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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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russia's a prime minister vladimir putin is to stand as a candidate in next to his presidential election you know what was made of the ruling united russia party is our annual convention to retreat if you had to the party list means i'm ahead of a parliamentary elections in december. a very warm welcome to you this is alex you live from moscow with me. breaking news here about prime minister putin will run for the presidency in the two thousand and twelve russian actions the announcement was made of the ruling united russia party
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annual convention more of this let's get the details here for a start or course home and office and he said no way one of the conference right here in moscow and he said good to see you a traumatic announcement to tell us more about what is being said today and a very dramatic turn here when the two. officials first came out together i might add to this convention. spoke first and he was hinting that today wasn't going to be the day where we would discover who might run for president in twenty he said yes between the president we have decided how this will all take place but there's a time for this and it seemed like today wasn't going to be the day that very much not the case went a little bit after that he talked about the president's visit leaving the party let's first listen to how this all played out when this united russia convention found out who will be running for president and wants to talk. to each of them given the proposal to have the only. true list of the party united russia and to do
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some party work on condition of good performance in the parliamentary elections and my readiness for practical work and government i believe it would be right for the congress to support the candidacy of latham you're paid to not a new president. so obviously our president made about not official has accepted this proposal to lead russia's ruling party united russia and prime minister vladimir putin when he went up to speak after that huge announcement i think it's fair to say talks about how to defend a tradition i should say has really been formed here in russia in its modern politics that the incumbent president kennedy had thought. as was the. tradition has been formed in recent years in our country it says that the incumbent president has the alex or a list of the party united russia i believe we should not break this tradition and
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i propose that presidents be treated today of should have the least of a policy in the upcoming elections. it should be said that a lot of experts were divided on whether or not today would be the day our partly because this convention is of course meant to lead up and begin the real kickoff of the election season the parliamentary elections will be held on december fourth and that really essentially is the focus prime minister vladimir putin now i still as the leader of united russia speaking lining up what he believes these deputies and delicate should focus on as we come in into this is the elections but i think it's fair to say that the delegates russians in the world alike is going to be pretty much focused today on this big news that prime minister vladimir putin will in fact run for president and try to trust in the news of many people who are waiting all around the world to hear for quite some time now we're having a party exclusively on our you need to know it thank you very much. kosovo two
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eighteen pabst who is a professor of the politics rather at the university of kent joining us live by the phone now thank you for joining us today so the big announcement today and any surprise for you here. well i don't think the price. of a presidential election. politics that's really the big surprise i think since july there were the sense. that people are fighting for the presidency. something. meant. to. intrude into our. certainly a broad range of issues are being covered by both of you. and here putin saying that over the past few years and the next few years growth has been seen and growth
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will continue in russia whether it's g.d.p. growth he also said that the rich must pay higher taxes shouldn't be levied on the working class also talking about new laws affecting businesses to be discussed with entrepreneurs in fact also saying that a third of new businesses will receive government assistance in the coming years to grow and mature an optimistic outlook do you think for the future of russia whether it comes to the economy also the social sector. well i think it's clearly a shift in strategy compared with what the person with the defense tried to implement the last four years try to strengthen the private sector to strengthen into legal institutions a civil society talking about for instance social organizations providing wealth i think that in the future we can sit here and when he is elected. it's sometimes rupert's you more state. to state the center of economic and social
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development i think that's going to be the big difference with a lot. less or less just one issue here certainly i wasn't sure what will be keeping a close eye and ear to the ground on today's developments let's talk about the future of foreign policy here we know that for example the ongoing european missile defense shield has been a bone of contention between a washington here and moscow the bushehr of ministration saying they want to put missiles in western europe to deflect the threat of rogue states like north korea and iran do you think we could see perhaps a change or a shift in a russian of russia's up foreign policy strategy. i don't expect any major shift i think there might be a slight change of tone i think president clinton. in the cart. use some rather. strong language titans remember the security conference in two thousand and seven when he announced american. family i think over time.
