tv [untitled] September 22, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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scott's team come. on says a patient turns to anger the mood in the west bank as the palestinian bid for statehood of the un looks like falling short it's all amid speculation a deal is already been struck between the palestinian and u.s. leaders. and we talk exclusively to mark would ask me to jump ahead of the iranian leader's u.n. speech while we examine why he's being demonized in the united states. around an old and now search satellite is plunging towards earth with hundreds of fragments expected to come crashing down but still u.s. scientists have no idea what. does have a sell off from the russian and european markets that saw after the u.s.
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signal significant downside is restored through the world's largest economy more in business in twenty minutes. a very warm welcome for you this is r.t. live from moscow with me showing president barack obama has personally sworn to veto any one resolution recognizing a free and independent palestinian state his comments came during a face to face meeting with the leader of the palestinian autonomy who nevertheless about to press ahead with his country's appeared on friday. but i have been talking to people here and mixed with the city if you like and is a sense of anger and disappointment at the american president the lack of all the sponsors they feel that his address at the united nations yesterday was overwhelmingly in support of israel in fact some of the palestinians i've been
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speaking to say that they feel that that speech was an attempt to try and find a way to from the united nations their game and if it's a try and safe place and avoid some kind of embarrassment people have been telling me here is that they feel that america has a double standard that was president obama who just last year said that this year they would be an independent palestine and now he is the person at the front implementing the sun fastening people also telling me that the language that obama used in terms of the arabs praying to use words such as never teach them people power like he was a great supporter of the arab spring and mouthpiece is the one means national community that has the power to veto a palestinian state going forward with the latest news we have is that a bomb that didn't meet with abbas the palestinian president he tried to convince him not to take said to the united nations security council but you want to keep that with a general assembly of course that would be more likely that the security council is
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so much more important and there are fifteen members of the security council at least not in that least eighty percent overwhelming support among them the result of china russia south africa india one of them so in support of this harvesting and but now they don't seem to be in some kind of compromise on the cards because while we understand that abbas will still be physically in this for tomorrow he has agreed to some kind of delay in terms of womenfolk will happen some kind of stimulus here in ramallah saying that they're very disappointed by this it would not want to see any kind of surveys as a basis such as united nations diplomats of missing could see them reviewing this whole process for another few months we're not there yet and so the decision is made wasn't on the french president nicolas sarkozy. he has stated that the united nations should give him this time as a member of zero that president obama has been finds about this that as you might imagine the israelis are angry this is the last thing they would mind that they would not one see see the palestinians have any kind of access to international
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bodies from the international criminal court the major palestinians will be able to prosecute and the israelis occupying their land. his policy reporting right there will now it's time for you to get involved or rasping or your thoughts on our website or if you don't call what will happen if the palestinian bid for statehood is vetoed by the us are checking out the starts right now so far most who have taken part in the whole think the un will lose all credibility if it blocks the move thirty seven percent believe the veto rights talk of violent uprising in palestinian communities just twelve percent say it will encourage peace talks to resume and eleven percent think the palestinians will be satisfied with an upgrade graded rather observer status make sure you get involved r.t. dot com cost your vote. and he learned meantime from the d.c. based think tank the independent institute says that obama's support for israel is
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a very much determined by the votes that he plans to get for next year. in one nine hundred forty eight when it looked like harry truman was going to. see he recognize israel eleven minutes after it provocatively just declared its independence which the arabs didn't want and so he famously said well i have no arab constituents but i have a lot of people who are first zionism i'm paraphrasing there and i think obama is in the same boat i think obama really is that his back is to the wall the economy's down and he needs every vote he can get it doesn't look good for him to get reelected right now so i think we'll see him toward israel heavily here in the. rest of this year and next year before the election. ramsey editor of the online i believe that newspaper the palestine conical says that the road map for a two state solution was drawn up a long time ago but the peace process lacks an honest broker. you have clear u.n.
