tv [untitled] September 15, 2011 12:22am-12:52am EDT
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ninety three times much calls we do now but since the posits are finite we have to go slow. meanwhile russia has notably increased funding of scientific expedition spitzbergen and in africa to explore the archipelagos natural reaches. you could put on light is a geologist who first arrived in barron's work in the early eighty's the collapse of the soviet union made him trade geology for business but the recent afternoon state funding allowed him to come back is given the bergen is a key to all the arctic geographically it's a place where the global weather is being formed joe logically it's a unique crown for science and money in its mission and other minerals it's a place we simply can't afford to lose. and he's country seems to agree it's not like our art the bearings work spitzbergen archipelago. allen is for now but i'll be back where the top headlines right after the business update with us.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business program the bell a russian ruble has lost forty percent of its value in one day on wednesday the country's central bank allowed the cressi to sell at market rates and a bit to ease the worsening financial crisis the currency fell to eight thousand six hundred rubles against the dollar compared with the official rate of five hundred and three five thousand three hundred it's the second time since may that the currency has been allowed to do value the move comes amid an effort by the government to make the country's exports more competitive but their fiscal rate will remain in force for state owned companies buying imported materials. german trucks may command says the crisis is over in russian automotive industry the company is expected to double its sales this year it's also building a new plant which it hopes will produce a quarter of beagles sought in russia by twenty twelve the company's representative
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in russia outlines the sales dynamics. terrible drop in sales in two thousand and nine we're still struggling to buy something brought up in two thousand and ten with such a bill most portable sales that we should tenancies the seals until bush called leadership. from orders to date we have more ship believe it was all of those trucks already we have your competitor seven out in two thousand and eight two thousand eight hundred sixty three competitors in heavy trucks which is by far the most anywhere in the world we've actually come out stronger off the price and so we took the vision to market leadership last year and asked the oldest we continue to monitor the ship as well in the market both the trucks and also on imported west and buses. let's have a look at the markets now world prices heading down as reports say inventories have grown in the us however the losses are limited by easing wars about the european economy brant lunch is trading at around one hundred twelve dollars per barrel while the w.c. guys close to eighty nine dollars. asian stocks on the rise on thursday as
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investors are buying back shares off to france and germany said greece will stay in the euro zone in the case climbing one hundred percent moving away from us pressure happy at closing low tone content thing is a bit behind center. and here in moscow two hours ahead of the opening bell the markets ended wednesday trading session mixed as you can see the are chance should just a notch but my substantial most said. banking sector has been under pressure made fears that crease is heading towards a default. casa from a council believes russian lends us will tweak investors interest. for the obviously the the multiples which it was for a trained t.v. earnings projections are quite the quite positive given given the all precedents on round. even the financial sector which is under pressure by europe and the us that we know russia the situation is quite different though obviously russian banks do
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not have all these instruments on their balance sheet and there are getting growth for the credit lines this is is it is improving the margins they're making the record quite sufficient and it's no surprise that mags like because their bank and and others have posted record earnings this year. now it's a train many of us have to fly in our own personal jet and russians are no exception before the crisis bizjet challenges in russia were generating a turnover of over one billion dollars and once again it's taking office michael chang. pre-crisis the country's ultra rich were buying into this new level of privilege and luxury big time and it seems the good times are returning traffic is back to two thousand and seven levels and analysts expect it to grow by ten percent annually with its boss distances poor roads and undeveloped commercial infrastructure is tailor made for private aviation. in the last
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year alone the number of billionaires in russia went from sixty to over one hundred and then we look at the ultra high networks that also use airplanes for the overall industry at large that increased by fourteen percent year over year so we see the growth prospects in russia very good throughout europe middle east and africa but equally as good as any to come from the recent tragic accidents of course pinpointed of the areas of potential growth the need to update were police obsolete it costs but what is still happening in the industry is the lack of proper legislation i think there is russian aviation business matures you're going to see a lot more legislation drop and we have seen very positive signs in the last year that we believe we're going to see aircraft being registered in russia and more craft coming in the market here now a new rule allowing general aviation pilots to operate freely in the uncontrolled air space is a step forward one has to take into account that russia is the world's largest country and with its rival is key to moving around quickly and space liberalization
