tv [untitled] September 15, 2011 7:52am-8:22am EDT
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element down and yet you know private companies at least in the short term benefit from higher unemployment because it depresses wages so there's a there's a conflict of interest here and i'm not sure what the role is i see with the role that they say that they're playing and i see that what the role is that they seem to be actually doing and that is they're protecting banks hiding this fraud and continuing to say we just want to extend it for ten and keep these debts going and growing rather than actually finding a workable way to resolve them i think this is one of the reasons why debt forgiveness is becoming so compelling it just isn't an answer going that direction though it seems like a bit of a cat and mouse game with the i.m.f. and the other pieces of the so-called troika teasing the greek government and teasing the greek people about a resolution of this that problem alone at the same time getting them to sign away their assets through the memorandum the famous memorandum which gave the troika
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a place or a piece of greek assets above and beyond the greek constitution now that little appears as though greece is on track to lose its sovereignty as a greek background yourself what are your thoughts about that i think this is but one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing i mean i've been already troubled by the whole disaster capitalism where these companies have created an even a bet against the positions they some scripted they themselves created to engender suffering in the population and then they use that position that the position of need that they've created in order to profit or to buy assets pennies on the dollar i mean i thought that was bad enough but then when you start to go to these i'd it is this level of stripping you know countries other assets and essentially taking them over another pound that before in more developing countries more covertly. now
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they're just going ahead and think bad of any you know eddie self-consciousness at all about doing it now to actual established countries and the european union so i think it's extraordinarily troubling because what it would there is that specter is rising of international corporations having a lot more power on a very real practical level than national governments and i don't think that's a healthy development i think we're going to have to organize as a global citizenry against that and support greece and support greece as a sovereignty and i certainly do from my background but i do just as a global citizen as well plan only i want to get into this crash j.p. morgan by server campaign as a way to force a resolution when i was in athens last time i was mobbed everywhere i went because you know the mainstream media in athens that is not really covering the the slash troika hostile takeover of greece we're the only people that are covering that crash j.p.
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morgan by still recant pain is open live and kicking in greece of course you can include goldman sachs of that campaign as well who fraudulent disgraced to join the arrow by selling them illegitimate illegal contracts so your thoughts on the crash j.p. morgan by summary campaign any stand you are on you're supporting this is why i am my first i was skeptical because because i saw all that j.p. morgan leased from a zero hedge article had basically just dumped their shorts and an unregulated company company but then i started to think about the larger processes i mean the first first thing i'm one of my major concerns just as a regular citizen is i want to connally's bad start that help people make a living rather than make a killing i think a lot of us have kind of gone off the reservation and taken up this sort of addiction that that in this exponential growth by you know demanding entitlements from government and trying to get these huge percentage returns on stuff. yes and
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this campaign that you're running is one of one of the ways to sort of reground and read democratize i think some of this craziness that's happening first of all when you're a citizen and you have some gold or silver as specially in asia you can use it to barter you can use it to hold value you can it's even a decent investment right now i think from when you first suggested this campaign it's almost doubled in price silver has but even the bigger picture things i think are more compelling and one is that the more and more you get regular people to buy physical silver the lauren more first of all with with j.p. morgan the more and more they're forced to take compensatory actions which may or may not be legal which people can then come back to prosecute them for and i think that j.p. morgan is moving that into that unregulated company may be one of those things but the second thing is also when you have all this silver paper out there these exchange traded funds and so forth but more people buying up the physical metal it's making it harder for them to sort of cover cover their bases or make it look
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like they actually have metal declaiming they represent so anything that can democratize access to financial resources and put some serious pressure including pressure on bankruptcy and prosecution on these major firms is a good thing and it first i didn't think european pain was doing that but as i began to look at more deeply at it i'm beginning to support it more and more and saying wait a minute this this could this if it is specially if it came to some speed could could really have a leverage effect on on helping bring the empowerment back to our global citizens and away from international private corporations that's right five hundred dollars lower is within our reach if we won it and if you own that s.l.b. the exchange traded fund you do not own physical silver you own only paper and it will probably not work for you all right this all the time we have for suze thanks so much for being on the kaiser report i appreciate it my ex thanks a lot. that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max
