tv [untitled] September 20, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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the real power in united nations resides in the security council and it requires consensus among the five hundred members power and first ways and a look at where it really winds up the united nations general assembly might be more than two hundred world leaders at the table but if money a handful of countries can steal the show what exactly is the point. i was skinny and move at the united nations is not going to create a state not in reality not not even in fact in effect in theory is this because the reality is lawmakers in washington have too much outside influence as politicians call for president obama to stand by israel and powerful lobbies tighten their grip should calloused indians give up all hope of stopping
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state. and same economy different day this is the international monetary fund releases a new report claiming the global economy is entering a bold dangerous new phase so with italy's downgrade and economic woes in the u.s. and europe is the world headed back to recession. it's tuesday september twentieth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our team and we're going to kick off our newscast this evening with coverage of the sixty sixth annual united nations general assembly. and our team has several crews on the ground there monitoring the various aspects
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of this meeting so perhaps the issue with the heaviest global implications is palestinian president mahmoud abbas's plans to formally request membership. general assembly that move is expected this friday and has strongly been opposed by the u.s. and israel both claiming it would undermine chances to return to peace talks however the majority of the general assembly supports it so we thought we'd take a look at the breakdown of the united nations its structure its goals its symbolic power and its actual power r.c. correspondent marina partner has more. if global politics were a sport. the united nations would be the grand arena. and september would be open the season nearly two hundred of the world's most powerful and not so powerful players descend on new york city gathering in one room for a week's worth of speeches and a chance to grandstand on the international stage nearly ten thousand delegates in
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two thousand journalists are in town for the general assembly debate but in reality five countries are the ones who really matters russia china france the us and britain the permanent security council members with veto power the real power in the united nations resides in the security council and it requires a consensus among the five permanent members and as long as the want one or one or more of the permanent members will go along with something the u.s. ability to act is limited no resolutions can succeed if opposed by any of the big five case in point the current palestinian campaigns for u.n. membership and statehood and initiative the u.s. publicly supported last year when we come back here next year we could have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nations an independent sovereign state of palestine living in peace with israel but this year it's the opposite with washington saying it will veto the palestinian un membership bid warning of additional collateral
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damage one of the things that i that i hope the palestinian leadership is concerned considering is the day after what will happen when after whatever. show we have in the united nations is done. what will change in the real world for the palestinian people. the answer is nothing but sadly ironically the majority of the general assembly supports palestinian un membership the assembly along with two thirds majority in a word nonmember observer status to the. it's like the vatican injuries and doesn't need security council approval to do so so no one can veto this decision some believe problem bird the un is the wrong forum for resolving need your international disputes it's a very dysfunctional situation and actually the un really isn't the one isn't really the venue even for this the un only gets the sort of hype aspects of these
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fights and and deals with them pretty badly to the israeli palestinian problem at the un is mostly theater and this is just one one particularly for a freakish example of this global gathering attracts the security crowds a media madness of a sports championship but when it comes to practical outcomes scoring more than a symbolic victory could be unlikely even if there is a permanent member or two or three who believe that. palestine should not be a member of the un they want it on record but the best majority of the people the world do believe that it's time the i want you enjoy a gathering all the more i like. that many wonder if this simple board diplomatic strategy leads to anything more than the event itself. r.t. . you know i think it's an interesting comparison a major sporting event at a large arena in new york city but who will be the winners and losers and for that
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matter who are the referees earlier i spoke to radio host alex jones about the structure of the united nations he says the system has always been broken he believes it was designed that way by some of the most powerful and cities. well at the end of world war two the main driver was the robber baron banking families in the united states and england and they got the vanquished european nations to sign on and russia signed on to a certain extent the soviet union and that's why always since its founding the power has resided as you pointed out with the security council in the rest of this mainly a debating society in the west is used that you in as a place to basically get all the world leaders in one place so they can have the i.m.f. and world bank come in and attempt to buy them off or set them up or use different sex operatives on them but more and more the un has become a more than
