tv [untitled] September 20, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT
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standard and poor's downgraded the country's school by one notch and says its growth outlook is negative to you prime minister silvio berlusconi criticized the decision as being the result of media hype and was out of touch with reality when s.n.p. said its second creation was driven by it is poor economic growth and concern of rames ability to cut spending despite the recently approved hysterics about is the downgrade has pushed up italy's borrowing costs and the threat of contagion is once again hung over the entire year's day over in greece the e.u. and the i.m.f. have given the struggling estate a final warning to ramp up budget cuts if it wants to avoid going bankrupt early next month here is a leader is already holding back until october before deciding on whether to release the next eight billion euro bailout challenge to athens british n.e.p. garfield believes that the economy of the whole region is going down the drain.
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what is the most frightening thing the most terrifying thing is almost nobody here really understands the sort of danger the global economy is now in it's extremely frightening we have bankrupt country is we have a european central bank which is underwriting junk. with taxpayers' money and this is exactly the sort of problems we had in two thousand and eight with lehman brothers portugal's broke greece's broken. be broke. the french are talking a good story but if you look at the numbers the french are in no better position it's a frail currency project currency is appalling across the world i'm a little bit surprised it's taken so long for italian bonds to be downgraded and i tell you something else if i may this is been the political project from the beginning and i would have the people responsible incarcerated in jail for this for a moment the euro has been about politics since the very beginning the e.c.b. as of was no lender. resorts at the touch of the torch bearers are already
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rebelling but simply can't go warm this project has no political democratic mandate reduced dhoom two and didn't it's just a question of exactly working before christmas or after christmas. well let's get the latest on how the world markets have taken italy's downgrade from business desk there hasn't really been instant panic following s. and p. for me it has that not at all well the markets are reacting quite positively the european markets are on the rise despite paul's downgrade of italy's debt rating well we can say that italy's mit index rose one point four percent in the style but it's now down about three and a half percent germany's dax is rallying two percent and the fusee is on the rise about one percent well if we talk about russia here the indices are reacting positively tracking overseas gains and the arches in the my six are gaining strongly about one percent on the high oil prices that after monday's heavy losses
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well analysts say the positive sentiment is due to investors bargain hunting so there is a lot of liquidity on the markets now some investors are still very cautious though there are investors of course who are trying to to notice. popping up in the turmoil well the overall sentiment is of course negative italy is the third largest economy and definitely we can see the consequences in the long term in the medium term what we get a better idea of the direction the german economic data later out today and of course the fed interest rate meeting which to morrow and in about ten minutes we'll bring you the latest analysis in our business program. across the atlantic now president obama has outlined a plan to revive america's economy with the wallets of the wealthy in his sights this proposal focuses on businesses around the. richest americans who are expected
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to pay more tax hikes a calculated to bring about three trillion dollars which need to be saved over the next ten years i had explicitly promised to veto any debt reduction that just nation that cut welfare benefits if you didn't also into the tax hikes. but his rival republicans described the president's approach as class warfare which will not create jobs libertarian economists and the rockwell believes upon his plan targets the wrong people. we're getting poorer and it's absolutely true that government connected rich are getting richer so what do we do about that do we punish businessmen who are creating jobs and creating wealth and making things better or do we take some of the stolen goods away from the people of washington away from the oligarchy away from the ruling class i think that's what we have to concentrate on not what the guys at the top what you are but who obama is working for against soros put in these kinds of guys not let them try to focus our
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attention on hating the guts of a guy who wants a bunch of a subway sandwich shops he's not the problem is the solution it's the bankers and all the people who got rich wall street the military industrial complex big pharma and it's these kinds of arms of the corporate state that are getting rich far too rich and you know they need to be cut back cut back government that's what we need to do. because of this iraq all of our outlining the shortcomings c.c.s. in the president obama's deficit cutting. israel's offering direct talks with the palestinian leadership in new york just forty eight hours will say before president abbas appeals the stated recognition at the u.n. but he's not being swayed by israel's intense diplomatic efforts all the u.s. which also opposes the bits and promises to veto it unless they're just going to reports from new york. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov held an urgent meeting with the u.s.