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the british and french leaders visit the libyan capital in a show of support for the new all farce and says the ordinary people in tripoli still tracking cattle to the south be their devotion might cause that. also russia says it's time to lift the un imposed no fly zone over libya entreaties to save civilians as it doesn't help those trapped in the last remaining kidnapping strongholds. of loaves of the billionaire and turns of politics russia's richest man sensation he quits as leader of a party he's had it for just three months. and he's all been long gone
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so making the reserve the movie just announced all he's close up to travels to a russian town on the first that's going to talk about. a very warm welcome to you this is our c.n.n. live from moscow british prime minister david cameron has promised a more financial aid to libya's new rulers on a visit to check i mean he's there with french president nicolas sarkozy in support of the regime reins helped put into power last very good option is keeping across developments and joins me live now from tripoli maria what is this visit all about what's being said it's. well it's french president francois causey and british prime minister david cameron that he leave here first of all to show their support for the country's new authorities for the national transitional council
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both political and financial since this visit comes just days before all deliveries will. their resumes and also you military support not surprisingly that these two leaders happy come the first visit khadafi free libya these two countries france and britain have played a crucial role in the current even revolution that led to the colonel's overthrow throw they were among those who pressed for nato action to protect civilians based against gadhafi troops the surf robbery and french warplanes was literally the first to fly in the air campaign over leave it to indoors and no fly zone over the country france was the first country to recognize the national transitional council libya's new or for a cheap take and these two countries have all the time repeatedly been claiming that the are supporting the rebels and they've been helping them since the beginning of a surprisingly small arch here in tripoli both the sikorsky and cameraman the
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camera cameron. have announced that they will continue helping the rebels particularly because of course he has said that nato will continue to fall mean leave here and ministry facilities. here in leave here till the rebels take control over the whole the country fighting still continues over at least for gadhafi stronghold including. the colonel's hometown soon some six hundred kilometers east of further from tripoli and bani walid in the south pole cheaply meanwhile russia's foreign ministry has announced today that they will call for a no fly zone to be lifted as things it's no longer aimed at protecting civilians just ahead of these two leaders visit here to tripoli the head of initial judicial council mr fogg has pledged that both sikorsky and cameron will be safe he's
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mentioned that because security situation in the country here in the capital tripoli remains a very tough very difficult very complicated and still. while there still remain several pockets all over libya. still held by khadafi forces even in the capital it's not it's not equally held by by the rebels and not all the districts here in libya are supporting the new earth or she's here's my reports about that. and months after tripoli fell into rebels hands those who backed the old regime remain defiant but fearful in parts of the city the rebels triumphant campaign feels like it's never happened or did so somewhere else. that we will do anything for moammar only moammar even if we have to be downright. seven support for the ousted leader it is solves once they see our camera. like what
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we're going to be ok to tell the camera why. it's the same situation with others two. hundred percent good we don't want this revolution we don't know the rebels we want them to go away. we are from television. to tell it on camera no no thanks a five p. in front of the camera they will send the bulletin where. the criminals you don't know them you call them the rebels hey guys do you remember the black guy he was arrested a few days ago after here appearing on t.v. don't do that you flags new slogans new species. and the rebels were out celebrating again this week when the head of the national transitional council libya's new authority arise in the capital and for large crowds even libyans in no doubt about who's really. the those who don't support with so far
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those all you and who we used to see all across the city proudly waving green flags just which. to go back in khadafi now try not to leave their own backyards there. is very. good. stuff it is effectively gone then you all sorted had to settle down here in the capital tripoli people are chanting that is new free country but it seems that there is at least one thing that still remains of all the beer beer. while the youngster finally agrees to talk. tripoli is now under the control of the national transitional council and we don't feel we have freedom to talk or to express an opinion. in favor of gadhafi who can kill us and arrest us of course money or in
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the future. the nineteen year old says many of his friends have been arrested recently for make in critical statements about a new regime ironically we're talking just a kilometer away from one of the dark is top secret jails for political prisoners known as abu sleen though it may be the rebels they only represent themselves not the libyan people this revolution started with the killings to intimidate through fear their hearts are covered in blogs and list international has recently accused both gadhafi regime and the one which replaced it of committing war crimes including killings and torture of military prisoners and civilians these are being felt by some here that more his in-store. r t tripoli libya. for the discuss this further i'm now joined by john last line from the remark we see in cooperation in
