tv [untitled] September 21, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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this issue on what he said in just a month and later why it's so important that elizabeth warren makes it into the united states senate and ideally take ol echo her recent call for a new social contract in america. president obama spoke to the united nations general assembly today act with leaders from around the world the message he delivered is one of peace but one which of knowledge the reality of a world right now gripped by war and strife. the fact is peace is heart but our people demand it over nearly seven decades even as the united nations helps of hurt a third world war we still live in a world scarred by conflict and plagued by poverty
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even as we proclaim our love for peace and our hatred of war there are still convulsions in our world that in danger us all up but the president did herald the many achievements the world has seen over the last year and the emergence of an independent south sudan a successful democratic transition of government in the ivory coast so the arab spring the middle east and libya and there were some tense moments when the president called out those areas where more work needs to be done namely iran and syria. and iran we've seen a government the refuses to recognize the rights of its own people as we meet here today men and women and children are being tortured detained and murdered by the syrian regime. thousands have been killed many during the holy time of ramadan. thousands more have poured across syria's borders but the big news coming out of the u.n. today is about to be is what's to be done about it independent palestinian state
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palestinian authority is set to make a bid for independent statehood and acceptance into the united nations a move that has roiled israel and put israel's closest ally in a difficult position as a member of the un security council the u.s. can veto palestinian statehood even though last year at this very same time in the un general assembly meeting the president expressed his support for an independent palestine he spoke to this issue today. one year ago i stood at this podium and i called for an independent palestine i believed then and i believe now that the palestinian people deserve a state of their own but what i also said is that a genuine peace can only be realized between the israelis and the palestinians themselves one year later despite extensive efforts
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by america and others the parties have not reached their differences despite the united states current opposition of palestinian independence palestinian leader mahmoud abbas still plans to submit a formal request in the security council friday for a vote on palestine's acceptance to the united nations so how will the shakeout and what are the global implications of the united states veto palestine for some answers that joined by losing cabinet r.t. news senior producer who is reporting from the united nations all this week he was he welcome. thank you tom thanks for having me on what's the what's the what's the latest on what the palestinians are going to do i've been getting and seen changing alerts all day long about well they're going to postpone no they're not going to postpone they're going to ask for statehood maybe they're not what's what's the very latest. that's the million dollar question tom all we can say as of this
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moment is that behind closed door negotiations continue the president actually met with abbas earlier this evening we don't really have a lot of details on what was discussed and what they've agreed to but it seems most analysts would agree that it looks like that behind closed doors negotiations are achieving a deal of sorts for all sides to sort of save face on this issue both the palestinians the israelis the americans and sort of kick the can down the road from what we're understanding the palestinians are still expected to submit the paperwork to the security council on friday to officially ask the security council to consider palestine a palestinian membership into the u.n. as a fully fledged state now the issue is whether the security council will take up that bill it immediately they're not going to do that if the palestinians were actually really sort of you know sticking the proverbial finger in the eye of israel in the
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united states their second option would actually be just to go to the general assembly where there is no veto power and countries could by a simple majority sort of upgrade the palestinian state status from an entity to. non-member state it does not look like they're going to do that would it at the end of the day what it looks like is they're going to sit with the paperwork and the security council is going to say all right we're going to take a look at this and negotiations are going to continue behind closed doors a few weeks maybe will pass perhaps they'll be some sort of statement on both sides about peace talks potentially resuming and then if history is any indicator of course presumably that might all fall apart again so it looks like the only thing that's been achieved at this point is the diplomatic crisis showdown has been averted but at the end of the day the palestinians did succeed in bringing this issue to the front forefront i mean this is this is the kind of international. gathering that every single year sort of marriage kind of bland headlines not
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a lot actually gets done while the palestinian issue is front and center and at the very least the palestinian position has forced israel to sort of reconsider their stance and perhaps come an inch or two closer to the negotiating table it's seems like that's probably regardless of how this thing plays out the fact this is this is on the table this is in the discussion but the president was forced to address it today in his speech that the you know obviously the u.s. is trying to avoid anything that's going on and off with the with the veto security council but apparently is willing to but that this is going to pressure both parties frankly to come to some sort of resolution you think. i mean proceed that's the thing i mean it is the measure of an authority and sometimes a good one to gang up or that's quite unclear baby and they haven't said that there are willing to come got within that sort of official official statement to move this forward everyone's trying to sort of work behind closed doors but at the end
