tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 10:52pm-11:22pm EDT
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mabel and the taliban actually gotten gauged into a little bit of a twitter war which i think this shows you where we are in this world you know because you think about the taliban you think about afghanistan the fact the majority of people there of course are literate this is a country that really is stuff you can say in the twelfth or thirteenth century but the taliban they're on it when it comes to launching p.r. offensive when it comes to being you know a part of social media and knowing how to spread it and so first what happened is a spokesman said the outcome is inevitable question is how much longer will terrorists put innocent afghans in harm's way and the twee responding to that said i don't know you've been putting them in harm's way for the past ten years raise whole villages and markets and still have the nerve to talk about harm's way this is more dialogue than the two groups have been having in the last ten years so be it it's on twitter the form of media that so much so many of us use that was used apparently to spark some of the revolutions in egypt that's fine but they're
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discussing it they're talking about it you think you think twitter is going to solve the war it's sort of frightening to see that the taliban has mastered the art of saying instead of actually the special correspondent but look i you know i think if there's a legitimate takeaway here it's modernization doesn't necessarily mean more peace but it doesn't necessarily mean people will like us more because they'll feel more like us because the you know how to use the twitters but this is a discussion that is not being had over you know not being had over at a table so at least having it at least they're starting it right well that's right you can just sidestep probably karzai who is going to get the job done and you can carry on these direct negotiations i mean look you know afghanistan policy is a mess and if you're a computer you are perfectly happy to engage in wars when there are proper wars but that's not what we have in afghanistan and we have seen this sort of period of the rest of tribal areas americans don't like that we're not very good at it we don't do it very well it was. are you going to do if you can just not to get around to
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the literal war that's right so you can just you can retreat if you like feel free sweets and it's pretty good to be that way all right let's move on to well this man is i guess one of america's greatest bad asses take a look. at what you think. and we will you. know. it all right so that was clint eastwood and he recently did an interview with g.q. is going to be the october issue of the magazine and look what he said about gay marriage he said that those people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage i don't give an f. about who wants to get married to anybody else i know we're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of i'm just wondering if that is the attitude that so many americans
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with me to hear is somebody like clint eastwood say i don't give a f. about who's getting married and then maybe we'll all die out it'll change their minds click should really go all the way and do sort of like a dirty harry style speech like a monologue and just take that idea and like turn it into something a little bit more and more angry a little more confrontational you know sort of waving his say over who cares i don't know if you want a video we're going to. you know just have to live letting them marry or all get you but i think that's the point i think the point is that somebody i mean he identifies that he considers himself a republican and that's the point is this day and age so many people who are republican say you know what it's not that big a deal and i've heard the discussion that some people say you know what if conservatives would budge on the gay issue if liberals would buy it on the pro-life issue which will never happen and it's a crazy idea but i'm hearing out there you know sorry all right we got it we got to go because we only have a little bit of time. but take
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a look at this guy who was drunk and turns out to be around him. constitution ok all right well you can see the problem here but there's nothing cool. ok but yeah you should read it. live by. there is something i just love so much about that because there are great moments when you can really invoke the constitution but here he is just clearly hammered they're trying to pull him over for a dui he's a selling concert this is the kind of fiery rhetoric that we need right now you know if clooney although even that guy you know he was like the constitution. live by it yeah that's it and this is the same guy who once he got in the police vehicle started yelling ron paul two thousand and twelve so that's a risk thing he's a ron paul fan but apparently you think if you just yell constitution really loud that they're ok little things that's what michele bachmann thinks he's not alone it's better than the alternative there are many things that you could you know that
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would be a lot worse to go on national television go to the constitution when i hungry because you know game instead of the policies that i know really quickly we don't have time to play the clip but there's a new book coming out about sarah palin where apparently it says that she back in her old reporter days snorted cocaine off of a fifty five gallon oil drum and had an affair with an n.b.a. star then he player glen rice she had a one night stand with him before you look at apparently he confirms that. coke oil drums that's the kind of early i don't even know how about happen while killing moves right that's the trifecta she's still going to but oh you know people are worried that facebook and social media would kind of ruin the lives of america's future politicians because now all of this kind of all your stock of missiles and would be on the internet well apparently this can actually happen before facebook is even turns out it's still your past your through some point i got to wrap it up fortunately thanks for joining me tonight and that's it for tonight's show thanks for joining and makes me come back tomorrow just sunday and activist whose house
