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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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now today so i do think a lot of enthusiasm from the members of the ruling united russia party seriously applauding about maybe a different version of medvedev that he supports prime minister putin for the presidency of next year what needs to be done to continue with the modernization of russia are internally and externally do you think. first of all we heard a lot of talk about modernization incumbent president actually. in the prime minister putin who said he supports the policy of modernization but he also if you read it what is important is that both men have a different idea i think different attach a different name to modernization from it to talking about an essential means. county any type to become is to state what the rest have treated for and what they for. any cause in modernization which incompetence fear surprise no chance economy but the political freedoms the civic and liberal right and.
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private sectors have to be part of the modernisation who can stand for more than a station i simply does not want the rest of it was waiting for he was hoping for and probably also monkey approach to modern history that's actually berks in a modern ferocious free society the russian one is a riddle and you ok so you're talking there about the differences an aspect of modernization of between putin. and the end of the day they're both for the betterment and the growth of the country as a whole are gathered one but i'm afraid and we have time for a professor of political science or interviewed about thirty in austria thank you very much indeed for that thanks for having me. all right so where you are with live from moscow here with me rory sushi our breaking news this hour prime minister vladimir putin will run for the presidency in the two thousand and twelve russian elections and has been given the nod by president dmitry medvedev that investment
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coming in just about an hour or so ago here in central moscow and in turn has expressed hope that the current president will stay on the head of government in the role of prime minister announcement was made at the ruling united russia party as annual convention let's get more details on this r.t.s. and he said no way is up the conference for us right now we'll cross over the. dramatic announcement here on the ground there witnessing it first hand tell us about. it is i just want to take you through how this all played out obviously this convention wrapping up as you can see behind me some of the ten thousand or so participants making their way out of delusion he stadium but it all started with both leaders prime minister vladimir putin and president medvedev walking in to gather to this kind of roar of applause it was then announced by prime minister glazier putin that he believes the president made a good should go on and leave the united russia party and then the president is made of came up to the stage he said that he would accept again whole hearted
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support from the crowd here at this convention and that the fact that he will go along to leave the ruling united russia party through the december parliamentary elections at that point pretty much every one of them are ok this is not going to be the day so one way or the other no matter how you look at it this was essentially today unexpected because no one thought that what happened next was going to come and then you heard it president made it accepting the proposition to leave united russia saying that he believes that they do or putin should run for president in twenty two out all right and he said thanks very much for that i want to cross back to life it's you have people available who is joining us here now peter when it comes to the political aspects of this how do you think this announcement actually helped the united russia party. ok well this is the way it works ok and i've been writing about this for almost two three years they would announce compelling understanding of united russia in the polls the polls don't look too good right now still the majority are not going to get the supermajority if they want to the polls today but they have now now what are they they were going
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to wait and see after the parliamentary elections if they did well if they thought they would do well they would wait for the announcement well doesn't look like they're going to do so well so what are they doing they're looking to mr putin and they want to hang on to his coattails ok this is very important to them so this is the this is the way to get a kick off the parliamentary alexei you think apartment elections won't actually go as smoothly as it has in my oldest opinion polls whatever you talk to in these united russia is this is sagging in the in the polls ok and they would not keep a secret majority that they have right now and of course everybody wants to win as many votes as possible and solely mr putin is going to be their greatest cheerleader but you know that happens in politics all over the world you get a good face and it helps the party and this is what's going to happen right here so it has all to do with the parliamentary elections the what's the reason why it was announced today or this time period ok not after the parliamentary elections which could happen as well what do you think i could say ahead of the parliamentary elections that were perhaps just a little more of a smooth street for him do you think well what i'd like to see him do is maybe shake up some of the leadership in united russia ok and and i think they should
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have more people that are on the list to actually serve in the parliament you biggest would give people more confidence and we'll see if that happens but it doesn't get that sometimes to service people i mean i'm again i don't want to be super critical of united russia but it just hasn't stood out as a political force the very complaisant ok we've had a very strong executive here and if the executive that makes things happen it's not the parliament and i'd like to see a little bit more liberalism and i think there should be more competition there that would make them actually be more in contact with people they were too complacent in this election is going to take a test you know the patience of the electorate not that i'm not not the patience people i would have been but maybe it's with a united russia and the us we just had one of our analysts here in our regarding a how did russia manage to avoid the majority of the downfall of the global a call. so that was why russia having a budget surplus here now we did hear we are not going to listen to it now you know a lot and always about how the more you know you don't always as it was as we've heard though is it due to this budget surplus that russia can now put in with say a road construction will be doubled the next few in the next few years pensions