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secretary of state hillary clinton now members of the delegation are telling us that even though this is a closed door meeting the assumption is that lavrov and clinton were negotiating the future of talks on the israeli palestinian relationships the palestinian bid for statehood at the united nations security council is really stealing the show this year we know that palestinian leader mahmoud abbas is expected to present palestine's bid for recognize statehood to the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon in the next days to come and this is something that we know israel and the united states are really not favoring they have been calling for the whole to negotiations between israel and palestine to kick start again on a bilateral level this is something that palestine is already seems to be tired so it is taking these specific actions to try to get its state recognized within the within the international community so an extremely busy week lies ahead at the united nations of course often the highlights of the week become speeches of world
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leaders addressing the general assembly hall and this year is promising to be no exception if only these walls could talk. to a pumped up wow factor and center stage drama would be their story every year for about ten days the united nations becomes a mecca for world leaders from the confrontational to the surprising to the outright wacky the u.n. g. pilgrimage never fails to impress what happens right here becomes a mirror image of what an engaging game politics can be over a hundred in one thousand members make up the general assembly to get attention leaders have to get creative if you want a lot of the tension you could try to like streak the united nations nobody nobody has come in but naked with a goat on their back i mean so far none of this has happened but i wouldn't rule it out in the future that's one of few tricks. that have not been performed here yet i think the one that i remember the most i mean there was cut off the witch who i
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guess will never be back here again so it's becomes memorable because it's a collector's item now his long speech and tearing up tearing up the u.n. charter and falling asleep so we have just taken your course you're out of corn is alive you are. should not be discouraged the constitution comes from the record holder for speech length and indian envoy in the fifty's nobody remembers what he said but they remember that he went on for eight and a half hours exhausted the diplomat collapsed at the podium only to return and carry on the un is really owned it's owned by its member states so it's not really anyone's role to you know be kanye west and grabs you know you've got to when they're up there they can go as long as they want they can also see whatever they want and accusations often go flying towards the u.s. yes then i came here. thank you. reggie here and it's necessary for students today and from the us the greatest
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obstacle to this future is that your rulers have chosen to deny you liberty and the media obsessed with creating legends out of these performances people who have whom she could clad carla bruni becoming a headliner for the simple act of showing up to sob yet leader nikita who short run allegedly banging his shoe against the podium a grave for colonial slavery that should be buried deep the better half a century later the story is rumored to be a favorite among tourists visiting the u.n. the soviet leader so on says the episode is a legend as the shoe banging is never captured on video. over the. whole. for. that you can believe in maine. to showcase work as deed officials pull out so-called facts sparring accusations backed up by wooden seal. the need to invade
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iraq by nonexistent weapons of mass destruction well we're giving you our faction conclusions based on solid intelligence the key players come and go like. it was you have the firm for once. and they just do so who are pure team and. deal with the fierceness clearly not for into this international political stage drama year after year is the number one guest to our a sleepy and arty new york. now there may be appeals for talks in new york but back in the west bank israeli settlers and defense of forces are gearing up for the fallout from palestinian aspirations for sovereignty massmart is based in support and against the move are in the works and land mines are being planted along the border is more on the increasingly tense atmosphere. visit growing sense of isolation among
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israelis for months they simply named it and else the timber is here and with it the ease and uncertainty about what to do when palestinians ask the united nations to recognize the state i think the responsible thing to do from the ideas for interview is to prepare for any eventuality prepare for the worst case scenario and hope it doesn't happen the worst case scenario is violence there's even talk of a food into fodder the israeli army has been preparing for months beefing up security on settlements and planting new land mines along israel's northern borders but many complain these measures go too far now they are throwing mines but. maybe it's more come forth. the last thing tel aviv once is a repeat of the chaos at its borders three months ago when hundreds of demonstrators stormed the israeli syrian border in a show of sympathy for the palestinians twenty protesters were killed by israeli
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fire the area is littered with mines and add a danger to those clamoring the mines of this is a really very to do with people who have peaceful intentions but minds are a legitimate form of the fence many countries have mines on their borders for that reason in one of its internal magazines the israeli army said it was planting new mines in the area as a deterrent against any future demonstrations that might take place cards are expected to surge forward when palestinians put forward their case at the united nations and the army refused of request for an interview the most they gave us was an e-mail response in which they said they were performing ongoing situation assessments and doing everything required in order to ensure that the daily routine and security on israel's northern borders was maintained but it wasn't security there towards the right half of salad bars body he lost a leg a hand and an eye when he picked up a mine when he was thirteen years old. or so what happened with you
