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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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this is live from moscow global media has been responding to the news that putin will campaign to return to his old job as president next year he's there by russia's current president to be the advent of his now aiming to replace putin as prime minister and he's now as. the announcement itself not a very big surprise but how and when did it happen some analysts are saying it was the best kept little secret in modern history of course social networks went crazy with reaction if we take a look at some of the tweets that came immediately stateside from senator john mccain not a big surprise coming from him he of course a former presidential candidate in the u.s. in two thousand and eight says surprise surprise shocking news is running for
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president and then here in russia from a presidential aide. we have nothing to be cheerful about it's better to be playing ice hockey at luzhniki that of course is the stadium where the united russia convention took place and the announcement was made he goes on to say it's high time to switch to a sports channel i know there are another tweet from katrina vanden fugal who's the editor of the nation says they did it to replace. democracy russian style not so they were going to hear from a lot of analysts whether or not this is the path to russia creating its own democracy so to say not necessarily. taking the western model that we see in the united states and western europe very different reaction on the social networks and this really is just the beginning i think it's fair to say this announcement happens on the weekends throughout this monday we're going to be hearing a lot of different analysis about what this means with pledging your future running against a president in twenty years by pushing doesn't joy
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a slightly higher approval rating than president medvedev it's about three per cent and really he is known for bringing stability to russia after the turbulent ninety's russian citizens of course very much appreciate that ricardo from voice of russia radio had this to say he's got to start creating jobs just like other presidents or other prime ministers have to do across the globe east got to start the russian economic engine. going again restart the economy there i don't think he needs to change this point he has been very. consistent as showing himself as a very strong decisive leader and he certainly has done the same with his protege obviously president. and this is the kind of political intelligence this is the kind of smarts that i think people respect whether they're in russia or the u.s. be shown to be very decisive very strong and has a vision for russia and i think that whether it's the u.s. or russia or any other country when you have a leader who has a vision and the strength of the people can see that's the that's the individual
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they want in office. they did it was certainly have their work cut out for them what they need to do now is convince the russian people that it's their tandem that will take us through the next decade and move stability to further development. all those gets the more perspective on this now from london based that mass in the coulee many thanks for joining us here in our forty so says now. back to having president does that mean that the country. no not necessarily because russia is in a pretty good economic situation present if you look at the all revenues if you look at gas if you look at gold. raw materials diamonds and so on russia is a very strong position in the world isn't really affecting russia far because it has to go before the billion dollars. it can take.
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but at present economic situation it is quite good because the i.m.f. is expecting something like four percent growth this year which is vastly superior to the european union america you talk about economic stab at of course the question still hangs in the advent political stagnation the ruling united russia party and the putin made that a tandem is absolutely supported by heart of all russians but the widespread view persisted there is a lack of democracy in the country why is that. basically because the middle class or small if you look at the worst european american north american democracies the middle classes are large. and political parties really come from the middle class. and many of the people the middle class are business professionals and storage and that group is not really developed in russia. but many of them of civil servants and so on state officials. and russia needs to evolve
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a much larger beautiful are small and medium scale businesses need to develop. democracy and the middle class will develop some attention everywhere in europe especially america big business is involved in politics because money money buys power and you look at america the democrats the republicans big business supports bush they get the money from big business wall street here for. it's no surprise that in russia that you've got it united russia the media is here is in fact the party of the oligarchs the top businessmen because you join if you are a top businessman you've got to be in the top party otherwise you may be sidelined well is that perhaps why come back to the kremlin has also been criticized heavily in the west do you think they have a point. yes the west take
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a different view because they take a view it's really a liberal market economy plus democracy democracy in the west means a multi-party system a multi-party system is not developed in russia. because the communist party until ninety ninety one dominates and afterwards you had various parties which reflected years since presidential power then put into power and so on so one dominant party in russia and all the other parties are really minor minor parties it surprised me the communist party has made a strong showing but to get out as you go in there doesn't seem to be a very dynamic leader so therefore from the point of you have to mock you say the western view is different because it's multi party it's business very often related to business in russia that really hasn't developed that russia needs perhaps another generation before you get the system because if you think back to the yeltsin era you're listening children mooted trying to set up
