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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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mind rolls. royces feet now with the palm of your. on. you when the exit is iranian president's remarks on the holocaust in his address to the general assembly prompted a mass walkout led by the french delegation. meanwhile palestine's bid for statehood at the u.n. is on shaky ground with speculation a deals already been struck between the palestinian and u.s. leaders starting anger both in israel and the west bank. at an old nasa satellite hurdling towards earth with a number of fragments expecting to come crashing down but u.s. scientists still can't say where.
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ten pm in moscow i met reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story again said the u.n. gathering in new york have once again been heated up by a speech by the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad the u.s. france and other western nations walked out of the assembly as a sign of protest out of his claims or he's married a port nigerians us live from new york with the latest hello marina so what was said to trigger a reaction from several u.n. members. well the president iraq's talk to the podium and it was probably under ten minutes before delegations started walking out he attacked the u.s. for its history of slavery he attacked the u.s. for using a nuclear bomb and he also said the u.s. and european countries impose and support military dictatorships in asia latin america and african nations but it's when the president of iran referred to september eleventh as the most serious of temper eleventh attacks and started speaking about questions surrounding the holocaust that delegations all caught up
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and started leaving the general assembly hall what was different though about his speech this year is his reference to the september eleventh attacks and osama bin laden want to take a listen justification. as instead of assigning a fact finding team they killed osama bin laden and threw his body into the woods and to be more reasonable to bring him to justice well you don't need. a leader also said that the majority of the nations around the world that are currently suffering from a global crisis have now have had no role in creating it he said the same small powers that dominate the united nations have dominated all the decisions around the world that have led to several different crisis he also i jab took a several jabs at nato he said despite nato's proclamations of making real the
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world a safer place he said that it made us presence in afghanistan specifically has not helped the region it's just harmed the country to listen. to. my nature it's business in afghanistan there's been a dramatic increase in the production and releasing of drugs in this country and i'm not going around. president ahmadinejad also spoke about all the inequality in the united states he did direct most of his criticism towards the nato united states but he did underscore the fact that the united nations needs to change the way that it works because he believes that it's just a minority that control all the decisions that are being made to solve the majority are silenced moving away from the dog and pony show now friday is the day when palestinians are said to submit their dead first to you heard any news about that.
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while it's been relatively quiet to be quite honest about regarding any official statements being made today we know are not a lot of diplomatic talks are taking place behind closed doors it's no secret that the united states said that they will use their veto power if palestine submit so it's pushes for u.n. membership. excuse me pushes for u.n. membership in state but there are certain deals that we are being told are being made that if submit it for it beneficial requests the security council can sit on it for a little while and not take action right away this would help the u.s. in a position of not casting a veto and looking hypocritical because the u.s. president obama has called for an independent palestine but the president mahmoud abbas is also saying that it's time for the international community to stand by its
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words he has the option of going to the general assembly where palestine has a majority of support that would not get them full u.n. membership but it would make history and it would send a clear message to the u.s. and to israel so right now the u.s. is trying to maneuver a way in which everyone can save face there is a lot of discussions being made but we do know that representatives of policy in israel will both be addressing the general assembly on friday which way policy will ask is not clear right now but a lot of pressure is being used to make sure that everybody gets out of this circumstance gets out of this situation in a relatively peaceful manner and if the security council does sit on palestine application for u.n. membership for a little while what many countries are hoping is that during that time they can get israel and palestine back to the negotiating table lots of plans in place lots of diplomatic dialogue taking place right now it's not clear what will come about
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within the next twenty four hours but of course if we have to in details know how the story is developing we will keep our viewers a little yard live for us in new york practicable. well for more on this let's go live to richard grenell former u.s. folks man at the u.n. you joins us from los angeles. thanks for being with us so i was speaking out mainly against the u.s. but your walk it was initiated by france why do you think that was why i think a lot of the european countries joined the americans in putting pressure on the iranians as much as possible you have to remember that the security council has five or six resolutions against the iranians and their illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons the iranians are ignoring the u.n. president ahmadinejad comes to the u.n. and he says crazy things he says things like you know nine eleven conspiracy
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theories and i think there's a lot of europeans and a lot of others who recognize that when a leader an authoritarian leader like like ahmadinejad comes and he ignores the u.n. consecutively he ignores the international atomic energy agency and then says some crazy theories about nine eleven and calls for the destruction of israel don't forget i think people generally understand that this is unacceptable and they don't want to sit and listen to it and you know we're hoping that other nations would join in and send that powerful message do you think this walkout has any real effect on ahmadinejad in terms of what was he expecting something like this do you think it was a surprise to him that people would walk out these words. no i don't think anything affects him consecutive administrations in the united states have have done this the bush administration did it consecutively the clinton administration did it i think is used to it he likes the attention it's one of the reasons why he
