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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EDT

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twenty four hour news live from moscow this is artsy with me received shane thousands of palestinians are marching all across the west bank to support their leaders move to win recognition for their state at the u.n. now there's an atmosphere of jubilation as government services and schools were closed down to allow people to head out onto the streets and demonstrate. has been following the events. it's being high so it's right across the west bank is this to make sure that some twenty thousand people have taken to the streets of ramallah people took off work the schools closed early and many of the businesses shut down i'm standing in all minot which is really the focal point of the mind and in this area the businesses the shops in the restaurants have been opened so that people can really celebrate what's almost a clone of the atmosphere now this does kick start three days of peaceful demonstrations of the palestinians and the sponsors they will be folding in the run up to the palestinian president mahmoud abbas making their bid on friday for
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statehood at the united nations we've seen some of that such as celebrations across the west bank in hebron there were an estimated seventeen thousand people turning out for parties and khan of those today some similar scenes unfolding in bethlehem and in nablus they wanted to isolated incidents of violence that did change it will have the potential to modern day one in kalandia checkpoint not far from here it was also a little bit of violence in hebron the both of those have been built under control and the people i've been talking to say that not only do they have a commitment to holding peaceful demonstrations but sort of need to have a commitment to making sure that this historic moment on the world stage is seen and felt by everyone in the international community for the israeli army so he has been preparing for violence but what many say is that we must in this paper ration it's almost encouraging if one can say that the violence has happened simple month israeli army has been undergoing an operation called operation from the scene and
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this is all this shit that these peaceful demonstrations that the palestinians say they will fold could erupt into stained into violence but their eyes not only on the palestinians the israeli army also has their eye on the rocks and hans and many an israeli state is just yesterday there were a number of demonstrations by israeli states and across the west bank in the fifty's themselves adamant that they will not allow the palestinians to do what they say take over their land now we are hearing initial rumors that some kind of deal has been. struck behind the scenes we do not have confirmation that we do not have the details yet but what we do understand is that the palestinian president mahmoud abbas might on friday be still making his bid for statehood but instead of asking for the boat to happen at the same time he might delay that until potentially sometime next year if indeed this is the case it means that america can and is waiting on the palestinians has come to basically close to some extent. paula reporting for us right that the showdown over the palestinian statehood is
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set to dominate the u.n. general assembly but the majority of the international community including russia ready to support the bid of the u.s. promises to veto the move unless the palestinians and israelis relaunch peace talks let's get some more details on this now these are. live for us in new york maria there's been a lot of talk on the sidelines ahead of the head of the palestinian statehood bid meantime the u.s. continuing to threat to wield is vetoing power is a possible this is just posturing is all hot air or will the u.s. actually end up vetoing the move do you think. well i can tell you that the u.s. is working fiercely to avoid being put in that situation and u.s. president barack obama will be meeting with that even that's not here netanyahu the prime minister of israel and shortly after that he will be meeting with the president of palestine the boss in private meetings one on one and what the u.s. is trying to do is get both sides back to the negotiation table but we do know from
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what is being said and being reported the palestinian campaign for u.n. membership is proceeding and the palestinian president will submit an official letter friday for u.n. membership as paula was just describing there are reports coming out and some saying behind the scenes that what will happen is that the security council will try to stall on voting for up to thirty five days to prevent any kind of veto from being cast but the u.s. did say as early as this morning the u.n. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. that if the time will come and it the u.s. has to it will cast its veto against the palestinian aspirations for you and membership now russia has called on the u.s. not to do this not to use its veto power to block palestinian aspirations for u.n. membership that this is something that no country should do specifically when you
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look at the fact that the majority of the international community the majority of the one hundred ninety three member states of the united nations do support the palestinian bid for u.n. membership and statehood so at this point there's a lot of diplomatic diplomatic offensive going on behind the scenes on the part of the united states they're trying to avoid being put in this position but at the end of the day they will use their veto power as i understand what you're saying members of the vote would force to put all of the u.s. if indeed it's going to try to wield a veto but for now the bring us up to date today at the u.n. what's happening. well today is the big day today is when all the heads of state begin addressing the international body right now brazil is still speaking that is the first member state that's speaking in right afterwards u.s. president barack obama will address the general assembly we do remember last year during his speech he said that he hoped when he came back this year palestine would
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be a member of the united nations and now we see a lot of backpedaling we see what's happening in about face so there are also be speeches from many other heads of state taking place throughout the day and as i mention the sidelines there will be talks on palestine but there are also will be consistent talks on libya because we do know that the u.n. is playing a central little role in libya for the next three months and what that role will be is not clear u.s. president barack obama said that nato will continue its mission there but russia has come out and said that nato has exceeded the u.n. mandate in libya so at this point there are separate opinions on how the u.n. should play a role there and those talks will continue today as well. as the issue of a problem and it's a vote for statehood in a seat at the u.n. but also the issue of nato and libya being discussed the united nations is more important in life when you. now the u.s.