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a two party system based on the american system under sailed. one party dominated you could really have two parties competing for power in russia at present the trend is one party and anybody who is anybody anybody who's economic wants to be in that party and if that is the case then no other party really can challenge for power against nasser russia's foreign policy dmitri medvedev has a say called reset carry on with washington likely to keep supporting that. well he will because he i think he views the united states as declining power the united states britain is in the situation of really paralysis obama is looking forward to the presidential elections next year and foreign policy is secondary therefore russia would be in a strong position they would say we have a strong leader the united states needs a strong leader the leadership in america is weak therefore can we reach some deal and so on the russians really think of putting me think russia doesn't need to make
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any concessions to the u.s. approach because who knows what's going to happen next year the year after is these economy going to collapse and who will be the next president let's deal with the next president. obama in many ways will be seen as trying to figure out a one term president so we don't need to make any concessions from the other point of view if you look at the middle east putin and russia are very strong supporters of bashir assad in syria the european union the united states would like assad to step aside and another leader to take over so therefore that's one point where they'll be conflict libya russia's change tried to libya and so on but in the arab world they need to play a role they always played a role and i think they'll be looking to play a greater role but from my point of view the greatest challenge to russia is really trying the economic political and military growth of china is a great challenge to russia in many ways the united states is not
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a threat. to russia china is potentially a threat in the long term. some of russia's entire ways it can now be peace and that it has repeatedly told corruption and creating a better investment climate in russia but are they really making any. six trimly difficult to do that because if you look at any country if you look at britain there's corruption if you look at the united states is corruption corruption is it really difficult to pay to remove one city. into the system. based on nepotism is based on the granting contracts to your friends and so on that's very difficult to eliminate the russian system no you found that actually in the government of the late communist era it was developing then it which greater proportions under yeltsin and since then you have the elites the business elites who can in fact buy influence. they're the ones who make sure that they have the power they retain
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the power. they are stifling small and medium scale business because they don't want competition and if somebody falls out of the kremlin the tax police can be used against them and so on so therefore your situation is very very difficult to extirpate corruption to or to lessen corruption we just did his best and he made many fine speeches and so on but the net result i don't think is very great it's a great challenge now for russia for putin to try and reduce corruption to try and get the country more efficient because corruption limits efficiency of the country to reduce that so he's a strong man and he's got the power but of course somebody else had to implement his decision. and if the people including the decisions aren't really in favor of reducing corruption it's very very difficult for the president or the president elect to do that ok martin a corny i rushed past week just from london many thanks thanks thanks. you're with
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us and good to have you with us still plenty to come for you in the program including piece by the say palestinian officials in washington bullying the un member states into delaying the palestinian statehood bid as the security council gathers to discuss the issue also. for the children but you know you could use that to know about shutting down the place for social network sites. we're talking about dictatorial civil war measures historic changes in the u.k. is that the police impose a ban on marching. here is a need is a preparing a rescue plan to prevent the escalation of the financial turmoil threatening to send the global economy back into recession it comes as the i.m.f. has warned it may not be able to help big european economies struggling to tackle that as well with the greek default now widely considered a matter of time the priority is to prevent the biggest states such as italy and
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spain being dragged down greece has been hit by another wave of public strikes against government austerity measures but as aussies got rich can report the mess accused of being too tough on some countries being too soft on all that is the us of the two thousand and eight crisis began. the leadership has changed but the methods have not for a desperate economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of draconian budget belt tightening reeses push to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public assets at fire sale prices some have no choice but to cut dificid know the i.m.f. s'pore my head dominic strauss kahn's said that forcing greece to pay back its debts would on acceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to accept losses on greek debt but feel lancer p. has never been the i.m.f. so strong point it's a new situation where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any
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dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the member principal and interest we're not in the business obsessed of subsidies we're not in the business of giving grants the u.s. and europe are holding the most votes in the organization and veto power despite the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organization's policymaking is been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning and prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the us was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organization proved completely redundant in the case of united they should have taken a much stronger position warning about the build up of financial experts in the private economy. that right out the gate in the housing bubble completely dropped the ball and it must be able to monitor the rich. like united states as