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probably has changed and he will be more pragmatic perhaps to the point but i don't think on the on the issue there will be any big shift across person which is also deal opposed to. shield that would. look like national security interest i think on that much more to the battle for the economic and social issues. we're certainly seeing a lot of enthusiasm. among the members of the ruling united russia party with us with this announcement and i guess in a candidate for next year's presidential election what do you think the feeling will be on the general streets of russia's position now. i think with the next i think clearly the people. think. it's trending among might actually think. on the other hand i think there will be a public relations that will be disappointed because i think the president
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someone who was. also perhaps a figure of the future. possibly. thinking makes i think the younger generation i think that. a number of. russians. a contract with the outside world who travel a lot in international jobs probably think. more space policy because of course we don't know what sort of policy a future is in my my conduct of the world will have changed so much that. two thousand two thousand and eight. we have to allow for the fact that there might be some. i think. all right adrian have politics the university of kent joining us live on the sign
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thank you very much for your time indeed. right where are you with live from central moscow i'm. covering this breaking news here in r.t. that president dmitri medvedev has decided to push for prime minister putin to run for the presidency for two thousand and twelve both of them taking the helm there addressing the ruling united russia party and a broad range of subjects being discussed they will start first with the current president saying that modernizing and fighting corruption top the list of the government's agenda journalism priorities but you have also saying that united russia is in urgent need of modernization it needs to get rid of quote hangers on and prime minister putin saying that the annual g.d.p. growth must be increased by six to seven percent although he did say it's on a very good uphill move right now saying also thirty five to ten years is the
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deadline for rearming armed forces for the russian federation one point i must say is that regarding prime minister putin who's been really in charge of the economics here for russia for quite some time now when it comes to roads the construction of roads will be doubled in the near future pensions have already raised by about forty five percent salaries reflect one hundred twenty percent growth for two thousand and twelve also saying that when it comes to the issue of health care those who work in the health care industry will notice a thirty percent raise in taxes sorry excuse me in salaries in the next twelve months and also professors and universities will notice an increase in their salaries as well let's let's get some more insight and analysis now and talk to a cross talk host people of health joining me here in the studio and discuss what is the ultimate breaking news here on r.t. with a development president yet there is supporting prime minister putin to run for the presidency of two thousand and twelve peter good to see you thank you for joining us today anybody's any security read wait is over we know not to go in you know and
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i could just reflect on a lot of talk about in western media. we all knew it was going to be put in or made good and you know what if you look in the scheme of things when people called and i'm in a good way in this energy way it is a continuity of the same group of ideas now one of the things i think they had a number of contingency plans ok and they came out on this one in the end and i think the reason is because we live in a very turbulent world right now we have the western financial and banking system in chaos and we have stock markets falling all over the world and russia is caught in the middle of it russia is not part of the problem is actually part of the solution could you were saying earlier that russia has for the most part managed to avoid the majority of the global crisis is sending its economy extremely welcome to the things that really the g. twenty is supposed to be about the g eight i mean this is kind of an interesting phenomenon right now i think it's also continuity russians do very much like him he is genuinely popular this country but so is mr me but i would imagine the mystery bit will become prime minister and he will continue to push his modernization to go
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just as he was saying earlier ultimately saying that working in tandem putin and medvedev has been a success in recent years and will continue to be i think it's the only way it will work right now but there are no other candidates out there let's let's be honest right now russia's democracy is still developing united russia has a lot of development to go i mean just look at those faces there and the messages have to be more nuanced mr putin said that we have to respond to people more and they really need to they need to build parties more here but in the interim they have to strong leaders confidence in these leaders and who continually the course because of course it is actually genuinely pretty good with a lot of nuances that we've heard both gentlemen to say it's nothing perfect but the course has to continue this is a modernization process commitment that is stressed that was missing peter the general reaction among among the members of the ruling united russia party very supportive and then also being made what i hear they they hold their jobs to these men ok let's be honest about it i mean i am not a big for a fan of united russia they need a lot to do a lot more beginning touch with people the way they get in touch with people of these two these two politicians these two leaders now they have to do
