tv [untitled] September 23, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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are you ready to rumble it's time for friday night's big picture rubble where i sit down with three experts will tickle commentators to debate the week's top stories on our panel tonight matthew boyle reporter of the daily caller at the sermon conservative strategist and associate was going solutions' currently blogging at their ceremony dot com and joe madison host of the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio which airs a weekday mornings on channel one twenty eight so ready to rumble skate into it
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again for the third republican debate in a row it's not the candidates on stage it's what the audience did that really caught my attention here we had an openly gay soldier putting his life on the line in iraq talking to rick santorum will play the clip of you how the audience responded this thank you very much ok a lot of controversy on line it comes from the stephen hill who was a soldier serving in iraq. in two thousand and two when i was deployed to iraq said oh i thought it was because of the soldier they didn't want to lose my job later question is under what are your presidencies do you intend to serve in the congress for me for the lesbian soldiers in the military. yeah. i would say any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military in the fact that they're meat and there's the audience booing and rick santorum confusing sexual identity was sexual act to have any. we have now seen these audiences in these
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serial republican debates applaud the deaths of two hundred thirty four people who are secure in texas. shout that went to sick americans without health insurance and should be left to die let him die and who was soldiers put his life it was defend this nation i thought the republican primary might be a race to the bottom one with or with asians but it's looking to me like it's the audience is the bigotry and fear that have infected america since the days of the k.k.k. alive and well and showing up at the republican party. absolutely not and by the way. rick santorum actually came out today i don't know if you saw this he came out on fox today and said that he didn't hear the booing that's why he didn't announce it on the stage. and that he day he does that now it's it now. and. you know i actually think that if you're going to hold rick santorum to that standard and that if he should come out and denounce somebody saying this some audience reaction like this one who broke obama at the same standard barack obama
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has yet to denounce and invited speaker that he brought to his labor day rally jimmy hoffa jr who incited a call to violence let's take these as so b.'s out at the. edge of this we have the ballot box but still it's virtually always rhetoric he said we've had all the rhetoric yet but you know why it's a little sore it's sort of sarah palin when she used her target map i mean the point is that it's victory all the credit and it should be acceptable anywhere but the point is that if you can hold rick santorum to that standard i certainly hope you hold barack obama the same standard. yeah because i mean i think it's right rick santorum to denounce it i think he did and he will i think what's been asked of him though is to apologize to all americans a little bit too much and i think you know when you're up there on a day i know when you're up there on the days and your ad you're asked to address a question and also be aware but spying on the audience it's. it's also too much
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and i will say with this in the audience you know i think that you know that kind of reaction it's any question i would have democratic or republican i mean i think that the audience should be told to restrain themselves i do i don't i don't believe i look inside a little world rick santorum or i believe you heard it and i believe the other eight heard it too some not going to put it on just rick santorum i think that all of them someone else should have if not one maybe all of them should have said i mean here is a man who is serving he's risking his life or just what we're doing in this country and that's a democracy and as far as barack obama and jimmy hoffa you're absolutely right what they did on television was dreadful they actually clip out jimmy hoffa's saying the ballot box and i've been in politics i was not talking to you well it was certainly i taught is you know the ballot box you know i get is. he i heart of violence he
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called me he asked his people are still using me i was asked to be here oh you know what did i interrupt you both as a joke from here please don't interrupt me now having said that. the clit is were we all talk about taking fish and out at the ballot box it was not about physical violence it was about politics he's too young to remember the fact that people talk about taking folks out politically all of the time but the bottom line is not one of these folks asked you a quick answer to a question your question wasn't about rick santorum and whether he should or should not have apologized or heard your question was about what's happening with our audience the people in the audiences who are cheering when two hundred folks
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announced the death penalty's people in the audience who talk about letting him die that's what your question was about and i think we should be concerned about that whether it's a democratic audience or republican oil let me take it to the tune through another step here and that is the republicans saying you for letting me finish without actually. sorry about that i'd probably jesus that i do want to say that i don't think anybody out here or anybody on that stage is condoning that response there's not a single one else i think that's the poll did today you know here it should be can down by everyone want to stay for sure did rick santorum and huntsman huntsman actually you know as i sit here and i'm so let me follow as well as well i think republicans also really against government regulations the stuff that makes the air we breathe safe you know for example the e.p.a. this is herman cain last night talking about the. thank you bob of course to eliminate a department i would start with the e.p.a. and start with.
