tv [untitled] September 16, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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the book. as the british and french leaders build a democracy they bombed into libya u.k. tax and weapons continued to strengthen all other arab hard line regimes. the new ones most powerful body is in stalemate over tensions a possible it served as northern border crossings for the breakaway region ignores calls for talks but seems set on seizing the checkpoints arms if necessary. the long planned south stream pipeline routes a step closer to reality because russia size lamarck deals with top european energy giants.
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it's just after two pm here in the russian capital this is r.t. our top story turkey's prime minister has arrived in tripoli as part of his arab world tour a day after the visit by the british and french leaders they observed a long strip cons as libya's new government continues to assert an increasing level of control over the country rebel fighters are reportedly advancing and one of get off these last bastions artie's maria financial is following developments. we're hearing from the national transitional council here in the capital tripoli that it's troops had apparently entered this week of six some five hundred kilometers east of tripoli but off his hometown and one of the colonels last strongholds the city was first attacked by nature airplanes on the second day of image operation in libya in march the anti see reports that so thousands of its fighters that have apparently advanced into the center of this. facing heavy
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resistance from cut off is elite troops apparently armed with a cheery and long range. rockets and also snipers the m.t.c. reports also at least four of its fighters i love going on to other reports have been killed during offensive seven others wounded and also there is information that forty could offer loyalists have been captured and see if there is to be reports that put off this information chief. would have been one of them but this information is very hard to verify fighting over not a cent of gadhafi supported by anybody some two hundred kilometers south of the capital tripoli continues while concerns rose over security safety of civilians trapped in the cities and the areas where the clashes between the rebels and cut off is law is still continuing meanwhile the u.n. is expected to ease sanctions against libya visiting the country on thursday british prime minister david cameron and french president nicolas sarkozy has said
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that they would introduce a u.n. security council draft resolution which expects to abolish international arms embargo and freeze libyan ass's that. had been frozen as part of sanctions against gadhafi also stop list mission u.n. mission here in the country leaders of the two nato countries but played a prominent a key role in the libyan revolution have also said that nato mission here on the ground will continue for as long as it is necessary to protect civilians here in libya meanwhile some are skeptical about the real aims of this mission as it's more loops right now like back in the rabble and helping them take control over the rest of the country rather than protecting civilians so it's now a little bit far from its initial go well after british premier david cameron's trip to libya to celebrate the end of gadhafi is forty two year rule artie's over but have looks at how u.k.
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arms dealers are still working flat out. selling weapons could be a moral minefield but not here this is the world's biggest arms fire and a massive earner for the british economy the government's putting its conscience aside as international delegates shop for tanks rocket launchers and missiles so long as business is being done here it doesn't seem to matter who's buying this is guest list includes countries like saudi arabia and bahrain both regimes that violently suppressed pro-democracy demonstrations earlier this year bahrain was accused of opening fire on its own armed citizens in february saudi arabia sent its national guard in to help driving armored vehicles made by be a systems the u.k.'s largest defense company its products on this play here would be at home in any bond film this tank can alter its temperature changes infrared
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appearance but like the british government the company can't change its spots it says there are countries it won't sell to but that doesn't include any here if a country's been invited by the british government here it's it's probably going to be on your list of countries who are it sell tickets in. make sense. these rights sells as a reason regimes like bahrain have repressed democratic processes. that water because. these protesters from the stop the arms fire coalition they're angry it's going ahead despite the recent crackdowns in libya and egypt both former customers of britain using their purchases against their own people we're paying the price there and of israeli and because we showed weapons dinny all the countries there and our experience in the arab spring i think it shortsighted it's bad for this country it doesn't make money it makes walls. and this year's shoppers. include
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fourteen countries branded all thora tarion by human rights groups and fact the government came clean on just one day before trade began by i'm sure they're very embarrassed because of the one of the good folk yuri oh david cameron is going to be walking around kerry a square proclaiming his belief in human rights and freedom and democracy and the next stop was to wage i get turned down he was travelling with eight zero obstructively executives look a whole purpose of the trip the street one of the big traits you're trying to make was working the streets the believed the government says it's tightening restrictions on who can buy weapons that could be used for oppression and he claims an invite here doesn't guarantee an export license to defense is big business for britain it generated twenty two billion pounds for the economy last year and the u.k.
