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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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but how did it. began a journey. where did it take the. breaking news on r t the ruling tandem is set to full rotation russia's prime minister vladimir putin will run for the presidency next year is kind of a seat was put forward by to retreat who in turn agreed to lead the ruling party and the country's government. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow with me rory sushi and our breaking news today prime minister putin will run for the presidency in the two thousand and twelve elections the
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announcement was made at the ruling united russia party convention that took place in central moscow just hours ago. said that he will head the party in parliamentary elections and is ready to lead the government if they went he said historic speech is trust. what a day the energy in this state was tremendous when these two major announcements were made i just want to take you through exactly what happened no one expected that one the announcement about the presidency would be made that prime minister close here puts him basically said in his opening speech it doesn't matter who does what job and when what matters is the russian people and that the country continues to grow so the audience kind of the wax and then came this announcement from president medvedev yes should. i believe would be right for congress to support become to the city. and the presidential election i
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. know. this applause means i don't have to explain what kind of experience under thirty. issuing a scuffle i'm going to say something else despite there's been a split within our tandem i can see that this is a well thought through decision. so basically just reassertion there that is working to go through this leaders believe that is the way to go you heard that applause when he was made we did get a little bit of a hint that way to say they could be the day we hear about you will run for president when presidents meet him it's a give away rather when prime minister vladimir putin it's even easier by the way to mix them up now this is a bit racy when prime minister vladimir putin said that he believes that president dmitri medvedev should run the united russia list run be at the top of the united
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russia list i should say at the parliamentary for the parliamentary elections in december. but not to express my gratitude to you for supporting my candidacy to run for president it's a great honor. if you but you look at the numbers and with the parliamentary elections coming in december i'd like to ask russian citizens to support the united russia party we can. count. on not the issue of you. know you maybe i'm convinced to become prime minister who continue to thoroughly modernize our society. they do share and have great support from a lot of the for cover up but one of the percent of a percentage of the russian population but it's certainly not what it was in the party understands that i think any expert will tell you that perhaps that's why
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we're hearing this decision today because there's so much but to do before those elections russia is enormous and anyone who's been to moscow knows that things are going very well but you go two hundred kilometers outside of the city and people there are not happy so night of russia it's not going to be as easy as most of the west is going to be predicting it's going to be a lot of work to make sure that they win those elections and then on to the presidential elections in march. with the reporting from of the. i know when i rush a political party conference that is where the announcements were made let's get some more details on this now discuss these developments with sort of a political commentator a member of russia's council for foreign and defense policy good to see you thank you for joining us today so we didn't go for the presidency of two thousand and twelve keeping an eye on that relationship side a bit of a rotation happening what do you think that means for the legacy of surely etc some degree this tandem has work and has worked well in most other countries people
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would say presidents like anybody has done a good job if you look at the results economically socially socially politically for the easily run for a second there wasn't a problem with that the only problem there was is there's these an ever more popular leader in this country this being the today's trendy mr putin so basically we were expecting something like most people for mr he said mr putin would run for the presidency and this to me a little future was uncertain now that he's been. i think we may you are using the prime minister as it is a radio historic fact because no one doubts the forthcoming victory by the united russia the situation is the situation is actually more interesting because well mr straw can who was in your studio before me concentrated mr putin's role i would actually concentrate on mr mediators role in this new framework because firstly it is to me that it will bring liberal votes for the united russia party because he's of course associated with if you look literally john there and secondly those
