tv [untitled] September 19, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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ride it's time for you cite it i read it or take time to respond to my brilliance engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube as in you got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer who watched my interview last week on french president nicolas sarkozy and british prime minister david cameron's visit to libya john jeremiah smith said on facebook they should be wary of mission accomplished syndrome now i was certainly.
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agree with john on this point on the united nations for appearing to welcome the rebels as the official government of libya this week in new york there's still a war going on over there just today there was reported fighting and get off the strongholds of syria and bani walid with rebels struggling to take the cities so if we learned one thing from the war in iraq i think it would be a let's not hastily declare victory when the conflict is far from settled there's still a war going on in libya and the world should acknowledge that and i want to respond if you are who launched our interview last week on obama's chances for reelection next year magenta far away it said on you tube obama inherited a terrible mess from bush this cannot be contested but unfortunately he has not done much other than cater to the corporations and has become a lackey pity now i think that it's undeniable that the problems obama inherited from george w. bush were vast debt war a financial crisis but also have to agree with our viewers that the change that president obama promised to deliver simply has a right the obama administration is just as close to wall street as the previous one if not closer lobbyists are still running washington d.c.
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and he's expanded our wars and military presence and brought now what that means for his chances of re-election we can't be so sure but i think it's safe to say that there are a lot of disappointed obama voters out there and lastly i want to respond to a kind of you who watched my interview with an aspiring of the young turks from last week how did shell said on you to hope this doesn't sound sexist you to make the bubble headed bleach blonde on phone news look hideous and sound insane thanks gals well i know that the bubble headed laws are anything but hideous let's face it the five ladies look good but thank you for the compliments i will continue trying to bring some logic back to t.v. that my ranting today i'll be back with more later in the week. now earlier this year we brought you the epic saga which grew out of a huge hack to sony's play station network the network was hacked several different times millions of users had their identities and credit card information exposed and sony's been working to improve its image ever since they hired somebody with a background in homeland security to handle the string of hacks of late the company
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they've lawford offered lots of incentives to current sony users things like free game and movie downloads to keep them on board but on september fifteenth playstation users found a little update on their gaming system and updated for users about a new location where their funds would be stored and also explain users would be required to sign a new terms of use agreement and i think it's pretty safe to say that most users well they just quickly scroll through the several pages of the new agreement they click yes but there is an important cause that needs some attention getting on the eight hundred page of the new user agreement your unified section explaining that sony is now blocking people from carrying out class action lawsuits against that the relevant section reads any dispute resolution proceedings whether an arbitration or court will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class or representative action or as a named or unnamed member in a class consolidated representative or private attorney general legal action so basically sony is sick and tired of being sued for its massive security flaws and
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so now they're forcing this agreement onto their users preventing players from using their most effective tool against the company class action lawsuits and they're making incredibly difficult for them to avoid agreeing to that klotz say the only way that users can retain their right to file a class action lawsuit is to write so in a sony the a snail mail if they don't agree to the arbitration clause within thirty days of signing that agreement i think that's a pretty absurd technique for a tech company to require a handwritten letter and i think anybody can see this is a pretty slimy move by that especially considering how many users have their personal information compromised all because so many was unable to protect their import. data and we should also note that the notification email went out to some network users days after the actual terms of use agreement appeared on the system itself but it's pretty easy to see with companies up to here they know that most gamers are going to stop and read all the fine print and scroll to the end click agree to terms and continue playing online not even positive if you consider that
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they're signing over their ability to sue sony in a class action suit so sharing these details are the least we can do and hopefully as word spreads more people are going to be aware of just what exactly they've agreed to so remember all you gamers out there you do still have thirty days from signing the agreement to write to sony to opt out of giving up your rights to sue in mass. now we've spoken a lot about for profit schools on this program does include names like cattle and own kaplan owned by the washington post company by the way or the university of phoenix i.t.t. tact of rye you see their commercials everywhere they offer a more convenient alternative for those who needed to greet and to everyone who wants to go to college and everyone started college but never finished finish new cleats or call the police. and everything is good it's something that wants to be great. universities changing the station agent.
