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tv   [untitled]    September 16, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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three stooges three. we've learned to live video for your media drug free radio gondar cheap dot com. do you guys know that peanut states actually decided to sell weapons to taiwan recently. and i haven't heard that. don't really keep up with politics now and. well very end of it the average american has very little idea how the us and taiwan are related but the us president sure does this as president obama is forced to play with fire walking the tightrope of true friendships between china and taiwan. that's what president reagan did ninety nine he wouldn't want to start out well if you are john sears and other people are scared but how do you tell someone like i'm going to general shit like that far even rumsfeld lost his job so
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is it time for history to repeat itself while president obama fights to higher with his new jobs plan many are saying what the president needs to do is fire this during a time when he's fund raising thirty six thousand dollar a plate while many can't even put food on the table. about hyperinflation doubling down on the taxpayer and your greed. well if someone's excited about the economy we sat down and talked with free money with mathew lesko and author info proclaimed a federal grant research. well while free money isn't as easy to come by for some prison contractors have found a way to make big bucks i cash in on undocumented immigrants ahead here how one man's american dream was crushed after his residency was brutal.
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it's friday september sixteenth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our t.v. well the white house has given the green light to the sale of an arms package to taiwan a sale that is leaving a lot of world leaders on shaky ground here's the deal taiwan says its fleet is aging and they were hoping that the deal would include new advanced f. sixteen jets from the u.s. but the u.s. which has provided weapons to taiwan since world war two when is actually obligated to help based on the one nine hundred seventy nine law will instead sell less advanced older jets to taipei the reason china who really doesn't want the u.s. to get involved in the first place but especially with the sale of advanced weapons now in some ways you could look at this like a crazy sibling rivalry china and taiwan two siblings that really don't get along very well china in fact still claims that taiwan is its province and apparently has
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fifteen hundred missiles targeting i want all the u.s. and china also family these days especially when you consider how much of u.s. debt is held by china so we are on here a sticky situation and it shows that based on the u.s. backing down in some ways china is still very much the older stronger brother the u.s. reaction as a result is clearly important in all dealings it does with taiwan but how much exactly does the average american really know about taiwan all artes adriano settle to the streets of washington to find out. i went out on the streets of washington d.c. armed with a camera mike and a man to ask americans a simple question. was silent and why is it so important to the u.s. where is taiwan do you guys know the. and that's where you're. i don't know what it is joining us this morning to talk here. sir did
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you guys know that. states decided to sell i'm silent i haven't read that i don't know i haven't heard you know i don't know i didn't i don't know traditionally the u.s. is sort of intervened on behalf of taiwan. who are against china china i would assume so they're closest to protection from attack from china probably against communist china if i'm not mistaken i was in the impression that taiwan was . occupied by the british a relationship with taiwan is probably just as important as our relationship isn't china but you have it it is americans kind of know where it is but why it's such a big issue reporting from washington general said oh r.t. charla things the average american isn't too certain about this complex nature of those relationships between china being u.s.
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and taiwan but earlier i talked to someone who has spent years looking into these tensions wayne madsen as an investigative journalist and so no one's been going on between the u.s. and china and how it's a little bit more than just business this is personal. this is geopolitics actually was what good is going on here time want and china have had actually had pretty good relations considering the fact that they claim each other's territory for their for their own and nationalists on taiwan and communism beijing through a process called the cross streets negotiations however china looks at the united states interference as something that they don't want to deal with they have no problem dealing with the government in taiwan especially the current president who is a big advocate of this cross trade dialogue increasing trade between taiwan and china for example but whatever happens out of his fighter deal china will get four point two billion dollars in military aid from the united states maybe not the advance of
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sixteen's maybe in a package to update their current fighters their current f. sixteen but put this in context with hillary clinton were rattling sabers about the south china sea disputed islands they're disputed between five different countries china philippines vietnam brunei and malaysia. in addition to taiwan she she has been rattling sabers against china so it looks like there's still some old free china cold warriors in the obama administration parading around as democrats when in fact they look like they're closer to the old richard nixon of the one nine hundred fifty s. there were quite a few forces that rain pushing for the sail for that sail of the newer more advanced as sixteen and that included the lawmakers who supported a bill basically to reaffirm that close relationship between the u.s. and taiwan i want to be something that's the right republican congressman eliot
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ileana let ruslan said yesterday in a statement she said quote in order to protect u.s. national security interests in the pacific we must ensure that taiwan has the capability to defend itself from an attack on a core our core corps and by me. line china the taiwan relations act requires this it is deeply concerning that the current administration's commitment to the very foundation of the t.r.a. seems to be faltering most glaringly through its continued refusal to sell taiwan the next generation of sixteen or g.'s or some marines. other lawmakers including texas senator john cornyn also add you know this would have brought us jobs which we desperately need since these newer threats are made by lockheed martin cock about kind of the truth behind the politics here between these lawmakers getting involved and wanting the u.s. to sort of tip that scale and i mean the u.s. and china well with ross let me and we have actually someone stuck in time she is
