tv [untitled] September 23, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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ok back here with arson here's a look at the top stories tension at the u.n. summit in new york builds to a crescendo as palestine prepares to hand it is bid for statehood later today this fire obama's promise to veto any favorable outcome. will gary ever made they are denied european visa free travel despite previous promises as some member states say the two countries need to sort out corruption and crime issues. as america puts more of its deadly drones in the skies of over africa critics say it's attempt to make the world safer is only driving more people to work for terror. the looming of
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this world may markets are in for a second day of decline in a row with american and asian stocks leading the slump the gloomy picture prompting fears of a double dip recession. so they have eyes here in r.c.m. the latest technology update is coming your way shortly. hello and welcome to technology update in this episode we'll be exploring the revolution going on in atomic energy the need for increasing amounts of power is being tempered by fears of nuclear proliferation and safety concerns over the next twenty five minutes we'll be asking just how peaceful is the peaceful adult as developing nations get richer and more populous global demand for energy is on the
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rise according to estimates world electricity consumption is said to grow by more than seventy five percent by two thousand and thirty five. with many countries worried about the harmful effect fossil fuels have on the climate there's a big push to move away from calls gas and oil for power generation. but they believe the closer consumption of electricity is growing and so too is production the figure is green basically stable for many years old you sometimes it can vary from quite a number of reasons but generally one should note that global electricity consumption is growing at it annual rate of about three to five percent this is a trend evolution progress and developments of all civilization in general. and atomic energy is going to have to play
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a big part in meeting our increasing needs there are currently around fifty new reactors under construction in the world for the next twenty years electricity production from nuclear power is projected to more than double the present there's at least thirty countries operating more than four hundred nuclear power plants worldwide the united states has by far the largest number of facilities. while they may be the leader in nominal terms nuclear energy certainly plays the biggest role in france were accounts for about seventy five percent of all electricity generation earlier this year iran fired up its long delayed to share reactor and connects it to the nation's power grid while western nations are suspicious of their intentions officials in tehran argue that they're only interested in the peaceful benefits of nuclear technology but when you speak about nuclear reactors it's not the only concern it's still chatter. of course. the disaster in japan has reignited some
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fears about the dangers associated with atomic energy even though the march two thousand and eleven incident was the result of a unique sequence of events in the anti-nuclear activists think it's just a matter of time before the next disaster strikes the scenario how it could happen could be absolutely different you do not need tsunami or. eat. human being. mistakes. cultural that thread has driven many concerned citizens out onto the streets of protests hundreds of thousands in germany alone the nation's parliament passed legislation designed to eventually make the country nuclear free of this renewed concern was not isolated to just germany similar rallies took place in korea taiwan and france as well despite the ongoing worries about the viability of nuclear power we're likely going to continue to rely on atomic energy for at least a part of our needs russian scientists and engineers are drawing on decades of
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experience to make the next generation of reactors as safe as possible but in order to understand the future we have to look to the past which takes us to the belly arced power station and that is some one thousand miles east of moscow the plan began life as one of the most advanced nuclear power stations in the world. instructional was to become the world's first graphite moderated a reactor got underway in one thousand fifty eight and a few years later a second more powerful reactor was built together to generate more than two hundred fifty megawatts of electricity or enough to provide a city of one million people with lighting and other modern amenities. looking at present nuclear capacity the vast majority of the world's atomic power comes from pressurized water reactors there are about two hundred fifty of this kind in operation across the globe these old cell reactors are most prevalent in france as well as in the u.s. and russia next we have boiling water reactors and these are the cooling isn't as
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highly pressurized which allows it to boil hence its name about half of japan's nuclear plants are of this design gas called reactors has a name suggests utilize gas instead of water which often allows these to transfer much more heat to the generator resulting in greater efficiency then there are white water graphite moderator reactors which are called high power channel reactors in the former soviet union lastly pressurized heavy water reactors are most common in canada here and they did the data designs of the past and are pushing ahead with fast breeder reactors while the technology isn't exactly brand new is still thought to be the future of nuclear energy production. this is what's called belly arced three or the third and only currently operating reactor on the site to be in six hundred is housed here which has been churning out electricity and thermal heat for the region's residents since one thousand nine hundred eighty . with a noticable again six hundred care unit has been operating for over thirty years
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since the it's operational license has been extended till twenty twenty. prospects in terms of producing bring you the nuclear fuel in fast neutron reactors like the v. and six hundred energy is produced in the core when fast neutrons are absorbed by a fist so isotopes like uranium to the. thirty five a fast neutron to travel at a very high speed around fourteen million meters per second after an isotope captures one of these neutrons it forms a highly unstable variation that then quickly turns into energy in the form of heat and more neutrons could a county is reached when there's enough fissile isotopes to sustain a chain reaction unlike in traditional thermal reactors there's no moderator involved which allows the free neutrons to was around at speeds fast enough to keep the reaction going. despite its relatively old age it's still on the cutting edge of nuclear technology in fact sodium cooled fast neutron reactors like the b.n.