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and i see the problem with those for profit schools as has been well documented even investigated by congress is that many of them of use shady accounting practices can roll students in classes without their knowledge lot of other examples too and the default rate for students attending for profit universities is it fifteen percent right now looks like a new segment of the population is becoming the latest victims of these schools now the veterans there are a number of websites with names like g.i. bill dot com user g.i. bill dot us or armed forces edu dot com that are in super earn their education benefits through their service are directed to for profit schools as the answers they don't know is that these websites are run by marketing firms hired by the colleges themselves so just how bad are they getting scammed i was right because because of the weinstein national security reporter at mother jones and i want to thank you for joining us tonight in first if you can give us a few more details aside from i guess having these web sites with really catchy and convenient names how else are they getting better and to sign up are do we have
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recruiters on bases. yes indeed we do alone or we have all the ways in which for profit industry has decided its next cash cow is really military in addition to which you saw these web sites that are kind of taking up. general cheeriest. service members looking for information online recruiters that are having access to a campus in bases we have one report that was preprogrammed by bloomberg businessweek a couple of months ago about a recruiter from one of these for profits that walked right into a wounded warriors unit in a marine base in north carolina i mean also show advertisements on the american forces network which is generally not supposed to show advertisements but are overseas troops when they look at. the super bowl and major league baseball there are probably seen commercials for university of phoenix now that all seems odd to
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me as i mentioned of course the scene investigation of these for profit schools because there has been you know thankfully a lot of documentation of just how crap some of their practices can be and congress investigated this of congress to the investigation why are they still allowing recruiters on the bases just as you make sense. exceptions exceptions exceptions the problem is that the bureaucracy really doesn't have a whole lot of oversight right now b d o d it doesn't generally deal with these issues because they don't dole out the g.i. bill which is for veterans who are discharged by and large obviously active duty of service members also are able to avail themselves of those benefits but they usually take them through the v.a. the v.a. delegates a lot of the oversight of these big for profits and pretty much every other school or two state agencies and the state agencies are either overloaded or simply not doing their jobs the g.a.o. ran a couple of different audits and sounds that basically there was next to no oversight of these profits whatsoever and the books were largely sections now as i mentioned
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when we talk about all of the students that end up at these schools they have about a fifteen percent he thought rate and he thought on their allowance do we see the exact same thing when it comes to the arm service numbers. but we're starting to see some of that we don't have thought hard data on exactly really default rates are just yet but all of the evidence that it's both an internal and kind of the statistics that have been gathered so far show that in addition to generating just a ton of revenue for these for profits jets are equipped getting a whole lot in return even the ones that are actually managing to pay back what they owe because understand that these these for profits are not only taking their benefits but they're also kind of signing them up for private student loans at exorbitant rates not only are they you know the ones that are managing to pay that back are also showing that what they saw it really doesn't give them a whole lot of value in this tough job market nobody's really hiring for profit grads when there are so many other qualified college educated jobseekers on the
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markets i think a lot of people are trying to figure that out of all a lot of people you know also with a degree from i knew lethals nobody can get jobs right now say imagine that it's especially hard to come to a for profit school but how to get to this point right is if you think about it the g.i. bill it's been around for sixty five years. as you wrote in your piece claiming this is something that was largely credited for expanding the middle class in america where you had all these post world war two veterans that you had you know who were able to get subsidies when it comes to their education when it comes to getting homes and now you have these private vultures the have totally been able to exploit it and when you really see that shift take place right well a couple of things happen the first thing was nine eleven and the global war on terror i think there were good intentions both in congress and the u.s. population in general that we ought to give these service members something in return for their service for us we've had now two million service members cycle in and out of iraq and afghanistan and you know most of them are just charge now and looking for jobs there and that job market and you know we feel like we need to get
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them back so there was a huge expansion of benefits at the same time you had a private investors a private equity. funds major going to suddenly couldn't make fast and easy money on the real estate market and pretty much any market and they're looking for a growth industry and right now the for profit schools both the public ones and the private ones are real big money makers and this is just one of those things that kind of kept their bottom line flush and it's kept investors interested so you may be looking at the next big economic bubble want us as well. well you know i really hope that they do something about it like you said it's a bureaucratic mess but we've seen investigations about these for profit schools and you know of all people definitely think that the veterans deserve the help from the g.i. bill and not to be really taken advantage of by these for profit schools out of thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you a lot of. coming out in a few weeks that michele bachmann is back to take up our tools on award tonight to
