tv [untitled] September 22, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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from palestinian demonstrations ripple and spread across the world to have a bid for statehood at the u.n. even as rock obama personally vows to veto a resolution recognizing a free palestinian state. today the united states of america is a bully and so forth and didn't lose its will. r.t. talks to the radian president mahmoud ahmadinejad i had a few speech at the un general assembly. or as a policeman and passers by are injured in powerful twin blasts near regional police headquarters in the capital of russian republic of dagestan. al jazeera director general resigns due to rumors he is linked to the cia critics say that blames the
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switching the west attitude towards the guitar based news network. it is ten am in the russian capital you're watching r.t.r. marina joshie welcome to the program president barack obama has personally sworn to veto any resolution recognizing a free and independent palestinian state his comments came during a face to face meeting where the leader of the palestinian sodomy who nevertheless about to press ahead with his country's bid to morrow is going off has the latest. this is the general assembly of the united nations isn't full swing a lot of issues are on the table of course but the key one with playing to raise the question of becoming an independent state being recognized by the united
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nations on a friday and there is definitely a lot of uncertainty when it comes to this issue since on a wednesday u.s. president barack obama said that he wants to see an independent palestine and so do the israeli authorities and i actually met with both is really leadership and. stories as well and it seems good to the u.s. and israel are on the same page when it comes to seeing an independent palestine in the future but they say that this can only be done through dialogue through negotiations specifically between palestine and israel while it's going to take this issue to the united nations and president obama said that the u.n. is not a police where this independent palestinian state could be born and so the u.s. has been threatening that it would veto such a resolution of recognizing them as an independent country meanwhile russia has
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been persuading washington not to veto these talks but when it comes to barack obama he is really in a difficult position on this issue since it was a year ago that he said that the establishment of an independent palestinian state should happen in two thousand and eleven and at the same time barak obama has been supporting the arab spring those wanting change and improvement in their lives in egypt libya and so on so he can't really back off with palestine right now because this may cause quite a negative effect on the. image of these newly softball countries in the middle east but at the same time with israel being one of the russell things. in the region if parents in washington tend to back off as well the palestinians have been
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saying that these negotiations with israel have been going on for over a decade and they still haven't really led to anything so. have been saying that they can't back down. agenda now as well because that is of the main idea of the palestinian people to gain independence from israel so we will be watching how the story continues to develop and of course waiting for friday when this issue will be raised at the united nations here in new york. can offer reporting there and the u.s. apps like it's more than the single body of the united nations violating the pluralism of the world group and that's the view of the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad who spoke to our teeth on the situation in palestine. this is the continuation of suppressing the rights of the palestinian people and the palestinian nation they are people like all the other nations they must have the right to determine their
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own destiny they must have the right to choose their destiny on the other hand if the united nations is truly pluralistic in its makeup then why would they allow a country to see itself and speak of itself as the chief of the united nations a pluralistic representative body and also why can they dictate to the united states the true single member of a much larger body than it should have a single vote and why does that vote all that pressure carry so much more weight. and you can watch that interview in full about twenty minutes from now while a report on why the u.s. is so much against iranian policies will be coming your way shortly before that proud palestinian sentiment was even felt very doorstep of the. hundreds of orthodox jews to the streets of new york demanding the israeli government recognize palestine as an independent state meanwhile in the west bank reports about of deliberate provocation against palestinian demonstrators by israeli settlers to
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prompt the military to intervene and crackdown on the rallies across europe which has tried to remain neutral activists to chant slogans and wave barriers for the palestinian cause artist laura emma brings us more from london. the debates between the israelis and the palestinians has come to downing street as a group the past turned into petitions prime minister david cameron saying that he should support the palestinian authority's bid for recognition by the united nations david cameron of course will go that it's would the end of this week to talk about the situation in the middle east the group behind me say that un recognition for the palestinian authority is the only way she then ensure further negotiations then i two state solution and peace in the region i think some of the i think that she's going to sit down and here's what they. represent the views of things up and down the country who overwhelmingly has all the you can survey the
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citizens of the u.k. supporting palestine's right to existence and self-determination my message should david cameron the british government owes it to the palestinians it is immoral and destructive disposability for the british government because you would mandating us put in the in the fourth is you have created this it office said it is about time that you have to do that's a simple but it's like here in this country say that sixty percent roundabout of u.k.b.a. to believe that palestine should be recognised as the station is a right and that made it increases in front and in germany but despite that none of these governments have yet come out in support of recognising that this did you think it remains to be. thank you look at you it's worth it this week i didn't eat but they've been hammering will take it's good to see the t. said recognize this and put it into. the u.s. president justify his veto automated by saying that while palestinians do deserve