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well as other countries it will only lose its credibility some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern all of the big decisions at the i.m.f. are made by the us treasury department well even the head of the world bank has accused the top advanced economies a few congress in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying do what i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i do a do what i say not what i do world will fracture to the detriment of all. the old ways can and must change with the i.m.f. swell thius members themselves facing their own problems many doubt whether the
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organization will be able to take adequate measures to work off possibly another global crisis as well lending money to the world's weaker connelly's the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable solutions that do not come with crippling measures but one thing is clear the world demands an i.m.f. that does not work solely for the benefit of the few i'm going to check out with what information our team. palestinian euphoria following the state has been at the un's beginning to fade as the security council prepares to discuss the case later today the palestinian authority has given the un two weeks to decide on the issue after accusing the u.s. of intimidating member states to pull the pin down and you'll see the shadow of the promised american visa also hangs over the proceedings of all most valid when the recognition of any indian state without the approval of israel palestinian activists knew all day questions why israel would ever want peace the state it has
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come to be occupied for so long. as palestinians we have a very heightened sense of national pride at this moment on even though we know the veto is most likely coming very much the other really makes no difference but there is a very high sense of national achievement at this point because for one so after those very disappointing years of the so-called peace process the political leadership and the popular popular public opinion are in line and they're in an on one side of the political debate if you will going back to negotiations is not something palestinians oppose on principle but if we go back to negotiations with our occupiers and that's what israel is without any terms of reference without israel clearly committing to international law clearly committing to its obligations according to international law and relevant un resolutions then it's purely pointless. i was the barmah struggles that contain the fallout from the palestinian
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bid new reports of emerge that he secretly approved the charges for fifty five high tech bunker possible to israel with a deal allegedly took place just months into his time in office and was something the british had rejected fearing that israel would sell the technology off to china but according to all that historian william blum for obama it's all about campaign funding. well the u.s. has been giving israel all amount of her cage and this is nothing new it's not based on a larger i mean if you ask a rational explanation that is not what. crow is will be course the money he gets in the u.s. from campaign he gets a fortune to jewish lobbies in your virtual that's what motivates him the only rationale here is we have to agree. about what he does. u.k. government grants police power it's prevent follow right groups are marching through
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several parts of london for thirty days school in the us says it applies to the panic the theory is of violence and disorder by the defense league this month but is it reports its prompted concerns the dangerous precedent and sex in times of police power and freedom of expression. the view of workers activists on the home office ban on marching is clear it's an attack on the basic democratic rights in this country through september in six areas of london anyone marching like these people did last winter is liable to be arrested and fined or even imprisoned. the ban was prompted by plans by the anti muslim english defense league seen here in luton in february to march through tower hamlets the area with the highest concentration of muslims in the country but instead of banning one march on one day the home office banned all marches in six
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bars for an entire month activist richard seymour sees a wider motive once about his past doesn't necessarily mean to say that march isn't going to happen it just means that the police more powers and that's part of the wider problem but if you're restricted to a static demonstration the police have a right to pen you in. a restroom a very. small doses or none of these people behind me are amongst the lucky few they still can march just by pure accident of geography we're here in lumberton which is not one of the six borrowers affected by the baton but if as many fear the government extend and widen the ban to take in more parts of london the scenes that you see behind me both small and large marches through london and many other cities across the country could be a thing of the past the band comes hot on the heels of widespread rioting in many english cities in august it also coincides with the introduction of government
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austerity measures which some say amounts to the dismantling of the entire welfare state many say public fear of civil unrest is being manipulated to prevent unions from turning out to protest fierce cuts and pat. reagan from the workers revolutionary party says it's just the tip of the iceberg to the talking about area curfews talk about shutting down facebook social network sites they're talking about it or your civil war measures because what they're doing in britain is creating a historic change in which inevitably. the majority of the population will oppose them the home office can only stop marching it's powerless to prevent people from gathering but workers' organizations argue it's no good just standing there you've got to be able to march to make a statement as the unions did in march when more than a quarter of
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a million people turned out to protest the cuts activists say that's exactly what the government's trying to stop just in terms of where we are at the moment in this country with the process of a stir to being pushed through by the government trade unions or one of the major box opposed to the public or the legislation does tend to be used against striking workers i mean that's been very clear. there's been some recent examples of people being pulled off the picket lines and not obviously we can see any resistance to. freedom of expression and dissociation in shrine didn't u.k. and european law with the u.k. renowned for its powerful union organizations but the ban gives police the ultimate power to step in and arrest demonstrators merely for exercising their right to speak out against the government and that's a dangerous precedent to set your emmett's r.t. london. because going to check on some other international news in brief syrian
