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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the u.n. g.a. in new york is heating up this thursday first protesters call for the general assembly to pay more attention and it. take a look here following in the footsteps of history the u.s. delegation lead the charge of walking out the rani and president's speech but what are the mainstream media focusing on those antics we want to hear on the deed of thought and what do you have to say are to sit down with him for a one on one interview. since it is unfortunately regrettably still shoot out about it so why then is the u.s. boycotting a conference after you when caught in this issue. and racial inequality isn't the
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only problem plaguing the u.s. income inequality is growing too this is the rich are getting richer we'll talk more about america's struggles plus we'll take a look at the plunging markets. that afternoon is thursday september twenty second four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and you're watching r.t. . well as the sixty six united nations general assembly continues iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad addresses the assembly today the american delegation leads the charge walking out you see him there this is groundhog day last year they did the same thing and protests on the streets heat up in new york as well take
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a look here ahmadinejad seems to be the favorite target of us i or you can see protesters on the street against him this is been a trend at recent u.n. gas' but what is this really all about the all the cries on the streets and the accusations we've heard from u.s. politicians r.t. spoke to ahmadinejad directly to go right to the source and i sat down with them and from what i have heard from one of our producers some of his rhetoric reminded them of what we heard from u.s. president barack obama actually on the u.n.g.a. stage yesterday but herself is here to tell us all about it i'm arena hi there lauren how you doing good it's nice to see you so as i just reported the u.s. delegation walked out during ahmadinejad's speech they did that last year what exactly did they not want to to listen. well. it was a mass exit is essentially within about ten fifteen minutes more than thirty countries got up and left now what sparked the u.s. delegation to walk out is is the president ron saying the mysterious september
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eleventh attacks and then afterwards he brought the fact of the holocaust and accused european countries of using the holocaust for six decades as an excuse to expand all over the world and defend. interests that is when france twenty six other european countries got up and walked out and yet they are running a leader did consider you to speak continue to criticize like he always has against us appear in theory lism western powers trying to take over the world he criticize nato very much so and and in addition to that he also brought up the assassination of osama bin ladin and asked a lie is a legit perpetrator of this that toxin was murdered and thrown into the sea and sort of brought to justice so there was
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a lot of things that were said even after so many delegations did walk out that are interesting and worth listening to right now you thought. you had his ear and had it you know very explicitly what did you hear that but that you felt really stood out. but what i thought was interesting was when i spoke with the iranian president on on wednesday yesterday and i asked him what he's planning to say to the international community and said the same message i say every year and i said well how is it that you know if you say the same message every year and the united states continues on its path and and it's fair to point how will there ever be a reconciliation between the u.s. and iran because u.s. president barack obama spoke to the international community yesterday he said in iran we have seen a government that refuses to recognize the rights of its own people he also called on the international community to support new sanctions against syria that should be put through by the u.n. security council so in that context i asked the iranian leader how could there ever
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be a reconciliation here's what he had said but the fundamental points behind the uprising not in the arab world but across the world is against the influence of the extreme capitalist system which is inhuman at its core and it is not just pertaining to the arab world it is the world over in europe in great britain in france in spain and greece the world over wherever we see today if people are given a commission and a chance to express themselves and express their opinions and they will certainly rise up against the influence of the united states as well. that was a different saga that was supposed to play but the iranian leader was was speaking to the fact that the u.s. and european countries are celebrating the so-called arab spring as their success and he was saying it's not a success for the u.s. or or european countries or western countries its success is set up success for the people living in those countries but what he did say to me with respect to
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president obama's speech was he said where is the hope and change we saw the u.s. leader stand up at the podium point his finger at you broadly call for sanctions against a different country where is the hope and change that's been promised he was referencing the fact that obama's predecessor george w. bush made such such similar speeches he said that there's been three years the u.s. is still in afghanistan the u.s. is still in iraq and the promises of hope and change how fall in by the wayside and you we can't people can go and hear that i believe in one of our later shows you did a great job of summing it up but tonight i know that we're going to hear from turkey and i believe that ahmadinejad had something to say about the u.s. has role in the u.s. is i guess bowling the. president a minute believes that the u.s. is playing i guess of a bully role with turkey that was his interpretation i asked him about turkey
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because turkey and the u.s. have signed agreements and nato to establish basically a missile system that would be pointed a missile defense of you pointed towards iran no turkey is an ally of iran turkey is also working with nato countries and the united states it's positions itself sort of is the middleman but i asked iran is is is the relationship being compromised in any way now that turkey is working with the u.s. working with nato more closely here's what he had to say. the united states of america is a bully has force and imposes its will just as you see that is able to impose its will on many big a powerful governments nations but this in the long run one benefit the nineteen states of america today the relationships between the various nations of the world and not determined by the force of missile on a weapon systems determined by the people of those nations today if we can hold
