house and beautiful places for relaxing stroll. just over half a century ago this area was nothing but grass and maybe the old potato allotment until this man came along in one consent turned it into almost forty characters of beautiful botanical gardens right and center across with all and i'm off to meet a low friend of his. son who has been a professor at the local university for more than forty years and has literally seen the gardens grow from nothing to what they are today steve says it's done in a regularly i wouldn't pattern likely in the style. that they're all of different heights as you can see and you can find every conceivable form of flaunts life. in fact there are more than seventy different rare breeds in the gardens and susana
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was happy to show me some of her favorites. with you can you feel it. that's right still smells like it's. there around twenty full time staff here but they can always do with one hand and that meant so i got to put my own tiny sapling in the ground this this little maple tree is one of more than forty thousand trees that have all improvs and by hand and hopefully in a few decades to come out it'll still be here giving say to president locals. unfortunately my time in the city was coming to an end but there was one group of local hero because i really wanted to meet. people here love that combine river
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which runs right through president but it can also be a dangerous place where up to a point accidents a day on the water during the summer season but that's what presidents river rescue service is here for. well i was here to see what sort of challenges i face. yes once i changed into my official rescue ranger gear we were ready to head on to the river. now this is a typical day you know when we are on patrol that you may want to do is go down the cuban river bowl the way to places where bathing is allowed and most importantly where it's not allowed to. shoot the problem is that there is a very strong current in the kugan river and swimming can be very dangerous. some people try to do it when they're under the influence of alcohol. teenagers over
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there for instance but as the pope drove past they seem to change their minds pretty quickly. too guys are they're just hard to put a place but. these two and his colleagues normally patrol forty films a stretch but today the public role playing the news of the river. of course it never hurts to issue a gentle reminder to everyone having a nice time don't go swimming don't go. see and nobody is going swimming to see how impressed they are with all of the r.c. . bugs you there were one or two people who did look like they were getting ready to sit. future victims. a little been very quiet but things were about to get interesting. well everyone's
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been doing very well behaved out on the living day but for goes he still needs training which means they need a victim. class markets. it's a little difficult to do a good impression of a drowning man in a highly poisoned soups but i did try my best and that river was no. no no. it's. not so. fortunately i was only squashing around for a minute or two before i was free to safety. another soul saves by the close knit. dress you service.
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definitely recommend the dry see. that. i was happy to be out of the ocean but i was genuinely sad to be leaving crescent. outside of moscow and st petersburg is the most modern and well maintained city are seen in russia i'm one i think i could genuinely live. with are you looking for beautiful books some tall call speaking action or just genuine cool sights culture and hospitality has little sybil.
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putting a stall put to stop and the british government faces pressure to cope the always the police houses terror suspects along top and kept them in both the kids without . injury clinton voices america's concern over a surge in sectarian violence imposed revolutionary arab states without saying washington's previously unconditional support for the un wising the song's about. last hopes of asia coming to the euro as rescue havens as china rejects the role of savior saying the e.u. must take responsibility for something its own debt problems.
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are a wound well can see this is all see life from the british parliament's discussing whether to reverse the norwich allows police to stop and search tyra suspects without reasonable suspicion when a committee of m.p.'s argues that the power is going to fall and are approved just civil liberties. bennett reports and u.k. has all the legal loopholes which of last song suspects law solved for years without charge. and you can really is in conflict with a. look at the hands. of. the anguish of a family torn apart by. these holes and tied up some. who are son son is one of britain's
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forgotten terrorist suspects held in custody for five years without charge trapped in a twisted depths of its justice system we've heard him every week and connect well properly i mean. does he choose them because if your. son was arrested in two thousand and six on alleged terrorism offenses he hasn't been tried here because it's not the u.k. that wants him but the u.s. it accuses of supporting the taliban and being involved with websites it calls extremist one of the web site servers happen to be in america and that's why it's after him people like tyler if he committed anything occurred in this country and they should be brought to justice here. if you and the last
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five years he's been in prison and is is still issue britain won't release him because of a treaty signed in two thousand and three in the post nine eleven crackdown it means the us can extradite terrorist suspects without a hearing or even showing any evidence so far has families relentless fight for justice is the only thing stopping them the witnesses. would be. because america's. only the people who sell something. and one of the government workers that. this is where tower how was arrested at his father's shop just over five years ago since then the family of seeing their son once a week of fear they won't see him at all is extradited to the states in prison here childcare writes poetry and teaches english if extradited and convicted it will be
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a supermax jail solitary confinement and life without parole extreme measures to those who know the man born and educated in london and very surprised that the british courts have not read him on bail at least in all these these years because it's completely clear that he is not any kind of threat to anybody there of paul more like including bubba our maid britain's longest attained without charge prisoner gary mckinnon the number fighting extradition since hacking into the pentagon seven years ago both pm town has suffered from asperger's syndrome which helped keep gary out of prison unlike the muslim suspects karen mckinnon is say you know white middle class english boy and barbara and. are very highly educated. british middle class boys and they're both
