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tv   [untitled]    September 16, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EDT

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now rebel forces in libya claim their advance again colonel gadhafi is hangtown of sort of one of the last loyalist bastions several thousand opposition fighters backed by tanks and heavy weapons reportedly launched an offensive on the city the losses were financial as in the libyan capital for us. we're hearing from the national transitional council here in the capital tripoli that its troops have apparently entered the city of sip some five hundred kilometers east of tripoli to duffy's hometown and one of the colonel's last strongholds the city was first attacked by nature airplanes on the second day of the military operation in libya in march the ante see reports that thousands of its fighters there have apparently advanced into the center of the city of city facing having the resistance from cut off is elite troops apparently armed with a cheery and long range. rockets and also snipers the m.t.c. report also that at least four of its fighters eleven and the other reports have
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been killed during these offensive seven others wounded and also there is information that forty could offer loyalists have been captured and since there are several reports that cut off his information chief dr muesli brigade would have been one of them but this information is very hard to verify fighting over another center of gadhafi supporters bani walid some two hundred kilometers south of the capital tripoli continues while concerns over security safety of civilians trapped in the cities and the areas where the clashes between the rebels and gadhafi loyalists still contain and meanwhile the u.n. is expected to ease sanctions against libya visiting the country on thursday british prime minister david cameron and french president nicolas sarkozy have said that they would introduce a u.n. security council draft resolution which expects to abolish international arms embargo and freeze even asses that. had been frozen as part of
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sanctions against gadhafi also starvation mission u.n. mission here in the country the leaders of the two nato countries that played a prominent a key role in the libyan revolution have also said that nato mission here on the ground we'll continue her. as long as it is necessary to protect civilians here maybe i mean while some are skeptical about the real aims of this mission it more loops right now like backing the rabble and helping them take control of the rest of the country rather than protecting civilians now a little bit far from its initial goal meanwhile the turkish prime minister is also expected to visit libya why so we'll keep you updated on his visit. but as british premier david cameron visited libya to celebrate the end of forty two year rule of the bennett looks at how u.k. i'm seen as a still working flat house. selling weapons could be
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a moral minefield but not here this is the world's biggest arms fair and a massive earner for the british economy the government's putting its conscience aside as international delegates shop for tanks rocket launchers and missiles so long as business is being done here it doesn't seem to matter who's buying this is guest list includes countries like saudi arabia and bahrain both regimes that violently suppressed pro-democracy demonstrations earlier this year bahrain was accused of opening fire on its own armed citizens in february saudi arabia scented snatch and guard in to help driving armored vehicles made by be a systems the u.k.'s largest defense company its products on display here would be home in any bond film this tank can alter its temperature changes infrared appearance like the british government the company can't change its spots it says
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there are countries that were still too but that doesn't include any here if a country's been invited by the british government here it's it's probably going to be on your list of countries who are able to sell to. make sense. the thing. yes right to self is a reason regimes like bahrain that have repressed democratic process. i will tell because although. these protesters from the stop the arms fair coalition they are angry it's going ahead despite the recent crackdowns in libya in egypt both former customers of britain using their purchases against their own people we're paying the price now in the mediterranean because we showed weapons dinny all the countries that are now experiencing the arab spring i think it shortsighted it's bad for this country it doesn't make money it makes wars widely here to get this use shoppers include fourteen countries branded or thora tarion by human rights
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groups a fact the government came clean on just one day before trade began i'm sure they're very a barest because of the one china did factory. david cameron was going to egypt walking around terrier square proclaiming his belief in human rights and freedom and democracy and the next stop was kuwait and it turned out he was traveling with eight arms properly executives but the whole purpose of the trip the strayed one of the big traits or tried to make was weapons straight to the middle east the government says it's tightening restrictions on who can buy weapons that could be used for oppression and it claims an invite here doesn't guarantee an export license but if it does big business for britain it generated twenty two billion pounds to the economy last year and the case now the second biggest weapons exporter in the world. with money like that up for grabs turning customers away
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empty handed may prove difficult either bennett r.t. london. well there's also a growing concern that syria's conflicts on the verge of a disastrous escalation as opposition members get hold of the mysterious and shipments when it's all up for discussion asking. crosstalk at around eleven thirty g.m.t. ahead for you. the syrian government has pointed out that the opposition certainly elements within the opposition have been armed. forces particularly the united states as well as israel they claim that they have a confession from a former general from syria who defected and he's going to be featured on syrian television are very soon i don't know anyone who believes the syrian government not only the syrians not by the syrian government i don't know any nation in the world who takes over syria's word the syrian the syrian government said if they are telling the truth then allow the media to syria allow the media into the squares
