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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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breaking news on the ruling a time bomb is set for a reshuffle russia's prime minister vladimir putin will run for the presidency next year it's kind of a sea was put forward by dimitri medvedev who in turn agreed to be the ruling party and the country's got. ok back you without your daughter must go with me rule receive a shock if you're just joining us now is our breaking news here an artsy prime minister putin will run for the presidency and the two thousand and twelve elections the announcement was made of the ruling united russia party as i knew all convention on this not as cross over live to our correspondent and he said
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following the conference process here in a central moscow and he says a major announcement made at the convention and this is going cleared up is an age old guessing game hasn't it any any surprises though from where you are in the conference. it's hard to say i mean most certainly i united russia party russia and the world knew that somehow one way or another or puts in the figure that he used to russia the stability that he brought would remain and have some kind of life in the political world here in the country exactly how it would unfold no one knew and more importantly no one really expected at least the people here that it would be done you some day and that's a party because the session opened with the two leaders coming in to gather in opening with his speech saying that we the two of us do know how this will all unfold and what's important is not who does what job and when but the people and so that's really been fifty mm of this day despite that there we slowly got hints that may be today. was going to be the day and then president medvedev said this. year
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should. i believe it would be right for congress to support the candidacy of liking me in the presidential election i. think. this applause means i don't have to explain what kind of experience under thirty but if you're a putin has. he shown your skill for undergoing to say something else despite rumors that there's been a split within our tandem i can see this is a well thought through decision. and what came as more of a surprise than the announcement that they are put in would in fact run for president in twenty twelve was the announcement and the proposal from the lead singer who tend to carry on the tradition of modern day was political which is that
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now it looks like is that the incumbent president goes on to become the prime minister and also a proposal for timothy mcveigh to go on to be at the top of the list we've begun to flush the party into the december parliamentary elections except it was very much. like to express my gratitude to you for supporting my candidacy to run for president it's a great honor. and with the parliamentary elections coming in december i'd like to ask all russian citizens to support the united russia party we can. help. you. i'm convinced to become prime minister who continue to thoroughly modernize our society. certainly you can there witnessing. this
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is sturrock and i was going to break and use her and i see that a lot of my putin will run for the presidency of two thousand and twelve but keeping it might be a long side as well but tandem relationship goes on what do you think this says for the legacy of the major media that. i think it says that and i've worked with both of them for years now that it works that the tandem for russia works there's going to be a lot of course criticism from the last not so much from emerging economies like russia who are dealing with building their own democracies but not going to be slapped around on the world stage in terms of critics especially from the united states and western europe that this is not a democracy this is not the way to be for russia and certainly for the united russia party which shares a great amount of popularity they still have a lot of work to do because their their figures have gone down in the past couple of years there's a lot of work to do over the next couple of months in the prime minister understands that president medvedev understands that most of the speeches and i should say speech was not about the presidency and who will run it was about what
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this party needs to do to take russia into the next ten years the cut the country has to be now they need to see development and that's what today is really about although of course it's being hijacked by this is big news this is story news that will run for president and then to meet you need to be if you will become his prime minister so i mean you so you talk about what he was saying what needs to happen for russia for the betterment of the maturity for the economic growth as well internally and externally but they went over the past few years putin saying there has to be significant growth in the view of the next few years so if we look positive as well we need to early i suppose you also use political i'm just i'm cross of course people have he said that a lot of my putin still has a presidential campaign ahead of him but it is no easy road ahead now. he's going to how he's going to have to go out and campaign he's going to have to convince people not to partly because he's going to leave you but point is that you know why . why do we have
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a western you political culture that says you only can be in power for so long it's politicians that stay in power too long they usually feel because they don't know when to say goodbye ok mr putin maybe wants to say goodbye but he has a sense of mission to be dozens of nations a proud leader of russia he was accused once for being the richest man in europe and it was through a charge of corruption and he replied to him very shortly said i'm the richest man in the world even as i get closer to the people of the russian federation and as you say moments ago sometimes for a long campaign if a person what kind of campaign are problems we have to rise upon i think you can you know you live in the street and we can't forget a tribute to the algorithm in john larkin that we got on the earlier cycle he said we could be seeing the end of the eurozone through this year this calendar year what kind of turbulence is archimedes and his major trading partner for russia we're going to need to have certainty in the political leadership even as we go through this election cycle one strong president beloved president respected president you'll be followed by another in the same using the same uprooted saying