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have risen by forty five percent salaries were flecked one hundred twenty percent growth for two thousand and twelve is that how russia can do it by having the budget surplus actually we have to remember too that when it comes to engines and things like russia comes in a very low base ok pensions are still very very small in this country so they can go up or i could go back a little bit when we're talking about going to say and it's because of our minister could ring he's the one who kept the my hand on the money because they were planning forces in united russia included let's spend this money you know which by our popularity would spend money on pensions that spend money on this and that and throw money around and we know because of the because of corruption index in this country a lot of it would be wasted and mr coon said no this is not money for a rainy day and we're going to be prepared mr goodwin his crystal ball was crystal clear he saw the future russia has to be prepared for turbulence in the world and i can't think of the word turbulence and i think of the world economy right now and
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my friend it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better so this is like a tsunami which is really going on what you little one look at the markets we just had over the past twenty four hours the end of this past week we were looking at the worst number since two thousand and eight there are various but let me put it to you put in perspective there is no political leadership in the european union obama's leadership in the united states is a unique ok i need to it's a very dangerous world and a lot of russians are saying we need someone that knows how to run this country and and keep russia's position in the world leaders during the wrong leader and you know it's much is what outsiders criticize say yes rory russians like strong leaders they don't need to have the soft touch we're so used to in the countries that we come from what they want is they do they don't care much the about the. the p.r. effect they really care about the if the impact of policy politics on them i think that's very simple very graphic we have right here mr last use of the chairman of the russia party right now we have a couple of comments here from adrian pap's who joined us shortly he's
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a professor of politics the university of kent we spoke earlier he has these comments to contribute. one thing that surprises. run of the program selection thing i would expect sometime what is surprising is that the president has agreed to. take surprise i think since july. given up for a few surprises and. he was from central. men to. return to job interview think it's clearly a shift in strategy compared. to strive to implement. try to strengthen the private sector to strengthen into legal institutions a civil society talking about for instance. providing wealth i think present
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the future president. when he is elected. it's more state. to state. economic development. with a lot. to expect a major shift i think there might be a slight change of tone. in the past. use some rather. strong language the times remember the security conference in two thousand and seven when he announced american. family i think over time. probably has changed he will be more pragmatic perhaps. but i don't think on the on the issue there will be any.
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national security interest i think on that is probably much more treatments between the two some of the economic and social issues we just discussed i think will be made. i think people. think. it's. part of the. point because i think. of the future. thinking makes i think the younger generation i. think. number of. international jobs probably think. the past.
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policy future might my conduct perhaps change. we have to allow for there might be some development. i think. maybe much. adrian a cop's rather a professor of politics at university of kent we saw him just a bit earlier here on our t.v. just joining us our breaking news here and i would say as the russian president medvedev has supported prime minister putin to run for the presidency of two thousand and twelve and. he was a right there boots on the ground the whole of elsewhere thought see here it is so good to see you i understand you've been talking to some people there can you tell us what the general reaction the general feeling is where you are. i think it's kind of split down the middle and i agree with some of our experts may say that some people did expect it today was the right way others and even some more of
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a surprise indeed the news that president's made you will most likely go want to lead united russia through the parliamentary elections well joining me now live to analyze mostly the economic side of this news is on because he's the president of the t.v. bank thank you very much for joining us again what is this going to mean for it the investment climate. all the. very ones investors now can see the stability the political force has to be difficult moment force. which in particular the why and the need for speed economic growth you mentioned the rate of developing about six seven percent of g.d.p. as one of the main targets for. the world number one for the next two years is also some quite the numbers keep looking you can we can use you like one of the zeeshan like him to leave the structure many of them very welcome things we can look forward to the program before seem. to be complete you will be economic or someone
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mr because it will be a prime minister has been for a few quite exciting decisions all these congress do you think that putin represents stability for western investors a portrait of this. i think most would like to know what. will be who will be the next president i think enough will be seized through to. remove any concerns they might have about the elections. so i think it's good news for the international rescue community particularly now and the very very high here good to see you think the timing of the us now spent has to do with all we're seeing on the street on the global markets in the turbulence especially last week i think it's difficult to say because the market really is crazy you know it's it's it's the morning many positive things which happening all around the world to the russian particular for example we saw last week