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was raided by the f.b.i. last september is going to be on the shelf and take a look at where she is one year later i mean time to forget even the family a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter in this anything if i wanted to dot com slash the lot of shell and me up next is the. john berman here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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interested in these. oh i'm so are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture right now in our nation over forty million people live in poverty literally struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads one republican claims the poor are actually getting richer they have a task and reveal the truth about poverty in america meanwhile a georgia inmate prepares to be executed for a murder that she may not have committed so republican governor nathan deal with the georgia state parole board do what's right and brandt the man on sick time will
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tell but the clock is ticking and speaking of killing innocent people as presidential hopeful rick perry and his record of executions in texas i'll tell you the story of one innocent man in texas who felt the wrath of very swift texas so-called justice and asked the question why is no one talking about this. you need to know this united states the wealthiest nation on the planet he's got a heck of a lot more the latest census report paints a grim. picture our body in america more than fifteen percent of our people living in poverty today that's forty six point two million people the most ever recorded in the history of this nation not only that the income of a typical american family has dropped for the third year in a row and inflation adjusted earnings for men who work full time jobs have dropped
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down to levels not seen since nineteen seventy eight that means expect those poverty numbers to grow even larger as paychecks continue to plummet a tea party senator rand paul thinks things like unemployment benefits would stamps and welfare programs there are things that people help people get out of poverty are unconstitutional he was unfazed by the latest census numbers here's what he had to say about poverty in america during a sunny hearing yesterday. we also need to understand that poverty is not a state of permanence when you look at people in the bottom fifth of the economic ladder those at the bottom only five percent of their after sixteen years people move up people do american dream does exist and we actually more and more people are falling out of the middle class and into the lower classes into the bottom fifth as a recent report from the pew charitable trust uncovered one third of those who were
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born and raised in the middle class in the one nine hundred seventy s. and since dropped out of the middle class today and joined the ranks of the working poor. go on senator paul as you were saying. the rich are getting richer but the poor are getting richer even faster yeah the poor are getting richer than wire and more people in poverty today than ever before sen the truth is for the last thirty years the rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer and poorer and poorer and there are a number of reasons why let's just go through some of the facts here it's pretty simple simple and straightforward stuff. here's this first graph is before household income. and before taxes this top layer talked about the bottom twenty percent as these five quintiles this put in at the very bottom this is the bottom twenty percent you see the relatively unchanged and in terms of
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household income the next the blue one next up above that is the second twenty percent so this is the bottom forty percent of the orange above that is the next twenty percent so here you know that here we have basically eighty percent of america and then of the one above that this is the fourth twenty percent and then here's the fifth fifth these each one of these are one fifth slices of america has four fifths of america one for the america with the exception of the top one percent this isn't twenty percent this is this is one percent and you can see what's happened to their income since one thousand nine hundred seventy nine this is one reagan was elected and dropped taxes on the very rich and boom it's been a there's a little bit of a bump there during the dot com bust but that was pretty much it go to the next picture. that changes share of income versus nine hundred seventy nine and this is this is how people were before the reagan tax cuts basically here we see that with
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this this data guy by the way is the zero point so sure of income the the bottom bottom twenty percent as fall in the most the next twenty the next twenty and twenty all off for the bottom eighty percent of america is below the zero point the top twenty percent is above the zero point but it's only about twenty five percent but the top one percent almost one hundred thirty percent of an increase in exposure this is the share of federal tax revenue no this is where does the federal government get its money from what we see is that first of all very low income tax this is personal income taxes from pretty steady over the years it's been steady even though the taxes have gone down on the rich because they've gone up on working people in part through bad bracket creep and in part because reagan raised taxes famously i think was seven times during his presidency it was more than that whatever it was but when we look at the payroll tax this is
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a tax that is not paid by anybody making over one hundred six thousand dollars it's only by people paid by people in one hundred six thousand eight hundred dollars or less so this is the poor the working poor and the middle class where this has gone from paying ten percent of the taxes to paying forty percent of their houses this is the payroll tax and then of course corporate taxes have collapsed corporate taxes now we're looking from the one to this is eisenhower corporations are paying thirty three percent of all the total tax load going into federal government and now they're down to about six percent next month. as why is it that the middle classes income is crashing why is it that individual income is crashing well here what you see is union membership rate was at thirty percent one hundred sixty seven . and the middle class share there in other words a percentage of people in the in the middle class the share of national income was a fifty four percent as union ism as union membership dropped and is has dropped
