tv [untitled] September 15, 2011 3:52am-4:22am EDT
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and i see that what the role is that they seem to be actually doing and that is they're protecting banks hiding this fraud and continuing to say we just want to extend it for ten and keep these debts and going and growing rather than actually finding a workable way to resolve them i think this is one of the reasons why that forgiveness is becoming so compelling they just isn't an answer going that direction so it seems like a bit of a cat and mouse game with the i.m.f. and the other pieces of the so-called troika teasing the greek government and teasing the gree people about a resolution of this debt problem all at the same time getting them to sign away their assets through the memorandum the famous memorandum which gave the troika a place or a piece of greek assets above and beyond the greek constitution now that a little appears as though greece is on track to lose its sovereignty as
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a greek background yourself what are your thoughts about that i think this is one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing i mean i've been already troubled by the whole disaster capitalism where these companies have created an even a bet against the positions they some script that they themselves created to engender suffering in the population and then they use that position that the position of need that they've created in order to prop it or to buy assets pennies on the dollar i mean i thought that was bad enough but then when you start to go to these i'd that is this level of stripping you know countries other assets and essentially taking them over another belknap before in more developed countries more covertly but now they're just going ahead and do bad any you know eddie self-consciousness at all about doing it now to actual established countries and the european union so i think it's extraordinarily troubling because what it would there's the specter is rising on. international corporations having
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a lot more power on a very real practical level than national governments and i don't think that's a healthy development i think we're going to have to organize as a global citizenry against that and support greece and support greece as a sovereignty and i certainly do from my background but i do just as a global citizen as well finally i want to get into this crash j.p. morgan by server campaign as a way to force a resolution when i was in athens last time i was mobbed everywhere i went because you know the mainstream media in athens that is not really covering the the slash troika hostile takeover of greece we're the only people that are covering that. crash j.p. morgan by still recant pain is out live and kicking in greece of course you can include goldman sachs in that campaign as well who fraudulent disgrace to join the arrow by selling them illegitimate illegal contracts so your thoughts on the crash
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j.p. morgan by summary campaign any e.u. you are supporting this is why i am my first i was skeptical because because i saw that j.p. morgan leased from a zero hedge article had basically just dumped their shorts and an unregulated company company but then i started to think about the larger processes i mean the for first thing i'm one of my major concerns just as a regular citizen is i want to connally's that start that help people make a living rather than make a killing i think a lot of us have kind of gone off the reservation and taken up this sort of addiction to debt and this exponential growth by you know demanding entitlements from government and trying to get these huge percentage returns on stocks and this campaign that you're running is long one of the ways to sort of reground and re democratize i think some this craziness that's happening first of all when you're a citizen and you have some gold or silver as specially in asia you can use it to barter you can use a. to hold value you can it's even
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a decent investment right now i think from when you first suggested this campaign it's almost doubled in price silver has but even the bigger picture things i think are are more compelling and one is that the more and more you get regular people to buy physical silver but more and more first of all with with j.p. morgan the more and more they are forced to take compensatory actions which may or may not be legal which people can then come back to prosecute them for and i think that j.p. morgan is moving that into that unregulated company may be one of those things but the second thing is also when you have all this silver paper out there these exchange traded funds and so forth but more people buying up the physical metal it's making it harder for them to sort of cover cover their bases or make it look like they actually have the metal they're claiming they represent so anything that can democratize access to financial resources and put some serious pressure including pressure on bankruptcy and and prosecution on these major firms is
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a good thing and it first i didn't think european pain was doing that but as i began to look at more deeply at it i'm beginning to support it more and more and saying wait a minute this this could this if it is specially if it gained some speed could could really have a leveraged effect on on helping bring the empowerment back toward global citizens and away from international court private corporations that's right five hundred dollars lower is within our reach if we won it and if you own that s.l.b. the exchange traded fund you do not own physical some of our own only paper and it will probably not work for you all right that's all the time we have for suze thanks so much for being on the cause report i first added my ex thanks a lot and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me next kaiser and stacy herbert i would think my guess is yemen younus if you want to send me an e-mail please do send kaiser report an r t t v are you until next time this is next guys are saying but i don't.
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well. new the latest in science and technology from a realm flush. we've got the future covered. the u.s. already has a maybe about to provide freedom and democracy but people say they're afraid any criticism of the new government will be met with severe punishment. france and germany stand down calls for greece to be kicked out of the euro zone as the third anniversary of the two thousand and eight financial crash brings concern and others close to him. there are t. travels to norway's with bergen archipelago an area that used to be the northern front in the cold war but is now becoming a base for brushes advancing into the arctic.
