tv [untitled] September 24, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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we both wanted video for your media project a free meal gogarty dot com. about your with our team here's a look at the top stories israelis and palestinians are urged to return to the good negotiating table as the middle east quartet lays down a vicious new goals to ride the momentum of the palestinian statehood bid at the un . dictation stagnation shock new figures reveal one five british youngsters leave school without basic literacy and are struggling to find jobs as a result. russia is ruling party holds its annual conference and speculation mounts over whether this could be the place and the time to announce who will stand for
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the presidency in twenty twelve. and market meltdown as a worst trading week in europe and the us is a crisis of two thousand and eight as fears of a double dip recession grow this by the efforts of the i.m.f. and world bank. corrupt bankers greedy politicians and scapegoats for greece all this in focus reports. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser stacy herbert so talk to me we've got something happening up there on the twitter us their stories to her max you're fragger what well according to the b.b.c.'s paul mason on his tweet he says hash tag details people switch off t.v. because too depressing get news from dot dot dot max kaiser and perez hilton
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also specialist web sites cultural frag there's a cultural thing you know what we enjoy the churches we do some nasty bits good you know we don't take any prisoners i say if i could actually fire you right there in the airport oh mr hurt toure is becoming head and when i get to twenty thousand followers whatever is way twenty thousand followers are going to want to go and cohen let's go back to the street is name is paul mason he's from the b.b.c. and he's saying the greek people don't go to the news they go to max keiser so max kaiser is officially what jon stewart is to the domestic u.s. audience max kaiser it's the global audience because not because we report on the grades that have already blown up we report before they blow up police and famously went to reykjavik a few years after we went there and warned of the icelandic people that that
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country would blow up i want to show another flashback here max we're going to flashback whoa whoa this is not x. prize or from two thousand and seven well i think oh kid was going to realize that the banks are exposed to the owners of billions and trillions of dollars of the bad paper and it's a little bit more than just a liquidity crisis the banks themselves are not. lending to each other in the over nine rate interbank rate is that quite. there's a freezing up a seizure in the credit markets these assets are being forced to the market to market as opposed to more to model what the phone isn't that unusual last time is that they're not holding one hundred cents on the dollar they're holding the zero cents on the dollar so this is a catastrophe this is a controlled demolition of the banking system this is a banking system is nine eleven if you will this is a controlled demolition of the global banking system floor by floor by floor and we're going to see. a salute banking catastrophe and that's my best case scenario
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so max you saw that the global financial system the banking system would come down floor by floor by floor and yet every single month month by month we're told by the i.m.f. the e.u. the e.c.b. the federal reserve the bank of england the paul mason's of the world that it's better now it's all better now including this headline max e.u. competition commissioner joaquín allouni warns that banks may need further bailouts yes once again apparently they took the stress test in july but things have changed since then and because of the debt crisis joaquín says that banks are now more in debt it thing shadow banking system but counts back in two thousand and seven the shadow banking system at around eight hundred nine hundred trillion dollars in derivatives best been falling ever since two thousand and seven and two comedy is off balance sheet losses so banks and investment banks have had to print
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a little more money but they're scared to death of the shadow banking system so they don't circulate that money in terms of lending it out to get the economy started they keep it on their books in case there's another frozen assets like we saw in two thousand and eight remember overnight commercial credit repo market froze and corporations are frightened of this. they want cash on hand how was the shadow banking system doing which is all i pointed out what i said that the banking system around the world would fall floor by floor by floor all florida controlled demolition like building seven during the nine eleven incident because the shadow banking system is has to continue to collapse until it reaches equilibrium but that won't be for another four or five hundred trillion in in fake toxic derivatives so we're talking much more carnage to come central bankers by not admitting this either they're being duplicitous or stupid or both
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and what's on your shirt i've got the go what does it say it says if you buy yes. that's ropes are going to bow out but let's go back to this because here's this guy joaquin almunia he's the e.u.'s competition komisar and he says sadly as the sovereign debt crisis worsens more banks may need to be recapitalized now max why is the software in debt crisis worsening lever hank paulson he put a gun to congress is that is that either you take three quarters of a trillion dollars out of wall street's bad debts and put it on the fed's balance sheet we're going to blow this economy up and once we recapitalized banks once again what will happen more austerity measures the sovereign debt crisis will worsen he's advocating is a spiraling we he they're trying to flush us down the global quite late succeeding they've the globe is being flushed down the global toilet and this is what the
