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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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promises exceptional for today's debility fuel business in russia will come to the small region for more information log on to the west and some are of the. power factor the pm here in the russian capital where there are a recover now the top stories thousands of jubilant palestinians pour into the streets of the west bank in support of a bid for statehood out the united nations government services and schools were closed so people could participate in the demonstrations. there's a standoff over palestinian sovereignty brewing at the un general assembly support for palestine could clash with a veto wielding u.s. which is pushing for a relaunch of peace talks between israel's israelis rather and palestinians. the eurozone teeters under its rapidly piling debts with greece trying to speed up cuts
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before european commission inspectors descend the i.m.f. meantime is warning global finances are now more vulnerable than at any other point since two thousand and. two stay with us to reality next the motor city madness in a ghost town the second part of a special report on the slow death of a city that was once the heart of america's car industry that's next right here on arts. but very differently you see what. this person will be the chairman of the genesee county land bank and will have to be responsible for its operations as well so not just understanding the client side of the work but also understanding communities and how neighborhoods are stable. again
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skin three choices one was to continue what i'm doing now to stay in the political world and be a local policymaker and then maybe you know move on to some other office the other choice was to go work for the new obama administration and i was very interested in that and spent a lot of time talking to the to the people in the white house and you know was almost ready to make that move but i really felt like this this third option of running my own policy center was a better fit for me. don't you know your family you know i know you're on your new. not to scare you i have but there is a reality that foreclosure could occur and i would expect to share because we're pretty certain we've got things nailed out but with a new incoming treasurer the treasurer sets the policy right and in my new work
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starting the beginning of next year i'll be the president of a think tank of a policy center. to be a national organization to support the same kind of policies that i've developed here in michigan and particularly in flint with mr kildee band always being so such a humanitarian very very socially. i would hope the person that followed in his footsteps would have similar views sometimes it comes right down to there we go we save money for property taxes in there and you know it's i just have to. hang on to my faith and we know i'm a christian so i hang on to my faith of the world and for that i would have got through.
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several. in february and. if. and when most of those. transitions. we have seen just because of what is no. use for. and christ. we have celebrated bright days and endured dark hours over approximately one hundred years of all the mobile with a street. however we have never seen as midnight and now. as we faced see this coming. as our national lawmakers on capitol hill contemplate whether or not they will extend much needed financial assistance to
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these crucial american automobile manufacturers. for those of you who think that this is not a spiritualist. ask you to ponder the history of our manufacturing. first let's understand that it is god this is a man doesn't work. then he should not eat. it is gone who ordain men to work by the sweat. and it is gone. he demands that a man should be the head of his home in leadership and example and in provision. like right. after the next like right. now these old police value. police cars. very well ok i'll take your old.
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man eyes on a day care your. heart out where i live for our diabetic oh my god when i go wake up let it go then he does come back wake me up. like oh my mommy the earlier one with you nothing will be pretty good here. i've never seen these times before detroit. and southeast michigan of michigan as a whole which was once valued probably top five. of making a person financially independent now you know it's almost gone full circle and now it is you know ranking in the top five. in the union. he.
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says. we're fortunate because they were built to play in some ways english till the last . you know like when i hired in the one nine hundred seventy eight we had fourteen thousand members at local six fifty two right now we've got a hundred thousand in g.m. right now that are permanent people. thirty thousand people that somebody may have actually jobs that lost. were never there were they able to go a week of the schedule too many cars. and they don't really need a car so it sort of came with a layoff we said you're scheduled at the plant down. from
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out on the corner nothing more bailout money g.m. i don't think the government should put any more money there until general motors shows that they can be a viable company for the long term and that there's a reasonable chance that any loans that the government would make would be paid back to the taxpayers and the nation that has to go we we don't look at it is a bailout you know you're looking at well why should the taxpayers pay that well here here's a perspective we're all taxpayers you guys are paying taxes right now well now they're saying well you guys make good money you don't have what when you make good money you pay more taxes especially if a more taxes but if you're making good money these are middle class people attach rates. main street there are spending the money to make the world go round there's a lot of things that cash to invest in her book i think for every person automotive
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anymore right because these people come into town every day so their frequent stores gas stations you pick things up you know most everybody is here a test made factory i think is ninety nine people a night as well small town and right of people want to slam a g.m. in their hourly wages what they were when the hour before our work right at the town suffer because we know it is for a fact if you don't have the my you are on the house business right they they offer so it affects everybody friends or carkner brokers tremors and letters in the nergal on the suffer and because you're not well we're not we're not both today we're not people are not spending money today because they own history it's why suffer. as it emerges from bankruptcy the once mighty general motors corporation will become the smaller general motors company half its brands are being sold off or
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phased out leaving only chevy buick g.m.c. and cadillac and the new g.m. reportedly is considering changing its logo background from blue to green to emphasize its commitment to smaller more fuel efficient cars you know steve i've seen them before they went bankrupt or seen them after and honestly i don't see any change. i see a lot of marketing. i see a lot of hype but i don't really see a whole lot of effort. in the twenty first century making a car that gets twenty mpg just isn't acceptable i've worked on projects with c.m. and they might say one thing to you in the beginning you know they'll say ok do your research come up with an idea the bottom line is they're only going to listen to it they don't consider ideas unless there's some hot sketch on the war and i think that's just completely backwards of how
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a car company should operate they were so focused on just making one type of pickup truck changing the headlights you know for them changing the grill was a major revolution. for decades while the americans had their head in the sand the rest of the world was being alert i guess what what's kept toyota honda and you know all these japanese companies so far ahead of the u.s. is just their incredible quality and became so far ahead of the american competition that own these vehicles came into the u.s. it was like wow look at this car it's reliable it's a gerbil and you know it uses half the gas of the chart that i'm using now. and if you look at the merit in truck. you know for decades they're using the
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same basic chassis that was developed back in the sixty's or seventy's. i look at g.m. and i see. kind of the past. and that's what's hard for me about. thinking about working for something like that it's like why would i want to go into the past and for me i would want to work for the next year you know a company that's rising from this ashes of of bankruptcy and basically makes g.m. irrelevant. soz jam like. whatever this stuff i don't know. and what's up. with that and you want to go over to your idea if
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you're going anywhere. with this foot here. there's really no jobs being offered in the automotive design world so it's really hard to say like ok general motors comes to you today and offers you a job and you take it but for me i wouldn't i don't think i could morally or ethically take the position. they did talk about general motors being behind the times that you talked about flex fuel they put all kinds of money in that research you talked about clean energy you talked about. battery he doesn't want to
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you know it's easy when gas was a four fifty a gallon they say well you guys build the gas guzzlers you know we build what people want people want trucks they want s.u.v.s for the different things you're doing i'm not going to go out there and help out a one of these small tires that trailer because everything always the car. it's a big s.u.v. and the gas mileage is so much but you want to be able to put half the soccer team in it and put your wife and not have to worry about it you know because you know you've got the best county the piebald are on the farm or here i hope they come back they were back here on the hill made a cake to go with those or whatever but if they come up for
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a mushroom as their home depends on how the news media spins it in oh i'm all yours and while they make too much money well how do you know we have you you know we you i mean i can fix help ten or fifteen different patients and make twice as much money as we make an hour that are doing a lot of the word on these people who are physically working doing things well look here this is something you're never going to see it's all right dear. you don't want to see this they're called highballs. this is exciting.