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basically she doesn't want to have any dialogue with. cuba because she's a basically cuban from south florida so she's against any initiatives with the castro government and it looks like her policy to be china is going back to the old debate between nixon and kennedy in one thousand and sixty whether the u.s. will protect queen moyen matsu these people like cornyn and and ross let and robert menendez who's a democrat from new jersey i should add he's a member of that same cuba coalition that ileana ros leighton is a member of these are cold warriors but then again they're also the hold into the military industrial complex they want these french jobs been named as a new jersey court in taxes and where as a ross lightnin she is she is the chairman the house for her relations committee but she if you want to republican administration after obama you're find people like ross layton and in that administration these are people who are playing brinkmanship with china they like to do with russia the cold warriors in the twenty
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first century china has been warning the u.s. for quite some time about this this deal which has been in the works for a couple years now i know one official chinese newspaper even said quote you know warned about the mad men on capitol hill pushing the f. sixteen sale we're playing with fire. and could pay a disastrous price and what kind of disaster a surprise do you think they were threatening well they could increase their military presence as they already are in the south china sea. there's also the. dispute over some islands between shipping in and china this could ratchet up tensions on the korean peninsula okinawa taiwan all the way down to the south china sea but i think there are some elements in both the obama administration the republican party that would like to see that showdown with china which actually owns our debt and i think that that's the key here now is investigative journalist and r.t. contributor wayne madsen. i. know
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the united nations general assembly is underway and our team will be in new york city covering all the events live next week but before we make our way to the big apple we want to give you some insight into what you n.g.a. will be covering during its sixty six session one of the biggest talking points this year of course is expected to be the palestinian bid for statehood well today palestinian president mahmoud abbas officially set a date for when he will submit his formal request in a televised speech i was announced he will head to the security council right after his u.n. g.a. speech hoping to receive full membership into the council now many are predicting this could be a diplomatic showdown but as r.t. correspondent hollis there reports many israeli settlers couldn't care less about the situation. has been so many decisions to clear them to you and.
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that have absolutely no meaning and are baseless un and wanted nobody's home but palestinians say they'll be the ones now going home and like it or not niger and other israeli settlers will soon find themselves citizens of palestine once the un recognizes palestine within these borders now there's no argument this is occupation international law apply for months now the israeli army has been fine tuning its response to. the lot a lot over quicker in order to have been. training a lot of reserve soldiers invested one hundred million dollars in the separation the army is also training settlers in self-defense the working assumption of israeli defense establishment is their concept ten but they will be confrontations between israelis and palestinians they fear that they will be notchers protests and in some cases even violence but it's an assumption and many would say overreaction
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that threatens to inflame the situation on the ground israel has been doing everything it cared to be to devise this idea of a ball and it's not only the palestinians it's shortchanging this year. through spreading also among their own population if it is not justified because at the end of the day what the policy of are doing with the political step in trying to achieve a major theme of the through politics and they think this is far better. than try to achieve an addict and nothing terror or a war and the irony is that the army might just be focusing its resources on the wrong population you think are we going to leave the country really the biggest danger though is that as these we defense forces prepare for conflict people on both sides of the border begin to expect one policy or. r t. well we end this week
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like we have so many weeks this year with a sense that things in this economy have not gotten much better now for many it's simply another day without a job but president obama is hoping to fix that and he's traveling the country to sell his american jobs act hoping to get people on board and also hoping congress well you know that it will pass this bill well it would certainly not be the first time the government has gotten involved to try to help and there's one man who wants to make sure you're aware of every opportunity the government is giving away money you may even recognize him take a look. i meant you. billion dollars you think you said just. right to make a little more six hundred dollars something a sub prime crisis. please. turn on your. well that man is nothing less going bestselling author
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and entrepreneur now just some simply as the question mark and guess what he joins me here in studio to talk more about this ok i got to ask you first how many of these suits do you have not you but we've got your colorado yeah we have this teen or more of these there are these things. and i know you also keep a blog you write about the economy i know you've written recently about the american jobs act and i want to start with something that you kind of talked about in a recent one in which you said that people need to get in line because the american jobs act could give them as much as three thousand dollars right that it's all the benefits of course through and there's so much out there know how to help you and the problem is you know people you know learn their information about the governor from hucksters like me you know who are probably trying to sell you something you know like right now if your credit card debt you don't don't turn to somebody you