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allow the myriad media to see the troops moving down innocent people like pacifist people and our roses to soldiers if they don't allow the media because they know they can massacre and torture and brutalize a lot more people if they don't allow the media and nobody believes the syrian government not even in fact the people the syrian government. says are running high in northern conspire with the breakaway regions authorities planning to seize control of te border crossings later on friday nature troops have blocked off one of the checkpoints while costs and trucks to the right of the. school for an emergency un security council meeting to try and prevent violence are escalating he's going to put knife on it that discussion. the united nations security council gathered behind closed doors for hours to debate and discuss
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growing tensions in northern kosovo serbian foreign minister and his course of our counterpart flew into new york for this our merchant seen meeting that was called for by serbia and supported by russia now serbia is urging the council to prevent kosovo's ethnic albanian authorities from using force in northern and close of oh that is an area populated by ethnic serbs now kosovo has and now its plans to send its custom officials and security forces to the border up to to take it over violence between as nic serbs and albanians erupted there in july that violence killed one person and wounded several others russian ambassador vitaly churkin says kosovar albanians have threatened to use force ambassador churkin says that nato peacekeepers in the area he believes could be cooperating with the hand
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of the plans of the kosovar albanians rather than preventing danger from breaking out we have serious concerns about where the little this is going and the minister gets made it very clear that the. opposition of european union playing this mediating role in a dialogue between between priest and i and belgrade is maybe put in question so this sudden departure from the past of dialogue at the moment when it was beginning to show some promise promise in our view is completely unjustified unwarranted and that it injures. now it was back in two thousand and eight when kosovo unilaterally declared its independence with the support of the united states and western european countries this is something that was not approved by the security council and russia was one of the security council members that warned there would be
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escalating tensions to follow for years this is an international issue that russia serbia and many other countries believe needs to be addressed now before violence escalates and then further. more european allman even later as americans defend shiels good to go to the last you come calling out agree to her use to u.s. missile bases which washington says well they're only for their own sake the details about that also you can sound. back in. one thousand miles from the north pole. the mistake you want to trip to spitzbergen archipelago. where twenty years after the u.s.s.r. scola. life is still going strong. for the world so the
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statue of lenin presides over a ghost. it. has become a tourist site for those overcome by the cold war in the style of. the close up special edition on our. european energy giant gearing up to bring the long planned south stream a gas supply line us step closer to reality it will be another method of pumping russian gas directly into europe just like the north which is already being primed to supply let's get the details on the latest film all this or marty's dimitri medvedev who's in the russian resort of sochi for us dimitri i.c.u. and lots been said recently about this south stream project what is all the fuss about. well basically south stream is a very important project a large scale gas pipeline which its goal is to deliver gas directly from russia underneath the black sea to europe to austria and to wreck the european clients
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avoiding transit countries because today we are going to see the signing of the shareholder agreement tween gas from and its european partners companies from france italy and germany this basically means that this project is not far away from happening that this is one step forward a very important step forward to the realization of the project unlike a rival project in a bucco pipeline in europe which is supposed to deliver central asian gas to europe and therefore a lot of concerns of arisen from european authorities notably european energy commissioner. has said that this is threatening european energy security as it becomes more reliant on russian gas but this statement seems controversial because as i mentioned the goal is to deliver gas from russia to europe directly avoiding transit countries so it is actually ensuring gas supplies to europe and ensuring
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energy security at the same time we've heard a statement from here from the president of ukraine victory in the college is suggesting having the south stream not go underneath the black sea we're going through the territory of ukraine but we've also heard a comment from gazprom on this saying that there's no point in having a south stream go free because apparently its goal is to avoid going for ukraine altogether. right to me too many thanks for the update to me to make frank you there live for us. america's anti missile shield plan europe has picked up the pace over the last few days a string of agreements with turkey remaining and the remaining major obstacles of the troubled project clearly it will soar in washington also david joint statement and else which part of nato to shield would be deployed in potent by twenty
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eighteen. the specifics remained signed between the u.s. and poland in two thousand and eight and its amending protocol of two thousand and ten has come into force this thursday it in vision is the deployment of a land base there some three system in poland and it's part of america's revamped plan to build a missile shield in europe with elements of it deployed in different countries in eastern europe just earlier this week an agreement was signed between in washington between romania and the u. way romania too will host a very good land base this on three interceptors on wednesday turkey and the us signed a similar agreement but that won't well that was about deployment of of an early warning radar in turkey the shield will be unfolding fairly close to the russian borders needless to say that's always been an irritant in the relations between washington and moscow the worth of words on missile defense has been going on for quite some time now with washington saying we need powerful missile interceptors
