tv [untitled] September 19, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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louis. middle class families should pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires well mr president that may be easier said than done considering the us has one of the largest income inequality gaps for developed nations in the world so as the president unveiled his debt reduction plan the budget battle rages on for some politicians now declaring class a warfare. and it's not just politicians sounding the drums of war the american people are fed up as well as they get to the big apple where main street is trying to occupy wall street plus the use of social media in this case seem to be more chatter than action hardware square the financial district was not there.
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and it's a meeting of the mind taking place right now in new york city the sixty sixth session of the united nations general assembly the big question will the organization accepts the palestinian bid for statehood we'll explore some of the struggles facing those living in the prospect. it's monday september nineteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you're watching our team well start off with a close look at the economy president obama laid out a plan today that if passed could save the country more than three trillion dollars over the next decade this is on top of the one trillion and spending cuts that the president signed into law last month closed that feeling to be among the ideas some cuts to medicare and medicaid changes to the entire tax code and letting the bush
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era tax cuts expire president obama today making the case once again that the need to make change in order for there to be change there needs to be shared responsibility. middle class families should pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires it is wrong that in the united states of america a teacher or a nurse or a construction worker who earns fifty thousand dollars should pay higher tax rates than somebody pulling in fifty million dollars and as expected there has been a strong reaction from lawmakers on the right's coming out to defend the millionaires they also call the job creators and to criticize the president's plan across the board here is congressman paul ryan what it does is it adds further instability to our system more uncertainty and it punishes job creation and those people who create jobs class warfare chris may make for really good politics but it
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makes a rotten economics well president obama responded to that by thing is not class war warfare it's now well for the war of the words has and numbers has already started and while the spin is spun we want to take a different look and put this in some perspective earlier i spoke to lou rockwell the chairman of the niece's institute he gave me his thoughts on the president's plan. those just more obama loney i mean first of all these sickos so called cuts by the one signed last month are the ones he's proposing are not cuts at all so they're rather their alleged cuts in the rate of increase which is the way they when they were in washington when they talk about a cut that's what they mean but even that is not in his control he's talking about over the next ten years or who's going to be president ten years from now it's not going to be obama unless there's a coup so in that across the however the tax increase is a real biting hard and immediately would come into effect another way the site is talking about the buffett rule in this sort of thing these things are not going to
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hurt the buffett or soros or blankfein or jamie dimon or any of the other billionaires and oligarchy in the u.s. they're aimed at as you mention at the young entrepreneur as i mean a business people starting out and the oligarchy like the government don't like these people they don't like new people coming up and moving up in the social hierarchy as well as in the economy they like to crush them so they're going to have more taxes on the other job creators the wealth creators in fact taxes are wealth destruction so anybody who proposes more taxes seeks to make us poorer as a group however the elites will make a lot more money out of this the government's going to do for on other government job holders that obama's wanting us to weep over or make twice as much by the way as the average american taxpayer cops firemen teachers and so forth government construction workers make twice or more than twice what the average guy makes so
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how about talking about that kind of class where warfare actually wants to help the ruling class and stick it to the productive crouse well certainly lou there are some teachers in construction workers that make six figure salaries but i would argue that the majority of them you know are right there in you know the fifty's and sixty's and for a family of four for a lot of people that's barely scraping by that but this isn't necessarily you know about dividing these people on. it's the fact that a president obama has said that there needs to be some sort of establishment so that people who do make fifty million dollars are getting are not getting away any longer with paying zero dollars in taxes i mean wouldn't you agree that it's because of a lot of the things that in this system in this country that those people are able to make the kind of wealth that they're making. well you know i don't want to shock anybody but the rich run the system and the notion that somehow you know a bomb is out for the poor remember who were his big donors the last time he ran
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for president goldman sachs j.p. morgan bank of america citi bank he did or did the president in this country you're going to need big donors you know it doesn't matter where they come from you're going to need big donors and they're going to most likely be from large corporations and so is he working is against those people or is it working against the interests of those of the people those people don't like i would argue the latter and that he wants to further make the system rigid make social mobility even more difficult and he wants to enhance the government and hence the government's friends in this corporate state this government big government big corporation rule that's he wants to increase that at the expense of the rest of us and it's a very vicious program he's proposing but how is he doing now by saying that the that the wealthiest in this country need to take more taxes not less and that the people who make under two hundred fifty thousand shouldn't have to pay more taxes i mean you know we actually saying that the u.s. government the biggest richest most powerful government in the history of the world
