tv [untitled] September 21, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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welcome to the learn to show welcome to real headlines with none of the mercy rule out of washington d.c. now it's time to take a look at president obama's speech at the united nations according to the president peace is hard because once you war become too easy for you to speak to scott worried about it then all efforts of clemency for troy davis to fail then it looks like tonight he's going to be executed and sparing from the young turks is going to join us to discuss his fate and whether this could be a turning point and out of two thirds capital punishment also today the federal reserve announced operation twist is going to go into effect but what is it anyway all the business insiders joe wise and falls can explain it for us we're going to
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have all of that and more for night including a dose of happy hour but first take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to make us. well the un general assembly is taking place in new york and all eyes are turned on to the podium especially after president obama spoke today. so let there be no doubt the tug of war is receding but i took office roughly one hundred eighty thousand americans were serving in iraq and afghanistan i did end of this year that number will be cut in half and it will continue to decline this is critical for the sovereignty of iraq and afghanistan is also critical to the strength of the united states as we build our nation at home. all right so you heard that statement but he also spoke about
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israel palestine conflict it's taking center stage right now at this general assembly due to the prospects of a palestinian bid for statehood but that speech was more than thirty minutes long there was a lot to find in it especially when he spoke about concerns about america's wars abroad and that was a little bit you heard right there but let's take a listen to what the mainstream media decided to focus on. we're marking what has indeed been a remarkable year osama bin ladin has gone that mubarak out of power. we're counting so many changes in the world what did you make of the speech was it effective well i thought it was three different speeches the first was a statement that things are going very well in the world. i think you and right now president obama and israeli leader benjamin netanyahu with their schedule to discuss palestinian statehood and how to stop it. but but what about the fact of the president said that the tide of war is receding now in the case of iraq and
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afghanistan in particular yes we will be drawing down our numbers of troops out of the one hundred thousand there in afghanistan at the moment there's only going to be an easily seventy thousand left by the end of next summer and despite the fact that all of our troops are supposed to be out of iraq at the end of this year only three thousand are now going to be spain but just because the number of our troops is going to be here i wouldn't exactly go as far as saying of the tide of war is receding especially not when under this president who promised to wind down the wars while campaigning we've seen our global presence expand pakistan as a war zone our drone campaign there isn't a secret to anybody except for i don't know maybe some americans who see or hear the words covert actions and move right along without asking any questions and how about gannett and somalia drone strikes counterterrorism operations by special teams proxy prisons i wouldn't call that nothing especially not if you consider the fact that we have plans to do even more there and those plans aren't temporary you see we've been reporting to you for a while on the show the u.s. is building a secret drone base somewhere in the arabian peninsula yesterday the washington
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post decide to report on some of this q. and a specific locations ethiopia the station alliance and how they got this information from u.s. officials so it's interesting to see the double standard of who gets to leak what secret information is it but they also treated this like some kind of breaking news if you follow reporters people like your scahill who by the way is the one that wrote about our proxy prisons and some. alia it was ignored by the mainstream media for that story until they saw picking up steam elsewhere after a week or two but if you follow people to do real journalism like that you would already know these stories but you've got newspapers reporting it as if it's brand new then you have your televised cable networks the most trusted fair and balanced forward leaning names in news but ignored it completely and i'm sorry but how can you sit around and cover with bated breath the president's speech pretend like you're parsing over every single detail and only says things that are obviously not true it is let that one slide the tide of war is not receding and maybe taking
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a different pace may require fewer troops but launching drone strikes in operations and other sovereign nations building drone bases there if you don't see that as an expansion of our war globally i don't know what is but i guess that that's just too obvious to personal rather talk about when leaders from other countries that are bad guys are saying do a little bit of checking on your own that's a problem and that's what leads to unchecked power and corruption but that's what they choose to miss. now if continue looking at president obama's speech today at the un general assembly full of grand ideas reminders of what the united nations is supposed to be about lasting peace out holding human rights around the world and more than once we heard the president say that peace is hard the peace is more than just the absence of war but if you look at the world today you have to start wondering for leaders of the side of that war is easier than peace especially in cases where there might be other strategic in interests involved in the nato led operation in libya
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approved by a u.n. resolution that was extended for another three months today afghanistan iraq drug wars information wars wars against whistleblowers they've all been piling up and then here in the u.s. are supported by both republicans and democrats alike joining me parser to go to new york to discuss to scott gordon contributing editor of legal and national security matters for harper's. scott i want to thank you for joining us tonight and first starters you know when you listen to president obama's speech today did you feel like it was a really unique speech that there is something so different or is this what we see any time in american leader goes onto the stage in front of one of these international organizations you know does he sound just like bush did a couple years ago. well i think you have to acknowledge right upfront this man is a very talented public speaker he's a rhetorical titian and indeed you talk to a lot of the diplomats here at the u.n.