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resolutions that have been passing for the last sixty three years and they have a very clear vision and understanding of how they are israel's conflict should be a result of what history is need is to go back to the u.n. and say we need a third party that's what it hears to that frame of reference and the frame of reference the numerous your disillusioned with the security council or general assembly resolutions that states this is this is a road map out of this conflict it should not be that extent that of american foreign policy it should not get it tired of the israeli lobby in washington d.c. or should not happen on that the history of a right wing government in tel aviv should happen in accordance with international law and this is what palestinians are hoping to achieve. us act like it's more than just a single united nations body by abusing the pluralism of the world that's the view of the iranian president mahmoud othman in israel he spoke to us about the. palestinian situation. this is the continuation of suppressing the rights of the
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palestinian people and the palestinian nation they are people like all the other nations they must have the right to determine their own destiny they must have the right to choose their destiny on the other hand if the united nations is truly pluralistic in its makeup then why would they allow a country to see itself and speak of itself as the chief of the united nations a pluralistic representative body and also why can they dictate if the united states is a truly single member of a much larger body than it should have a single vote and why does that vote for that pressure carry so much more weight. the u.n. session continues in new york over you stay with us here on r.t. for all the latest developments from the united states and of course the reaction in coming from the middle east. but they call him a murderer and say he's worse than hitler just some of the accusations aimed at the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad this being said by activists in new york who
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are opposed to his visit to the u.n. general assembly christians are now looks at why american views rather they look at iran as public enemy number one. just about everywhere you look at iran it continues to develop nuclear weapons someone whether politician or pundit are controlled by the fanatical regime is beating the drums of war how close are we to the point of no return well i think we may be past the point of no return in the sense that iran does have inside the country everything it needs to produce a nuclear weapon that point of no return often exaggerated according to journalist seymour hersh who's in-depth articles recently this one in the new yorker have illustrated time and time again the lack of evidence of a nuclear threat from iran the rhetoric though has resulted in widespread support for harsh actions against a country we support the stations program that's designed to stop the punishment is
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. aimed at stopping uranium from doing something you know we know they're not doing things she has called for repeatedly by the obama administration so let me be clear iran's nuclear and ballistic missile actively poses a real threat not just to the united states but to runs neighbors and our allies hurst compares president obama's an attitude toward iran to bush and cheney's policy toward iraq they want to punish they wanted to make the case against iraq could it right the politics. so we made a case about nuclear weapons we refused they were talking about mushroom clouds make a case to go to war. and to war america went. many worry it could happen as well in iran if rhetoric becomes reality iran is that a very perilous position it's obvious that the crosshairs are on them squarely if anyone wants to know how it would begin to look no further than those hoping to have their finger on the button here's john mccain four years ago the old beach
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boys song bomb iran. and history does in fact repeat itself with the greatest threat. to the security the world is a nuclear iran iran is a country that has killed more american men and women in uniform in iraq in afghanistan and iraq he's and the afghanistan staff this is last month's g.o.p. presidential debate in iowa only one candidate strayed from the script just think of how many nuclear weapons surrounding iran did chinese are there the indians or the pakistanis they are why wouldn't it be natural that they might want to weapons there'd be internationally they'd be given more respect but one man given very little respect on u.s. soil iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad number one villain for so many this is. where. last year the group united against nuclear iran put these
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posters up all over new york city perpetuating the idea of a hostile iran while the rest of the economy is sinking and the military industrial complex grows and grows and grows in other words war is good business not it may also be good business to take a closer look at the way the narrative unfolds this time around to ask when you hear the drums of war being beaten yet again if it is in fact and not our preparedness and for a concept or if it is simply propaganda. in washington christine president r.t. . still to come for you later this hour about zero world markets full as the forecast for the economy turns rather gloomy our business that's how the latest on this storm what's caused the plunge and what's being done to avert a government we're session across a fall of a completely different kind. you need a lot of energy to keep such a something like operational and americans have used radioactive ternium to this
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prospects but it's one of the new dangers posed by the decommissioned satellite well fast approaching in a tailspin. well it's what minutes past the hour here in moscow al-jazeera and your staff work has a new boss at the helm following the resignation of its a long time head trainer coincided with the wiki leaks revelations suggesting that the new former director general public's to the cia and the news coverage was influenced by washington now america the chinese audience will wait to see what direction are just there are moves and different you management. takes up the story right now al jazeera english is seen a million american households al-jazeera or the island is not in isolation anymore the channels in your face coverage of the vibrant turmoil of the middle east and libya's emerging civil war has grounded cousy prime time slot with the
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u.s. and recent weeks you leads claim al-jazeera has now resigned director general had ties to the cia with the detail is there anything we but u.s. government has been monitoring out of here. well he went to the web. and he can. be. inappropriate but. he did mike and then he would click around. and he would still bring into the open seat a member of the royal family fueling fears johansson voice will get him out or the arabic services really criticize for being part of it and seeming to reflect the limits of qatari policy. of new angles came much earlier this year when arab regimes started to crumble that this square has become