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the average government employee you've got making twice what the average citizen makes we're supposed to think they don't have enough money they got too much money for too much money so the idea that anybody's taxes should be increased and let's remember taxes are the government puts a gun to your head and says hand over your wallet who are suddenly going to jail now i don't think that's a good sort of conduct in society i think we don't need more of it well if the government didn't do that it's hard to imagine anyone that would willingly give you know the spare money that they had with us people would go and buy their second and third yun let's talk about inequality in this country second third hamburger yes or that i'll talk about any quality in this country and some figures that sort of knock out part of the point that i think the president was trying to make today i diagrammed that illustrates sort of in your face inequality in america. so this takes data from the last thirty years and demonstrates that those actually growing their wealth are the top one hundredth of one percent to make an average of twenty
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seven million dollars that's a household the average income at the bottom there that's ninety percent of us that average salary is thirty one thousand two hundred forty four dollars i want to get your take lou is this a result of this enormous gap between the wealthiest and the rest of everyone else is this a result of the tax code is it political policy i mean who is to blame for this growing gap and how do we change course you know i would argue the the main culprit is the reserve indeed ever since the nixon closed the go into back and the early one nine hundred seventy s. that has cut off the final tie from between the dollar in the goods and gold and the fed could print whatever it wanted the average american working families income in real terms after taxes after inflation has stagnated has not gone up and indeed the latest census figures show that the median american families income in this last ten years is down seven point two percent we're getting poorer and it's absolutely true that government connected rich are getting richer so what do we do
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about that do we punish businessmen who are creating jobs and creating wealth and making things better or do we take some of the stolen goods away from the people in washington away from the oligarchy away from the ruling class i think that's what we have to concentrate on not let the guys at the top which you know but who are gone is working for again soros and buffet and these kinds of guys not let them try to focus our attention on hating the guts of a guy who owns a bunch of the subway sandwich shops you know the problem is the solution it's the bankers and all the people who've got rich wall street a military industrial complex big pharma it's these kinds of arms of the corporate state that are getting rich far too rich and you know they need to be cut back come back cut back government that's what we need to do and the idea that in the depression which is what we're. not a recession we're in the second great depression of america the idea that we should take more money out of the private productive sector and give it to those monsters and creeps and cry on to washington to do waste and damage with them build more
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marble palaces themselves what an outrage well that's the system though that we have in this country and that president lives and works in washington and i think that you'd probably agree that regardless of what party whether it's president obama george w. bush or s. or you know the future president whether it's rick perry or michele bachmann or whatever and i think they would all be working for the same sort of powers that you're talking about but let me ask you this and let's look at this from a global perspective i mean there are quite a few countries and having some financial hardships especially across europe and when in your mind that's doing it right that the u.s. should learn from. lebanon do levanon during the boom in fact for that matter canada did it much more right than the u.s. they didn't go crazy during the boom as the europe and the united states didn't however this is entirely a bank problem which is what they're talking about in europe that's what they talk about your bailing out the banks that's why the people of greece are being squeezed people western europe are being squeezed enron and so forth to bail out their banks
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that's something sick and wrong about the system where the big banks are able to stick it to everybody else in society we need to let the banks go bankrupt that's what it should have happened here in the beginning of the financial crisis then you can rebuild but assets go to those who can make better use of them and you don't keep putting harder people's money into these losing enterprises in fact these disastrous anti economic enterprises these big fractional reserve banks that are partners of the government so we need to let him go bankrupt no more no more tax in the germans for the for the banks that hold the greek debt and that sort of right lets them that is dead ends in disaster in fact we're headed for is a global inclusion of the sort of the john maynard keynes dreamed of in the one nine hundred thirty s. and it could just do her renders damage i mean. we're all due to add vastly increasing prices in the nineteen seventies or worse on top of the other pressure as more iraq would point to the one great thing about the the great depression
