tv [untitled] September 22, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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i know what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our cheap. asian turns to anger the mood in the west bank is the palestinian bid for statehood at the u.n. maybe on shaky ground in speculation a deal's already been struck between palestinians and u.s. leaders. are he speaks exclusively to controversial iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad about what's preventing palestinians from being recognized as an independent state and other global issues as he begins his address at the united nations this is live video you're looking at right now of the iranian leader giving his speech to the general something. and an old nasa satellite plunging toward earth with a number of fragments expecting to come crashing down but u.s. scientists still don't know where.
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nine pm in moscow i matras are going to have you with us here on r.t. our top story president barack obama says he'll veto any u.n. resolution recognizing a free and independent palestinian state his comments came during a face to face meeting with the leader of the palestinian authority who nevertheless about to move ahead with his country's bid on friday while israeli officials say they're concerned about possible violence on the borders archy's parlous leader attended a rally in tel aviv where israelis backing palestinian statehood gathered. a group of israeli intellectuals professors writers and several members of the parliament have gathered here in tel aviv to express support for the palestinian bid for statehood it's very symbolic where we're standing because we're going to opposite the building which i can one hundred forty eight the united nations granted israel independence and so what the speakers here are saying is that in the same way that
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israel was recognized by the united nations so too should palestine now the essence of what speakers happiness is talking about the double standards of the american president barack obama with various speakers saying that he has shown his true colors on the one hand calling for an independent palestine but mounting everything he can to try and stop all this and stop it from happening and go against american president being inspirational not only among palestinians but also among these lives when israeli this woman at the same time was challenged boulevard which is where i'm standing was the scene for several months this year where protesters pitched a tent and defied the israeli government they were arguing that netanyahu needs to trace internal social issues before he talks about international concerns now the latest news we have coming out of new york is that the palestinian president mahmoud abbas friday will make his application source statehood but that the vote will be delayed and we've been told that this could be delayed for several months possibly until next june before they could be any kind of movement on the vote
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issue but other than that here down in watts charles street where for several months earlier this year protesters gathered to lobby against an attorney who government the vibe here is very much in support of a callous thing in state as it is indeed across the west bank and the whole of palestine british opposition labor m.p. jim fitzpatrick tells r.t. that israel's approach to palestinian statehood may lead to more violence from here in the region rather than help stop. the united nations has consistently supported a two state solution the british government and the present british government and the previous labor of ministration of which i was a member support a two stage two state solution this seems to be a logical step along the road through that so what nobody wants to see is any further violence but if i was in the palestinian territories and i saw that there was a possibility of progress and then that was frustrated that would cause we create
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this paranoia could understand why that frustration could lead to temples being lost and its temperature being raised to normally wants for the violence and i don't think israel's position is justified because they're saying it might provoke problem violence we've got violence in the middle east the palestinians have been suffering violence for far far too long we want to see progress being made in the peace accords we want to see israel making concessions we want to see both sides saying no to violence or want to see president obama pushing bursts along the world agenda at the united nations at the el is possible opportunity. i've been ill and from the d.c. based think tank the independent institute says obama's support for israel may be determined by the votes he plans to get next year in one nine hundred forty eight when it looked like harry truman was going to lose he he recognized israel live in minutes after it provocatively disk declared its independence
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which the arabs didn't want and so he famously said well i have no arab constituents but i have a lot of people who are for zionism and i'm paraphrasing there but then i think obama is in the same boat i think obama really is that his back is to the wall the economy's down and he needs every vote he can get and it doesn't look good for him to get reelected right now so i think we'll see him tilt toward israel heavily here in this the rest of this year and next year before the election. all right on our website r g dot com are asking you what will happen if the palestinian bid for statehood is vetoed by the u.s. so far most people taking part in the poll think the u.n. will lose credibility if it walks the move thirty five percent think the veto might spark a violent uprising in palestinian communities ten percent say it will encourage peace talks to resume and the same amount of people think palestinians will be satisfied satisfied with an upgraded observer status law. and your.