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tell you what i earn for the honor interesting moment and happy hour first banks say no thank you ginger and walk. into a little bit with the mechanisms if you don't work to bring justice or accountability . i have the right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know something or see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you say. i'm sorry is a big. let's
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i decided tonight tools on the war and it's not to go to michele bachmann now we've got some fun here on the show with a few of michelle's more colorful statements since the congresswoman began running for the white house but we're giving her tonight still time award for a comment she made about the banking industry and i can't remember it was three years ago last week that the u.s. economy began to crumble lehman brothers collapse the federal government to pony up eighty five billion dollars to keep making sure it from going under and since that time president obama and democrats passed the da frank wall street reform
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a consumer protection act and this law was am i regulating it many of the practices that led the financial crisis in two thousand and eight but lawmakers say that this new law which most people with a brain would argue is not strong it up they say that it's hurting our economy and in fact michele bachmann made that exact same claim over the weekend and not only repealing obamacare also repealing dad frank which is killing the banking industry i've got the bill to repeal both of them. so michelle thinks the banks are hurting they're just getting killed you know maybe she's a little confused face or not hurting when it comes to profits here in the u.s. if anything they're the ones that are making a killing there good friends over think progress pointed out over the weekends thanks for joining quite a stellar year j.p. morgan chase the nation's second largest bank saw its second quarter profits rise thirteen percent compared to the same time period last year so the group's profits up only twenty three percent wells fargo's profits are up
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a mere twenty nine percent goldman sachs well they're really having a hard time their profits in the second quarter they're only up fifty four percent and morgan stanley they were up seventeen percent now to be fair here bank of america actually saw their profits drop by three percent but they are in trouble they had to settle eight point five billion dollars settlement with investors and the agreement reached in june settle claims that the bank and sold the investors for quality mortgage bonds so they brought this on themselves but if we really want to talk about banks we really want to talk about what's hurting or helping them but let's talk about the fact that despite these gigantic profits the banks really are in trouble but it's not because of god frank it's because of continued bad policies that dodd frank didn't picks it's because the banks are still sitting on god knows how much in toxic assets because the shady trading practices haven't ended and as we watch europe on the brink of collapse we don't even know how vulnerable our own banks may be so bailout may now be coming again to europe all the problems they go unfixed and we touched upon this subject during our show on friday with author no
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reprints. rather than taking a look at how these banks are really operating and what assets are really there and what potential frauds have been caused by what things are truly valued at and being realistic about a situation they do the same thing here they let banks continue to remain big to get bigger to keep bad assets to continue to manufacture bad assets without looking at the problem pretending that throwing all of this money deflating the dollar was somehow going to be helpful and they have decided that it was even though it hasn't been. so michele bachmann things that we need to deregulate the banking industry the truth is we need more reforms dog did not go far enough and banks are still making the same shady deals they did in the run up to the collapse in two thousand and eight and g.o.p. lawmakers they want to reward them so come on that is insane and that is why congresswoman michele bachmann is tonight's tools.
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ok it's time for happy hour on this monday evening and joining me tonight is our team lead writer andrew blake and alex siteswap reporter and blogger for thing progress or human thanks for joining me yeah i mean have you back. so obviously we spoke a lot about the westboro baptist on the show we interviewed earlier in fact and so they were out in kansas missouri and they were protesting a fighter's concert because they accuse the band of promoting for nitpicky fornication adultery idolatry and fags in their music and they used that word sorry just repeating their words. and so. decided to play a little fun for them in costume take a look. all
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right so they performed their song called hot buns and the lyrics include driving all night i got a hankering for something i think i'm in the mood for some hot man muffins. that's obviously how they sing it but i know it's my rendition i want this approach you know you can't beat the westboro baptist unfortunately the supreme court already ruled that they do get to practice freedom of speech like the rest of us are the beautiful thing about this country and sometimes really frustrating thing about this country but. i don't like this then why not just laugh at it play a song dress up in costume have at it i'd like to say first that i'm really excited about going to karaoke with you some time especially after that i've been i've been protesting to for the five years i have exercised a lot of care here ok ok i've been protesting the second album never got
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a concert so if you're protesting the foo fighters they're protesting a whisper about to protest the west but that's the sort of protesting the foo fighters who are protesting. you clearly need more hate in your oh that's right you know what hate is not that i'm cool with you i'm very pro this i think we need actually perversely but bear with me more westboro baptist church i think this is the one thing that all americans can get behind even like the craziest tea party republican acknowledges that the westboro baptist church is crazy the show everywhere and then we can all join the foo fighters encountered protesting the westboro baptist church get along happily ever after well i hope we start seeing some other bands or whoever i want to see some more of creative gimmicks now to counter protest the westboro baptist rather than just like getting frustrated and angry at them and hopefully there will be more. let's move on it's a pretty big move on to this story that it's just messed up our. only because i have i have a lot of red headed friends now a factor of my life but as you know it's a recession of g.
