tv [untitled] September 20, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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new leadership praising the progress that's already been made and despite this questions remain whether nato air campaign wide with the u.n. mandate last friday in a unanimous resolution the u.n. recognized the national transitional council as the country's official representatives. coming up in about thirty minutes my colleague marina joshie will be here with a full look at your news right now it's back to our washington studio for the second part of the alyona show and how the american army will cope as the don't ask don't tell law is repealed. it is time for show and talent tonight's program now last time we discussed the three here anniversary of lehman brothers collapsing we've been essentially triggered the global financial crisis and despite the fact the government stepped in to save the wall street banks we don't really seem to be in much better shape now with all that in mind do you think the government would let another big banks
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fail or are they just go for another bailout that's going to produce separate reason assigned to you to find out what you have to say. the second quarter of two thousand and eleven marked the highest quarterly profit by f.d.i.c banks in the u.s. since two thousand and seven and while the u.s. economy continues to saying and banks are rockin in higher profits no one wants to think about a repeat of two thousand and eight but the question of what do we do about the sinking financial institution big enough to take us all down with it is still an answer by regulators so did we learn anything from lehman would we let another big bank fail or would the government just do it all again omak said with all the lobbying money big finance companies spend on politicians it is unlikely they will reject another bailout program michael told us government and wall street are so interconnected and dependent on each other that they will surely print as much money as needed to avoid another lehman style collapse millon outage no meaningful
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regulation of the financial sector has occurred without such regulation the big banks will fail again and wall street will use the government to bail them out again the majority of you who responded saw the tight relationship between the government and the banks and that nothing has really changed that would prevent another big bank collapse or bail out in our future so why is it so hard for the government and the financial sector to learn from their mistakes maybe because they're both using other people's money. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next. question for you earlier in the show we discussed the case of troy davis a death penalty inmate who scheduled to be executed in georgia tomorrow night despite serious doubts of his guilt so knowing that the justice system in the united states is far from perfect do you think that we should still use the death penalty you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and you know as your responses just might make it on the air. this is kind of.
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the mind will come down some last year old choirs will be singing. well today we have a true glimmer of hope for those who fought for years just for the opportunity to serve in the u.s. military as a twelve i want to am this morning don't ask don't tell was repealed. the security defense. and committed to removing all the barriers that would prevent emergence from ensuring their country and to managing to the highest level of responsibility it's their turn to build on that. been. going. into this country. that's what should matter. now is laws been in place for eighteen years back in one thousand nine hundred three the legislation was created to prevent anybody who was openly gay from
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protecting and serving this country during the life of the law over fourteen thousand armed service members were discharged based on their sexual orientation however all those who were forcibly discharged can now choose to not return if they choose to do so thanks to president obama's repeal of the legislation signed last december now this bill was certified by congress and gave the approval of defense secretary leon panetta as well as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mike mullen . i cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are you know what or to defend their fellow citizens. this encourage minute of their appeal by admiral mullen is a stark contrast to that of some of the military he says staff such as the marines chief of staff general james amos who expressed concern about the repeal this law but those in favor did win now dan choi an iraq war veteran he was discharged after he came out on the rachel maddow show his father l g b t equality consistently even
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getting arrested after chaining himself to the white house fence now we're happy to report that choi is relisting in the army what a difference a few years makes right so president obama released a statement today saying that as of today patriotic americans in uniform will no longer have to lie about who they are in order to serve the country they love every american to be proud that we have taken another great step toward keeping the finest our millett toward keeping our military the finest in the world and toward fulfilling our nation's founding ideals obama was joined by several members of congress who blog this move as well as activists across the country so as the country comes together and celebrate the death of this law discriminating against service. ambers we would like to take a pause and realize that the end of don't ask don't tell really is a glimmer of hope. well here's another example of the insane defense spending abroad that continues on despite the planned austerity measures here at home in the us as a lot of dot coms glenn greenwald pointed out posted on the website fed's bid. the
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army corps of engineers is soliciting names of construction firms to build a new detention facility and afghanistan that of the syllabi is going to include detainee housing capability for approximately two thousand detainees as well as guard towers administrative facility and vehicle personnel access control gates security surveillance and restricted access systems that is to me a cost to this project well you know just twenty five to one hundred million dollars and the contract is to be awarded on or around december thirtieth of two thousand and eleven for starters what does that say about our war in afghanistan winding down didn't we just see the president use a trillion dollars in war savings in the accounting for his deficit reduction plan yesterday and who are we going to be holding in this new facility here to discuss that with me is christopher swift a fellow at the center for national security law at the university of virginia school of law christopher thanks so much for being here tonight could be back ok so we already have a prison i'm confused why do we need another detention facility that can hold two