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things which have been inserted into the russian political agenda such as political modernization and also economic modernization and innovation and innovation as these are things which are normally associated with mr medvedev name so if he becomes a reformist prime minister on this super popular president putin that brings ours so a new political reality surprisingly and brings us to reality where mr putin who. is normally associated with a sort of strong hand the sort of thing politics could in fact and indeed inevitably carry out the liberal economic agenda which will be carried out by labor it was going to. actually quite an interesting thing here. which i think i can see that ever more interesting given the circumstances now i've been always saying including on my on my on my program as you can see i'm actually in my television studio i've been saying that the problem with the lies russia party is that it's
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not capable of reproducing itself ok it was all focused around mr putin's example the change of generations of course this is not the sort of radical change which people might have expected of united russia he's now becoming something similar to what the little democrats in japan are into what the p.r.i. party in mexico used to be that is to say it's a ruling party which is capable of reproducing a new generation of leaders these e's really something new for russian politics just as you were mentioning a moment ago you did a reference to a service truck and here we had in the studio earlier comment a columnist and political analyst and he was saying that let me put in ultimately has to reinvent himself is that accurate do you think in your in your view sense i would certainly agree with that sergey and i think that the very existence of this new reformist prime minister there said mr mugabe of the president putin could make well i would say one this could bring a new political reality along a lot of people have been arguing and if mr putin becomes the next presidents we
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shall do now. he will have to be more liberal because the the kind of economy we've got in this country the economy relies on raw materials oil and gas well and you name is william we all know he'll be big problems does require action and it's actually requires an ever more urgent action given what's has what has happened in this last forty eight ninety six. those in the markets we all realize we're entering a new a new reality listen to george washington from the u.k. who in washington said yesterday that the west has months rather rather than weeks when you can see at his disposal listen to the i.m.f. officials will be asking china russia to help them financially we are an interconnected world but in these interconnected world it kind of economy that russia has at the moment does not work any longer and it's nice to me because if was actually launched this new age under so reform as prime minister meet it if
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it's a popular president which is as they say is an interesting combination action should be changed how we talk about the vast wealth of russia still has to beat out. with us earlier he was saying that outside it stern all help is needed to have the vast resources of russia or french all the mineral companies to come into russia and help and help the wealthy or your view on that does russia need help in that area well in those in the north i'll give an example i didn't really expect you to sort of sink in so technicalities but i recently made a documentary on behalf of my regular news program about russia's oil and i can tell you of it in certain areas of russia russian oil companies which lasts the more than scales approach certain western come design again some name a new one at the moment because that will sound prophetic or biased towards that they approached us and companies for help in the western companies where reza come with their modern technologies but in certain conditions especially what the oil is
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called the division of oil fields so you bring technology but you get half of the oil field which is actually better positions of the one that you explored and the russian companies have been able to work out their own new modern technologies so i wouldn't be talking in all of you know sort of more. technologies from the west and . brave russia with whole technologies with a lot of resources now it's actually a way street. of course when we look at projects like the the shelf in the arctic there inevitably there should be cooperation between. russia and the west and by the way having said that putin who as we all know is a true specialist in oil and especially gas affairs at least to me that is it who is the former president of gastro i gave quite well positions for such tasks but this is an endless conversation i'm not really sure whether i can name those
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companies which they had in mind given the circumstances of today's political little little revolution because i'm sure this will be hearing more and more about it in the coming weeks and months because of the russian political campaign because of the troubles we see around the world in the global economy you know you touched on it now when it comes to the issues of the global economy certainly the issues of the eurozone or the financial tsunami has been washing up against the borders of russia now for absolutely months much of the eurozone many saying has one foot in the grave then of course you have the american economy that is a been steadily sliding downhill as well under the leadership of met yet if it's president putin as prime minister how is russia done so well to avoid the vast majority of the global economic downturn is there because in two thousand and eight this country faced a lot of tough situations but let's let's have a look at what has happened in this last twenty four hours when no no one except for the two knew about what was coming up today. if you read this and some of the the reports which are coming from washington where they are holding the i.m.f.