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earlier we brought you live video of palestinian president mahmoud ahmadinejad giving his speech to the u.n. general assembly this is live video of that address right now when you can as he's getting some of his remarks have prompted members of the various countries represented at the united nations to get up and leave the auditorium because they disagree with the content of his speech we'll have more on that as it happens and the fallout and effects from what he says. as we get them here on r t so stay with us. meanwhile the world body is moving ahead with more developments to come from the palestinian bid or he's marina portnoy has the latest from new york well it's been relatively quiet so far in terms of official statements regarding the
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palestinian bid for statehood harker earlier in the day dozens of countries got together for a global counterterrorism forum the russia the united states members of the european union and several other countries russian foreign minister sergey lavrov said that ten years post nine eleven terrorists and still remains the international retracts in the global community working together to combat a common enemy he said the world should stay particular attention to destabilize the area is the middle east and north africa where some may be were rooting for plans of terrorism u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has also during her address to the thanked for our russian foreign minister sergei lavrov for his help in issue eight this type of forum up going to miss clinton it was during a conversation that was taking place about two years ago that's when her and mr lavrov where they came up with this idea so clearly are a lot of discussions taking place here as well as you know heads of state and representatives from all over the world are meeting in new york but of course
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friday will be that big day to see what develops in terms of the palestinians big for u.n. membership. and marina spoke with iranian with iran's controversial president mahmoud ahmadinejad ahead of the speech that he is now giving and here here is the u.s. of abusing the pluralism of the united nations. this is the continuation of suppressing the rights of the palestinian people and the palestinian nation they are people like all the other nations they must have the right to determine their own destiny they must have the right to choose their destiny on the other hand if the united nations is truly pluralistic in its makeup then why would they allow a country to see itself and speak of itself as the chief of the united nations a pluralistic representative body and also why can they dictate if the united states is a truly single member of a much larger body and it should have a single vote then why does that pose all that pressure to carry so much more weight so the one session continues in new york stay with us are here for all the
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latest developments from the u.s. and reaction from the middle east. your audience president is addressing the u.n. general assembly as we speak though many american politicians and some protestors outside the u.n. the u.n. buildings are opposed to ahmadinejad even being there or he's christian a result takes a look at why the u.s. news iran has public enemy number one. just about everywhere you look at iran and it continues to develop nuclear weapons someone whether politician or pundit are controlled by a fanatical regime is beating the drums of war how close are we to the point of no return well i think we may be past the point of no return in the sense that iran does have inside the country everything it needs to produce a nuclear weapon that point of no return often exaggerated according to journalist seymour hersh who's in-depth articles recently this one in the new yorker
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illustrated time and time again the lack of evidence of a nuclear threat from iran the rhetoric though has resulted in widespread support for harsh actions against the country we support the sanctions program that's the sign to stop the punishment is. aimed at stopping the arrhenius from doing something you know we know they're not doing things called for repeatedly by the obama administration so let me be clear iran's nuclear and ballistic missile actively poses a real threat not just to the united states but to runs neighbors and our allies hers compares president obama's ad it's huge for iran to bush and cheney's policy toward iraq they want to punish they want to make a case against iraq that it might be a politics. so we made a case about nuclear weapons we were if you remember they were talking about mushroom clouds make a case to go to war. and to war america went. many worry it could happen as well in iran if rhetoric becomes reality you ran is that
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a very perilous position it's obvious that the crosshairs are on the. squarely if anyone wants to know how it would begin to look no further than those hoping to have their finger on the button here's john mccain four years ago that old beach boys song bomb iran. and history does in fact repeat itself with the greatest threat to the security the world is a nuclear iran iran is a country that has killed more american men and women in uniform and in iraq in afghanistan than the iraqis and the afghanistan's half this is last month g.o.p. presidential debate in iowa only one candidate strayed from the script just think of how many nuclear weapons surround iran the chinese are there the indians or the pakistan is there why wouldn't it be natural that they might want to weapons there'd be internationally they'd be given more respect but one man given very little respect on u.s. soil iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad number one villain for so many.
