tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 4:52pm-5:22pm EDT
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i don't. so again has been training in some sense gyms and taking calls in their advance most twenty years and the toughest guys in the south of russia are here to show what they can do. what i'm one of the things i love about strong men called existence they get decent betty crazy stuff. yeah that's true it's true this let's just way this gentleman is going to. lift up much so yes do you know the weight of the second i think it's one hundred feet below one hundred fifty here how much do you weigh ninety we see these big guys this fall it just falls off the start seeking our goal for had a fee of forty kilos just me that's what i saw was just then oh shit good health is you know. you know just be sure you become a shoe. we want stoners always bolds to muscles for exist and
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if it compares to this have a little trouble with the point they could still make up for it in the top of. the doghouse and beautiful places for a relaxing stroll. just over half a century ago this area was nothing but grass and maybe the old potato allotments until this man came along. turned it into almost a beautiful time nickel gardens right in the center of president and i'm off to meet an old friend of his. son who has been a professor at the local university for more than forty years and has literally see in the gardens grow from nothing to what they are today. he says that it's done in a regularly i wouldn't pattern like the english style. but they're all of different heights as you can see and you can find every conceivable form of plants life.
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in fact there are more than seventy different rare breeds in the gardens and susana was happy to show me some of her favorites. with you can you feel it. that's right it still smells like it's. there around twenty full time staff here but they can always do with one hand and that meant so i got to put my own tiny sapling and the ground this this little maple tree is one of more than forty thousand trees a little influence and by hand and hopefully in a few decades to come it will still be here giving say to the president of the locals. and lloyd.
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unfortunately my time in the city was coming to an end but there was one group of local heroes to really want to meet. the people here love the combine river which runs right through president but it can also be a dangerous place there are up to five accidents a day on the water during the summer season but that's what crossing a does river rescue service is here for. well i was here to see what sort of challenges i face. yes once i changed into my official rescue ranger gear we were ready to head on to the river. now this is a typical day you know we're on patrol but you know what you will they want to do is go down the kugan river all the way to places where bedding is allowed and most importantly where it's not allowed. the problem is that there is a very strong current in the kugan river and swimming can be very dangerous. some
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people try to do it when they're under the influence of alcohol. teenagers over there for instance but as the boat drove past they seem to change their minds pretty quickly. so you guys are they're just hard to put a place for. these two and his colleagues normally patrol a forty kilometer stretch but state the public role playing as a result. of course it never hurts to issue a gentle reminder to everyone having a nice time don't go surfing don't go. see and nobody's going swimming you see how impressed they are with our authority. once you there were people who did look like they were getting ready to hold themselves it. gives the victims.
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a little been very quiet but things were about to get interesting. well everyone's been doing very well behaved down the river today but to go is he still needs train which means they need a vixen. the last moment. it's a little difficult to do a good impression of a drowning man in a highly buoyant suits but i did try my best and that river was not. so good no. luck. but fortunately i was only splashing around for
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a minute or two before i was free to safety. another soul say by the close knit to the. rescue service. let me recommend the dry see. those people because. i was happy to be out of the ocean but i was genuinely sad to be leaving krasnodar outside of moscow and st petersburg is the most modern and well maintained city i've seen in russia and when i think i can genuinely live. with you looking at the beautiful books some top schools in action just genuine full sex culture and hospitality has little sybil.
