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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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lol. at. the u.n. g.a. in new york is heating up this thursday first protestors call for the general assembly to pay more attention and this. take a look following in the footsteps of history the u.s. delegation lead the charge of walking out of the iranian president's speech but one of the mainstream media missed focusing on those antics we want to hear what ahmadinejad has to say r.t. sits down with them for a one on one interview. and racial inequality isn't the only problem plaguing the u.s. economy inequality is growing too this is the rich are getting richer we'll talk more about america's struggles plus we'll take a look at the plunging markets most people right through the door for the.
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u.s. government might be right on they did adopt that doesn't mean everyone sees iran as a threat or to national security or national health for that matter so does iran really have the prescription for a clean bill of health for poor communities in the u.s. . it's thursday september twenty second it's five pm here in washington d.c. i'm laura lister and you're watching our t.v. while the. well the sixty six united nations general assembly continues aronian president mahmoud ahmadinejad addresses the assembly today and the american delegation leads the charge walking out take a look there this is groundhog day they did the same thing last year and also
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protests on the streets heat up against on the dinner job in new york take a look here he seems to be the favor. target as u.s. ire at recent u.n. g.a. says the year being no exception but what is it's really all about dion the cries on the streets and the accusations we've heard from u.s. politicians outright or without silent protest when they walked out we want to know what exactly on the did and john is saying we spoke to him directly our teeth were in a fortnight and that's down with him last night from what i heard from one of our producers some of his rhetoric reminded them of what we heard from u.s. president barack obama on the u.n. g.a. stage yesterday but marina herself is here now to tell us all about it hi marina so we just to start with today because the u.s. delegation walked out during ahmadinejad's speech they did it same thing last year why didn't they want to listen to what he had to say. well lauren it was about ten minutes a little under ten minutes into this speech of the iranian president made it out
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when the u.s. elevation stood up and what he said was the mysterious time for eleven attacks that's what caused the u.s. to get up and walk out just three minutes later he accused countries of quote paying a fine of ransom to the zionists for the holocaust unquote and that's when all twenty seven members of the european union stood up and walked out france led the way it was literally i mass exodus we should mention that canada actually walked out as soon as president i mean to walk into the general assembly hall but as he was walking out i'm not sure if certain delegations heard or not the president of iran did make a reference to osama bin ladin he said why is it that the perpetrator for the september eleventh attacks was caught and killed and his body was thrown into the sea why wasn't he brought to justice why was that he given a fair trial why wasn't he put in the court of public opinion so intelligence could
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find out more information that was something new i have to say about the president going to judd speech this year and of course that's because osama bin ladin was killed in a so last year there was no reference to that but nonetheless as you said it was a little bit something of a ground hog's a little bit of a groundhog day now speaking of groundhog day you got down with ahmadinejad again this year i believe this is the third time that you've sat down for a one on one with and you guys again pretty tight there. but what did you hear that you haven't heard before it was worthwhile one on one. you know lauren a lot was very similar president ahmadinejad comes and brings the same message every year he even admitted to that but the one thing that was slightly different was the fact that at the previous interviews he was so he always seemed to be waiting for change and hope that he said u.s.
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president barack obama was promising as he was running for president and when he stepped into office and he said now that we're nearly three years into the presidency of barack obama and after listening to barack obama speak at the general assembly yesterday he said obama is no different than george w. bush what takes place in north african and middle eastern nations in arab nations the popular accomplishments are given credit. to them through western countries there was the promise of a change less military expansions of no military expansion i mean as this happened. today as we speak. all of these games that resulted in a paper wealth only served to transfer the ball called the wealth.