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in two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production it was established in russia somalia region with a total area of six hundred sixty six as. its investors are granted exclusive access and customs benefits which includes a five year exemption from profit seeking land and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent of the special economic zone operates as a free customs owned which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of information seems to some our region as he said is currently witnessing a sewage infrastructure construction to some our region special economic zone
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trauma says exceptional opportunities for developing fuel business in russia will come to the smaller regions for more information log on to the book invest in some more of the. welcome back you're watching live from moscow these are the top stories that you also worries in libya vowed to provide for human democracy but people say they are afraid any criticism of the new government will be met with severe punishment. france and germany stand down calls for greece to be kicked out of the eurozone as the third anniversary of the two thousand and eight financial crash concern another is close at hand. turkey signs up for a nato those missile defense plan agreeing to deploy a rater system on its soil just
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a day after mania said it would also take part. half of the annual u.n. general assembly this month r.t. said down to talk to russia's ambassador he gave us he's using everything from the arab spring and palestinian statehood to possible new violence in cost. participant down with the college churkin russia's ambassador to be united and bester correctly thank you very much i think on the facts and seems certain that the united states use its veto power within the security council to prevent any recognition up a palestinian state what are the powers or perhaps before we go there let me address another issue for me because this very moment we are facing a possible very dangerous escalation in tension was announced by the because of our being in a sort of us and christian are basically to take over northern course of the by
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force and another very disturbing element of the situation is that the international presence is ok for the nato force there and the european. mission units which are there in order to preserve peace they seem to be incorporating without very dangerous of the course of all being you know sort of us or other divisions of serbia here in new york has sent a letter to the president of the security council asking for an emergency meeting of the security council and russia is supporting this request in order to prevent those sort of dramatic and dangerous developments in the course of a but i anticipate that we're going to have some other interesting debates in the security council first of all whether put me in that meeting or not and to me this will be a reality check. about whether indeed it was securely council we in the united nations are interested in preventing disputes and peaceful mediation of
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a situation like this so we'll we'll we'll be following those developments and we'll see what is going to happen in the security council it's interesting you bring up clinton because kosovo unilaterally declared its independence and with the . of the united states and many european countries this was done outside the scope of the security council it was done with the backing of the us yet when it comes to the palestinians. the us. there has already been screaming television till think of the position of the united states is very often not entirely consistent to put it mildly because they do tend to apply like some other. western european countries but they did apply double standards from plan to plan and we had the support several months ago on a resolution of the security council of the israeli settlements and the resolution was essentially composed of quotes without using marks of course from statements by
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president obama and secretary of state clinton and the united states went ahead and veto that resolution in the face of a one hundred twenty sponsors of that prison which is what this is one of the problems i think in trying to put in train negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians if. the israelis get this kind of unqualified support from a country which is trying to play the main mediating role in the palestinian israeli situation and then it does not appear to them over matters ahead but coming back to your very important question it is going to be one of the. interesting challenges for the general assembly and for the security council if the palestinians decide to bring matters to one of those two bodies of the united nations main ways of the united nations or both is the point i've been making to israeli colleagues and the people who have been showing up and also expressing
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their concern about the situation in and around israel that also must start between the israelis and the palestinians i know that there are contacts. there are certain requirements which are bogus lenience want to see for those talks to start . i called probably israel is a would see it. as something being to their advantage because in my view at least sort of pressures of various sorts. our going to grow in israel especially that we know we cannot be assured that we will have a situation in the arab world is going to go i mean we're all hopeful as i am sure was the hope of those who were on the front lines of the arab spring that things will evolve towards democracy etc etc but this kind of a not positive scenario is not assured at all so you would say it's an israel's
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best interest right now to hear that there is absolutely and this is what they say too but unfortunately they come up with. various positions which of the palestinians do not regard as acceptable they don't want to do anything about the settlement activity which is extremely brisk both and that is jerusalem and on the west bank they were quite dramatically prime minister netanyahu you will recall rejected. something which everybody thought was an obvious thing reiteration of the proposition that a deal between the israelis and the palestinians must be based on one hundred sixty seven borders of course with the letter swaps which can be negotiated so the tragedy of it all is that. at least old reasonable people seem to know. what those negotiations should look like but. we keep sort of beating about the bush no to many question marks support. the