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is now the second biggest weapons exporter in the world with money like that up for grabs turning customers away empty handed may prove difficult i've been it r t london tensions running high in northern cassava with the breakaway regions authorities planning to seize control of two border crossings later on friday nato troops have blocked off one of the checkpoints because of in-service use trucks to shut off the road to the other earlier service call for an emergency un security council meeting to try and prevent violence from escalating out his money at running a port meyer followed their discussion. the united nations security council gathered behind closed doors for hours to the debate and discuss the growing tensions in northern coasts of serbian foreign minister and his course of our counterpart flew into new york for this our emergency meeting that was called for by serbia and
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supported by russia not serbia is urging the council to prevent kosovo's ethnic albanian authorities from using force in northern kosovo that is an area populated by ethnic serbs now kosovo house and plans to send its custom officials and security forces to the border to to take it over violence between ethnic serbs and albanians are rocketed there in july that violence killed one person and wounded several others russian ambassador vitaly churkin says kosovar albanians have threatened to use force and bassett or churkin says that nato peacekeepers in the area he believes could be cooperating with the pair the plans of the kosovar albanians rather than preventing danger from breaking out we have serious concerns it will go to little this is going and the minister
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getting made it very clear that the. position of european union playing this maybe in a dialogue between the between the priest and great is maybe put in question. the sudden departure from the past of dialogue at the moment when it was beginning to show some promise promise in our view is completely unjustified and. that it injures. now it was back in two thousand and eight when kosovo unilaterally declared its independence with the support of the united states and western european countries this is something that was not approved by the security council and russia was one of the security council members that warns there would be escalating tensions to follow for years this is an international issue that russia serbia and many other countries believe needs to be i dress now more for violence escalates and further artie's than hearing why increasingly isolated serbs in
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kosovo will be able to rely on belgrade's help serve in canadian documentary maker bodies and other gorski says they're at the mercy of foreign puppets years because serbia will jeopardize its chances to join the e.u. it's very naive to think you legs and four are actually helping and pushing a government not you execute for just continue their policies. under the banner of protecting peace and stability but with the establishment of course of the customs that is checkpoints the budget of course always being filled up and the finances and economy in kosovo are controlled by international forces and international powers so she is merely fulfilling his tasks and it's very naive to think that his mentors will stop him i think the current government in serbia is unwilling to take any measures to protect the serbs other than to talk to international forces and hope that the in that international forces work will protect the serbs there.
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and we all know that serbia is main goal is to join the european union and they will not jeopardize that even if it means giving up on the hundred thousand serbs hundred thousand plus serbs who live currently in the province of course of the. european energy giants are gearing up to bring the long planned south stream gas pipeline a step closer to reality it will be another method of pumping russian gas directly into europe just like the north stream network which is already being a prime supply well let's get the details from artie's the meeting that didn't go because of russia or sort of a sort of dimitri well a lot of been said about the south stream project lately what's all the noise about . well the fact that gas prom has signed the shareholder agreement with the european partners companies from france italy and germany means that russia is indeed one step closer to realizing the transportation of gas from russia underneath the black sea to bulgaria and then eventually to austria and italy so
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directly to the european consumers and this one step gives it an extreme advantage over rival project in the bucco pipeline which is outlined to deliver gas from central asia to europe and this has spurred concerns from europe food european of dorothy's about the security of energy in europe and we have heard a comment from a good year european energy commissioner saying that this makes europe more reliant on russian gas and therefore this is jeopardizing energy security in europe on the other hand actually the fact that russia will be delivering gas starting from zero twenty fifteen directly to european consumers means that actually energy security will be fortified as energy deliveries will be secured and russia won't have to deal with transit countries like ukraine which have created problems with
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deliveries to europe in the past also we have heard an offer of from kiev victorian acknowledge the iranian president has said suggested having the south stream go not underneath the black sea but through ukraine's territory making it cheap by gas promise that there's no point in doing that because the whole goal of the pipeline is to bypass transit countries all right thanks very much for that update dimitri medvedev reporting from such a thank you. ok well for more perspective on the deal and what it could mean for europe's energy landscape let's start with julia these a senior editor analyst at the center for global energy studies mr lee thanks very much for being on the program all right we'll get that going to the purpose of the south stream a pipe right is to bypass tragic nations such as ukraine to avoid conflicts they've had in the past and essentially provide more energy security for the european union why is there so much opposition to it then. i don't think there's this particularly opposition sort of stream of it's clearly
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a project. so the same interests of both gazprom and consumers in europe to perhaps provide greater certainty. to russian oil supplies medical care or many in europe would prefer that. solution to be found that involves ukraine rural and sex and why i think there's a lot of misunderstanding about. i think she wants to play it rhymes with a proposed into the center piece in europe the reason that the. rich it's like. they do two things they provide new. strong new sources to europe and new routes and this is part of. the. energy diversification of. the u.s.