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thousand more people one of the things that we're sort of forgetting is that we're having a war in afghanistan and in war people are almost forgotten there can not at all and when people are captured you need to place to put them so the fact that we're building a new detention facility in bagram either means we need the facility or we anticipate that we're going to need the facility it wouldn't surprise me if we have a backlog if we have some concerns about whether the afghans are adequately providing security for their facilities but definitely says that the u.s. footprint in afghanistan especially in southern afghanistan in the pashtun regions is going to continue on for quite some time ok so none of that winding down exactly how you would. we're going to see troops start to leave you can say right we're going to have seventy thousand troops only small a tiny number left after the fall of two thousand and twelve but now we're going to have more presence but you know the problem here is you're saying there's a war going on there it needs to be a place to house certain prisoners but you know if you look at human rights
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organizations human rights watch human rights first they'll tell you that there is no such thing as due process here that these people don't have any kind of adequate representation no lawyers so who are we to just keep holding thousands of people well the there's a problem here and it's a legal problem when someone is detained in there on u.s. territory or the supreme court has ruled that if your in your is u.s. territory or in an area of effect of u.s. control like want you have a right to what's called he is corpus you can challenge the government's right to hold you or challenge the evidence against you that justifies your be held in the case of a war zone in the case of individuals who are picked up on the field of battle the law that applies is international law and the international law of armed conflict says you can hold those people indefinitely until conflict ceases so you have two different sets of legal standards and one of the arguments you're seeing from groups like human rights for us to human rights watch which is a reasonable argument is that there should be at least some due process or some review for people who get picked up war and actually combatants and you know we've
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seen this in guantanamo we've seen it we've seen it in other places but that's the tension the legal tension here between wartime law governed by international law and us due process of law governed by a tradition of abs corpus that goes back well over a thousand years yeah those are a lot of really important questions that need to brought up and at the same time you know at some point we have to hand over a troll of the prisons to. to the afghans the same way that we did in iraq and see how well that has worked out as there have still been reports of rampant torture and you know abuse of detainees going on at those prisons so when does that actually happen here when does the handover of control of the of the prison you are there any plan say it's hard to say because we haven't decided when we're leaving afghanistan. decided that we're going to have a smaller footprint in afghanistan we've decided we're going to spend spend less money in afghanistan we've decided we're going to focus less on the village by village counterinsurgency operations in afghanistan and emphasize more targeted counterterrorism operations but it no point is anybody in the administration or congress or any of the relevant branches of government said this is the date by
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which there will be no more u.s. presence and that's supposedly ok so if we're going to you know we can say that u.s. officials military officials the nato officials afghan officials have said that maybe by two thousand and fourteen that we should hand over control so that at least the afghan security forces can be in charge of security for them and there are this facility which is just announced whether this facility is something that would be ended over to the afghan national army or the afghan national police or whether it's something that would remain under u.s. or ice after command my guess is given that it's at at bagram again this is just pure speculation on my part is that this is probably a facility for high value prisoners foreign fighters people that are being detained moving across the border from pakistan or coming down from central asia or people who are part of the hakani network or rather high value individuals the average taliban fighters by and large being held by the afghan national police and by the afghan justice ministry in afghan prisons and as we've seen in recent months those
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afghan prisons aren't very secure are not doing a very good job of keeping people who have been captured captured. recent jailbreak i forget how many how many months ago we were part of the not going to basically tunneled under the prison which is an amazing feat not only of engineering but also . well they've managed to do it under everybody's nose so why but i think you know that's the other thing about a lot of americans have to remember too is that there are more prisons it's not just a bog ram there are many presidents right across afghanistan and maybe they don't know it or they don't realize it but it's got to be for not only us they're all not not all u.s. presidents or member of the afghan government has its own presence they have their own laws they have their own rules about what happens in their country because of the the people the insurgency there so when we're capturing and killing people. on the battlefield the united states has one set of laws afghanistan has another set of laws that reflect their culture and reflect their legislative priorities but at the same time it's still our money and you know it's sad that phrase days we live in such a world where twenty five one hundred million dollars doesn't even sound like a lot anymore right that's become a drop in the bucket but at the same time we are being told here at home that we
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have to cut the taxes have to be raised and i think that you know that should be worrisome for the don't forget that part of the price tag in that twenty five million two hundred million dollars is the cost of getting stuff into afghanistan which is relatively easy we're talking about viagra for space but it's also the cost of providing security for the facility for the people who build it so it will be at the time and that cost of providing security has gone up exponentially since i was last in afghanistan several years ago and from what i understand it's going to continue to go up as the taliban start continues to reconstitute itself continues to gain interior bases of operations to continue to take the battle against their adversaries in the northern part of the country as it gets more violent and now that we're finally reaching the ten year mark here in this war and let's not forget of course the former president of afghanistan was assassinated today so we're just seeing the violence pick up christopher thanks so much for joining us today good to see you. now still ahead tonight income inequality not a big deal and democrats just obsessed over it those comments are news anchor tonight still tired of war and unhappy our bill o'reilly says that he may quit if