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we need to be a meeting you don't need political it really has because it is trivial in such a tsunami out there right now it's russia will write it it's very interesting what you say there because we spoke to him paps earlier depressor politics of the university of kent he believes that although putin can see represents a change in strategy we shouldn't expect any surprises in the government's priorities which. may or may i may say unchanged well i think also i mean i like to get what was said by mr putin said with a new team i think we get it that's the next thing we need to kind of take away because of the crisis that the world is facing and every individual country is facing its new wants and it's different in different ways russia has to be worried about moral price regime and things like this we're going to need to be able to act quickly and i would personally like to see some new faces in government the world is turning a blind eye to what is and historical moment here in the world of russian politics right down the stats who is ignoring us and who is coding ok maybe i shouldn't be nays i mean it looks like al-jazeera has been pretty neutral about it of course the washing. the new york post or the usual suspects are pulling out very easy and
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very anti they've been fundamentally dishonest of politics in this part of the world for the woman so much as the russian public you will be lucky the way they are inside the beltway which is a fairly good guess that means i think united states instead of criticizing the political process in countries like russia should worry about gridlock in washington in many ways in europe but that's another topic ok good thing is that things will continue as they continue in russia there's pomps on the road all of the time but it's external shocks in this country has to worry about it has to clean up its own it's a generational project of in saying that for five years in a heartbeat it is slowly but surely happening is that there is not the stagnation that people think i think there could be more political parties and things like was ok ok we're going to realize an election so the election is coming every year you see and he said to me months ago it's not going to be a smooth ride for it it's not to be smooth like the putin's united russia right why
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they made the announcement like it's my opinion that's why it's made now because united russia they're shaken in their good speeches their popularity has gone down but not because the government hasn't produces it nobody connected to united russia and they need to start changing. his people and all right there with us here in the studio of our breaking news this hour here on russia's prime minister vladimir putin will run for the presidency in the two thousand and twelve election he enjoys the full backing from incumbent president dmitri medvedev yes now they made the announcement in an address to the congress of the ruling united russia party that happened just hours ago here in central moscow made your definition self will head the party in the parliamentary election agreeing to continue his work and the government and what essential he is his first campaign speech put in a valve to increase russia's economic growth continue tackling corruption and encouraging your business i will bring you all the latest developments and reaction as soon as we get. just
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a few moments ago we split speech about john laughlin of the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris and he says that today's announcement proves the rumors of a rift within the time they were much exaggerated. there are differences there have been big differences between if and one of the. things that people usually say about me if it's pretty small pick some up or a western protocol and so on whereas putin it's more hardline that's not my view at all it's after all on the media which presents a good life but the russian children of war was fought in two thousand to me to derail the war which radically changed the balance of power we're going to be where as it was under vladimir putin as you see that nato enlarged to. and including former soviet republics i think states alone and of course made its famous question to you green literally oranges to be honest and for all those things happened under the to. but i'd like to make one point and that is that the international situation that russia will face as good in takes over power again as president
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next year and as the russia goes into the elections in december is very very uncertain indeed it me in obvious point to make but i think it's worth recalling that we are looking now and has been said in the press now for many months at the breakup of the euro in other words we are looking at a seismic shift in the political composition of the european continent and in those circumstances of immense our people in europe in other words among russia's own neighborhoods russia's own role in that new configuration can only be decisive. john locke i'm right there speaking to us from paris meantime michael binyon the foreign affairs specialist at the times newspaper in london hopes that the meeting that he would have can continue his economic policies if indeed he does become prime minister. b.p. . continues the prime minister who presided over a very similar policy to what we've been seeing for the past few years the
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objective fact in russia is it has a large. resource is what is urgent we needed to know is there a economic reform a shake up of the system let's take capitalism enterprise. and overwhelmingly a real sharp attack on corruption where there's been a lot of talk but very little action was certainly a challenge for the government yes. various reasons for this one is that. need a little bit more foreign investment and foreign expertise or by russia has plenty of its own needs. the spectrum of outside interest and the problem is you need a much more competitive edge to some of these intrapreneur too many monopolies and too many not monopolies held in place i'm afraid corrupt oligarchy. and adrian perhaps a professor of politics at the university of kent he told us just a bit earlier he thinks there will be no significant shift in the time. i don't