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a pivotal landmark in the arab world a symbol of the spring uprising but the events here in top gear i think north korea for al-jazeera wants to look like anti-american channel labeled ix. premiss is now called real media by the state department their coverage is just in line with u.s. support of a series of regime changes in north and the middle east. from the beginning a new school on some benches iraq into an international. network and that they did but the channel used to send messages from osama to obama and recalled al-qaeda t.v. network al jazeera is doing is vicious inaccurate and an excuse now al-jazeera is getting wife shout out some local us not works that soon might be coming to your cable box right here in our area this is a situation where the media has become a combat zone in itself and who controls the media we see it with fox news we see
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it with other channels around the world now we're seeing it without just here i think the u.s. will try to influence even more and perhaps praise more al-jazeera has been the leader in that are literally changing people's minds in attitudes on disease and says he thinks or is it and he's now a r t cairo. i think you can always get more of the stories we're covering up on our website it's we come out i was waiting for it right now just a click away a fresh wave of violence in russia's north caucasus region where a string of tara types killed a policeman and injured at least sixty also. if. we keep our weapons within our national territory why do they deploy theirs outside their borders the west must take the first step of the matter before we agree to talk further pressure expressions concern over the fact that nato is
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a proposed missile defense shield in europe ignores that moscow's calls for guarantees of safety. now it's sixteen minutes past the hour here in moscow oh world markets fell on thursday fueling fears that a double dip recession could be closer than we think is you to talk about now from our business that explains why the news has investors on edge on wednesday investors worldwide were anticipating the outcome of the federal reserve meeting which could have signaled. another stimulus measures to prop up the second u.s. economy however got quite sad news as the facts signaled significant downside risks to the economy and we can say is also moody's downgrade three u.s.
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pressure on the markets and investors in russia are also quite bearish as the ruble continues to fall against the major european currencies and it has reached its lowest level against the viewers doll in about two hears and of course you can get more of that in our business bulletin are coming your way in about five minutes time here at r.t. and as you imagine the situation with the crisis remains tense with greeks now protesting against a new round of austerity cuts public transport workers and a taxi drivers are on a twenty four hour strike it's become a couple of hours in this protest comes a day after the greek government announced more tax hikes and pension cuts in the latest move to reduce the country's budget deficit because the finance minister has been trying to restore public saying the country has no choice but to bring in austerity cuts but his comments have not gone down well with the greek people or financial pundits for that matter of course our backs kaiser and stacy herbert. if
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we want to stabilize this situation if we want to default you don't want to avert default the. bankers want you to avert default the words are precise in their meaning and their intent to booze all the population into dick sucking a poisoned chalice the armor that's what exactly he's using the word we to the people of greece losing weight acting as if their their desire should be the same as what the bankers and bondholders want he's not a we he's not a great. orator just turning twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow good to have you with us today let's check out the world update here are a few headlines from around the world for you this hour yemeni security forces have used mortar fire against anti-government protesters in the capital sanaa. sixteen
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when the fighting a broker a cease fire that was agreed upon choose day following three days of bloodshed while the eighty have been killed since sunday when a crackdown and he regime protests was renewed all this despite reports the vice president is considering a transfer of power but is something that's been a key demand from demonstrators. the french court has issued the first fines for wearing a full face veil in public starting the introduction of a new goal banning it in the country two women at work find eighty and one hundred twenty euros for wearing the niqab but one of the women said she will appeal the ruling as her and is prepared to take the case to the european court of human rights. a defunct nasa satellite is out of control and is plunging about towards earth but u.s. artists have been left guessing as to where the space junk we get more details now that is pretty or all of you were drawn of life here either peter good to see you
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as you tell us more about the satellite and whether it poses any danger to us any chance that it could just pluck our heads in some major urban areas well look at that in just a moment what the satellite is though is the. atmosphere research satellite known as you a.r.a.'s it weighs it weighs well around six thousand kilograms and it's been traveling round and round the earth for the best part of two decades and now it's a due to come back down to earth with a bit of a bump now nasa is saying that should any of the debris from this satellite lands in inhabited places that it's not dangerous however some russian experts are suggesting that. the fuel used on board this satellite could pose a danger to the health of the people it lands next to. which would of experts call this type of satellite an orbital truly because you need
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a lot of energy to keep such a satellite operational and americans have used radioactive to turn into this natural and other parts of the satellite. truly moment and it will end up on earth and it's a deadly danger to humans for instance exposure to pluto new leads to cancer. as nasa say there is necessary there is no immediate danger to people should it land anywhere it's inhabited however the chances of that happening are very slim indeed of course the the majority of the earth covered with water seventy percent of the planet covered with water most likely it will land in an ocean but however this does lead the question of just how much space junk is there up there that could fall down around our heads. there are now over twenty thousand sizable objects being tracked in its orbit a problem is there due to a process called the kessler effect.