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a paris not many thanks for joining us now as we just heard in that report from maria from both sides of the conflict are accused of human rights abuses now when gadhafi and ghazi for example the west is seeking civilians now get out these hometown of sort of under attack what about the civilians there. well you know to paraphrase george or world an animal farm some civilians are more equal than others i don't think anybody seriously bought the line that this intervention was about protecting civilians that was merely the fig leaf the legal food leaf that france britain and america used to overthrow gadhafi and i've been on your show several times on your channel several times about this issue and i've always said that their principal goal was regime change that has now been achieved in spite of the very interesting report that you've just carried on the pockets of resistance i'm afraid it does seem obvious that the gadhafi regime has fallen and that's why do it cameron and nicolas sarkozy have gone there to do it to demonstrate that fact
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and it's to publicize the show to the world their victory at least in their own terms well all of this because it is sarkozy and david cameron to tripoli both of stress that intervention had nothing to do with economic advantage but libya is due to resume or lech sports in about four days in your opinion does that suggest any significance with regard to the timing of this conference sarkozy visit. well i mean let's not be naive and let's not pretend to be naive i have no doubt the economic advantage will accrue to the western powers who have supported the new regime they protection from but followed by britain and america they pushed for early recognition of the transitional national council and that body has now effectively taken power so it is inevitable that oil contracts and so on will be awarded accordingly but as with the iraq war it's my own view that all contracts are not the whole story and i believe that these walls iraq. kosovo for that matter
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in nineteen ninety nine their ideological was the west by overthrowing gadhafi wanted to maintain the fiction that the entire world is moving towards a western dominated model or pro western model it wanted to show that the arab spring movement was a movement for liberal western style democracy and of course as soon as a country stated as a regime starts today in the way of that apparent wave which was the case of libya it's regime was brushed aside so my view is that this was principally ideological but yes also of oil there's no doubt ok well we are we are cameron and sarkozy are now in libya and just as the past signs of a rift really are beginning to appear in the n.t. see the national transitional council the new prime minister. is accused by some of his rivals of bringing in a form a get out the officials and from some source is within the country acting like
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a dictator so how much support and credibility does his leadership have this new leadership that was swept to power by the libyans themselves. yes you're asking that question i'm sure in an ironic tone they were not brought to power by the libyans themselves they were brought to power by certain segments of libyan society a society which of course is largely a tribe also people will have fought along tribal lines but most of all they were brought to power by nato bombs by british and french planes and by british and french covert operations with the participation of the americans and the fact that this or that new libyan politician is accused of mr meters or dictatorship or collaborating with the old regime is ultimately of no importance we saw similar accusations brought against various members of the iraq government the post saddam iraq government in two thousand and three and those people came and went and the
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same thing will happen in libya for the simple reason that as soon as things settle down and indeed i predict in the next couple of weeks a sort of protectorate will be set up no doubt under you an aegis of possible but some kind of military protectorate franco german american protectorate will be set up and it's also my prediction that this protectorate which will be the effective government of libya who have been civilians happen to be who are as it were pushed forward that protectorate that intervention will in my view last for a very long time and i would say quite possibly for a decade or so the real power will of course go to the people who brought the regime to into power and who sustain it in office namely nato very strong predictions there so just to repeat my question is how much genuine support and credibility does this new leadership have the m.t.c. within libya itself among libyans. well i'm not on the ground i'm not in a position to know that i mean my suspicion is that the. t.c.
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has local support in the east of the country. and possibly in other parts of the country as well but i would rather not try to answer that question without having at least visited the place and known it better i mean we know that libya is a tribal society like many other arab states i assume that it's supported by some sections of the population and opposed by others and your porter has done an excellent job of reminding people that while i think there's no serious doubt that the gadhafi regime was obviously a dictatorship it reminded us that even dictatorships have a popular constituency even dictatorships are sustained in part by a certain degree of popular support and people there in tripoli who continue to have that support. director of studies at the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris thank you for those thoughts. well after you spoke to russia's
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envoy to the u.n. says the libyan experience is helping determine my position on syria you can see the full interview later this hour has a pretty. good if you want to protect civilians the worst thing you do is start a civil war and this is what happened let's face it concern is there any sanctions resolution. on syria in the security council might do seem the structure of elements of syrian opposition and sort of encouragement and looking at libya something similar to what happened in libya may be happening in syria. very. destructive consequences or western colleagues are swearing to us this is not their intention to use military force well incidentally we have to remind them of the statements and assurances from the various sorts when we're working on the resolution of libya which they will very quickly forgotten in the heat of the.