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what you are to come to you live from moscow i'm marina joshie welcome to the program the leaders of france and britain travelled to tripoli today in a show of support for the regime there were planes helped put in power on the eve of their visit have the national transitional council asked for more weapons to fight pockets of colonel gadhafi loyalists still in their strongholds the rebel government thinks the ousted dictator is hiding in southern libya and planning a fight back however the new authorities asserting that increasing level of control over the country for some that's cause for celebration but as our found out others aren't so optimistic. and months after tripoli fell into rebels hands those who back the old regime remain defiant it's futile in parts of the city the rebels triumphant campaign feels like it's never happened oh did so somewhere else. find
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out that. anything from wal-mart only moammar even if we have to do. so even support for the ousted leader just once they see our camera. here. they go over the. now we're going to be ok to tell the camera why. it's the same situation with others to. his hundred percent good we don't want this revolution we don't know the rebels we want them to go away. we are from television so we're going to tell your camera no no playing sobriety in front of the camera they will send the book to my room all the criminals you don't know them you call them the rebels hey guys do you remember the black guy he was arrested a few days ago after here appearing on t.v. don't do that you flags you slogans new speeches. the rebels were out celebrating again this week when the head of the national transitional council the
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business authority arise in the capital before large crowds leaving libyans in no doubt about who's really. those who don't support mr hopper and who we used to see all across the city proudly waving green flags just weeks ago packing khadafi now trying not to leave their own backyards. there. because i. was. there is. tough it is effectively gone then you also have to settle down here in the capital tripoli people are chanting that is free country but it seems that there is at least one thing that still remains of all the their fear. one youngster finally agrees to talk because tripoli is now on the control of the
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national transitional council and we don't feel we have freedom to talk or to express an opinion if we see something over of gadhafi they can kill us and arrest us of course for money and for them. the nineteen year old says many of his friends have been arrested recently for make in critical statements about new regime ironically we're talking just a kilometer away from one of the dark is top secret jails for political prisoners known as abu sleen though that may be the rebels they only represent themselves not the libyan people this revolution started with killings to intimidate through fear their homes are covered in blogs amnesty international has recently accused both gadhafi regime and the one which replaced it of committing war crimes including killings and torture of military prisoners and civilians these are being felt by some here that more is in store roof notion r t three pally
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abia. offer more on what's next for libya now joined by james danes though in london based writer on middle east politics and security issue is james thank you very much for being here with us on a program now british and french leaders are heading to tripoli as we know to congratulate the new government but first foreign heads of state to visit since the overthrow of khadafi so what is the significance of this visit. but i think it's a real about addiction to the legitimacy of the new leadership ultimately in american sense an assistant secretary of state yesterday to tripoli and now you have some of the allies who were responsible for leading the nato campaign over the rules are largely responsible for the victory of the rebels themselves so it's a real moment and ultimately because of the time where the fighting is still ongoing in parts of the country. in particular but ultimately the rebel or therapies are now the government or thought is let's not forget it's
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a real diplomatic. well we're hearing that we're hearing a number of human rights abuses there on the ground and especially the african union alleges troubles have been killing black african scene leiby and also from amnesty international hearing that some war crimes. also our correspondents are told is that some people. are afraid to speak out and talk to them china correspondent so what's happening on the ground there was interesting the amnesty report talks about uncertainty and fear across libya i would argue that private so you could affix for all you have certainty of fear however that doesn't mean that the situation is tolerable clearly there are real problems on the ground there's a legacy of such a conflict that you will have human rights abuses taking parts on both sides i think the rebels the national transitional council have promised to hold their own forces to account and i think that is
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a process that we will see from now however on the other side of the coin we have seen some repeat masquerades. very quick executions it seems on its part as you were treated so clearly once the fog of war lifts we will be really left to see the true impact of this war on the people of libya and with the rebels continue to mount attacks on the strongholds but civilians are there too so why is nato quick to condemn kind of assault on benghazi apparently turning a blind eye. i don't know if they're turning a blind i think ultimately. it actually held areas post the fall of tripoli there's been a lot of delays a lot of waiting about offering cease fires and peace offerings and saying listen why not surrender gadhafi is gone hasn't seemed to have been taken up with the moment and therefore the rebels seem to be now moving in nato on the other hand is always professed to use highly targeted weapons as best as they work and as often actually not use their strikes if they are in civilian areas so i think the nato