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a referendum in turkey and determine the honest opinion of the turkish people about the influence of the united states and at the end of the day the will of the people will prevail. more and clearly the president of iran still stands firm in his position of the way the u.s. western european powers are trying to sort of dominate not as powerful countries all over the world he believes that capitalism is the root of a lot of problems that are taking place he also said that you know the majority of the world is suffering right now from global economic problems that they never caught steve said it's the most powerful and richest countries are the ones that caused the suffering of these economic situations and he said that they're the ones that are not paying the price and it's just a cycle that continues spinning in the same way all right one marine i use that with them you heard it from him himself and brought it to our viewers which they
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will definitely not see an american mainstream t.v. today as everybody focuses on just the walkout so we're glad we have you here to break out all down for us i was arctic correspondent rain apart and i had some aren't. now durban three is an anti-racism conference that's going on at the u.n. today however the us israel as well as other countries are boycotting it because they say the anti-racist manifesto is in fact racist now the problem for critics is the durban declaration describes palestinians suffering from israeli racism but what race issues is the u.s. struggling with at home as ignores this conference that's what artists anastasio chuck and i looked into. a big no to an anti reeses meet up at the un from the us and some of its friends with benefits they want to protect each other the united states because of original sin genocide against me the americans and slavery and the europeans because of their own going.
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to africa and asia is original sin all there is to it more skeletons in the closet maybe to blame for america's refusal to participate in the durban three conference bigoted racism or hatred for jim crow type of racism is sort of the traces of end racism is unfortunately and regretably still have in america there's no doubt about it. between black and white is long over at poppy's technical staticky admission but often not for people in neighborhoods like this one i definitely believe racism is alive and kicking racism is is a situation where. one individual or group of people make decisions to control the destiny of another group of people. their race commander out tries to spread the word with his merchandise we live in
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a capitalist system all right now in order for capitalism the function you have to have haves and you have to have have nots all right so seems that the have nots in the capitalist system operate dominantly black one in six americans live below the poverty line for african-americans and latinos it's one in four lack of employment is twice that of the white population over sixteen and how percent a white job applicants eight. that is a right. is more likely to get a callback for a job then black applicant prison record whatsoever the setbacks start from early on the right bottom line look the future of black children in her latest play if you look at the achievement gap and a number of black children graduating from high school going on to college compared to those of white children it's it's very disparate. the dark chapter of slavery
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has closed the u.s. now has the first black president in its history but the present remains disturbing look at what we have inside the united states we have young african black and brown . community colonial sat down in the street and an obsessive kind of way fifty shots sixty sites laying on our stomach in our back even in terms of. the racial disparity in capital sentencing you know there's so much so many more black men on death row only twelve point six percent of the general population. blacks make up nearly half of the prison population in america the way that works out globally. that nearly one out of every eight prison inmates on the planet is an african american that is not in the facia evidence of the. aging risk problem in
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the united states i don't know what. percent in some cases what lands them in jail is f.b.i. entrapment the nephew of elisa mcwilliams is serving twenty five years behind bars he wouldn't be she says were he not lured in by an official provocateur hours looking at what our government be doing no one was you know look at this the u s a is doing you know any want to justify. is that pisses me off or honestly the incarceration pandemic has ripple effects many states ban explants from voting sometimes for life today one point four million or thirteen percent of black men can't vote because of these laws what if it were in a white women with red hair. you know what if it were. it's an astonishing kind of. gulags are discussed once they're
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history the u.s. is apparently not prepared to admit to today's truth here america wants to put it this case is the good guys that deal all this but that the loot is going on here and we take good care of our people here with it actually what they do out of sight out of mind is an approach that you want seems to be taking when it comes to greece as a metaphor attending a meeting would be the simplest way to begin taking action but with domestic details too embarrassing to reveal america's truth to turn a blind eye instead there's a target or two. and from the racial struggles in the united states to the financial ones we saw the dow plunged close to four hundred points today global markets really tanked now all of this going on as at the same time you see unemployment in the united states being persistent a number of economic problems volatility in the markets was the most in august that
