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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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cracking the drum for a new nation thousands of palestinians pour into the streets of the west bank in support of a bid for statehood at the u.n. . on the hand of the palestinian party album i know with these cuban and any punishment on the street as people celebrate this is a story occasion join me in a few moments when you know. president obama sets up a standoff at the un general assembly with sovereignty seeking palestinians set the clock with a veto wielding u.s. despite overwhelming international support. and the eurozone teeters under its rapidly piling debt with greece trying to speed up cuts in the i.m.f. warning a new recession may be looming. a.p.m.
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in moscow i'm not good to have you with us here on r t our top story thousands of palestinians are marching across the west bank to support their leader's move to win recognition for their state at the u.n. there's an atmosphere of jubilation as government services and schools were closed to allow people out onto the streets and demonstrate party's policy or as following the events. it's being high so it's right across the west bank is this tomato that some twenty thousand people have taken to the streets of ramallah people took off work the schools closed earlier media businesses shut down on standing in all manaul which is really the focal point of the hi-lo and in this area the businesses the shops the restaurants have been opened so that people can really celebrate with almost icon of the atmosphere now but started to kick start three days of peaceful demonstrations of the palestinians and the stasi there busy holding in the run up
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to the palestinian president mahmoud abbas making their bid on friday for statehood at the united nations we've seen some of that such celebrations across the west bank in hebron there were an estimated seventeen thousand people turning out the parties in qana goals today and some of the scenes unfolding in bethlehem and in nablus they wanted to isolated incidents of violence that did change it will have these potential to modern day one in kalandia checkpoint not far from here it was also a little bit of violence in hebron both of those have been built under control and the people i've been talking to say that not only do they have a commitment to holding peaceful demonstrations but certainly they have a commitment to making sure that this historic moment on the world stage is seen and felt by everyone in the international community so the israeli army says he has been preparing for violence for what many say is that almost in this paper ration it's almost encouraging if one can say that the violence to stop and court settlement israeli army has been undergoing an operation called operation on the
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scene and this is all this shit that these peaceful demonstrations of the palestinians say they will fold to put iraq to understand into violence but their eyes not only on the palestinians the israeli army also has their eye on the roughly half a million israelis states's just yesterday there were a number of demonstrations by israelis it says across the west bank in the fifty's themselves adamant that they will not allow the palestinians to do what they say take over their land now we are hearing initial rumors that some kind of deal has been. struck behind the scenes we do not have confirmation that he did not have the details of the date but what we do understand is that the kind of thing in president mahmoud abbas might one fine day the bill of making his bid for statehood but instead of asking for the vote to happen at the same time he might delay this and tell potentially sometime next year if indeed this is the case it means that ameri can and is made the pressure on the palestinians has come to face which has certainly stand for
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a showdown over palestinian statehood is set to dominate the u.n. general assembly with a majority of the international community including russia ready to support the bid the u.s. promises to veto the move on most palestinians and israelis relaunch peace talks or he's married important iowa has more from new york. u.s. president barack obama did address the international body and specifically addressed the issue of palestinian statehood the u.s. leader said that peace will not come through statements or un resolutions and that the united nations should be encouraging palestine and israel to get back to the table this is basically a way that he would say that the united nations no resolution no vote upcoming vote on allison un membership will help the situation in any way the united states has said outright that it will veto palestinian membership the united nations a campaign that's been going on for quite a while the majority of the u.n. member states hundred ninety three of them
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a majority of them do support palestine on its u.n. membership and statehood and that includes russia russian's foreign minister sergei lavrov did address the press say that while it's preferred for palestine and israel to get back to the negotiation table first the united states should not use its veto to block the aspirations of the palestinians or any other country and as we know the u.s. said that it will do so powerless palestinian leaders are expected to officially submit their request for u.n. membership this friday more heads of state will be addressing the united nations on their vision to bring peace and security to the world but the issue of palestine is one that's going to continue to dominate all the discussions the u.s. president barack obama will be meeting one on one with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and shortly after he will be meeting one on one with palestinian president mahmoud abbas so he will be talking to both of them what many believe is that the u.s. is trying really hard to prevent the palestinian campaign for a u.n.