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political season may have just got underway but the scandals already arrived the party run by russia's richest man has collapsed less than three months after he became its leader but in a gradual both join me live from moscow with all the details of this i can't really pin you fill us in now on what exactly has happened to her proper role about his political ambitions in career. or what happens is that we. rather lucian in the ranks of the right cause party turned out to be true and new hope rather of an hours that meet the party all this comes at a very critical moment only months before the bolt and they also very influential figures from the board their hand into his replacement. but he's already. has been raided in the style in
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a manner of corporate takeovers in russia in the one nine hundred ninety s. he also said that he will personally get in touch with the president and the prime minister to try and find out who was the one to blame just making it clear that he was not on the ropes with none of the truth all those allegations were very strong of course but they were met with a certain deal of skepticism here at the press center and as one journalist i want to listen to very good question your party has been generally programmed in from the very beginning she said so you have invaded a secret but you are going on very good terms with the current political establishment so why are you saying now that you are on the rocks and mr proper of seemed really lost one answering that question another good point was raised by another journalist why instead of bringing your political forces together and you'll see this together you decide to leave now once you face the first challenges
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why not make it to the parliamentary election when all that to me how proper of such a day that he indeed is going to build up to you please go course but obviously it will not be running the. december was the column entry election that well the plan would be ambitious plan of the right course party which was to gains a few thousand percent of the vote clashed over some far more modest political for costs and realities now that brought her up as lot the party will hardly make it into duma but we all have to understand that progress is very good in p.r. himself in dealing with john lewis and this is what we witnessed today we all remember that he is not afraid even black p.r. we remember how he made it through they had lines international headlines in two thousand and seven when he was arrested by french police in court chevelle under suspicion all suspicion that he it were. prostitutes for russia's border guards
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there and we remember what it and up like ended up like that the french authorities officially apologized for him during an official visit in two thousand and nine and has proper of himself such a date i may make one microstate backwards he said but i will make a long jump forward just wait and see so you might not make it into the palm introduction together with us' party but he may still run for the presidential seat so. when do you could come up with something for us in a few knows how to be our himself and the fact that he's complained has been very controversial has been of course a gift for centuries to swallow well that a man who is known for of throwing a lot of shit throwing love his party support russia's reach try to you are a part of a lot of trade was not so well off and of course. this was a good chance for his opponents to make jokes of him so the fact that he is russia the richest man he's
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a very dubious assets for him and put his political career it sounds like this is the last of this story that we're going to hear from our secret in the gradual but many things about life i must say. but we've got plenty more on this and all the other stories that we're covering on our web site for you and i want you dot com online right now more hard to swallow the time and worth of dollars found in the stomach of a man suspected of theft as the national restaurant plots to. female fans of the russian president's surprise reprisal of a maryland mom grows dangerous serenade for his full. day just a little bit differently find out what else he was presented with all out all.
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the leaders of france and germany have announced their belief that greece is lies with the year that international patience is running out fast as china calls on your resume leaders to put their own house in order a second bailout athens hangs in the balance this frustration also grows among weber's over the next deadlines for the agreed reforms they're now threatening to stop bailout payments to be impractical as a colony economists are also pessimistic and there are mounting calls that happens to drop out of the euro zone and as economic analysts think the call for missiles r t greece's future is far from secure and that could bring grave consequences for the global financial system. we're hearing a lot more rumors about of the fold which is frightening but i think the most likely scenario is the. gamekeeper going down the road friends or merkel have been
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showing germany and angela merkel i would argue about how they want to wait until at least twenty thirteen when the european stability. mechanism as it weighs the. so they have some sort of institutional framework to go with with a bailout so i think that eventually greece will default but i think that it's not going to happen on october seventeenth they're not addressing they're not creating a scenario where greece or greeks can say ok in five years and seven years whatever we have a viable plan to exit this this large that burden and go back into growth because right now the greek economy is in a collapse mode so there's no way they can service that a lot of the american banks from the other side of these derivative deal so they were ensuring the debt that was on the books the books of european banks so bad in the in the event of a default the european banks would yeah they would they would lose out on their bonds but then they would go to the american back and say give us the money because really you wrote the insurance so the u.s. banks would be on the hook because it was it's an empire that has.
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