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six hundred have been designated by the u.s. department of energy as the next generation of nuclear power if the course surrounded by a fertile play could if your rainy into thirty eight concrete new nuclear fuel from spent usable material when operating in the so-called greener mode fast reactors like the b. and six hundred can create a more fuel than they actually burn that can then be used at nuclear power plants as fuel. for the feeling of many innovative solutions which are implemented in the design of this our unit was honorable for this reactor is based on the principles of natural self protection of a in the six hundred power unit active certain has a very even power it's in steel with the pressure inside of a sill is very low which ensures a reduced load on the reactor vessel that's given the sodium which is used as the coolant is not very corrosive in nature which has
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a positive impact on construction materials that's a pretty so a triple circuit cooling system has been defined as well as an intermediate city circuit in which the sodium is no longer radioactive that is the oldest aim that flows into the turbo generators is already carrying and no radioactive. thanks to that technology the reactors are able to churn out six hundred megawatts of electricity from this hot steam is turned into power and delivered to the region's grid to get a longer lease of life the place generators are modernized a host of other changes were made to make it even safer. according to the design there was initially no reserve control point three three had to upgrade it in order to extend its operation to a full reserve control point was built this includes the key technological features required to supervise a they react is condition in the case of an emergency failure because
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a reserve control board is necessary for such emergency. but that reserve point is only necessary if something were to go wrong with this may control room from here all the plans files are constantly monitored while there have been a handful of incidents with the b.n. six hundred reactor all of them were minor and do not fire so designated emergency action however officials are now confident that all the king said they worked out that all the plants new safety features and technology having come cheap. generally is fast neutral reacts presently somewhat more expensive but with time as prices for nuclear fuel keep rising as a result of diminishing resources fast reactors will be in greater demand this is a general trend all over the world recognized by france india china and even the us has resumed its work in this field. as the
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price for uranium goes up russia will be in a better position than most that's because in addition to the already operating be in six hundred in the coming years they'll be the next generation be in eight hundred. there will be active construction of the unit again in two thousand and six that's when we're finished. building that for the main whistle and construct just a poet full three need to think monolithic so i have to go to the director and to want me to think to look for the turbine hole or. work on the fourth reactor delhi yard actually started back in one thousand nine hundred three but construction was halted in one thousand nine hundred six following the disaster which are noble since that time however the authorities have realized the increasing need for clean efficient energy for that reason back in two thousand and six the russian government added there would be an eight hundred to a federal program aimed at developing the country's nuclear power capacity construction is well advanced on billy arsk for which will housed the first be an
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eight hundred reaction from the afrikaans of design bureau but that's not the only thing planned at the site. what you see in red is what's already been built was green is still under construction as you can imagine the main building is the one that will house the b.n. eight hundred reactor that is nearly equal importance is the waste treatment facility highly radioactive material will be transformed into a new fuel and in a few years' time construction should also be going on to other structures to be in twelve hundred reactor and the lead cooled breast three hundred. number of innovative solutions have been adopted in the be an eight hundred designed to enhance nuclear and radiation safety crucially the new reactor relies on a low operating pressure the natural high thermal capacity of sodium as well as they do layer protective vessel to ensure problem free operation just like the v.n. six hundred the new reactor will be able to work in breeder mode which means they
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can create new fuel for other power plants. based on an agreement with the united states the reactor value can be used to burn the weapons grade plutonium which ought to help nonproliferation efforts. this reactor has all the best elements that were used in debian six hundred of those were. certain modifications during the operation of the reactor. six hundred has been enough to ration for more than thirty years of course it was invaluable to have both the manufacturing plants and the design. producing and designing the b.n. six hundred point of us experience this time. the be in six hundred the ground work for the current reactor under construction and the experience being gained from the b. and eight hundred is already being put to use here and where you can find the institute for physics and power engineering. has been a leading scientific center since the days of the soviet union they're currently working on another fast reactor hundred. of these are developed the play in