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membership or at least stall it so the u.s. would not be forced to cats veto. for some perspective on this let's go to palestinian journalist years on an eerie thank you very much for joining us here on r t know there are reports suggesting that president abbas has accepted a compromise and a vote could be postponed and the french president has proposed a peace agreement in one year are likely do you think this is. well of that i i won't believe it until i see it because last year the same thing happened when president obama promised and said that he would like to see a listing in state a member of the united nations in a year from now from then there was a tender this here that is supposed to be september this year but nothing has happened and we've seen obama backing down from what he said a year ago and i don't really believe it as until i see it wonderful let's let's not forget that it will take it quite a few weeks and perhaps even months until the palestinian request is taken to the
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security council because i bet there will be a lot of deliberations between the members of the security council mainly of course the permanent members in order to avoid an american people as far as far as i see as far as i see. and the way he thinks i think he's going to look ahead with his decision to submit the request unless there is a very crystal clear timetable for resumption of negotiations and not only resumption of negotiations because we have seen negotiations for the sake of negotiations but we want talks for the sake of of reaching results and we think results means to state solution along the one nine hundred sixty seven borders and this is what it is in the bus needs to hear from president obama and certainly from prime minister netanyahu who are going after they they have already met their while ago and i don't know what president obama will give present of us when they meet in about three hours or four hours from now when that reference to that meeting with president obama and prime minister netanyahu many prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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said a palestinian appeal is in short that will not succeed do you think he's been given further guarantees of u.s. support. well i think the real problem of the person at the scene is that the facing with israeli prime minister netanyahu is dates back to the first to the day when he was when he was when he appeared in the congress and then he delivered his historical speech and the nearly three or four minutes the members of the congress would just stand up and applaud what he said and that was a message from within you know to obama sure showing him that who is the leader of the boss in washington and it seems that the p.l.o. since then has been intoxicated with this kind of victory achieved in the congress and there's been this and it's been behaving in a very intense into a not listening to the palestinians not listening even to the american envoy who have leads who have come to the reason for so many times on dozens of always hundreds of hours of meeting them with palestinian israeli officers trying to
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bridge the gaps but netanyahu never meant any business and this is the problem this is one of the reasons why a bus has come to the united nations has been looking for his butler in israel but you know believed to be the no partner partner up with this woman and that is we will present a bus needs to go to the united nations because at the end of the day he wants to undermine the international legitimacy of the palestinian statehood and he wants to underline the international outside terms of reference for negotiations and he said very clearly in his speech on friday last friday when he said i'm going to the united nations and the day after i come back here i will resume talks with israel as i will be prepared i'm always i thought it was being prepared for legal citizens with israelis the problem is the lack of cooperation of the israeli so i went on with the settlement activities not only in the west bank but also in east jerusalem i'm sewing up every chance i was our enabler to hear how does he have and this is what we have one more question i'd like to get in before you run out of time we've heard president obama reiterated his support for talks between israelis and
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palestinians as opposed to a u.n. paid for statehood citing security concerns for israel do you think palestinian sovereignty poses a danger to israel. no i think what it is where it is in the best of is a strategic interest to have a palestinian state alongside the living side by side with israel based on the one hundred sixty seven borders i think this is the only way to get into israel security and peace otherwise this conflict is going to go on and on and on and nobody knows what will happen in the days after prison about disappears from the political arena he has been very cautious in terms of. calling on the palestinians to call it themselves only to nonviolent techniques of resistance the visit is what would happen afterwards if the camp of more than age of moderates among the better seen as a whole some of the arab would find out that this track of moderation visibly negotiations with israel is using nothing but that there be room for more