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the merits but the e.p.a. has gone like. the fact a regulation that goes into effect. january first two thousand and two ways to regulate. says they've gone to. speaking as the son of a man who died because he was exposed to dust containing asbestos in a steel mill when my mother was pregnant with me and my dad had to drop out of college and get a job i'm really horrified that anybody is going to say how dare the e.p.a. keep our air clean i'm just astounded by the time when he was saying and you guys actually selectively added at the clip there he actually if you go on and play the rest of it he actually says we need to scrap what we've got and build a new e.p.a. that's actually effective at. helping public health as well as making sure that
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we're not killing jobs and even hold hold on them when we backed out the small business administration of the obama administration two sides of the administration arguing the small bits of ministration has been sending out reports after report to the e.p.a. and to the o.m.b. about all the here adulations about how they're going to kill jobs so what herman cain if he played a small corner it would show that he was saying that he wanted to get rid of what's there now and rebuild it in such a way as it's advantage in ok he counted big and so one he said i want to scrap the whole. then he came back and said well no what i really want to do is necessary for him those are more in his words but. i mean i'm my father we're doing ministry and it was the big game. herman cain also knows as the former c.e.o. of godfather's pizza he better be happy we lucky that we've got an e.p.a.
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that checks food in the safety of it because if you left private business most of us probably would be poisoned there's a reason and i mean i think we can all admit that you know all these government agencies are birth and contentions you know i mean the jungle you know we had. food inspections because of the jungle jungle and i think that's. probably the various parts of. the challenge is keeping these government agencies from becoming too big too where they control too much and that's why you know maybe i wouldn't support wholly what herman cain said but the gist of it i do support that a lot of these can be controlled built it's not going to come in. i just find. great with the applause lines you know and he knows how to get the crowd. up in
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a. family and he worked his way up through the. yeah. ok. what is this test now the reality is that you know is that herman cain is good with that line the one line is he's going nowhere in this whole present republican place he's. there for the entertainment value he can't he can't even get out a single digits i think some of these candidates know they're not going to make it this time. around how it's like ingrates however you make some good points that kind of keep the other candidates in check well and they're all in the end all of the marginal candidates i think play that role in both the democratic and republican debates and a good one but why would it's a waste of our time when i really want to listen to the candidates who are going to be out there who are real who are we know will span the chance of you know we have such quite honestly you know thirteen months is going to roll around here real
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quick we don't have time to fool around with barbara that standard it's a very serious question but we need to move on this for you to rush their thing and make a maybe a very formidable force. now. speaking of the morality you know of the e.p.a. as it were you know what what's the role of government all these things the same people who don't trust the the e.p.a. to keep the air clean do trust the government put people to death troy davis was put to death a couple of days ago and all those appeals were denied former president and governor of georgia jimmy carter so if one of our fellow citizens could be executed was so much doubt surroundings killed in the death penalty system in our country it's unjust and outdated. isn't jimmy carter right isn't it time for us to join the of the civilized nations in the world and say enough already. i don't think it's time for us to throw out the death penalty necessarily i think you could question whether or not you know the requirements for putting someone to death are strict
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enough because this was a very interesting case and circumstantial evidence however the supreme court did not intervene it why didn't they you know you have it's a very balanced court you have several liberal justices who could have come in and said you know we were going to take this cause up and i didn't know why and i would actually agree with that where is sonia sotomayor where is alina kagan on this i mean these are the champions of the left and if it was really an unconstitutional issue that they should be out championing championing this for a this but the other side of the coin here is that yes i do think that best standards of life prosecutors need to find and prove to be able to put somebody to death and the death penalty should probably get titan's and clarified zein i think people should also understand that it actually costs more to put a person to death and keep them in prison the rest of their life without parole
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most people have forgotten california right now is in the process of trying to get a referendum because they simply can't afford the death penalty they've got to build a brand new prison and it's not cost millions and millions of dollars the reality is it's just not cost effective to whenever there's going to be the state putting people to death you're always going to have a choice since you can count on it you know along very proud a degree do you know that he was not the troy davis. watch he was he was in texas at the execution of all rights of prince. who who who killed byrd because his position is very clear that you can if you're going to be opposed to the death penalty it's got to be for all