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really pushed hard on the judiciary in iran to make sure that the u.s. hikers would be released right about now so that he could have some good will he is a master at the media he knows how to manipulate the media and i don't think any of this affects them so turning away from the floor show that that was let's turn to the palestinian bid why do you think the u.s. plans to veto that bid for statehood despite the fact that palestinians were hoping for obama supporter. well there's a long history of american support for two states palestine and israel don't forget that it's not hypocritical though when we say the two parties together should figure out what their issues are we don't know the borders of the new palestine we don't know where the capital will be there are a lot of issues of settlements and the right of return there are huge issues that the two sides need to come together to talk about i'm sure that the viewers here of russian t.v. would understand that you have to follow a process people just can't rise up and ask the international community to
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recognize them and they haven't had discussions the two sides israel and palestine have not met since last september so it's been eight years since they've gotten together to talk about these issues and last but say that it causes a lot of uncomfortable miss around the world when you have a palestinian government a unity government that includes hamas americans and europeans recognize hamas is a terrorist organization so in essence you have a terrorist organization that is a part of the palestinian government that causes a lot of people to have second thoughts about their seriousness in going forward and recognizing israel's right of existence so we need to have the two sides come together before the international community begins to recognize palestine and i think that will happen it's just we need a little more time in the two sides need to be pushed together all right richard grenell former u.s. spokesman at the u.n. thanks for joining us. you spoke with iranian president mahmoud
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ahmadinejad ahead of this speech you can watch of interview coming up later this hour. well ahead on for of the friday vote many palestinians expressed their disappointment at president obama's commitment to veto the palestinian bid for statehood but argues policy or attended a rally in tel aviv where israelis gathered who backed the palestinian cause. a group of israeli intellectuals professors vimes has and several members of parliament have gathered here in tel aviv to express support for the palestinian bid for statehood it's very symbolic where we're standing because we're wired up a super golding with aconitine forty eight the united nations granted israel independence and so what the speakers here are saying is that in the same way that israel was recognized by the united nations so too should palestine now the essence of what speakers had to use. and has of the american president barack obama with various speakers saying that he has shown his true colors from the one hand calling
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for an independent palestine counting everything he can to try and startled us and stop it from happening zigzag go against american president being it's not only among palestinians but also among these left wing israelis at the same time what style of boulevard which is where i'm standing was the scene for several months this year where protesters pitched a tense and defiant at the israeli government they were arguing that netanyahu needs to trace internal socially she's before he talks about international concerns . british opposition labor m.p. jim fitzpatrick tells r.t. israel's approach to a palestinian state or. more violence in the region rather than prevented. the united nations has consistently supported a two state solution the british government and the present british government and the previous labor administration of which i was a member of support to stage a two state solution this seems to be a logical step along the road sudan's and what nobody wants to see is any for the
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violence but if i was and the post on the intel is trees and i saw that there was a possibility of progress and then that was frustrated that would cause me great despair not could understand why that frustration could lead to temples being lost on the temperature being raised the nobody wants for the violence i don't think israel's position is justified because they're saying it might provoke the violence we've got violence in the middle east the palestinians have been suffering violence . too long we want to see progress being made in the peace accords we want to see israel making concessions we want to see both sides saying no to violence are going to see president obama pushing this alone the world agenda at the united nations out the ellie's possible approach and it's. on our web site r.t. dot com or asking you what do you think will happen if a palestinian bid for statehood gets vetoed by the u.s. so far most responders in the poll think the u.n.
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will these credibility if it blocks the move thirty five percent they could veto rights part of violent uprising in palestinian communities ten percent say it will encourage peace talks to resume and about the same amount they palestinians will be satisfied if they were upgraded to an observer status of the world body don carty dot com cast your vote and stay with the website for all the latest developments from the u.s. and reaction from the middle east as the u.n. session continues in new york. turning now to other news we're covering on r t world markets well on thursday fueling fears a double dip recession could be closer than we think the panic was partly triggered by a grim economic outlook by the u.s. federal reserve saying comply. economic recovery may be years away for more on that now i'm joined by patrick young executive director of the investment advisory firm advisers. thanks again for being with us here on our t.v. so things look bad today were ever you look what do you think are the chances is that the world may slip into what other recession oh actually mark i'm sorry to say
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i think it's inevitable that the world slid into another recession i mean let's look at it in the united states of america growth is basically any match in europe group of these very low or it's going backwards in all of them if you're economies and also we've got this terrible terrible northside slippage issue with the lights increase and if we look at somewhere like china which has been a huge engine of the global economy well they had some pretty bad i knew factory numbers coming out this morning and that too is leading to a big fear that maybe china is finally hitting the buffers at least for the time being it's had a huge credit expansion and the last two years that looks really rather like europe and us looked in sort of two thousand and five two thousand and six two thousand and seven and i really fear that i mean if we see that happening in china then ultimately all for all the world economy is in for a very very difficult year in twenty two hours and much of the exact he came from the bad news from the u.s.