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of the rich who want to get richer. i also did ask of president ahmadinejad his take on the so-called arab spring how the landscape is changing and tunisia egypt libya maybe syria this is something that the u.s. and western european countries have billed as a success possibly their success that's what u.s. president barack obama was saying when he was here at the united nations but president obama gene some of the judge said that this rising up is not just limited to the arab world and he said that people are rising up against green and us hegemony. marina now you're talking about the arab spring and i do believe that that we do have a piece of sound from her interview on that which is what you're referring to if we have that can we go ahead and hear what ana did and said that fundamental point
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behind the popular uprising not in the arab world but across the world is against the influence of the extreme capitalist system which is inhuman at its core and it is not just detaining to the arab world it is the world over in europe in great britain in france and spain ingrates the world over and wherever we see today if people are given a permission and a chance to express themselves and express their opinions they will certainly rise up against the influence of the united states is likely. you know laura when i was listening to president obama didn't speak at the u.n. today and sitting down with him yesterday i was thinking actually about the speech that u.s. barack obama president obama gave to the general assembly he kept on talking about peace mentioning the word peace peace peace peace and he said peace is not easy peace is quite hard and clearly when you see the way that these two leaders are speak big it puts in perspective how hard peace can sometimes be absolutely fed and
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as i pointed out earlier someone was making the same argument saying that she thought that the right to some of the rhetoric that i'm going to use reminded her of president obama now also later today a turkey it will speak at the united nations general assembly turkey seems to be flexing its muscles more on the international stage and certainly there conway is doing well they seem to be you know on the i've been up i'm curious if there was any thing that ahmadinejad said about that and especially kind of the united states' role in all of this. well as as our viewers might know iran and turkey do have close ties they have a very good relationship but most recently turkey made a deal with the u.s. and with some of the countries about allowing a missile defense system to be put in its territory that is essential essentially positions towards iran against iran and i did ask the iranian leader how it feels about turkey's closer ties to western countries to the united states and this is
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what he had to say. unfortunately we don't know what he had we know what he had to say for what he said quote it's you believe the u.s. is acting as a bully and bullying turkey and bullying some nato members and western european countries and he believes that this will not last because of the state of the world he thinks that the landscape is changing their countries are changing they're more willing to stand up to us powers that he does not believe that it will remain in a way where the u.s. makes all the decisions on how the world will be brought in but of course that's why the united nations is getting together this week in new york where all the heads of state can come talk discuss walk at each other speeches but a little dog would see him one way or another absolutely merino you did a great job paraphrasing that. part of the interview with ahmadinejad and the good
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news for all of our viewers is they can watch your interview in its entirety i know that it's running all day long today at r.t. so people can tune in and i'm sure if it's not online already it will be there so if you want to see what exactly what your and i was talking about you can probably catch that. that was our t. correspondent aparna great interview now as the u.s. creates iran like enemy number one in mississippi they're actually looking to iran as a savior or in one of the poorest parts of america this area of mississippi has a very high infant mortality rates and they're getting help from iran from an iranian model that was very successful in bringing down their infant mortality rate and artie's killing ford she can explain it all because she went to mississippi and she found out exactly what's going on. this is the mississippi delta. sylvester hoover has run the only remaining grocery store here for
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decades right here is baptist and we got a little a scout car in the whole united states. most people were here for to go to the doctor and i can go today. as work dried up on cotton plantations in factories unemployment steadily rose to ninety percent but here poverty toes a color line moves into the. will of fortune the table going toward. just sixteen percent of whites live in poverty compared to fifty percent of blacks that you know we always survive the storm. moves and our family and we go beyond. we get larry smith works at the hospital older people they go to the hospital when they get real here and here. you know
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when it's almost over. president hears c.b.c. family and neighbors die young is being ignored and some people are calling in because they are not treating their diabetes or high blood pressure and many of the results of obesity says christian young runs this clinic. the fact is state of the nation. why we have certain problems problem i really don't necessarily know there are a number of factors but not everyone can afford the ten dollars guns clinic charges which is why i asked his town is looking to an unlikely source for here to its health problems community clinics inspired by iran and advocates say these health houses are most needed here in mississippi which has the highest levels of childhood obesity hypertension and diabetes in the united states twenty percent of people here don't have health insurance. called health houses the seventeen thousand clinics in iran cover ninety percent of the rural population and have cut
