tv [untitled] September 26, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT
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it was confirmed that the team and putin will run for president next year and swap jobs with a degree that he made that of media and social networks have an alpaca in their reactions when he said now he's gauging was being said that schools have it's and now. how's the wealth responding to this top jobs was. the reaction has been mixed but i think it's fair to say that a good majority of it has been fairly negative i want to take you through some of what we're hearing from not just western media but russian as well the guardian talking about how batman returns to the kremlin that of course referring to wiki leaks earlier this year saying that diplomats referred to medvedev improved as batman and robin and then you have nobody goes out to watch the opposition newspaper here in russia saying stepping into eternity the moscow times it was the hog that sealed the deal and then reuters which of course is an international news agency saying russia's finance chief rebels over the putin plan and that's were for
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in october hearing from the finance minister alexei kudrin that if the president has made it becomes the prime minister he won't want to stay on and work with him and of course social media and networks just went crazy there buzzing with saturday's news that putin will run for president in twenty twelve stateside as we've heard from a u.s. senator john mccain who's known for his anti the rhetoric he talked about he tweeted i should say surprise surprise shocking news putin is running for president again and then here in russia we heard treats from the president today to his very own eight hour carty to our coverage and what he tweeted was you have nothing to be cheerful about it's better to play ice hockey at the luzhniki stadium which of course is where this announcement was made it's better now to switch to a sports channel so our negative reaction both from abroad and here in russia although it has to be said that that was expected report a lot of criticism about russia's. lack of democracy. on the other hand we're going
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to hear certainly from the government and other analysts and from people who do support united russia and highly approve of this this idea about how it's high time russia has a right to its own democracy that it doesn't necessarily have to take the model ah that's believed to be the right way in the u.s. and western europe i mean so what about the russian people how are they taking it. well so secret that united russia enjoys a very very good approval ratings here in russia president i should say prime minister putin enjoys a three percent or so lead over mitt in terms of the russians would rather have as president and that's of course because he's known for bringing stability to the country after the very turbulent ninety's and some analysts that we've been spoken to say it's not much surprise that this is how russians are reacting because really when it comes down to it they're going to vote for what's best for them for the
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russian people. and he said. russia is in pretty good economic situation at present if you look at the oil revenues if you look at gas if you look at gold timber. russia is a very strong position in. the world isn't really affecting russia really should fall because it has huge reserves to over four hundred billion dollars. it can take . but a present economic situation is. quite good because the i.m.f. was expecting something like four percent growth this year which is vastly superior to the european union america. and certainly many russian people feel bad how russia is most certainly on the right track and now the new platform with putin and medvedev is that will take you want through through stability to further developments their slogan is what do you. we want russia to look like in twenty
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twenty they still have a lot of work to do because it has to be said united russia has lost some of its popularity in recent years and so it's going to be some work to be done when we come into these parliamentary elections in december and then on to the presidential race in march. so many thanks for vassal timbs a nice analogy there updating us on the announcement for just coming through let's get more from a former russian diplomat. in the studio with me now many thanks for joining me here now. so we've just been hearing that from our correspondent and he said that the western response to this announcement that he will be running for president has been largely negative what's been your response to the announcement well my responses are absolutely obvious that as a russian russian from the street i. can say only one scene that people are in russia and we knew for internal and external
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policy of our leadership especially connected to. waiting mr putin why because he has a good experience in government affairs. governing economy and besides that it was be very i was shocked if he was. commanded by a convention of our united russia as a candidate for president because the russian people now enjoy enjoy his privilege of support of russian people i can say that he doesn't need to. elect. since he doesn't need. using any administrative. resources to be
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elected because all you would believe that russian people bought him my expectation is not pleasant seventy parsons' all russians are full mr portman to be a president that's a different from a western. he's a well established figure is the state that you began your answer by saying that russians here want a change you want a new direction but of course we're bringing back someone that's already been the president is that knowledge chance that this could be seen as russet stagnate saying basically and economically politically and economically but mainly my opinion is that russians are expected asians are connected is political stuff because. of losing and on the external scene on international level some positions are connected expectations mr.