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we've seen since spring of two thousand and nine despite all of this end of bad economic news more and more people think the u.s. economy is headed into or in recession still billionaires are getting richer the forbes four hundred list of america's richest folks came out and take a look at the top five you have people like bill gates who's net worth is fifty nine billion dollars after that you have. buffett at thirty nine billion dollars number three on the list is larry ellison c.e.o. of oracle at thirty three billion dollars four is charles coke as in the koch brothers head of coke industries that twenty five billion dollars after that david koch his brother twenty five billion executive v.p. of coke industries an interesting thing all of those people and number seven who want to highlight because he's a big name george soros twenty two billion net worth all of these people saw their wealth increase by billions of dollars with us. exception of warren buffett so he
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might be the outlier still here in pretty well but they're still making a ton of money to help explain why. blogger an r t contributor is here thanks for being here dimitri ok so far four hundred less came out billionaires are still making tons of money the rest of the economy average folks not doing so well so how is this possible i mean if there are some people who are going to make a lot of money like steve jobs and a lot of money he provides a lot of products so i think there's a difference between someone like steve jobs making a lot of money or bill gates and someone like george soros who makes money from barga volatility so so you're saying that there's no trend that you see here as to their performance so i just think that there's a lot of good bit about class warfare going on and i think that i'm just trying to draw a distinction i don't think that i would put every billionaire or million or whatever in the same barrel is everybody else there's certain people that benefit from a system the way it's structured today and other people who don't if you're producing products and goods and services that people demand then i don't think you
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should be lumped into the same barrel as someone who benefits from cheap money like george soros ok let's talk about that because it's not just these guys it's not just the richest folks in america it's c.e.o. just executive compensation in general is increased as statistics have gotten worse for a lot of middle class americans so just to give an example a usa today analysis found that median c.e.o. pay jumped twenty seven percent in two thousand and ten at the same time four of the five richest counties in the country according to census data just released if we can bring those up are in the d.c. area you can see i'm right there i'm curious do you see any connection. well i mean i don't i would go to lee i'd say just i've tried to find apartments both in the c.n.n. new york and i would tell you that in d.c. the property market is much tighter that may have to do with the fact that the government has become increasingly important in terms of spending things like that so i think it's an insurance is a great you bring up i think there is
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a connection between government spending and. wealthy districts around the d.c. area that makes sense but what i'm getting at is you have d.c. government contractors that maybe benefit in the d.c. area from government coffers you have corporations that you could argue have benefited from fed policy of cheap money big banks you know their c.e.o.'s that have benefited from bailouts is the trend that people better make it out well are benefiting from government coffers and programs and policies well some people are in for sure i mean you definitely have you know contractors for example the u.s. is building up to one hundred million dollar base or prison in afghanistan so obviously contractors that build prisons or benefit from that are people and military contracts are going to benefit banks are going to benefit from fed policies from quantitative easing from government fiscal stimulus things like that but there are certain people that are are thrown in that pile where they shouldn't
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be and i think that's part of the problem we're hearing rhetoric rhetoric around about raising taxes on the rich because i think that's a very broad term rich it has to be you know has to be specified yes there are people who certainly do benefit in the system there are certainly people who do benefit it seems to be the people that are that are doing the best as the middle class are not but i want to follow up on on the idea of bank bailouts because some people the ratings agencies seem to think that that era is over we saw a number of us banks get downgraded for that reason moody's who downgraded bank of america wells fargo. and somebody else they believe that it's because u.s. bailouts are not going to happen anymore do you buy that. i don't know honestly by that i don't really think it's that the because they don't believe that the fed is going to try to bail out any more banks i think there's just a panic at this point because there's always a psychological effect too and there is a concern about the leverage in the economy the amount of leverage in the financial system and can the fed really stop at the leverage in
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a disorderly the leveraging of the financial system and i think that's what people are responding to that's what you see for the case in french banks as an example or european banks in general that's why you've had a lot of foreign central banks open up swap lines dollars swap lines to the c b which basically means that the fed and other central banks are helping these dollars to their their their european banks which are having a hard time getting funding in the markets so you're saying bailouts are essentially still continuing yeah yeah i think the central banks are trying to bail out the banking sector as best they can and the i think that if there is anything the concern is that they can't it's not that they're not going through it's that there's only so much you can do ok speaking out there is only so much that you can do you guys are arguing and as a result we've seen banks that are believed to have a lot of exposure to for example greek debt we see them downgraded we saw the ratings agencies downgrade two large french banks incidentally american banks are
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exposed to different banks we saw that just today zero hedge posted a quarterly report from morgan stanley a big u.s. bank showing that their liability for french bank debt is sixty percent more then their market cap sixteen percent more than their entire value of their company what happens to us banks if french banks go under what i think the concern is that there are certain banks in the u.s. that are more exposed than others i think those would be targeted in a perverse sense one of the benefits of having a european bank collapse for certain institutions around the world is that they may see capital flight so you may get actually deposits from french bang. or other social investors that are in europe moved to certain american banks it depends which banks are most exposed which banks are most leverage we've had a lot of play on like bank of america let's say in the us in other banks so it's true you said about morgan stanley if you come up in their quarterly report and the stock is down today if it was about six percent but does it go down if if it's
