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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EDT

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he with us here on r t our top story global media has been responding to the news out of live near putin will campaign to return to his old job as president next year he's been backed by russia's current president dmitri medvedev who's now aiming to replace putin as prime minister or he's a nice and now has more. the announcement itself not a very big surprise but how and when did it happen some analysts are saying it was the best kept little secret in modern history of course social networks went crazy with reaction if we take a look at some of the tweets that came immediately stateside from senator john mccain not a big surprise coming from him he of course a former presidential candidate in the u.s. in two thousand and eight says surprise surprise shocking news putin is running for president and then here in russia from a presidential aide arkady dvorkovich we have nothing to be cheerful about it's better to be playing ice hockey at luzhniki that of course is the stadium where the united russia convention took place and the announcement was made he goes on to say
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it's time to switch to a sports channel ah another another tweet from katrina vanden fugal who's the editor of the nation says they did it to replace region democracy russian style not so they were going to hear from a lot of analysts whether or not this is the path to russia creating its own democracy so to say not necessarily. taking that beat the western model that we see in the united states and in western europe very different reaction on the social networks and this really is just the beginning i think it's fair to say this announcement happens on the weekends to throughout this monday we're going to be hearing a lot of different analysis about what this means with your pooch and running against a president in twenty two by pushing doesn't joy a slightly higher approval rating than president medvedev it's about three percent and really he is known for bringing stability to russia after the turbulent ninety's russian citizens of course very much appreciate that ricardo young from voice of russia radio had this to say he's got to start creating jobs just like
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other presidents other prime ministers have to do across the globe east got to start the russian economic engine. going again reset of the button on the economy there i don't think he needs to change or sell this point he has been very. consistent as showing himself as a very strong decisive leader and he certainly has done the same with his protege obviously president and this is the kind of political intelligence this is the kind of smarts but i think people respect whether they're in russia or the us be shown to be very decisive very strong and has a vision for russia and i think that whether it's the u.s. or russia or any other country when you have a leader who has a vision and the strength of the people can see that's the that's the individual they want in office. they did it would certainly have their work cut out for them what they need to do now is convince the russian people that it's their tandem that will take through the next decade and move past stability to further development.
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with a lot of fear putin widely expected to take over the kremlin again next year he would become the first russian president to serve a six year term but imo say a lot of his hands for reform in the country if he wants to stay the top bad for years to come. putting came out with their make major slogan stability now it's not time we still need to preserve stability but we more need innovation something that it was coming out with so it will depend on how. able to push for innovation marginalization at the same time for seven stability because now it's a rather difficult time all over the world with their continuing crisis in the euro zone still uncertain is even in the emerging economies there are lots of talk about him being a full twelve years for next to turn so if he wants to be for than two terms in power of course he has to make some progress over the next six years stay with us here on r t plenty to come in the program including piece by vito palestinian officials accuse washington of bullying u.n.
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member states into delaying the palestinian statehood bid as the security council gathers to discuss the issue what's. the ordinary good fuse going to be about shutting down facebook social network sites. we're talking about dictatorial sumo measures historic changes in the u.k. is the home office and police impose a ban on the march. but first the euro zone leaders are preparing a rescue plan to prevent the escalation of the financial turmoil threatening to send the global economy back into recession this comes as the i.m.f. has warned it may not be able to help out bigger european economies that are struggling to tackle their debt with a greek default now widely considered just a matter of time the priority is to keep bigger states like italy and spain from also being dragged down greece has been hit with another wave of protests against government austerity measures but as our he's got a cheeky on reports the i.m.f.