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a debating club and it's become a place where opinions not popular with the ruling elite get voiced by the majority of other nations and see israel as an apartheid state regardless of which side of that debate you're on and so now more and more the un is being shown to be ceremonial and to be basically nothing but a arena for these fake debates so that's why the west mainly the u.s. and israel in england are now moving to try to even reduce the power of the u.n. more because more and more it's not going along with their different directives so that's basically my view on the united nations it was set up to help establish a private corporate global government for the big banks that are going into the other nations and trying to take them over via subterfuge and economic hitman operations. so now they're just moving to a pure global government run by finance oligarchy that we see following europe they
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don't really even need the us anymore for that they have economic warfare but you're saying allies that this is nothing new as the corruption that we pull back of this is actually controlled by a very small group that you're saying is nothing new. that it was actually set up that way and then we're actually starting to see a little bit of change some as you call them fake debates i guess so what's your suggestion how would you turn this around i mean would you do smell and build a new united nations would you maybe move it out of new york city which has got to be by the way some of the most expensive real estate in the world i mean what's the answer. well i believe in what george washington and thomas jefferson stood for not being untangled with other countries not being involved in other people's wars but wanting to trade with people and friends and i'm all for if nations want to contribute a small amount to a meeting place or several meeting places and call it. something like the.
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free republics council or free sovereign nations council and then have true true discussions where where countries can altogether vote away the rights of other day sions as the un is basically attempts to do through the security council dictatorship but instead have non-binding resolutions and agreements and then have separate nations want to form alliances or agreements that are more binding they can do that we do need a place to have the world talk but it doesn't need to be paid for by the robber barons david rockefeller the british royalty and others as a way to put a bill that glove on the iron fist of colonialism of the didn't look too good after world war two and so that's really what the u.n. is and it's it's it's up hopelessly corrupt i want it to go away and then nations could start basically talking to each other on
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a nation to nation basis and i say it's think there are real debates and real countries there that are fighting with each other and having discussions but the you know the day doesn't matter because the security council holds all the cards but alice i've got to say i mean lately so often i have been hearing people you know say as you've said you know talk about these ideals thomas jefferson george washington about the united states sort of existing much more independently the fact is times are a lot different back then things have changed it's easy to say we don't like how far we've come and the direction in which we've come a fact is we have so i mean how do you still you know argue that with the fact that we are this is a globalized world and the country do need to do more than just get together and talk. switzerland is the wealthiest country per capita in the world they their currency is rising in value not falling and they're completely neutral neutral is the way to go that will get currency is rising that could have resonance with the
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one is rising mostly because in the wealthiest people in europe and united states are spending all their money there and the value of it is rising too fast let me know but you know i mean i mean look i don't get a currency debates but it's mainly rising because the dollar snarling america is the bully engine the power slave of mega offshore banks that's on record establishing a global corporate fascist government and the un is just one of their creations and if it gets out of control they'll just discredit it shut it down so so what i'm saying is i'm a little globalism was set up to get everybody basically dependent on the bank's toure's and this is not countries working together this is countries being basically enslaved and played off against each other and america is not an empire it is a republic and so i would like to get back to our bill of rights a constitution and it is globalism of the new world order that has taken us from the most loved creditor nation with the highest shared living to being now and many
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of the statistics dead last of a dutch realize countries behind a bunch of third world nations empire has not been good for america the us taking the british empire but so on hundreds of years ago especially the last hundred and becoming this empower has not been good i don't want to pay for it and i don't want to dead million iraqis on my hands and on my name not in my name so these are the countries that you say that have really been inflamed by the us our lot of them are the same countries that are sending leaders to show up at this annual meeting of the assembly why do you think it is that they're not speaking up and speaking out and demanding more power. the us has been enslaved america has been hijacked will be clear america is in the same boat we're being bankrupted to pay for this we're being used to fund this global corporate government many of these people from asia and the middle east and latin america africa do speak out we just