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way lane was. it's the global dominoes of debt is greece teeters on the brink of collapse the e.u. and global economy await the effects meanwhile as the world hangs on the brics countries work to lay a new foundation but in the end is global get in and evitable. our bridges can't fall down we can't collapsing infrastructure that kills people hurt people. leaves us unsafe and it's not just the economy that's falling apart america is literally falling apart decaying in fact all countries like china are moving into the past lane we'll show you some of the major speed bumps holding up progress in the u.s. . bush george bush president obama's new article ended on bush i would blame
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government. it's an old fashioned finger pointing game but as they get saying goes point one finger and you've got four more pointing back atcha so is the blame game heats up and mainstream media continues to ignore important headlines we'll take a look at what it all means for the global economy. and what is the right answer to fix the economy how about restructuring society entirely one man's vision includes just that we'll take a look at the sight guys movement by speaking with its founder peter joseph. good evening it's wednesday september fourteenth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and you're watching r.t. well moody's the ratings agency cut the ratings for two large french banks that are saddled with greek debt says greece nears default and its leaders talk with germany
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and france about rescue meanwhile china says it's willing to help to support europe and buy ballance from nations facing a debt. crisis and it's actually not just china together the brics the developing nations of brazil russia india and china are coming up with their own plan so could developing nations be the saviors of the developed world and what does this all mean for the u.s. china is the country's largest creditor and also the u.s. economy could pay the price of recession for a greek default scenario some analysts say if this truly is a tipping point for a double dip recession joining me to talk about how this could all play out is michael canto he is president for penn tofor folio strategies michael it's nice to see you always great to see you ok well first let's talk about greece because france and germany are meeting with greece's leader today to talk about rescue we
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have china saying it's willing to help at this point do you think we see a greek default or do you think we see greece bailed out ok so the greek chill you know is treating its seventy percent that as the yield on the agree to your new show we're getting it's one hundred percent get. that greece he'd thought there would be a principal interest duration and felician before some combination michael what exactly does that mean to the average person can you break it down a little for our viewers because the mainstream headline that i've seen today just one is that greece is rescued or going to be by members of the e.u. . well they might be able to rescue greece but then look what's happening with. the e.c.b. he is actively monetizing counterfeiting euro's to keep european interest
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rates down that cannot last and you see the revolt in italy you know the yield on italian debt ten year was around three percent just a few months ago and now it went to six percent back to where it was sent as a little bit about what percent and that is back to five point six percent today be easy be actively creating inflation to keep interest rates low and that cannot last so what happens do we see china come to the rescue of italy and greece i think you know i can't really predict what the chinese are going to do i can tell you if i were running china if i were the premier i would allow these countries to collapse and then what's their currencies collapse completely come on the back side kick up these asses and huge fire sale why should it greece and italy
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collapse and not get a bailout from say china if the terms are good for the countries. who that's the key point could release terms big this would have to be a massive restructuring of all your. there's going to be a huge bill on the capital the fusion for all european banks and i think china will be a part of that but only if the terms are feeling well so the chinese you think the chinese are going to bail out the greeks and make one hundred percent whole their bonds i don't think so they might not care about that one report i saw said that china was concerned about european countries recognizing them as a market economy above all as a tradeoff for some kind of a bailout deal in return on investment but the question i want to get back to you is what you said about italy. and grace just go ahead let em crash and burn in that scenario what happens to the us i am not a us banks are on the line for
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a stand at a there are you on the hook for a lot of the most importantly one of our primary export partners is the european union even who seventeen is a tremendously huge economy is three quarters of the g.d.p. of the united states and the entire european union is the world's largest economy so you have the domino effect already europe rianna cascading collapse disarms you have a collapse of the banking system it would be foolish to think that the us would you knew would and china would be in the unita and this is a tremendous problem and there are no easy answers restructuring and the faults and restructuring the ball are synonymous and there will be a massive restructuring and default upon the sovereign debt of greece italy or trickle ireland and spain so you're saying all of those countries lap their restructure which essential in your eyes is default not only in my eyes but
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in the eyes of the credit reads as well but we don't respect do you buy the credit rating they don't fancy if you if you have a if you're having notes from greece that's two years in the region and no becomes a thirty year no would you consider that the folk. i'm not the expert michael you are well over. one thousand years to get my principle though i was sure i would consider a load for twenty years if we're headed. there is one hundred percent . simply insolvent nation and i think it only has one hundred twenty percent as well but we are back to the bank we've seen the french banks and you mention the ratings agencies we saw two of them downgraded by moody's because of their exposure to great debt what happens to us banks i want to know about the banks if there is a great default well as i said before there's going to be