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is accused of being too tough on some countries while being too soft on others including the us where the two thousand and eight start of the leadership has changed but the methods have not for desperate a. economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of draconian budget belt tightening greece is pushed to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public assets at fire sale prices some have no choice but to cut dificid know the i.m.f. form ahead domenic stress khan said that forcing greece to pay back its debts would unacceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to accept losses on greek debt but philanthropy has never been the i.m.f. strong point it's an institution where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the
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member principle and interest we're not in the business obsessed of subsidies we're not in the business of giving grants the u.s. and europe are holding the most votes in the organization and veto power despite the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organization's policymaking has been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning and prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the u.s. was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organization proved completely redundant in the case of united they taken a much stronger position warning about the build up of financial that's going to be . that write it up again and that will completely drop the ball and it must be able to monitor the rich and eight as well as it will lose its
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credibility some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern all of the big decisions at the i.m.f. are made by the us treasury department well even the head of the world bank has accused the top advanced economies if you caucus in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying do what i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i do a do what i say not what i do world will fracture to the detriment of all. they always care must change with the arguments the wealthiest members themselves facing their own problems many doubt whether the organization will be able to take adequate measures to work off possibly another global crisis as well lending money
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to the world weaker economies the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable solutions that do not come with crippling measures but one thing is clear the world demands an i.m.f. that does not work solely for the benefit of the few i'm going to check out with what if i want r.t. . and we spoke with russia's finance minister alexei kudrin who says in order to tackle the economic crisis countries in the west have to deal with what provoked it in the first place out of control consumerism these thoughts and more in the interview coming up in about twenty minutes here's a preview. of this trial so the kenyans could do a western countries are vital has become somewhat outdated and has huge consumption and little investments and savings have provoked this crisis at this point most western countries are not ready to reduce their consumption and preserve the pre-crisis development path from this does not let them emerge from crisis on their consumption is not substantiated with real economic results this consumption is pulling them into debt so western countries have this issue and they're trying to
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resolve it by printing money which only delays the solution we can't predict on the economic point of view of this printing of money and supporting an artificial demand will help kick start the engine of the western economy so far this is not yet happened after all what the federal reserve system is don't know we can see the situation is becoming worse as those measures have not been enough and one can expect the printing of money will resume of. the person mr global mood has been reflected in russia at least last last last week saw a market suffer some of the worst losses of the year yet for more on this let's go to outline. to our business desk corrina melican joins us so kareen it is it all doom and gloom well russian markets light again in the morning trading after suffering shop losses last week when the aussie s. fell a sixteen percent and my six twelve percent now they are trading make that the moment
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i just look at the figures but the downfall is partly due to news that the next equipment could be stepping down as prime minister also suffering also affecting the markets is news that european leaders have made some progress on the green size of the bailout but not how it should be fun that we'll have more for you and a business. so the i can see you in about ten minutes. all the latest coverage of the turbulent financial situation around the globe commute found on our t.v. dot com here's what's a click away right now to. watch the videos of protest the occupy wall street that have been seen in lower manhattan the movement some are championing as a u.s. of prevalence of the arab spring. a finnish pastor suspended by his church for speaking out against one of the world's most wanted terrorists all that and more a click away at archie dot com.
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very first verses of the bible that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or non jews. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was a do is deterrence doing what we call making our presence felt you go out should somebody so they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner and they don't know how religion the nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed if you want to. i thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect and you have to be either extreme. religious jew calling it.
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the way they really are. thanks for saying with us here on our teeth thirteen minutes past the hour in moscow palestinian euphoria following their statehood bid at the un is beginning to fade as the security council prepares to discuss the case later today palestinian authority is giving the u.n. two weeks to decide on issue after accusations the u.s. was intimidating member states to bog down in bureaucracy the shadow of promised us mido also hangs heavy over the proceedings president obama vowed to prevent the recognition of any palestinian state without the approval of israel mahmoud low