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and sometimes. it was if he did because if you. continue the life he have. he got little sympathy from the israeli government that blamed him for being in an area infamous for mines but instead of hate and anger sally wants his misfortune to be a warning to others and is now dreading what will happen if thousands of people surged towards the borders later this week. very very sad because i know or. just just by the. flowers or good life. it's nine months since the arab spring began and as palestinians lobby the united nations the last of the region's old certainties are being swept away but fears in the region are growing
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that what happens in new york city the stage for the next middle east crisis. r t. so have you this hour wheels up for good saffy with friends of libya to see the colonel captured it emerges that the french president nicolas sarkozy provided good daffy with the getaway car we've got the details ahead. the european human rights court ruled that russia acted within the law when it launched attacks abroad probe against the now defunct oil giant you cost the verdict states there are no indications the case was politically motivated but judges also found that between two thousand and two thousand to one mosque a rush the proceedings leaving the company with little time for paris defense the freezing of its assets you cause with no ability to operate causing its eventual collapse you class which was once headed by jail tycoon kosky demanded almost one
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hundred billion dollars in damages but the court says it needs a more evidence from both parties before ruling on that play. a quick look now is whether international news this hour and an explosion has rocked the turkish capital killing three and injuring at least fifteen people officials there a bomb was planted in a vehicle in downtown ankara well i witnessed it claimed to have seen a burning canister through it of parked cars from any of my building there the cause of the blast remains unclear turkey is no stranger to the threat of terrorism is that britons have recently intensified their attack from the country killing over forty tuck in the past two months. street fighting has escalated in the yemeni capital of pro govern. forces shot dead nine more people in a third day of violence the total number of victims since sunday has now risen to sixteen including of four children the crackdown in sanaa follows reports that the country's vice president could sign an initiative arranging the transfer of power
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as in the protesters have been calling for for months. a rule banning open almost sexuality in the u.s. armed forces has been lifted after nearly two decades the policy known as don't ask don't tell was introduced in one thousand nine hundred three during the clinton administration under the law gay men and women could only serve in the american military if they kept their sexuality as secret service for gay rights and equality described the repeal as a significant breakthrough. multiculturalism is increasingly rattling the nerves of e.u. citizens and turkey's plans to join is a worry for germany right now the two were having top level talks in berlin because germany wants to hold turkey back from being a full member which would allow the free flow of immigrants and as tom barton reports it's demographic the most ethnically diverse country. it's the end of school for thirteen year old malik college in frankfurt germany. his grandparents
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escaped from morocco in the one nine hundred seventy s. joining a largely white german society his mother nadia grew up here and she's seen things change but we had a time where everything was perfect you know we don't feel like that we have. met ben there i'd like my son was why there's a after five here then i feel like something's happened the politics not just problems are at least partly down to a massive demographic change statistics show that the overall population of young people in germany has fallen by two million in the past decade of so you cannot make a situation also of population. increase so. decided not to have as much children as we need increasingly wealthy germans see raising children whilst holding down jobs as
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a waste of time and money the only parts of the population that are growing by immigrant communities the changes in culture and ethnicity are leaving some germans feeling threatened the islamic leaders forty years law make model of society it is very different from the democratic chairman one thing we find that islam prevents people from properly integrating into germany for instance if we see ten year old girls being sent to school wearing headscarves we can already put it there are developments. too late say immigrant communities arguing about immigration now is outdated and may even border on racism here we're still have a discussion about the his that being now we are leg middle age. and with a serious labor shortage looming experts say germany needs all the workers it can get. so you. for demographic problems we need people
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see all the. people these teenagers from poor immigrant backgrounds are being welcomed into the new educational program great start which helps them with money and support towards their final school exams. we were poorer than others my family was discriminated against it was a very difficult time for me now without warning so much about money i can focus on my studies and graduate from school. the demographic future of germany is difficult to predict but if programs like this work they could help germany accept these students as part of its multi ethnic feature the changes in germany's population the debate surrounding them will take many years to play out but life goes on and by the time these teenagers have children of their own it seems likely the face of society here could look rather different tom watson r.-t.