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words. last year the group united against nuclear iran with these posters up all over new york city perpetuating the idea of a hostile iran while the rest of the economy is sinking and the military industrial complex grows and grows and grows in other words war is good business not it may also be good business to take a closer look at the way the narrative unfolds this time around so i ask when you hear the drums of war being beaten yet again if it is in fact a matter of preparedness and perkasa or if it is simply propaganda. in washington christine prison now our team. still to come later this hour world markets fall as the forecast for the economy turns gloomy business to ask how's the latest on what's caused the plunge and what's being done to avert a double dip recession plus a completely different cut. you need
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a lot of energy to keep such a sounds like operational americans have you. to be sonia's with us russian experts warn of dangers posed by decommissioned nasa satellite now fast approaching earth. yeah it is here a news network has a new boss at the helm following the resignation of its longtime head and change coincided with wiki leaks revelations suggesting the now former director general have links to the cia and that the news coverage was influenced by washington now the u.s. and viewers will wait to see what direction al-jazeera moves in under new management artes and he said now a house more from cairo. right now al jazeera english is seen through million american households al-jazeera or the island is not in isolation anymore the channels here face coverage of the violent turmoil of the middle east and libya's emerging civil war has grabbed the prime time slot with the u.s. and recent with the leaks claim al-jazeera has now resigned director general had
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ties to the cia with a detail is that basically the u.s. government has been monitoring oh yeah. well they went to the web. and they can. be. inappropriate. or they didn't like. what he was. stepping into the open seat a member of the royal family fueling fears johanson voice will get him out or the arabic service was really criticized for being part of it and seeming to reflect the qatari policy. of new angles came much earlier this year when arab regimes started to crumble that this square has become a pivotal landmark in the arab world and a symbol of the spring uprising but the events here and talk here also signaled the
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turning point for al-jazeera wants to look like anti-american channel labeled extremists it's now called real media by the state department their coverage is just in line with u.s. support of the series of regime changes in. the middle east. from the beginning. into an international. network and that they did but the channel used to send messages from osama to obama and were called out kind of t.v. what elgin. is truly is vicious inaccurate and inexcusable now al-jazeera is getting wife sound out some local u.s. networks that soon might be coming to your cable box right here in our area this is a situation where the media has become almost a combat zone if self and who controls media we see it with fox news we see it with
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other channels around the world now we're seeing it with all just here i think the u.s. will try to influence even more and perhaps praise more al-jazeera has been the leader in that are literally changing people's minds in attitudes all dizzy and assessing even music and or is it and he's now a r t cairo. because one more on the stories we're covering on our website r.t. dot com here's what's a click away right now are fresh wave of violence in russia's north caucasus where a string of terror attacks killed a police man and injured at least sixty one of the attackers has already been killed in a special operation that's currently underway. in new eyewitness video emerges of last week's air show tragedy in the u.s. one of seventy four year old stunt pilot crashes a vintage jet into spectators the full story at r.t. dot com.
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world markets fell on thursday fueling fears of a double dip recession could be in the cards you're both over from the business desk explain what the news why the news has investors on edge it's been a terrible day for the markets u.s. stocks have plummeted to after the u.s. federal indicated that the u.s. economic slump could last a u.s. fighter is a also a signal significant downside risk for the comic outlook including all until we see in overseas markets and what also weighing on investors here is moody's downgraded three u.s. banks and the news of course troubles investors across europe and in russia the r.t.s. lost more than eight in the percent up close and what's also adding pressure here in russia is that the ruble continues to pull against major world currency the ruble dropped against of the u.s. dollar to its lowest level in two years. and this coming up in our business
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bulletin in about five minutes and as you imagine a situation with the debt crisis remains tense with greeks now protesting a new round of austerity cuts public transport workers and taxi drivers on a twenty four hour strike snarling traffic in athens this comes a day after the government announced more tax hikes and pension cuts in a latest move to reduce the country's budget deficit the finance minister has been trying to restore public saying the country has no choice but to bring in the cuts his comments haven't gone down well with the greek people or our financial pundits backs kaiserin stacy herbert here's their take. if we want to stabilize the situation if we want to get full you don't want to avert default the bankers want you to avert default the words are precise in their meaning and their intent to bamboozle the population into to accepting a ploy is a cellist that's what exactly he's using the word we to the people of greece the
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easy way acting as if there their desire should be the same as what the bankers i'm gone told there is one he's not a we he's not greek. oh events of the un gathering in new york have once again been heated up by a speech by iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad france and other western delegations walked out of the assembly as a sign of protest that his claims are he's a marine important joins us once again from new york with the latest merino what's been said to trigger the reaction from some of the u.n. members. it was a mass exodus all at once at first i think it was the u.s. delegation to under ten minutes into the speech given by the iranian president mahmoud abbas. he started questioning. he says the mysterious of
