tv [untitled] September 26, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the future of. the. kremlin comeback our team gauges the global reaction to news i'm glad you're running for the russian presidency again next year with dmitri medvedev now planning to replace him as head of government. we have the announcement now of the analysis join me from now on the latest global and russian reaction to putin for president. the i.m.f. warns it may not be able to help out bigger economies this is european leaders prepare a rescue plan to stave off a double dip recession and the prospect of greek default looms. and a clampdown on freedom of expression in the u.k. as a historic precedent is set over a ban on marching in parts of london. nine
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am in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story global media has been responding to news out of a lot of your putin will campaign to return to his old job as president next year he's been backed by russia's current president dmitri medvedev who's now aiming to replace putin as prime minister parties and he said no way as more. the announcement itself not a very big surprise but how and when it happened some analysts are saying it was the best kept little secret in modern history of course social networks went crazy with reaction if we take a look at some of the tweets that came immediately stateside from senator john mccain not a big surprise coming from him here of course a former presidential candidate in the u.s. in two thousand and eight says surprise surprise shocking news is running for
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president and then here in russia from iterative presidential aide our we have nothing to be cheerful about it's better to be playing ice hockey at luzhniki that of course is the stadium where the united russia convention took place and the announcement was made he goes on to say it's high time to switch to a sports channel i know there are another tweet from katrina vanden fugal who's the editor of the nation i says it is to replace region for democracy russian style not something we're going to hear from a lot of analysts whether or not this is how russia creating its own democracy would serve the state not necessarily. taking the western model that we see in the united states and in western europe probably very different reaction on the social networks and this really is just the beginning i think it's fair to say this announcement happens on the weekends to drop this monday we're going to be hearing a lot of different analysis about what this means with pleasure here which is running against the president in trying to jam pushing doesn't joyelle slightly
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higher approval rating than president medvedev it's about three percent and really he is known for bringing stability to russia after the turbulent ninety's russian citizens of course very much appreciate that ricardo the from voice across radio had this to say he's got to start creating jobs just like other presidents other prime ministers have to do across the world you start to start the russian economic engine was already going again resetting the economy there i don't think he needs to change his style this point he has been very. consistent as showing himself as a very strong decisive leader and he certainly has done the same with his protege obviously you know a person of good give and this is the kind of political intelligence this is the kind of smarts but i think people respect whether they're in russia or the u.s. he's shown to be very decisive very strong and has a vision for russia and i think that whether it's the u.s. or russia or any other country where you have a leader who has a vision and the strength of the people can see that's the that's the individual
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they want in office mates maybe they certainly have their work cut out for them what they need to do now is convince the russian people that it's their tandem that will take process through the next decade i moved past stability to further development will stay with us here on our t.v. plenty more to come including peace by washington stands accused of bullying u.n. member states to delay palestinian statehood bid as the security council gathers to discuss the issue plus. the area curfews went through. facebook social network sites. about it to see who measures historic changes in the u.k. is the home office and police imposing of ban on barging. prefers the euro zone leaders are preparing a rescue plan to prevent the escalation of the financial turmoil that threatens to send the global economy back into recession this as the i.m.f.