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points. you're looking for more exciting information to check out all of the recent news video is available on our website ulti dot com here's a snapshot of what we've got right now not all countries fear the author of a foreign bailout cash rich china is giving a helping hand to deep in debt valerie's to find out the terms and conditions visit our website r.t. dot com. and a little advice for fans of the red hot chili peppers internet piracy it doesn't pay a man in the u.s. has been hit with a sixty eight housing dollar fine for illegal file sharing but this pair out with just the tip of the iceberg find out how much is down log on to our web site. that's cost libya now where antic is afy forces claim they'll crash the remaining resistance of gadhafi supporters within the coming days but while progress is. slowed by constantly shifting battle lines another kind of conflict threatens
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libya's ruling body the national transitional council is having trouble forming a new cabinet due to disagreements among its members meanwhile in the latest twist in the libyan revolt it transpired that colonel gadhafi could have made his recent escape from tripoli in an armored vehicle reports in the british press came his missing four by four was provided by the french president nicolas sarkozy in two thousand and seven journalist. danny says revelation half a shot a different leadership. it's equipped with. command a system which allows colonel gadhafi to keep in touch with his forces but it also equipped with a tracking system which makes it impossible for nato surveillance to pick up any signals and indeed to locate and target the car so it's indeed quite ironic and indeed embarrassing for the french government the deal was struck in two thousand and seven when president sarkozy was then interior minister before that's before he
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became president a few months later and as soon as he became president he received an orchid offer himself in paris for a five day state visit present soccer as he was able to sell him this armored vehicle the cd is called four by four and indeed part of the deal is a twenty five million plus package which also provides the libyan government with means to keep tabs on the opposition's by controlling the e-mail system of dissidents these revelations come in the wake of a triumphant visit lately by president sarkozy in libya where he was very much depicted in the french press as deliberate of libya he was nicknamed the libyan and his war was nicknamed. he was portrayed as to save you of libya while at the same time of course his the one who did probably the most to. gadhafi and as anybody else so these are hugely embarrassing revelations for western countries involved in
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this military adventure in libya and however to look at it it's very hard to believe that they are getting involved militarily out of the goodness of their hearts but of course as we've seen lately there was a paris conference held where business interests were discussed and the whole purpose of that meeting was of course to make the military adventure worthwhile and to discuss business of communities involving the rebuilding of libya with energy companies from britain and france in a very good position to get very lucrative business deals in post gadhafi libya. later in the program will be showing our special interview with one of the advisers to the palestinian leader who says the bid for u.n. membership is not the end game but get the business of you.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business update the russian ruble continues to retreat against the main choruses it has the lowest low against the dollar in turn months social bank says the value of a free floating ruble will be decided by the market. new very privileged position very sort of so you have no dog in the chair trade so you're not going to notice a bloody amount of the most you go so you. started your don't. believe absolutely that you know you could but you don't it's for both george. sort of look at the markets now world prices bounced back from losses in previous sessions where the escalating fears over euro zone debt crisis continue to stoke concerns over demand rights which is currently trading at around eighty six dollars per barrel while branches at one hundred ten dollars per barrel. and european markets a trend trading on a positive note they seem to have a standard and poor's downgrade of rating the bullish sentiment is supported by
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speculation greece could receive the next eight tranche from international creditors. and the russian markets also up tracking those gains overseas they are gaining point four percent while the my six is up two percent the salt let's have a look at some of the individual share moves on the might six because on the rise and speculation it might increase the amount of shares the to be converted into a receipts sector is also an impulse of chartres russia is continuing gives out to a true quarter to an almost sixty percent increase in its net profit for the first half of the here and dixie the retailer is among the gamest in the sector the company's profits has jumped more than four fold as it significantly extended its network. to. russia's delivery machinery investing more than one hundred fifty million dollars in constructing a plant in st petersburg to make poetry as formal as it will be ready in two years
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and a third of production will be exported. also in the news germany's siemens to squishing its nuclear joint venture with the russian energy corporation. the engineering giant says it is now going to focus on alternative energy. two years ago the companies agreed to jointly build new generation nuclear reactors they expected to construct four hundred plants by twenty thirty requiring a total investment of more than one trillion euros but following through fukushima disaster simmers decided to phase out its nuclear power business the collapse of the tie up could put on hold while saddam's ambitions to extend its international reach. russia's yandex has expanded with a turkish version of its search engine. and a web portal in turkish and in office in istanbul this is the first time yandex has entered a normal russian speaking market the company is in the top competition us google
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a very warm welcome back. this is all see it's credit rating dropped by one notch by the standard and poor's which is also a call for negative outlook growth. borrowing costs creating a headache for its european partners. president to discuss immigration drawdowns attempts to be a full member which would allow freedom of movement germany is europe's that most ethnically diverse country with a big population but it's struggling with multiculturalism. and with the palestinian bid for u.n. recognition just a couple of days away israel and its key partner the u.s. . position israeli military.
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