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child mortality rates by sixty nine percent after visiting iran pediatrician aaron surely has led the movement to bring health houses to mississippi and staff them with welfare recipients. are also good people with. the economy and surely in dr mohamad chatah see who came to the delta from iraq decades ago tells the savings mississippi spends an average of fifty thousand dollars per patient per year around only a thousand iu to run his. greater health improvements in our social justice because of where you go if you have never heard of human beings who are suffering in mississippi it's the same as people who are suffering villages in iran therefore that social process and working together in order to address but not everyone has embraced their plan we have a go because the player. that's the great is the king of so he's speaking you know people listen rather than some mississippi listen that's will be
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some other governments haven't had to call medic relations for thirty years people and back to stone politics it will be great and black gospel music. they say it feel like a feel good feel great you know in a big storm but. the house house is only twenty thousand dollars away from opening until then the wait continues in just hour. i will go to college but. some go that. this is the future and. even florida r t that's astounding. now it's not just the u.s. that's getting help from other nations in the developed world europe obviously is in a lot of trouble there in a lot of debt and the brics countries the largest developing countries of brazil
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russia india china and south africa are meeting today in washington to talk about possibly helping to bail them out they certainly have a lot of foreign reserves out something that most of those countries whose leaders you see behind me have an common so could they be the answer to the developed world struggles are part of that solution oprah sridhar looked into it take a look. the tables have chimed in a twist to economic tradition brazil russia india china and south africa otherwise known as the brics are getting geared up to craft a plan to bail out europe from its financial crisis we should do exist for europe's sake and the other is bad i think it would give us some sort of a closure if you like. to be able to say ok you guys want to help but not my point twenty of the brits are expected to contribute almost half of all global
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g.d.p. growth and with forty percent of the world's population it's a group that's difficult to ignore while the established industrialized countries have been struggling to survive the brics economies about actually been growing many say it makes sense that it's this group that can come to the rescue it is a shift in the sense there for the first time these emerging economies are in a position where they can actually talk about helping other troubled economies work it's also interesting to. look at the fact. european economies of and when you can offer them. recently the brazilian financial minister shocked pretty much everyone by saying that the brics would look into a european bailout china has started buying italian bonds and is already one of the world's biggest lenders providing financial support and loans to many countries but the feasibility of a court sponsored bailout is still questionable many say that's
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a sign of a changing economic world order you can call it globalization two point zero let's put it this way but now it's being conducted by you. in not by the west anymore so you can even start to minimize it from the point of view of this is the beginning of the end or already we are in the middle of the rule of the west thirty two century western domination of international politics and international finance building a new foundation to the global economy preassure either r t new delhi india now as those talks go on in washington today and i broke discuss this proposal with all of that foreign words or capital that they have so they could do it earlier i asked raj goshi president of many capital if the brics could be a part of the solution to the eurozone problem here's what he said. absolutely not you know i think the brits continue to have this are on you know brazil finance
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minister gave you months ago said that you know they'll take steps to you know try and get you out of trying to get you out of this mess you know sharing the same i.o.p. ology that the move would help global summit stability and promote emerging markets exports you know one obvious analyst recently said that the move would not be irrational but political you know i don't think you have either and i think you would be insane you know let's look at fundamentally what's going on you know you have nations across europe that have borrowed far too much and you have banks predominantly across europe that have recklessly let too much you know in like normal business where if you make a mistake you have to pay for it we have all kinds of moral hazard the nasty precedents for banks these banks would have paid massive losses if the tape nations defaulted on their debt for their convincing politicians to pressure the brits to step in now the money the brits length of these nations you know part of it will go back to the banks part of it will go on to continuing you know unsustainable government and economic policy so i see no winners of this in the long run it's
