tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 12:52pm-1:22pm EDT
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said the thirty five to ten colleagues now being sober behind richard thompson was pulled from a model one more time this year the two hundred meters. in motor sport the formula one title could be wrapped up as early as the next race on september twenty fifth red bull sebastian vettel innings to become the youngest ever buck to pack champion in the sport's history in singapore but the german isn't consing on popping open the champagne just yet. very strong position which i think we deserved to be in because we've been working very hard with very few mistakes so i don't really think about the points and the possibilities in extras as long as we come out with a bigger lead after the next. brings us back to football finally we're not a single game ended goal a string the latest round of the russian premier league busy weekend so let's recap
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versus the law which allows police to stop and search terror suspects without reasonable suspicion a committee of m.p.'s argues that the powers go too far and are a breach of civil liberties but as artie's of a budget reports the u.k. has other legal loopholes which have left some suspects locked up for years without charge but you can really is incomplete without. good hence. the anguish of a family torn apart. by. the.
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poor who are. these holes. who our son son is one of britain's forgotten terrorist suspects held in custody for five years without charge trapped in the twisted pits of its justice system we go through can be very weak and cannot go on properly when it does it's in some real death because if you're going to. santa was arrested in two thousand and six on alleged terrorism offenses he hasn't been tried here because it's not the u.k. that wants him but the u.s. it accuses of supporting the taliban and being involved with websites it calls extremist one of the web site servers happen to be in america and that's why it's after him people like. if they committed anything recorded in this country and brought to justice here and if. i let them get on with their lives five
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years in prison i mean this is a story she's written won't release him because of a treaty signed in two thousand and three in the post nine eleven crackdown it means the u.s. can extradite terrorist suspects without a hearing or even showing any evidence to has families relentless fight for justice is the only thing stopping them. says and nobody. syria. america's. only the people who sell something. nor none of the government protested. this is where tower how was arrested at his father's shop just over five years ago since then the family have seen their son once a week for fear they won't see him at all he's extradited to the states in prison here tell her writes poetry and teaches english if extradited and convicted it will
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be a supermax jail solitary confinement and life without parole extreme measures to those who know the man born and educated in london i'm very surprised that the british courts have not treated him on fail at least in all these years because it's completely clear that he is not any kind of threat to anybody there are full more like including barbara our maid britain's longest attain without charge prisoner gary mckinnon to another fighting extradition since hacking into the pentagon seven years ago both pm town has suffered from asperger's syndrome which helped keep gary out of prison unlike the muslim suspects karen mckinnon is say you know white middle class english boy and and. very highly educated. british middle class boy is and they're both
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asians and they're muslims and what that tells you is sort of something rather awful about our society despite opposing the treaty in opposition the government's done little to overturn it only an independent review to out in sit. down has families gone to the european court of human rights in a last ditch bid to get him tried here it's taken five years to get this far patel his father's not giving up hope yet either bennett r.t. london. but his other bonus is continuing to follow that story in london and you can keep track of it on twitter where you can check out his tweets on our feet and as we can see here on screen in his latest message he points out that the u.k. government promised independent review of extradition in its election manifesto that's always a year ago but now it seems to be all but forgotten you can follow us at r.t.