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is israel's big supporter at the un but its support for the arab spring threatens to leave its main middle east ally in total isolation america the muslim movements for democracy but the new regime in egypt has left israel to pick up the pieces of broken relations. explains. democracy has a price the people of egypt have spoken. their voices have been heard and egypt will never be the same and the new egypt embraced as a positive example of change in the arab world by the west is not the only one paying for what they did it with the revolution bring us you know i think during the earlier times there was a bit of security but now there's less security on the streets israel has also been left hanging a slow road to stability in neighboring egypt mixed with the massively unpopular israeli foreign policy makes a dangerous cocktail. the pace for change towards those disputation was very slow
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so you had a lot of frustration on one side and then you had a lot of anger that. exacerbated after the killing of the five protection soldiers on egyptian territory by israeli gunfire. shaking up the situation even further the recent attack on the israeli embassy in cairo protesters threw stones and stormed the building as military police stood by and watched for hours three demonstrators were killed and over a thousand injured. michel that's it this situation can get worse for israel not for us who are just starting to get stronger this is not a negative thing for us but a plus but. the protester who took down the israeli flag at the embassy in august was hailed as egypt's new super hero flagman a wall was then built to protect the embassy but completely destroyed by protesters . this is what remains i doubt that but ever have behind all repercussions
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emergency away is now being enforced here in egypt suffocating it's already asserted freedom and in the region the u.s. a struggle by facing security threats as this new democracy is stuck in a spiral of certainty instability and sometimes chaos. benyamin netanyahu called the incident a near disaster being averted might have a lot more work to do to avoid catastrophe in the future israel should worry about look at what's happening in egypt two very important states in the area which used to have not only peace but friendship with israel. at odds with israel and its number one friend seems to be having trouble keeping a balance comes to promoting arab democracy and protecting israel's security it must occur to netanyahu and others at this point that certainly be americans are
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holding the he says and have all the cards up their sleeve so so i think that the something that must weigh heavily on on israel it is because when it comes down to it the u.s. tends to protect one thing in the end the basic problem here i think with the americans and with the western civilization kennington or all the way they're handling things is that it's become too much about interests not not really about humanity or about anything else it's really become about interests and when interest is the main driver of things become messy and egypt could become a mass that israel will have to live with and he's now a r t cairo and i don't let's get some more details on this are from phyllis bennis director of yesterday for policy studies it's a u.s. based peace and human rights group good to see you so do you think that washington is aware of the impact that its support of the of the arab spring has had on israel and will continue. well you are aware of the complications in the sand
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for so many years unable to handle. support by the u.s. military means an economic means of warning arab dictators and we're seeing on them a certain regional role this is particularly of course true in egypt and. jordan where very unpopular peace agreements with israel were imposed essentially by the u.s. suddenly those options are now up for grabs in a whole new way the question of what the impact will be of a u.s. veto of palestinian statehood at the united nations very uncertain what that impact will be across the arab world is a new consideration for the u.s. they never have to worry very much about popular opinion in the arab world because our government pays no attention but that's to say that it's very important to come to the upcoming a un vote on palestinian statehood israel's main allies in the
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region toki in egypt so that backs on the jewish state and i mean how far could this isolation go if you're saying especially with the upcoming u.n. focus on palestinian statehood it has already gone very far egypt and turkey are no longer the great backers of israel that they once were israel is fundamentally isolated in increasing way now and has really no friends in the region and internationally is the only reliable friend of the united states now in a certain way that's inevitable given the policy that israel has carried out the policies of continued occupation the policies of apartheid the policies of the siege in gaza all of these policies have the legitimized israel in a way that no country is prepared to back it any longer except for the united states so the united states and so this hoss between the strategic interests of rebuilding time. who's newly emerging governments in the arab world most
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particularly in egypt as well as in turkey which has a very different role right now than it has in the past both are very close allies of the last but both are saying to us we are simply not going to have the kind of close relationship with israel that we once did so we are on with this thing sort of joked about what do you think it means for israel and america compared to the rest of the world when you've got over one hundred forty states supporting palestinian statehood with this upcoming vote of the united nations america and israel the only two who are starting up and saying we oppose the establishment of a palestinian statehood of how should that be viewed in the eyes of the rest of the world to two opposing what the rest of the world evidently supports. very clear that this is about how there was a note yesterday in the guardian newspaper that aid the population the eighty percent of the world report this palestinian palestinian state recognized