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israeli vision. of their future. as neighbors of the palestinians and their neighbor from the neighborhood be from themselves in the middle east european countries i mean united states from what's been reported are trying to push forward about a resolution calling for more sanctions. and this is something that. the president of russia dmitry medvedev said he's not in support of because of this new. well for me it's it's not necessarily i need it nor would it help. clear explain russia's position i'm in syria because it is a very dangerous it is a very dangerous situation and there's a bit in the romantic and tragic situation i think the russian position is reflected really well something which was a consensus position of the security council first of all of the statement does come down the violence by the syrian i thought it is excessive use of force but
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secondly it calls on everybody a pool stop violence including the opposition and also of course for dialogue in order to resolve the differences and business of for what should happen. in syria and very importantly it calls for on the government of syria to implement the reforms they have or they have announced so this is exactly our line i mean it's and it's not just the amount of pressure on the syrian government because after all in the european union the united states of amounts to quite a few centuries against syria already they're already in place so essentially when they ask us to have such a resolution in the security council they're asking us to rubber stamp something we should have already sort of done without asking anybody's advice on the security council but more importantly our concern is that any sanctions resolution. on syria in the security council might be seen by the structure of elements of syrian
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opposition as sort of encouragement looking at lead here that something similar to what happened in libya may be happening in syria and that clearly extremely destructive consequences our western colleagues swearing to us that this is not their intention dual use military force well incidentally we have to remind them that with their. statements and assurances from them of various sorts of and we're working on that resolution in libya. which then we're very quickly forgotten in the heat of the battle in the media outlets alyse and of course the best scenario is that the while and stops in syria on both sides and very careful those are for they have an outstanding look at least we have a situation where of the syrian government has a line those reforms are promised those reforms unfortunately we haven't seen any
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indication from the opposition to be willing to enter into dialogue i mean granted the. reasoning they say that the main opposition figures. been arrested that they cannot negotiate in a situation of violence but in order to get out of the cycle of violence i'm not to bludge the country into a major blood ship must happen i mean we we just don't see this scenario of change which somehow intervening as something which can be beneficial or which can improve in any way the communitarian or economic or social situation in syria there have been reports that foreigners and there are. new nationals have been accepted. by armed forces. do you think that it's time for u.n. peacekeepers to enter will there was security council is working on a security council resolution and i'm of that resolution the u.n.
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mandate will be spelled out for for libya and in that meant mandate there will be steps taken in order to make sure sort of the law and what a system is is going to be created in libya which it will which will you know prevent those horrible things which of allegedly happened happening but let me also tell you that we're keeping a very false track of those reports and at every opportunity in ways that you know this question is in the security council which we have very often and. making sure that every measure is taken. of the new early going to sort of is understand their responsibility but of course nothing can get all that out because the situation as you pointed out correctly describe interest and it's chaotic and when all that sort of quote unquote rick evolution's have happened including some killings of women or black people simply because they were suspected of having been caught after mercenaries this is something which. caused our unhappiness and when we were
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raising our complaints and what is about the. absence or lack of proper implementation of resolution nineteen seventy three if you want to protect civilians the last thing you do is start a civil war and this is what happened let's face and ask the captain my last question for iran as more countries and for libyan assets how can the world be sure that everyone is properly the new administration regarding the how europe the security council for political track a very expensive already are first of all. those two years of motions. in the spring established the sanctions committee and when the issue of unfreezing assets came up people went to the sanctions committee saw the security council committee members of the security council through the sanctions committee will be able to keep track to pull double check on how this money is being spent and the same sort
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of checks and balances are going to be also included in the new resolution of the all of the united nations and media and on lifting the sanctions from from libya so it's not going to be a free for all process because of course nobody pendency on the desire of those countries which is understandable to have those assets in their hands you sort of start helping the libyan people saw the danger is that too much money is going to be put. in on the people and the use of some work in tool to be sound especially under and all the current still very unstable. circumstances and best make it very much for prime.
