tv [untitled] September 22, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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hours time for show and tell us night's program alas i was gusta contentious details surrounding the case of troy davis and the judicial system in general here so now that he's been put to death despite the amount of doubt surrounding his guilt do you think the u.s. troops will use the death penalty if a user for treason assigns you to find out what you have to say. jordan davis did he do it yes or no should have been executed yes or no before it can get and demand is put to death to answer these questions should never be maybe no one can further certain that he will that he committed this crime and no one can prove first certain if he was innocent. davis was executed after
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a series of five delays and important questions that remain an answer the question of this man's and his since has now taken a secondary role to a much larger picture the flaws of the u.s. justice system especially when just handing out a death penalty brian believes that the states that still have a death penalty need to ditch it rarely is a conviction one hundred percent safe lori calls a death sentence barbaric and miles said scrap the death penalty and it seems that mistakes and corruptions do not happen when it's obvious it does steve says there needs to be a much higher standard of proof when it comes to just handing out a death penalty in the case of troy davis does not even need a standard of guilt imprisonment i make sure wonder whatever happened to the idea that a state needs to prove guilt above all reasonable doubt so that of the nine witnesses recanted their story and even claim to feel pressured by police in original statements there was no d.n.a. no murder weapon and no other physical evidence and missy international has called
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this an international scandal and it's clear that i've seen troy davis will not be at his death may have blown open the case against the entire u.s. justice system this could be the beginning of the american people developing a reasonable doubt on the death penalty just a policy gather. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you are we in the show we discuss accusations by the g.o.p. the president obama's waging class warfare by posing raising taxes on millionaires what do you think is obama a class warrior he can respond with on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows the response just might make it on you. now after months of investigations the f. twenty two by jet is flying again c. back in may the air force grounded the entire fleet of one hundred sixty eight jets after pilots were suffering from hypoxia a condition where the body is deprived of an adequate oxygen supply and all the arguments assumes. feeling like they were drunk and sometimes found signs of
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antifreeze and oil fumes in the pilot's blood the lockheed martin built aircraft was also riddled with problems like stuck doors avocational problems and rust issues so after dozens of islands experienced those breathing problems were found to have toxins in their blood air force decided to ground approximately half of their entire dogfighting fleet and set off to investigate what possible possibly could have gone wrong for one hundred forty days those have twenty two's are grounded but now the air force's chief of staff general norton schwartz has lifted the no fly ban and a statement schwartz says we now have enough insight from recent studies and investigations that a return to flight is prudent and appropriate so does that mean that the problem solved we can all jump for joy actually no not at all so apparently the air force still doesn't know what exactly is wrong with fighter jets however the air force is going to continue to send their men into the air this despite the fact that a pilot may have lost his life due to these issues so back in november captain jeff haney was killed when his f.
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twenty two crash near anchorage and during his last calls he was reported to have sounded drunk or symptom of hypoxia and the same thing that many of the other pilots had reported experiencing while they were flying the f. twenty two so i'm just confused here as to why these planes are now going back up in the air if the problem hasn't been solved aeronautical engineer pierre spray who's outspoken critic of the f. twenty two says said that the air force was rushing planes back into service he thinks the oxygen problems could be traced back to the new design of lockheed martin used for these twenty two c. the older jet models that sixteen's the eight tens the oxygen system would be a separate bottle the would feed air to the pilot's mats or the redesigned f. twenty two lockheed martin pulls air from the jets engine from presser feeding that straight to the pilot and all these factors could be possible reasons for the faulty oxygen system well let's take a look at the financial aspect here is the air force losing out by not using their favorite toy well the f.b.i. twenty two that make up half of the entire u.s. dog fighting flea and a price tag about four hundred twelve. million dollars per plane seems awfully
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wasteful just have them sitting on the ground doesn't it not to mention pilots who couldn't fly the jets for four months also risking losing their clearance to fly so now maybe you can understand a little bit better why the air force seemed so willing to risk the lives of their pilots to put the f. twenty two back in the air you know i think the air force has its priorities mixed up here if the problems of the grading system that twenty two were so bad they warranted grounding the fleet and they haven't been fixed or addressed the why are the f. twenty two flying why are you putting pilots lives in danger just so you can save money well you asked me what's wrong. now this week google c.e.o. eric schmidt outed testified in antitrust hearing on capitol hill yesterday and even a hearing was the power of google serving consumers or threatening competition after complaints from other companies like yelp expedia and next tag lawmakers question if the search engine giant is hoping its results to send users its own online services first but what may. or may not have been expecting as another group showed