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palestinian state or the opposition represented seventy five percent of the well of the world so we have this situation where wealth and power particularly in the united states is being used once again as has so often happened in the past to dominate the united nations to prevent the united nations from being what it should be venue for real international diplomacy rather than the u.s. dominated so-called peace process which is failing for twenty years and it is now the u.s. and israel who stand clique really isolated in the region as well they can no longer point to well we have a close allies in egypt we have close allies in jordan we have close allies and turkey these are simply no longer the case we can't david accord with egypt still exists but the egyptians have been very clear that the letter of that agreement is what they are bound to not. span's. definitions have come to
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characterize it during the current years we're looking at an entirely new political scenario in the middle east because of the arab spring and the challenges that that poses for the united states are absolutely enormous what we have is an administration right now that is very very wary about the domestic implications there's an election in this country in fourteen months and there is over any fear ironically president obama who has backed israel to the max in this situation is being accused of being not pro israel and now it's really quite astonishing. that the. institute for policy studies the u.s. by its peace and human rights groups like actions thank you. all right well plenty more for you this hour here on r.t. including the tough life of a junkie in afghanistan look at how almost every family living in the world's
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biggest producer of opiates is dealing with the scourge of narcotics on a daily basis. the international monetary fund has issued a grave warning for the global financial outlook the most severe since two thousand and eight the lending giant is pessimistic over world growth unless u.s. and eurozone lawmakers act quickly meanwhile the ministers in debt rating greece are set to discuss how to speed up budget cuts to secure vital i.m.f. cash without the eight billion euro bailout the country will default next month this comes as the european commission inspectors plan to return to athens to assess the progress in reducing debt financial writer peter build says the actions of europe's banks and their rapidly mounting debt is dragging down the whole region. unless the banks are helped out by their own governments what is called recapitalize in other words given new money or lent new money in order to beef up their capital and of course there would be serious doubts about the credit
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worthiness of the banks and that is really i think what governments are most worried about because if the banks are seem to fail are not prepared to learn to each other and we have another we have a repeat of the credit crunch where if banks don't lend to each other they also can't lend to businesses and that is what then leads to recession or possibly even deeper it's very difficult to trace who actually holds that debt and even if you can trace that there are then insurance companies that in a sense have insured the banks against a default with a very quick actually afford to pay out is another question again again put doubts in the minds of investors in the minds of certainly of bondholders as to whether it's worth going on the hold. that it was a financial writer peter build with his assessment of the euro zone's ongoing debt . hundreds have gathered in kabul to mourn the assassination of
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former afghan president but another in a bunny and the key figure in current peace talks with the taliban was killed at home by a suicide bomber who had explosives hidden inside his turban a special ceremony will be held at the presidential palace before his body is taken to his home province in the northeast of the country was the latest in a string of high profile assassinations including the murder of president karzai half brother in july much of the violence has been carried out by the taliban boosted by income from the drugs trade which continues to flourish afghanistan is the source of the vast majority of the world's heroin and critics say nato was turned a blind eye over the last ten years that it's actually been in the country. pissing off now reports from kabul where drug abuse is rife. the penalty for drinking beer in kabul is sixty whips on the back publicly it is a very traditional muslim society or is it there are dozens of people if not more
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for doing drugs right there under this bridge in the center of the seat with all the screaming and staring at them and all these insane conditions we still rubbish been through a great future where we're standing right now this is just incredible to see. heroin. it's all cooked mixed injected or small on these piles of grow bush rotten meat and an indescribable. one policeman anywhere near looked at not all we were told these people don't just come here to do drugs many of them called the score. and we don't have any jobs we don't have any kind of thing to do if you can. be a bunch of help but study commissioned by the u.s. state department shores each family has at least one drug user will be found in breast milk. all kids even newborns have morphine in their blood there's no doubt
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that the area of plantation song with narcotic crops has increased since military hostilities started in afghanistan i believe that the war was the root cause that forced afghan people to turn to poppy growing their own ninety percent of all the opiates in the world are produced you never get to step into a war cleans the markets global trade has long surpassed the five hundred billion dollar mark or russia is one of the worst affected street with around eighty tons of heroin thought to a new resettle in the country. it's tragic that despite the enormous resources nato has put into afghanistan including military force drug production is just phenomenal moreover the head of nato military committee personally told me fighting drug production is not their goal there was no such directive. many experts find this bitstream given the fact that a large part of the revenues from drug money is used to sponsor the taliban in. the
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region meanwhile the international community and you spend billions of dollars to fight the drug traffic but since nato has no way to coordinate the funds are spent with very little positive results while official see the multi-billion dollar drug network as the whole ruled in its group you go to school or t. afghanistan you can check out r.t. dot com for more on that and many other stories we're covering including moscow's. balance to the doghouse and a new purge my city hall but activists are. a lot more arty dot com. and tea party zombies must die in the new video game that gives you the chance to gun down sarah palin and her flesh eating republican friends our website tells you . russia federation council that's the upper house of parliament has elected a new speaker the former governor of petersburg is now taking the post valentino