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back untaught. one thousand miles from the north pole. the r.c. team is taking you on a trip to spitzbergen archipelago. where twenty years after the us is ours collapsed the suv between life is still going strong. and the world's most statue of lenin presides over a ghost town and more understood as it has become a tourist site for those overcome by the cold war in the style of. the close up special edition on our. wealthy british style. sometimes in the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cars are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on our. new authorities and maybe a vow to provide freedom and democracy but people say they're afraid any credit isn't all the new government will be met with severe punishment the french and german and stand down calls for greens to take out of the euro zone as the third anniversary of the two thousand and eight financial crash brings concerns another is close at hand. the signs up for nato's missile defense plan agreeing to deploy a radar system on its soil just a day after me and said oh well so take heart. that's what i want to hear in our next latest in the world of sports but after.
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hello there good to have you company and this is what is coming up over the next few minutes a champions league double from dubai saves the day for tear scars they scramble a point against new. wildmen be arriving in dublin for their europa league again shamrock rovers. are making history russia prepare for their rugby world cup debut against the usa. now let's start the champions league with tears in moscow came from two goals down to draw so you'd see a way at lille last night to do that scoring by three army men with their loss coming in the final minutes the hard put the head just before half time and then could draw teeth just after the break but a break from them by us in the seventy eight nine seats many of rescued a point for the army men afterwards just our manager i mean it's nice he said his team has played badly but he does have a point in the end elsewhere in the pater if you side probably explore made
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a memorable champions league a stunning internet one email at the san siro. improved by an open their champions league campaign with a two year old when i referred to rio well as big spending runs to city hall to settle for a one one draw with napoli had taken the lead to provide any before klara equaliser from a free kick afterwards to be forced mancini said he's tanking and got to his players . before the game we were. forced. because it was the glory or the us. we maybe want the court order to yours. instead they did that if we play simple we can play better if you're prepared but if it in that was the first game i enjoyed i think that all the players played under present for years knew it was that is we can welling group c.
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like i don't think a pass or three points against the celica lassie with by sides finishing the ten men there and nastiness run is that munster united came from behind in a point against benfica rankings equalising after last. had put the portuguese ahead. of possession in the first part of the game is true course. overall. control of the game it is a clear winning game. score we pretty much. proved over to this. which. we just couldn't hear. a man with three top great day after one nil victory other than our music.
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is seen by both sides as the only real. this coach is the former wales captain kingsley jones and he believes the parachute in pressure this is their first game in town whereas the americans lost. four days ago on the eve of today's match it was also announced russia will host the rugby world cup sevens in twenty eight.
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keep you posted on how they get on and wednesday scotland kick themselves to a fifteen six win over georgia in a trial this encounter in invercargill it was the georgians who opened the scoring through very careful clash billie's penalty eighty scotland taking game was on point to park's hitting for penalties from seven back to the she's got to make it to. go in the first car that made it nine three to the scots thirty three year old park seventy seventh minute penalty also won its highlight reel this is the last score of the gang fifteen six how it ended up. because of the result just props where summer went to town on the media and then pulled a clash between the african side by thirty seven points canada got off to get off the mark and pulled season tonga.
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