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asians and they're muslims and what that tells you is sort of something rather awful about our society despite opposing the treaty in opposition the government's done little to overturn it only an independent review jus out in sic timber down has families gone to the european court of human rights in a last ditch bid to get him tried here it's taken five years to get this far patel has fathers not giving up hope yet either bennett r t london. r.t. is either bennett's continuing to follow that story in london and you can keep track of it all on twitter or you can check out his tweets on our feeble in his their latest message he points out that the government promised an independent review all the extradition in its election manifesto almost a year ago but now it seems to be all but forgotten while the follow us ally but ascii underscore column for the latest updates on this and of course one of our
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other stories. of the past few months that the world has seen americans still want backing for the uprisings in north africa and the middle east libyan rebels and syria's opposition have been retreated to have been treated rather to parties about spreading freedom and democracy khadafi must go and the libyan people deserve to determine their own future the transition to democracy in syria has begun and it's time for assad to get out of the way. however the most recent remarks by the secretary of state suggest the u.s. is realizing it may have made a bad situation for us. in the middle east and north africa the transitions to democracy have inspired the world but they have also exposed and religious minorities to new dangers. people have been killed by their own neighbors because
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of their ethnicity or their faith in other places we've seen governments stand by while sectarian violence inflamed by religious animosities chairs communities apart. well also among the uprisings washington was the revolution in egypt where the muslim brotherhood is now threatening not a new mosque since of parliamentary elections. and more on what's ahead for egypt that's cost lives is the model he's a former israeli ambassador to the country and many passage warning us here on mr mansell the muslim brotherhood is considered a terrorist organization by many countries are kind of forced do you think they represent in egypt. well unfortunately that represent a very important force in egypt. became illegal after the revolution in egypt even founded a political party is justice and liberty something like these and they are considered
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the most important force because in the last thirty years. under set up they were released from. prison and they could operate at least on the on the social level they created the collected money you draw you know america especially when you look at it and we. found it was people to schools and the head people to leave and to to fight poverty so now that they've become legal and after. a very very important political infrastructure. estimated there might get to forty percent of the votes if the free election as it's as it is is being seen across the know so it's a problem absolutely so there are a popular group. yes.
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the problem is you know after the after the uprising have still going on is that it in egypt no no tradition of liberal forces of social democracy as in we know it from europe for forgiveness america for israel is that it forces of the center they don't exist in egypt what it used to do to exist was the muslim brothers all this surely there was a short a very short the experience literally explains why they were in the twenty's and thirty's but it was funny way from the social democracy that you know and then it broke and it was a cool inventive people with a could get out of it free officers and since fifty two we have a dictatorship it has a ship that is a bit oppressed the forces the political forces which were either nationalist all islamists know these radical forces are released they are the only important forces
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in the arena and they prepare for the election we don't know yet. but they. are going to create a parliament not be the same parliament that we understand here in israel in other countries it's a completely different war that we should take it into consideration and i foresee eyeful see a lot of. a lot of confrontation and even invalid confrontation between all these two blocs secular nationalist. soon at least to be a lot a lot of maybe blood even till till we have the election we don't know when maybe november and don't forget after the election you'll have to write a new constitution where you talk about intentional conflict this man of the people you talk about potential conflicts in egypt washington has war now against the threat of sectarian violence in post results countries that the u.s.
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is strongly backed the arab spring all the new dangers and hillary clinton calls them partly a result of u.s. policy. well i mean. america is an important country they feel they have to comment was going on but i think what's going on now in libya in egypt in syria is not connected absolutely to america is connected to the fact that these people. held in a situation in poverty in the last fifty sixty years they are rebelling. trying to find a life but it's going to be very very difficult because the. out of tradition every. people for democracy as we feel it as we know it so there will be a lot of problems and what happened in this really embassy if you if you go it was it was incited by nationalist or by islamists in israel was the only uniting factor
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so because they see their problems with the revolution the regime does not go forward so that the turn against israel is really not the problem america is not the problem the problem is the arabs most in society they need they need to go on to go ahead a cultural revolution and i'm not seeing it being done and there is there another problem we think really out of frayed in israel. egyptian egyptian economy is collapsing very relieved to see the. next three four five months next year he will be begging for money to buy food for for its population is twenty eighty five million people in the in cost about fifty percent of the food even know that there is already food saw in egypt and they are buying defeated we did last penny of the how currency so there is
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a lot of problems in egypt i'm not speaking on syria and libya is different but egypt is the most important country the strongest party and now it is collapsing politically and economy this is very restful for the world especially. many thanks. one washington strategy of taking sides and starting to unravel experts say syria won't be the last in line for a us bank vaults are you going to teach accounting reports. as nations in the middle east and north africa are torn between the struggle to bring about change and the struggle not to let their change ruin their lives washington views the arab spring as an opportunity to finally see some of its longtime foes crumble you know . iran is not an arab country the arab spring. and i think in many ways it's a matter of time before that kind of change. and revolution occurred and under the