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a massive recapitalization of the banking system in europe and i don't think the sovereigns have any firepower left because you know the united states we have the tarp program we inject of capital to the banks and the reason for that for me on the side of the but you know please get with the assets that are here now. so you know that was the only player left in town. in the east and that's were it were both were a huge increase in the rate of inflation well in europe and in the united states all right so a fallacious inflation you think is heading our way it's judge you also if you are us here what happens to the u.s. dollar too if for example say china does bail out greece and italy that has three point two trillion dollars in reserves to buy foreign debt it is the biggest creditor further u.s. what happens it's china unloads us dollars and goes into your o's. well we can
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sleep with our we're all right now the dollar in our bond market is getting his a temporary or official from the calamity that's gone on in europe as bailing out ben bernanke and his inflationary policies and his billing out into the gutter and obama and their desire to destroy the fiscal solvency of this nation which by the way they're picking up slowly from george w. bush and he's doing a great job of destroying the future of this country but when the european resolution comes that it will come as i said through a d. for then all eyes will terms you just care and the united states and it's not too far away to several years in my opinion most ok but with this china scenario do you think how much do you think that is matter you mentioned some of the guide are not very favorable terms now he goes to meet with the e.u. finance ministers this friday he is out there saying the european union has begun to have to hand all the sovereign debt crisis of of some of these nations was that
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is that what it is about because it is freaking out right now over the prospect of china helping europe did he get us today that there will be no we need brothers events. so we're getting that as i said before that these are the sovereign states will come and bail out the banks. will do so we don't have to worry about a lehman brothers failure of any big your bank but we do have to worry about is the inflation derived from that mechanism and i can assure you that's coming in spades and in spades but just yes or no is timothy geithner freaking out because of china . to be a lot of i'm sorry for the things including joining. well i appreciate you being on the show so we'll keep an eye out for all that inflation they are calling for you say it's there but you say it's going to get worse ok it's that equation
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right now all right ok well thank you so much i was michael pinto president of petro portfolio strategies all right so you heard michael pinto blaming some of the economic leaders in the u.s. for the country's problems but you also saw how intertwined greece and italy and problems going on in sovereign nations in europe what impact those have on the united states because u.s. banks are exposed to this kind of debt or credit default swaps to insure against this debt or because of just the whole global financial system that is so intertwined but what do average americans on the streets think are they aware of all of this board do they just point the finger at who's can do it well let's see what our broadcast journalists found out we sent out to the streets and here on the streets of washington d.c. asking americans what they think is to blame for the current state of the u.s. economy let's watch and so give me if you would you say president obama simply
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is bush george bush president obama would you say that obama someone from you know our goal in going bush. is to blame for all this if i had to blame anybody i would blame government to blame i think that. everybody in nobody what do you think about what's happening you know in greece and with the euro right now do you think that has anything to do with you know how the economy is shaping up here well i think that the stock market has already baked the greek potential greek fall into it so i don't think that has any effect right now because i'm more interested in america i don't think it's what's led to the downturn the united states it's it's a trailing. that things are going on europe everything just seems to follow our economy seems like a lot of those governments it seems to be more large governments else more
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socialist type governments and i think it's clear that that kind of economy can survive if we are. broke and then we can't help anybody else out if we can't help ourselves well there you have it despite all the talk about globalization americans still feel they're in the driver's seat. and it seems they won't be letting up on obama or anyone else's in charge any time soon reporting from washington i'm said o r t. now those folks out on the street that adriano interviewed are representative many people blame obama or even past president george bush for the country's current problems and though we have seen a slew of bad news out for obama just to give you a handful his approval ratings are forty three percent they used to be sixty nine a new york senate seat historically held by a democrat going to a republican for the first time since nineteen twenty three cylinder are the solar
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panel making plant who got stimulus money is facing bankruptcy and is now a scandal for the administration and poverty has hit record highs we just found out but my next guest argues this is not about obama it's not even about politics it is about needing a toehold all over all of society and peter joseph filmmaker and founder of the zite guys movement coming off a busy inaugural media festival he is here to talk about his solutions thank you for being here it's nice to see you so to start out you absolutely you are you the solutions to social problems are not politics what exactly are the solutions called for by the by some isn't. well you understand the solutions you to really have to understand the problems are in the broader view what we're faced with right now is basically the end of the paradigm with respect to our social system it's not ending because of some bad policy or some political now seasons or any kind of economic
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issue it's ending because it can no longer sustain itself by the natural evolution of human society the natural evolution of technology and the inherent mechanisms that that's now in the system which are slowly growing out of control like a cancer for example we have a debt based currency system money interest is charged on the money that's a loan that does not exist out right in the money supply that as its very core seed is really why you seize the sovereign debt the false corporate debt the thoughts personal debt default across the world we have sixty trillion dollars of private and public debt in america alone you can do the math on how much that is per person it's only going to grow as well and this is just the nature of the system we have an unemployment crisis which is really driven by technology technological unemployment has been the major attribute that has moved people from sector to sector the illusion of most economists is they say oh well technology is actually creating jobs that's actually convoluted logic what happens is and you can see this