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hardliners the people that and that would be a very prize for all of us palestinians and israelis alike and i hope this is not going to be the case in a couple of months or years from now all right well yes i mean eerie palestinian journalist thanks for your perspective. the u.s. is israel's big supporter i feel when but it's backing for the arab spring friends to leave its main middle east ally in total isolation america got behind the most of the movement for democracy but a new regime in egypt has left israel picking up the pieces of broken relations artie's a nice in our house and. democracy has a price the people of egypt have spoken. their voices have been heard and egypt will never be the same and the new egypt embraced as a positive example of change in the arab world by the west is not the only one paying for what they did interest. and bring us. you know what he's doing
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good your time there was a bit of security but now there's this interview on the streets israel has also been left hanging a slow road to stability in neighboring egypt mixed with the massively unpopular israeli foreign policy makes a dangerous cocktail that pays for change towards those disputation was very slow so you had a lot of frustration on one side and then you had a lot of anger that. exacerbated after the killing of the five protection soldiers on egyptian territory by israeli gunfire. taking up the situation even further the recent attack on the israeli embassy in cairo protesters threw stones and stormed the building as military police stood by and watched for hours three demonstrators were killed and over a thousand injured. michel that's it this situation can get worse for israel not for us we're just starting to get stronger this is not a negative thing for us but a plus. for the protester who took down the israeli flag at the embassy in
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august was hailed as egypt's new super hero frog man a whirlwind built to protect the embassy but completely destroyed by protesters. this is what remains i doubt that ever was behind all repercussion emergency well is now being enforced to in egypt suffocating it's already asserted freedom and in the region he was the strongest ally is facing security threats as this new democracy is stuck in a spiral of uncertainty instability and sometimes chaos. benyamin netanyahu called the incident a near disaster being averted might have a lot more work to do to avoid catastrophe in the future israel should worry about look at what's happening in turkey and egypt two very important states in the area would choose to have not only peace but friendship with israel today will be at
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odds with that and it's number one friend seems to be having trouble keeping a balance when it comes to promoting arab democracy and protecting israel security it must occur to netanyahu and others at this point that certainly be americans are holding you know being a citizen have all your cards up their sleeves so so i think that's something that must weigh heavily on on israel at this point because when it comes down to it the u.s. tends to protect one thing in the end the basic problem here i think with americans and with the western civilization can in general the way they're handling things is that it's become too much about interests not not really about humanity or about anything else it's really become about interests and and when interest is the main driver of things become messy and egypt could become a mass that israel will have to live with and he's now a r t cairo. stay with us here on our t.v.
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plenty more coming your way including the tough life of a junkie in afghanistan look at how almost every family living in the world the biggest producer of opiates is dealing with the scourge of narcotics. but first the international monetary fund has issued a grave warning for the global financial outlook the most severe since two thousand and eight the lending giant is pessimistic over world growth unless the us any euro zone lawmakers act quickly meanwhile ministers in debt ridden greece are set to discuss how to speed up budget cuts to secure vital i.m.f. and cash without the eight billion euro belak the country will default next month there's a european commission inspectors plan to return to assess the progress in reducing debt financial writer peter build says the actions of europe's banks and a rapidly mounting debt is dragging the whole region down unless the banks are helped out why there are governments what is called recapitalize another would give a new money or lend you money in order to beef up their capital base and of course
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there would be serious doubts about the credit worthiness of the banks and vaster is really i think what the governments are most worried about because if the banks are seem to fail us they're not prepared to learn from each other and we have another we have a repeat of the credit crunch where. they also can't lend to businesses and that is what the leads to recession or possibly even it's very difficult to trace for. free but there are other and insurance companies that in a sense have insured the banks against the force with a very quick trigger for payout is another question again again. don't some mines are investors in the minds of certain bondholders as to whether it's worth going on . commentary from financial writer peter build on his assessment of the euro zone the ted wells. hundreds of gathered in kabul to mourn the assassination of former