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people of arkansas i wal street in new york city don't quite get they think it's something that has to do only on wall street that will see the global dimensions of this like we've been covering on the show for a long long time but that's why we're cultural fragging here in fact you and i are financial and market fragging because i'll give you that urban dictionary definition of fragging by the way to throw a grenade in your. officers bonker and a blitter eight year officer from vietnam war it was known as to assassinate one superior using a grenade usually for convenience or spite and this case is convenient that we fragged them before they get us a friendly fire and it's kind of i have no because friendly fire could be like thirty thousand feet up in the air it's a drone i accidently killed my own side this is you take this grenade and you throw it at the guy across at the superior cross may you intentionally throw it out them oh fragging i mean john locke said back in seventy nine he did me he said when the
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social contract is broken the people must revolt who are they revolting against their own governments whether it's in greece an arm in america america asleep at the switch man you've got to get there's insurrection going so let's look at why we it's important that we fragged here's a headline from greece popping dre oh convenes cabinet to speed cuts for aid this is like high frequency austerity that's right this is what we would have warned about that there's going to be a floor by floor another layer of your economy taken every single time once they pass through one set of measures as they did when we were there in may or june and the whole country was erupting well then they give you another layer i mean public trials that are going to say he's being held hostage by bankers essentially like why doesn't he just tell the people help me save me i'm being held hostage by banking terrorists and then the people feel safe and dry and put them on an island somewhere and hide him from the bankers because he's been co-opted he's been
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corrupted he's no good anymore they need somebody in charge who's going to stand up to the terrorists that have seized greece and are milking it for every penny they possibly can this is been going on for several years now it's quite obvious public trial is simply proving i want to point to another story we're talking about high frequency austerity measures. system handles market data out in six hundred nano seconds this is a new high frequency trading firm and we've talked about high frequency trading how it steps in front of orders from like pension funds and like scoops out all our wealth well that's trading in microseconds this is now trading in nanoseconds this new company burst stream can process a new piece of data in six hundred billion of a second regardless of how much data stock markets are producing right now they're producing six point one million messages per second and they're just filling up much faster they're not adding liquidity they're not making
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a market they're looting they're looting they're stealing they're looting this is a high frequency looting and saying oh we've got to speed up the started measuring the i.m.f. that's another for form of high frequency looting but as like you said in the video i showed at the top of the show people keep on saying it's a liquidity crisis and it's always been in insolvency crisis everything is bankrupt because they have high frequency trading trading more and more debt more and more debt just because they hold onto it for now nanoseconds it doesn't make it go away but it does allow the fluff the cotton candy derivatives economy to grow even faster and bigger and out of control of this place never got a liquor store and the wholesaler arise with a truck full of liquor and they start their shelves a liquor store and then people come and they steal the liquor and then after that some people go their regular customers looking to buy a bottle of liquor it's all gone this is what's going on the banking system the
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federal reserve system throws money at these banks and then the insiders steal the bank they loot the bank using high frequency trading they steal it and then when people go to get money for a loan or something else of useful to do in the productive economy there's no more money left it's all gone they're saying no no we have to do with austerity measures it's just looting so william k. black we've had on this show wrote that the best way to run. bank is to own a bank so a lot of guys got into that business of owning banks so they could rob it but then it came along these high frequency traders who looted those banks. so the best way to rob a bank is actually to loot the guise of robbing the bank with your high frequency trading algorithms it's a living arms race but in the computer algorithm traders who are using these black box trading mechanisms are scooping out billions and billions and impoverishing millions and the policy makers call it making a market but that is clearly not the case they are losing what don't you understand
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the word including is not just gangs on the lawn and stealing from the corner shop if if you were fair you would give them banking licenses and have them around for you but you're not fair you're just condoning one form a looting and condemning a different form of living exactly those guys would do it for a six pack of bottled water apparently right so the cost of living would fall if you gave almost right living riders in london accidents on frequency trading with a loop for a for a lot less money well the article quotes larry tabb making the jump from microseconds to announce seconds will ratchet up the competition who is giving the profits over to these guys with these high frequency trading machines algorithms trade at nanoseconds where do they scoop the profit from before they were making one hundred million dollars a year for every increase in microseconds it now they're trading at a nano second so how much more per nano second are they taking and who are they taking it from max they take it from the action on the exchanges when you look at
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the paper that says oh yesterday there were two billion shares traded on the new york stock exchange every single one of those transactions included a leading procedure using our frequency trading as we've just described it when they say oh the action on the bond market yesterday was twenty trillion on a four x. market or a five four trillion dollars per day in the forex market that's a foreign exchange market. that means that all four petroleum dollars per day action on that market there is each and every one of those transactions includes a bit that goes to a looter visibly high frequency trading and finally max regarding this high frequency trading now having broken the sound barrier having broken now the speed of light twenty two percent of americans want god's invisible hand to guide the economy so according to a baylor university study forty point nine percent of americans believe that god has a plan for me now and me but. the study also found from these people also tend to
