tv [untitled] September 15, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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and broadcasting live direct from the heart of moscow this is r.t. certainly glad to have you with us british prime minister david cameron has promised more financial aid to libya's new rulers he's been visiting the country with president nicolas sarkozy in support of the government they bombed into power cameron has also sent a strong message to colonel gadhafi and his followers still waging war in libya to give up the fight both leaders warned that nato mission against forces will continue as long as they feel it is necessary to protect civilians as they claim meanwhile the fighters backed by nato strikes are reported to have entered syria one of the last cities loyal to the ousted leader. is in tripoli with the latest developments. french president carter causey and which prime minister david cameron
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are here leave here first of all to show their support for the country's new authorities for the national transitional council both political and financial since this week that comes just days before leave is all deliveries will be resumed and also you military support not surprisingly that these two leaders have become the first to visit khadafi free libya these two countries france and britain have played a crucial role in the currently with the revolution because of course he has said that nato will continue to fall mainly beer and ministry facilities. here in libya till the rebels take control over the whole of the country fighting still continues over at least for gadhafi stronghold including. the colonel's hometown city some six hundred kilometers east of the capital tripoli and bani walid in the south pole. meanwhile russia's foreign ministry has announced today that they will call for
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a no fly zone to be lifted saying this it's no longer aimed at protecting civilians just ahead of these two leaders visit here to tripoli the head of the national judicial council mr fogg has pledged that both sikorsky and cameron will be safe he's mentioned that because the security situation in the country here in the capital tripoli remains a very tough very difficult very complicated and still while there still remain several pockets all over the libya where still held by khadafi forces even in the capital it's not it's not equally were held by by the rebels or not all the districts here in libya are supporting the new authorities here's my report about that. and months after tripoli fell into rebels hands those who backed the old regime remain defiant but fearful. in parts of the city the rebels' triumphant
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campaign feels like it's never happened or did so somewhere else. who will do anything for mom our only momar even if we have to give our lives. seven support for the ousted leader dissolves once they see our camera and put a new. one with a weird television how could you tell it on camera why. it's the same situation with others two. hundred percent good we don't want this revolution we don't know the rebels we want them to go away. we'll throw television so they're going to tell the camera no no thanks to five paved front of the camera they will send the book to where war oh the criminals you don't know them you call them the rebels hey guys do you remember how up the black guy he was arrested a few days ago after here appearing on t.v. don't do that you flags new slogans new speeches. the rebels were out
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celebrating again this week when they had of the national transitional council libya's new authority arrives in the capital before large crowds even libyans in no doubt about who's ruling out. those who don't support mr fogg those only you and who we used to see all across the city proudly waving green flags just weeks ago back in khadafi now trying not to leave their own backyards here there are prayers there are. shared. with many. here very. tough it is effectively gone then you all sorts have settled down here in the capital tripoli people are chanting that is here free country but it seems that there is at least one thing that still remains of all the. fear. one
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youngster finally agrees to talk. tripoli is now under the control of the national transitional council and we don't feel we have freedom to talk or to express an opinion. in favor of gadhafi they can kill us and arrest us of course money or not for. them the nineteen year old says many of his friends have been arrested recently for making critical statements about new regime ironically we're talking just a kilometer away from one of the dock is top secret jails for political prisoners known as abu sleen don't believe the rebels they only represent themselves not the libyan people this revolution started with killings to intimidate through fear their hobbies are covered in blogs amnesty international has recently accused both gadhafi regime and the one which replaced it of committing war crimes including killings and torture of military prisoners and civilians. have been felt
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by some here that more is in store. reef notion r t tripoli libya. and john laughland from the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris says that the cameron sarkozy visit to libya underlines the real goal of the nato strategy. i don't think anybody seriously bought the line that this intervention was about protecting civilians that was merely the fig leaf the legal figley for that france britain and america used to overthrow gadhafi the west by overthrowing gadhafi wanted to maintain the fiction that the entire world is moving towards a western dominated model of pro western model it wanted to show that the arab spring movement was a movement for liberal western style democracy and of course as soon as a country a state the regime stood in the way of that apparent wave which was the case of libya it's regime was brushed aside that has now been achieved and that's why david
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cameron and nicolas sarkozy have gone there today it's to demonstrate that fact and it's to publicize to show to the world their victory at least in their own terms. the spokesman for british civilians that for peace in libya chandan maintains that nato is role is nothing to do with protecting civilians in the country here come the former colonizers of north africa embraced and welcomed by the n.t. see what did france do to algeria what did britain do to egypt what it italy and all these countries do to libya before absolutely nothing has been done about civilian safety but that is the whole point of this nato aggression on libya it's got nothing to do with protection of civilians mr julio you know nato as head guy in the in the in the rebel slave council as i call it he said he said in his speech to the green square just the other day that the islamist will never take over and you know and he said he said to his rebels do not attack the women and children
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leave them out of this which is an admission from the m.d.c. it's an admission from mr julio that his rebels have been attacking women and children. the u.s. has ramped up its plans for missile defense in europe with three major agreements announced on wednesday and thursday following turkey and romania this week poland has also reaffirmed its willingness to join the controversial project which has been the center of serious disagreement with russia warsaw and washington have made a joint statement specifying what parts of the nato backed shield will be deployed in poland twenty eight eighteen or he's going to the latest from washington the police think missile defense agreement signed between the u.s. and poland in two thousand and eight and it's amending protocol of two thousand and ten has come into force this thursday as we speak it in vision is the deployment of a land base there some three system in poland and it's part of america's revamped plan to build a missile shield in europe with elements of it deployed in different countries in eastern europe just earlier this week an agreement was signed between in washington