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tanks and positions. and of the opposition held city of a last stand in the west of the country reports say three people have safe all but interesting that the army is preparing to storm the city and follows a sharp increase in anticipation sentiment around the country with syria seeing some of its biggest protests in months president assad laying down rest on foreign meddling in stabilizing the country. to spain now where the last scheduled in catalonia has ended in clashes between fans and anti bullfight campaigners scuffles broke out near an arena or in barcelona or off to the end of a show that about on bullfighting brought in by catalonia is the image comes into effect in january after pressure from animal rights activists but many still see people fighting as part of their heritage and want the tradition. maybe is ruling national transitional council is reporting struggling to form
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a new government as fighting continues here this is of steps to loyal to form in the law gadhafi the ongoing civil wars claim the laws of an estimated thirty thousand people say fall meanwhile in the capital tripoli a mass graves were discovered estimates of the contain always those who hundred bodies it's believed that the remains belong to the inmates of good athens top security prison selling the site of a massacre in one thousand nine hundred six. and we have more on libya on all websites policy dot com any time that you like find out just how much the u.k. ministry of defense has spent say getting. power. time now day for a business update with cutting edge to go away. had a welcome to business here in r.t. thanks for joining us our russian markets a bouncing back after shot falls in the first hour of trades there digesting the
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news pushing it making another bid for russia's president say at x. he could and could be stepping down as finance minister while globally european leaders have made progress on agreeing the size of the bailout but critically not how it should be funded peter all over i was at the r.t.s. stock exchange for us after a relatively slow start to trading on monday both the our two guests and my six have started to regain some of the ground they lost last week when both markets took a bit of a hit now that was a knock on effect through some do me a growth predictions coming out of the united states also the ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone now there was a meeting of eurozone finance chiefs over the weekend but all lot did was really throw up more questions than answers they did say though that it could take almost two trillion euros to bailout the debt riddled countries in the eurozone so all of this coming together to leave the markets extremely volatile the moment you throw
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into the mix the big news from russia vladimir putin will run for the presidency in twenty twelve days finance minister alexey couldn't may step down and it's quite difficult at the minute to see just how much of an impact that will have all me markets right now. tell us take a look at the figures r.t.s. is two percent higher and the my six is gaining over three percent and looking at the index movers on the wires ex most energy majors the rise of local gaining four percent the telecommunications john vause kind of commerce off a lot of companies listing twenty five percent of its preferred shares in london and banking stocks are no exception with the t v twenty two point six percent black . european markets are high as well banking stocks were under pressure rebounding although mine has continued to be under pressure due to weak commodity prices silver and gold miners know it's the biggest dollar how do you index topping over
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eight percent lower precious metals. oil prices are higher this hour investors are speculating that you have to solve a debt crisis or cut fuel demand and that apple's bread bland is trading at just under one hundred for over four dollars a barrel actually while w.-i is trading at eighteen dollars about. the uncertainty in the financial markets has made cash king even the traditional safe haven asset gold is down fifteen percent from its recent peak and one point on monday it had lost one hundred dollars although it's since bounced back most large . capital says it's nothing but a correction after a significant. always seen recently with gold is a fantastic run to the upside is try to do that noisy hundred dollar levels toys and. the trade became increasingly overcrowded so you had individual investors and
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. individual versus larger trading houses investment banks and sovereign nations all piling into the same time when they did it because it is very little supply left certainly did more left. carlos' and therefore we saw you see a pullback in the in the prices also exchanges of increase the margin required. deposit required to hold gold so this seems to be a short sharp sell off and is in line with what we're seeing elsewhere in the market. that's our business out there for this hour but i'll forget you can always log onto our websites r t dot com for more stories to watch. the.
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wealthy british style it's not on the front. of the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines just to name two kinds of reports on our. culture is that so much could be easily be made into a lot of people carrying a burka is it time to rethink our lives ms we know it today should the world still rely on markets to generate wealth when the rich only get richer.
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and south past the hour here in moscow this is all seen the kremlin the coming bag the world reacts to the news that bloody mcclinton is running for the russian president next year with the people that have now planning to replace him with the government while salma skeptical about the move to turn them continues to enjoy strong approval ratings among the russian people. european leaders. rescue plan as they battled to stave off a double dip recession and the prospect of a greek default while the i.m.f. warns it may not be able to help out bigger economies for the funds accused of being too tough on some countries taking assaults dollars on the u.s. where the crisis began. on freedom of expression in u.k. is the new start precedent set a profound old launching parts of london police say it was written.


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