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death penalty and i'm really proud big for doing that. i'm wondering if this is this is a turning point for us in the united states with regard to the death model i'm honest opinion is i just i don't think so i really don't think so at this point in time you know because executions went up i think the next day one thing we might be able to agree on you know the next day it's a turning so it is you know in a minute a half year before before we had our quick for a question government shutdown just i want to get this in here. the house and senate are fighting about this it looks like a high wire act harry reid staring down john boehner any thoughts on who's going to win this thing isn't it interesting now that the house has legislation that they sent over to harry reid and harry reid is blocking it i mean this is really an area read sort of budget to the size of the house and there norah. well it's both what can happen if you shut down now it's not going to shut down it has it's going to be a race that finished we have a divided congress these things happen with a divided congress and the people either say we can't take it anymore or they say
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ok this is fun to watch this is the answer to. this on the words and if i were baby watch my back i think eric cantor. would. back but that's really what this is leading to he's been or it seems to me is in a position where if he goes with the tea party he's going to have to shut down the government because the senate are going to change and if he breaks the tea party and bring some democrats in then he's ended his speakership and cantor wins well i mean we've had we've seen this happen this fight happened a few times now and it always ends up working out with. it always ends up working out with a compromise you know his plea in a divided divided government is good for the country because it forces us to talk about the issues instead of passing them in a back room like nancy pelosi did with. our question you know conservative audiences cheer death circus and homophobia to republican debates so the question
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is what kind of stuff are they going to cheer on their own free time or maybe in the next debate who knows nature's brutality. i think or will it be blips exploding. i think or apocalyptic global warming disasters. yes. i. think you know what is a good to be. or something else is going to it's either going to be a or b. if you can see doesn't exist so ok that's what the guy that's what i'll go with.
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gee i'm going to go with something in sports going to play safe here that's going to be some good team winning yes. and no. back or breaking his neck. and i think it was i mean if you sit there and. die i mean what's a linebacker worth if that's what that's why that's where mine comes for all to consider is watch sports so we're going to be sharing well and everybody knows about the cute little icon and. i'm so that. that's what. they. would have you live there you go there joe great to see you all. coming up for the new forbes hundred four hundred richest americans list tells us about the state of our nation and ideally take i'll tell you how america is transforming into
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something you may have read about in your high school textbooks. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through it may who can you trust no one who is you know view with the global machinery see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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most americans learned about feudalism in high school it's that economic system that plagued million europe for most of the population lived as presence twenty day in and day out just to get enough to survive on the small ruling elite class of landowners and nobles control all the wealth and property and basically were the only ones with any rights and learn about feudalism as though it is a primitive economic system something that's long forgot something that our democracy and free markets rendered obsolete around the world and we embrace what's replaced a population of presence which is our middle class as a sign of human progress or at least we pretend to the truth is in case you missed
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those history lessons about feudalism and school you're in luck because you can learn everything you need to know about feudalism today by just looking out the window by looking at the current united states of america a nation that over the last thirty years has traded in its democratic middle class free feudal peasantry this week forbes released their list of the top four hundred richest americans a list chock full of billionaires from bill gates to warren buffett to the koch brothers in fact to even make the list you had to be a billionaire. and these four hundred billionaires who own more wealth than one hundred fifty million other americans combined saw their enormous fortunes grow twelve percent since last year to a mind boggling combined total of one and a half trillion dollars to put that in perspective in one thousand nine hundred two before all the reagan tax cuts for the super rich went into effect and forbes first
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published its top four hundred the combined wealth of that list of all the people on that list was ninety one billion dollars again today it's one and a half trillion dollars that's a sixteen hundred percent increase in fewer than thirty years so while the wealth of these corporate c.e.o.'s and oil barons and all the guards frankly are what we would have called nobles and feudal europe have seen astronomical increases in their wealth what has the middle class seen in these thirty years squat to begin with wealth doesn't even apply to the middle class largely because outside of their homes which are increasingly being foreclosed on the average working american doesn't have a cumulative wealth like the c.e.o. class does so when we look at the middle class we have to look at their incomes how much money there are between one nine hundred seventy nine and two thousand and five middle class families saw their incomes increase
