tv [untitled] September 19, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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stan experiences and breakdown the real dangers still present for families near the fukushima daiichi plant and later incidents daily take i'll tell you who's the latest victim of the right wing spin machine. we're here at the big picture and on my radio show i have been doing our best to keep you updated with the latest developments coming out of japan as that nation tries to deal with one of the worst nuclear catastrophe in the history of the world . to help us do that tonight i'm joined by a few special guests in the studio we've flown here from japan to share their stories and to warn the world about the dangers of nuclear power later this week they will travel to the united nations where they will call on the un to recognize human rights violations against children caused by the fukushima crisis and asked the u.n. to stop its global promotion of nuclear energy and color stories or lean yoko smith
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is a director of green action based in kyoto japan and co-founder of stop the manjoo she is also co-author of the book minamata about the japanese methyl mercury pollution ok henri izumi director of shoot them already said that right now somebody shut them up a shovel and co-director of save fukushima children. and red ribbon and red ribbon hokkaido africa support group and kevin camp's radioactive waste watchdog at beyond nuclear welcome to all of you. thank you for joining us. k. henri i think i'm going ok. i'm sorry i mean what's the situation in japan it's not just so the situation in japan right now is that there are three hundred thousand children living in for humor and about seventy five percent of the children are going for example to schools that are so contaminated that they would be radiation control areas and nuclear power plants were adults over eight children
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over. individuals under eighteen will not be legally allowed to the radiation levels are very high in japan and they aren't evacuating people unless it's twenty millisieverts a year exposure now that's incredibly much higher than sure noble when mandatory evacuation was five millisieverts here and we know that now looking back on it many many people died as a consequence of the trauma of the exposure. kerry what what what are the japanese people not being told. but. it's not the idea for human rights. that they do but it should be about care if you can mediate in the height of company pinky is there many people today every kid peed on their own because the government didn't but now the government is even playing you know these people but
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. it really being a template of healthy real yes bringing people back into the yes because. it could really keep the prefix so we did disappear and the economy would disappear and that's what they say. is there is no after the. after the rushmore nagasaki bombs there was a phenomenon i guess lasts to this day of people who survived after their ancestors pain. there's a japanese word for it i forget but in english it would be a kind of pariah. because contemplative you know there are terribly people don't have them marrying into their families things like that are we seeing this all over again. yes it's happening people who sell her back you wait they go to
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a different area in japan and then the citizens there are afraid of getting close to them or touching them or and children. whose families have self evacuated there's a lot of prejudice against the children that's treasured kevin what what impact you know for sure has been out of the mainstream of corporate news in america for a long long time. what impact is that having in the united states i you know i noticed the other day that. rick perry is talking about building a couple of nukes on the coast of the gulf of mexico and they've enlisted a partner who really knows. so to run nuclear power plants tepco. these are still going on well i think that project took a mighty blow from the fukushima nuclear catastrophe because it was not only tokyo electric power company as a partner it was also toshiba nuclear and it was also hitachi nuclear object and it was even the japanese federal government in the form of the japan bank for
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international cooperation because of fukushima that project took a mighty blow in fact the u.s. partner and argy of new jersey they will spend no more money on the project but they're still interested in getting a license from what i call the nuclear rubber stamp commission because they could then sell that license to some other american company who might be willing to take the risk. kerry what's the what's the message. as somebody who has seen and experienced this in japan you would the main message you would want to convey to americans you know. the immense suffering go per people in. you know the only way how. these people the you can make some meaning is that we learn now that we have to stop. nuclear power that we cannot afford i'm not
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a christian. and we appealing to the word to put an end to nuclear power we have enough. so that's your appeal get roy's next if we don't we mediate could be india right it could be yes it's it's the same type of reaction it's always it has its own particular pathways to disaster or you have twenty three i've got to call twins to perkasie my value to you here in the united states including vermont yankee oyster creek. eileen what's around the world here in the united states. for example there is there was a controversy from a movie called he asked me about when they were fracking when we are full of gas extraction people as well their water was catching fire and so now it's no longer being covered in the american media because you can't turn on a t.v.
