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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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it's the palestinian bid for statehood at the u.n. but the celebrations on the west bank are marred by clashes have israeli border losing hope stalled peace talks will resume. education stagnation shop new thinkers revealed on five british youngsters leave school without basic literacy and struggling to find jobs as a result also. russia's ruling party holds its annual convention as speculation mounts whether these could be the place time the time to announce who will stand for the presidency in twenty it's wall. market meltdown it's the worst rated week
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in europe and the u.s. since the crisis of two thousand and eight as fears of a double dip recession grow despite the efforts of obvious and world bank. going to the y. from moscow a marina joshie welcome and you are a dog's in the palestinian quest for statehood after its president submitted a formal request for recognition to the united nations and impassioned speech by mahmoud abbas was greeted with rocky's applause by representatives of the international community while these really delegation chose to walk out in protest art he's more than a fortnight i was watching it for us in new york. palestinians have a fish elise submitted their application for u.n. membership and statehood that application is going to be discussed by the security council on monday when the palestinian president mahmoud abbas walked into the
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general assembly he received a round of applause that lasted for more than a minute that's not something that's often seen lots of delegation stood up and gave him a standing ovation and they did this several times throughout his speech his speech lasted about forty minutes and he addressed the desires of the arab people their desires for independence and for democracy referring to the arab spring and he said the time has come for a palestinian spring a palestinian independence and when he called up his pay for his show we a copy of the official offer kishen he had submitted to the secretary general that's when he received another sending ovation within a half hour or so hours after that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the general assembly he said he was not there to get around to reply as he was there to speak the truth he said the truth is that israel does want peace but israel is not going to compromise its security and he believes that no u.n. resolution can bring about a palestinian state without negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians
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the middle east quartet issued a statement outlining somewhat of a timetable that would bring the israelis and the palestinians back to the negotiation table and continue start up reignite some bilateral talks at this time people works as follows within one month the quartet would like to see both parties to sit down together at the negotiation table by three months both sides need to outline their proposals regarding territory and security quartet representative tony blair said that without russia's support. and help in reaching a consensus this statement could not have been reached a timeline not outlined here's a little. but of but mr blair had to say you've got the international community as a whole saying we understand you've loved the application with the united nations but come a negotiator and he is a specific thing we want you to do within this three month period table the
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comprehensive proposals on borders and security the most new conference i hope will come at a certain point in this process and allow us to review the progress within six months it's very sensible i think to have a conference in moscow russia's played a constructive part in bringing all this together and this week and therefore it makes sense to hold that conference in moscow that the united states has stated several times that it will use its veto power for the house to block the palestinian bid for statehood so clearly a lot of things unfolding all it wants. of ordinary courting their progeny york as mahmoud abbas presented his case of the u.n. enormous crowds a lot of the streets of ramallah and across the palestinian territories to listen but as artie's policy reports what began as a joyous celebration was soon marred by clashes. oh there has been overwhelming support among palestinians for this historic good for statehood at the united nations they have been celebrations for the last few hours here in ramallah as well
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as in the all the major palestinian cities in hebron nablus before him to carmen what those palestinians and i've been talking to by and large say is that they feel that years and decades of struggle have finally borne fruit and this bird at the united nations is that food really for palestinians it's a done deal but certainly tensions are running high on both sides of the borders both the israelis and palestinians all concerned that what we saw today friday is just the beginning of what will come in the next days and months and what we saw today was one palestinian killed in clashes between palestinians and say this they are reports of israelis who have been killed in clashes so all of these kind of reports just pointing to what the israeli army was afraid would happen but at the same time palestinians say that the israeli army has been preparing for this violence and almost in that paper ration it's as if one city and once that violence to happen palestinians are concerned that the israeli army will now crack down
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heavy in terms of security in the race bank make it more difficult for the pallets the palestinians passing through security checkpoints and border controls and also as a form of almost punishment the israeli government will withhold of taxes that it can make some behalf of the palestinian authority one of the questions that people here are asking is what is the political implications of all of this for the palestinian president mahmoud abbas now there has been an outpouring of support for him among most palestinians he's never been this popular before but what people say. is that this might be short lived because it is not a done deal in fact a done deal is that the united nations security council will not recognize a palestinian state as the questions being asked about what is the long term future of the palestinian president at the same time it is important to note that hamas has not come onboard with the must prime minister ismail haniya saying that the palestinians new do not need to big the international community full recognition