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between romania and the us romania too will host a very cold land base this on three interceptors on wednesday turkey and the us signed a similar agreement but that one was about deployment of of an early warning radar in turkey the shills will be unfolding fairly close to the russian borders needless to say there's always been an irritant in the relations between washington and moscow the war of words on missile defense has been going on for quite some time now with washington saying we need powerful missile interceptors against a possible attack from some dangerous states they usually namely ran in north korea and moscow saying why we need interceptors for weapons that those rogue states don't but russia does and russia views america's missile defense plans as an attempt to breach that very precious parity principle that was said by the start treaty russians have been quite persistent for years you know saying ok if it's not against us this thing together and that's been the missile shield in europe
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together and the response they get is always a no you know they say they will cooperate but not on equal terms. russia has voiced its concern over u.s. missile defense and europe on numerous occasions brazil based a journalist pepe escobar says moscow has every right to be worried some of the best strategists military strategists in the world are in russia and they know that first of all they don't have the cap ability to attack iran even if they wanted to number two they may be a very hard core regime but they're not suicidal so this excuse against ahmadinejad or against how many from the part of the u.s. is absolutely ridiculous and they know it's basically the shield is against russia and eventually i guess china as well as if china or russia would have any interest in trying to undermine the european union which are excellent markets
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for bowls and where they sell most of their products in the case of china i would say a measured reaction would be the best saying first of all because nobody knows if the missile shield works like i like i said before every gas that they run is an absolute disaster and it will keep on doing so i say go for the next few weeks until two thousand and nineteen when you're going to have the first three there's still a long wait seven years ahead in a lot will change depending on me i would say global robel up abilities if nato wants to make more of the rules inside the central asia for instance then i would sink russia could be really really worried about this but for the moment it's basically wait and see. a possible escalation of tension at the serbian kosovo border is raising international concern with the united nations security council meeting in an emergency session over plans by the administration of the breakaway
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region to try to take over two border posts in the server dominated north there was stalemate at the security council over the actions of the kosovar authorities russia's representative to the u.n. said departing from dialogue and taking actions with within taking consideration of all sides is very dangerous has the latest from new york. the united nations security council gathered behind closed doors for hours to debate and discuss growing tensions in northern kosovo serbian foreign minister and his course of our counterpart flew into new york for this our emergency meeting that was called for by serbia and supported by russia serbia is urging the council to prevent closer as ethnic albanian authorities from using force in northern and close of oh that is an area populated by ethnic serbs now kosovo house and now its plans to send its
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custom officials and security forces to the border up to us to take it over now that is that crossing has been under control by a nato peacekeeper sense of violence between as nic serbs and albanians erupted there in july that violence killed one person and wounded several others russian ambassador vitaly churkin says kosovar albanians have threatened to use force ambassador churkin says that nato peacekeepers in the area he believes could be cooperating with the pay of the plans of the kosovar albanians rather than preventing danger from breaking out we have serious concerns about where the little this is going and the minister gets made it very clear that the. entire proposition of european union playing this mediating role in a dialogue between between priest and i and belgrade is maybe put in question so
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this sudden departure from the past of dialogue at the moment when it was beginning to show some promise promise in our view is completely unjustified unwarranted and that it enters. now it was back in two thousand and eight when kosovo unilaterally declared its independence with the support of the united states and western european countries this is something that was not approved by the security council and russia was one of the security council members that warned there would be escalating tensions to follow for years once the unilateral decision was made out side the boundaries of the united nations specifically the security council now we see years later that this is coming true and this is something that the international community is clearly has their hands full with and still does not know how to ease tensions but this is this is an international issue that russia
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serbia and many other countries believe needs to be addressed now before violence escalates and in further or twos were an important reporting for us from new york now here at home russia third richest man has incisional he quit as leader of the party he's founded and headed for just three months billionaire me. excuse me prokhorov stunned right cause party members meeting in moscow saying he was out while criticizing russian politics or he's covering approach over reports from moscow. the m. vicious plan of the right course party which was to gain some fifteen percent of the vote clashed over some far more modest political for costs and reality is now the proper of has left the party will hardly make it into dumas but we all have to understand that program has very good p.r. himself in dealing with john lewis and this is what we witnessed today we all
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remember that he is not afraid to be are we remember how he made it to they had lines international headlines in two thousand and seven when he was arrested by french police in course chevelle on suspicion that he arranged prostitutes for russia's oligarchs there and we remember what it and up like ended up like the french authorities officially apologized before him during an official visit in two thousand and nine and has brought her of himself such today i may make one microstate backwards he said but then i will make a long jump forward just wait and see a very bold step for a person was only making first steps on the political arena but what we're seeing is actually cuomo on clashes in the ranks of a political force and sadly this has become somewhat of a but tradition with russia's right wing forces now that. leaves the ranks of the party is no longer its leader it's not clear what part of the electorate the right course will be you ring at all and secondly it's interesting what will happen with
