tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 1:22pm-1:52pm EDT
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russia is sure nato is continuing you actually develop into some pretty a ballistic missile defense then this could cause a new arms free. of the investments in nuclear strategic conventional production so i think actually this is a danger. or it was for others it creates strategic imbalances. by the way we've got some more stories for you on our website it's r t v dot com online all the time and you can find out about russia's third richest man who is fighting for his political career after a little over two months at the head of the right cause party it's on the verge of a split over some of the more controversial decisions. and facebook is hiring former white house employees and you can find out why the social network seems to be doing some networking of its own to the powers that be those stories and plenty of other stories and pictures of particle.
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let's take a look at some of the other international headlines this hour in a world that paints separate attacks against iraqi security forces but never one thousand people dead and over fifty injured across the country in the guard this incident a car bombing outside a restaurant killed fifteen in southern iraq officials say the bomb went off when local police were eating breakfast or some baghdad gunman opened fire on a security patrol killing two policemen and in western iraq a bomb exploded on a minibus that was carrying soldiers to a training area and two of them were killed. the top commander of nato and u.s. forces in afghanistan says that these latest attacks in kabul have left twenty seven day that includes eleven civilians five afghan police officers and eleven insurgents from twenty attack come and fired on the u.s. embassy and nato headquarters from a partially built high rise block. same time several suicide bombing few key
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targets around the city in bassett afghanistan says a pakistani based network was behind the attack. and if you was caught in france as a critic of former prime minister family. or slander charges against you can often call the case began when a quick list of names was released thinking then presidential hopeful sarkozy too i should say linking sarkozy to some bank accounts allegedly holding bribe money from military deals that was before the presidential vote in two thousand and seven and who was prime minister at the time was accused of failing to stop an investigation even though he knew the list was a sham and equal amount of loss and to stand against sarkozy in next year's presidential election. to please update from about with some of our main news stories in about five minutes and business is next with stay with us for.
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hello and welcome to the business here on ars see the leaders of greece france and germany i mean that's what conference in a way it's a can say in the spiraling european debt crisis there is that greece is setting towards a default have something interest rate on its government bonds to record highs but so far so there's not much so laurie about that the state of the mouth of morgan stanley explains. russia is actually a much better position other central european countries say turkey in the region because it has less strong trade and investment relationships with europe because it's more of a global trading country and it depends on the price of global commodities such as all which depends growth in emerging markets such as china and india. so russia is freight is totally dark with the growth of china india and that at the moment looks reports and hasn't been affected by the downturn in developed markets
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and as compared to other. bric countries i think russia is in a skit with brazil as essentially a commodity exporter which is exposed to movements in commodity prices which are affected by global growth it's not like china and india which are large enough that they can determine their own fate and make their own economic weather to a great degree because it depends on commodity prices which depend upon global developments. for us like a look at the markets now oil prices are max through this month's meaning it's also that the u.s. energy the partner report which showed at the moment in that story is an unexpected death in gasoline stockpiles and they want us markets are trading in positive territory extending gains for the third day as investors remain optimistic about a resolution of europe's debt crisis european stocks closed higher after the european commission president jose manuel barroso saw the commission of will soon present for the introduction of how many of your bonds with some believed in health
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results of that crisis meanwhile moving up the ratings of two french banks credit agricole answer science as general as they would seem to the pundits on greek that the french banking sector is the biggest holder of their plans are for that our locations and here in russia are markets and that's right in session next than this close after the central banks of finance right decision was left on change that. eight point two five the sites let's take a look at some and that's movers on the my site stass from without proper suns the company has increased its one seat of production forecast by thirty percent to five hundred and twenty billion cubic meters of gas i have cases there my gains it's two and a half percent and don't make of it a farmer lost a little bit this spite stronger than expected results as first half of that profit rose twenty percent to twenty nine million dollars. ross says considering the lay of the privatization of its head person say in its second
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largest bank of that scene being the sale of plan for next year the plans of the supposal of another asset seven point six percent of the country's top lenders spoke about earlier last week what if that fossil could revise his father's eyes as some plans do so the latest volatility in the stock markets. but also the business news for now the headlines are next with.
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gauge back in touch. one thousand miles from the north. the un team is taking you on a trip to spitzbergen entrepreneur ago. where twenty years after the us is ours collapsed to read when life is still a growing strong. in the world should not. the statue of lenin presides over a ghost. understood it has become a tourist sites for those overcome by the cold war in the style of. the close up special edition. it's.