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and so they are very real concerns about how well the future palestinian state work when you have hamas and palestinians here in the west bank so much in disagreement there is also of course the question of negotiations with palestinians now and does raids say making to sit down within the next a month according to what the court is asking for there all those who do believe that the palestinian president has given in to pressure from both the united states and israel that they should have been a vote that happened and that they float should have happened today. reporting there that even though the bit has left the spirits across the arab world there's still much to be done first among those is to quell any violence according to who is a senior fellow at their ralph bunche. palestinian territory will remain occupied and i don't think that the occupation will come to an end without negotiations with israel i hope that the palestinians will react with serenity and i hope that their
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leaders will explain to them that this is only one more stage in their efforts to obtain liberation from occupation so it really depends on how the leadership handles it they have to build a case that they are in fact ready and mature to take on the responsibilities of respecting their neighbors and ensuring that there are no attacks from their territory. as a few nations prepared to resume negotiations all efforts must be made to prevent their slide to the old fruitless peace talks according to palestinian pete docter missed opportunity he says that only saw an expansion of israeli settlements on occupied land. we cannot stay within that and some of the useless negotiations for over twenty years have been lost without any progress because of israeli policy and
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because over there is up to the action for peace even president obama himself a year ago in the same united nations said that by two thousand and eleven palestine from become a full member of the united states we are already in two thousand and eleven and none of that has happened i mean why why you can push issues what happened in israel was an accident ok point that is preposterous piece by piece by then there would be nothing left to negotiate about israel has created a situation like the two sides are negotiating over a piece of cheese one side the palestinians are just talking about and there israeli side is eating a piece of cheese at the end of the as i said nothing would be left so we cannot accept to steer to steer clear of the full completion and apartheid system and we will not accept understands and giggles as a substitute realistic but in reality this is not our fight about the good condition of the state of man it's about whether we have
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a real sovereign state that can be viable contiguous and part of world peace or do we would be imprisoned like this or frontals drowns under israeli here's your money and control. so to come on the program here in r.t.e. splashing out on dinner. hillary clinton took billions because i love her but obama now about a year ago sure i did a lot of money. r.t. asked people on the streets of new york how much they would spend to dine out with obama. and could this be the solution for exhausted air travelers a russian company unveils the sleek box peaceful so far from the airport a small bustle. levels of literacy in developed countries is something that's often taken for granted but a recent survey in the u.k. has revealed an alarming number of school leavers lack even basic skills in reading and numeracy it points to
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a bleak future for young people there together with the rising youth unemployment rate at these lore and it's trying to trace the roots of the problem. reading writing and arithmetic the cornerstones of basic education but one in five young people in the u.k. leave school without them and that hasn't improved since the one nine hundred sixty s. teachers sally and roger picks up the pieces schools have dropped teaching sixteen to nineteen year olds wholly unprepared for the job market is purely down to the individual themselves. interlinked with their upbringing how the family raises them so sometimes it could be a case of personally. they want to assure that no i'm not smart i'm not study type of person i just can't get along with people and that is actually the problem is all so lean teaches small classes of school leavers who realize they can't get a job with their level of writing and math these students are managing to stay the
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course despite a thirty percent dropout rate and a poor school record i missed out a lot in here ten so in year eleven i didn't really get a chance to revise much and get the much help can often call the destructor like i was a law student in china actually destructive only able to complete my english and math was just. kind of messed up the girls both want jobs in retail they're in the right place and they're not alone in their lack of literacy newman's one of the most deprived boroughs in the u.k. where more than two thirds of children live in low income families it's also now home to the stadium and that we simply opened westfield stratford city which is europe's not just shopping center westfield wanted to hire five thousand local
