tv [untitled] September 22, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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broke the photo and how it. changed. pro palestinian demonstrations ripple across the world as the international community puts its weight behind a palestinian bid for statehood even as the american president promises to veto any vote join me in a few moments and i'll bring you. to tell you the united states of america is a bully has flaws and demands is its we'll. talk to the reigning president mahmoud ahmadinejad ahead of his speech at the u.n. general assembly. scores of policemen and passers by are injured in powerful twin blasts near a regional police headquarters in the capital of russian republic of dagestan. algeria's director general resigns durham or is he is linked to the cia critics say that explains the switch in u.s.
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add a few towards the qatar based news network. plus in business it's a sea of red across the board after the u.s. federal reserve trades a grim picture over the economy will have more mass in business and currency minutes. which in our view coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshua welcome to the program and president barack obama has personally sworn to veto any u.n. resolution recognizing a free and independent palestinian state his comments came during a face to face meeting with a meter of the palestinian autonomy who nevertheless vowed to press ahead but his country's bid on friday we can now cross to our correspondent paul's leader who is in ramallah more on the impending showdown so paula the vote seems to be getting more and more confrontational there and with just one day to go what's the latest
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on this bid for statehood. for the nations we're hearing is that the american president barack obama has met with the palestinian plays into. and best now he did try to convince the palestinian president to drop the palestinian bid for statehood not to take it to the security council tomorrow friday but he has failed to do this what the american president was hoping is that the palestinians would rather just approach the general assembly and such a move would have been largely symbolic not as important as it would be approaching the security council that about saying that he's going ahead to the security council despite the criticism from the american president looking very can president was saying was that they need still close to the negotiations this is a position that israel maintains and that only after negotiations and peace talks are on the table can there be any kind of discussion around some kind of palestinian state being declared a bus this point is a point that is reverberated here across ramallah and the rest of palestine and
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that is that two decades of negotiations between the palestinians and israelis have yielded nothing and hence we will see tomorrow the palestinian president approaching the security council having said that though it does seem as if a bass has bowed down to some kind of pressure because he will not be pushing the security council for a vote tomorrow and this has been criticized by some palestinians saying that he should be a vote as soon as possible now the french president nicolas sarkozy has also said that the united nations should accept the palestinian but the americans president obama was silent on this while tell us there was outright hostile of course and one of the things they tell of it is afraid of is that the palestinians once they have membership in the united nations won't have access to the international criminal court and such acts is will allow them to take the israelis to court over disputes over land over the way they've been treated over the whole issue of occupation in
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addition to that we know that eight out of the fifteen members of the security council have indicated that they are prepared to vote in favor of a palestinian state india. brazil china south africa as well as russia have all given me knowledge so it does seem as if the future to curation of a palestinian state by and large has the support of the international community it is really the americans at this stage that are coming out right with a bomb is that he is going to veto the vote. of all there has been a lot of reaction to the internationally in recent days but tell us what's going on over there in ramallah. well today here in ramallah it's the second day that thousands of people have taken to the streets right now they gathering in the on the cutter which is where the former palestinian leader yasser arafat is buried they will continue with these peaceful protests of course most of the attention is on tomorrow when their butt is put forward at the united nations the mood here remains the following people really feeling that
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a sense of history people feeling that this is a very important moment in the palestinian struggle but it's not only here in ramallah it's white across the west bank we are seeing similar such the allegations in hebron in nablus and basically in a host of other palestinian cities the outpouring of support for this palestinian state is also reverberating around the world all pull off a duck's jews in new york showed they support there were various celebrations in london and in paris and in numbers and in a number of other european cities now these radio army is on high alert it has pulled into the west bank it is particularly consumed there extremist right wing israeli settlers will use this as an opportunity to provoke violence because of course the city is maintained that under no circumstances will they ever recognize a palestinian state and we are receiving more reports of stateless purposely provoking palestinians. thanks very much indeed for bringing us the very latest on
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this are on a policy of their reporting from hamas. and the u.s. acts like it's more than a single body of the united nations violating the pluralism of the world group and that's the view of the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad spoke to r.t. on the situation in palestine. this is the continuation of suppressing the rights of the palestinian people and the palestinian nation they are people like all the other nations they must count the right to determine their own destiny they must have the right to choose their destiny on the other hand if the united nations is truly pluralistic in its maker. then why would they allow a country to see itself and speak of itself as the chief of the united nations a pluralistic representative body and also why can they dictate if the united states is a truly single member of a much larger body and it should have a single vote then why does that vote or that pressure carry so much more weight.