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a ponzi scheme to the highest degree and the only solution would be to let greece default let portugal the fall let them restructure the economy and let the rest of the role move on from this so raj when it comes to the back nations these are the world's largest developing economies they are vying for more power on the world stage and we are seeing a decline in and europe and blaster and the economic prosperous shar and so you could argue power and influence those countries are debt ridden so why would it be such a loss for the breck if it's again ben political power. well i don't think continuing to prop up you know western consumption is in their best interest either you know the more resources that these nations consume better living far beyond their means less resources for themselves and their own people you know they have they have to stay being straight yet they have huge levels of poverty you know the brits are already control three trillion dollars and your own reserves so i don't think adding on to that in their best interest why not let their currency strengthen so they can start consuming what the rest of the role is producing rather than letting
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the rest of the world live beyond their means while their own people continue to live below their means that for an example like brazil they've seen our current the over here so why would they want to thank them for that well you know it's i think this goes back to the same myopic idiology that you know they need to keep driving exports they need to keep propping up this will economy when in the long run pretty soon they'll realize that no it's not in their best interest to continue to do this why not become the importers rather than the exploiters and the u.s. is running a trillion dollar trade deficit and italy is running up huge deficit and they're the ones that are providing this i think their politicians continue to share my opiate idiology in the long run it's certainly not in their best interest and i think you see china which is already releasing some of their treasuries you know they're starting to realize that they're phony a lot of their currency to flow and in the long run i truly believe that it's in the very special interest to let our currency strengthen so then people can enjoy them the product that they produce president western consumers are living beyond their means why would the bracks lot of doing everything that you're saying is true
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now. well why not you know you know if they're going to continue to drown grease then that and first of all they're not going to get this money back you know let's be real in one two three years time we're going to have this discussion again you know lending money to the eurozone only takes the chance further down the road and you have surrogates or check that the finance minister of russia saying that you know we would need clear guarantors of this that before we even think about investing and your own zone by so this means that the e.c.b. will eventually have to step in you know this that injection by the brits will help you know the banks then in three or four years later who's going to feed the money back to the brics you know it looks like the e.c.b. they're most likely going to get paid back in worthless are cheaper euros but not in their best interest to invest in a currency that has no long term sustainable trajectory they might as well just invest in gold or silver or try cumulate realize that rather than continuing to prop up feeling currency it's funny you mentioned gold because today was kind of
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a classic state haven day we thought markets that fell off a client well the market the u.s. dollar rally both went down why why's that. well you know you also saw yields on treasuries shoots a record high so i think a lot of people are you know realizing what's going on in the world they're selling on equities and and trying to put it into the safe haven which is the treasuries although we realize that that's clearly not a safe haven and i think all this has been good for the u.s. it's been a good side show the euro zone issue well once they get the situation resolved i think all eyes will turn back to the main show that yes it takes are in bad shape yes japan is relatively risky along with britain and france but the u.s. is in a worse position at all so i think you're seeing a lot of just fear drive money into the u.s. treasuries right now but in the long run you know i do predict both to continue to rise probably take out two thousand dollars sometime by the end of the year and still will follow closely behind the u.k. alone each real safe haven and now they're finally getting monetary status on the
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world stage ok but you say that i say that at that depth classic safe haven day and we haven't seen gold rally so how do you explain that well like i said it's just fear you know we still have this person on a treasury bills are wanted to save haven the rest of the world isn't really waking up to the fact that no you know ben bernanke you will hold twist turn and hopscotch his way to q e three as soon as the markets plunge another five or ten percent so eventually you know you will see more money going to gold in the short run i think this was just sort of a fear or a panic move. christer turn its way into q e three that was the plan operation twist which of course the fed announced yesterday and then subsequently markets kind of went down the tubes that was raj joshi president of many capital trying to explain why now as the brics talk about helping the euro zone the crisis there certainly continues and the u.s. and europe are both hurting and global markets today they tanked market volatility in august in fact was the highest since the spring of two thousand and nine growth