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body a member of west bank's fatah movement says negotiations are impossible if one side has no interest piques. we have now the experience of the last nineteen twenty years that there is there a these are not serious in negotiating with it by the spinny and they want to talk and build settlements they want to negotiate with us and carry on their ethnically in jerusalem were. to come through mutual understanding between both sides between the israelis and between the palestinians but the united states is also an important element because the tel aviv washington axis is blocking the peace process in the region russia should stop its double standard policies it should also stop financing is a on all levels equipping it is those with the most sophisticated weapons palestinians obviously. they have the fall for the for the last six taking and more
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they one finally achieve these and that's why we are looking for but the statehood we are looking to establish a palestinian independence state alongside is the where both people can live in peace and harmony together as obama struggles to contain fallout from the palestinian bid new reports have emerged that he secretly approved the transfer of fifty five high tech bunker buster bombs to israel to deal legibly happened only months into his term in office and was this something that the bush administration had rejected fearing israel could sell the technology to china but according to author a story in william blom for obama it's about campaign funding. well the u.s. has been giving israel all amount of her decades and decades this is nothing new it's not based on logic i mean if you asked a rational explanation that is not what he is crow is really all because of the
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money he gets in the u.s. for his election campaigns he gets a fortune to jewish lobby and jewish individuals that's what motivates him and that's the only rationale he has and have to be logical. inconsistency the u.k. government has granted police the power to prevent far right groups from marching through several parts of london for thirty days scotland yard says it applied for the ban over fears of violence and disorder planned by the english defense league earlier this month but as are here and it reports it's prompted concerns that a dangerous precedent has been set in terms of police authority and freedom of expression. the view of workers activists on the home office ban on marching is clear. in this country through september in six areas of london anyone marching like these people did last winter is liable to be arrested and fined or even imprisoned. the ban was
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prompted by plans by the anti muslim english defense league seen here in luton in february to march through tower hamlets the area with the highest concentration of muslims in the country but instead of banning one march on one day the home office banned all marches in six baros for an entire month activist richard seymour sees a wider motive. doesn't necessarily mean to say that march isn't going to happen it just means that. more powers and that's part of the wider problem but if you're restricted to a static demonstration the police have a right to. arrest you very. small. these people behind me are amongst the lucky few they still can march just by pure accident of geography we're here in lumberton which is not one of the six bars affected by the ban but if as many fear the government extend and widen the ban to
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take in more parts of london the scenes that you see behind me both small and large marches through london and many other cities across the country could be a thing of the past the band comes hot on the heels of widespread rioting in many english cities in august it also coincides with the introduction of government austerity measures which some say amounts to the dismantling of the entire welfare state many say public fear of civil unrest is being manipulated to prevent unions from turning out to protest fierce cuts and pat. reagan from the workers revolutionary party says it's just the tip of the iceberg to the talking about area curfews that talk about shutting down facebook social network sites they're talking about dictatorial civil war measures because what they're doing in britain is creating a historic change inevitably. the majority of the population will oppose them the
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home office can only stop marching it's powerless to prevent people from gathering but workers' organizations argue it's no good just standing that you've got to be able to march to make a statement as the unions did in march when more than a quarter of a million people turned out to protest the cuts activists say that's exactly what the government's trying to stop just in terms of where we are at the moment in this country with the process of the stereotyping pushed through by the government trade unions are one of the major blocks opposed to that no public order legislation does tend to be used against striking workers i mean that's been very clear there's just there's been some recent examples of people being pulled off the picket lines and not to obviously we can see any resistance to cuts freedom of expression and dissociation enshrined in the u.k. and european law with the u.k. renowned for its powerful union organizations but the ban gives police the ultimate
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power to step in and arrest demonstrators merely for exercising their right to speak out against the government and that's a dangerous precedent to set. london. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe libya's ruling national transitional council is reportedly struggling to form a new government as fighting keeps third near the city of sirte still loyal to a fall leader moammar gadhafi the ongoing civil war has claimed the lives of an estimated thirty thousand people so far in the capital tripoli a mass grave was uncovered estimated to contain all. thirteen hundred bodies believed to be that of the remains belong to the inmates of khadafi is top security prison abu salim the site of a massacre in one thousand nine hundred six. syrian tanks and machine gunners have taken up positions and started the bombardment of the opposition held city of all rust on in the west of the country reports say three people have so far