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where the federal reserve has some pretty bleak part prospects for the country's economy three years after the turmoil do you think the country is at all on its way toward recovery. ha well i think the difficulty is that no it isn't because ultimately all of the policies that have been deployed by your bomb the white house have ultimately been a total failure money has been thrown it's huge public works schemes because essentially obama thought he was going to be somewhat like rescuing the great depression during the one nine hundred thirty s. and it is the world has moved on and ultimately nothing has happened to really stimulate entrepreneurship to make it easier to manage to create jobs and therefore the government sector ultimately is not going to be productive and make this economy work i mean obama was saying that we need more taxes on the rich are republicans are saying that taxes on a rich are generally a stifling of innovation among the people who they call the the wealthy or in their problems the job creators in america do you agree with the g.o.p.
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point on that well look to this where what i think is i'm not really too concerned about taxes are actually in the london rich because really that's not particularly a rep relevant i think to the argument the dog that's just politics what concerns me is the fact that the democrats basically grew in the u.s. budget they want to have taxes on everything that moves or indeed many things that don't but it could have huge amount of environmental tax and reduces them they need it difficult to hire people for jobs because you know what it's not bill gates it's not war and often it's not the billionaires that create jobs in the american economy what makes the united states of america such an admirable incredible cliff is that it's small business that people with two three five maybe fifty employees who are wanting to employ at the moment who are just too scared and there's too much bureaucracy and too many taxes on them to think that happen and that's where all pharma has singularly failed because the problem is unfortunately and you mr
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obama isn't any know anything and he's distinctly i believe misguided and goals are not. fundamentals of reasoning and business because he's an academic now briefly because we're wrapping up of europe is in europe greece and i was fresh garceran e-cards is not the first time athens has tried to reduce the country's deficit where do you think that is going it's all going to work to train rock correct i mean basically you've booked the greek economy every day they're hoping to cut in order to hope that they're going to get this out alone in the middle of october and actually it's a fiasco the thing that's going to ship the next couple of days and g. twenty meeting and if you look at that you've got a real deal of the world's wealth basically well rome economies as well as the u.s. and britain all writing in and saying to the french g twenty presidency you've got a you're all wrong it's a disaster unfortunately and the greek people are basically being are normally alter of essential eat pig headedness amongst france and germany refusing to
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understand the problem all right patrick young executive director of investment advisory firm devi advisors thanks for a perspective. of course you can get more on this in our business bulletin coming up in about five minutes as the greeks are protesting against pressed for russian austerity cuts the finance minister has been trying to restore public calm saying the country has no choice but to bring in austerity but his comments didn't sit well with the greek people or our financial pundits max keiser and stacy her. we want to stabilize this situation if we want to adverse default you don't want to avert default the bankers want you to avert default the words are precise in their meaning and their intent is to bamboozle the population into to accepting a poison chalice stays there ever that's what exactly he's using the word we to the people of greece losing weight acting as if they're their desire should be the same
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as what the bankers and bondholders want he's not a we he's not greek. turned out of some other stories making headlines across the globe yemeni security forces how he was mortar fire against anti-government protesters in the capital sanaa killing at least nine people and wounding sixteen the fighting broke a ceasefire agreed on tuesday following three days of bloodshed more than eighty people have been killed since sunday when a crackdown on anti regime protests was renewed over this despite reports the vice president is considering a transfer of power of something that's been a key demand of demonstrators. libya's former rebels preparing an offensive against the gadhafi loyalist stronghold of sirte the city's been under siege for about a week and residents are fleeing you know while khadafi is former prime minister has been arrested in tunisia that country's interior ministry says al baghdadi muti
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was detained here a border without geria the whereabouts of the deposed leader himself. a french court has issued the first fire. as for wearing a full face veil in public after the introduction of a new law banning the practice in friends two women were fined eighty and one hundred twenty euros respectively for wearing the not keep one of the women says to appeal the ruling in his prepared to take the case to the european court of human rights if. remember you can always find more on the stories we're covering on our website r.t. dot com here's what's a click away right now for. a fresh wave of violence strikes russia's north caucasus where a string of terror attacks killed a police man and injured at least sixty people one of the attackers has already been killed in a special operation which is still underway. if you will i witnessed a video emerged of last week's air show tragedy in the u.s. when a seventy four year old stunt pilot crashed his vintage jet engine spectators got a full story at r.t. dot com. a