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are still very careful to civilian casualties and in the case of really really a lot of the civilian population of the town those who are not being held hostage by the gadhafi forces are leaving so hopefully there will not be large scale civilian casualties that all the u.s. now that's working with rebels to find conventional weapons apparently missing from these arms dapple so how much of a risk is there that they could end up in the wrong hands i think it's a really important question it's a really dangerous scenario it's similar to what happened in iraq in the fall of baghdad a very weaponized society people with automatic weapons in their homes as well as the looting of large scale military grade munitions r.p.g. mortars and even materials and components of potential chemical weapons this is a very dangerous scenario considering the numbers of groups operating in libya at present and the fluid nature of the situation so i believe that the the transitional national council their first job is of course to finish off the fighting in the areas that are still holding out hope that the second job is to
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give themselves legitimacy by getting the electoral cycle in and undergo surgery really is to prevent weapons proliferation across the country that's a very difficult job. briefly does near consider the consequences of supplying rebel groups with lands. i think the weapons supplies were minimal i think if you look at the french and the british it was small arms it was sort of support for civilian control in areas that captured the biggest need to support was clearly power in the backgrounds a large percentage of military was destroyed from from the air so i think ultimately there will be a rebuilding of the libyan security forces following the the end of this civil war and ultimately later it will be involved in that for the present i feel the rebels are there under their own stings. ok james dean slow london based in middle east politics and security issues thank you very much for being here in the center
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program. now more opinions first hand reports and the timeline of the libyan revolution just one click away at r.t. dot com for the latest updates on the story check out our twitter feed and facebook profiles. of leaders of france and germany have declared that greece is futura weiss with the euro their comments come as a second be allowed for athens considered to be a last chance to avoid a disastrous default hangs in the balance misstep and
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a full scale recession have left little patience for greece among its neighbors are now threatening to stop bailout payments for the embattled economy economists are also pessimistic and calls for athens to drop out of the euro zone are building and as a canonic alice demetri kleeneze tells her team future of greece is far from secure and that carries potentially great consequences for the global financial system. we're hearing a lot more rumors about the fall which is frightening but i think the most likely scenario is the. can down the road france and merkel have been saying germany and angela merkel have a dog now about how they want to wait until at least twenty fifteen when the european stability. mechanism is in place so they have some sort of institutional framework to go with with a bailout so i think that eventually greece will default but i think that it's not going to happen on october seventeenth they're not addressing they're not creating a scenario where greece or greeks can say ok in five years and seven years whatever
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we have a viable plan. to exit this large that burden and go back into growth because right now the greek economy is in a collapse mode so there's no way they can service this that a lot of the american banks are on the other side of these derivatives feel so they were ensuring that there was on the books the books of european banks so that in the event of a default the european bank would yeah they would they would lose out on their bonds because they would go to the american bank and say give us the money because you wrote the insurance so the u.s. banks would be on the hook no one really knows and again that's the problem the banking system there's a lot of uncertainty about counterparty risk to the global financial problems so much spoken about before there's a problem the global financial system and there are different philosophies as to how to address the u.s. one of the bretton woods and facilitated environment where you could run these chronic current account deficits because it was an empire that has the imperial courtesy so yeah in that sense the centrifuge has been here and that's where the real financialization has kind of expanded. the debt crisis that brought the euro
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to sneeze began exactly three years ago thinkable happened america's fourth biggest bank lehman brothers declared bankruptcy igniting a worldwide economic crisis that's still raging today but had a lesson some bad day really been learned. lehman brothers has filed for bankruptcy of stocks all around the world are taking because of the crisis on wall street the more things change the more they stay the same how will lehman's bankruptcy filing really change the landscape of the entire banking industry in two thousand and eight wall street's bad bets and risky speculation led to the collapse of america's housing market and a financial crisis around the globe today banks have grown more powerful and profitable while the threat of a double dip recession has deepened if part of the problem was too big to fail and of part of the problem was high dependence on the financial sector if you fast forward three years we have even bigger financial institutions which were at least equally deprived so the structural problems are probably worse and certainly not
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a whole lot better washington saved wall street with nearly one trillion dollars in government bailouts yet in the past three years critics say that washington has failed to effectively regulate wall street the financial industry can still trade debt and bet the same way it did thirty six months ago is still the same the only difference is great no they are worse it's because that. has been trillions of dollars worth. of the subsidies that were really in a worse position than we were before this is what. america's great recession has chipped away at the middle class exacerbated the listeners and resulted in at least fourteen million unemployed citizens. just last month zero jobs not one was created meantime wall street executives broke records last year pulling in one hundred forty nine billion dollars in pay in compensation according to analysts