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don't see them on our news unless it's our t. i do see some of it there and i commend you for that's ok but but a lot of them are also in debt to the i.m.f. the world bank that nigeria i see numbers in closing where they get a loan for one billion dollars in the sixty's they paid over fifty three billion dollars on a one billion dollar loan with loan sharking interest and they still owe thirty something billion they'll never pay it off it's a fraud and that money's not paid back to the american people it's paid back to the private mega banks of the parasites destroying the entire planet it's free humanity against the banking oligarchy it's all sort of them and the you when it's their bastard creation and alice i just want to talk about one other issue sort of loosely related to what we're talking about and that is what's been unfolding in haiti over the last couple weeks many haitians calling for the draw down of un peacekeepers there there have been protests you know that after that video service of that one thousand year old haitian man being gruesomely raped by four united
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nations troops from uruguay i want to know what you make of this situation and how the u.n. can possibly get in and sort of remake its reputation after what's been happening. well a fish rots from the head and how many times have we heard about you in diplomats with drugs they're using a diplomatic conscious or having slaves or killing people and then getting away with it i mean a former un head was kurt waldheim he was an s.s. officer hunting people down and killing him in what serbia today and all sorts of war crimes against american soldiers and russian soldiers and so of course the un constantly recruits the type of soldiers that want to rape and kill and every country they go to every country they go to. nato as well there is the right thing and killing and even i've seen you in operations where there roasting people over fires where the u.n. pulls out and lets one group kill the other group of course in rwanda that was at
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the u.n. standing down the u.n. was involved in that and so the u.n. was just in the ivory coast running a giant murder operation calling it peacekeeping the u.s. up to its eyeballs in the nato off hand you know al qaida control of libya and giving them one of these seats there i mean it is a criminal organization rotten from the head to the tail it needs to be abolished and you know the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. is right i don't agree with their their spin but their right to have a resolution israel's got four hundred eight hundred nukes they're not going anywhere this is all just an escalation in the middle east as a distraction from the economic implosion now being engineered over in the west right right alex sound it's certainly going to be an interesting week and we do you appreciate you sharing your insight with us thanks for having me. well the conversation over the size and strength and power of a future palestinian state is one we realize that has dominated the global stage
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for decades it is no doubt a conversation that most people tend to have a very strong opinion on and those opinions often translate into influence which in turn can translate into action as ours is killing ford found out one major influence here in washington may have played a very significant role in president obama's change of heart same floor same nations seem to be when we come back here next year we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nations an independent sovereign state of palestine living in peace with israel but one year later a different american position the palestinian move at the united nations is not going to create a state not in reality. not even in fact in effect in theory because the fundamental issues there divide the parties will remain to be resolved as palestinian leaders push to become a full member state at the united nations pro israel groups have been pushing to
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influence leaders in washington by congressman tim scott i would be about to hit all those ago. and i have the greatest spiritual and cool revival are very long time documents filed with the house ethics committee show that scott and his nephew took a twenty one thousand dollar trip to israel in august that wasn't alone in total eighty one congressmen one fifth of the entire house of representatives made a trip courtesy of the american israel education foundation a charitable arm of the american israel public affairs committee a powerful lobby a powerful opportunity for the israeli government to push its agenda it's crazy distorted view of what's happening it is real it was that would cost millions but i think that's it's a look at the course and fortunately it in the way that it sort of. formal she runs different. sites but very rational journey apac and other pro israel groups contribute the most of any lobby to