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following russia itself is following a persecution quite rightly i see huge to. asian markets as well as european ones but i think its biggest reason that europe is so supportive. in a way perhaps less supportive so scary but i versification it's been a big word of the following the toss of the it had way before radical saw the drug table fortunately i think we may have lost it. unfortunately for that we may try to bring him back and i certainly can hear you ourselves here of a great so we're talking we're talking about diversification it's been a big argument put forward by the european union which is essentially why they're backing advocate pipeline as you were mentioning earlier but we have to let's also look at the suppliers would be iraq egypt azerbaijan and it certainly not i very stable region how can such a supply route be considered a viable alternative so nobody is talking about an alternative nobody nobody in
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europe is suggesting that russia will not be a major and probably very major supplier of carrick's to europe now and in the future that's not in dispute. what europe is trying to do is to add. variety to its sources of supply it doesn't want to be can own fully on russian gas in exactly the same way that it doesn't want to control locally dependent on north african terrorists or indeed on north sea guess what it seeking to do is eastern point of balance between a variety of supply delivery. routes and nobody is disputing among or apparently russia will ease and will continue to be because the most important all right well it is understandable that the e.u. is concerned to be overreliant on one source of however given the importance of
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energy exports for russia isn't it highly unlikely that its haps would would be turned up anyway would it be like shooting itself in the foot. and i agree i mean i don't think. russia's long term interests to. disrupt their supplies to europe however i think you are quite shocked. seeing what happened at the beginning of two thousand and nine when a gas chromosome triply did exactly that for. short period of time. to spew good money you know may have a. problem caused by ukraine it may be put in a problem caused by castro it may have been a problem that both sides are liable to escalate i'm going difficulties for europe breakthrough and some of the members particularly those in the eastern europe found themselves suddenly through no fault of their own no dispute or problem. in
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a very cold period of the winter and that for certain several countries kerry has a very nasty shock all right just very briefly now it's worth noting that ukraine's just offer to the south stream projects little its territory why now why what's so you've got to lose. well i think what ukraine wants to secure continued transition of that sort of an important source of revenue for ukraine. is quite understandably i think very concerned do it's seen major pipelines being built passing it both to the north and to the so. it leaves ukraine in a very difficult position i think right well thanks very much for your thoughts there is really only senior energy analyst at the center for global energy studies thanks very much. anti missile shield plan for europe has picked up the pace over the last few days
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a string of agreements with turkey romania and poland so the remaining major obstacles of the troubled project cleared a war side washington also gave a chance statement announcing which parts of nato shield would be deployed in poland by twenty eight i did get an education has the specifics but police techniques are the best agreement signed between the u.s. and poland in two thousand and eight anything mending protocol of two thousand and ten has come into force in visions that a climate of a lead to a system in poland and it's part of america's rebound planned. building missile shield in europe with elements of it deployed in different countries in eastern europe just earlier this week an agreement was signed between romania and the us romania to will host a very good land basis and three interceptors on wednesday turkey and the us signed a similar agreement but that was about deployment of an early warning radar in korea keep the shield will be unfolding fairly close to russian borders needless to say there's always been an ear attending the relations between washington and
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moscow there were a few words on missile defense has been going on for quite some time now with washington saying we need powerful missile interceptors against a possible attack from some dangerous they usually namely ran in north korea and moscow saying why we need interceptors for weapons at those ropes they still watch it and russia views america's missile defense plans as an attempt to breach that very precious parity principle that was said by the start treaty russians have been quite persistent for years you know saying it's ok it is not against us it's the together in this believe missile shield in europe together and the response they get is always a no you know they say it is they say we will cooperate but not on equal terms and that russians say then give us legally binding guarantees that the defense is the will not be used against us now imagine a community where you want for nothing life is easy and work is plenty well one such place as it exists in a remote russian outpost but not anymore it's not even a place with it russia's borders it's actually
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a region archipelago called spitsbergen and it wants embody the soviet dream a system without money but where everyone's needs were provided for we'll have a series for special reports for it to avoid the visited what was meant to be communism example of a bright future. it's one of the busiest sea gull colonies in the arctic. restless there's the northern sun the brits called the island insurgent food for their young noisy and disorderly like old rich families the seagulls are the last reminder of the one family atmosphere that once permeated the arctic island secondly eighty sounds coming from this building were just as being as they are today only instead of siegel cries there are children streaks and laughter this apartment block was built specifically to house valleys and while adults were out working here to their own devices running down hallways and banging doors local