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afghan president rouhani and rabbani a key figure in current peace talks with the taliban was killed at home by a suicide bomber who had explosives hidden in his turban a special ceremony will be held at the presidential palace before his body is taken to his home a province in the northeast the killing was the latest in a string of high profile assassinations including the murder of the former president karzai is half brother in july much of the violence has been carried out by the taliban boosted by income from the drug trade which is flourishing afghanistan is the source of the vast majority of the world's heroin and critics say nato is turn a blind eye over the ten years it's been in the country or here are piskun of reports from a war or drug abuse is rampant. penalty for drinking beer in kabul is sixty whips on the back publicly it is a very traditional muslim society or is it there are dozens of people if not more for doing drugs right there under this bridge in the center of the seat with all
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this coming and staring at them. in same conditions ways their rubbish being thrown right here where we're standing right now this is just incredible seacat heroin marijuana it's all cooked mixed injected or smoked all right i'm on these piles of rubbish a rotten meat and an indescribable room and not one policeman anywhere near that not all we were told these people don't just come here to be drugs and many of them call this home pakistan and you can hear we don't have any we don't have any editing to do if you can't pay for their war i don't mean to help us but study commissioned by the u.s. state department shows each family has at least one drug user all kids are now found in breast milk and all kids even newborns that morphine in their blood
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there's no doubt that the area of plantation song with narcotic crops has increased since military hostilities start i'm not gonna start i believe that the war was the root cause that forced afghan people to turn to poppy growing around ninety percent of all the opiates in the world are produced you know get a step into a ball cleans the markets global trade turnover has long surpassed the five hundred billion dollar mark or russia is one of the worst affected states what around eighty tons of heroin thought to a newly settle in the country like those people it's tragic that despite the enormous resources nature has put into afghanistan including military force drug production is just phenomenal moreover the head of nato military committee personally told me for. drug production is not that goal there was no such directive. i mean the experts find this is a bit strange given the fact that a large part of the revenues from drug money is used to sponsor the taliban need to ski enemy in the region meanwhile the international community annually spends
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billions of dollars of ghana's sans drug traffic but since nato has no legal way to coordinate the funds are spent with very little positive results while officials see the multi-billion dollar drug network as the whole world and it's a group you go to school for tea cup all again it's very you can check out archie dot com for more on this and many other stories including this moscow's federal canines have banished to the dog house and a new purge by city hall but activists are burying their teeth i know more about. but. tea party zombies must die the new video game that gives you the chance to gun down and undead sarah palin and her flesh eating republican cohorts find out more about r t dot com. us state of georgia has denied a final appeal for clemency for a prisoner on death row on the eve of his execution for the one nine hundred eighty
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nine murder of an off duty policeman no murder weapon was ever found and no d.n.a. evidence or fingerprints conclusively linked troy davis to the shooting the majority of witnesses have also since changed their testimony more than a million people worldwide have signed petitions for clemency amnesty international says george is discredited the justice system and well executed an innocent man michael started his part of a campaign to end the death penalty he thinks the execution will be a crime in itself. this idea that somehow we can get the death penalty right whether it's in texas or florida or in georgia were troy davis is is a complete complete sham and the idea that somehow that this is justice that somehow it's going on in georgia is amounts to some justice is also a sham it's not justice it's a travesty and enjoys favor the senate bill leader of the democratic party in the senate called for actual resistance among the correction staff to the execution along with the southern center for human rights a prestigious law firm in georgia you know the voices of choice of porter's keep
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growing there are a whole range of decision makers in this case whether it's the numerous courts that have the power to intervene whether it's the d.a. in the case or whether it's georgia board of parole and pardons who actually has the power to reconsider their horrible decision so the chain always breaks at the weakest link i can't predict where it is but as an activist we're going to keep pressing and pushing to make sure that justice is served. brushes federation council the upper house of parliament has elected a new speaker former governor of st petersburg will take up a post valentino about the ngo was it unanimously almost unanimously approved with only one senator of screening it's the first time in russia's history a woman has held the country's third highest elected office the new speaker had served in st petersburg for eight years the federation council post became vacant in may when speaker sergei murat of a just russia party leader was recalled by the st petersburg legislature. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe violence broke out the police and immigrants fleeing an overcrowded holding center on the italian