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precipitously particularly since reagan that happened right about here this is where reagan was we've you know we see during this period of time that that national income has dropped right along with it i mean they just follow each other pretty pretty perfectly i mean it's it's a it's a it's a very see so to the next picture here this is workers wages versus c.e.o.'s salaries so where is the money going well first of all a way to end where this is from one hundred seventy up to two thousand and five these particular numbers so first of all average worker's wages that's this line right here twenty six percent that's actually op overall because even millionaires and billionaires of seeing their the wage part a lot of their compensation is in other forms like stock dividends and stock options and things so their wages have gone up at just twenty six percent over this entire period of time from one thousand nine hundred two thousand and five
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corporate profits of course have exploded and median executive income and look at what happened after the reagan tax cuts and in the one nine hundred eighty s. booed and the cuts on corporate income tax boom but the average working person it's the root of the next one. this is the loss of american manufacturing and what we see here is that starting in one nine hundred forty seven this is this these are the earlier this is you know the truman years the eisenhower years the kennedy years and then and then study slide particularly during the reagan years and then you know the nafta and all that down to the point where eleven point two percent of our gross domestic income our g.d.p. gross domestic product is from manufacturing it used to be well over a quarter used to be twenty twenty five point six percent so what's that been replaced with what is it that we make in america where does our money come from
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what's been replaced with is finance the finance industry banks stirrers and banks used to be back in one hundred forty seven ten percent of our of our economy it was a nice slow steady boring stable business a guy with green eyeshades working banking hours you know with normal salaries but then we see as the banks got deregulated and now they represent twenty one percent that's two thousand and nine now in fact last year was over thirty percent of all corporate profits in the eyes that were from the financial sector you can't build an economy or a nation if the only thing you're producing is derivatives you've got to get back to manufacturing and going back manufacturing takes us back to a strong middle class with good paying jobs we need a national trade policy and we need a role and we need to roll the regulations back into the banks years to stop them from this crazy behavior.
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time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question will the gang of twelve abandon reagan's misguided policies and tax the oligarchy to help the four forty six point two percent of. the forty six point two million americans who are now living in poverty your choices are yes they will tax the oligarchy just like you have to truman eisenhower kennedy johnson nixon ford carter and clinton did in the past or. bush reagan's economics of tax cuts for the rich screwing over the working people will prevail log on to tom are going dark and those know you think the poll will be open until tomorrow morning. crazy alert don't go in the spa seriously and guys you know you may not want to look up fifty six year old man in china went to a beauty spa this week to bathe eels that eat away dead skin are supposed to make
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people look younger but let's just say things didn't go according to plan a city in the water the man felt an immense pain in his manhood reason region and realize that one of these slimy heels was trying to wriggle its way into his body through a rather small hole he later told a trainee's newspaper i tried to hold it take it out but the it was too slippery to be held and it disappeared up my. you know it and then had to have an emergency three hour surgery to remove the six inch slippery eel from his bladder and then you develop the stories doctors say that the a was six inches long but the man continues to insist it was eight inches long. coming up well the outreach of support from people like president jimmy carter archbishop desmond tutu and even the pope say the georgia inmate from dying for a crime he may not have or that it. drives
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is the state of georgia on the verge of executing an innocent man on september twenty first troy anthony davis will be put to death by lethal injection for shooting and killing a police officer back in one thousand nine hundred nine at the time there was no hard evidence tying davis to the murder no forensic evidence no videotape no murder weapon nothing but there were nine eye witnesses who testified in the trial and they all implicated davis. however today seven of those nine witnesses have recanted their testimony and ten new witnesses have come forward pointing the finger at another man for the murder yet davis is still on death row and is set to die next week members of congress john lewis and hanged johnson wrote a letter to the georgia state will board of four pardons and paroles asking for
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davis's sentence to be reduced to life in prison so too have numerous other public figures including former president jimmy carter pope benedict and archbishop desmond tutu so now it's up to the state parole board and republican governor nathan deal to determine whether or not they will put a man to death who has serious questions surrounding his guilt for more on this as well as the broader implications of the death penalty in america i'm joined by larry cox executive director at amnesty international usa larry welcome thank you for having me thank you for joining us i gave a brief summary of the troy davies davis case you want to fill this and a little bit who are the people who recanted their testimony who are the people who have come forward and and said no he didn't do it and who are they saying to do it . well you you feel that in very well. the even at the time