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and they'll get very involved meeting right now. and if you look at sounds really as what the financial times published in this last three days you will find very interesting coincidence now. countries like china like greece and italy from the euro zone have approached china asking for money they have. some countries in europe sort of approach to russia but that which is of publicly except for one and that was cyprus and. in the f.c. on thursday if memory was well there was a very interesting article which is of course published in russian abilities international publications and showed that your view was mostly read out of russian newspapers there was an article about russia coming through q cyprus. cyprus called for it said it's a help talking about super in five billion and that's b. billion dollars. money for cyprus now why cyprus statistically it's an interesting paradox which i was called political rather than economic cyprus is the
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biggest foreign investor in russia now having said that we all realize that cyprus is an eagle shows own and in fact when we talk about the money from cyprus being invested in russia we are basically talking about russian money which has been moved to cyprus and then comes back to russia proper but that's an interesting example how russia participates in these global policy of trying to help you have results again very few people realize that but on the i am of board house of i think their fifteen members a seat has been allocated for russia since the ninety's so when russia supports countries like brazil and china when the russia says that he has issued the world's financial and politics. more say to the emerging economies russia easing the facts on mood. so you know russia is for the last eight nine years i would say
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not any longer in the quad of those countries which ask for money and try to retrieve the world saying lovely things are realizing they they wouldn't be carried out or she's a big global financial claire and they will come in that's a part of what we discussed at the start of our conversation after working on a day when a key decision has been taken by the united russia party. recreated reshapes towns . now prime minister and future president. but it's a reality we have to use today the acting president and the future prime minister and if i could make interesting things the other thing which i'm sure that some of the opposition political commentators i mentioned to you throughout today ease of course the risk of political stagnation and also all these kinds remembers very well the iraq of the seventy's in the eighty's especially when the communist party leadership didn't really change that and they all stayed there until the weight of
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five years old but now i would rather disagree with those who predict stagnation in russian politics for one simple fact. and this is healthy is here we haven't used it which i mean we have to energetic through the energetic. leaders well rather paranoid about. safe they compare them to every human beings and they do have both of them have active political agendas which mostly coincides in this case against actually selling out well as a strong point for them to agree with what they. say but at the same time with slightly different agendas well they're not different but they are sort of they represent the waves of the same political political thought which allows them to position themselves in the country quite nicely on both international and domestic political markets. start gabriel political commentator and member of course of russia's a council of foreign and defense policy many thanks. here and i think i spoke
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to our very own political analyst on cross talk host pete labelle i try to explain what lies ahead for vladimir putin and the united russia party. the guessing game this was all done on purpose i think this was the intention all along or at least one variant of it i think it's because of the united russia is going to be facing elections parliamentary elections in december and they're lagging in the polls they need some support and then for best juice you can possibly get is the two most popular people in the country to agree on something another reason is the turbulence outside russia the economic tsunami that is facing the world russia needs to be a safe haven they need to win these two leaders and this political party is problematic as it is in my opinion a need to show stability and continuity a lot of optimism to come but an uphill battle for the parliamentary elections at the end of the it's not all it's not all the aussie smiles to the end of the any who have more competition in the in the in the marketplace of ideas ok where united
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russia has been very complacent since the last election because they did say we're the party of putin with a party of that's all nice and fine but me. and putin will do what they need is executives in the government ok and in russia just wants to hang on to their coattails will do it again but you know. voters don't reward complacency they don't reward people they don't know and i think this is an opportunity to another opportunity for them to actually start making a name for themselves you cannot have politics of people you have to have strong institutions it's ok and parties are part of that institutional process it's been a term limit relationship of the person for years and now we see it's poised to continue to turn them into immediate and put it. how would you assess some of your legacy over the past four years how he's been good for russia he's been good for russia he's a popular politician here it's always been the tandem it's always been about these two men here so if they're going to change places arts on ice and fine because both of had the same vision for this country the rhetorical age difference why maybe one