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a state could only come through direct talks with israel which of god on for decades however a palestinian journalist are you a sign or he says that your state's influence stretches far into capitol hill the real problem of the person at the scene is it be facing with israeli prime minister that then you know is dates back to the day when he appeared in the congress and then he delivered his political speech and the nearly three or four minutes the members of the congress would just stand up and applaud what he said and there was a message from that then you know obama to show it showing him that he was really the boss in washington and it seems that the you know since then has been intoxicated with this kind of big to be achieved in the congress and has been beat and has been behaving in a very intense isn't we're not listening to the palestinians and not listening even to the american envoys who have reached who have gone to the region for so many times of dozens of hours this is one of the reasons why i was going to the united nations has been looking for his partner in his red book believed to be the partner
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up to this moment the problem is they lack of cooperation of the israeli side. of the seven of that it leads not only the west bank but also in east jerusalem blowing up every chance of reaching an agreement with the palestinians and this is they would call. and the iranian president is to address the un general assembly however a man american politicians and some protestors outside the united nations are opposed to mahmoud ahmadinejad even being there are these christine freeze out explores why iran is considered public cannot be number one because so manny. just about everywhere you look at iran he continues to develop nuclear weapons someone whether politician or pundit they're controlled by the fanatical regime is beating the drums of war how close are we to the point of no return well i think we may be past the point of no return in the sense that iran does have inside the country
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everything it needs to produce a nuclear weapon that point of no return often exaggerated according to journalist seymour hersh whose in-depth articles recently this one in the new yorker has illustrated time and time again the lack of evidence of a nuclear threat from iran the rhetoric though has resulted in widespread support for harsh actions against a country we support a station's program that's the sign to stop the punishment is. aimed at stopping the iranians from doing something we know we know they're not doing thanks called for repeatedly by the obama administration so let me be clear iran's nuclear and ballistic missile actively poses a real threat not just to the united states but the runs neighbors and our allies curse compares president obama's added to toward iran to bush and cheney's policy toward iraq they want to punish they wanted to make a case against iraq they didn't like their politics. so we made a case about nuclear weapons we were talking about mushroom clouds make
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a case to go to war. and to war america went. many worry it could happen as well in iran if rhetoric becomes reality iran is not a very perilous position it's obvious that the crosshairs are on them squarely. if anyone wants to know how it would begin to look no further than those hoping to have their finger on the button here's john mccain four years ago that old beach boys song bomb iran. and history does in fact repeat itself with the greatest threat to the security the world is a nuclear iran iran is a country that has killed more american men and women in uniform in iraq in afghanistan than the iraqis and the afghanistan's have this is last month g.o.p. presidential debate in iowa only one candidate strayed from the script just think of how many nuclear weapons surround iran did chinese are there the indians or the
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pakistan is there why wouldn't it be natural that they might want to weapons there'd be internationally that be given more respect but one man given very little respect on u.s. soil iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad number one villain for so many this is the. first or. last year the group united against nuclear iran put these posters up all over new york city perpetuating the idea of a hostile iran while the rest of the economy is sinking and the military industrial complex grows and grows and grows in other words war is good business not it may also be good business to take a closer look at the way the narrative unfolds this time around to ask and you hear the drums of war being beaten yet again if it is in fact a matter of preparedness and perkasa or if it is simply propaganda. in washington christine for r.t. . a powerful double glasses hit the capital of the russian republic of dagestan
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injuring at least sixty people who were passers by both bombs are believed to have been planted underneath parked cars near regional police have water it's our correspondent there for earth has more. the seiko one for the self to confirm that at least sixty people injured in the telling her bones that happened in dagestan last night the first explosion happening at about half past midnight most the time when the second blast following just minutes later. the possibly the first chance could be to travel to the church and some of the things that's the area of the second most powerful blast that injuring even pulled out the majority of days and you will see full well that most of the police personnel the some civilians to run a second separate incident last night the head of the reasonable police was traveling it is when they came under fire and that she was older than that of the chief and his security offices but it's not as yet made whether those two instances