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against a possible attack from some dangerous they say usually namely ran in north korea and moscow saying why we need interceptors for weapons at those ropes they just don't like russia does and russia views america's missile defense plans as an attempt to breach that very precious parity principle that was said by the start treaty russians have been quite persistent for years you know saying it's ok if it's not against us this thing together this believe missile shield in europe together and the response they get is always a no you know they say they say we will cooperate but not on equal terms. a russian manned spacecraft has landed in the counseling stand bringing three members of the international space station crew back to earth during their nearly six month mission they took part in what's been one of the tenses times in the history of the i assess all of those that mission control in the moscow region. the crew of soyuz t.m.a. twenty one a back on earth aleksandr a summer could have under
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a care and run and have been up there on the i.s.a.'s for almost six months now and what a six months they've been they were full of celebration trepidation and sometimes downright dangerous though the celebration of course was that they were up in space for yuri's night the celebration of fifty years of month spaceflight fifty years since you're a good car and first went into space. they were also up there for the last at the docking with the i assessed in the last of a flight in fact of nasa space shuttle an emotional moment and they a major landmark moment in terms of human space flight now the soyuz rocket is the only way and baikonur cosmodrome the only place where from month space flight can take place so they saw the end of the of the space shuttle space now they also with their on board for the for the at the end of last month when a progress module powered by
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a soyuz rocket crashed on its way to meet with the i assess now that progress module was carrying supplies of food and water for these people who these three astronauts who were on board the international space station so they had to make do without them here at mission control we saw some great scenes as the family managed to see the the module finally enter the earth's atmosphere the the the parachute deployed and they knew that their loved ones were on their way back down to the ground some huge round of applause went south here not just amongst the family members also amongst the controllers they knew that they'd done their job well now those family members will be reunited with their loved ones very shortly that we spoke to the wife of one of the cosmonauts she said she can't wait to have her husband home. now mention a humility where you want for nothing life's easy and work is plenty well one such
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place did exist in a remote russian outpost but not anymore it's not even a place within russians borders it's actually a norwegian archipelago called spitsbergen it once in body of the soviet dream a system without money where everyone's needs were provided for in a series of special reports forty examine a boy who visited what was meant to be communism's example of a bright future. it's one of the busiest colonies in the arctic. restless. the brits called the island to search of food for their young noisy and disorderly like old big families the seagulls are the last reminder of the one family atmosphere that once permeated this arctic island becky eighty sounds coming from this building were just as yours as they are today only instead of cries there are children streaks and laughter this apartment block was built specifically to
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house families and while adults were out working kids were left to their own devices running down hallways and banging doors local residents usually referred to this building as the crazy how across the street was a female dormitory nicknamed various given russian women's undying infatuation with everything french. further away was a male dormitory also known as london supposedly for the gentle manners of its inhabitants during its best here is the settlement house more than a thousand people today it's a ghost town but the spirit of communism is lurking in that band and buildings. this settlement was called fire a myth because of the cube like mountains surrounding it thirty years ago it had the highest living standards soviet people could dream all salaries two to three times higher than in the mainland free food around why bring social life in many ways it was
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a task for the brighter future that soviet people were trying to build. the rights northernmost statue of lenin is still peering into the nearby glacier. most of the parliament's residents worked at a coal mine that was never very profitable it maintained for the sake of keeping the soviet presence at the strategically placed archipelago not only an outpost this western most soviet settlement was also an ideological show window for the capitalists rivals and no resources for spirit to cut a dash a concert hall a library a rock band and even this half size olympic pool people here are reliving the true salvi a dream you have the best hopes talent almost overnight when the soviet union fell apart all of a sudden people of parliament realized the perfect life was just that a few political party made based on faulty economy and shaky ideology and if you your is the former paradise turned into
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a desperate hole people who are used to eating caviar for breakfast have to turn to hunting to put food on the table. one of the families packed and laughed abandoning parra made in all its grandstanding glory this pillar was erected here with much pomp on the settlements thirtieth of fortieth anniversary only to become of the grave stone decades later when the last batch of coal was extracted from the local mine workers just laughed and here it was their way of raking over the coals for the life that always seemed too good to be true upon a work of art see pirate myth spitzbergen archipelago ok time now for the business update and of course the latest from the investment for. thanks a lot less welcome to the business update russia's next olympic venues gunning for