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earn less money and have less education god has a plan for most americans to work on a plantation picking cotton and playing video games for companies like zynga that's god's plan for you well i think it's a sign of the financial propaganda the likes that paul mason is unwittingly is missing too that they operate on behalf of those guys like lloyd blankfein they push lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs his message out saying that bankers are doing god's work they see we can we can go faster than the limits of god the speed of light the speed of sound we can go faster well the markets ultimately will smite the high frequency traders in the form of a global insurrection against banker occupation get your gear teen sharp and hard global financial apocalypse phantasmagorical stacy herbert thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you rex don't go away what are coming our way so stay
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right there. elizabeth ignorami welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to go to london and speak with ned naylor leeland asset management ned welcome back to the kaiser report from nice nice to be here at all boy we've invited you back on their cars the reports of talk about the latest in the j.p. morgan silver manipulation lawsuit and scandal tell us about the latest developments well look i think it's a really interesting story nice i think is probably worth just reminding ourselves
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the time line of this of course we had the last twenty ten we had to see f.t.c. hearing into silver militarization and as you well know neither the regulator nor the accused have come up with anything in in that timeframe which is pretty spectacular stuff in and of itself but further to that last year i think it was september of last year almost exactly a year ago there was a class action lawsuit that was. naming j.p. morgan h.s.b.c. as the accused but there wasn't much detail in that document or if you had a look at it they won't necessarily overly sort of impressed with the document but was obviously is that in the year that has passed it's then obviously these cost action noise in new york and working very hard on the detail and trying to flesh out the lawsuit and find out exactly how the manipulation works and begin to all the detail of it and then obviously on the fourteenth of this month the first we
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heard was it was bloomberg put out some. news piece saying that his p.c. is being dropped from the lawsuit and i think that caught people's attention they said really is this this lawsuit change has been amended and then the lawsuit became available and people have a look at it and it's very clear there's a lot of very interesting detail in there which of course is being something which those people who haven't necessarily being long of the so when it lay sions story have complained about you know where's the detail where's the way that the fair and it appears that it's within this document let's start some of the details talk to me about spoof trades twenty five spoof trades listed in the. saxo bank tell us about this dispute craze or actually not the same as what your friends which is a fake trades that the saxo bank are part of the stories i read it is that that platform is the place from which the people affecting the supposed
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manipulation they are using this platform now normally when you when you look at silver trading platform and the platforms the collateral least most of the time people look at collated pricing platforms this is that about platform was not a collating platform so the vast majority of people operating in a market wouldn't have seen these trades go through the system that if you look rating the saxo bank last j.p. morgan slashdot your bank platform who would have seen these fake trades now would it the way i read it is as follows. you know you can imagine that maybe once in a very blue moon a fake trade might be input into into the trading system and you know yourself how likely that would be is pretty unlikely now what i would say is the the probability of this taking place repeatedly you know twenty five times or more the probability of that taking place on a regular basis and leading to the exact same price movement afterwards is pretty slim to me that seems. quite incriminating
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a very large pot. there are terms straight here because you're making a distinction between fake trading spoof trading and let me bring in another another one here quote stuffing it sounds like quote stuffing and spoof trading you're making an equivalency there but in other words and we know this from the flash crash incidence on the various exchanges what they find out is that computers will flash a price that they're willing to do a transaction that only so long as it creates an uptick or downtick and then they remove that water they never put up any money and therefore just manipulating the price without actually putting up any money so this would be quote stuff and so it's also them spoof trading spoof trading increased often would be similar fate trade the fake orders this is a different thing altogether but yes proofing effectively is where you you could have very large. trade up with no intention of having it filled this is the form of
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bullying of the loam so you stick on the screen what looks like a very large trade which will front the longs out of their position but with the intention of never actually having them filled so yes in a way very similar to what stuffing is you as you relate to the great trade is more like. if a trade part of the story was within the rules you don't see you know really one does need to actually read this document to sort of follow the trail through but that's actually more like a just a signal of information it's just a signal of this is where. the market will be going with this is where we'll be putting our bids to over the next. twelve to twenty four hours is the level at which the freight trade was not so it was like a little thing a little email within that platform but not available to all the people so that people could see it and go off so that's where we're trading so on the stacks system which is available to insiders they're posting fake bids and offers as a way to telegraph where they plan to manipulate prices in the near future this