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increasing role in the country's nuclear industry. small series. twelve hundred count units could be used to develop fuel infrastructure necessary for reactive technology which would allow us to start introducing. on an intensive basis in the nuclear power industry to twenty. despite its increased production capacity to one thousand two hundred megawatts the reactor core is expected to be significantly smaller in size than its predecessors but innovation here and. scientists are also researching other types of liquid metal coolant the most promising appears to be another high powered fast neutron reactor cooled by. high capacity fast reactors are not the only way forward for russia's nuclear industry. is working on a new design that takes
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a totally different approach energy. centers of culture combines of technological innovation at the work force of the country's nuclear industry designs bureau is developing the very latest high temp gas called power plants. one thousand nine hundred five. there was a renewed interest in this technology. the russian ministry of atomic energy signed an international agreement with private companies. general atomics from the united states from its home i'm future electric from japan. because of a joint project called g t charges launched as part of the public private partnership a year. that the project under designed is a helium turbine reactor and some ways it acts like a normal nuclear power station to greatly improves both safety and efficiency he has transferred to the electricity generator by high pressure helium gas rather
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than through pipes containing water had only one heat transfer mechanism instead of two or more. that means the generator will be much more effective than traditional setups simply put a loads of complex hardware are needed but that offers not only benefits in terms of efficiency but should make the helium reactor safer as well without any water involved in the heat transfer there's no risk of a steam explosion. because of its huge mass the presence of temperature resistant cereals and the absence of metallic materials the acts of zone can never melt the base properties insured by the type of materials used by special configuration of the acts of zone. engineers are hard work to put the projects into practice in addition to a safer reactor number of innovations should reduce the risk of nuclear
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proliferation for one think the special design of its fuel when should that weapons grade plutonium is destroyed in the fission process in two thousand and ten the gas turbine modulus of the reactor was included in an international nuclear just position strategy together with other nuclear is the terms around russia the africa . the design is in the process of testing many of the newly developed technologies in this reactor could produce nearly three hundred megawatts of electricity but powering your t.v. is only one of the ways but it could benefit you. for it so the question is should the nuclear energy sector focus on base nisha and the immense markets of known illiterate complications of atomic power that's exactly what we've been doing researching and developing projects m are really seeing the implementation of nuclear energy and the known electric spear the other near to these. are one way
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that this new reactor type could find its place in the market concerns and how we get from point a to point b. over a quarter of all energy related carbon emissions come from transport a figure that the i.a.e.a. predicts to double in twenty years time and with international arrangements like the kyoto protocol many nations are counting carbon emissions like i count calories the high temperature inside the reactor would able it to produce hydrocarbons such as hydrogen from through a chemical and electrochemical decomposition of a stroke that essentially means that we can get a new fuel source to power our cars just from water as the world's population continues to grow people are moving further and further afield to live work and get at precious natural resources a new russian design will soon bring the benefits of nuclear energy to the most remote locations though the technology making that possible owes everything to the linen no not that when in the nuclear powered icebreaker in one thousand fifty nine it was the first of
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a country's civil atomic fleet nearly twenty years later can the arctica which was used as the base model for most it hit the water after it since then russia has been tearing through the arctic steak ice thanks to extra strongholds and they just push provided by nuclear powered engines since their debut russia has churned out increasing this if. to katyn models like that hummer and. the most recent addition to the nuclear powered civil fleet is a ship whose name could be translated as the fiftieth anniversary of victory this behemoth is the final arctic a class icebreaker the vessel has no problems dealing with whatever the freezing cold water up north rosabeth this atomic germ propeller and innovative spoon shaped barrel it can cut through ice up to nearly ten feet thick at both the top cruising speed of over twenty one knots and now that it's seaboard it can be used to clear the way for cargo ships navigating the northern passage. however it's also function as a tourist vessel leaving trips up to the north pole. its home has been outfitted with
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additional cabins as well as a swimming pool gym a library and restaurant. all ships like this are impressive in their own right what's really exceptional is what is being developed on the basis of their nuclear technology. to do since the beginning of this century nurture our industry has been actively working on an innovative and absolutely unique project a special purpose nuclear station unique in every sense of the word that meets the requirements of the russian technical supervisory authority serum the russian maritime register of shipping. and international supervising organizations including the international atomic energy agency. again here i'm talking about the floating new clear path plants. over.