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residents usually referred to this building as the crazy house across the street was a female dormitory nicknamed carious given russian women's ondine infatuation with everything french it further away was a male dormitory also known as london to police at least for the gentle manners of its inhabitants during its vast here is the settlement house to more than a thousand people today it's a ghost town with a spirit of communism is lurking in there vanden buildings. this settlement was called fire a myth because of the cube like mountains surrounding it thirty years ago it had been higher living standards soviet people could dream of salaries two to three times higher than in the mainland free food around why bring social alive in many ways it was a task model for the brighter future that people were trying to build the roads northernmost line in
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a sealed peering into the nearby glacier. most of the karmas residents worked at a coal mine it was never very profitable it meant clean for the sake of keeping the soviet presence would be strategically placed archipelago but only an outpost this westernmost soviet settlement was also an ideological show window for the capitalist rivals and new resources for spirit to cut a dash a concert hall a library a rock band and even these hostiles olympic paul people here are reliving the true dream have their best hopes and almost overnight when the soviet union fell apart all of a sudden people of parliament realized the perfect life was just that a few political pirate based on faulty economy and shaky ideology in a few years the former paradise turned into a desperate hole people who are used to eating caviar for breakfast have to turn to hunting to put food on the table. one after another the families packed and laughed
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at the engine and car and made in all its grandstanding glory this pillar was erected here with march palm on the settlements thirty of her fortieth anniversary only to become a grave stone decades later when the last batch of coal was extracted from the local wine workers just laughed and here it was their way of raping over the coals for the lives that always do you good to be true that's not what are the pirate spitzbergen archipelago well let's get more now on the deals being struck in sochi in artie's business. as writers of things russia's next olympic venues gunning for gold in the race to secure foreign funds the thames international investment form is underway in sochi with thirty five countries looking to put money into russia arches metrodome. in
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seaside resort during the live. we treat thanks for joining us so the centerpiece deal of the forum has been struck . absolutely right so we have seen the signing of one of the most important deals that this forum that's the shareholder agreement between gazprom was just getting a fifty percent plus one share stake in the south stream pipeline we are talking about south stream of course and its european partners that any of these any is getting twenty percent in the in the project fifteen percent will go to germany which are small and of france's so the contract has been inked therefore this fifteen and a half billion euro project is one step closer to coming to reality we are expecting the first supplies of gas at the end of twenty fifteen according to the
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president of gazprom alexei miller work has already started so therefore russia will soon start well not soon of course and around three to four years start delivering gas directly to european consumers not only through the north stream pipeline but also from salisbury underneath the black sea to bulgaria and then to branches to austria and. bypassing transit countries of course sense that retreat to put in has also been speaking what has he had to say. yes prime minister the prime minister is talking about the macroeconomic situation in russia and his comments are being rather upbeat at the moment he has said that russia's economy thing will go back to pre-crisis level next year and twenty twelve but over the next three years russia will see an average growth of its gross domestic product. percent and that inflation this year will be no a lot higher than seven percent for the for the coming years and twenty five
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according to the president of the central bank. is going to be around a six and a half percent then another half a percentage point lower in twenty thirty and around five percent in twenty fourteen also when it comes to the budget deficit which is of course a big concern for economists right now it in russia. but in a position says that it is most likely to be balanced by the end of this year that . expenditures will meet. profits and that next year it will be around one and a half percent but if the my for economic situation changes the external situation such as world prices then we might actually see a balanced budget next year this is what has been said so far but of course in our further bulletins we will bring you more on what's going on more expert opinions more guests so do join me. health cause treat trail looking forward to hearing from you three hundred acres thank you very much for this update and in other news the latest turmoil in the stock market sports concerns over russia's privatization
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plans the sale of seven point six percent park expected to happen this year is in the balance central banks and it soon says it will all depend on the markets. we're currently waiting for a window of opportunity as recommended by off financial consultants the situation is very flexible and global markets have recovered some positive indications but what's most important for us these are stable trend so privatization is possible this year if the situation is right. which i have time for now but just stay with us for another business update in less than one last time. the be.
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