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gives traders on the inside a way to front run the. strays and profit from that insider information and again it's not about price that's the accusation absolutely zero and as to cause the. you know all human old old people who've looked into this subject over a long time very bright and now i was talking in the first half the show about a new company that's very proud that they've introduced ways to trade on the exchanges and nanoseconds a quantum leap more faster than microseconds and they claim that they're quote unquote adding liquidity but isn't it in fact they're just speeding up the rate at which they're alluding of course and i can tell you for myself for operating within you know wealth management the deal is who do what i would call really investing. in not running h.s.t. programs who operate in the gulf who people are making reinvest is for real clones you know they're just terrified because the volume in the real knock is just dropped off completely. and the slack is just only being taken off by these by
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these a shift is the fact that they're now able to. you know. break the speed of light or whatever it is that is that is just a frightening development in my opinion i really find it amazing that there hasn't been any action on paul regulates but i suppose in light of the i was in we're discussing maybe it isn't surprising all right let me go back here for a second because you used a phrase what i want i want to talk about it you use a phrase dark pool or now dark paul you can also include in that phrase ya logy the shadow banking system something way talked about the first half of the show the shadow banking system and this is not in debate even gordon brown former prime minister refer to the shadow banking system as a problem within the banking system this is where their trainers and bankers are parked hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of toxic securities over the past three to four years the shadow banking system has been crumbling and as
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a result the policymakers have been flooding the system was cash but not at a rate commensurate with the rate at which the shadow banking system is collapsing so this crisis continues you've got this deflation or risk balance recession going on because of the collapse that's really invisible because it's happening in the shadow banking system or in the dark pools as you put it is or what at what point do the dark pools of the shadow banking system collapsed down to a level where we've got some equilibrium how many more trillions of toxic debts need to evaporate before we have any traction at all in this global economy and ensure the also but what i would say is i think that a lot of this. is problem plays into the overall than an economy can take whether it be shadow or public as for the shadow banking system one thing we do
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know is we don't know because it's too special purpose vehicles off punish the eccentric and you and i are. unlikely to find this out i'm afraid until after the event but one thing i do keep an eye on personally for these interesting see the guys who are more likely to know about some of the top level politicians here in the u.k. and i've noticed the. finance whether it's the coalition members or the opposition genuinely rattled at the moment in a way which i haven't seen before so that suggests to me that some data relating to shadow banking system which is circulating right guys just doesn't have very very pretty there are some questions on facebook this is from mark betteridge yeah asks what will be the impact on the silver market if j.p. morgan are found guilty of manipulating prices relating to this particular lawsuit and possibly not what you will be expecting and the reason for that is the fact that the with a class action lawsuit it's highly likely that they will settle quickly as i
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believe the evidence is is very strong from my reading of it they'll be geiger's on the people who. are facing take a settlement the way the price can reach higher is by the likes of you and i giving your publicist into this document because in truth you could bear in mind that it's key to the guys who are being accused that is this document doesn't get the oxygen of publicity you know that they will be relying on the idea that they can settle out of court with a gag order so it can be talked about therefore it won't have the price transportations that you and i would hope for which is why i believe it's important to talk about it potentially even maybe ask other guys involved in best of journalism to have a look at this document because this is reached a new stage now where there is. meat on the bones for people to pay cats but of course if if the story starts to go to spread wildly and people start to become very interested then clearly the price action is going to be geometric i just saw
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a reluctance to be too every excited about this lawsuit because of the way it's like it's a rollout the interesting thing. the though that if people become aware on some level that there have been settlements taking place i'm very confident a lot of people who are not part of the existing class action lawsuit who want to come in after this sort of first wave so all of this is going to be one would hope put a story in the front burner on the back burner if it's on the front burner and people are talking about it then you should anticipate short covering the faithful covering would lead to the higher prices so i'm sort of a slightly convoluted also that would be monster so the bottom line is everybody around the world who is sick of being victimized by banking fraud which includes all the biggest too big to fail banks around the world as a moral obligation to buy silver this is one of the rare instances in history where doing the right thing actually can make you rich at the expense of the bad guys so
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this is a unique period and a unique time in history people get really paid well to do the right thing well now they're leyland that's going to do it that's all the time we have but thanks again for being on the kaiser report notice all marks all right that's going to do it for this edition of the khans the report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i want to thank my guests and their neighbor leland of chivian asset management if you want to send me an e-mail please do kaiser report at r.t. t.v. dot are you until next time this is my status and by. the way.
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