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people almost half of them from the ranks of the long term unemployed candidates managed to say were enthusiastic but it was soon disk. it's that more than three hundred of them couldn't read all right enough to fill out a basic form westfield is giving remedial classes to its new recruits in the hopes their enthusiasm will carry them through but their comrades survey shows companies all over the city feel the education system brought up to university is letting them down if fifty eight percent of london business leaders felt that too often graduates in london lack basic literacy and numeracy skills this is we're talking about people who spent three or four years in higher education so that so that means that it is a very very damning indictment of the education system at large and it leaves one wondering water water all those ugandans university of arc meanwhile the number of unemployed eighteen to twenty four year old keeps on rising the latest figures show
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nearly eight hundred thousand to now out of work but if businesses can't count on them to be able to add up and read instructions there are likely to want to risk hiring them you are at it r.t. london to get more on this or any other story that we currently hear in our network you can always log on to our website arts and dot com here's a quick look at what's available for you there right now more respect less indifference caves crusaders bid to improve communities in russia's northern towel was the come a superhero in st petersburg and also online. i see myself as an underground star. thank you thank you. i turned to using three year was britney spears as a pop princess gear that for her show in moscow. the
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markets both in newark and the u.s. have seen their. worst week since the financial crisis of two thousand and eight i think three years of a double dip recession massive losses came despite everything words from the world bank and the international monetary fund it has of the lending institutions gathered for their annual meeting in washington to discuss ways to deal with the european debt crisis and the slowdown of global economic growth but there is no good way out of the crisis now i promise is world wide are dominated by greedy bankers that's according to you all craig roberts columnist and former undersecretary of the treasury under ronald reagan the trouble. makers in your own station in europe or in the hands of the bankers and so the bankers who don't want to lose one euro or wonder. where using the euro and united states to bail themselves out and they're being bailed out regardless.
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as to the general public and the various countries or we call to the national economies of the various countries you mention the basic problem so as long as all shoemakers it focused on bailing out the banks. the rest of the economy will suffer and continue to worsen it's not up to the i.m.f. or whether greece defaults we have to be very careful that i am help doesn't become the governor of these countries and the best solution for grace would be to default . if they default it means their laws have to be restructured to what they can pay and the banks then have to write down the losses and the losses in danger of the banks then the europeans simply by turn its attention to what it takes to save the banks what is lost is the european central bank and the g twenty and the i.m.f.
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and the federal reserve in the united states of focus on saving the banks at all cost no sensible outcome is possible. it here live on his desk take an in-depth look at the role of russia and other emerging economies in the current volatile global situation i'll watch on the money at eight thirty g.m.t. but here's a quick preview. our other countries emerging markets going to be looking at this volatility because in some ways some ways there are some real cherry picks out there i mean like. i'm thinking of these kind of things and if you've got the cash give emerging markets like russia second third look no go to the moment at the moment that's being driven as far as i can see by terror. and europe and major european banks going through the wall people doing what there was to them in their fight to the things that they think in the safest teeters in the states called the irony of this is that the emerging markets are sort of heavily if you look at the
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fundamentals they're in a lot more sort of position really this is a crisis of the west's not a global crisis. as financial stocks in the u.s. remains shaky it emerges that a fund raising dinner for a rock obama costs mouthwatering there in two thousand dollars per head harvest asks people on the streets of new york how much they'd spend to dine out where the u.s. president. president obama held a dinner that individuals could attend for just over thirty five thousand dollars how much money would you spend to have dinner with a world leader this week let's talk about how much would you spend zero by. how to the job he's doing. forty. i think during those twenty back
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by ten bucks. hillary clinton or billions because i love her but obama now obama a year ago sure a lot of money now actually if you put five thousand dollars on taking that money feed all the homeless or you would i would be good like a one thousand. because that's what i could afford is there anyone you would spend more that dinner with. maybe michelle cheney i would love to spend money to talk to him actually get the truth of what happened for those a years but again you won't get any truth to that with some kind of input and who. really do something for mankind and you know i think politicians do that i don't think they're doing that too much thing it would of. course and what would it be thirty five thousand dollars. or useful spend for
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a campaign funds for. ok here and yeah. definitely how much would you spend so have dinner with the pope and spend thirty five posing for the pope as long as you give it to charity do you think it would guarantee us didn't happen well yeah yeah i think he's got a good call with god yes i think politics and government has reached such levels of this and it's partly due to all of the money that's involved with it that no i don't think i would spend money on that i don't think that's i'd rather somebody spend thirty five thousand dollars on edge. cation or some direct way of actually helping people instead of just getting in with the lobbyists no matter how much money you spend to have dinner with a world leader let's just hope that at the end of it they'd pick up the check. russian politics is coming to life ahead of december's parliamentary elections the