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easy. to. see. it just joins a very warm welcome to talk to you i mean you stories here on r.t. putting a scope to stop and search the british government faces pressure to curb exceptional police powers intended for use in counterterrorism as all the loopholes in british law allow terror suspects to be locked up for years without charge or trial. and recounts and voices america's concerns over certain sectarian violence across the arab world probably the wave of washington backed up risings in a new report on religious freedom the u.s. secretary of state urged arab nations not to trade a blunt form of repression for another. but hopes of salvation for the euro coming
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from asia face as china makes it clear the e.u. must take responsible steps to tackle its own economic problems just days after telling officials reportedly attempted to convince the chinese delegation to buy a share in the city's debt. i'll be back with more news more developments in less than half an hour from now in the meantime we invite you on a regular journey to discover russia taking you this time to the southern and historic city of. it's always a pleasure to visit the room south of russia and. is going to be one of its finest cities. founded on the cuban river at the end of the eighteenth century exclusion from a small cost outpost to a modern administrative capital. and
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as soon as you write this one lady you really need to go and see. this isn't catherine and she is the patron saint of president up i am legend has it that if you come into a monument and stand on this circle then you come under the same protection for the time you were in this. was really to get sight see i thought i'd start with a bird's eye view. as president famous water tower it's one of the only constructions remaining by famous russian engineer blobby machine called and it's still one of the best places to take and it. is often referred to as russia's thomas edison because of the quality of his invention. towers like this although off the fifty years of disuse it is starting
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to get a little rusty curry. great for the health and safety. it may no longer because of those tallest buildings but for a panoramic view there are a few better places. who are climbing may be hungry but luckily just a place to go. i've always loved visiting the local markets the some of the liveliest places you can find in the city and full of these great sights smells and all these different colors but of course it does help if you have someone who can give you a profit so all. i had a lunch date with an explicit. rules created. me would most nations it's well i'm looking forward to a little trip around the market i had to go it's a few interesting things for me strong oh yeah i can be here for you miss thank you
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. it was like i'm. just not sure you can you know it's. also not. good you came from china to study medicine in class and over the last six years she's fully in love with the place. and this was becoming fluid to the language she's also got a sense of the local food clothes some of the delicacies here just annoys me an acquired taste i'm sure that you have never seen that's. what put. the cold war some other. show. of. muscle right ok that's just me i'm game of yeah i. saw. you feel that there are some things that should be left as nature intended for this case but it's a definite it's still definitely an acquired taste. i
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should be just certainly get used to crossing the don't in fact she's so fond of her new home she's thinking of staying home office she graduates the thing that people are very kind. and i can i can just say that i found myself because. that is different stories. or you know james species those are not good see your eyes going to the yeah i think a very alike takes so let's mind books and buy so you're going to get these yeah right will think you have so much for showing me round malone come down it's been a great pleasure and i'm a watermelon though i can't get pleasure from it and i think. i lifted you to enjoying the chocolate fix when i headed back outside the weather had cleared up my mind that there was something special going on in the middle of town i just needed to get my stuff. well if it's going to go it is around here somewhere but you know
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what they say you can doubt. me spend. christmas with us there's the puzzles. and proabortion my uniform yes yes begin with i do yes we will leave to you thank you very much to give place at least a. bit of his clothes new those cool skits to clean up the streets on cancer the environment at the same time i've never seen clothes like these for the police and rochelle day a new project yes and soon you will always see to. what the mystery. is with police departments have a. program security will fix all took it ends even frame all things program i wouldn't spray showing the cobalt boards a few cars at least two calls for us oh well we have. this
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recent squaresville falwell seen on these calls are you cool. with a poll a g a green green. and economy. well as you get a wind up in the back of the police tone this is definitely the way to go bounces. ok. thank you very much. you know that's what i call a public service. i dropped off in the city's central square and it looked like the show was about to begin. to original. missing. these men x. and without their ancestors wouldn't exist the land here was originally given to them by empress catherine the great in the late eighteenth century i mean still
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nineteen twenty six he was named a catarina which means catherine's gift. the cossacks were known as fearsome fighters and brilliant swordsman and it's a reputation they still build on today. your enemy is very dead i think. you don't have to have blood to be trained by these guys but it certainly seems to help your coordination. i guess life and are three once more. very good. perhaps my own weapon might transform my fencing skills. so this of course is absolutely part of the make up. somewhere else in the city where you can find. a my trainer was happy to point me
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in the right direction. under way has been working as a blacksmith since he was a teenager and is the only person in the city who makes damascus steel a material that's created some of the world's finest in. the bush to start with we bring sample different kinds of steel together. the pieces are in a certain way and are welded together at high temperatures. as soon as it turns white told this means that the temperature is just right there once that happens you can begin to flatten it out just make sure you've got plenty of energy. hammering. to compress the layers of and