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up on capitol hill demanding answers of a different sort of more private sort of advocacy group consumer watchdog group of minds to spy on senate staffers and visitors following them around and matching tracksuits with the world's google track team and don't be evil written on that now this group thinks that if we're back to google's gathering a huge probe of personal information much of it without consumers knowledge that really should be scrutinized to discuss this with me as carmen daalder washington director of consumer watchdog i mean thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me so first start as i guess if you can give us a broad outline of what do you think google's worst offenses are when it comes to the information that they gather on consumers for the most important thing to know about google for consumers is that they are ubiquitous on the net google is the dominant search engine which means they're the gateway to the internet for most consumers but they own so many other companies and products that consumers cannot avoid them on the internet so even if a consumer were to choose to avoid google products didn't use g.-mail didn't use
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google search didn't have an android phone they would still be tracked around the internet every bros every search logged by google because google has ad networks across all of the major websites on the internet so the most important thing for consumers to know that even if you don't use a google product they are still tracking your every move on the internet or use yahoo and you say but don't you go track your information is what i mean is google really the only offender here definitely not there are a lot of problems on the internet with consumers simply not knowing how much information this club. we've focused on google because google is such a dominant player we think if google were to change their privacy practices if they were to be more protective of the information that they're collecting about consumers and honor consumers request to not be trapped if they asked then that would be a gold standard for the internet and it would move other companies to change their policies as well and yet google was on capitol hill this week to talk about an antitrust hearing because some other big companies you know some other industries
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out there some complaints do you think that congress has shown where its priorities lie here that consumers don't necessarily come first i mean there have been talks of a do not track bill out there but it's never gotten far when it comes to the legislation well we actually thought part of the reason we focused on google this week is of course because their action it was in congress and we've called for a year and a half for eric schmidt to testify before congress so we were gratified that the judiciary committee and the antitrust questions are very serious we've involved ourselves in several of these antitrust questions for instance when google was trying to monopolize digitize books on the internet because consumers don't benefit when google has a monopoly over information on the internet so we think the and i trust questions are important however we brought to capitol hill to follow senate staffers around to follow eric schmidt around the capitol to make a point that googles information monopoly the data it collects without our knowledge on the internet is just as important they didn't talk about that issue at
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the hearing eric schmidt got a softball question he gave an even softer answer on privacy we think he needs to come up with a new google c.e.o. larry page one of the company's founders and answer directly to congress will be on are consumers requests not to be tracked across the internet so congress isn't exactly pressing them hard there but it seems like i'm just really curious what were the reactions when they had knives following them around on capitol hill is worth one station i heard one of the one of the comments i heard in the in the capitol hallways was have you been. there they were making the point which is that no. or person would let someone follow them around in a store write down every purchase and every item that they looked at it's an annoying thing that i think are an easy way to kind of dramatize what's going on in the internet internet behind closed doors without our knowledge i wonder you know because you have to ask whether some consumers might be ok with it or whether they're just completely unaware because google or search engines the internet
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really has revolutionized the way that we live the way that we do things the way that we shop so while it might sound weird to walk to restore and have somebody following your every move the beauty of the internet but the idea of google's you no longer have to even go to the store you don't have to leave your house you don't have to get up off the couch and so i'm wondering if you were to poll americans if they were to say that they will consider that a fair trade you can track my dad as long as i get the comforts of what google provides well number one absolutely the internet is has revolutionized a lot of things and democracy is one of them consumer rights is one of them so we think that the internet's a great place and we think google provides a service that consumers want obviously very popular the dominant search engine but we have consumers what they think about track and we did a poll and eighty five percent of consumers in america said that they want a do not track me option that doesn't mean that every time a company might track you're on the internet they're not interested for interest for instance a perfect example is that when amazon records my book purchases and then suggest
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books that are similar to me that i might like to read i'm ok with that i'm going to tell amazon that you can go ahead and collect my purchases but i don't want amazon perhaps sharing that information with another party letting someone else know what my book purchase is is that information exposed to the government people have questions like the question now you know questions like that if the information is collected who has access to it so we just want people to have a choice i'm on the option side they're definitely i want to play a clip actually from a video that you basically get this take a look. you know google seems to get right up to the creepy. it's the nature of the search. would you prefer someone else do you have a government that you would prefer to be in charge of there's. not an actual argument that google makes there as they say it's better in our hands than how in the hands of some government and you know getting this thing i mean google off actually has been accused of being a little too cozy with the u.s.