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gold in the race to secure foreign funds to turn to international investment formis underway in sochi with thirty five countries looking to put money into russia arches which would anchor is at this southern seaside resort joining me live now hello to you. ok now joining me live from the southern seaside resort of sochi. thanks for joining with me just so foreign investors are joining russian political commercial it for some high profile talks so what's been discussed so far. well government officials are using this opportunity to talk about what's most important for russia's accordingly and that is the ruble inflation covering the budget deficit we have heard the head of the russian central bank alex. talk about the forecast for inflation for the upcoming years and it seems there is a gradual reduction of the inflation rate to twenty twelve saying level of
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a maximum of six percent twenty five and a half percent or twenty fourteen five percent but companies are of course using this opportunity to talk about their investment plans to promote themselves as expanding companies developing companies lukoil for example has said it's going to continue increasing foreign assets both in the united states and in asia but also in african countries to develop production over there we have also interviewed earlier on the vice president of procter and gamble's eastern european division that's patricio lopez and she has said that the russian market is extremely important right now because they're seeing stagnant growth in the united states and in developing markets such as europe but bric countries are proving to be most efficient so production is going to be increased. in russia listen to what she had to say. we have three plants here in russia and one in the two in our region. on the gulf this plant now represents our second largest plant in the world the
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there are big plants that we're now producing over fifty percent of the products that we found in these plants and in addition to that about twenty five percent of the output is still outside of russia. we have also talked to the head of russian railways bloody you couldn't and not only has he given us an idea when the privatization of one of its major subsidiaries cargo one will happen he has said it will happen not only the end of this year but he has also given us a hint that the russian railways is very much interested in resuming operations in libya where it had to halt the construction of a major railway because of the political turbulence let's listen to what he had to say. of course we are working with the government is working with the states so for us the client what investment climate is of extreme importance
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so we hope everything will be good there and then we are ready to get in contact with the broad but it presented to us of the last sort of two years. in libya to continue this project. and that was an exclusive comment to business from the head of russian railways ltd couldn't but of course stay tuned for further updates we'll have more expert commentary more analysis more news coming from the sochi international investment for back to you there thank you very much to much for looking forward to hearing more from you from the forum and well from sense south korea will help russia turn its troubled caucasus region interest tourist hot spots russia's commerce newspaper says france the state's investment institution c d c will put ten billion euros towards developing new skill. it's it's creating a joint venture with russia in order to build eight hundred kilometers of slopes and accommodation for one hundred thousand people separately south korea may strike a one billion euro deal to construct electricity facilities the agreements are due
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to be signed off at these so what changed vestment. but a quick check on the markets oil is on the rise and easing concerns about the european debt tunnel with the disappointing jobs data from the u.s. to limiting the gains grand plan to close to one hundred of that two dollars per barrel and w t i use trading at eighty nine dollars stocks in asia are finishing that we composed of chartres falling solid gains on wall street on thursday the nikkei rose more than two percent on friday clearing some recent resistance levels as coronated action from central banks come to fears of european credit freeze and sent financial shares surging hence saying finished up one point seven percent. european stocks are higher for a full day i mean speculation poured in asia action point policymakers will be able to ease the region's debt crisis doesn't vessels look forward to a meeting of euro zone finest ministers and u.s. treasury secretary in poland. all these are the games on the fritz. and here in
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russia the markets are mixed the r.t.s. has slipped below six two hundred points the sun will be my sixes by a point four percent let's have a look at some of the individual share moves in the my six energy majors are among the main game is supported by stronger crude oil is up almost one percent and banking stocks are also on the rise with both the t.v.'s burbank up around point seven percent. ok you're up to date knol for more stories you can head on toll website r t dot com slash business center you can watch another business update in less than one us time well we'll bring you more from the tenth annual investment for him in sochi.
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it's all false now where a mosque a this is the un's most powerful body in stalemates have attentions of course go and so he has northern border crossings the breakaway regions ignoring calls twinks would seem set on seizing the checkpoints all day if necessary. as the british and french leave is hailed the democracy they bombed into may be a new day tanks and weapons continue to strengthen all by arab. i need to show. another russian spacecraft touches down bringing three international space station crew members bad call to one of the submissions in its history. of pricing thanks to visit but you don't need to fork out.


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