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guy likes was one rock band and another one like the organization you are modernization i didn't know corruption how does that doubleheader policy has it work it is working very slowly in a country where change comes very slow you could have political people very. very hard very hard sometimes to looking at the entire array of russian history to actually get those roads built and get that infrastructure built and have medical health care for everyone and he said put it very well you know you just have to go outside the city limits about two hundred kilometers and people are not happy and they don't have an idea as we see with the i listened to a lot and was saying earlier that moscow itself is an incredibly impressive solver and i would like to preserve a trade as well but the further you go from moscow that's the reality of russia and then we go for a full circle here rory and that's where a political party like united russia has to say we're here to help you we can go to moscow we go to the parliament we can be your representative personally i don't see enough of that absent ok and i think it needs to be done it doesn't have to be a place where you just you show your book pay your dues and show you're for the for
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the current political establishment had to get out there and roll up your sleeves or actually do something that's what united russia should do because i'll tell you like it or not the communists do that but they do it for the wrong reasons so united russia needs to get out there it's in the into the structures of russia and really start getting on the common road going to get it how do you for the parliamentary elections and tonight my beloved union halls and said right now and some of these are very good ones very honest very transparent they're looking at less than half the population is interested in them ok that's far different than it was before it was two thirds for in the last person you see when you talk about a half the population or even less not being interested i was going to ask you where is the support for made it maybe it and put it like is this a moscow basic or is it a national international people are very very national they represent values that russians feel very strongly about you know so i spoke earlier about leadership qualities this is what something russians very much in value be like a strong leader for good or bad reasons that's part of the political culture here. at the same time it's not just about popularity and being a strong figure it's actually producing the goods ok it's the contract the social
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contract the government will do this you support us ok if the government doesn't do it doesn't come through in a way that people are satisfied that they can they can they can fight back and say we won't vote we will go through the current prime minister said to be president vladimir putin was a. and in the helm of his first speech of the annual conference he was saying that pensions over the past few years have been written to upwards of forty five percent salaries were flagged one hundred twenty percent growth based from a low base well we live in the one of the most expensive cities in the world ok you want to give me a pay increase of ten percent if i can make a big difference in my lifestyle ok my point is here you go from a low base it's still you have been in is never been whipped here and you have also this tsunami that we're coming in but they are going to say this but when it comes to job one job employment the employment levels unemployment is down zero point is are also also he also said that in the past couple of years a six million people have been born in russia that's the highest rate of. thank you very much i look forward to the day he said six million people have been born in the last couple of years and those numbers will only get bigger so for the future
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long term goal of the economy which he forecast is being positive and a growth of g.d.p. the future for russia should look good in comparison to the rest of world they're right and am right over here because we have the eurozone we have the u.s. economy stagnated best and maybe for the next decade if the eurozone survives you know countries like russia and the other bric countries are there's only one way i was going to be one direction it is growth here we have to worry about major external shocks this is where all the exporting countries like russia china and brazil india these countries are exporters to actually make things in the export things i mean they're going to be very worried about what happens in washington. right there just as you spoke to him throughout most of most of the day here are three during this breaking news just for you now a recap of our top story this hour here on r.t. russia's prime minister vladimir putin will run for the presidency in the two thousand and twelve election but he enjoys the full backing from incumbent president dmitri medvedev he made the announcement in an address to the annual congress of the ruling united russia party if you would if him self will lead the
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party in the parliamentary election saying that he could lead the government if they win and continue his modernization program from about what essentially is his first campaign speech invalid to increase russia's economic growth tackle corruption and encourage new businesses bring you all the latest developments and reaction as soon as we get it here on r.t. . ok let's see what you've got to talk about here in our studio with our political analyst thank you for joining us good to see you as always so it's been termed i suppose we people have almost over time today the. relationship the turn the relationship between putin and if you had if now has a rotation how do you how do you interpret this shift of strategy oh no i wouldn't call a shift a strategy that they cause from a legal point of view and from their point of the common sense we have to understand that. has been extremely popular in russia since nine hundred ninety