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russia is using the core technology for nuclear powered subs and icebreakers to build power stations these could in theory be docked anywhere along the coast where they can offer a stable supply of both electricity and heat to nearby populations in many cases they'll be more economical or cold an oil supplies remain costly and difficult each flooring plant will be far less expensive than traditional nuclear stations and can produce enough energy to power a city of two hundred thousand incidents to yours. ministrations and governments of countries. that are presently experiencing a shortage of energy are greatly interested in this project. primarily these are island states such as in the southeast asian region as well as a number of developing states. don't have the opportunity to use nuclear technologies but are very much interested in the most.
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basic knowledge. the first of these floating in outposts is academic a lot of construction on its twenty one and a half thousand ton hole started back in two thousand and seven the massive vessel was outfitted with two modified cayle forty s reactors originally designed for nuclear ships and submarines. was launched into the waters off of st petersburg in two thousand and ten and is slated to come sometime next year in view chines a city on russians can charge the peninsula quite fittingly it will help provide energy to the atomic submarine base out in the far east in addition to supplying power to isolated communities officials expect to be great demand for ships like this which could also power offshore oil rigs you know more of a global professional community recognizes russia's leadership in this sphere. and also
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a certain concern from the viewpoint of competitive advantage in this area of work but. given the country's edge in a trial of shipbuilding there's likely going to be a lot more work to be done at this production facility at the ball to ski shipyard the floating power plants will be constructed here with the reactors and then shipped off to their final destinations whoever that may be. in their goal after which is responsible for the project the only. leasing the ships to other nations means that if and when the time comes to pull up anchor the power plant and any potentially dangerous material will be towed back to russia since the forty power plants are based on tried and true technology and utilize existing production facilities to seemingly nothing standing in the way of turning the idea into a money making cash cow for the massive barge make it all the glory and press visits and photos the whole thing is only as powerful as the reactor at the heart
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of it. this is a reactor unit that's used as the energy source of the floating nuclear power station. as being built in st petersburg right now. so it's based on their reacts. because of the russian fleet. however into the greatest ensure higher level of safety. board russia's floating nuclear barges will be true of these bad boys each scale to the forty s is designed to pump out around thirty five megawatts of electricity and produce about two hundred forty tons of steam power is a pressurized water reactor fueled by enriched uranium according to the designers nuclear fuel to about fifteen to eighteen percent some argue that having such
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radioactive material just bobbing the waves off the coast could make these ships both the safety and pulling for ration risk for them or they could be a potential terrorist targets officials however claim they're even safer based reactors. the modified stations were designed and built. by the afrikan to design the same company responsible for it and some of the others highlighted earlier in the program and this design the skilled russian engineers have turned their watchful eyes and. super powerful computers to maximizing efficiency and safety of russia's floating nuclear fleet. using the latest technology these engineers are able to map out bit by bit just what the finished product will look like as well as one models to test how will perform under specified conditions. with the k o t forty s are already taking care of they've now focused their attention to the next generation reactor for floating power stations. we didn't stop of the
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projects that we've developed and almost finalized a project for a new floating prime station units this will be a new integral reactor that presently there's nothing like this in the world just yet this project is being developed with the help of the supercomputer technologies . in addition to providing a new source of energy these nuclear reactors can help solve another global problem the heat in steam produced canteens to desalinate water which can turn a dry thirsty city into a desert away says it's indisputable that more and more energy will be needed to meet the world growing. course there are risks involved nuclear power but thanks to innovations like those you've seen today the industry is doing it's hard to balance potential threats and benefits so we'll see you next time and so then enjoy the ride.
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