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in the evening without saying every time for the gas companies they are putting so much money into the big networks that the networks are no longer covering the story of gas contamination of the nuclear industry is large powerful in the united states lots of interconnections with the big media are are are the media of europe for example south america the rest of asia to australia other countries are they is interlocked with the with these industries with the nuclear in the in the fossil fuel industries that they focus she was falling off their radar screen as well as as in the united states i think so it's fallen off a lot except for some countries you know i mean germany is still doing very good coverage for p.c. mom and brain and australia sometimes and other places but in the us it's really phone off it's because the two countries that haven't learned from the fukushima accident the main ones are japan and the us. and
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a lot of folk we see most people are quite concerned about the reactors here in the us actually the ones that are earthquake prone i for once in california in the san onofre in the outlook canyon. because they know that you know earthquakes and nuclear power plants don't mix up so we just have twenty seconds but the carbon the the biggest nuclear part many of these nuclear power plants in the ones there were designed or built by. general electric. which is forty nine percent or of n.b.c. i mean this. is not a coincidence looked after him by obama and to help out after the fukushima nuclear catastrophe began but the japanese media reported that he largely hid out so that he wouldn't be served liability papers as his product exploded and now is ruined so many lives. thank you very much all of you for coming today it's much appreciated. meanwhile on the global warming front a new poll finds that a majority of americans eighty three percent now believe global warming is
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occurring we've been running nuclear plants here in the united states saying hey this is an alternative to global warming causing coal fired power plants are one of the reasons why global warming is happening however differ depending on which political party responds to the poll thirty seven percent of democrats believe global warming is man made only fourteen percent of republicans believe the same thing which means the united states is still the only nation the world considers manmade global warming up for debate and nuclear power a real viable wonderful alternative so you know if it were really the only country in the world is not doing something serious about this we let our politicians be bought and intimidated by the fossil fuel industry and the big nuclear industry and the same frankly goes for our media that you know it's it's it's the dollars are are winning and if the real state of things is actually pretty grim the supreme
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court of the united states has given the oil all you are it's like the cokes the the power to fund politicians the power to build or destroy politicians and they're using that not specifically the codes but in general the whole bill the whole industry the nuclear industry the oil industry and i conflate them because the nuclear industry has been presented to us as the way at work by some by by the president in fact as a way a wave. from reno it's great gas producing oil and coal plants and it's just it's not it shouldn't be but instead we see that things like the american legislative exchange council brian legislation we see think tanks that are being bought and paid for by our guards here in the united states that are writing legislation that are literally writing legislation that's been introduced in state houses and and hiring people to go on talk shows to be to be experts on television to write op eds for newspapers to to influence the public debate to suggest that well you
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know ok maybe global warming is happening if it is the answer is going to be nuclear power i think not. coming up a recent report on uncovers more damning evidence against b.p. for last year's will spill which killed eleven people have destroyed the gulf coast it's been about time that someone from b.p. goes to show. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions come to break through it through to be made who can you trust no one who is your own view with the global machinery to see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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it's. plain creepy in the most detailed report yet on the causes of last year's b.p. oil spill federal investigators found that a decision made directly by b.p. . led to the death of eleven men and ruined ecosystems along the gulf coast as the report says b.p.'s cost or time saving decisions without considering contingencies and mitigation or contributing causes of the macondo blow
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a report which was released last week was compiled by the coast guard and the bureau of ocean energy management regulation and enforcement and was far more critical of b.p. than an earlier report released in january by a presidential panel of the best gaiters and while b.p. shares most of the blame the report also points a finger at trans ocean and dick cheney's caliber for grave errors leading to the oil spill so what else do we learn from this latest report into the b.p. oil disaster and is there anything we can take away from it to prevent this sort of thing from happening again dr doug brinkley joins me now he's a senior scientist with the national wildlife federation dr include welcome if you are going to see you after talking with you on the radio the sentence it's it's good to see you again is the gulf. still experiencing oil leaks the gulf of mexico we have to look at two things here one is there are some natural leaks in the bottom of the gulf but those are relatively mild new compared to what happened last
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year with the b.p. oil spill but people are largely unaware of it is that there is oil spilling into the gulf in large quantities all the time from various high points from various wells that are not adequately closed last night excuse me last week the national wildlife federation had came out to collect a sample where there's been a chronic oil spill going on for months and everyone is trying to figure out exactly where that's coming from how much oil is leaking so there's oil out there all the time and it's a sign that there are problems with the oil and gas industry keeping our waters of the united states the waters that you and i own clean and pure this during the time when they're talking about drilling in the arctic were the environment doesn't remediate doesn't recover from these kind of things anywhere near as fast because they would have a much harder times cleaning up after a big spill like that but not only is it a problem for drilling in the arctic but now drilling in oil and gas exploration in the gulf of mexico is back to the same of what was just two years ago before the