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or as it may not be able to help out bigger european economies that are struggled to top struggling to tackle their debt with a greek default now widely considered only a matter of time the priority is to prevent bigger states like italy and spain from being dragged down greece has been struck by another wave of protests against government austerity measures but as our he's got a cheeky on reports the i.m.f. is being accused of being too tough on some countries while being soft on others including the us where the two thousand a price or start. to litter shipments changed. the methods have not for a desperate economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of for korean budget belt tightening reeses push to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public assets at fire sale prices some of new choice but to cut dificid know the i.m.f. former head go many extra sconce said that forcing greece to pay back its debts
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would unacceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to accept losses on greek debt but philanthropy has never been the i.m.f. strongpoint it's an institution where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the member principal and interest we're not in the business offices of subsidies we're not in the business of getting grants the u.s. and europe are holding the most votes in the organization and veto power despite the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organisation's policy making it's been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning in prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the u.s. was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organization proved completely we've done didn't in the case of united. kingdom much stronger position
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warning about the pill to. be. completely. and invest. to monitor the rich. as well as. it will credit billing some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern for all of the big decisions of the i.m.f. are made by the us treasury department well even the head of the world bank has accused the top advanced economies of hypocrisy in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying it would i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i do a do what i say not what i do world wealth fracture to the detriment of all. the
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old ways can and must change with the item have swapped the s. members themselves facing their own problems many doubt whether the organisation will be able to take adequate measures to ward off possibly another global crisis as well lending money to the world weaker connelly's the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable solutions that can not come with crippling measures but one thing is clear the world demands an i.m.f. that does not work solely for the benefit of the few i'm going to check out with forty four more r t. and r.t. spoke with russia's finance minister alexei kudrin who says in order to tackle the economic crisis countries in the west have to deal with what provoked it in the first place consumerism more on these thoughts at our interview coming up in about an hour. that's the way western countries are marketed has become somewhat outdated as huge consumption and little investments and savings have provoked this crisis
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it's points most western countries are not ready to reduce their consumption and preserve the pre-crisis development path from this does not let them emerge from crisis on their consumption is not substantiated with really konami results as consumption is pulling them into debt so western countries have this issue and they're trying to resolve it by printing money which only delays the solution. we can't yet predict from the economic point of view if this printing of money and supporting the artificial demand will help kick start the engine of the western economy so far this is not yet happened after all what the federal reserve system is don't know we can see the situation is becoming worse because those measures have not been announced and one can expect the frontiers of money will resume recover. about all the latest coverage on a turbulent financial situation around the globe on our web site r.t. dot com here's what's also a click away for you right now watch the protests that are being dubbed the occupy
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wall street that are going to see a lower manhattan a movement that is calling them the u.s. are prevalent of the arab spring plus. a finnish pastor suspended by his church risky to go out against one of the world's most wanted terrorists find out about this and probably more at archie dug up. the little beasts in which brighten. the palace song from the face. we. don't come. twenty years ago
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largest country in the suitcases of the. place how did. speak on the journey. where did it take the. wealthy british style. sometimes its. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with a much stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. thanks for staying with us here on r t palestinian euphoria following their
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statehood bid at the un is beginning to damp as the security council prepares to discuss the case later today the palliate palestinian authority has given the un two weeks to decide the issue after accusations that the u.s. was intimidating member states the body the bill dal and bureaucracy the shadow of a promised us a veto also hangs over the proceedings obama's about to prevent the recognition of a free palestinian state without israel's approval pro palestinian activist or oday questions why israel would want peace with a state it's comfortably occupied for very long. the want to negotiate with the book we really have now the experience of the last nine years that there is the eighty's on not serious in the go with the for this because they want to talk and settlements live side by side along. other in harmony if there is there it is continue with the original manual policies with. aggressive policies with the
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nation and the palestinians there will be no peace peace can only come through you should understand the between both sides between the israelis and between the palestinians but also the international community the united states is also an important element because the tail of the washington axis is blocking the peace process in the region and this should be taken into consideration and i think russia has a big role to play the chinese and other. permanent members of the security council in major role in bringing peace to the russian people should its bubble stand the fall of the whole that night it states would be a fair but not a part of the a fair play of between conflicting parties but not supporting one side against the other. events at the u.n. have seen criticism leveled at the u.s.