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and they all give him high points on that fact you just have to compare him with a number of the other heads of state heads of government can come of cross that quality and he's a talented speaker that's one point second point i think he got to say you know he said a few things that surprise people you know he spoke very positively about the arab spring described it as a as a powerful and positive historical movement as wonderful dad told me you never with a thought from this speech hosni mubarak was an hour in the united states for thirty years because of course he was but he also doled out a little bit of criticism to governments that were allies including bahrain i think that actually surprised people but i think also on balance you know his message that the tide of war is receding in pieces coming really doesn't quite pan out i just start with the fact he makes the case looking at the number of soldiers
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committed by the united states to the field in iraq and afghanistan and yes it's true views just that measure the tide of war is receding but that's not really a reasonable measure i mean the question is what's the level of violence what's the level of conflict on the ground and taking that measure we may see it going down the beer in iraq but if anything there's a dangerous build up in afghanistan today and we see a lot of other very disturbing developments for instance. in bahrain and somalia. well and you know the fact that we're building up her own bases in the arabian peninsula you know i have talked about this before and i'm happy that you're with me here that you know this tides of war receding line doesn't necessarily go through and you know we also can talk about the fact that today the conflict the humanitarian intervention the war in libya got extended for another
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three months by nato and i want to play you a clip of what the president said about me are about libya today. the security council authorizes all the certain measures to prevent a massacre the arab league told for this effort arab nations drawing a little led coalition that halted gadhafi forces in their tracks. i mean it does point doesn't really matter you know he says if the u.n. security council approved all necessary measures to prevent a massacre there but we have seen not far in a way really exceeded what this direct resolution by the u.n. was supposed to approve which includes of course no boots on the ground which didn't include trying to take out get off easy so does that even matter anymore. yeah i think frankly you know most american media is focused on palestinian statehood that's the big issue everything else was shoved into the shadows actually
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most the serious analysts i talked to at the u.n. they're really focused on exactly the passage you just played it's the question of libya and what does libya mean and i think give obama credit he correctly described the security council resolution security council gave authority for sort of humanitarian intervention for protection of the libyan people against the depredations of the gadhafi regime but how was that authorization to use them in the way it was used in fact to just cut the war the nonsense in fact the united states in u.s. nato allies use that authority to intervene decisively in the civil war inside of libya supporting one side and i think now i mean that it couldn't be clearer than right now where you see qaddafi has been routed he's holed up in just
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a few scattered bases around the country and you see the attack against him in that position where he really presents no threat to the civilian population in libya the attacks against him are being stepped up and they're being led by nato so this really has nothing to do with what the security council authorize and that's got a lot of people worried because if the if the u.n. is going to authorize these sorts of interventions shouldn't the guidelines of that provides be observed by those who act with its authority so it's really a bit it's a basic question of abuse of security council with or the i thought it was back to you i think perhaps the original question i was asking is that you know we heard so much from the president today about how peace is so hard so has it just become a lot easier for them to wage war to abuse the powers that are given and to try to stay within the rules. well i think you know you got to go back to the united
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nations was organized most people forget this united nations was organized as a military outfit the united nations is observed regionally formed was the alliance against fascism at the end of world war two so it's always had this war making slash peacekeeping function but the question is whether it just provides a mask for a couple of countries to go do what they want or whether the directions they're provided by the charter and the security council resolutions are really observed and i think this really provokes a sort of crisis of confidence you see a lot of questions asked about it and i think questions asked by people who are generally quite sympathetic to the idea of this sort of humanitarian rescue mission in libya and wanted to see the authority given her a little bit distressed by the way it was used and of course you know you mentioned
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earlier that some people are surprised he had some tough words for. who he did of course say that is still a dear friend of america has and we do you think that they really even doubt compared to him saying that the u.n. security council needs to push sanctions against the syrian regime versus a much softer tone that he took on both yemen and bahrain. yeah that's the contrast everybody is drawing i mean i'd say it's it's a bit off these libya and assad syria on one side and the bahrain regime and in fact the masses on the rest and death going on in yemen today on the other and you know how do we affectively reconcile these two different positions now well comma is saying you know we had minister tough love to our eyes we are going to pressure them that's why the reasons i think people were somewhat surprised by his remarks i mean he's actually doing it but we haven't really seen a lot anything on the ground in bahrain to back that up and there's