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ruling united russia party had a prime minister was a republican is holding its annual congress around ten thousand participants. looks into what has been the main intrigue of the meeting. let's be called the election season and of course all eyes are on these congress it's the last of the year early conventions of russia's largest party a had of the december for paula mantra election and the upcoming presidential vote in march next year so people are waiting for president vetted and prime minister putin to drop hints about their political future about their presidential plans he not make an outcry declaration a large two sources say that dmitri medvedev will clearly address the congress on a second day today and he's trying to make a twenty minute speech just ahead of the prime minister putin is our long address the big question is woman is very different announce whether he plans to run for a second term sanctions over these question this summer with some analysts claiming
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that a decision between the bed if and putin was reached privately in july there are two main reasons for this convention the first is to outline the party's election program which aired which have led to more putin as its chairman will do in his speech today the second is legal to determine a list of united russia candidates for pollens and accordance with russian daily is based preliminarily a subtle read have been leaked to the press with poll six hundred names see all the talk to candidates already determined and according to the daily those two are being saved for me and if that is true that means that whoever tops the list will be excelling indicator all who will run for president since voters aren't just electing the party they're voting for it's that however there are those who claim that the question of election will simply be avoided at the convention and one identified prominent official was quoted as saying that the announcement could wait
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until the end of the year as it was in two thousand and seven since both members of the times i'm interested in keeping up the sponsor as long as possible but one thing bush sure whether or not the presidential plans are aired today there will be some interesting talk in the corridors. that's there now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world india and sri lanka have finished their biggest joint bail exercises in the indian ocean vessel the first multi-role frigate with stealth features built in india drew most attention during the event the maneuvers which started on monday also involved indian helicopters and other aircraft to navies more closely in two thousand and eight and lancaster needed a separatist on the tigris. as well and present to travis his return from cuba after completing a final round of chemotherapy there he said it was successful as tests have shown no signs of any recurrence and he was ready to stand in next year's presidential
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election chalis underwent surgery on the island in june to remove a cancer tumor and five subsequent rounds of. the series of explosions in baghdad has left at least five dead police said five bombs were planted early on friday around houses in a residential area in the west of the capital twelve people including three children were also heard bombings and other attacks occurred daily across iraq while u.s. troops prepare to leave by the end of the year. thousands of students have clashed with police in the chilean capital sunday algo demanding education reforms security forces used water cannon after a group of students filed chairs and benches as barricades the protests came after government to give the students broke down demonstrations. riding on us. now if you are on the go and need a quick nap and you russian designed by just half
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a solution it's called the sleep box the hotels to help exhausted avengers catch forty winks are tested out. what can be cuter than a sleeping baby a baby in comfort and airports and really are not the best place for it. now two young russian architects have decided to change that with this silly box soundproof and air conditioned it's a mobile hotel room for a quick rest and the demand for them is already booming because of the requests for me from all over the world even if you don't do europe to. the nearest culture still it will get you spinning similar concept capsule hotels were invented in japan some thirty years ago but never became popular elsewhere and this neatly designed confort will cost you about john dollars per hour of deserved rest hutto business experts say see boxes the big gold mine
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the need for transit passengers all foreign students even it's a great idea taking into consideration always unpredictable transport collapses it cetera they are much higher standard capsule hotels and the only one installed so four is already drawing attention over those traveling through moscow while the longest flights i've ever been on lasted for twenty three hours or two stops i don't think there's a need to explain how desperate i was for a power nap just a couple moments to while something for the rest my eyes right now i'm going to check out the like to sleep in one of these just acknowledge. she enjoyed our power nap and we are apt to dave remember that for more on any other story to cover for here and you can log on to our website artsy dot com abi back with more shortly.
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from the philippines crazy told him just turned into a vital new recent nuclear waste becomes a fuel serenely to the environment and energy outposts among its ends of the earth russian scientists. lead the way in making these innovations a reality imagine a future free from fevers and nuclear pocalypse the fisa revolution a comic energy on technology obsolete we've got the future covered.
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in the faraway land. where human life is ruined my nature. of planet earth is scarcely preserved by the clear. inch an animal's life hidden in the deep permafrost. until those who deal with them restored times are still. on the run.


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