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with many accusing washington of pandering to israeli interests as a new report has emerged claiming president obama approved the transfer of fifty five high tech bunker buster bombs to israel only months into his term in office something even the bush administration has refused to do but according to author and historian william blom it's all about campaign fund it. well the u.s. has been giving is the one or none of those decades and decades this is nothing new it's not based on logic i mean if you asked a rational explanation that is not what he is credit israel because of money he gets us his election campaign yes flocking to jewish lobbies and us individuals that's why motivates him and that's the only rationale he has have to be a logical. consistence. the u.k. government has granted police the right to prevent far right groups from marching
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in five london boroughs for thirty days scotland yard says it's applied for the bad over fears of violence and disorder planned by the english defense league earlier this month as our healer emmet report has prompted concerns that a dangerous precedent may have been set in terms of police power and freedom of expression. the view of workers activists on the home office ban on marching it's clear it's an attack on democratic rights in this country three september in six areas of london anyone marching like these people to last winter is liable to be arrested and fined or even imprisoned. the ban was prompted by plans by the anti muslim english defense league seen here in luton in february to march through tower hamlets the area with the highest concentration of muslims in the country but instead of banning one march one day the home office
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banned all marches in six baros for an entire month activist richard seymour sees a wider motive. pastor doesn't necessarily mean to say that a march isn't going to happen it just means that the police have more powers and that's part of the wider problem but if you're restricted to a static demonstration the police have a right to pen you in. a restroom very. small appliances or non-offensive these people behind me are amongst the lucky few they still can march just by pure accident of geography we're here in lumberton which is not one of the six barra's affected by the ban but if as many fear the government extend and widen the ban to take in more parts of london the scenes that you see behind me both small and large marches through london and many other cities across the country could be a thing of the past the band comes hot on the heels of widespread rioting in many english fifteenth in august it also coincides with the introduction of government
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austerity measures which some say amounts to the dismantling of the entire welfare state many say public fear of civil unrest is being manipulated to prevent unions from turning out to protest fears cuts and pat. reagan from the work his revolutionary party says it's just the tip of the iceberg to the talking about area perkins that talk about shutting down facebook social network sites they're talking about the kit or your civil war measures because what they're doing in britain is creating a historic change which inevitably. the majority of the population will oppose and the home office can only stop marching it's powerless to prevent people from gathering but workers' organizations argue it's no good just standing that you've got to be able to march to make a statement as the unions did in march when more than a quarter of a million people turned out to protest the cup activists say that's exactly what
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the government's trying to stop just in terms of where we are at the moment in this country with the process of the stereotyping pushed through by the government trade unions are one of the major books opposed to that public order legislation does tend to be used against striking workers something that's very clear i mean there's just there's been some recent examples of people being pulled off the picket lines and not to obviously we can see any resistance to the cuts freedom of expression and dissociation are enshrined in u.k. and european law with the u.k. renowned for its powerful union organizations but the ban gives the police the ultimate power to step in and arrest demonstrates it merely for exercising their rights to speak out against the government and that's a dangerous precedent to set new rabbits london. for a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe libya's ruling
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national transitional council is reportedly struggling to form a new government as fighting continues near the city of sirte still loyal to a foreign leader moammar gadhafi young going civil war has claimed the lives of an estimated thirty thousand people so far the capital tripoli are mass grave was discovered. figured to contain almost thirteen hundred bodies believed to be the remains of those inmates and could oxys top security prison abu salim which was the site of a massacre in one thousand nine hundred six. the final yemeni leader ali abdullah saleh has called for early presidential and parliamentary elections the moves are unlikely to satisfy protesters who've been calling for the end of salaries regimes instead wary of the one hundred forty people were killed in yemen in past in the past week in violence that escalated since the president returned to the country after undergoing medical treatment abroad more than fifteen hundred people are believed to have died since clashes between anti-government activists and security forces started. spain where the last scheduled bull fight in
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catalonia ended and clashes between fans and anti bullfight campaigners scuffles broke out near an arena in barcelona after the end of the show there a ban on bullfighting brought in by catalonia as parliament comes into effect in january after pressure from animal rights activists but many see bullfighting as part of their heritage and say they want the tradition preserved. saudi arabia has granted women the right to vote and stand in nationwide elections in the future for the first time in the country's modern history king abdullah also ruled that women can be appointed to the currently all male consultative council tate of shura council it's a major change for the conservative muslim kingdom but in force is a strict version of islamic law and has banned women from taking part in polls or politics before saudi arabia holds its second ever local election thursday that women will only be allowed to vote in the next ones that are scheduled for twenty