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by the way that for you track the industrial revolution and all the way to the modern point you see this very clearly what happens is we start off with a certain sector everyone's employed technology comes into place and human labor and slowly other sectors emerge usually on the basis of other technologies so it's it's a natural consequence but it actually isn't a rabbit resolution and actually isn't creating anything we're going to end up with it is a necessity to have everyone either a lawyer or everyone either working in the entertainment industry because there's no way you're going to have a manufacturing sector with people actually employed there's no way you can have a service sector with people actually employed because the cost efficiency that's enabled by technology overrides the need for human labor what happened in bank of america recently they just laid off twenty thousand people and they understand what they're doing they're actually laying off them. let me let me go ahead i just want to get in here to kind of continue the conversation again because how do you separate out i hear what you're saying about technology and about the entertainment industry i've lived in l.a. but us but i do want to know how you can separate out all of the jobs that we've
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seen go overseas to countries like china and all of the people we've seen move into a financial system that people say is over banks in this country i mean there has been a transition in industry and jobs out there absolutely have been but the question is when you have ninety six percent of the basically the human population most of the western which has a majority the labor of working in the service sector which is now being replaced by automated kiosks and many other advanced technological mediums where the next sector i want to point out that i look at is on a global scale not interested in an american unemployment i'm not interested any countries specifics because it's one society it's one world it's one that qana me the question to be asked is why are the majority of people excuse me why will the majority of people eventually be unemployed on the planet and that's because of technology you can forget about outsourcing all of that the only thing to learn from that is that industry and its prime motivation to corporations shareholders is
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to make sure that they maintain a profit so displacing human labor because of the cost efficiency enabled by technological automation is the contradiction of collapse of capitalism excuse me that many economics there is to talk about for the past one hundred years including john maynard keynes right this is an inevitable evolution and it's not going to stop so you're saying the problem is capitalism what are you saying is the solution . well the solution is a completely different reordering of how we actually engage materials how we create production and how people actually contribute to society if you recognize this reality that the market system as we know it which is the bedrock of the capitalist free enterprise system whatever you want to call it we recognize this phenomenon is phasing out and mark my words the jobs are not coming back across the board they can't because the system will not a label it by its inherent logic when you realize this you start to open your mind up you think yourself well if technology can provide all of these tools to enhance
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production by the way just as a throw in here technological unemployment is inverse to productivity across the world which means the less people we have working in industry the more we apply technology the more production capacity capabilities we actually have which is amazing so what this means is that we can use technology we can free ourselves create an entirely different social system based on maximizing our efficiency hence our sustainability through advanced methods of production and eventually providing for literally the entire human species if we put our minds to it and overcome all the traditional ais barriers that are stopping us because of this traditional allies notion we think is imperial in society and they're calling for something really untraditional but what is it i mean is it a kind of sounds like getting rid capitalism and putting in what. well you can give it names it's about appreciating the train of thought about what we're doing and how it can actually benefit human society and create the best public health and safety providing for as many people on the planet as possible so if you can give it
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a name didn't call it a resource based economy a resource based economic model because really what is the foundation of human society its resources its resources not only of the physical gold food and all of those attributes also the mental resource we have people living their lives in wasting their lives as secretaries wasting their lives in industries that don't produce anything such as wall street and advertising can you tell me what they're actually producing that actually helps anybody directly there really isn't anything these are filler concepts that actually don't contribute so if you take the approach that we live off of resources and you organize those resources you make the most efficient production system you can based on what technical knowledge allows us to do scientific understanding you reorient society to let people actually engage in occupations that actually do something instead of spent spending all of our high taking all of our scientists and putting them on military operations right now they can be using that same engineering resource and mental
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capacity to benefit all the world's people and create a material abundance no one could ever be starving on this planet this is statistically proven by the way even with the current inefficiencies we have now so to summarize we have a resource based economic model it's a ground up approach to resource management and we make everything a sufficient and productive as possible technically no monetary evaluation no monetary association because all that does is interfere and cause more problems and limit our possibility i want to keep this conversation going i do want to hit on a number of things here what about government what does that look like and and i've got about what about. individual freedom. well let's ask yourself a question what is individual freedom is walking into a job that you probably have no control over in the sense of you're necessarily for income more or less a private dictatorship that people go into from nine to five is that it is that freedom is freedom what you get money for to go and buy is your.
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