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a very drastic full russian stock market without any good reason i very much believe it didn't force the. investor who through this market and then of course it will make for very much hope it will be russia and the prospect for russia for the next six years right now to me question the president of the t.d. bank thank you very much for here and now is this their economic analysis as this news comes in back later today that now prime minister will run for president and if he is elected president take it will then become the case by mr all right i'll see you soon is an hour that out of the conference and central moscow many many thanks. so i would say what are these people avail here in the studio to give us more insight into this hour breaking news here on our c as we know the russian president supporting the russian prime minister mr putin to run for presidency next year explicitly and i suppose you would say that we were talking earlier about the difference of different aspects of state and status in between would be
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a different putin how would you assess this is one of the fundamental differences that you can find within this tenderness because we have seen that mr putin like to use the state more as a tool to start molding the economy and to some degree society and you have mr medvedev that would be a little bit on it in a different direction seeing the state kind of diminish you know what we could have a new president prime minister right now if he becomes president the privatization process that was announced earlier fifty five percent of the economy is in the states and that's going to be cut and that will be under quote unquote a statist president ok so what it is it's more of a continuum it's about over time putin believes that the economy should be out of the hands of the state but it has to be done the right way again i mentioned the one nine hundred ninety s. but the crown jewels of this economy were sold off to criminals to all of iraq's ok they don't want to have that again they want to sell it off to international investors they want to know how they want to good price because to do it right this time ok so when i when we mention statism it is about over time what kind of role the state should play within society and the economy and it will even diminish when
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mr mr putin is inaugurated again as president what do you think what do you think of the media that priorities the next president has to truly focus on we know there for example the west is engaged in what is not a regional but a global war on terror russia has own issues in the caucasus with its ongoing war on terror we have the economic side of things we have health care social programs what you think of the direct priorities to the next president your focus is always been is the mystery but it would call it the modernization of russia maybe mr putin would use a different word but it's exactly exactly what we've heard some of these experts say is that you know you go one hundred kilometers outside of moscow and there's a lot of infrastructure that needs to. we built in that house nonstop process all the modernising leave the economy and it's going to modernizing the workforce and things like this it's going to take a lot of time a lot of money and it will depend how much the state investment in how it's done ok and dealing with corruption i never want to if you got your shoe out you know it's there. for all the corruption that is in this country has actually gone down under
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his tenure and i expect it to continue down but it's going to be a very steady hand has any when it comes to dealing with corruption several times on a number of conferences he has said modernization of fighting corruption atop the government's priority will be on the top of the agenda for at least a generation in this country has its own gammick ok and that's very unfortunate and it slows the economic growth of this country and we all know it will be something that will stay on the agenda while russia deals with a plethora of other issues it's not going to change dramatically but i'd like to stress this is a very very turbulent world right now and russia wants to keep home a safe haven you talk about the world being a turbulent place and going through a turbulent time right now going to comes to issues of priorities or even concerns from the west compared to russia in eastern europe and to the east how do you think they differ when it comes to concerns for example for example between washington and moscow whose priorities live well i think you know the united states is going to i mean the united states is a crumbling empire slowly but surely and it it's how the rest of the world that
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manages that because in china's right it's ok and we'll watch it fills in the mix and on so it's really dealing with more than anything else this ridiculous war on terror that's just propaganda for the united states trying to get its way in human genes in around the world that are friendly to it i think it's it's really disgusting how the u.s. has used the arab spring to try to use it to put in their new dictators their new friends and their fictitious democracies to be able to control the oil that control these populations you know countries like russia just want stability let people choose what they want and it's going to be islam and democracy so be it you know because russia for the most part doesn't have to worry about that. all of the troubles that are on the caucuses it's a lot worse than it used to be and it is for very different reasons it's not just lawmakers he's in the mortgage poverty bad governance that you dealt with so i mean they're going to have i don't want to say there's a divorcee i mean there's a lot of commonality so i hope that the united states thank you we'll i just i mean
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what was it last month it was a resolution in the u.s. senate you know condemning russia and praising georgia because you know georgia is the software that's been trying to be the right time mission of the of the cause we want to do it was ridiculous cold war is a still russia is not an enemy of the west it's not an enemy of the united states and certainly members of the u.s. senate see russia as an enemy and that is what this ship i mean look the whole circus in washington domestic politics international are you surprised no not at all to stay with us to stay with us when across the globe that's what. we brits on the ground at the conference live central moscow where dinars was made today and he said president again of supporting prime minister putin so running for the presidency two thousand and twelve i understand you know gauging the reaction where you are you have more people to talk to what are they telling here absolutely we're going to that live right now joining me yes they can speak you a little bit closer to our microphones speaking for you what is your analysis of this for some very unexpected news for others very much expected. of course i