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for. general motors as if it's not relations you it might be your neighbor or somebody you knew it was kind of a family run business you know myself i'm third generation my father was working there and you have a lot of two three and four generation families that are there my son's name was rollin green but he had a high school he always wanted to follow in the footsteps of working at general motors in zero eight he actually got hired at the entry level. since. he was laid off when the crunch started hit he was one of the first ones to go i'm already in the sense that he might have to leave the state to get work and that's something we've never had to face as a family. i mean it's tough altogether they got under more gas prices went up about building gas guzzlers so everybody
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switched to you know going green you know you got to go green something new energy efficient fuel efficient and so then at that point when i got laid off i started to look into the windmill industry for alternative energy because that started to take her it off but what i've noticed is gas prices have come down and that's pretty much fell right off. for these skills which we're both from my own through christ. my lifestyle is going to be on the wage that i'm able to meet the things that i'm able to do and you know of actually i'd like to have a family and be able to make it to college and things like that hard to tell where we're going to end up and what's going to be a decent career i would like to say that i'd be working for general motors and that's where i would like to work. it's whatever grew up well that's how i've grown
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up that's the majority of my families were to become more. like it's men the blood that's in the family you know it's a it's a living. playing bad luck. i think that detroit will rebound i think it will rise again ah detroit is a is a very zillion people hot people came here with great expectations i believe that
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many people can look back over their lives and and really honestly say you know detroit those are very good to me and i feel hot the obligation to be committed to help detroit to get back to where it needs to be. now. enjoy. this. walk away. from this. earth. i'm damned. here.
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it's a city that has so much character and so much potential. that you know i really felt like ok you know the city has to change and on four years the city is going to be great but the longer it been here and as. what was the auto industry has now collapsed that's really only gotten worse. and you have a lot. since we started the land bank since i started this whole approach i've had
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people like it and people who don't like our reaction that i felt that i've heard more recently is a reaction to this idea of shrinking the city of intentionally trying to redesign the city to make it a smaller and i think better place this is where. a lot of criticism was because they think that the rock obama and i somehow sort of actually planned to demolish american cities so this one says every day the obama administration gets scarier and scarier first they take over the financial institutions then private industries and i.b.m. now big brother is coming to bulldoze your home. what i think is not a valid criticism is that we have to rebuild every neighborhood and we have to
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somehow recreate the flint of the past that's not going to happen it's not going to happen no matter what we do and it shouldn't happen and so i reject that criticism that somehow by acknowledging that we should be smaller at that sounds like defeat. in the u.s. we've had this. you know antiquated notion of our manifest destiny that will simply go west and get bigger and that has allowed us i think to make the mistakes of forgetting what's left behind. the notion that
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bigger is better is a fallacy a false promise it's not true it comes from the american west we're expansion primarily it's this american obsession with growth and expansion. in the u.s. most american cities have barely one hundred years of history and the difficulty is that in many cases flint detroit both being prime examples we've had one period of growth followed by one period of decline in we can't see far enough to realize that that's not the birth life and death of a city but it's a cycle. i think for a long time this notion in america that bigger was better was simply an undisputed fact for most people there was no reason to assume otherwise people didn't have.
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the long term vision to think that we could ever run out of space because we had so much of it people didn't have the vision to see that the smoke coming out of our tailpipes could possibly do us harm. and today we're paying for that but at the time it was simply just this deep love affair that we had with space and this whole notion of the american dream having your own house with your yard in your own garage an image of a car that's of great is unnecessary. the fact that g.m. was so out of touch with the rest of the world i think that's directly connected to the fact that the united states was so out of touch with us the world
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as a people were always wanting to be the best and and the twentieth century what we thought was the best was bigger and we were definitely the best at it in the twenty first century smarter and didn't get better if we want to be considered the best and the thing that's going to take a major shift in our minds. to the soup to food food food food to the. obvious good game going to be of the food.
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food food food. food food. the a. tool the i need food in the on the. pool the you tube in the.
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good. question is the so much different in a huge business share the power to talk to friends turkey any and all the geo political order in the middle east and the arab world is ankara making a bid to play the role of the regional hegemon on the back of.
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