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all the money which. which it invested into the project we are talking about some thirty million dollars. today that he'll be doing all he has to pull the money out of the party now that he's left and he'll be forming a new political force well we'll wait and see what will be the future of these yet another movement of these billionaire turned politician. who's all change of the international space station a new team have already taken over in space while three of their colleagues two from russia and one. from america are on their way back to earth the station's former commander on the board to see him go with his team un dog from the station about two hours ago and they are due to land in kazakhstan at approximately eight am moscow time of four am g.m.t. they've been five months in space and if escaped problems with nutrition supplies even though the progress spacecraft carrying fresh cargo to the station crashed in
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investor turkle thank you very much for sitting down is that it seems certain that the united states well use its veto power within the security council to prevent any recognition of a palestinian state what options are the palestinians have before we go there let me a dress another issue for me because at this very moment we are facing possible very dangerous escalation in tensions was announced by the course of albanian or sort of as and prishtina basically to take over northern course of a by force and another very disturbing element in the situation is that the international presence is. ok for the nato force. and the european
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a war mission ulick's which are there in order to preserve peace they seem to be cooperating with that very dangerous plan of the course of all being in a sort of a so other delegation of serbia here in new york has sent a letter to the president of the security council asking for an emergency meeting of the security council and russia is supporting this request in order to prevent those dramatic and dangerous developments in the course of the but i anticipate that we're going to have some other interesting debates in the security council first of all whether to convene that meeting or not and to me this will be a reality check on. about whether indeed the security council we in the united nations are interested in preventing disputes in peaceful mediation it's interesting you bring up close because kosovo unilaterally declared its
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independence and with the support of the united states and many european countries this was done outside the scope of the security council and it was done with the backing of the us yet when it comes to the palestinians. the u.s. . has already been screaming. the position of the united states is very often not entirely consistent to put it mildly because they do like some other. western european countries they did blood double standards from time to bam and we had the vote several months ago on a resolution of the security council the israeli settlements of the resolution was essentially composed of quotes without using marks of course from statements by president obama and secretary of state clinton and the united states went ahead and vetoed that resolution in the face of a one hundred twenty sponsors of that resolution so this is one of the problems i
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think in trying to put in train negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians if if the israelis get this kind of unqualified support from a country which is trying to play the main mediating role in the palestinian israeli situation then it does not really help to move matters talks must start between the israelis and the palestinians i know that there are contacts. there are certain requirements which the palestinians want to see for those talks to start and i hope of the israelis will see it. as something being to their advantage because in my view at least sort of pressures of various sorts are going to grow in israel especially that we know we cannot be assured of the will of the situation in the arab world is going to go i mean we are all full as i am sure was the hope of
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those who were on the front lines of the arab spring that things will evolve towards democracy it cetera et cetera but this kind of a positive scenario is not a sure at all european countries and the united states from what's been reported are trying. to push forward a resolution calling for more sanctions against syria and this is something that. the president of russia can return visits that he's not in support of because additional pressure he believes is not necessarily needed nor would it help. can you explain russia's position on on syria that is a very dangerous situation it is a bit of dramatic and tragic situation i think the russian position is reflected very well not something which was a consensus position of the security council the first of the statement does come down. by the city and i thought it is you know excessive use of force but secondly it calls on everybody to stop violence including the opposition and also it calls
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for dialogue in order to resolve the differences and visions of what should happen . in syria and very importantly it calls for on the government of syria to implement the reforms there for them or not so this is exactly all line but more importantly our concern is that any sanctions resolution. on syria in the security council might be seen by destructive elements of syrian opposition as sort of encouragement looking at libya something similar to what happened in libya maybe happening in syria and that could have extremely destructive consequences our western colleagues are swearing to us that this is not their intention to use military force well incidentally we have to remind them that world. statements and assurances from them of various sorts when we're working on that resolution in
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libya which then we're very quickly forgotten in the heat of the bout that in libya in order to get out of this cycle of violence. we just don't see this scenario of regime change which somehow entertaining. as something which can be beneficial or which can improve in any way the humanitarian or economic or social situation in syria there have been reports that foreigners in particular colombian ukrainian nationals have been executed in libya by armed forces. do you think that it's time for the un peacekeepers to intervene in libya let me also tell you that we are keeping very close track of those reports and at every opportunity what is that in our discussions in the security council which we have very well and making sure that every measure is taken out of the. sort it is understand the responsibility but of course nothing candled out because the situation as you
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pointed out correctly is quite dangerous and it's chaotic when all that sort of for them to hold pretty view should have happened including some killings of black people simply because they were suspected of having been cut off and mercenaries this is something which you know caused our unhappiness when we were raising our complaints and what is about the. absence a lack of proper implementation of resolution one thousand seventy three if you want to protect civilians the last thing you do is stop a civil war and this is what happened let's face it.
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