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believe the full maturity to the people but you know it was unexpected snow and it's good to see people. until i believe the onus is speaking for the most majority you know peoples of the world to girls who know these historical an oilskin fully is to build an ocean for the mission will be done in december the second probably will be it's. hard to get to do you think that that was john howard limited supply why do you think he took a matter of years people seem to suit their views it was still motionless the possibility that it is a movement of course that this is a good way suppose. well you should we choose four middle east of possible kind of those will be given to all the states and those who and of course the post used to be good if they decided to be told for these least a possible candidate a lot of calls. between the booty call to all the world
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society to know who will be the next week you think your society the russian people how do you think they're going to react to today's news you see it. different the submissions made by different people but it will do a lot of really good is the last event you don't apply there is there's an old military. force or nothing it's like usually the girlies really should leave all these people in bowls near this big number because the militants and if you go. that's why i believe these decisions will be supported by the majority of the ocean people thank you very much for your analysis i think pretty well set there that for the people here and you could feel that in the audience it was quite a bit of a surprise because we've been hearing for so long and we heard at the opening of
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this convention that we know how the future will play out and that's not what's important what's important is the russian people and then out of nowhere in this case really for these two people at the convention it has to be said both of those announcements that place in which you would run for president and the president's base you have as an incumbent would become the prime minister at least here at luzhniki stadium was very much just christ. but also received it with a huge amount of applause and he said i got. a lot in the past few years and outlining a full forecast of growth for the coming to the economy g.d.p. our social services are nearing the military armed forces you name it a very very optimistic outlook from that day out he's going to send our thank you so much. let's continue our discussion without these are people develop join me here in the studio you know here we go here we come i suppose a potentially the end of an era stepping down as we see his legacy how would you how would you sum it up you know again i'm going to really not surprise people it's
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a continuation of the political process and started in two thousand when. i resigned in blood near putin who was prime minister became president and acting president was elected president and all the way to now and this is one part of one long project and it's a continuum and preventive continued the policies of the mere putin invited me to putin will continue the policies that he bestowed upon his protege and will continue it is very simple as i mean if you look at the very broad outlines of this country of economic development the middle class is grown so large in the last twelve years that something in the leadership should be proud of and should be complacent i think there's a lot of complacency here because a lot of progress has been made but there's so much more that needs to be done and people have to become part of the political process that slow coming in this country very focused because people don't think until you do the one party that people actually do think a lot of this country is the communist party ok and that's basically because it was around you obviously during the soviet union and it's a legacy ok but now the parties are very small there are kind of leave blurry for
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people and there's not a lot of the actual political party we think of your country think of my country people go nuts about the tea party right ok and you know also in the u.k. that people are labor right whatever that kind of feeling is not here and that's part of the political process that needs to you know you don't i. apologize i'm running low on time if you look at you know it's sort of forecast as is optimistic of the outlook of russia here with britain stepping in next year but as you were saying upcoming the parliamentary elections may not be such smooth briefly absolutely i mean that you'd be so you know there's complacency out there with mr apathy is lurking in the background you've got to give people a reason to vote here ok and i think this is the reason why the announcement was made today that putin will run for. return to the presidency and the united russia needs to be on his coattails to get out popularity and you know what it'll work if he does the right thing but i mean you can say whatever you want about him but he's a master politician. highly feisty program
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across it was a pleasure thanks very much and. if you're just joining us here live from moscow with me the breaking news today is that president medvedev has endorsed prime minister putin for the presidency two thousand and twelve more details to come and live from the heart of moscow here on the do stay with us we'll be back in just a minute. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms. of the future. in the far away land. where human life is ruled by nature. is scarcely preserved by the players. lie hidden in the deep permafrost.
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and to those who deal with them prehistoric times are still much older. wealthy british style. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with a much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines because reports .
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please. twenty years ago the largest country in. the sense of crisis.
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was god didn't commit such began a journey. where did it take to. come . live. this please.


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