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a lot more without recognition on their own is some a group of people that can actually do something. they're not as popular as they go into this apartment free election so ok you say the party have to do a lot more here but what about the future how does the future look i mean i think with russia needs a lot of continuity on my way over here when i heard the news you know my father died at seventy five years old and the great depression happened forty years before that. moment in his life remembering the depression the people in russia they remember the one thousand nine hundred and that's not too long ago and so what people want is continuity they want to have trust in their leadership now we know there's a plethora of problems that have to be dealt with in this country corruption is number one they are making some inroads but they need a whole lot more if this country is to be the way that people say they want to get are going to stay with you for just a moment here on r.t. don't go anywhere please so i'm going to cross back to our visa and he said now who is covering the conference for us here in central moscow and he said thank you for standing by for us so big news today here some are saying it's not
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a surprise or tell us more about what this is. like to see them bring you some of the latest that we're hearing peter talks about how you think the president has made it will go on to become prime minister vladimir putin has pretty much confirmed that this is playing out much more clearly than we expected no one really part of this announcement has come to day and now it looks like we can confirm the president will go on as the incumbent president to lead united. and will run for president and if he is elected president says it will become his prime minister i'm interested in what peter have to say about that we still have people in the studio here at r.t. he said thanks very much for that i do address want to address one issue with you peter you were saying that when it comes to the economic outlook for russia it is looking positive although as you did mention a moment ago the united russia party still has a lot of work to do aside from domestic issues here when it comes to russia let's talk about the foreign policy issue we know we're still dealing with a bush era administration the missile defense shield in western europe has been
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a bone of contention between moscow and washington the respect. based here in moscow and went right for. major news old like saying how his western friendly ok i gets kind of sop for me ok countries have national interest in foreign policy it's ok russia's foreign policy will continue down the path of national interest under under putin under any president bush likely firm a response from putin when it comes to for example the western europeans other thing is that you know we're going to b.b.c. correspondent about public opinion public opinion you know he doesn't care what the west thinks about anything he cares about what the russian people think and he's not going to compromise their national interest so mr medvedev can have i'm sorry mr obama will have tea with him in the grose garden it doesn't make any surmise there are many many russians that say that our position has always been a very proud leader very very proud of his country and the people there but he doesn't speak to western standards or he speaks very much like russians who he's very much connected with him he's
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a bit gross people like that you know people call it a. personality cult will they actually russians want to know that there's someone in charge this is what's very important is we know the strong leader the thing is it's a political culture issue about how people deal with the world you see it in the workplace and russia all the way up to the kremlin ok it's just not there it's part of the culture people trust him look because he's only gone upward under his rule either as prime minister as president and it will be very much welcome back in the presidency now this is what it is saying i mean we still need institution development but let's not just be cheerleaders here right now we need to develop more institutions and more people have to become part of the political process i still think that's part of their trajectory but it's very very slow here it's extremely slow from our party development to having more new card rates i would like to see a new real genuine liberal party come in to intervene because there are there is a constituency there united russia isn't speaking to them they're the party of power it has to go down well. let's address this from a global issue here what parts of the world to the west of to the east was
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a fairly negative who's footing president optimistic about this time i remember when putin was a bill last g eight. last three eight and i think all the politicians they were there clapping and smiling you know patting him on the back saying good bye and a little bit like good riddance i think. because he's going to be back eugen when we go back in is a good partner for me not like i mean i'm not agree with him but he's so so when it goes keep his word but as i said i'm going to say he's been very p.c. of the past three years when it comes to the economy and starting to make him international deals as we've seen you know global economic summits a very not so much of the west but now going for the east east and south of the south well what is china started all this why do you think they want to be overjoyed i mean this is a partner they've had for a long time they trust putin they why couldn't they know what to expect from him because there's a very good bilateral relationship between the two i think that we look at the arab spring also i mean russia because it's criticized it's an additional strain has been remarkably consistent not like you consistency is coming from the west from