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fifteenth at least one person reported killed several wounded in a militant strike on the u.s. embassy complex in the afghan capital the attack targeted the building that's used by the cia which has yet to comment and nato officers said a single isolated incident happened but the situation is under control and the latest in a string of attacks in kabul taliban insurgents stage an assault on the u.s. embassy two weeks ago leaving dozens dead and wounded just a few days ago a former afghan president and key peace negotiator was assassinated at his home u.s. officials blame pakistan for the surgeon military attacks but artie's military contributor things washington doesn't want to admit that it may be losing the fight. during the latest u.s. senate armed services committee testimony admiral mullen and the new u.s. secretary of defense leon panetta jointly accused of the pakistani military
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and specifically the pakistani intelligence i saw i in a connivance and complicity in orchestrating the hakani network attack against the united states embassy in afghanistan there was nothing new in these accusations and allegations except that we have been hearing them for almost ten years old the other side of the american told brass accusations against pakistani military and intelligence community because once again demonstrated to what extent the american intelligence leadership that has moved from langley to the pens again has completely lost the dynamics and the overall picture of a clear and present danger to the interests of the united states in the region
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specifically in afghanistan and pakistan in the last day cave a us foreign policy in pakistan has suffered a total and complete blown back its mixture of threats and complaints and military and financial incentives turned out to be totally counterproductive and personally it has made the highly respected flag officer admiral michael mullen and his new boss lay on. one of the most popular laughingstocks and scapegoats of the u.s. failure in afghanistan. just ahead as our special report on post soviet estonia but business news next with kareena well again stay with us for. our welcome to our business out there that's all thanks for joining me here crane says it has achieved significant progress in natural gas talks with russia
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president thanks again to college met russian leaders late saturday to discuss the terms of gas transit and supplies the parties agreed to hold her as a government meeting in ukraine in october crane claims it was paying too much under the current gas supply deal to change the terms russia says it's prepared to provide a discount but in return was a stake in ukraine's pipeline network company from the national energy security believes if the simplest solution for here. in moscow the problem of. who will do the the problem will be the proper it all this pipeline in my opinion is the most realistic way to give russia at least fifty percent in this pipeline system and russia will give serious discount because it's position to the measure of this from the gas price in ukraine will be the same as in russia now the price and rational use every price is approximately one hundred twenty dollars so three times should buy the new green be so very simple solution but if you crean. will be
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disagree with this proposal if you really will still insist on discount without solving the problem of i have one system so it is very simple if ukraine doesn't want to do you probably do on purpose is them soon ukraine will feel no other choice but would you probably want all you call new york with countries all the choice is very simple. bus week was the worst for russia's markets this year and the auctions fell sixteen percent while the my six was down twelve traders suggest equities will continue to be highly volatile here with risk on the downside and even so i like a from b. to b. capital says that russian stocks are fundamentally cheap and attractive this week will largely depend. on the outlook of from the g twenty meeting of the world bank and i mean meeting and whether redemptions do actually materialize the levels now looking increasingly attractive the market is cheap even on the basis of
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seventy five dollars branstetter money is still above one hundred dollars per barrel so the market has already priced in a pretty negative scenario it's hard to manage it in the fundamental way that the market can diplo or as two thousand and eight is still not not in place there's a number of factors that the difference however of the mood is quite low. although fears of a double dip recession are rising tom money from wall street you believe that the markets are still some way from chronic not. the species of the sort of first very similar to two thousand and eight the. the overall level of the fool from our peak in a forty that's not so doubt the story of the first and so for the moment i think we're way off from calling this a two thousand and eight crisis the market is generally you know it's pricing research to the u.s. already it's very scarce assumption is for slow growth in the us probably the markets problem is the consideration of the that's the big unknown and that's much
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more difficult to price not was getting the market very very worrisome to use. at the markets now oil is trading at the lowest in more than six weeks investors are speculating that you have someone debt crisis or cut fuel demand and that will surprise friends lenders are trading at one hundred three dollars a barrel while losing seven seven stands and it's trading at seventy nine dollars a barrel now is asia where stocks are trading lower with tokyo stocks taking a large hit after three day weekend because dropping one point eight percent catching up with heavy losses in asia on friday among the top losers me to be she is sharing a percentage hand-sewing good for now hong kong shares are also losing ground with hank sank down one point eight percent to. one hours ahead of the opening bell in moscow or the russian markets ended last week deep in the red friday the r.t.s. closed over five percent down off my six lost almost four and
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