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federal candidates in the united states with eleven point seven million dollars in donations in two thousand and ten alone it is the responsibility of every true israel activists to increase the number of individuals making their own direct financial contributions to the campaigns of pro israel members and candidates for congress a pac is increasingly joined by pro israel evangelical christian groups when you take the combined forces of this lobbying effort out of apac and the christian dinosaur going to say asians it's quite substantial influential conservative pundit glenn beck brought hundreds of christians to israel for his rally in israel and there is more courage in one soldier then in the combined and cold hearted survey every bureaucrats that the united nations the u.s. house of representatives voted four hundred seven to six to cut all aid to the
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palestinian authority should it seek statehood a position supported by chairwoman ileana rustler in it who has traveled or sent her staff to israel. six times with lobbyist dollars the palestinian scheme is not the right way to get peace with the with israel how will recognition of a palestinian state in bring israel and the palestinians closer to peace but critics say blocking palestinian statehood is not a position that makes sense for the united states is that a hard position of the arab world we obviously support israel in such a way that it actually destructive what is jewish history but certainly is so us it's largely to search for the interests with elections just around the corner the ability of lobbying groups to shape us foreign policy remains formidable kalen forward our t. washington d.c. and out there for you this hour we are hearing reports that president obama is scheduled to meet with president mahmoud abbas from palestine tomorrow afternoon but we do want to the a little bit deeper into the power and influence and to do that earlier i spoke to
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the editor of counterpunch alexander coburn i started out by asking him to give me his take on u.s. ambassador susan rice's claim that the recent bid for palestinian statehood or the upcoming bear rather would quote not create a state and that fundamental issues that divide the parties still remain here is what he had to say what is it is really. the fact that for twenty long years the united states has been totally support of israel and the palestinians have got nowhere and it's very comical and disgusting to hear the united states well please know now we can really do it the other say no one believes a word of this what the palestinians might get out of this maneuver is open to discussion but something is better than nothing they had absolutely nothing the credibility of israel in the world at large is zero and with it the credibility of the united states is near zero as well so why do you think that president obama has
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said these things and certainly come out a little stronger at least in his language with several different dimensions of the desire for a palestinian state with a desire of one hundred fifty seven borders why do you think if as you say nothing's going to change because it hasn't changed in twenty years why even bring it up to the point i guess he was trying to hold the credibility that he taught the one with the current speech that the u.s. could be an honest broker but whatever it is three years of obama it's clear that he's not an honest broker i mean that's the whole thing is clearly a close everybody knows it and it's also become clearly a political issue in the united states so i guess it's no surprise that the republican presidential candidates are coming out and slamming president obama on his previous positions this morning texas governor rick perry talked about what he called president obama's middle east policy of appeasement and i want to play a little bit about what he had to say and then get your reaction. we would not be
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here today at this very precipice of such a dangerous move. if the obama policy in the middle east wasn't naive and arrogant misguided and dangerous i don't think this is a good opportunity alexander for us to talk about the different notions that people on namely us politicians have you know calling obama's policy naive arrogant misguided and dangerous that seems to be what a lot of people outside of this country think about president obama's policy when he stands by israel so i guess talk a little bit about that the asked the brain circuits someone when you look at someone like governor perry we know whose experience of international affairs is near zero and obviously his advisors say we need the jewish money we need to jewish vote in florida we need the jewish vote in california we need that and if we can detach some of the like to look at the recent congressional election in new york
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where they abandoned lot of seats and been held by the democrats since nineteen twenty three and they say the reason is that the jews are trying to tell bomber that you know you better get with the program otherwise they'll recognize republicans when when rick perry says that i mean most well hold out a huge begging bowl and say put your jewish money any particulars you know on the other side saudi arabia has pledged to end its special relationship with washington if the u.s. goes forward with its veto so talk a little bit about kind of what's at stake here and you know the different countries that the u.s. is friends with and their different reactions that will come down as a result of this bit. but i think first saudi arabia just broke up the special relationship with the united states this is kind of ridiculous i mean saudi arabia is the thirty second state many ways some of them to make a statement like that is clearly absurd they're trying to maintain a little bit of credibility here because they're under pressure from the