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of the day this is a border issue this is a land mass issue and unless the israelis make intense concessions in terms of removing or at least halting construction in west bank settlements and other areas which they haven't shown any indication or willingness to do this issue is not going to get resolved i mean you can't resolve an issue when both sides have these intransient positions that they don't seem to be backpedaling on so while yes this supposed showdown or threat of a showdown did bring the israeli peace process back to the forefront which has conveniently escaped media attention and international political attention for quite some time at least since the talks failed when obama first came into office at the end of the day the big obstacles to be seems to be the million dollar question about the palestinian peace process continue to remain on the table you know and one of the. one of the interesting quotes that we heard from the palestinian authority spokesman earlier today is he said that at the end of the day
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the palestinians are appealing for membership within the united nations an organization that the president himself praised in his speech earlier today they're not going to for membership they're not going to the mafia for membership that was just quote and that is a good point i mean the fact that they are seeking political recognition regardless of where you stand on the issue is something to be considered and whether or not this veto threat of a veto by the u.s. ever does take place world attention is on america and the fact that the americans have threatened to veto this to fit the fact that the u.s. has very clearly stated that it is going to be allied with its longtime partner and friend israel puts the u.s. in a political isolated position it doesn't it doesn't matter what you think of the israeli palestinian issue the overall result of all of this is that it's sort of marginalized as the u.s. and i actually see us at
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a time when we really cannot afford it to to have any more of our credibility threatened and undermined you know the president in his speech today i didn't count the examiner of times but talked a lot about peace and democracy and it's not lost in the eyes of the global audience a lot of the international diplomats i've spoken to that pete i just ace continues to to fight in afghanistan in iraq that we have the in the nato led conflict in libya which does not seem to be any closer to resolution or at least the civil war there not to mention the expanding drone attacks and wars that continue in in africa and the middle east so the overall arching theme i had the i think is the slow slow decline of u.s. influence on the international arena and it remains to be seen whether this administration can can sort of do the hard work to really change that around. other than scolding iran and syria president obama championed pro-democracy uprisings in
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libya syria the ivory coast even yemen but his tone has changed dramatically when it came to bahrain take a look at this. in bahrain steps have been taken toward reform and accountability we're pleased with that but worse required america is a close friend about rick and will continue to call on the government and the main opposition bloc that we've talked to pursue a meaningful dialogue that brings peaceful change that is responsive to the people we believe that patriotism abides by iranians together must be more powerful than the sec tarion forces that would tear them apart doesn't make it seem like the u.s. is willing to accept the same atrocities it's condemning all across the middle east and when they happen in bahrain when the government is launched with the new york times calls a ferocious crackdown against a popular uprising so sweeping it smacks of apartheid like repression of bahrain's religious majority. it absolutely does time and again in. this country and puts us
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in a really tough position it's very hard to make the international argument that america stands for freedom and democracy and liberty and the freedom of all people when it we seem to be picking and choosing which countries we come to the aid of and which countries re actually highlights the human rights abuses and the issues taking place there and one thing that we do also have to keep in mind that a lot of the folks in the middle east in the middle east remember is that our support u.s. support for the so-called arab spring did not come with full and pusey ass to force from the beginning we were sort of nudged into standing with the egyptians with mubarak we were sort of nudged into these comments regarding yemen in a situation continues to escalate there it is bad right now and when one this country is seen as sort of reluctantly coming to speak on behalf of democracy in some places and completely ignoring democratic the lack of democracy in other
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countries because of allies or whatever or personal relationships we may have it really undermines our credibility and again that is the one thing that we desperately need to work hard to to restore right now if that's even possible this is the stuff that countries do you see thank you so much for being with islam. well thank you tom. just still. it's the good the bad in the very very neighbor formerly algal e the good congressman phil roe well i may disagree with a republican from tennessee on practically every thing he did save a man's life yesterday and that deserves recognition of walking through the charlotte airport road heard someone calling for a doctor and he saw a man lying on the ground not breathing roe used to be a doctor and so he immediately sprang to next spring into action to give the man c.p.r.