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of the trial and initially before it when it was being investigated so best recalls was thought possibly to be the man who committed these crimes he himself went to the police and implicated troy davis and he's one of the two people who have not changed his testimony for obvious reasons but as you pointed out in addition to the seven. of nine witnesses who have now either recanted completely or contradicted their earlier testimony. numerous people have now come forward to implicate sylvester coles even more so at the very least it raises the strongest doubts about whether troy davis really committed this crime and certainly it ought to give pause to the parole board before it orders that this execution be carried out if in fact in my mind it raises the question why isn't this guy getting a new trial i mean forget about whether or not. he should be executed shouldn't he should need shouldn't this trial be reopened. well he has been seeking
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a new trial ever since he was convicted he has of course continued to maintain his innocence and years demanded a new trial. after several failed attempts to kill him by the state of georgia the supreme court finally ordered an evidentiary hearing but it wasn't a new trial in fact he had to prove in that evidentiary hearing that he was innocent very very high standard he had to prove without a doubt that he was innocent and while the judge who overheard that evidentiary hearing admitted that the case against davis was not ironclad and that there were some doubts he said he had not proven his innocence of course we live in a country where the idea is that the state has to prove your guilt not that you have to prove your innocence and then for prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and there are jurors who having heard these recantations and
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learning about them have said that if they had known then what they know now they would never have recommended that troy davis be either convicted or put to death so yes it does raise serious questions about why he's not getting a new trial this is something that as you know i'm sure as many people know it's very difficult to do in our judicial system once a conviction comes down the courts and certainly the prosecution is very reluctant to ever admit that they made the kind of mistake that would require a new trial what are what is an a c usa and what are the i know there are no number of other groups involved with this as well doing this week and and what's your called action to our viewers about what they can do to prevent this man from maine executed next week instead of georgia. well the encouraging news especially when you think back to the presidential debate where people applaud it the death penalty is that hundreds of
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thousands of people around the world including tens of thousands of people in georgia have signed petitions saying they do not want to see the state of georgia kill troy davis that they are convinced that he may be innocent and that there is too much doubt much too much doubt to proceed with an execution we will be submitting those petitions tomorrow along with the end of the long with other organizations. to the parole board we hope it will give them pause that they've been asked as they are in cases like this when the death penalty is involved could play a role that they are not suited for those to say to play the role of god to know for sure that troy davis committed this crime when there is so much doubt they can't do that they should be put in that position and we're hoping that they will refuse to do that and that they will give him clemency if they give him clemency he of course will still be locked up which means that if they're wrong and he is guilty he certainly cannot do any harm to anybody anymore but if he is innocent as
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he claims he is then we of course will have one more case of somebody who has been killed who was an innocent person and we know from d.n.a. that many of the people on death row are found to be innocent we don't know for sure how many of the people put to death have been innocent but we can guess that it must be considerable in any sense of what those numbers are like what percentage of death penalty victims in the u.s. are innocent or. you know waiting trial it's hard to know how many because what once people are put to death there's very little incentive to you did you investigate though not always as as we may discuss soon about in the case of texas there's one case where the investigation has gone on after the death. you do know that for every person who is executed in the united states every year ten people who are executed in the united states there's one on death row who is found to be
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innocent so if you argue that if you look at that figure and you guess how many people have you know especially before we started doing d.n.a. how many people were put to death who would have been found innocent the numbers are staggering. and ought to give cause to anybody who cheers when they hear that hundreds of people have been put to death in a certain state you know and speaking of that in texas here's here's what happened to the republican debate recently where perry was asked this question. if you come into our state and you kill one of our children you kill a police officer you're involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens. you will face the old justice in the state of texas and that is you will be executed what do you make and there was well applause for that there
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was well applause for his introduction as the execute the most prisoners perhaps what that audience didn't realize is that rick perry almost certainly executed an innocent man and is now being held to account for its neighbor the media by the voters or by the other republicans who share the stage with him in those debates as the case of cameron todd willingham a man accused of killing his three daughters by study his house on fire what do we need to know about this case. well this was the most chilling part of that debate because when governor perry was asked if he ever worried about killing an innocent person he said he didn't worry at all he had no doubts he was absolutely didn't even give it a second thought and yet in the case of cameron todd willingham. after well before he was executed i should say there was very strong evidence that the forensic.
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