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than here watch that interview in for next hour here are r.t. . later on thursday the iranian president is do you address the u.n. general assembly however many american politicians and some protestors outside the united nations are opposed to mahmoud ahmadinejad even being there christine for his out explores why iraq is considered public enemy number one to so many. just about everywhere you look at iran continues to develop nuclear weapons someone whether a politician or pundit are controlled by the fanatical regime is beating the drums of war how close are we to the point of no return well i think we may be past the point of no return in the sense that iran does have inside the country everything it needs to produce a nuclear weapon that point of no return often exaggerated according to journalist seymour hersh whose in-depth articles recently this one in the new yorker
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illustrated time and time again the lack of evidence of a nuclear threat from iran the rhetoric though has resulted in widespread support for harsh actions against the country we support of sanctions program that's the sign to stop with the punishment is. aimed at stopping the rain ians from doing something you know we know they're not doing things called for repeatedly by the obama administration so let me be clear iran's nuclear and ballistic missile actively poses a real threat not just to the united states but to ron's neighbors and our allies hurst compares president obama's added two toward iran to bush and cheney's policy toward iraq they want to punish they want to make a case against iraq if it weren't for politics. so we made a case about nuclear weapons we were if you remember they were talking about mushroom clouds make a case to go to war. and to war america went. many worry it could happen as well in iran if rhetoric becomes reality iran is in
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a very perilous position and it's obvious that the crosshairs are on them. squarely if anyone wants to know how it would begin look no further than those hoping to have their finger on the button here's john mccain four years ago the old beach boys song. and history does in fact repeat itself with the greatest threat to the security the world is a nuclear iran iran is a country that has killed more american men and women in uniform in iraq in afghanistan and iraq each and the afghanistan this is last month's g.o.p. presidential debate in iowa only one candidate strayed from the script just think of how many nuclear weapons surrounding iran did chinese are there the indians or the pakistanis here while going to be natural that they might want to weapons there'd be internationally they'd be given more respect but one man given very little respect on u.s. soil iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad number one villain for so many.
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last year the group united against nuclear iran put these posters up all over new york city perpetuating the idea of a hostile iran the rest of the economy is sinking and the military industrial complex grows and grows and grows in other words war is good business but it may also be good business to take a closer look at the way the narrative unfolds this time around to ask when you hear the drums of war being beaten yet again if it is in fact a matter of preparedness and perkasa or if it is simply propaganda. in washington christine for the now our team. still to come and a program why we may do well to watch the sky in the coming few days nasa satellite is on its way back to earth but it's not expected to land in an orderly fashion stay with us to find out if the right of space debris isn't new either out.
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i powerful double blast has hit the capital of the russian republic of dagestan injuring at least sixty people many of whom were passers by but those bombs are believed to have been planted underneath parked cars near regional police headquarters our correspondent sara firth has more. the safe old woman police officer confirmed that at least sixty people injured in the twin car bombs that happened in dagestan last night the first explosion happening at about half past midnight mostly time the second does follow just maybe. the majority of days injured in the entire state political people police personnel at this school the possibly the first explosion was such as a truck and then the second will probably explosion going off just legislative and police personnel that come to the area the second separate incident last night the head of the regional police was tough to get his car when it came with the fire
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that resulted in the deaths to his curiously offices and is as yet unknown whether these two instances of that the third season really have been struggling simply to abilities that region has been beset by violence many many years linked to the islamic insurgent movement now although you may just fighting in that region has to some extent being can show disease that they fell thirty five are starting to bring stability to that region attack so police on the government continue throughout the region that certainly especially if we see a number of these instances happening you see that again last night sara first reporting there and you always visit our web site r.t. dot com for more on any of the story that we cover for you here on our team but here's some of what's online for you today the amazing decads the love i have there was both cage dance and they did bashes in mid-flight and now the distraught owners threatening to sue the airline. and under the iron bridge see the pictures as
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an afghan drug addicts than the country is now suffering greatly from its homegrown product that already kills dozens of thousands of users worldwide every year. and all nasa satellite is out of control. and plunging back towards earth but us scientists are only left guessing where it'll lands with an almighty bomp which could be anywhere on the planet really and aren't here all returned to the advice of russian cosmonauts to ponder whether we should be watching our heads. it weighs almost six thousand kilograms as being monitoring the make up of our atmosphere for nearly two decades and the best estimates suggest that on friday etc returned home with a bump nothing is after atmosphere research satellite or you a.r.s was decommissioned in two thousand and five and is now headed for reentry and most of the satellite
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which is the size of a bus will burn up in the year that disappear however as many as twenty six chunks of the stricken research vehicle will strike the earth seventy percent of our planet is covered with water sort of danger to us is fairly limited nothing will have announced the potential strike zone covering most of the globe so where it will come down is really anyone's guess what is known is that it won't fall in one place there bri is expected to be spread over eight hundred kilometers of fairly worrying stuff but how much of this is there up there ready to come back down there are now over twenty thousand sizeable objects being tracked in a small bit problem is the due to a process called the kessler effect that number is growing exponentially with each collision shatters an object into smaller pieces and those pieces hit other objects if it keeps continuing at the same rate two hundred years from now we won't be able
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to get anything into an orbit as we just won't be any room. for looking up at the sky from earth it could be hard to imagine the problems posed by space debris but when we look through powerful telescopes like this one the true situation comes into focus the job of monitoring all of the green space is an important one not just for the future and for those currently in space on the international space station over six hundred times a year the i s s has to take a decent action to get out of the way of carry but if that isn't possible there's only one course of action left if. the crew take shelter. in the most protected area of the ship the safest place is the capsule in the so use module so that's where the entire crew hides when the station is considered to be in danger but. with no viable way of giving space a spring clean we have to rely on the atmosphere it's a most falling debris however in large cases like the u. s.