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until paramedics showed up and got the man's heart beating again now only if we can get rode to show the same sort of compassion when takes votes on. the back of south carolina republicans even though president obama released his birth certificate back in april birth the resume is still alive and well in the palmetto state cording to a new winthrop poll thirty six percent of south carolina republicans believe the president was probably or certainly born outside the united states thirty percent of them think he's a muslim seventy five percent think he's a socialist like a cockroach worth a resume is resilient in south carolina and likely won't go away anytime soon at least as long as fox so-called news story on the airwaves stay and be very very ugly rick santorum in an interview with politico santorum went after google accusing the internet giant of having an agenda against him and negatively impacting their country it all comes down to that frothy search result that comes
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up when you google rick santorum snake check it out for yourself or maybe you should in any case. i suspected something was up like that out there like that about joe biden they get rid of it but if if you're a responsible business you don't let things like that happen in your business that . average impact on the country. of the country you know rick your google search results really have no impact on the contrary whatsoever though they could have an impact on your presidential campaign perhaps that's something you should have thought about before you decided to base your entire political career on hubble phobia and that's a very clear. coming out united states senate candidate elizabeth warren has a message we all need to hear i'll tell you what's in that message in tonight's deleting. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions
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your take my take is your chance to have your questions opinions and criticism heard here on the big picture our first in your comments and i came to us via twitter it had to do with the decision earlier today by the georgia pardons and paroles board that i a last minute appeal by the attorneys for death row inmate troy davis to halt his execution based on evidence that suggests the ballistic testing which linked to davis to the one nine hundred eighty nine slaying of police officer mark macphail was flawed there is no hard evidence linking davis to the shooting and most of the witnesses who testified to davis' original trial a sense for him. their testimonies and davis has drawn support from around the world pope benedict this from pope benedict the sixteenth to former president jimmy carter reverend jessie j. j. jackson played davis' case here in the big picture for example last night. this is not use reason without this is substantial doubt there is no hard physical of of
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this no little. fingerprints little. at this it was at night as it were a. i witness which is the weakest form of evidence of even those persons. within the day with a bullet that way so we'll look at this possibility of a revenge a revenge killing by the state which weakens the state's moral authority that takes away the life of troy davis at the very last possible moment tonight the united states supreme court delayed the execution as they prepared to rule on the case had tweeted about all of this to say should murderers suffer the maximum the law allows speak out mr harben please well in any republic that strives to maintain the rule of law criminals must be held accountable for their actions but the eye for an eye rationale of the death penalty should have ended two thousand years ago and the guy
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that conservatives love so much jesus in the sermon on the mount specifically said it should and there are several reasons i'm personally opposed to the death penalty it doesn't cut crime in fact those states who have been saw in some cases their murder rates go down and none saw it go up also in the united states the death penalty is more frequently used against minorities than whites i also don't understand why conservatives who hate government love the death penalty i mean if they say that all of our problems are caused by too much or too incompetent a government and they don't trust the e.p.a. not to screw up businesses can't trust the government to determine or collect their taxes don't trust the government schools educate their children and how can they trust that same government to decide if they should die if they're found guilty of a crime especially if like troy davis they may be innocent. as you can imagine that argument usually brings most debates to a grinding halt but the bottom line is this taking another human life is simply inhumane no matter what the justification for it maybe it's
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a violation of the first law of every human society don't kill other people so when we behave brutally even via our state we brutalized ourselves in our society which is why most of the civilized societies on planet earth of and of the death penalty and why we should too are next your comments from the ranch last night i was joined in the studio by david stockman economist former congressman and director of the reagan era office of management and budget and republican is credited with writing the reagan budget and continued his work on federal budgeting through one thousand nine hundred five for after a few years in the reagan administration stopped and turned against the promise of reagan's fiscal policies even authored a book on why the reagan revolution failed last night in fact he explained why. once we got into the heat of politics it came unstuck the defense budget got way too big the pentagon got out of control and unfortunately ronald reagan was
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unwilling to discipline the pentagon and he aided big government but stopped at the potomac river secondly when we passed the tax cut in order to pass it we had to put in every kind of ornament and special interest gimmick and tax break in loophole imaginable there was almost like a feeding frenzy on capitol hill and so the tax bill ended up being forty percent bigger than we had intended as the deficit balloon i began to see we couldn't get our way towards balance i became an advocate of raising taxes to recover some of the revenue we lost in one nine hundred eighty one and so once you're called in with this observation about david stockman is appearance on our show. it gainst for having a reasonable republican tonight. but it's refreshing to see a poke in it's not a traitor i mean a reasonable guy that loves his country i noticed about to be several about kerry