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this was a city. of about one hundred ninety thousand people and we had eighty thousand people working for general motors. or a job that depended on general motors. general motors is if it's not relations you it might be your neighbor or somebody you knew so it's kind of a family run business myself i'm third generation my father was working there and you have a lot of two three and four generation families that are there first let's understand that it is this is if a man doesn't want. it he should not. it is gong to ordain men to work. i think for a long time this notion in america that bigger was better was simply an undisputed
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fact in the twenty first century smarter it's going to be better general motors simply became too large for their own good and so many brands that they couldn't even keep up with they just basically became a dinosaur. i have time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to brit hume over at fox news now brit was on bill o'reilly's show last night to discuss obama's deficit reduction plan and as you can imagine the g.o.p. the mouthpiece for the g.o.p. aka fox news well they're not so happy about obama's plans to raise taxes on those who make over a million dollars a year and they really just hate it when democrats talk about paying your fair
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share just take a listen to british humor below discussing the plan. you take from people who have you take it from there they believe that's moral and that's right yeah they do they believe that that's the way to have a more just in a more level more just society a more level playing field more equitable. circumstances in our country the way you eliminate over this income inequality which to which to democrats and liberals is a big problem and sometimes it can appear that the democrats some democrats would rather have everybody equally poor than on the rich that's obviously an exaggeration on my part. well you know brit actually seems bothered that some democrats care about inequality here in the us i honestly struggle to understand how caring about income inequality of the united states could be anything but a good thing but maybe brit hume just doesn't understand how big of a deal the growing inequality really is so let's take a look at income inequality in the united states and how it compares to the rest of
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the world now this map shows the journey coefficient which is a century old formula that measures inequality issues on a scale from point zero up two point five zero with five point five zero being the most unequal so as you can see the u.s. is highlighted in purple keep in mind green or blue colors are good purple and the other colors those are bad so according the gini coefficient the u.s. ranks at point four five zero which is near the extreme end of the income inequality scale and to give you an idea of where the u.s. ranks on income inequality compared to the rest of the world let's show you mexico the other latin american nations in south america most of these countries are about the same or worse keep in mind several of those countries have also just been involved in or just emerging from destabilizing conflicts now if we travel over the atlantic ocean to south africa we find several nations that are equal to or slightly worse in the u.s. when it comes to income inequality and those include cameroon madagascar rwanda uganda and ecuador so that's how bad the issue has become here in the u.s.
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over the last few decades we're now on par with several sub-saharan african nations but brooke you he doesn't have a problem with income inequality here in the u.s. you do get that because of their obsession with this question of inequality is really quality is that a very much higher level who cares. who cares well i guess that kind of sums up how the g.o.p. in the rich feel about the fact that an increasing number of people the united states are struggling while the rich are getting richer and you can't just throw around the word income inequality like brit hume and bill o'reilly do as if it's just some weird strange concept of the democratic bogeyman are caught up to it's real actually just last week the census released a report showing that forty six million americans are now living in poverty that's roughly one in six americans and a report from feeding america show that seventeen million children suffer from food insecurity and one in four children go hungry do all great hue thinks that income equality is no big deal just some obsession of the left millions of americans would
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beg to differ and that's why brit hume missed nights tool time winner. ok guys time for happy hour and join me this evening as our team producer jenny churchill and that it's not heard on the hill reporter for roll call thanks for joining me ladies ok so we just showed obviously brit hume and bill o'reilly being a little angry about this thing who cares about income inequality but then bill took it even farther and threatened to quit if his taxes are raised take a look. by corporations employ scores of people they depend on me to do what i do so they can make a nice hour if brock obama begins to actually mean more than fifty percent which is very possible i don't know how much longer i'm going to do this i like my job but
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there comes a point when tax so you should be called a pressure. ok first of all i don't know why he thinks that is so possible that pretty soon he's going to be paying fifty percent in taxes and i believe just give me one figure that actually shows that because even if you talk about the buffett rule that's still twenty percent if you. talk about being at the same level as middle income families but you know if that's what it takes to get bill o'reilly to quit should obama do it i really i don't know all i'm saying it's almost like he's forgotten that there's a whole congress there that does not like raising taxes like both sides don't like now so the fact that he brought it up as a possibility and did a whole thing on it is kind of amusing to me well he's clearly just pandering to people like oh my gosh they're going to raise them but i was with you at first on the whole like let's just get him out then but then i realized we lost glenn beck you know we don't we don't subscribe to would you know you do you know what you know bill goes we've got nothing i have what while we have you know me on