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a big french bank goes down if they have counterparty exposure to the point that it's going to affect their leverage ratio then yes absolutely but again the thing with these banks and the thing with with counterparty risk and leverage ratios is that there is so much exposure and there's so much hedging that goes on over the river this market that's supposed to protect these banks from possible these valuations or be leveraging that no one really knows no one's fully confident so when a bank run ensues leverage is the is the pancake effect it's and that sounds like a lot of confusing things i think the takeaway is to be concerned because whenever it sounds that confusing it's never good at least if history starts that is to take a fantasy economic blogger an arcane contributor now as the economy continues to suffer and things are not getting much brighter on the global and political stage as we've kind of been talking about as the u.n. g.a. forges ahead i spoke with caroline held a professor of politics at occidental college to discuss this i started off our
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conversation by asking about the durban three which you heard about a little bit earlier in our show and the u.s. boycotting because it believes that its policies are racist towards israel i asked if she believes that's the case or if there are other motivations for the united states boycotting. well i think the u.s. has to be very cautious in its support for israel or president obama in particular because of the way in which this is being cast as a black and white issue i don't think the manifesto i don't think that the one hundred forty three points memo that was put together itself is racist but there is some concern about anti israel sentiment in the document as well as as during durban two in two thousand and nine i think it's a it's our inability to draw a line between condemning zionism as being racist and at the same time embrace and supporting and respecting. the jewish nation of israel so i think the president has
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to be very cautious about that when he has detractors who say look if you in any way try to promote peace in the middle east then you are your anti israel or you know for example when he stated that we needed to draw go back to the sixty seven borders something that george w. bush fully supported but was just not as vocal about it he was president obama's now being beaten up and i would say more conservative press as a result of that so again i think it's a political hot potato which really reflects the fact that we can't discuss a very complex subject in a very complex manner so a political hot potato but at the crux of it her critics the durban declaration describes palestinians suffering from israeli racism on that side from the politics is that merited the declaration well no i think the actual document itself is a fine statement of anti-racism we are also not involved and by we i mean the us
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because of the anti what's perceived as an anti western sentiment there been one and durban two were very clear in condemning the long tradition of arion preference in the united states although it wasn't stated in that way but this notion of american exceptionalism that is very much based upon if you look at our founding on notions. arion exceptionalism and not just here in the united states they condemn to countries that engage in imperialism and having gauged in colonialism and we don't like being called on our mistakes and certainly we don't like being told that we're not for example treating african americans in the united states in a respectful fashion i will we have african-americans with one twentieth the wealth of white americans lower wages facing discrimination less likely to get hired more likely to die sooner and live sicker so we have a lot of racism in the united states that aside from the question of israel we don't want to participate because it makes us look bad and we don't like being told
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that even though you know we're we're great in many ways we have some shortcomings as a nation as speaking of last night we. executed a black man convicted of killing a white off duty police officer despite numerous doubts and his case there was no physical evidence that's just one example of course there was that last minute plea to the supreme court to halt his execution it was denied he had appealed he had appealed to the clemency board there were still doubts do you think this case illustrates more systemic racism in the u.s. judicial process well blacks in general we know from looking at data are more likely to receive death sentences than whites who commit the same crime black americans are also more likely to be falsely accused of crimes and generally we discover this now is caroline helpmann a professor of politics at occidental college and we are going to have much more
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for you in our later shows we will be right back for more here on our team. listen. we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until the first leg. incessant get of i love rap and hip hop music and pretty slick. it was kind of the jester that. i'm very proud of the all the
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options you explain. the luck. lead. to. sleep. like. i. and come right
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back here for the next hour at five america is quick to quarantine its enemies like iran for instance but this is one country that might have the solution to earn the u.s. a clean bill of health and american doctors are turning east to replicate a health care system for some of the u.s. is poorest communities so while diplomatic relations are looking sickly international cooperation is going on plus as the global economy sputters to a stop should world leaders follow the yellow grips road to economic prosperity this allowing brazil india russia china and south africa to step into the driver's seat we'll talk to one man who thinks so all new coming up in just thirty minutes but that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we cover go to our t.v. dot com slash usa you can check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash r t america follow me on twitter lauren lyster you can also check out airing on our t.v. is marina portnoy is full interview with iranian president.


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