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a measly twenty one percent not all the time so the four hundred richest americans saw a sixteen hundred percent increase in wealth or the average middle class americans saw a twenty one percent increase in their incomes someone's getting a raw deal and since reagan rose to power ninety percent of all the new wealth created in america went to just the top one percent of americans. since one nine hundred eighty we've seen the largest transfer of wealth from working people to the richest of the rich that's ever taken place in the history of this nation or of any other nation in the modern history of the world for that matter as a result forty six million americans are in poverty the largest number ever recorded in the history of this nation thirty seven percent of young families people under thirty the future leaders of our nation are living in poverty and give the largest number ever recorded in the history of this nation and fifteen point seven million children roughly one in four children live in poverty in the united states and supposedly richest nation on the planet more than forty million
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americans depend on food stamps more than fifty million americans don't have health insurance the middle class has morphed into the working poor people who work three jobs just to survive people who we used to call the presence in a futile economy but now call the working poor in our neo feudal economy so how did this happen. i break it all down in my book an equal protection the long story goes back to eight hundred eighty six when corporations were given personhood by a rogue supreme court reporter in the case of so the pacific railroad versus county but more recently it's what these corporations have done with their personhood in terms of buying off politicians in the last thirty years that accounts for the destruction of the middle class and the rise of neo feudalism in america after all billionaire feudal lords see the middle class as a threat is a force that will become politically active and demand their share of the pie thus
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it needs to be destroyed or at least badly hobbled it started in one thousand nine hundred two and reagan stop enforcing the sherman antitrust act which triggered a mergers and acquisitions frenzy of corporations consuming other corporations and growing so big that their combined wealth outweighs most other nations in the world but massive transnational corporations dominate the market they can and did eliminate their small business competition that drives prices up meaning middle class americans go broke having to pay more for essential is like energy and health care and then came the tax breaks the income tax rates corporate tax rates and capital gains tax rates taxes paid mostly by wealthy people have plummeted payroll taxes and taxes paid by mostly working people have increased only adding to the increasing wealth inequality today the wealthiest americans pay the lowest amount of taxes that they've paid in fifty years and as a recent analysis by the tax policy center found a quarter of all millionaires and billionaires in america now pay
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a lower effective tax rate than the average forty five thousand dollar a year worker. our nation has the largest wealth inequality in the developed world and the largest ever recorded since right before the republican great depression and as a result of that explosion of wealth inequality like back in the one nine hundred thirty s. right now we are in a crisis as one of the preeminent scholars on the feudal history of europe mark block who wrote the seminal book feudal society tells us the transition from a free society to a feudal society is marked by two simple elements they are the rapid accumulation of power and wealth into the hands of the few which we've clearly seen in the last thirty years along with a reduction in the power and responsibility of government as we've also seen we're in the final stages now where the rich and powerful have seized control of our government are starving it through the politicians they have bought out his ratings that starve the beast and the primary way they starve it is by letting themselves
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off the hook from paying taxes as mark block noted in feudal society nobles need not pay taxes or is the loreena helmsley so only the little people pay taxes and the second way they do this is by using the corporate form to amass great and multi-generational amounts of wealth that are beyond the reach of government but there are ways to reverse the slide into feudalism before it's too late as i discussed in an equal protection it starts with ending corporate personhood by saying once and for all corporations are not people and money is not speech sorry mitt romney and money is not speech sorry chief justice john roberts. you can find out how to do that by going to move to amend or only when we wrestle back control of our democracy from the millionaires and billionaires who today are actively bringing feudalism to america can we set this nation on the right course again a course that ns neo feudalism once and for all and breathes new life into the
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greatest economic creation in the history of the world the american middle class let's leave feudalism where it should be in our school texts textbooks that's the big picture for today for more information on the stories we've covered visit our website for tarpon dot com free speech or at our team doctor also check out our two you tube channel for links to tom hartman dot com this entire show is also available for you video podcast on i tunes and we have free time hardly i phone i pad app is the app store because of this feedback and twitter account others who are our facebook account underscore her been on our blogs message boards telephone common law that's on our radar and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there and get active tag your it. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions
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