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decommissioned nasa satellite is out of control and plunging back toward earth but u.s. scientists have been left scratching their heads over where the land could be anywhere on the planet what does that mean for us here on the ground our team is peter all over explains. most satellites that would collide with the earth's atmosphere would burn up there and then cause us no problems due to the size of the usa r.-s. this current satellite that we're seeing come about to enter the earth parts of it around twenty six parts it's believed will make it through the earth's atmosphere and collide with the earth now seventy percent of the planet is water so it's not unlikely it will hit water and cause no problems whatsoever however some russian experts suggesting that the fuel that was used on board this satellite may be
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dangerous to humans. but experts call this type of satellites and over to truly you need a lot of energy to keep such a satellite operational and americans have used radioactive turn into this metal and other parts of the satellite will burn in the atmosphere only moments of it will end up on earth and it's a deadly danger to humans for instance exposure to plutonium leads to cancer. well quite worrying stuff there but it does lead us to another question just how much stuff have we sent up into space they could eventually come back down there are now over twenty thousand sizeable objects being tracked in all but problem is the due to a process called the kessler effect that number is growing exponentially with us each collision shatters an object into smaller pieces and those pieces hit other objects if it keeps continuing at the same rate two hundred years from now we won't be able
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to get anything into an earth orbit as we just won't be any room just looking up at the sky from earth it can be hard to imagine the problems posed by space debris but when we look through powerful telescopes like this one the true situation comes into focus the job of monitoring all of the debris in space is an important one not just for the future but for those currently in space on the international space station over six hundred times. the year the i.a.'s sense has to take evasive action to get out of the way of gabriel but if that isn't possible there's only one course of action left. for the crew take shelter in the most protected area of the shit the safest place is the capsule in the so use nodule so that's where the entire crew hides when the station is considered to be in danger the actual odds of fragments from you a.r.s coming down somewhere on the earth and send one in three thousand two hundred so very slim indeed if you're extremely worried the odds of it
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actually hitting a person an individual a one in twenty trillion. but the odds are one hundred percent that you'll use up next with the business news so stay with us. russia would be so much brighter if you knew about the song from constant pressure
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as some. start on t.v. don't come. oh and a very warm welcome to the business program it's been a terrible day for the russian market so the see already across the board so both comes after the u.s. federal reserve david croom outlook for the world economy channel but of course reports from the r.t.s. and central moscow. there's been a really bad day on the market sounds even worse here emerging markets are at a fourteen month low here in russia the ruble is at its worst against the dollar in two years this selloff is happening worldwide about russia is probably suffering the worst and the right number of factors behind this first the overall sentiment is really weak the eurozone given the eurozone debt crisis and prospect of another
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global recession and seconds on wednesday the federal reserve announced its latest stimulus measures is effectively a one small but crucially it adds no extra money previously when it had printed money bike wants to feel think emerging markets were seen as a good bad because that's where the false the growth was but now even though these large falls are growing economists we are seeing slowing growth rates just recently both iron man and world bank have lowered russia's g.d.p. for cars so although absolute growth rates are still here investors are responding to negative news by why i'm doing long physicians. let's have a look at the markets now or less falling for a second day as investors speculate that fuel demand in the u.s. will fall to whites which is not trading at eighty dollars per barrel while branches that one hundred five dollars about. and stocks in the u.s.
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the sharply lower off to the federal reserve indicated that the u.s. economic slump could last for he has both the dollar the nasdaq losing more than four percent. under new york the markets have also plummet. london's footsie was down four point seven percent while the german dax was under five percent in the right as the close. on the russian markets closed in the rather are just plunged eight point six percent while the mice it's lost seven point eight percent let's have a look at some of the individual share moves from the minus six. energy made just for him on the main where trish is although they both cast and frost leftmost over seven percent and banking stocks also under pressure russia's largest lenders burbank plunged almost ten percent. i'll have time for not small store as it can head to our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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will. remain you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered.
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