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oil spill so we're doing the same darn thing congress has made no reform of the laws and regulations regarding how oil and gas is developed now this this latest report indicated that there was some problem with the cement in the lining of the. of the drilling. hole i guess and that so many was done by halliburton and i don't know if the report pointed it out but certainly greg palast and others have reported in detail about how the exact same halliburton with the exact same kind of drilling technology using similar cementing operations created an absolute disaster in azerbaijan actually in that and the caspian sea off the coast. and that blew out before this one did haven't there been. efforts to at least say sorry you can't do this anymore well that was another country so i think that might have made it a little bit more difficult here but we must learn from our mistakes oil and gas
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industry must learn from mistakes on our regulators must learn what's important now is for congress to take action to dedicate all the fines that b.p. will have to pay under the clean water act to better keep that the restoration of the gulf of mexico right now will go elsewhere in the general treasury and not at all into the gulf of mexico so we're asking congress to dedicate those funds to go off coast restoration to save things like sea turtles and not to mention the livelihoods and the lives of the humans down there as well absolutely wiped out by those from other second also asked for the fishermen so b.p. is pain what ten million thirty billion have heard different numbers and we know we won't know for a long time because they'll fight it as they have been fighting it and the government the attorney general has yet to actually levy those fines and indicate what those fines would be a really i thought they were already pain i would know there is some money that b.p. has put up front but they're still investigating the entire spill and the damage
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that is cause we now know the causes for those reports but the damage continues to continue in a will for years and into the future is called seafood safe. well you know we have to continue to test them to make sure that it is safe or are we testing it is being tested in certain ways national wildlife federation has advocated that all of the information that the government and b.p. are collecting be open to the public so they can see what is truly going on one of the huge problems we have as well spill and everything became closed door and held close to the chest rewrite of the administration by the administration and by b.p. by the unified command we had a terrible time getting information about the deaths of sea birds and marine mammals like the office that we had to file freedom of information act requests and appeals when they were denied just to get that information released but you know b.p. doesn't own those off of their sea turtles you and i do they're a public resource we have a right to know about it but so far we haven't gotten any information still of the
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state we now know we now know the numbers we got them to release that but the cause of death is being held they say because investigations under way judicial proceeding and so they're not releasing that information remarkable what's the what's the most important lesson we have about a minute left here what's the most important lesson for america from this the most important lesson that we need a clean energy future you know there are tremendous costs human lives rob i think impacts money in terms of our continued dependence our addiction to oil and gas we need to get to a clean energy future that relies on women energy that relies on solar energy relies on other safe forms of energy that keeps more of our u.s. dollars at home as well rather going overseas really absolutely thank you very well said thanks so much for being with us tonight the report clearly states b.p.
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is to blame for the deaths of eleven men and the incalculable damage to the gulf of mexico it's time for corporate criminals to go to jail not just for the environmental damage they cause but also for. who is the latest victim of the right wing spin machine the entire news media. today president obama unveiled his deficit reduction plan to force millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rates as average hardworking middle class americans but if you were listening to the mainstream media's take the plan was a bit more one sided here's how n.p.r. national public radio so-called left wing radio put. its recommendation mr obama is expected to spell out a plan for a big increase in tax revenue the white house is saying that that his for his
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vision is going to be balanced what does that mean i mean is that a code for tax increases it is there still that is the expression he's used to say that you got a tariff a decision not only on the spending side but also on the revenue side and he'll be calling for one and a half trillion dollars in additional terrence revenue today most of that would come through higher taxes on the wealthy tax the rich you notice i left off the critical second part of the sentence tax the rich so they pay the same rate as the rest of us working stiffs i don't even think they realize it anymore the right wing talking points of infected newsrooms all across america so that even n.p.r. can't distinguish between actual honest reporting and frank luntz is poll tested right wing message we saw this on clear is play last week and the entire news media jumped on president obama and so-called celebrity it the media suggested that the white house cut an ill advised five hundred million dollars check to the solar