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steel and it's. a bit of a hit mr expense. of damascus steel. in the right place. and you have to be accurate over and over again just like the. policy is just over six times i've been having to do that. it's an exhausting process but fortunately dream has a machine that will do the next most of hard work for you. so this. is where. you get. the most so would like a. lot of this out if. you need to do it several times of course. once the metal gets cold brittle. i'm
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unfortunately can lead to cracks it seems this chunk of damascus steel was going to have to be recycled fortunately andre has another developed specimen. this is. solid metal work. just carrying the edge. and hopes of getting the right. place. and we just had one last round of heating on hammering to go. i don't get. while. it is. painfully. aware that to get the right temperature. pouring the shouting. hey you have it. a blade. fit for
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a cause that we're. most famous soldiers with cavalry bottles of old may be consigned to the history books the people of our still share a lot of speeds and. the sun's out crowds are coming in. and the race is especially when i get to meet. his one of the ladies. his head trainer at present as he drove for the start of the victory column one of the most important meet in the city's racing calendar. number seven said what do you think how do you like you get. to the breaking so when mixed races began and the idea. i had an
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excellent suggestion on how to spend the time. this is rubik's cube an eight year old stallion who was going to be my riot for the morning but had a few lessons on my trips around russia but so far i've only managed to juggling trumps get rubik up to a counter. well yes for about thirty seconds and then he decided he'd much rather be doing his own thing. now while it was fun last a good boy but. here is still a bit of a puzzle to me. i hope at least i have better luck as a spectator and i grabbed the programme and headed back to the track but things didn't exactly go my way. come on. come on over it's well. it's a really good start i managed to pick last place a few races in and the victory cup was turning into a bit of
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a personal defeat but then one of my fellow punters gave me a tape. yes. number three. but i lost. and with that the two year old man names diamonds jumps and scored near bull's eye now that. i thought arrived back at the winner and i'm even a few rules to the good. with my glasses on with bank balance spend it i decided to quit while i was ahead of the horses on the only thing you can race here in crown of the ems if you're a bit of a speed freak then just down to the bridge.
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decades back and try one thousand miles from the north pole. the iraqi came is taking you on a trip to spitzbergen entrepreneur ago. where twenty years after the us was ours collapsed the soviet way of life is still going strong. in the world synonymous statue of lenin presides over a ghost town on earth assume that heritage has become a tourist site for those overcome by the cold war in the style of. the close up special edition on our t.v. . well one one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy chemicals the games whether it's hard solid safe factory
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for a mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or it's destroyed. in the pacific for planning purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva convention says nineteen forty nine states that care shall be taken in war to protect trendline against widespread long term and severe damage to the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions protocol one . taken exception to that. is the cuban river it's the longest in the northern caucasus so you call it really comes across a dollar and not paid a visit but you can just take
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a walk along the water. you can get to know it and something a little bit speedy. bugler is one of the instructors here it is power boat school he's an eight time russian champion i mean chance of getting the next generation to follow in his wake but we have got lots of young sportsmen here and international class boats that can call up to one hundred sixty kilometers an hour. we try to stimulate the children's capacity for work and our members take part in both european cond world championships.
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it seemed like i was in good hands although i did need some more appropriate clothing. ok more racing season in the wetsuit sort of things to come. and once i go in my life vest it's time to take my seat ok i trust you completely. in my life in this very small forest and snug contraption. with just a gas pedal and no brakes to worry about it did seem pretty easy to drive and there was at least one quick way to slow down. just a little safe as. pullets. because the engine out things cross the immediate. this doesn't seem to have a right. to the quick push from the bank i was on and once you're out in one of these things you want to come but.
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really they said no we were to tell yourself because that is incredible. you could be a new drivers have to go through a rather unusual club ritual. but heck out of the ball needs to finish off russian tradition and go to observe them all. back on dry land i was about to attend crimes of those most still strong laden events of the year. it's pretty sad to say that the jim and i have never been the clouds plus they're all people who can each their own body weight in a day i lift the equivalence of around five big men and if you can do that maybe
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you too can compete in the us in some some competition. and i think. everyone here. is one of the guys in charge of it all for. us to say hey. what is it my name is james i believe that you are all one of the founders of some sort of. you not me. to founder of this be concious if you're at the right place because these are the strongest doesn't present the other way around. you get a seat with the owner ok. i'll
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see. you. so again has been training in some sense gyms and taking calls in marathon story most twenty years and the toughest guys in the south of russia are here to show what they can to. what i'm one of the things i love about strong men come to since they get still some fairly crazy stuff but i think that's true that's true this let's just way this gentleman is going to see a list of much stock yes do you know the weight of the cycle i think it's one hundred fifty kilo so one hundred fifty yeah how much do you weigh you see this big guy that says this fall it's just. the start seek here go for hanafi of forty kilos this name less and less often as yourself then good health the sentiment. you know surely the chemistry. we were.
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