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the experts get a little concerned and we. will use rocket enters the atmosphere people can calculate when and where it's going to fall but it's impossible to predict where the pieces of a satellite that has broken apart are going to end up you shouldn't be too worried about a chunk of stuff like landing in your backyard however should that happen not so our warning against taking pieces as a souvenir not because it's toxic it's u.s. government property and they want it back you a.r.s. cost seven hundred fourteen million dollars and if you fancy making some of for yourself online bookies have been taking bets on whether it'll hit the pacific or the atlantic oceans peter all over r.t. . and i was not at the al-jazeera news network was considered by washington as quote evil but the white house has certainly changed his tune recently praising as groundbreaking coverage that's a little surprising critics after we get leaks revelations exposed the director
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general of the qatar based network of having links to the cia and promoting him to hurriedly quit i didn't he said now it takes up a story. right now al jazeera english is seen as two million american household al-jazeera or the island is not in isolation anymore the channels in your face coverage of the violent turmoil of the middle east and libya's emerging civil war has grounded the prime time slot with the u.s. and recent weeks claim al-jazeera has now resigned director general had ties to the cia detail is basically the u.s. government has been monitoring the. channel but. well they went to the web. and they cut it deeper with. an appropriate. or needed money and then they were.
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stepping into the open sea a member of the royal family fueling fears doha's voice will get milder and the arabic service was criticized for being part and seeming to reflect certain elements of qatari policy. of new angles came much earlier this year when arab regimes started to crumble after square has become a pivotal landmark in the arab world a symbol of the spring uprising but the events here and here i think you know the turning point for al-jazeera wants to look anti-american channel labeled extremists is now called real media by the state department their coverage is just in line with u.s. support of a series of regime changes in north that and the middle east. from the beginning you can send them into an international. network and that they
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did but the channel used to send messages from osama to obama and they're called al qaeda t.v. what elgin. is doing is vicious inaccurate an excuse now al jazeera is getting life sound out some local u.s. networks but soon it might be coming to your cable box right here in our area this is a situation where the media has become all of us the combat zone itself and who controls the media we see it news and she with other channels around the world now we're seeing it without zero i think the u.s. will try fluence which is even more and perhaps praise more al-jazeera has been a leader in that are literally changing people's minds an attitude which is even setting anything lose it and or is it and he said no way r t cairo. guitar these days is interested in maintaining good relations with the u.s.