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umbrella of the arab revolutions washington is also beating the drums of regime change in syria iran's closest ally in the region violence within the country has been widely condemned countries like russia and china call for both sides in syria to talk in the blood shed while america is blaming our side alone i think assad stays just like a dog for your number and let's hope the pressure assad is next and they were overthrown khadafi they're going to have a proxy or client government in tripoli the next step is syria they want to overthrow syria next to take advantage of any movement that exists in syria to overthrow the assad government now they have a more democratic government a more humane government but a government that is allied with the united states and after syria the next target will be iran itself watching regimes go down one by one american politicians are filled with new hopes and aspirations some went as far as to predict the arab
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spring would spread all across the world what this is all about is the arab spring and bashar assad is next and even places like china russia and other places they are very uneasy this is about people aspiring for freedom and that's where the libyan people have just achieved oh. that's wishful thinking on the part of john mccain but it speaks volumes to where the real orientation is in washington not just of the republicans but the democrats too so they would like to overthrow the government in china they would like to overthrow the government in russia they would like to overthrow the government in venezuela and cuba or wherever people are independent of the dictates of washington but when it comes to syria and iran washington doesn't seem to be just fantasizing about revolutions by throwing its support behind revolution makers and really say washington is seeking to increase its. and same control in these countries let's look at how things have been in the control department so far it thousands protest against the u.s. backed military there that's still in power last week egyptians storen peace really
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embassy enraged by the killing of five egyptian border guards in libya are washington's reported leadership is taking over but the country is at risk of plunging into a tribal war syria the opposition includes those with radical agendas so the aftermath of the so-called arab spring remains very murky and difficult it washington seems to be using the herb spring to fulfill its long time goals but the fear is that it might end up getting the opposite of what it wishes for and undermining the whole region i'm going to shake out reporting from washington our team on the ground in libya the national transitional council has given everyone in the proceeds stronghold of bani walid two days to leave or face a full scale attack on the whereabouts of colonel gadhafi himself remain unnamed but steven rambam who has an international investigative agency says it's just a matter of time before he's found. qaddafi is a nut but he's
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a very clever guy who's a northants managed to survive for forty five years. and i'm sure he took note of her or saw a good war was corruption and i'm sure he took note of how saddam hussein was captured and i'm sure he's avoiding those mistakes but hugh will make a new. the chinese prime minister has warned the e.u. that it must time its economic problems it comes just days after italian officials reportedly attempted to convince the chinese delegation of by italy's debts france's learn from investments come from the linseed holdings ltd believes europe shouldn't just for china to come to the rescue. europe's problem must be saw where europeans are long gone think of china the last learned. of last resort. the right
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europe's. pitchers have. their budget deficits hard to their future so no. you can't charge them in two thousand and eleven is the year finally catches. for european countries like greece and italy so they've got to put their houses in order to have to spend. a half but not spend more than they have. for the scans this least pushing a highly unpopular package a series of tax hikes and spending cuts designed to save seventy billion dollars while a confidence based on the country's in the house of parliament the measures approved by the senate despite weeks of wrangling are hardly a slice of many of your new year's eve. culture
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sas is asking. is it sleep ok once again tighten its belt and in light of new austerity measures politicians it seems and found a way to save themselves and pennies we publish new of the view inside the restaurant of the parliament and you see a top level menu as like a free. restaurant with very cheap prizes it's cheap yet exclusive many was leaked in italian let's press a magazine this is no michel in the straight people pay for it and we've thought that this was. a prize for the people of the parliament cause five million some for around the thousand. you. but the controversial spending doesn't end there politicians have four hundred thousand euros allocated for learned which causes labor a million euro spent just for their stationery and it's the taxpayer left fitting
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that walking bell a fact that's been hard for many to stomach but we are an economic research and arlene are much like our speed increased. creases because they don't care they interest our feet only declare our lead they interested so we are angry sequence outside the parliament building a protest movement has been growing like a tiny ferrari has been a hunger strike for months. all the people here are hungry for a future for their children we don't see that at the moment but to make the politicians listen we know we need to get three million people here we hope they will come out there protesting against what they say is a politicians of piece of taxpayers' money and an inability to deal adequately with the economic crisis in the country still across italy cosseted he cuts in social spending and people's wages becomes to the politicians it seems no expenses spared
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people's appetite for change is growing. thing that the growth of. the christian spake and so that they've got the hunger strike will continue and there are many here until they get some answers there are thirty. financial crises as raging across the atlantic as well the subject of the latest edition of cross talk which is looking at how america's middle class is bearing not rant here's a quick preview of the programs and later today. i was amazed to discover when i got to the united states that everybody who's in the trade union is considered middle class you just mean guys with jobs that's what you mean about the various so terrible that family capital or capital gains or whatever you just meet people who make money from money and people only money from work most of these middle class people make money from work and they should cast their.
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