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island of lampedusa officers in riot gear used clubs against detain refugees making a break for freedom the island was overwhelmed by more than forty thousand tunisians and libyans fleeing unrest back home. to american men jailed in iran on charges of spying have been freed after two years of incarceration with reports saying they have boarded a plane for home before bell was secured shane bauer and josh ritter all had both been facing eight years in prison they say they mistakenly crossed into iran while trekking in northern iraq in july two thousand and nine. security forces fired mortars at anti-government protesters in the yemeni capital sanaa killing at least three fighting broke out friday and broke a ceasefire agreed overnight after three days of bloodshed almost seventy people have died since sunday when a crackdown on anti regime protests was renewed all of this despite reports the vice president is considering a transfer of power a key demand of the demonstrators. yulia is up next with
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a business update stay with us here on our quiz. i don't do very well welcome to the business program while many european countries are struggling to contain the budget deficits russia is such you have a balanced budget let's hear it edition the finance minister says inflation will be a record low seven percent and in terms of growth alexa couldn't predicts russia will have fully recovered from thirty thousand eight hundred actual crisis by the end of the year. russia's g.d.p. will reach pre-crisis levels by the end of this year but state budget riven use returned to pre-crisis levels only in about three years that's following a cut in texas and low incomes in the energy sector point. we have no doubt that this year the budget will be met for the first time we will not be running a deficit. that's a look at the markets now world prices a mixed as the market was torn between crowing expectations of more stimulus
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measures from the us voters. growth provisions flights which is currently trading at around eighty seven dollars per barrel while branches that one hundred twelve dollars. stocks a little change so far as investors are still awaiting a fed reserve announcement that may signal more stimulus for the world's largest economy and moving on to europe here the markets finished on the road with banks leading the declines investors. after wall street gave up its rally and as the quick debt crisis lingers on creditors we're also awaiting the outcome of the u.s. side reserve meeting later today as part widely expected to deliver some new stimulus for the u.s. economy. and finally here in russia the markets have slipped into negative territory at the close the r.t.s. was down about one percent rather most of its last point eight percent up close let's look at some of the individual share markets its oil majors were down
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a. closed door poil was flat files rawson after one point seven percent on the news the company was discussing the possibility of building a joint one for fundamental russia with china seeing the. last two percent up close but after a hike in pipeline prostitution gas for independent producers. something straight for us. so they were. there everybody. for the roof. people generally to serve the good relations very attractive but the row over stocks worked was. almost. nobody is sure gold the timing being clear this stage presence the body could produce it. you. know the next six months remains and subject would be
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consumed. most people. sitting in cash going through vehicle. under the news journalist plans to invest one billion euros that is business in russia and c.i.s. for the next four hears the best software is also planning to cause revenues in that region up to one billion euros by twenty fifteen isapi says it's trying to catch the wave of an i.t.v. boom in russia spending on knowledge is expected to increase several fold in coming years. i'll be peace problems in russia have just got little worse the minority shareholders in their companies russian venture to p.p.p. have doubled their compensation claim as attempt to form an alliance with ross that now they want five billion dollars they put this down to a clear understanding of the damage caused failed to spot shares and explore the article for snapped minority shareholders claim to be
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a lost attention by being locked out of the deal but russia's biggest draw from the past court hearing a shuttle to happen in early october. that's all we have time for knowledge don't forget more stories you can head on to a web site archie dot com slash business will join me for another business update so just stay with us. the.
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very first verses of the bible to all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or not it is. sixty seventy percent of what i did as a common soldier in the occupied territories was a jew with the turds doing what we call making our presence so we go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner invade another house religion and nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed if you want to bomb guys out and kill. a thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect and to feel you have to be either extreme made for extra.


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