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company saranda which eventually went bankrupt in exchange for campaign contributions. but the one they did go bankrupt for their campaign contributions they cut the check that was the argument even jon stewart fell for the media's narrative. so it is the failure of one company discredit the entire idea of a green energy economy of course but. if in let's say one thousand thirty six you spoke about the growing importance of air travel in front of i don't know the indian birth. you write about the future of air travel which you. are. but now as things progress one of the last bastions of investigative journalism has uncovered the cylinder alone had more of bush's fingerprints on it than obama's it was bush who created the loan program and spent two years urging the department of
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energy to approve the slander law which it only did for finally did only two months into president obama's term the media ignored that and one of celebrities top investors got their money from the walton family as in the people who own the wal-mart and are notorious contributors to the republican party not exactly fans of the obama presidency but putting all that aside slander represented represented just one point three percent of the entire department of energy's long portfolio and is the only company receiving loans to fail a little piece of information the media left out while trying to manufacture a scandal at the behest of their corporate shareholders. here's another example did you know that thousands of people took to wall street over the weekend and are currently camping out there as we speak to demand reforms to our economy and demand the banks to be held accountable for their high crimes you know i could that's because they're pretty much wasn't a peep from the mainstream media about it but
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a few dozen tea partiers held a rally in kansas than expected but so-called news to get a wall of wall coverage which will then get picked up by the rest of the media from c.b.s. to n.p.r. now only is the right wing spin machine is stored in news stories it's also selecting which stories are and are not considered news. i was a keynote speaker at the fighting bob has rally in wisconsin over the weekend surrounded by ten thousand progressives and didn't see one member of the mainstream media there covering the event not one which is a shame because if they were there and they would have heard these words by investigative journalist greg palast about how the media isn't doing its job anymore and now it's more worried about protecting its corporate donors instead. of . crying or screaming or. running for the exits but he'd be yes the. public broadcast system doesn't always tell you the full truth now when p.b.s.
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ran its ran its program. it said literally and i quote that the b.p. culture is unlike the culture of chevron and shell. what they didn't tell you. what they left out of the story. well let me see if you can guess i'm going to bait you your ken burns cd d.v.d. six if you can tell me the name of the number one corporate sponsor of kiki s own pretty greg is being paid that's why p.b.s. he says dropped the ball in covering the corporate crimes of b.p. crimes the left eleven men dead in the gulf of mexico last year as greg palast went on to say. eleven guys didn't die because of bad cement they died because of a lie thank god you're here because you're not going to hear it on the petroleum
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broadcast system you're going to hear it here it's time for the rise of corporate media and our news dependent on turning a profit investigator it is investigative journalism just isn't profitable anymore especially when you take on profitable and powerful industries that may advertise on or sponsor or underwrite your network and we do so is oil and gas ads for example recently and while the nuclear industry has been keeping their heads down they are huge and influential as well for example did you see this protest over the weekend it was more than sixty thousand people taking over and shutting down a large part of. chanting psion or i'm not nuclear power goodbye nuclear power and you probably didn't hear the two nuclear reactors are being built in the gulf coast in texas with rick perry's enthusiastic support and one of the major partners is tokyo electric power company tepco as the owners and operators of fukushima more
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people want to hear about which movie star broke up with the grove where they were boyfriend in hollywood and about how some trans national oil corporations poison the water supply in anytown usa so news bureaus reacted accordingly and devote more resources to entertainment reports than actual journalists like greg palast and what do we get. and low information voters people who usually call themselves independents but in fact are just largely uninformed and the biggest part of our electorate are the part that buys into the rise of the so-called job creators of the president's birth certificate socialism and keeps electing republicans and even a few democrats who push these lies year after year after year real news media's job isn't to give us the news we want to know it's to give us the news we need to know and use it's crucial to keeping our democracy intact and functioning and tragically that's the news that their corporate donors today don't want us to know
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as the man who wrote the declaration of independence thomas jefferson so whatever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice they may be relied on to set them to rights if we want a functioning and successful democracy in this republic we need to bring back programming in the public interest the way it used to be before reagan blew up the fairness doctrine in the one nine hundred eighty s. and bring back the investigative journalism that once shone a light on all of our x. and corporate corruption in america only then will we the people at enough information to hold our politicians to account and truly make this country work well. that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our websites of tamari dot com free speech dot org an r t dot com also check out our to you tube channels there are there are links to tom hartman dot com this
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entire show is also available as a free video podcast and i tunes and we have a free sound of the i phone i pad app over at the app store you can send us feedback a twitter account underscore our on facebook at tom underscore. on our blogs message boards and cell phone comment line from our product line and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get action tag your it will see to.
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