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of what was the third israeli had been struggling to bring stability to that region is the set by violence many many is linked to islamic insurgency fit all the major fighting in the region has to some extent being controlled as he said they fell thirty five are starting to bring stability to that region so please the government continue throughout the region and the especially in the we see a number of these instances happening you see that again last night our first reporting there have decommissioned nasa satellite is on its way back to earth after decades of service but scientists will only have an idea of its potential drop zone just a couple of hours before impact artists here all over a ponderous asked you whether we should be watching our hands. it weighs almost six thousand kilograms has been monitoring the make up of our atmosphere for nearly two decades and the best estimates suggest that on friday etc turned home with
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a bump now says miss fear research satellite or you a.r.s. was the commissioned in two thousand and five and is now headed for reentry most of the satellite which is the size of a bus will burn up in the earth's atmosphere however as many as twenty six chunks of the stricken research vehicle will strike the earth seventy percent of our planet is covered with water so the danger to us is fairly limited nothing will have an ounce of potential strike zone covering most of the globe so where it will come down is really anyone's guess what is known is that it won't fall in one place burbery is expected to be spread over eight hundred kilometers off fairly worrying stuff but how much of this space junk is there up there ready to come back down there are now over twenty thousand sizeable objects being tracked in its orbit the problem is the juju a process called the kessler effect that number is growing exponentially with us
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each collision shatters an object into smaller pieces and those pieces hit other objects it keeps continuing at the scene two hundred years from now we won't be able to get anything into a number of orbit as i just won't be any room just looking up at the sky from earth it could be hard to imagine the problems posed by space debris but when we look through a powerful telescopes like this one the true situation comes into focus the job of monitoring all of the debris in space is an important one not just for the future but for those currently in space on all the international space station over six hundred times a year the idea since has to take a very severe action to get out of where you have to agree that if that isn't possible there's only one course of action left. the crew take shelter. in the most protected area of the ship the safest place is the capsule in the so use module so that's where the entire crew hides when the station is considered to be in danger
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but. with no viable way of giving space a spring clean we have to rely on the atmosphere most falling debris however in large cases like that of the u.a.e. and the experts get a little concerned and. when to use rocket enters the atmosphere people can calculate when and where it's going to fall but it's impossible to predict with a piece of a satellite that has broken apart or going to end up you shouldn't be too worried about a chunk of stuff like being in your backyard however should that happen not all warning against taking pieces as a souvenir not because it's toxic it's u.s. government property and they want it back you a.r.s. cost seven hundred fourteen million dollars and if you fancy making some of yourself online bookies have been taking bets on whether it'll hit the pacific or the atlantic oceans peter oliver. acetic a look at some other stories from around the world and security forces have fired
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mortars at hand to government protesters in the yemeni capital sanaa killing at least three people and of one big sixty the fighting broke a cease fire agreed on tuesday following three days of bloodshed more than eighty people have been killed since sunday crackdown and to regime protest was renewed all this despite reports the vice president is considering a transfer of power something that's been a key demand from demonstrators. a strike by union workers has forced him to try and company to hold production in colombia protesters have been starting fires in the streets and hurling stones manning increased pay their health care riot police were sent to deal with demonstrators while the club vice president urged workers to avoid violence the country's oil industry is staffed by around twelve thousand people. russia's expressed concern over the fact nato has proposed missile the fam shield in europe nor is moscow's calls for legal
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guarantees of safety rapidly drawn out agreements concerning the shield are an attempt to get it up and running before anyone releases realizes that's according to russia's sandboy to nato. because the pope says they'll be too since with what it was the us is trying to secure agreements with the countries where the missile shield is to be placed turkey romania and poland but they haste with which they're trying to seal these deals can mean they want to create a new reality with certain european states before the rest of europe has made clear its stance on the shield then they'll clean western europe down to the fact of its existence i think our western partners are trying to get ahead of themselves they aren't providing any legal guarantees concerning their missile defense they are constantly asking questions about our so-called tactical nuclear weapons we will discuss their technical potential before the us pulls back there is from european countries we keep our weapons within our national territory why do they deploy
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theirs outside their borders the west must take the first step in the matter before we may agree to talk further. toward i wasn't all that long ago the al-jazeera news network was considered quote evil by washington but the white house has certainly changed its tune recently praising its groundbreaking coverage that's a little surprise say critics after we can weeks revelations expose the director general of qatar based network of having links to the cia i am promoting him to hurriedly quit i think he's now he takes up a story. right now al jazeera english is seen through million american cable households al-jazeera or the island is not in isolation anymore which channels in your face coverage of the violent turmoil of the middle east and libya's emerging civil war has ground to a cozy primetime slot with the u.s. and recent with you leaks claim al-jazeera has now resigned director general had
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ties to the cia what the detail is basically the u.s. government has been monitoring. the. well he went to the web. and the. inappropriate. or simply that they did mike and then they were. what they were. stepping into the open seat a member of the royal family fueling fears johansson voice will get modder the arabic service was criticized for being part and seeming to reflect certain elements of qatari policy. of new angles came much earlier this year when arab regimes started to crumble puckers square has become a pivotal landmark in the arab world and a symbol of the spring uprising but the events here in top gear also signaled the