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a lot of people say that it's a dying breed and i think that there is the largest sperm bank in the world which is located in denmark they're actually going to make sure of that instead and they're going to stop accepting that red headed sperm and because there are too many redheads in relation to the man people just don't want it so we're wondering if the next step is automatically going to be you know and i am chosen her music video. ok clearly it's not abysmal yet they're just saying no it is part of a but they don't what they say no to read it's for i don't know we're told on the spur but i blame the people who are buying this part of this is they're responding to popular demand of people told me but they're laying out the things like you know red x. x. x. x. x.
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well we're going to my colleague around and say there's been medically proven that redheads need twenty percent more anaesthesia the normal people when they go anywhere in surgery they're going to lose more sensitive you know that's i'm guessing why they're mitered i thought it was them are sensitive anymore and i will blame the sperm in this case because it's so their capacity so they had seventy leaders of semen and that was that was an oath so that's not really that great a sperm bank if you ask me if it only holds the leader of the sea world's big the world's biggest sperm the world's biggest sperm a goalie hold seventy leaders the sea and it alone oh really. i don't know that is sounds like a lot to me i don't know if you want to goldman sachs' of sperm but yes a lot of it was for the eggs to come together you said sacks. all right well those. are becoming really elite and the gingers are not allowed let's move on
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to our next story so netflix i'm actually not a netflix users of these stories never are and i'm not subscribed to it they don't hit home as much for me as they do for everyone else and i mean i was outraged that netflix we know a while ago raised their prices and their profits drop and so everybody who has netflix then got a letter from the c.e.o. and basically i'm going to give you three little lines from it in one he said i'm. i owe you an explanation and he said it's hard to write this after over ten years of mailing d.v.d.'s with pride but we think it is necessary because the quixtar and netflix teams will work hard to regain your trust we know it's not going to be overnight actions speak louder than words but words help people to understand actions and so wait let me explain a quick thing so now they're separating your services if you just want to stream stuff it's still netflix but if you still want to receive the d.v.d.'s the of mail it's not called netflix anymore it's called quick search because apparently i don't know they just be so much more creative but it's kind of interesting you get this i
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messed up my oh you an explanation from the guy that runs the entire company if you like there that's first make you feel connected to the big. three this is mostly he wrote like drunk two in the morning like to extort friend you know i'm sorry behave like take me back i've got this new service is going to give you d.v.d.'s this could be great i'll change my other three are they about this some guys i'm. never getting their. t.v. i did use a really really good ari ok so they didn't do netflix preparing here it was get be quixtar twitter handle because apparently some guy already had it and we have a few of his tweets he's quite a character and he's by the way even gaining like a hundred followers by the hour today because everybody now is paying attention so one says the lord is shite what a blaze but at the same time i don't f. it is the goal it starts. here and there and says don't bother telling me who my ex is now dating his now i feel bad for the b.
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that has my sloppy seconds another is that about his bored me about board is about to go to school and i don't care. where he just threw clothing on i don't care i don't know girl i really bad at the little so you try a little sort of things a dry place this guy is cracking me up and he's already tweeting about how he refuses to sell it's like i've been getting. but i want to with that contract being smart i just want to know if this means i have to file a return my copy of kokoda talking girl looks i've had it for two years now and it's not going back any time soon then maybe simply children's movie and i'm assuming it's something brilliant there's. going to miss if you like it so you can start over going to do it but it sounds like something the closer guy might be interested all the bullies with quixtar and you can go put on whatever that together and go do your homework or whatever well i just wonder what are you going other apology e-mail because i mean come on netflix really isn't that hard to
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figure out if you can launch the same product but with a new name then you should probably get the twitter handle or earlies do you want that before you launch it because in this day and age everyone is all over you know social media you already knew he was drunk at you we have many wrote it's a couple of you know they didn't get the u.r.l. for quixtar spelled slightly differently this in the little bit you know rushed. some happens when you write last minute apologies in the middle of night when you're drunk thanks for joining you guys for tonight so thanks for tuning in to make sure we can back tomorrow to speak to sarah jaffe about the trillion dollar underground economy here in the u.s. take everything from prostitution to babysitting now the need time to get an if you want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of the night's show or any other nights. you flashed a lot of show and coming up next is the new. in
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