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nine when she became their prime minister of russian federation sort of the before his first presidency and russia has made a great we. russian g.d.p. is almost double the level of life in russia alone russia not only capitals has improved significantly so you see over the past twelve years a lot of the putin has been very very popular inside of russia but what about outside of the country oh you know first of all have to understand that if you want the more the most important thing the most important task for the leader. he's to do good for his own country you know imagine the president of the united states for instance always says that everything he does is dance for the sake of the american people so the first third year is i think the most important criteria is the effectiveness of how the leader of logs for his own nation does the fourth thing on the other hand i find pushing very popular on our side because you know russia has
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been conducting a reasonable policy fall in all its international agreements for those twelve years and our foreign partners feel that there is a strategy it's logical it's quite expected but of course russia protects its own interests quite natural but let's talk about the turn a relationship if you don't mind putin online today that it doesn't matter what position he is in it doesn't matter what position of your nephew is in it the results matter if you agree with it yes absolutely you know in russian political life actually results. are those are the two most high valued commodity actually if we talk about all soviet area are the most highly valued commodity basically economic development after the collapse of the so you see has been a very painful popular form for a lot of people including russia and now russian economy has been constantly
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rebuilding under. bridges rule and then underneath it it's real and you know our military of set a very ambitious goals during his presidency of them going ization of russia. based on the resources russia has and you know those people are just. it's very important the treasuries and exporting crunch and contra that produces and to the global production so in this case russia has a very bright future russia has a very bright future as many say is the richest country in the real world with mineral resource energy. resource metal resources are all in all that. one topic i really do want to touch and i'm with you here is the fact about foreign policy one of the major bones of contention for four months or four years now between washington and moscow has been the bush administration era declaration of having a european missile defense in eastern europe ultimately part of western europe as well that isn't meant meant to defend europe against rogue states like north korea
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and iran and yet they insist on putting these weapons right in the back garden of russia. has voiced his frustration his voice his opposition but he hasn't perhaps really gotten angry over the subject now could we expect a firmer stance from vladimir putin as he takes the helm we see him as the home of two thousand and twelve you know the talk of war global security because of this issue of friendship ballistic missile defense it's not natural of just secure united states or our need to numbers in europe that so much of global security is not a billboard being angry or not angry you know there have been a few pillars of global stability and. in this in the seventy's by the soviet union the united states and bush administration has contributed a lot to removing those pillars russian plethora of bullets is there a logical they gear is to continue as a corporation of that existed in the saw each era in building of the stability and
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this is extra missile defense in europe. is actually moving because of stability just to hold off we're going to have to can you could you just conversation on our website r.t. you talk you got a list as always a pleasure thank you thank you. i do stay with us here on r.t. we do value your opinion of you to get involved go to our website have to say on what the switching roles in the ruling tandem will mean for the future of russia cast your vote and check out what other viewers think as well that artsy dot com all right as we carry on here with a breaking news that r.t. let's cross over live to our to you so you had a really great job she's been covering the united russia conference are for. here at r.t. all week long. you've spoken to some of the people can you give us some background to the whole push him. and what those who have been of the conference i thought to say. it was indeed that sound i'm and it remains that sound of the two that been working together very closely as political associates for over ten years now well just a short recap reminder of how both made it to russia's top jobs in two thousand foot
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to move putin was. his candidacy by president boris yeltsin that was an early election in russia and vladimir putin won in that election in two thousand and four he was reelected as the president and dimitri medvedev joined he's the so-called cypress team. in two thousand and five he became russia's president the prime minister after a very successful academic career and measurement that it was largely tasked with overseeing the major modernization and reforms program in russia in two thousand in the summer of two thousand and seven at a similar united russia convention putin made first hence a vote that he followed of what he counted toward russia as the next presidential term and it was an informal backing informal backing of the vision that bet it as a future president and because of these massive support which boosted his
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popularity significantly he mentioned very one the presidential election in two thousand and eight ever since his major trend has been why modernization program also introduced some major changes to russia's constitution such as enlarging the presidential term front porches six years so even more putin the presidential vote in march two thousand and twelve he will stay in office for six years now. all right current approach over the reporting of many many things indeed so you're saying ok would you stay with us here on r t has been breaking news the news continues do stick around we'll see you in just. clay. live. bringing you the latest in science technology from the realm.


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