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terror eleven one delegation walked out and then when he started bringing up the holocaust and saying six decades later countries are still using it as an excuse he started criticizing nato you just saw a delegation delegation stand up and half of the general assembly just walked out empty seats were left but he did go on to talk about how when he himself one year ago questioned the facts around september eleventh and he called for a fact finding mission his country was threatened with sanctions and he said yes when the united states found the main perpetrator responsible for the september eleventh attacks they threw has body into the sea why did not why did they not bring this man to justice why didn't they question him why didn't they find out more about the events and who was involved he started also listing the fact that there's been an economic decline around the world and the majority of nations had
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no role in this economic decline this widespread recession he said it's only a handful of nations that are basically controlling and dominating the decisions that are being made around the world and those that are suffering are very much removed from the main decision makers he brought up other issues of saddam hussein who supported him and provoked him and urged him to get into a military conflict with iran he spoke about the quality of the united states he's actually still speaking right now it's about it's a about a half hour into his speech. i think that are still there are some delegations still seated there still listening but he also most importantly underscored the fact that the idea of the united nations is a great idea but it has to function in a more democratic way right now according to the iranian president he said only
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a handful of countries make decisions for the majority of the one hundred ninety three members of united nations where he always knows how to provoke a reaction or he's a marine important ally for us in new york thanks for certainly does. i do commission nasa satellite out of control and plunging back toward earth but you are scientists have been left guessing where it may lead and it could be anywhere on the planet what that could mean for us here on earth argues peter all over the plains. most satellites that would collide with the earth's atmosphere would burn up there and then cause us no problems due to the size of the usa r.-s. this current satellite that we're seeing coming about to enter the earth parts of it around twenty six parts it's believed will make it through the earth's atmosphere and collide with the earth now seventy percent of the planet is water so it's not unlikely it will hit water and cause no problems whatsoever however some
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russian experts suggesting that the fuel that was used on board this satellite may be dangerous to humans. but experts call this type of satellite an orbital truly believes you need a lot of energy to keep such a satellite operational and americans have used radioactive returning from its metal and other parts of the satellite. ternium won't eat and it will end up on earth and it's a deadly danger to humans for instance exposure to plutonium leads to cancer. well all quite worrying stuff there but it does lead us to another question just how much stuff have we sent up into space they could eventually come back down there are now over twenty thousand sizeable objects being tracked in its orbit and problem is there due to a process called the kessler effect that number is growing exponentially. each collision shatters an object into smaller pieces and those pieces hit other objects if it keeps continuing at the same rate two hundred years from now we won't be able
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to get anything into a number of orbit as there just won't be any room just looking up at the sky from earth it can be hard to imagine the problems posed by space debris but when we look through powerful telescopes like this one the true situation comes into focus the job of monitoring all of the green space is an important one not just for the future and for those currently in space on board the international space station over six hundred time. you're the i.s.m.'s has to take a decent action to get out of where you've debris but if that isn't possible there's only one course of action left. or the crew take shelter in the most protected area of the ship the safest place is the capsule in the so use module so that's where the entire crew hides when the station is considered to be in danger the actual all it's all fragments for you a.r.a.'s coming down somewhere on a urban center one in three thousand two hundred so very slim indeed and if you're
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extremely worried the odds of it actually hitting a person an individual a one in twenty trillion. dollars up next with a business news stay with us after a short break. indonesia oh she's available in hotels coming down the resort and spa. resort and spa only become a condo or a remote have been turned on sentry and the resulting spawn sunday of beach otoh
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the wisdom result use of doing club med funny so if you tell someone you're. a resort and spa the rich culture has granted many as you call such a full seasons hotel the sole time which i. very well welcome to a business update it's been a turtle day for the russian markets with a sea of red across the board comes off to the us federal reserve gave a cream outlook for the world economy so the prequel reports from the r.t.s. in central moscow has been a really bad day on the market sounds even worse here emerging markets are at a full and seen month float here in russia the ruble is at its worst against the dollar in two years the sell off is happening worldwide but russia is probably suffering the war as pound the right number of factors behind this first the overall sentiment is really weak for the eurozone but given the eurozone debt
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crisis and prospects of a novel global recession and seconds on wednesday the federal reserve announced its latest seemless measures is effectively one small books crucially it adds no extra money previously when it had printed. morning by close to easing emerging markets were seen as a good bad because that's where the false the growth was but now even though these the large falls are growing economists we are seeing small when growth rates just recently both i amat and world bank have lowered russia's g.d.p. for cars so although absolute growth rates are still here investors are responding to negative news by unbinding long positions. let's have a look at the market stocks in the us shop low off of the federal reserve indicated that the u.s. economy slump could last for years. under new york the markets have all soup
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plummeted on thursday london's tutsi was down four point seven percent while the dax was under five percent in the red. on the russian markets closed deep in the red car she has plunged to eight point six percent while demise it's lost seven point eight percent at the cost play let's have a look at some of the individual share moves on the my six energy majors to mung the maid which reaches over dave but both counts from an ros never lost over seven percent and bank installed four also under pressure russia's largest lenders were blank plunged almost ten percent at the close. so we have time for know you are up to date for more stories log on to a website archie dot com slash business. well
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