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government is all too cozy with the obama administration in particular absolutely we've spent a lot of time digging into trying to dig into google's connections with some of the nation's. google has a purple contract with the n.s.a. that nobody will tell anyone about it's the n.s.a. so we can't get any more information about it so i think it's really important and to think about the fact that even if we think it's ok for google to track our searches to make their search engine better look opens with that information is exposed to the government and these are real questions of american consumers and i think the do not track option is the beginning of that company and others on the internet acknowledging that consumers need choice to say no i don't want to be well hopefully we'll see some of those questions asked one day maybe on capitol hill if there is another hearing although i'm a little skeptical at this moment thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. now still to come tonight like a bad acts or a nasty cold that the latest down to earth sarah palin's high school time award and
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happy hour starbucks employees the song goes viral plus cage fighting between nine year olds it's part of an outrage over that most of all. we in the park. i think. one well. we've got the. says there are competing safe get ready for freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he
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glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything is off you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes the big picture. we just put a picture of a need but i was like nine years old i like to tell the truth. i confess and i am a total get over friends that i love rap and hip hop is a trip. but he was kind of the guest today. i'm very proud of the role without you as he plays.
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knights tools have award and tonight it goes to sarah pavement that's right a former half term governor of alaska is that in the news and you are not talking about the national enquirer story today that claims that todd paling was planning to divorce for honestly i could care less about their personal life now tonight we're going to give sarah palin the award for once again playing coy about her possible run for the white house in two thousand and two well she did it one register got their hands on a fund raising message sent from a political action committee this week to iowa supporters and the message seems to indicate that sarah might be close to jumping into the race it reads governor palin is on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office it's one of the most difficult and important decisions of her life and i want her to know that she has our support governor palin is a proven leader he's
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a commonsense conservative who quite for the rights of americans like you and me and not special interests or big corporations somebody must save our nation from this road to european socialism do you think it should be governor palin now of course the message asked for money to support sarah pac at the end now keep in mind there has been teasing people about running for president since she quit her job two years ago and sold out for fame and fortune she said all summer long that she would make a decision by september but this week if she changed her mind again. i would say by the river you got to make a decision though right. you do i mean legally you do because you have to start getting your ducks lined up to have your name on these ballots but i do think sean this is going to be such an unconventional election cycle because this has been such an unconventional administration. all right i'm going to say sarah pailin is not running for president she is doing us a little worried about running for president so she can remain semi relevant which
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in turn helps her make more money season's leaving office the woman is a nothing but here to talk show circuit she writes a book she catches a few checks from fox news and you know her earlier this summer when she took a family vacation turned the event into a media circus she took a bus tour across the northwest and then complain about the price of gas for that bus this is all mapped out i mean i don't i don't know where you're going to want to ask because i know i'm told to go to the website but you know where you're going to get sort of calling as you as you travel the next couple days we know where we're going but there's a couple of different reasons why we're not going to broadcast it to the whole world one is security issues but tell me the other is the price of gas times much higher right time or not to be able to go too far so in fact they beat one of the one of the details on the boss says drill baby drill over the gas to treat my people you know with your pupils to five bucks a gallon you can't go too far in a race like this. right the tour is in the north we are north east but what i hate but i really don't know why i said i was complaining about the gas prices her back
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paid for the trip it's all those poor suckers who donated money to sarah pac who paid for her vacation this woman is a shyster and now she's that again asking for more money yes she's planning another vacation this fall perhaps she needs some christmas shopping money so all the pale and supporters go ahead donate more cash to sarah pac she'll be more than happy to take your money and personally hoping that she takes another bus trip because she always falls on her face and a member of the lame stream media gets to ask her a gotcha question. and. the british that they were going to be taken we are. still in the end he sure is he's right he is forced to tune into the line shot some bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. the sad part is the people actually think that woman is qualified to be president you know she's just a good con artist and is now that they're a true talents trying to make
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a few bucks and so that's why we're giving tonight's tools on award to sarah palin . all right it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is archie producer jenny churchill and jim hansen special operations master sergeant and military blogger a black eye dot net thanks for joining you guys we have a really interesting video that's causing quite a stir out there first of all watch the video and then we'll get into it. it took place a temporary tent there's one of the boys it was an eight and a nine year old there's a cage fight looks official right this is a demonstration that took place before the adults were actually fighting but you can see they're not wearing any head care and there you go apparently there was not supposed to be any country in kicking or striking just grappling that's where they hold each other down and wrestling. ok i'm not