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a lot of question about what he's going to do in yemen right now where we see the situation but yemen is a very very important for the drone wars for instance and the government there you know has authorized u.s. action it's been an important pillar of counterterrorism activities i think this is where we're going to see the crunch coming and there is certainly a lot of people questioning whether he's going to come through in these promises to maintain the same rule across the board yeah these are certainly areas where at tension should be paid to what is setting down after course that israel palestine issue is the top of the agenda that will be coming out later this week but in the meantime like everything else has fallen by the wayside and the media thank you so much for joining us tonight. great to be with you. a fella comes in i thirty seven year old homeless man died after an encounter with california police in july tonight some of the officers involved have been charged with
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a fake return and in less than an hour georgia inmate troy davis is scheduled to be executed despite a mountain of evidence that suggests that he just might be innocent and experience tells us to the young folks joins me for that. into that only when you're with the mechanisms if you don't work out to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sorely sleep you think you understand it and then when something else here's some other part of it i realized everything is i don't know
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let's to live reported to you on the brutal death of kelly thomas was a thirty seven year old schizo chronic homeless man who found himself face to face with a few fullerton california cops after they suspected he was vandalizing cars thomas was unarmed but he did resist arrest let's not forget that this man was mentally ill the police still got violent with him now this was before and after image shows exactly how violent they were thomas was tasered at least six times hogtied and beaten by several police officers ultimately putting him in a coma as an incident was so horrific that even bystanders couldn't believe with
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ages seeing. well i don't want to just because watching this is going to help on stuff if you want to keep. it within. you don't look like talking to what the show is and if you can't take the first phase. the jury. in there because of the state of the stratosphere you can feel the stress. and could be the boss here is to look at the same reasons besides the ethical was discussed a lot. of here because i believe in the right god when you say the couple years back you see the spot where the police. that lead he never regained consciousness and five days later thomas' family pulled him off life support now after the f.b.i. and the fullerton police department launched an investigation to the officers at
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the scene will be charged with crimes jaysus nelly one of the officers involved in the violent beating faces one felony count of manslaughter and one felony count of excessive force those are charges that could lead to four years in prison however of their manual ramos being charged with second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter charges that could leave them behind bars for at least fifteen years. his actions were reckless and created a high risk to get a great badly injury in a recent ashes tour with no. acting the way it would treat such a risk. now according to orange county district attorney tony rackauckas observation most new of kelly thomas' mental condition and then proceeded to engage in reckless actions a deval a police protocol eyewitness testimony even goes on to explain that ramos put on latex medical gloves and a menacing that or at the start of the incident and he was heard saying i'm going to f. you up and i just told you during our original report of this beating this is one of the most disgusting incidents of police brutality that we've seen sadly all the
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new revelations make that victim the victim's death much more brutal but here we at least have a sign that some of the police may be held accountable or to continue to follow the case and give you any updates. now looks like time has run out for troy davis and a little bit under an hour he said to be executed in georgia by lethal injection yesterday a last try for clemency was denied by the georgia board of pearls and pardons and after davis asked to take a polygraph test that request was also tonight it's a case that's only recently received a massive amount of media attention this despite the fact that over the last two decades davis' guilt is increasingly come under doubt seven of the nine key witnesses have recanted their statements some saying that they were pressured by police there's no things to go evidence to prove it was davis who shot and killed an off duty police officer and just two years ago another witness may have confessed to the crime but at this point it looks like all of his davis' legal options have been exhausted even questionable how much the supreme court could do
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so with the prospect of a man who may be innocent being executed and the case it's now garnered the attention of the country spurred protests could turn into eyes change opinions on capital punishment here in america joining me from our studio in los angeles to discuss it is an experience co-host of the young kurtz and i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and now you know if we start looking at this case at any time the idea of somebody who's guilty can't be proven being executed is wrong but do you think that you know specially resonates right now as we're going through presidential campaigning and we see audiences cheering for one candidates record when it comes to executions and as we see our current president giving speeches of the united nations about human rights and about justice above all. yeah i think it's very interesting to listen to the president talk about human rights and justice when we have such injustice in our own country you know you were referring to rick perry who is very tough on crime who is very much in favor of the death
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penalty and who in texas passed a law that would be very harsh on people who are found guilty of murdering those based on hate crimes so rick perry is very much in favor of the death penalty however it is important to keep in mind that since one thousand nine hundred seventy three in the united states oh one one hundred thirty nine inmates on death row were exonerated ok so that means these were people who were convicted of crimes they did not commit they were on death row but thankfully through a retrial processes they were able to be let go before being murdered by our own justice system so i think that this case is an interesting one to really focus on right now especially with the presidential campaigns especially with rick perry being such a staunch supporter of the death penalty and i really hope that this particular case makes people step back and really reconsider their support for the death penalty if they do in fact support it well i wonder you know do you think if indeed