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maybe these religious ones we see what we see judge people by their works like the boy will keep on then a few times that's a good one i try to use what kind of weeks people thank you well said anytime we judge someone based on the merits of their actions rather than their label are one step ahead of the game and just to be clear just because i engage conservatives in debates almost on a daily basis doesn't mean that i'm ready to dismiss them all as a group as ghandi once said honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress and our final comments night was posted on the tom hartman facebook page as you probably noticed by now every night during the good the bad and the very very ugly we feature an adverb of the day like tonight's word neva formally proceed as you can see means to me turn it shaped i have to admit it's one of the tamer ones we featured in a while bill posted on facebook my mom says i can't listen to you anymore i'm
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learning too many bad words books well at least no one can accuse us of not being an education show and bill's mom you're listening little intellectual smart never hurt anyone that's it for your sake my take tonight if you like your comments and questions heard on the segue into the big picture listen up. want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the thom hartmann facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore apartment or in the champ room on the message boards or the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on a rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all relative to remember that your comments may be used on the air. this is a little with war and she's running for the united states senate for massachusetts against incumbent republican scott brown and according to
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a new poll from public policy polling she's winning and this is the reason why she's winning. i think all this you know what else is class warfare is what you know there is nobody in this country who got rich on his own nobody even built a factory out there could you be clear you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us take for you workers the rest of us paid to educate you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for you didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and sees everything that your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work to press to disappear now what if you built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea god bless keep a big hunk of it but part of the underlying social contract is you take
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a hunk of that and pay forward for the next time. she nailed it she got right through the poll tested b.s. about job creators and class war warfare got right to the heart of what's going on in america our social contract has been broken by greed and little one is dying the millionaires and billionaires the corporate c.e.o.'s the oil oligarchy those who become wildly successful and now have more money than they can spend over five lifetimes are not job creators as republicans. they're not producers as i and rand called them and they are not worth keeping this nation going they are not who we should be depending on they are success stories success stories that are only possible because the rest of us made them possible without all of us you me everything everybody we know without us for millionaires and billionaires wouldn't
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be billionaires and billionaires there'd be no koch industries if you know exxon mobil if you know goldman sachs. from the worker who toils forty hours a week on an oil rig in the gulf to the mother on food stamps a dog quarters out of her couch to fill a car up with gas for the student at a public university who invented a new gadget that helps the business of fish and see we as a nation we as a government built prosperity hour by hour purchased by purchase idea by idea as elizabeth warren said nobody in the country got rich on his own those who enjoy enormous wealth today are merely to paraphrase or isaac newton standing on the shoulders of giants past generations who day in and day out did what they're supposed to do showed up for work paid their fair share raise their families and laid the groundwork for prosperity and
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a nation where opportunity came the touchstone and it's about time those who achieved so much success as a result of all of our and our ancestors work and sacrifice start paying their fair share help our nation stablished basic economic health housing and workplace security for all of us are asking too much or i'll still be millionaires and billionaires there still be people rich beyond our wildest imaginations but it's a travesty in america that these modern day kings and queens are driven to work in their limousines along streets lined with poverty and desperation president obama is not engaging in class warfare he's simply saying it's time that those who have benefited the most off america should pay their fair share pay the same tax rate as the rest of us who don't have private jets and vacation homes so that
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future generations can achieve the same sort of success that's the social contract that was with warren spoke about that's what we need to bring back in america. and that's what i'm trying to do every single night on this show and it's what you should be doing too if you want to see more of elizabeth warren by the way or webb says with elizabeth warren dot com you can check that out and pass along a good word also there's a number of great candidates out there but also bernie sanders is a real champion of the middle c's been out there speaking in ways that. for years frankly for decades in ways that have had have had such an incredible honesty and accuracy that there's an incredible response to them and louise and i used to live in vermont and. during the bush years and you drive up north up into the north country and the birds were all areas very conservative very republican areas of vermont and there would be a bush for president signs
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a two thousand and four bush for president sign on the front yard next to a bernie sign bernie dot work is his website so woodward dot com that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom harkin dot com free speech or. also check out our to you tube she says there are limits on harvard dot com this entire show is also billed as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time on the i phone and i pad app at the apps you sent us feedback and twitter it's all matters for on facebook at times for our blogs message boards and telephone comments long tom hougaard and don't forget them are perceiving you you know their good actor.
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