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been injured and as the army is preparing to storm the city this follows a sharp spike in anti regime sentiment around the country with syria seeing some of its biggest protests in months president assad blames the interest on foreign meddling in stabilizing their country. in france senate elections have taken a historic turn with a left wing enough seats to gain control of the upper house it's the first time that's happened in more than a half century the change comes just seven months before the presidential election and is a serious blow to president nicolas sarkozy and his conservative government. and the wrap up in spain where the last scheduled poll fight in catalonia has ended in clashes between fans and alba anti bullfight campaigners scuffles broke out near an arena in barcelona after the end of the show that the ban on both fighting brought in by catalonia as parliament comes into effect january after pressure from our animal rights activists but many still see both fighting as part of their heritage
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and want the tradition preserve. back with a recap of our top stories shortly but corinne is up first with the business news stay with us. welcome to our business update us how thanks for joining me russian markets are bouncing back up to shop false in the first hour of trading there digesting the news like important would be making another bid for russia's presidency and that aleksei could and could be stepping down as finance minister one globally european leaders have made some progress in agreeing the size of the bailout but critically not how it should be found it now let's get the latest from peter arbor who is at the r.t.l. stock exchange here in moscow hello to you peter so what's the mood like now. the latest is the my six has made so many games however the r.t.s. is still trading in the red now this follows last week where both markets suffered shoot shoot losses following gloomy growth predictions from the united states also
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the ongoing debt crisis in europe having an effect there was a meeting over the weekend to try and determine a solution to this day crisis but out left more questions still to be amazing to be answered and they estimate that it could be almost two trillion euros that's needed to bail out the debt riddled countries in the eurozone now throw into the mix the big domestic news from here in russia not a mere putin will run to the presidency in twenty twelve and that's finance minister alex he couldn't could step down and it's really very difficult to see how the markets all reacting right now to all this news. ok peter thanks very much for the update when we get back to you in our next programs now let's take a look at the figures here in moscow slightly recovered from earlier shelf losses now just half a percent in the red and wise excess training point seven percent higher now let's look at some index movers on them isaac's energy majors are bouncing back already
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a loss as with any over two percent however telecommunications telecom a still down company is listing twenty five percent of its preferred shares an la. and banking stocks are under pressure as well with all the two percent down. here's your own markets a mix this hour after opening in the red a banking stocks were under pressure to rebound doing now while miners are posting heavy losses as commodity prices sink the footsie is losing a point seven percent or so and the dax is up a point six percent. asian stocks are down as well adding to recent losses as the lack of progress in solving europe's sovereign debt problems fuelled risk aversion and sent investors out of equities japan's nikkei ended down two point two percent catching up with heavy selloff in asia on friday exporters fell with consumer electronics makers sony finishing over four percent lower and hong kong has also losing ground with tank losing over three percent. now oil is trading near
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a six weeks low investors are speculating that you have solved one debt crisis will cut fuel demand and its supplies. blend is that one hundred three dollars per barrel. is trading at seventy nine dollars a barrel. i'm so precious metals are also heading down as investors rush for the ultimate safe haven for cash gold is losing almost three percent while sober is trading below thirty dollars per month. ukraine says it has achieved significant progress and natural gas talks with russia president viktor unocal which met russian leaders late saturday to discuss the terms of gas transit and supplies the parties agreed to hold an interim government meeting in ukraine in october plains that is paying too much under the collar got supplied to you and wants to change the terms russia says it's prepared to provide a discount but in return wants a stake in ukraine's pipeline network. from the national energy security fund
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believes it's a simple solution. your most children. who will be the proof of the program will be the bridge will be spiteful. in my opinion is the most realistic way to give russia at least fifty percent in this pipeline system and the russia will give serious a discount because its position knew there was a measure of just from the gas the price in ukraine will be the same as in russia now the price in russia every price is approximately one hundred twenty dollars so three times should buy the new cream be so very simple solution but if you create in. will be disagree with this proposal if you will still insist on discount without so solving the problem of the bible as system so it is very simple if ukraine doesn't want to give on a system soon ukraine will feel no other choice but to give proper doing all equally new if wisconsin sole the choice is very simple. and. remember you can
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always log on to our website r.t. dot com. watch. the movie.
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twelve thirty pm in moscow these are your r.t. headlines kremlin comeback the world reacts to news that glad amir putin is running for the russian presidency again next year with dmitri medvedev now planning to replace him his head of government while some are skeptical about the move to ted and continues enjoying high approval ratings among the russian people. a clampdown on freedom of expression in the u.k. is a historic precedent is set over a ban on marching in parts of london police say was necessary to prevent violence and disorder a plan by far right groups. european leaders are preparing a rescue plan as they battle to stave off a double dip recession and the prospect of greek default while the i.m.f. warns it may not be able to help out bigger economies but the fund is accused of being too tough on some countries while taking a soft stance on the.


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