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a show that's going to be something that's very important that people need to look to russia as a part of the palestinians for example to russia as a partner that will stand up to their we. in the international community. so we can see a lot more continuity in foreign policy i don't see a major change again you know people like to look at the rhetoric and words and style the way someone ties the knot of their tie i don't look at the substance of it and the substance of the foreign policy and the database had during his presidency is almost identical to the foreign policy of putin so we will see continuity and that's good for the international community because we want to know what we expect from a country i would you said before causing a bit of optimism that we have a please stop by please stay with us here in the aussie studio let's cross now back live to washington and he said he was at the conference i've been following the whole event i mean good to see you again thanks very much indeed for standing by for me listening to people about myself any issues that we might have missed something i want to contribute. i think that that what peter touched some is really what first of all but who cares about what many cares about what the russian people
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care about what they care about is that russia continues to grow and continues to modernize of course putin brought him as president. ten years ago stability and i think experts will agree that what now has to happen in russia is this kind of development this modernization which of course president made media has talked about for the past four years it was a big one for most of his and what we've been hearing for the past hour or so from play senior person is that that's where he wants to take the country further. and he said i would following the conference here in central moscow but certainly breaking news here on our team glad to be bringing it to you i'm going to show you in the studio with the people of. people we've been talking about whether we talk about the economics of the situation. we've agreed that the past few years certainly among many politicians and analysts the tandem relationship between medvedev and putin has for the most part been a positive a positive relationship you said that the united russia party still has work to do in the future these specifics to focus on if you can if you can simplify when
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should they be even more simple than that rory i think that people don't think in terms of a political party of helping you know what is you know a lot of people just don't go and vote and say you know did russia says this but the communist there's and it's not even that sophisticated right now ok this is a party of putin a party of men better which is all nice and fine but we need the party has to come out on its own not just on the coattails of these two politicians ok i'm not trying to pour any cold water here i'm very pleased the decision has finally been made i'm not surprised by the decision however i say never had been made good if i would be saying exactly the same thing because the tandem does work it's expressed in different ways i've been saying this for the entire presidency have been better and i i think i've been proven correct on that point. so he left his fingerprint on russia for many many years now but still i say we all know that back in washington on capitol hill. to be some you know cold warriors as they say they don't have cases are going to have a grip on this what i mean how much john mccain. and i don't care and you know what
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mr putin doesn't care a mystery but it doesn't care and the russian people don't care and that's what's most important about the standard in this type of political culture the. come into existence and two thousand citizens take care of themselves they think about their own wellbeing and that with the rest of the world thinks of them i think that's very important people about us across the many many thanks indeed for joining us don't go too far i want to thank you to our for now though let's continue here at r.t. and i cross over to our political analyst alexander a solar panel for more details on this. if you can hear me i'm just trying to establish a connection can you hear me yes i can super thank you very much for joining us this move and the timing of it something that was expected you think. yes i think it came as no surprise to. everyone in the country so we want to start saying that it happened and i'm just so just to make sure that the connection here is solid it seems likely that putin will become president then how would his leadership do you
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think compared to that of his predecessor this point out to be too many of us. i suppose because the political course in the country is not here we should change embrace or not it will be a fact so i was there for you think years. and so i think we're still campaigning will be quite. regularly cricketer's tracks probably currently will be to meet with different. places and i think we should not expect any any preparations here ok and what about the internal and foreign policy i was speaking to marty's pretty liberal just a moment ago he was thinking that most things when it comes to foreign policy won't exactly change briefly your thoughts on that. speaking about the changes i think that's what's going to have to repeats a lot of state and. i don't think anything will change in the country's political.