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before was prices were falling so your money got more and more we're going to turn that around the reverse in a depression people losing their jobs people losing their savings and every prized zooming up thanks to these banks thanks big government but we desperately need a change i might add are you talking about the candidates run or of course talks a different one than the other all right only an interesting perspective i think a lot of people might agree with you that looking back perhaps the banks should have been allowed to go bankrupt lots of talk about sadly we're out of time lou rockwell chairman of the louvre and funny says institute thanks so much. all this past weekend in new york city a crowd that gathered in the financial district to protest against wall street greed and lack of accountability if you're on twitter this weekend you may have thought it would be the beginning of america's own arab spring but retreating the ideas did not actually translate into masses of people turning out however argued on a stuffy a charter was at the rally and bring us
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a surprise. think that. america's attempt to follow the example of the arab spring the banks fear is fraud continues now with bonuses obscene america america how wall street on social media had been abuzz with this planned occupation of wall street for months. up to twenty thousand people were supposed to fill out onto the streets of the big apple financial district. but not more than a thousand of the most fed up americans showed up on my sleeping bag but will not bring it. down then flew in from out of state to camp out here day and night he has a simple message for the u.s. president is just backed out of everything he can promise in the campaign so that's
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like you going to look like spent. mostly wall street greed and corruption and the lack of accountability that follows brought these americans to the brink this is just the beginning of the occupy wall street crowd say they're going to be here until their demands are heard inside the offices of the wall street rape are over forty six million people are living in poverty in the us but forty million unemployed much of this triggered by the shameless gambling of wall street c.e.o. this very spot bought three by about noon a crime has been perpetrated by wall street bankers. who have guarding people's money. back related with reckless abandon and incompetent. and they put the with the winds of the american dream to get the proper rate is
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better pay no tax i pay more tax than. i put a lot of years a lot of money working very hard to get a great degree of where the scale at right now ultimately they're more powerful than any of your birds ever been we're paid to go to an army of teachers. and peter mccall. members of the morning new yorkers that as youth unemployment skyrockets riots could be around the corner what these people bring him to everyday people want to be about the politics of the desert to be a valid politics and i don't think you should have to be a billionaire like michael bloomberg to be available to. you know michael bloomberg is a beautiful example of what's wrong with the country but for demonstrations like this one to become a little serious and not just a fringe group more americans will need to join the crowd i spec the bar you make it a little with a lot. more so than your question so you people it's like again the information gets out controlled by the mainstream media the
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corporate media the political and financial elites push americans into wanting their own arab spring or will be signaled before the crowds well out of control that. the church in a party. and there's a little while ago i was able to speak to one of the people in attendance about protests david de gras he is a journalist and also the author of the book the road through twenty trials revolution or world war three now to start our conversation i asked him to give me a take on the rally and the fact that it was reportedly smaller than it was last year here's what he had to say. well first of all i was down there and i was really impressed by the turnout in the passion people had down here i think what we have to understand piers in the united states the u.s. mainstream media is probably the most efficient weapon of repression has ever been prized so you know when it's cheap party has
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a protest that is not ok if the size of the fossils is all over it you know c.n.n. and all the major media companies have to have people there and they're essentially pushing for those protests but in a situation like this when media companies u.s. media companies are primarily you know major shareholders ok you know wall street banks and the shareholders of the mainstream media they don't support the protests so you don't really hear about it on u.s. television and unfortunately the old ones are already of american public that's willing at the news and information so i suppose another reason for that could be because i've covered some of these tea party protests as a lot of the people that attend dress in crazy costume then fey outlandish things and hold crazy thigh and on tell me a little bit about morrie more about your experience there over the weekend i mean it seems to me it was just regular people sort of al it raged out what's going on for three of the organization of it has been very essential oils you know there was
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a general assembly of people who held meetings before and it was all very democratic process you know people have political views across the political spectrum in their sensually its people or fighting back against their own personal financial repression so that kind of takes on many different ways and like i said you know a lot of americans are propagandized into unaware of the political realities people understand that the global banks that robbed the country they don't have a more in-depth understanding. and you know certainly the united states is not the only country with our issues people having issues with their bank that you know we've been keeping a close eye of course on grief when. or not it will default there's a lot of people angry in the street certainly much more there than we've seen here but across europe there are several countries dealing with financial hardships a lot of people angry but the banks i'm wondering david if you see you know any country that the u.s.