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initiatives of country like turkey they're under pressure from the possible positions that might be involved in egypt and so they're near clearly trying to maintain a little detachment now alexander coburn editor of counterpunch. well there is very little sunshine in the forecast when it comes to global growth in the year ahead and this according to the international monetary fund who also says if major changes are not made soon the united states and the eurozone will plummet back into recession there are quite a few dark clouds also hanging over the economies of the u.s. and europe in fact and it's and then a little deeper into all of this and what it means earlier i spoke to michael pence how the president has her portfolio strategies here's what he had to say. something big has to happen soon or does that really mean how could they possibly be surprised that global g.d.p. growth is going to be subpar both this year and next year and indeed as far as the
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eye can see japan is in a recession europe is smalling apart and the us g.d.p. has less than one percent annual growth only because we miscalculate the rate of inflation so even emerging markets are going to suffer because their export driven economy and who they sell to well they sell to europe japan and the united states so it's no surprise to me you know we really never came out of the first recession the great recession that started in december of two thousand and seven and you know we like to ask this question all the time who is to blame i know that some people you know say of course we were in a bad situation but the tsunami in japan you know the unrest in the middle east in north africa and the rise in oil prices as a result there was interest japan was in a recession before the tsunami hit so i don't know how you can blame the tsunami and you can't blame mother nature for the fact that greece is an insolvent country and you can't blame mother nature for the fact that italian ten year yields are
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suddenly stubbornly close to six percent even though e.c.b. is counterfeiting money just the same rate as ben bernanke you mention it only of course they just had its credit rating dropped by standard and poor's to an a from an a plus i do want to talk about the global impact and i know that in two thousand and ten when it was very clear that greece was in trouble and investors were starting to get out the federal reserve kind of looked deep into this and they looked to see what would happen if bank to bank in the u.s. if for example portugal and spain were hit hard as well from what i understand from the reports that i read and they came to the conclusion that it would not be too detrimental in less italy i want to get your take on whether this downgrade is really really bad news. well first of all the i mean eight plus they i mean is anybody really believe that italy and on italian so it hurts me to say this is that you couldn't really believe anybody really believing that italy deserves an a
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rating their debt to g.d.p. is one hundred twenty percent and rising their interest rates are and their bond market is in full revolt they're relying upon john clore tree ca and his printing press and his inflation to keep interest rates low this is a very bad scenario not only for greece but for italians and all and a significant but a significant number of european banks are insolvent the e.c.b. has to buy all of that sovereign debt and take it off their balance sheet that is the final answer the final solution is that europe is headed towards a sort of why more germany type of situation and the u.s. is pressing along just a few years behind that that's the sad truth so in other words there's a downgrade in italy sort of just a slap on the rest of padding on how you look at it. less the downgrade in italy is it out because we say we shouldn't worry about moody's and standard and poor's so much here in the united states or in europe the real downgrade columns on the part
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of the international bond market vigilantes when they say it's over it is over interest rates rise g.d.p. falls debt to g.d.p. ratio skyrocket and it's over the point here is that you cannot get to that point that straw that breaks the camel's back i hate platitudes but that's true once you cross the rubicon there is no answer but the fall greece will default that means somebody has to take the pain and it's going to be either the banks or it's going to be this central bank creating inflation and then everybody suffers why do you think gold is up l. most every day up over eighteen dollars an ounce and gold stars are starting to rise and. we have a nice allocation to gold stocks because it is no secret anymore we're going to monetize or at least attempt to monetize the situation in
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a way which has never worked in the history of planet earth and that was michael pencil president of and so profile new strategies and coming up new in thirty minutes try davis is in his eleventh hour as a georgia part of board the knights his clemency despite claims that he was wrongly convicted of killing a police officer more than two decades ago in savannah georgia but despite the rejection of the death row inmate the last ditch plea his supporters still aren't giving up protesting tonight in new york and washington d.c. less than twenty four hours before his execution is scheduled coming up new at eight pm we'll talk to michael starke he was at the protest here in washington and is a member of the campaign to end the death penalty. and that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we cover to go to r.t. dot com usa or check out our you tube page you've got our t. america you can also follow me on twitter at franzi.
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