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see on t.v. going to help you like that because that's going to cost you money the government right now has thousands of offices where they're giving grants to professionals to help you get out of that credit card and they're out there to sell you anything they're just to help you but they don't ever they're not allowed to advertise their money to everybody that's right all these programs that are really great i think to solve people's problems you don't have any money to run or some of the best programs that people i mean we have one right there or getting a job now you talk about jobs other you know when you get up at eight thousand dollars to train for a new career so now if you're in a career going nowhere maybe on wall street and you want to get massage therapy yourself they. you know there's a program at eight thousand dollars through that and that's offices at the local government you know so people don't know really work a call now whether you're a republican or a democrat here in washington everyone is talking about jobs and the economy obama of course gave that famous speech last week where he urged people at congress eighteen times pass this bill republicans were quiet about it but we're starting to
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feel the kick back i want to play something that speaker of the house john boehner said just yesterday. so the president's cabinet they're not doing their jobs if they're not constantly focused on removing impediments to job creation. and if they're not focused on that there will be part. john boehner calling for people to be fired that aren't focusing on moving impediments what do you make of all that. he believes that you know having a tax code creates jobs i mean i was small business i want that mean but i don't want a tax cut you know i mean we need people out there doing things and all of us talking about is just short term anyway you know and why worry about the next year or two what we have to worry about his the next twenty ten years you know and that to me is where the investing in the long term whether it's your own education you know or in technology that's going to make us more productive or things like that that's
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what we should put a great guy i sort of scholarship fund called i don't need my give up money scholarship fund because you know when you're like sixty thousand millionaires getting so security like two thousand dollars a month. and a kid could go to college for like a thousand bucks you go to college and there are so you can go to college absolutely and you have a plan ali if you go to community college although that's not the only about the through issue here for you know thousand fifteen hundred bucks or so that's like free lunches downtown here in washington and you know speaking of that it is of course the time when the president needs to start campaigning and it was also last night that he had a big fundraiser in georgetown i believe it was thirty six thousand dollars a plate talk a little bit about how you kind of see this contrast between these types of fundraisers that while the economy is not doing so well i mean to me it's a waste of resources i mean what we have to do in the sky to take the resources we have and start planning for our future you know yelling at each other and throwing
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money at our ideological preferences you know it is just a waste the effort and it's not probably going to study we're you know we have to worry about what we're going to be doing ten years from now or not next thursday that's the real planning we have to do in this country really really interesting. you know it everyone sort of wants to give the president advice whether it's speaker of the house painter or media pundits i want to play one other thing we have this sound bite from james carville. we lost all the seats in the u.k. ninety four a lot of us got sark did have a consulting contract with the d.n.c. people he made changes that's what happened that's what president reagan did nine hundred eighty when it would start out well he fired john sears and other people in this campaign i want you cast out like that how many generals did like that far rumsfeld lost his job with the republicans far newt gingrich was saying for not going well outside of the coach that that you know there's a good post or he got to do something you gotta change direction here it just looks
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like he is saying people are doing the same thing over and over again and work and all right so boehner says obama you know should fire people james carville says obama said have you i mean is that the case that does that and this race need to simply change the roster here i mean you seem not to pass up in this town long enough you know where they come in after two years of big changes and we're still not going anywhere i mean it's something more systemic them that it may help on the edges but how do we get there on a i mean to do the critical issues in this country like education then or if we don't do it because we're competing or we're not you know maryland competing with people new jersey we're kids in maryland competing with people all over the world and they're studying harder than we are you know more educated than we are that's what we have to do in this country. just final question for you i want to get your take on i mean your the the way you do things here i mean you have your question
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marks raising konstam is this working are you getting attention or people coming up to you and asking what do you mean i can get money from the government through different questions in my mind or the course i always wanted my wife. or the kid you know didn't have the courage to go with you know in my fifty's you know and this is me inside you know and so a lot of people think i'm an idiot and that's fine. but the people like that i know i'm going to like them because this is what i. mean i think you're going to get lot of people very excited that you're coming into the studio today author entrepreneur matthew lesko thank you so much for your take on all of us. well free money doesn't come so easily for thousands of people right now but one industry that does seem to be raking in the big bucks is the prison industrial complex and it's cashing in on undocumented immigrants are to correspondent ramon go into shows us how we've got our three dogs. new house and in college he does.