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turning point for al-jazeera i want to look i can tie american channel labeled extremist is now called real media by the state department their coverage is just in line with us support of a series of regime changes in north and the middle east. from the beginning. into an international. network and that they did but the channel used to send messages from osama to obama and they're called al qaeda t.v. l.g. . is doing is vicious inaccurate and in excuse now al jazeera is getting why the shout outs on local us not works that soon might be coming to your cable box right here in our area this is a situation where media has become almost a combat zone in itself and who controls media we see it with fox news we see it with other channels around the world now we're seeing it with your i think the us
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will try to influence of just even more and perhaps praise more al-jazeera has been the leader in that are literally changing people's minds an attitude of dizziness and setting the news agenda or is it and he's no way archie carver. a u.s. death row inmate has been executed by lethal injection in the state of georgia for the nineteen eighty nine shooting of an off duty policeman prosecutors maintained they were sure he was guilty however the weapon was never discovered and d.n.a. tests failed to link him to the killing davis' supporters say capital punishment just isn't dealt they are only in the u.s. . obviously the supreme court realizes that the world is righteous and the world is very upset and judging america on the hypocrisy that it shows in the application of the death penalty and all of this to to sticks and became that it is applied in
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a discriminatory matter and that persons that are black or of color are almost more likely to receive the death penalty and that sentence then those that are not black or that those that are right so there's there's a great disparity in the application of the death penalty it's an inherent problem it's in this much of an inherent problem as racism still is in american society so much subjectivity involved in whether the case could turn one way or another depending on who is on the bench and who is deciding the case and so much of a human factor the universal support that choice davis has received from all corners from all races from what the pope jimmy carter to me that i better not be unspoken i'm talking about grassroots activists that have been pressing his case and fighting his case for years now now let's see what's happening in the world of
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business but marina. hello and welcome to business here on r.t. we start with castro bellow roots which is once again seeking phones from russia's as burbank it wants to borrow one million dollars for one year and in return it will put up to fifty percent of a major all over foreigner e ass collateral earlier bellerose asked for a two billion dollar loan but that refused to budge thirty five percent of its main asset fertiliser producer a lot of scholarly the company has a fifteen percent share in the global post's ash fertiliser market and minsk is an investment need of hard currency as it tries to cope with its worst financial crisis since the collapse of the soviet union. russia's or saw is reportedly in talks with iran over building an aluminum plant in the country the world's top aluminum producer could launch production within the i know capacity of three
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hundred fifty thousand tons of the metal the project could offer all capacity by nine percent but it is overshadowed by the u.s. sanctions over iran these include a brand for u.s. citizens to do business in the country and sanctions for countries who violate the embargo doesn't have any production of a u.s. spot the world's largest economy makes up almost ten dollars revenue. let's take a look at the markets now all is falling for a second day as investors speculate that fuel demand in the u.s. will falter that's after the u.s. federal reserve said there are significant downside risks to the economy of the world's largest crude consumer growing fears over the eurozone debt crisis are also putting pressure on the prices lites reads is currently losing one dollar thirty six cents while the brunt blunt is losing over one dollar and fifty cents let's move on to asia now stocks there are falling sharply this hour as investors are reacting badly to the fed's new policy measures the u.s.
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central bank says. it will sell off short term notes and buy extended treasuries instead it hopes this will encourage the financial community to sound the riskier moves and hot markets with liquidity and reaction the hang seng is losing almost four percent saw the nikkei is down two percent this hour and here in russia the markets just burned them they are in the red tracking losses overseas the arts yes and my sets are shouting over at some percent. russia are crazy or haven't at southwick finding any momentum but since i think all five or all six cats i believe the first announcement overnight will do little it's a calm the markets as it will be overshadowed by the. statements coming from from the roof. more with some more and was market expectations i guess nobody really. knows me but i can see freezing stage three years measures which have been.
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moderate the need to north korea most of really well they would give some some a little support for the u.s. market should. simply would be positive. the key problem is not the united states we can prove you're in the situation still very much obscured also voice but markets will remain pretty vote. this week against my opinion. is the work global and risk is written into this year. that's all the business is for them or in us lacks for the headlines.
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well the future of the weapons grade plutonium is turned into a vital new resources nuclear waste becomes a few will spring lead to the environment and energy outposts among the ends of the earth russian scientists lead the way in making these innovations a reality in a future free from fears of nuclear longer lives the peaceful revolution in homage energy on technology update we've got the future covered.
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