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a parent because i had i didn't think he was that big a deal it's like kids wrestle all the time i do or do you have to have a helmet on every time you wrestle but i don't know maybe later entertaining people but people are really really angry about this and i'm just kind of confused because i didn't really think it was that we could feel it maybe it was not that mature or something i mean i think with children in any contact sport it's always important to have some type of headgear on that's really my little post like nineteen year olds do wrestling do they do they where they were where i do i don't know are these are new things i mean i don't i you know i think that this is an outrage over nothing i mean we like kids that are five play peewee football so i don't really see the big issue i think we can do a trifecta on this one. you know i mean there was a certain roman coliseum like you know. atmosphere that might have been wrong. maybe the ring. the ring girl i would keep her but i know what to do about nothing ok so with the ring girl and the cage and the raf in
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the middle maybe that turned into a little bit of child exploitation the other way this is the boys being boys having fun rason. ok noah take a look at this video this guy is a starbucks employee he decided to post this video and it went viral. a little rich boy. with. lots. of. other words. in just one of those holes. now. this is starting to. show up on the truck and it'll. be. all right so this is christopher christopher twenty five years old and it turns out that after having a few meetings he ended up losing his job at starbucks they fired him for that thinking you should've gotten fired ok might have to do with the shirt off but it
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was pretty funny. i mean i don't know that he had to be fired i think that it was probably they felt like they had to fire him i guess when you're a giant corporation and have to do settle with language and how can i say i love this kid he's my favorite i would order from starbucks and i have to order a frappuccino rabbit you know but you know what i go in my girlfriends drink which she was you have to believe those were your girlfriends wrinkle when she when they repeat it back to her they run out of breath it's got to let you know. this to me that i mean i get it i would hate to work at starbucks and this kid is going to get hired by caribou or somebody else well i don't think it's i don't in that i would hope he got some serious offers for his great somebody else or you be sure caribou got screwed hair i really i'm dying to know that what your girlfriend's actual a drink is a really curious you know but i'm sure you know. what i mean i worked in the food service industry i was a waitress and there were so many times i had customers that would have loved to make a video about just like oh really on spaghetti upon
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a night sir you're the person who doesn't need your level ai. i love you guys to be able you know i think that yeah i think he's just lived out the dreams probably a lot of people that work you know at coffee shops at restaurants you name it and his country and you know whenever you get fired for it but he's an internet sensation just starting for. well speaking of the internet turns out that one third of all digital photos out there and on facebook i guess that's not all that shocking but. that's just kind of insane and one third of every single digital photo that's out there on the internet ends up on facebook you know and i actually heard that you know another third of those are pictures of the floor and then the other third people don't look so really only the good ones make a hundred forty billion photos on facebook. oh no no no. well our thought she was you know how much that's going to change the current generation because these days if you want to run for politics when there are you
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know hundred forty billion pictures on facebook at all times somebody is going to have a picture out of them out there and for example crystal ball she ran last time around and we have learned that out really you have brown we have to blurt out is that abrupt worst what is it i didn't say i don't doubt i'm greater i am all all your family or your little. anyway but so now if you know i'm just wondering who out there really is going to be repaired for a political run growing up being part of this facebook generation that oh it's not just politics it's normal people too trying to get a job because these companies now realize he was doing. but now i mean i have friends that use aliases on facebook because they don't want people to be able to find it you're not a legal she's supposed to use your real name already at a time so let's move on quickly first of all there's a new video game coming out and they're trying to do it from a different perspective from being a war correspondent take
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a look. so the idea here is that instead of shooting guns or shooting films and i don't think that's kind of interesting i think maybe we have more games out there where you can go and you're videotaping people going for people to. play your first ball if you heard but you play against a journalist to go to the front door of will i think this was this related to have a chance if it was kind of like an online multiplayer game but it's only one person game i'm just picturing kind of like halo where the photo og's are talking smack to each other like it's a little serious posters observing all the action that are really cool it looks like fun and it looks like something that might just might end up being really awkward like forty seconds let's take a look really quick at this woman who got harassed by the t.s.a. because of her hair. and so she started putting my horn now is like in tears at
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that point and she's taking my scalp she was going. for and please harry i really it was a very humiliating album so embarrassed. that is messed up and she went through security and then like ten people ran after her and started poking her after she did the whole security thing i really was a white dude i'm not allowed to have an opinion on this but did you see her hair it was gargantuan it had its own weather system because you know i mean honestly what she really know i could put my entire lunch in there and she would have no idea it was there i have to say it's kind of a rest. it's really tough road for you for joining me. tonight so thanks for spending innovation exactly maro palestinian bid for statehood at the u.n. is causing quite a diplomatic storm if that's the debate on our show in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of you want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed
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any nights or any other nights it was cash elocute you got flash you want to show up next it's a neat. wealthy british. market dynamics. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max culture for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our team player. who killed.
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