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expect any major shift might be. nothing. in the past. used. strong language to try and remember the security conference in two thousand when he announced. i think over time. probably has changed and he will be more programs. but. i don't think on the issue. because. to. shield. i think on that much more we mentioned to you perhaps the economic situation. continuing the breaking news here on r.t. live from moscow if you missed anything on earth today you can always look at the full picture on our website r.t. talk come of course the big news today through to running for the presidency two thousand and twelve you can also follow us on facebook it's where you can join the
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discussion on all of our main stories or find updates as well on all the major news on our twitter feed that's r t underscore come. right out of cross live to watch the second i got a job or she's been covering the united russia conference for us here at our see how all this week and. certainly a fluid time here developing situations but the long running intrigue for the most part is over any shock to you but this is the outcome of today's conference. there were these certain to read presidential polls have twenty twelve in there and nobody knew until the last moment who is going to run for russia's top job in march last year and since it's the peak of the election season here in russia of course all eyes were on these for him financially people expected that perhaps certain clueless will be made during the global policy for many of us. but that did not
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happen so everyone to support. president vehicle prime minister putin will drop hints about their presidential future not make an outright declaration and those expectational were founded because during the united russia convention before the state duma elections in two thousand and seven bank presidents were dimmer putin provided everyone with the first signals about what he's going to do after he leaves the crown and he said that he will serve as a prime minister if the party which he agreed to chair the united russia party won by landslides and that he and you know a person who could be a working candidate to take the presidential post and was ready to work with afterwards and two months later the united russia party provided itself with two thirds majority in the lower house of the russian parliament and made it possible to change the constitution which it did by extending the presidential term from
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four to six years so now you have let him or putin goes for yet another term as of president in march or twice twelve he will serve for six years in a row and he. goes for yet another boat that would be twelve years and wrote a well just a quick reminder about how he made it to the office in two thousand that president boris yeltsin handed the position to putin russia saw an early presidential election and. two terms as the country's president dmitri medvedev started his career he took on academical korea he graduated from the law department of the stanford as part of university he even considered to go into the prosecutor's office for than pay chose a political career one of his professors was a democratic politician and he recruited me to the vet if you join politics as well and says ninety nine. that is has been part of the so-called sampras berke
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team. we cheer was later recruited by vladimir putin to come to moscow and do politics together so for a very long time now for over ten years. i have been there working very closely so it's understandable why the two are being referred to as that tandem because the poor sweet chess country. is being provided by the fact that the two have coupled up as a team as a political team as political associates so week question now really is not who's going to be the president on the prime minister the question is where will the lead take the country where will the political establishment take the country will they continue with the reports which were started and which interim abetted have been working on for four years now. all right certainly a lot of issues being come about by both of them but as you said they're the tandem pair that has it onto itself
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a legacy all of all of its own and the time continues here in the world of russian politics and the breaking news all day here let me put in a run for the presidency of two thousand and twelve that was artie's crouch over right there big news here today on r.t. that so let's get some more details now from a sort of a slogan columnist and a political analyst joining us here at r.t. thank you very much for coming in today and one of the main questions has been has it been a big surprise to hear there's an argument has it been a surprise to you. to be frank there's no surprise that such as you understand we are colleagues and we were keeping this debate an issue for weeks and weeks and. really very few people doubted the prime minister as the moves influential and the most popular political figure why isn't he why is he the most influential why is he the most popular figure when it comes to russian politics well he is a charismatic leader as you understand and he has built up he's two presidential
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terms on the ability which was very important for russians and this is the reason why he won the support not only for lead but approve faults also. whether or not this is a reality but we've seen we've seen a what many call a successful tandem between putin of year deficit for years now again the time to do a major say major ships about shifts about one hundred eighty degrees surely we've put in asking for mediators to stay on board or just stay on this see saw it shows a proof of a legacy of yes that's right and i think the. details and i think that the right making such a move. or candor as you see the. sent a political message to the russians as well to tell the world their to. do it is not out be it is not absolute this is
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a rabble construction which can work for years you see it is quite effective and or incident you know when we saw the current prime minister vladimir putin taking the stage making his first address at the annual united russia party medvedev also taking the stage they've both mentioned that over the past few years they've seen good growth in russia whether it comes to internal policies or external policies and then put in forecasting an even more positive future for russia all the time when the euro zone western europe this financial tsunami has been washing up against the borders of russia russia has managed to stay afloat and not be quite so affected by what is as many say a global economic downturn how is russia have been so successful already under the leadership of both putin and medvedev as you remember ten years back western journalists were asking the question who is mr putin you would be surprised by my age he is that today they were other themselves the same question it is not that