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this execution does go through you know in a matter of thirty five forty minutes here we've seen a lot of protests across the united states you know even around the world especially of course though in georgia over the last couple days hundreds of people sending petitions to ask the georgia board of pearls and pardons to reconsider and we've seen lawmakers make statements about this i mean might this reach some kind of tipping point do you think especially in georgia might we see riots might we see some kind of violence if this execution goes through. you know i can only predict that there could possibly be riots and there could be violence because this is such a huge case that every single media outlet is talking about you know you have public figures including the pope and former president jimmy carter getting involved you have amnesty international and. getting involved so this is a very public case and people are very emotionally involved in this case and
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rightfully so in my opinion so i think that there could be violence as a result of this and it would be unfortunate but i completely understand why people would react that way we have someone who could potentially be in this who is about to get killed ok is about to get lethally injected in less than an hour it's unbelievable to me we're supposed to find people guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and in this case. he isn't guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and you know and that is we have to bring up another thing too that i think really has been under covered and i mean so i wanted to mention it one of you will mention today that even if he wasn't on death row the idea that we just can lock people up for the rest of their lives when they aren't guilty beyond a reasonable doubt i think that should bother us too. absolutely i do think that should bother us you know in the court case of troy davis his. execution has been rescheduled four different times apparently he has exhausted all of his appeal
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options and it's unbelievable to me that a case like this could even occur and i believe that we have hundreds if not thousands of inmates right now in the united states who are probably innocent but you know are not getting their fair treatment in our justice system and i think it's ridiculous because we waste our resources on imprisoning innocent people and i think it shows you that what we have in the united states and possibly in other countries is that we want justice and we want justice so bad that we're willing to lock someone up just to say that someone is paying for a crime even if we don't have the necessary evidence to prove that that person is guilty for the crime that was committed and i think that's the case with troy davis and you know just to be clear i'm not saying that we should let troy davis go but i do believe that since there is new evidence suggesting that his conviction might have been a bad conviction we should retry him we definitely should execute him. you know
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what amazes me about republicans just one thing that i want to add really quick is that the majority of them are very much supporters of the death penalty and i find it interesting that they are in favor of the government having control over someone's life but they don't believe in the government having control over health care or the education system or social programs it's unbelievable to me of course there's a little bit of hypocrisy that unfortunately we see all the time now you know i want to ask you one other thing here is that we've seen a lot of people i've seen on twitter all day have seen people writing messages asking for others to call the white house to ask president obama to step in and do something here unfortunately this isn't a case where the when it comes to a state crime or a crime you committed in the state that it's a state's right issue there. president can't do anything about it can't grant clemency unless it's a federal crime and so you know i feel like maybe unfairly he's getting a lot of pressure here from people saying why is obama stepping in and doing
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something about it but do you think that he at least should make a statement acknowledge what's going on that's absolutely you know as i mentioned we had former f.b.i. director under ronald reagan mr sessions come out and write something about this we had jimmy carter say something about this we have the koch writing about this in asking for clemency we have so many public figures that have come out in support of troy davis but why is it that our own president of the united states doesn't look at this case and look at the evidence in this case and say look maybe it doesn't make sense for us to execute this guy let's grant him clemency let's give him a retrial our american system of justice is not supposed to work in the way that it's working right now you know or hopefully i think too that you know this case might just change the tide even though americans are overwhelmingly you know and have been two to one for capital punishment they still believe very much an eye for an eye mentality maybe this will start to change a few opinions about the fact that our system isn't perfect really quickly today
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any comments on this case of kelly thomas that's actually looks like it might be going in the other direction where some police are being held accountable i'm really glad that you covered the kelly thomas story and obviously it's a little bit of good news today i it really it's encouraging and i'm glad that justice could possibly be served i mean the police officers have been charged but i'm really hoping that they do get convicted and they do serve some prison time for what they did because look we have video proving that there was severe police brutality and i'm glad that they will have their day in court and there will be justice in that case are and i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and . unless anything changes before the next thirty minutes like i said troy davis will be executed to see you thanks. are we have our wednesday edition of the you said i read it coming up next an affair with her met today discussed the strong economy and their response was offer rationing twist the show why the business
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insider is going to join me in a moment discuss what exactly that james bosonic plan really. led. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's you some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard look at the big picture. early on the leg and you know. the leg.
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