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was almost unanimously approved with only one senator abstaining it's the first time in russian history that a woman has held the country's third highest elected office and the speaker had served in some petersburg for eight years the federation council poster became vacant in may when it's. just russia party leader was recalled by the some people's blood legislator. i'd argue with r.t. live from moscow let's check out the world update now on our balance broke out between police and immigrants fleeing an overcrowded holding center on the italian island of lampedusa officers in riot gear use clubs against detained refugees making a break for freedom the island has been overwhelmed by more than forty thousand to museums and libyans playing. rest back home. to american men jailed in iran over charges of spying have been freed after
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a million dollar bail was approved by the courts the release of the men had been postponed because it judge required to sign the release forms was off on holiday before bell was secured shane bauer and josh fattal had both been facing eight years in prison they say they mistakenly crossed into iran while trekking in northern iraq in july two thousand and nine. security forces have fired mortars at antigovernment protesters from the yemeni capital sanaa killing at least three people fighting broke a cease fire agreed upon a night after three days of bloodshed almost seventy people have died since sunday when a crackdown on anti regime protests was renewed all this despite reports the vice president is considering a transfer of power that's a key demand from the demonstrators. all right i do stay with us here not so you know it's yulia the latest business.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the program while many european countries are struggling to contain their deficits russia is set to have a balanced budget this year in addition the finance minister says inflation will be a record low seven percent and in terms of growth looks a courtroom projects russia will have fully recovered from the two thousand and eight financial crisis by the end of this year. russia's g.d.p. will reach pre-crisis levels by the end of this year but state budget ribbon news will return to pre-crisis levels only in about three years that's following a cult in texas and low incomes in the energy sector despite total prices but we have no doubt that this year the budget will be met for the first time we will be running a deficit. let's have a quick check on the markets oil prices a mixed market was torn between growing expectations of more stimulus measures from the u.s. federal reserve and gloomy i.m.f. growth from visions lights which is currently trading at around eight to six
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dollars per barrel while branches that one hundred and eleven dollars. stocks a little change so far and traders investors are awaiting a federal reserve announcement that may signal more stimulus for the world's largest economy. and markets in the right with banks leading the declines investors a cautious not to wall street gave up its rally and as the greek debt crisis lingers on traders are also awaiting the outcome or us had a reserve meeting later today which is widely expected to deliver some new stimulus for the u.s. economy of the foot so it is losing more than half a percent while the dax is shedding one point two percent. and here in russia the markets have slipped into negative territory down point eight percent while the my six is losing and half a cent let's have a look at some of the individual share moves in the mice its oil majors the down the sour the poor that's what while it was nets trading one point seven percent on
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the news the company is discussing the possibility of building a joint oil refinery in russia with china soon but over turkey's freighting lower after a hike and pipeline transportation costs for gas into and uses. in other news german safety plans to invest one bit in the euro zone as business in russia and c.i.s. over the next four hears the business so. wherefrom is also planning to boost revenues in the region to one billion euro's by twenty fifteen s.a.p.'s says it's trying to catch the wave of an i.t. boom in russia spending on technology is expected to increase several fold in coming years. of b.p.'s problems in russia have just got a little worse the minority shareholders in the company's russian venture to have doubled their compensation claim for b.p. as attempt to form an alliance with ross nipped they now want five billion dollars they put this down to a clear understanding of the damage caused by b.p.
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has failed bid to support shares and explore the arctic with all snipped but minority shareholders claim to be lost income by being locked out of the deal with russia's biggest oil from first court hearing a shuttle to help in. ok that's it for now you're up to date for more stories you can head to our website archie dot com slash business so join me for another business update in less than one else time so do stay with us.
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it's. going to be the future of the weapons grade plutonium is turned into a vital new research nuclear waste becomes a fuel friendly to the environment and energy among the ends of the earth russian scientists lead the way in making these innovations a reality in a future free from fears of nuclear bomb clips the peaceful revolution to comic energy on technology update we've got the future covered.
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in our six thirty pm here in moscow and without seeing a recap now of the top stories thousands of jubilant palestinians pour into the streets of the west bank in support of a bid for statehood at the u.n. government services and schools were closed so people could participate in the demonstrations. palestinian sovereignty brewing at the un general assembly support for palestine with a veto wielding u.s. just pushing for a show of peace talks between israelis and. the eurozone is under its rapidly piling debt with greece trying to speed up before european commission inspectors. meanwhile is warning global finances and. any other.


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