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he's the putin is a newcomer he's well known political figure but definitely he will fail to reinvent himself because he is. facing those challenges you are referring to with french or don't turn and stability is not only one of the basic ideas you see before the key words obviously would be growth and development but it is no put in of sort into if you are playing is known for being a no nonsense leader he's a strong leader you know some i said work a person through for example graco obama campaign on this issue of change he got to the white house and what changed nothing but these changes or what people expect results and putin is he the man in your eyes that can carry them out that's right brooke when you see he's strong leader we have preschool art with a protestant work we can find. his strength and i think that during his next term he will have to make emphasis on soft power and you know still there are
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groups which are what he is his present future presidency which was stronger as a ration over his presidency so he'll have to improve he's just to show that he's not just going to unplug nice though minor but still important groups of the society but he's able to work with them he's able to involve them incorporate them into the political mainstream now to really to get a national leader as you mentioned moments ago you said there's a lot of input is going to have to reinvent himself well now the campaign begins for putin for the presidency of two thousand and twelve and december though we have the elections and the united russia party is not on very ultimately terra firma very very firm ground indeed what needs to happen can putin bring the party to the forefront of the parliamentary elections or what has to happen to get his party into the lead here robert probably more for united russia party definitely. for cost or on the to go if it's carries a charismatic leader
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a light beam of caution and. the party just to prove its performance because use. at one point if this were bureaucratized it when there's a feeling that sometimes it is lose lose in substance but obviously according to this is a sort of for what comment you for the sprite so why a deer is that the party should not or only you know put in your speech should not only exploit he spoke you wear it but it should work as a real product and not just as a group of bureaucrats ok so as you as you think about it put in could well be the driving force that's really not only himself but also the united russia party of course as we say in the parliamentary elections december of this year so it's there are going to columnist and political analyst many thanks indeed plans for. i want you there with us here in our breaking news certainly for the past a while now are just a few hours ago prime minister vladimir putin analyses that he will run for the
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presidency of russia for the two thousand and twelve elections he made the announcement in an address to the members of the ruling united russia party fully endorsed putin's presidency and in turn will lead the party in december's parliamentary election in what was essentially his first campaign speech and pledged to boost rushers economy and battle corruption do work if you can stay with us for all the latest updates. well i mean time the head of russia's our foreign affairs committee constantine cause a try for you talked to us earlier about today's news and what it could mean for the country's foreign policy. baby leave the predictability and transparency in the what we are doing here inside the united russia party inside of the government the ruling the story of this piece would be welcomed by anybody else in the world. if they believe the decision of the cheese to.
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be supported by the way we're using. the. russians to have this strong community will build leaders continually throughout your together because each of the you know you know. you rather confess that this got screwed together this troll from illusion is who through are sure it's good for the russian foreign policy and they believe. this is breaking news continues here on r.t. time for you to get involved with us here we was merely your opinion have your say on today's top story r.t. dot com we are asking what switching roles in the ruling tandem will actually mean for the future of the country are bringing up the stats right here in r.t. let some of the numbers to see how divided you may be half thinking this change
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will be perceived matter of fact really will also boost investment in the country a little over a third believe the move will anger voters and increase the opposition's chances finally less than twenty percent say the change will be effective as it's what the people want to make sure you have your vote right now r.t. dot com cast. a russian politics apart from the ruling party united russia two other major parties held their conventions ahead of percentage elections to the lower house of the russian parliament but both the communist and just russia party gathered to work out their election programs and. so like their election candidates the communist party of the russian federation is one of the oldest in the country and the latest poll places that second to united russia in a coming elections just russia along with liberal democrats are both expected to take a handful of seats in the duma another recognized democratic opposition party your
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block o. has already submitted its list of candidates for the elections. all right we're going to stay with us here on our side of this breaking news i'm rory sushi i will be back shortly with a recap of the story. the official tea allocation. from the. life on the. video on demand. mind old girls. for you in the palm of your. cong.
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from. home. from.
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twenty years ago this country has some of the sensory systems.


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