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arena trumpery and i don't think that. any major. policy speech and the statements that have already been articulated in publications in the country the prime minister and the corporate world will be changing he will be. pursuing because it wouldn't be going to be fun. i'm going to wouldn't be. i would say a killer i'll be able to pull it off a united russia so again we were anymore a candidate already without seeing the political situation the choice of the first recount all right up to the honest alexander sullivan thank you very much for joining us here on arts hey. let's carry on our analysis here of today's breaking news announcement the president here that supports prime minister putin for the presidency of two thousand and twelve and it's free to join law and from the institute for democracy and cooperation for us live in paris and get some insight
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on this. missed a lot of and i'm hoping you can hear me this point or this move the timing of it some people saying this was expected your thoughts. it was expected on the other hand as we know the russian political class has been in a state of extreme tension now for many months paralysis almost waiting for the announcement to be made so i'm sure the applause that we saw from the party congress just now was enthusiastic yes but also an enormous i release the political process think we've been concentrated exclusively on this issue now for a very long time and people i'm sure in moscow will be very happy now that at least the way is clear for the parliamentary elections in december and the presidential elections next year. i was speaking to what he said lavelle just. saying that ultimately the times of the relationship between negative version of
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the past several years have been a positive one are both leaders forecasting a positive future for russia with the economy with the social class it's with the government as well any particular areas that you see for the united ruling russia party to actually focus on both domestically and internationally speaking. well i very much agreed with to listen to his comments with great interest he's right to say the trend works not only does it work but it's an extraordinary phenomena i can't really think of any equivalent in modern politics but it is very striking in excel it does work in other words the two men do cooperate to very significant degree as far as the question is concerned about internal policy as you know has made modernisation the theme of his presidency. modernization it means the modernization of the economy it's essential for russia to break away from excessive
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dependence on natural resources. to develop our economy in a multilateral way and people in the tandem works are if you will be the focus of the future putin presidency. hearing from a moment ago when he was standing in the podium he did say in the next five ten years that agriculturally speaking outside the economy russia will be totally independent russia does continue with exports how do you see the exporting side of russia's economy in the near to near future. well it would be an excellent thing if russia were to develop a record holder in my own belief is the country should indeed concentrate on basic things like a culture after all even the highly developed economies of western europe as everybody knows huge money huge amounts of money on keeping their own agriculture growing and it's very important for all kinds of reasons including for social reasons. but there certainly is although as you say in your question russia has
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exported has been exporting a lot of foodstuffs in recent years unless that does remain an awful lot of thailand in the country so if that's on the program that's a very interesting point to make it's a very interesting policy proposal of course because hand in hand with the general economic modernization referred to earlier when we talk about the global economic globalization we heard from the prime minister prime minister putin at the helm of the conference saying that when it comes to the global economic crisis by and large russia has managed to sidestep it and this being under the leadership by the tandem leadership of native medvedev and putin how has that worked it's very simple in my view russia did not have debt russia had a large country it had an enormous budget surplus when clinton was president and quite simply when it had to spend money fighting the crisis it had money in the kitty by contrast all the major western industrial states and everybody knows.
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massively and so deeply and they can hardly afford to pay for not talking about greece i'm talking about major economies like the united states and even major european economies like italy that's the big difference but russia has been running a budget surplus for a long time and that gave it padding the ominous array to face them especially prices but i don't want to estimate misrepresent the challenges that russia represent anyone who has traveled outside of moscow knows there is enormous difference between the capital which is of course highly developed and great american countryside and i think that's one of the biggest challenges of any future government faces it's an ongoing challenge for us or it's historic challenge it's been a problem for russia for many decades or even centuries but that i think is where we really need. to hear it as we heard from president dmitry medvedev earlier when he was addressing problems at the modernization is one of the key principles and has been for the past two years under his leadership got the entirety of of russia
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to turn up and need to do what moxie in cooperation in paris many many thank you lisa joining us here on our team thank you all right let's get some more insight on this now or. mango he's a professor of political science at innsbruck university in austria thank you very much for joining us today and a lot of people are talking about the timing and the mood here many think it was expected some say absolutely not your view on that well i think it was high time to make an announcement the public was waiting already for a while who is going to run but it's more important to change the plans the troops behind these two men the eighteen for a clear signal who is going to be detoxed. it was a great deal of uncertainty and incentives and managing a feeling a chill the dating elections in december which i. think.


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