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estimates for the globe and for the u.s. have been cut more and more people think the u.s. is headed towards or into recession unemployment is still nine percent have been for years that's being conservative despite all of this. people are benefiting the rich are getting richer take a look at this versus just come out with its richest americans list topping it is bill gates with net worth of fifty nine billion dollars number two on that list warren buffett billionaire investor thirty nine billion dollars also the i guess benefactor for bank of america in recent weeks and months number three on that list larry ellison c.e.o. of oracle net worth or thirty three billion number four statements or infamous depending on i guess your political persuasion charles koch as in the koch brothers twenty five billion dollars and number five is the other koch david koch twenty five billion dollars net worth now the interesting thing all of those guys except
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for warren buffett have seen their net worth over the last year increased by billions of dollars and number seven is no exception we had to include him because it's such a big name george soros twenty two billion dollars up from fourteen billion dollars last year so quite a jump i don't know what these guys are doing right but more broadly when you look at executive pay in this country to kind of look at where that's gone in two thousand and ten and median pay increase substantially twenty seven percent according to usa today and now this is so that is a broad trend of the wealthy getting compensated more then there is this four of the five richest counties in the country are in the d.c. area law physics and gone worse for many middle class americans so i asked dimitri kristina's are our key contributor in economics blogger to connect the dots for me did he see any connection between the rich getting richer and the high c.e.o. pay that's going up and the rich communities surrounding the nation's capital
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here's what he sent. i would go to lee i'd say just i've tried to find apartments both of these see in new york and i would tell you that in d.c. the property market is much tighter but may have to do with the fact that the government has become increasingly important in terms of spending and things like that so i think it's an insurance is a great you bring up i think there is a connection between government spending and. wealthy districts around the d.c. area that makes sense but what i'm getting at is you have d.c. government contractors that maybe benefit in the d.c. area from government coffers you have corporations that you could argue have benefited from fed policies of cheap money big banks you know their c.e.o.'s that have benefited from bailouts is the trend that people that are making now well are benefiting from government coffers and programs and policies well some people are for sure i mean you definitely have you know contractors for example the u.s. is building up to one hundred million dollars base or prison in afghanistan so obviously contractors that build prisons or benefit from that are people in the
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military contracts are going to benefit banks are going to benefit from policies from quantitative easing from government fiscal stimulus things like that but there are certain people that are are thrown in that where they shouldn't be and i think that's part of the problem we're hearing rhetoric rhetoric around about raising taxes on the rich because i think that's a very broad term rich it has to be you know has to be specified yes there are people who certainly do benefit in this system there are certainly people who get benefit it seems to me that people that are that are doing the best as the middle class are not but i want to follow up on on the idea of bank out bailouts because some people the ratings agencies seem to think that that era is over we saw a number of u.s. banks get downgraded for that reason moody's you can grade bank of america wells fargo. and somebody else they believe that it's because u.s. bailouts are not going to happen anymore do you buy that i don't know i'm going to buy their own national i think it's the. because they don't believe that the fed is
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going to try to bail out any more banks i think there's just a panic at this point because there's always a psychological effect too and there is a concern about the leverage in the economy the amount of leverage in the financial system and can the fed really stop at the leverage in a disorderly do leveraging of the financial system and i think that's what people are responding to that's what you see in the case in french max as an example or european banks in general that's why you had a lot of foreign central banks open up swap lines dollars through up lines to the e.c.b. which basically means that the fed and other central banks are helping b.c.b. get dollars to their their their european banks which are having a hard time getting funding in the markets so you're saying bailouts are essentially still continuing those yeah yeah i think the central banks are trying to bail out the banking sector as best they can and the i think that if anything the concern is that they can't it's not that they're not going to it's that there's only so much you can do ok so you can add there is only so much that you can do as
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you're arguing and as a result we've seen banks that are believed to have a lot of exposure to for example greek debt we see them downgrading. the ratings agencies downgrade to large french banks incidentally american banks are exposed to the french banks we saw that just today their heads posted their quarterly report from morgan stanley a big u.s. bank showing that their liability for french bank debt is sixty percent more then their market cap sixteen percent more than their entire value of their company what happens to us banks if french banks go under what i think the concern is that there are certain banks in the u.s. that are more exposed than others i think those would be targeted in a perverse sense one of the benefits of having a european bank collapse for certain institutions around the world is that they may see capital flight so you may get actually deposits from french banks or other essential investors that are in.


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