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great company so. we were not wrong newlyweds hope and remove stuck eem were living the american dream a dream quickly shattered by immigration agents at their knowledge reach us residency was suddenly revoked because of the four year old drug conviction and therefore asian standing had better and it just felt like a nightmare nasri an immigrant from singapore was hauled off to the south texas detention center run by geo group the second largest prison contractor in america geale along with corrections corporation of america or c.c.a. have contracts with immigrations and customs enforcement together their annual revenue is three billion dollars both gio and c.c.a. which operates this facility in san diego have repeatedly been accused of lobbying for tougher immigration policies in order to keep their cells full were given to
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corporations their hijacking our legislators their hijacking our government and they're pushing for their own particular agenda to make money private prisons are making millions off of the crackdown on undocumented immigrants they basically manage every aspect of it detainees life just like a government prison except that contractors are doing it for a profit c.c.a. and geo are not the only private companies making a killing out of our border security infrastructure wells fargo is reported to have millions and shares in private prisons security contractor for g.s. boasts about their ability to transport hundreds of thousands of detainees every year people like. an undocumented nursery worker who himself has been detained several times the thing that is not in the economy and times is with and they
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thought i was a smuggler. but as oscars fly. success in settling in america shows the billions of dollars being spent on private contractors to build the border wall and on high tech monitoring equipment have not stopped the flow at all the homeland security mentality for lobbyists are really. paving the way for many more contracts for private companies to have with us that are meant to ensure that there is always is fuelling system of building more walls those multi-million dollar contracts comic tax spirit expense of course private prisons receipt up to two hundred dollars a day pretty teeny a record three hundred ninety thousand immigrant detainees passed through the system just in two thousand and ten but what they want is to increase profits will be cut medical care they cut services they cut be higher on qualified personnel and what that happens is that that's translated into abuses systematic systematic abuse
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throughout the country on those three trains there'd been reports of abuse and even death separate run immigration priscilla these is a system which is only expected to expand as long as profits dictate the immigration debate in los angeles remodel indo r t and we are coming up now on an election year and immigration policy will no doubt be an issue that is debated and discussed but you know whenever this comes up there is a major component that is always missing and that is this notion that detaining people keeping people locked up is actually a successful business prisoners are profitable so the more of them there are the more money the private prison industry brings them earlier i spoke to one who is a good here is the president of almost any of those usa about this connection between the private prison industry and the tightening of immigration laws across the country. well i think you're absolutely right the private
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prison system he is very interested in has been from the beginning about coughing loss rate you patients. immigrants because they understood very early on that this was a very big business. we have a situation where essentially what we have now is a whole web video involves the private prison system on the one hand and conservative politicians on the other working hand in hand through professional lobbyists to make sure that the congress he keeps allocating money so the private prison system continues to expand and one thing that we've noted over the last thirty years is that in every single state where
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politicians of the state level have to sign have been defined congressional law. federal laws as me in terms of implementing immigration law you know you've seen an expansion of the private prison system in those countries with the net result that not only have the prison system expanded. but immigrants are now being imprisoned for longer and longer periods of time because the longer they stay in prison the more money those private contractors get from the federal government it seems to me almost similar to what we now know about you know the banking industry yet another industry in which the people who stand to profit as the same ones making the rules and i want to talk specifically about one of the most glaring examples of this that is of course arizona's immigration law has a ten thousand eight where police. officers were ordered to lock up anyone they
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stopped whether it be for a traffic violation or whatever reason who could not show proof that they were citizens i know two of governor jan brewer's top advisers are former prison lobbyists so the connections are aplenty what about those who constantly say you know this is in the name of safety we need stricter laws to keep our you know to keep the united states safer what do you have to say to those people. well yes of course you need to keep the united states safe but when you're dealing with immigrants what you have to understand is that by and large it is not that dangerous felon that's getting in the pain and locked up for long periods of time essentially what you are hardworking law abiding taxpaying immigrants who happen to violate it administratively regulation who are now confronting very tough immigration laws at the state and federal level as
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a result the which. they're being penalized for being in the country without documents and they get caught up in these growing private prison industry which is that direct result of all these racist policies that we have seen in acting states across the country and so you know the american public is nor more safe than he was before these draconian immigration regulations and the prison system explosion that we've seen i'd like to add to that that another problem that we have that doesn't do anything increase the safety of the american public when we see this explosion in the lack you know in the locking up or undocumented immigrants is that it is not just a private business in the prison system that's benefiting greatly from these incredible abuse documented immigrants it's also states
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counties and cities and towns across america that because of budgetary pressures are now working hand in hand. with immigration authorities who raced in and incarcerate undocumented immigrants because they also benefit. from the federal government and once again that was one who's a grittier is president of almost any of those usa and that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered for the r.t. dot com slash usa check out our youtube page at youtube dot com slash r t america you can also follow me on twitter i'm at frowsy thanks for watching i'm christine present elf.


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