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according to media analyst bill rees al-jazeera. some years were quite closely with the united states government remember that qatar depends on its security from the united states it has. a missile system space that it has a large u.s. military base. so certainly for about five or six years now there's been contacts between the u.s. government and syria but it suited. i need suited al-jazeera i think it's anti american stance was known about all the arab street because that of course gave catron case so for a great deal of popularity and so unfortunately the cables revealed the reality that there had been some sort. of negotiations and indeed you know relatively relations so in that sense i think that what they came for had to be sacrificed once they said come out in the open. now let's take
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a look at some other stories from around the world u.s. death row inmate has been executed by lethal injection in the state of georgia for the nineteen eighty nine shooting of an off duty policeman troy davis was convicted of the murder in one thousand nine hundred one but maintained he was innocent the weapon was never discovered and d.n.a. test failed to link him to the killing seven out of nine witnesses also revoke their testimony at a later date however the prosecutors maintain they never had doubts over his guilt the forty two year old had gains the support of thousands of people worldwide held protests and visuals all week. security forces have fired mortars and government protesters in the yemeni capital sanaa killing at least three people and wounding sixteen the fighting broke a cease fire agreement to use the following three days of bloodshed more than eighty people have been killed since sunday when a crackdown on and say regime protests was renewed all this despite reports the
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vice president is considering a transfer of power something that's been a key demand from demonstrators. astride by union workers has forced a petroleum company called production in colombia protesters have been starting fires in the streets and hurling stones demanding increased pay and better health care riot police were sants to deal with the demonstrators while the colombian vice president urged workers to avoid violence the country's oil industry is down by around twelve thousand people. russia has expressed concern over the fact made was proposed missile defense shield in europe ignores moscow's calls for legal guarantees of safety rapidly drawing up agreements concerning the shield are an attempt to get it up and running before anyone realizes and that's according to russia's android to nato. whole beach since we're going to the u.s. is trying to secure agreements with the countries where the missile shield has to be placed turkey romania and poland but they haste with which they're trying to
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seal these deals and mean they want to create a new reality with certain european states before the rest of europe has made clear its stance on the shield then they'll be western europe down to the fact of its existence i think our western partners are trying to get ahead of themselves they aren't providing any legal guarantees concerning their missile defense they are constantly asking questions about our so-called tactical nuclear weapons we won't discuss their technical potential before the us pulls back there is from european countries we keep our weapons within our national territory why do they deploy theirs outside their borders with the west must take the first step on the matter before we may agree to talk further. we're going to be back with a recap our top story shortly before that will take what's happening in business with me. hello and welcome to business here on our global markets are diving following
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comments from the federal reserve on wednesday the central bank warning that saw significant downside risk in the economy at the same time the fed on veiled new measures to avoid a double dip recession in order to further suppress long term interest rates which affords a billion dollars of sorts on bonds and so long. what the federal reserve is trying to accomplish with that is to make it more attractive for businesses to invest number one and also for for consumers to invest in mortgages because you should remember the federal reserve did not do it it did not increase the size of its balance sheet but it shifted some of its investment from short term to long term assets which means that again the overall balance sheet was not change which means that if the situation were to get irrate fulda globally i think we do expect from the federal reserve to actually start buying even more securities which in that sense new qualify as security so he still has some firepower and i think that given
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where the global economy is going it should not be surprising if the federal reserve some later. a little bit later in the game actually goes to the last thing that they can do. trade ins has cut its forecast for russia's economic growth for the next year since three point six percent and that's from a previous estimate of four point two percent here to see says a slowdown in the global economy and volatility of oil prices are stifling growth even so they have that seem in the intense us it's not all doom and gloom for russia. we expect growth to slow but overall we think that russia is in recently could shape has very strong stubborn pattern sheets low government debt it's. a huge foreign exchange reserves of those put it in a relatively key position in terms of dealing with potential to obedience from world capital flows or currency volatility but the main weakness that russia is its
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dependence on oil prices and particularly in terms of the budget in the noise and gas budget deficit has increased to quite a high level around eleven percent in the break even oil prices going up and all of which needs to be the russian government vulnerable to a potential collapse in oil prices. oh and let's take a look at the markets now we'll start with oil which is falling for a second day as investors speculate about fuel going on in the u.s. we're thoughts are and that's after the u.s. federal reserve said there are significant downside risks to the economy of the world's largest group consumer who are in fears over the euro zone that prices are also put a price on the prices both light sweet and brands are losing over two dollars this hour let's take a look at what's happening in the e.u. all of the negative sentiment spilled over there as well where the markets taken a day longer and split c. and that's our main bags are losing over three and a half percent this hour. and here also other markets are deep in the red as well
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try thing losses overseas it's nice and then my sets are down over four percent so let's take a look at some of the in the movers on the my sites and there's the majors are among the top losers right now in gas not only gas from enslaved on the oil maker also left are both sides in around three and a half percent banking stocks are also on the question of top lenders and a drop in at the same amounts. book reports are smarter overall colleague has increased first half net profit by sixty one percent so almost eight hundred million dollars higher fertilizer prior. says andrew low energy costs were behind the better than expected performance the company pledged to pay half of its profit in the evidence this year. versus the saw is reportedly in talks with iran over build them and aluminum plants in the country they're all top aluminum producer could go into production with an angle capacity of three hundred fifty thousand tons the project could do so as overall capacity by ninety percent but it
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is called vacated by u.s. sanctions over iran and recently the barn for u.s. citizens to do business in the country and sanctions for countries who violate go to solve doesn't have any production in the u.s. the world's largest economy makes up almost its handover solves the. us how business works this hour the headlines are next with marina. the.
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