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underscore consolations updates on this and other stories. the us is voicing concerns about the threat of sectarian violence in the middle east and north africa following the uprisings it's so enthusiastically back in her annual report on religious freedom secretary of state hillary clinton urged arab nations not to trade one form of repression for another well for more on this let's cross to our correspondent lucic of one of she is live in washington so lisa we heard some cautious statements there from hillary clinton how do they fit with what we've previously heard from washington. well we can only speculate about the actual implications for u.s. foreign policy but what we're seeing is a rather surprising shift in the rhetoric out of this white house when it comes to the so-called arab spring and i remember in the early weeks of the uprising in egypt a lot of caution from from the united states in terms of the uprisings there which has really shifted and developed into
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a sort of full throated enthusiasts of port for democracy and regime change abroad in certain countries the united states of course spearheaded the libyan invasion and has grown increasingly enthusiastic in its condemnations of syria's president bashar al assad now i want to play you hillary clinton in her own words not that long ago calling for democracy in those two countries take a listen gadhafi must go and the libyan people deserve to determine their own future the transition to democracy in syria has begun and it's time for assad to get out of the way. well strong words but let's contrast that to the secretary of state hillary clinton speaking just yesterday about a warning about potential downsides of the so-called arab spring. in the middle east and north africa transitions to democracy have inspired the world but they have also exposed ethnic and religious minorities to new dangers people have been
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killed by their own neighbors because of their ethnicity or their faith in other places we've seen governments stand by while sectarian violence inflamed by religious animosities chairs communities apart. well quite different language as you see for yourself now some of the foreign policy experts i've spoken to call this a sort of buyer's remorse an acknowledgement by the united states that a democracy u.s. style western democracy doesn't necessarily work perfectly all over the world and this is something that we're seeing in the developments in various countries in the middle east i mean we've seen for example in egypt the muslim brotherhood growing increasingly aggressive warning of new violence that elections don't take place there soon in a libya the situation is far from stable we've seen the russian foreign ministry warning that weapons are now potentially getting into the hands of al qaeda
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affiliated terror groups there not to mention the fact that the nato secretary general himself anders fogh rasmussen just today warning that libya could potentially fall under the sway of islamic extremists if the government is not steadily and strongly established there so a lot of potential downsides to the democracy promotion that we've seen from this administration whether or not this acknowledgement will actually translate into foreign policy of course remains to be seen but we will be tracking that here for you. ok thanks very much indeed you can all of reporting live from washington d.c. . thank you. well this is all to come to you live from the russian capital with you twenty four hours a day it's ten minutes past the hour now in libya the national transitional council has given everyone in the seige program if you stronghold of bani walid to going to
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leave or face a fool's going to turn the whereabouts of kind of the guy himself remains unknown but steven rambam who heads an international investigative agency says it's just a matter of time before he's found. khadafi is a nut but he's a very clever nope he's not that's managed to survive for forty five years and i'm sure he took note of her or sort of laud and was captured and i'm sure he took note of her will so go and hussein was captured and i'm sure he's avoiding those mistakes but he will make a new mistook. and that interview coming away a little later here in r.t. well to discuss the latest developments in the arab region we're joined live now broadband from california by joe he's an antiwar activist and blogger and he's also an iraq war veteran thanks very much indeed for being with us as we heard a little earlier in the clinton is concerned about emerging sectarian violence in
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post revolutionary arab states it was of course a problem we saw after the u.s. led invasion of iraq something of course you were involved in jus think she's fearful they could be a repeat there in libya and elsewhere no advances secretary of state and ministration she works for they're really concerned about extremists they will not be aligned themselves with extremism and what do i mean by that there we have nato fighting alongside. and we're allies with saudi arabia where there's not freedom of religion you know anyone attempting to convert people and religions are the only slam in saudi arabia are getting at that. you know i just do not find it's a ministrations a sudden concern or you know a military sense of well being to be credible and besides it is in this race and we have increased drone attacks up a number of wars and not to mention the secret wars in the hundred twenty countries i mean releases extremists we are creating extremes every day through the daily
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death and ruin gross object and these people and is what's so bizarre and frankly sick about american foreign policy is that said kerry. the violence becomes justification as we see in libya no terror intervention program violence is going well. but i'm sure the people of the middle east if indeed your words will have sectarian violence. by their own people paramedic and guards because to talk about that extremism point you are making and turn our attention to egypt the muslim brotherhood there is making threats they're saying that they will resort to violence if those elections don't take place very soon do you think that that does echo of warring extremism and they could actually gain more influence of the result of that revolution and should there be some concern for that and how should the u.s. administration deal with that then. well you're asking the wrong question frankly
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you know the u.s. does not have to worry about or actually concerned themselves what injections you want if they. are in muslim brotherhood part of the government or in fact you know you're a non democratic government you know there's there troy's for us for the united states or nato even me in the united states or united nations to. impose democracy on egypt killing you know this is just not make sense i mean isn't that intervention already there for if it goes the way that the west in the u.s. doesn't want it to go in egypt would we not see more pressure there in intervention . oh of course yes and that's the that's the the bizarre thing about it and frankly seems it seems it's kalki it seems to me the way that whatever their rhetoric or what their rhetoric say regarding their arab spring you know