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shatters an object into smaller pieces and those are he says his mother objects that he keeps continually at the same rate two hundred years from now we won't be able to get anything into an orbit as we just won't be in the room. looking up at the sky from earth it can be hard to imagine the problems posed by space debris but when we look through powerful telescopes like this one the true situation comes into focus the job of monitoring all of the green space is an important one not just for the future but for those currently in space on the international space station over six hundred times a year the sense has to take a decent action to get out of the way of debris but if that isn't possible there's only one course of action left was the crew take shelter in the most protected area of the ship the sickest place is the capsule in the so use more jewel so that's where the entire crew hides when the station is considered to be in danger. peter
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it's good to have you back yes we get some more details from you on this one thing that really boggles the mind of not just me but i hope many if it were the infinite wisdom of nasser in all its technology over the past several decades how is it but they can't track where it's going to react or can they track where it is going to end but where it's going to end up why all the confusion from the elite at nasa well you would have thought that considering the amount of boffins that they have nasa that they would be able to to work out where this was going to land now is due to simply the size and the shape of the satellite it's shave roughly the size of a big caravan a large bus when it hits the earth's atmosphere most of it will burn up to twenty six pieces will have expected around three six pieces to make it through the fire in the heat of the earth's atmosphere and they will skim across the atmosphere similar to the way that you would skim a stone across a lake now. that's the reason why they can only place
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a guesstimate really on where it will eventually land and i guesstimate place it somewhere landing somewhere between the far north of scotland and the far tip of south america so it's basically most of the planet we don't know where it could land exactly but if you are two very devout that don't be the chances of it hitting land as they say very very slim the chances of it hitting anywhere that is inhabited are one in three thousand two hundred rory i can tell you're getting a little bit worried where you won't have to go out with your with a helmet and pilot clothing tomorrow or the chances of it hitting one person in particular i'm suggesting you right now there's one in twenty trillion so really very hard not much chance of. ever coming down and hitting any one particular person but it will be interesting to see where it ends of i say the best estimates place it landing sometime on friday sometime on friday as you're saying go anywhere could be stretching eastward from northern scotland perhaps but people in novels called in should be scared but perhaps the sheep should. thank you very much indeed
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. that's one of the business of it here. thanks very welcome to the business of date russian exes are seeing a shot selloff and collectively emerging markets are trading at a fourteen month low there was also under pressure falling to its lowest against the dollar for two years when wednesday night the us federal reserve gave pessimistic view of the economy while announcing its latest stimulus measures in the form of aborts well joining me now to discuss today's trade is true kirk of chief investment officer at various capital hello to you treat thanks for joining so the russian markets a seeing a heavy selloff of what the my success losing nearly seven percent the arches posting even more significant losses about eight percent down so why are the russian markets being hit so hard today. yesterday. was to say that what
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we're seeing right now in the markets has nothing really to do with russia it's true and by global capital flows and if you look up at the merger markets are close across the globe today you'll see heavy losses pretty much everywhere so russia is really just one of the markets where investors are ready for the door taken off the rest. retreat speaking about you know just europe's problem and europe is not trying to avoid sliding back into recession yet russia has a very balanced budget and its economy is still growing is that right. that is right we're still seeing growth in the russian economy we are seeing the russian companies are still growing we're seeing the russian equity market trading at the lowest multiple was sense says probably to wait. and. i will reiterate that and that is that the emerging markets and washing particular i don't know if
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morsi oh for of the politicians in europe and the united states that are that need to do something about about the. right a crisis that is hitting both europe and and the u.s. and so for whatever the authority is whatever measures the death or is also just have a failed to do why the markets are so so the mark of the super nervous you're seeing flight from the ruble you will see a flight from from a troubled syria from brazil where we are i think you're saying it's like a liquid and the only asset that is before me today is is is the u.s. government. and the drama don't. know it's really hard to predict because the markets have been particularly for a time recently where do you see a potential boresome to the market. i don't think we can operate with a number here just because there are many factors at play. that make this picture very very complicated if we're looking at the dynamics of say the world price which
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historically has been a good two to predict where the for value for the russian market is the r.t.s. index should be trading at around one thousand nine hundred and you have a shady closer to thirteen hundred so i'm thinking it's not about the number i think it's about the action and it's about the news flow that will develop out of europe out of greece and. whether all the will see some party policy action on behalf of the g. twenty. thank you very much mitri kircus chief investment office said there are no capital thank you. ok that's all we have time for knowledge join us for another business update in less than one time so you can stay with us. the.
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