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a box and. where we wouldn't be anywhere without gods and friends who are really about just like you know a comedy sketch every single morning and sometimes they're really thankful that they exist but hopefully everyone else sees them as comedy too. ok one thing that this next story really doesn't help this whole leg ridge people being angry about having to pay more thing because this plays right into the whole idea that poor people just like to go. it's a really really hilarious video check it out. it's just way more. i mean it's pretty good you know and i really must be tongue in cheek i mean i got yeah but i've got this song stuck in my head all day all day long right well one of
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the funny things is my favorite line is when he has to tell the drug dealer that he can't use that for weed yet was my favorite and i don't really i mean artistic i like when he says it's is better today card that's really good and you know i have to say i'm a little concerned that this is going to be the hot new thing and the hip hop world like everybody's going to be flashing their. super excited it's like the new spinners no no it was like an actor you know how does it want to like rockers are going to be teased they don't have them they want to you know flash their first ladies benz and all the bling that they have they want to show how rich they are now being rich right now is not popular they have to go with. very high and it is very good no honestly it's actually the story is really sad because as you know unemployment among black males is like a ridiculous high and this is the reality for them you have to go and make it not i know you guys made it not fun i thought it was going to be a thing why don't you make me feel better being rich as popular as israel. right
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now as i'm going to do yesterday and said that one in five americans think that you know in a decade they'll be millionaires everybody always is so optimistic being american will never goes out of style but then you have bill o'reilly that says that will get taxed fifty percent if we are people like mark cuban coming out and saying you know tax us all more and buffett one of the really really rich people so take a little reading ok. this story. this is a really good one too that's really really sad but. crack you ok to. according to charging documents the kindergarten teacher had asked children to bring pictures of their family for show and tell them a crack pipe and several baggies of rocks which later tested positive for methamphetamine were what the six year old brought. i think that might be the worst show and tell story that i ever heard the give a crack by and i actually had a crack at it too oh no he brought
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a baggie with three thousand dollars worth of crack crazy the amount i drank it was a thousand dollars worth of crack lying around and i'm going to like i could i didn't really want to be he didn't realize it was all like half half mad i was really confused i had to turn around and ask other people in the news room can this happen and then. started i thought also that this had to be the worst show and tell thing but i did a little research and now it turns out that just this year students have brought a gun a kid brought a gun a kid brought a hand grenade somebody brought marijuana and then back in two thousand and two a child brought a preserved fetus of siamese twins from china. well i got that that when. he was going to go the hand grenade i think hand grenade for a whole day out of the way he made every one yet. joined when he was one of the can join twins going to come to life and exact people already dead. traumatized.
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ok well maybe there should be you know some kind of a pamphlet or something of do what you do don't run it through the gate is what i say that's way more interesting the crack pipe then like what normally gets brought in for a farewell so i get points for that now mommy is going to go to jail so crying out over in the hospital oh gee this story just gets worse and worse you know the reason i brought up the handbook or the pamphlet is because there is hilarious handbook about nightclubs in new york and basically what they're telling the south as to how do you spot terrorists or suspicious people and so we have a few of them picked out as some of the best ones for starters watch out for two or more people communicating and trying not to be observed. very very detailed. or another one is individuals with obvious signs of extreme stress or nervousness such as bolding veins in the neck profuse sweating or shaking hands and individuals
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whose speech includes stuttering mumbling or chanting or has a tender and responsive. this is ridiculous. well if you were going to nightclubs you know how many people are sweaty and are mumbling because they're drunk and probably have some veins bulging as you've been dancing all night you're over exerting yourself it just seems. that if you have on you follow these clips any thirty second segment from the jersey shore could apply to qualify as teri why there was one wasn't there like someone who's trying to conceal. wires and i don't know i feel like that would be generally you don't wouldn't need to tell me the paper that if i keep those wires and tape hanging out of their clothing but i like also and give you tips on how to identify someone who was plastered and i'm like oh it's a night club like what people are going to read what i actually want to give you left you go exactly my whole point with those waiting in the mumbling of the who
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isn't doing that at my club but anyway this is your counterterrorism measures you know hard work finding the right people all right guys thanks for joining me tonight i gotta wrap it up that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure we come back tomorrow and experience the young turks going back on the show now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch you can top flashed a lot of show and coming up next is the. weapons grade plutonium is turned into a vital new recently nuclear waste becomes a fuel wrigley to the environment energy outpost a lot of ends of the earth russian scientists lead the way in making these innovations a reality in the future free from years of nuclear clips the peaceful revolution
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russia urges the palestinian bid for statehood to be given floor time of the un security council as washington threatens to use its veto power against the unilateral move. the us is accused of pursuing its own interest in the muslim world during the arab spring spotted leaving israel out on a limb. and international team of data inspectors sees progress in talks with greece while the i.m.f. warns the global economy is in a perilous state. it's a.t.m. of the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie palestinians deserve the right to present their case for recognition in front of the un security council the spike u.s. threats to veto the move that's moscow's stand on the statehood bid.
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