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the u.s. is approaching its highest level of inequality since world war one if you're not in the top ten or twenty percent you're significantly poorer than you were in two thousand and eight. and in two thousand and eight you were making one fifteenth this much money as the wealthiest people in the united states we've seen you know corporate profits made profits record breaking profits in some cases three years after the crisis and why is that they're taking this recess with investor you know investors money depositors money that they were taken before and why because they know they'll be bailed out there's a problem in two thousand and eight u.s. credit agencies fail to forecast the problem reading lehman as a secure investment just one week before its historic bankruptcy very little has changed their business model for the only thing that really has changed is that there is once more skepticism towards them the collapse of lehman brothers ignited
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a perfect storm of economic distress and here around the world three years later problems that caused the crisis remain unsolved many economists are predicting that this means another economic collapse isn't just probable it's inevitable. we're not artsy we are. all the i.m.f. has blasted the russian president he's old shankar we can now make policies that led to the currency crisis now gripping the country. has been in freefall for months now sparking massive shortages of food and other goods for more perspective on the crisis strangling the nation's economy i'm now joined by dmitry babich who has read all the political analyst richard thank you as always for being here with us in the program so some harsh words there from the i.m.f. directed to look at showed you how justified is this criticism well it'll last for the rest of the situations in general criticized for sixteen years that he's taken forward. no unfortunately the bill russian economy schools are
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a collapse call that i mean i think it's time to do the spirit visible question for made mistakes all busy he failed to make a pretty good relationship with the word being that. with russia but inside the country you know we don't know what would happen even before the russian far from rooftops people who doesn't have russian what with us but economically how ready is bellerose for such a radical transition to liberalize economy well in all countries radio for early voting rights to calling it. economists say that strangely veloso is more radio for integration into the european union for example ukraine was a colonial was devastated by the reforms during the ninety's after what's so strangely you know the social fabric in bellows between itself and a lot less people are unemployed in the neighborhood but what social implications might is move have many ordinary people living in belarus as we know over seventy
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percent and many people lost over seventy percent of their savings in just a few months that's true and people are very unhappy about what's going on. there is no. c.n.n. and unfortunately i think that no one is interested in there are a collapse because i just don't think the russians would undertake economic reform or political reforms are dangerous. i'm not sure that portugal helps economic or political reform and certainly doesn't but what about political implications of these reforms and for the leader of builders well. it will further and further away from reality of the statements it's you makes are more and more traders and people below us understand that the problem is that there is no viable alternative because the west has been investing in nationalists will russian nationalists who cannot get more than fifteen percent of the electorate russia just stayed away stayed out
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of the russian politics and so there is no viable alternative for mr bush and people understand so finally. what's in the near future well i hope that the situation. will stabilize itself their idea behind this freefall to change rate that the central bank has been trying to introduce you to will come to some sort of a balance where the national chorus you will stop forming i would north however that there are those who haven't done deal you did something that for example portugal or greece are unable to do because they have europe so basically there was did what a lot of liberal suggest that are there impoverished european countries do right well. thank you very much indeed for your analysis of the situation in belarus to divide between obvious political analyst thank you. well sometimes you have to
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leave russia if you want to get to know it better this week a special series of artes russia close up reports come from outside the country from norway spitzbergen archipelago russia owns about a third of the territory having developed a remote coal mining community there during soviet period on a boy the one there and found out following the collapse of the u.s.s.r. the area has actually become more important for russia. a cluster of violence between the devil and the deep blue sea but the use ceasar the streets bergen archipelago was a lot like puerto rico for us not entirely its own not food for in the form of knowledge pools between north america and western europe and as many hold a future base for the russian advance in the arctic. just a few words about these morning men and women in their lives and of course here of course all of. the most western tourists this morning meant is a testament to the failed soviet invasion a town of barons work once
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a flourishing mining community isn't a serious thing. behind this feeling facade one can also see a freshly painted writing on the wall the russians on of believing in fact their back. it's a russian birthright to be. the second summer in a row that cough is standing on spitsbergen decorating this kindergarten good depiction of russia as a narc is not to project an image of an unshakable they emerging from dire straits of history in a time that still experiences difficulties with running water and electricity this choice of priorities would have been questionable if it wasn't geo politically timely because. there was a time when the soviet union was feared and respected you can't turn back time that russia should also position itself as a strong states or people who visit the parents should feel like they've stayed.
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