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should try harder to emulate in terms of what they're doing what maybe we can learn from. you mean protest laws are working on our economic policy wise in dealing with banks. unfortunately you know we live in a global economy that will be is dominated by big ben so wall street it's the reserve the national monster the bank it's national so it's so you know they're run the global economy so it's talk to other countries unless there's a bunch of those that are stepping outside of you know all central bank that's here so you know any step away from. the reserve into a more decent economic system is what we should be emulating. you know i want to take a look at you know again from a global perspective i want to talk about inequality in this country and pull up another chart that we got our hands on to demonstrate the inequality that exists
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here and kind of compare it to other countries this is called the gini coefficient it measures income and wealth equality and basically you can see the top of this chart is denmark sweden and luxembourg these are the three countries that have i guess you could say the smallest gap between the rich and the poor now if you go all the way down the charts you can see other countries including the u.s. the u.s. is about twenty seven from this one but this is with poland portugal turkey and mexico. you know i lived right across the border from mexico i grew up in california and that was a place to me that you know there were tiny pockets of extremely extremely wealthy people and the rest. that country seem to be you know living on the streets you know the kids come up to you and sell. you know at the end of the night talk i mean how is it possible that we are ranked as a country this close to mexico in an income inequality chart really well basically
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we have a system that was set up for one tenth or one percent of our population to run away with the world over the past generation so now we currently have the highest sitting probably wealth in american history and you know look at new york city where these protests in new york city has an inequality of wealth equal to places like honduras and you know who you know most desperate third world countries you know you go wall street alone short so we're right north you have the proper senate so it's all right so there is a regular letter devastating. you know we have or we're fifteen million people living in poverty in this country now we were talking a little bit earlier about president obama coming out today and laying out his plan and certainly there's a lot of it that's gotten mixed up in politics but. you know with people are starting to look at things like military spending like the tax code like structural changes to medicare and medicaid that could save money based on your research david
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and you know from the from the people that you associate with the research that you've done that you've done have you heard any plan that you've sort of feel is a good one. well you know there are some good plans but all these plans are essentially putting a band-aid on what is it absolutely horrible situation that we need structural changed if you're serious about changing the situation you have to produce one on the system a political bribery which is campaign finance a lobbying and a revolving door between washington and a lot because global corporations and to you have to break up the too big to fail banks in any change needs to be centered around those things move all over so and plans you know make slight changes are not going to work because we repair step one and what about changes you know designed to bring in money from the wealthiest in this country sort of a a stablished tax rate for millionaires i know that one of the things that buffett code that president obama talked about i mean is that just as he does trying to
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throw out fancy language so is there a class warfare once again let's you know campaign obama coming back promising all these wonderful things through you know people who are not the richest one percent but you know the bottom line is i said it obama was serious medicare and change he would be working on campaign finance because these are all temporary fixes and so you fix the core structural problems which is she wants the money in politics and it's a big but fail when it's every way too much power dominate the market so essentially rigged the market and destroy the free market until those changes are made you know all this other stuff is you know switching shares only. now if they have a diagram journalist and author of the road to revel in their other twenty trial of revolution or world war three. we'll have an r t what does a little recognition for palestine from the un really need the return of territory
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on the west bank and a new landlord for those who live there ahead we'll tell you how statehood is affecting from people's livelihoods. if you just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i just tell the truth. i am an old ghetto and said i love rap and hip hop is a pretty good. he was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the role without you split.
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i have a right to know what my government should like you want to know why i think taxes. well i would characterize obama as a charismatic. american exceptionalism. was sixty six then you all united nations general assembly is now underway and in just a few hours russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is scheduled to meet with secretary of state hillary clinton now the two have already spoken over the phone and are expected to touch upon the arab spring and the situation in libya but at the center of their discussion and perhaps the entire u.n.g.a. will be the palestinian bid to gain statehood recognition from the united nations
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it's a plan the u.s. and israel have pledged to veto but one palestinian president mahmoud abbas says he will try for anyway many other leaders are supporting that bed and say there is too is with israel and in particular the expansion of settlements in the west bank settlements r.t. correspondent visited recently here's her report he was wanted to meet us here in one of israel's bustling cities he wants to talk but not in his own system and where he's seen as a troublemaker they are afraid to talk because of the fraud and the way from the from me or from words of beneath will be shut up he says he's tried of being used as a pawn by the government fifty years ago the state media easy for him to buy a house he didn't have the money so they offered him a cheap one the only catch it was in a whisper and system and now years on he wants to leave but can't because his
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property has hovda in value since he bought it so. was going to help to grow old form so no one. because the government doesn't want people in. the west bank after them the ones who have agreement with them for the who would have to show that it's full of the poor and the people of gaza want to live he says one in two states has pointed out that the government does everything it can to keep him in most of the land barren and difficult but that hasn't stopped it's not building on its. own constructs and has begun on more than two thousand projects here in the west bank most of polities get extra money from the ministry of education for extra teachers or extra money from the ministry of infrastructure for more interest means less payment by the circus these were the biggest incentives that are not written anywhere in the book istomin suggests prime minister netanyahu spends nearly
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a billion dollars a year just to keep the system it's going but that has to come from somewhere and tens of thousands of israelis diplomats he answers for them onto the streets in numbers never seen before in israel's history but that's when yahoo has no plans to leave the system and the goddess of what it does to his economy alter the peace process there is no open political debate in israel about whether it's right or wrong going it and we know about many certain lands and the eastern part of the france where you have a lot of apartments which are empty as palestinians head off to the united nations the israeli army digs in around the sears women's and with women the way the prospects of peace seem as likely as many was actually leaving the west bank policy r.t. class. and that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered about r.t. dark us.
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