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we were back in a cia of the vice president were backing him you know prior you know prior to the popping up. and you know this is this thing that we can somehow nudge nudge egypt towards democracy it's an overly partisan term and was just briefly ask you about your thoughts concerning syria of course a lot of focus and attention on what's happening in syria and the intervention possible if you think. all sense of calling it there's going to be an intervention in syria the only problem is that big a big problem regarding syria versus libya is that libya surrounded by two countries. egypt and the other already have just going through their last stages of the revolution serious surrounded by an unstable iraq you know you have lebanon with hamas and you know all the. terrorist groups
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out here and then are right you know if we're going to need to decide see ever military to intervene militarily in syria there's going to be a greater bloodshed. and indeed that and that's the sad thing about it is that you know bashar al assad was. seen in the middle east is this is. a really strong opponent of israel and. the means are going to syria just it's just going to be it's not going to give the united states ok general good to hear from you and he worked for some blogger and iraq war veteran thanks for your thoughts live here and. to other news now the chinese prime minister has warned the e.u. that it must tackle its economic problems it comes just days after italian officials reportedly attempted to convince a chinese delegation to buy italy's debt france's none from investment company
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holdings ltd believes that europe shouldn't just hope for china to come to the rescue. europe's problems my speech saw your appearance along from class child to last. last resort. europe's. politicians have. their faces hard to future so know. we will catch up with them in two thousand and eleven year five really captures. several european countries like greece and italy so they got to put their houses in order to have to spend. a half but not spend more than they have. when this comes this is pushing a highly unpopular sturdy package
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a series of tax hikes and spending cuts designed to save seventy billion dollars as one a confidence vote in the country's never house of parliament and measures were earlier approved by the senate despite weeks of wrangling in public protest but many wonder if it will be enough to turn around years of economic stagnation and a culture of excesses surface. as it heads to once again tighten its belt and the likes of me your stereo. politicians it seens and found a way to say to themselves and penny to the publisher. of the inside the rest of the parliament and you see the top level menu as. a free. restaurant with a very cheap prize and it's cheap yet exclusive many was leaked in italian let's press a magazine but this is name it's against the straight people pay for the we've called the. prize for the people of the parliament because five
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million some for around the thousand you hear the controversial spending. doesn't and their politicians have four hundred thousand euros allocated for language courses never a million euro is spent just for their stationery and it's the taxpayer fitting that whopping bell in fact that's been hard for many to stomach that we are in economic recession and arlene are people like our speed increases. or decreases because they don't care they interest our feet only to care are they interested so we are. outside the parliament building a protest movement has been growing there like a ton a ferrari has been a hunger strike the moments. all the people here are hungry for a future for their children we don't see that at the moment but to make the boards actions listen we know we need to get three million people here we hope they will come there protesting against what they say is a politicians
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a piece of taxpayers' money and an inability to deal adequately with the economic crisis in the country still across italy corsa to be cuts in social spending in people's wages when it comes to the politicians it seems no expenses. people's appetite to change is growing thing that's been the great fact that their voices say i'm not a politician spoken so that they've got the hunger strike will continue and there are many here until they get some answers there are the. financial crisis is raging across the atlantic as well the subject of the latest edition of crosstalk which is here how america's middle class is bearing much of the brunt is a quick preview of the program later today. i was amazed to discover when i got to the united states that everybody who's in the trade union is considered middle class you just mean guys with jobs that's what you mean by your very own terrible
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the family capital or capital gains or whatever you just meet people who make money from money and people only money from work most of these middle class people make money from work and they should cast their lot in with the poor of people who make their money to the point where being employed means little cause well i once. went to dealer i know involved once said very powerfully that for him working class men people who didn't want to work. because you know it's unclear when it collapsed and i would put it another way around when you get a crisis the middle class becomes the people who have to work and they stop having this illusion that they can become rich like everybody else and suddenly realize hey we're just like the poor guy down the street that i used to pass by. it.
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but the point an american radar system in eastern turkey has been agreed by the two countries as part of nato backed missile defense plans it comes just a day after washington made a deal with remaining under which land based interceptor missiles and over one hundred military personnel will be based on remaining silent the u.s. says the controversial plans are designed to defend against the possibility of attacks from states like iran and north korea but. a spokesman for the peace movement verde told me earlier that he believes that the threat is overstated and it's not what the defense shield is really about. if you look military to iran and seem very serious arguments or convincing arguments what it's often said is there. are more hidden agenda so it creates a kind of strategic events for nato towards other nuclear states and by.
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