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president as returning to playing dominate not dominant but equal role in. international society in the family of nations in the united nations in the different ways and down don't fall step by step diplomacy is all about american neo-con charge of farces there dominee where dominating in the united states policy. with george w. bush era and now what reactionary and it is a reaction of that activity in the united states he said he's a man and a well established figure ok evidence that matches of many things coming and speaking to us that. eurozone leaders are working against the clock to set up an extensive rescue plan for the region to head off from plunging the global economy into
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a new recession the idea now is to apparently boost the size of the year as a bailout fund to two trillion euros well that's all to the i.m.f. warns it may not be able to help out the big european economies and it is also a pounding it's a write off halt of greece's staggering debt but analysts say default still on the calls through has been hit by another wave of public protests against public cuts and the piracy now is prevent the so-called too big to fail come to such as if you're spain from being dragged down and this guy just you can reports the global leader of the i.m.f. is being accused of disproportionate understands. the leadership has changed but the methods have not for a desperate economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of draconian budget belt tightening reeses push to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public gets it at fire sale prices some have no choice but to cut
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dificid know the i.m.f. form ahead domenic stress cons said that forcing greece to pay back its debts would on acceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to accept losses on greek debt but feel lancer p. has never been the i.m.f. strong point it's a new situation where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the member principal and interest we're not in the business obsessed of subsidies we're not in the business of giving grants the us and europe are holding the most votes in the organisation and veto power despite the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organisation's policymaking is been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning and prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the us was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organisation
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proved completely redundant in the case of united and that should have taken a much stronger position warning about the build up financial debt that i believe to be in it that write it out. but i think that's all we've got the ball and it must be i have now added able to monitor the rich and powerful and like that in eight as well as other countries it will open its credibility some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern all of the big decisions at the i.m.f. are made by the u.s. treasury department well even the head of the world bank has accused the top advanced economies if you caucus in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying do what i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i
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do a do what i say not what i do world will fracture to the detriment of all. the old ways must change with the i am it's the wealthiest members themselves facing their own problems many doubt whether the organization will be able to take adequate measures to work off possibly another global crisis as for lending money to the world's weaker economies the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable solutions that do not come with crippling measures but one thing is clear the world demands and i.m.f. that does not work solely for the benefit of the few check out with forty four more r t. well business that has all the latest market reaction from around the world this hour let's cross live now and say you've got the numbers for us you know all the markets bracing themselves for a possible greek default and i missed a lot of news for investors to die just the markets are rallying after
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a weekend of talks over how to deal with the eurozone debt crisis and also off the hardline commons five german chancellor angela merkel and the recent nation of u.b.s. c.e.o. let me just remind you that on sunday and going morkel said in one of the interviews that if we allow greece to default that may risk investor confidence just destroy investor confidence and to that also spark contagion like we saw in two thousand and eight after the collapse of lehman brothers and on the other hand in washington the gathering of i.m.f. . and finance money because of the finance ministers and central bank and simplest make us also keeping an eye on the greece debt crisis and what they said to some of polls indicate that they. also discussed plans to allow greece to default in an orderly way so there's a lot of confusion on the markets which is the way when investors bought current t.v. markets quite of. three percent while the r.t.s. is enjoying what inhofe. growth and in europe the food so yes one percent while the
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dax is more than three percent on the rise we'll have more in business in about ten minutes ok you're looking forward to seeing you then in the. now in just a few minutes on. too much of president bush was no problem for obama we can see why america's current leader had made trouble finding off as a plot of bunker busters to tell of the that stop soon also. protects and is a do british police get powers to blanket ban marches and demos this riot paranoia needs to roll back of the rights expression also reports from london in just a few minutes. palestinian. palestinians rather optimistic over the u.n. stated it will have to play the waiting game with the security council set to start discussions later today when it's expected to study the request for at least several weeks the bed needs the approval of nine out of fifteen members to be
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passed but the u.s. has promised it will be inside the news as washington wants state to be achieved only through negotiations with israel palestinian leader mahmoud abbas says he'll only sit down to the jewish state agrees to pre nine hundred sixty seven borders he's also accused the u.s. of trying to use his influence to stall the vote palestinian activists knew all day says israel's norway to the land it's our minds. as palestinians we have a very heightened sense of national pride at this moment and even though we know the veto is most likely coming very next week or the other really makes no difference but there is a very high sense of national achievement at this point because for one softer of those very disappointing years of the so-called peace process the political leadership and the popular public opinion are in line very much an on one side of
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the political debate if you will going back to negotiations is not something palestinians oppose on principle but if we go back to negotiations with our occupier. and that's what israel is without any terms of reference without israel clearly committing to international law clearly committing to its obligations according to international law and relevant un resolutions then it's purely pointless. as president obama struggles to contain the fallout from the palestinian bid reports have emerged which claimed he secretly approved the transfer of fifty five high tech bunker buster bombs to israel it apparently happened months after he took office off the had been rejected by president bush who say it israel would sell the technology to china but historian william blum says for obama it's a way to kill vital campaign funds well the u.s. has been giving israel all amount of her cage and this is nothing new it's not
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based on a larger. irrational explanation that is not working. pro israel because the money he gets. from campaign yes what you're going to do is love you and your virtual. rationale he has. to agree. people in britain have long been able to march in protest but those voices are being silenced in parts of london for an entire month the government's blanket ban on public gatherings in the topical for some is putting freedom especially on. the view of workers activists on the home office ban on marching it's clear it's an attack of democratic rights working people in this country. through september in six areas of london anyone marching like these people did last winter is liable to
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be arrested and fined or even imprisoned. the ban was prompted by plans by the anti muslim english defense league here in luton in february to march through tower hamlets the area with the highest concentration of muslims in the country but instead of banning one march one day the home office banned all marches in six baros for an entire month activist richard seymour sees a wider motive. doesn't necessarily mean to say that march isn't going to happen it just means that the police more powers and that's part of the wider problem but if you're restricted to a static demonstration the police have a right to. arrest you very slowly for you know relatively small fences or offenses these people behind me are amongst the lucky few they still can march just by pure accident of geography we're here in lumberton which is not one of the
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six affected by the ban but if as many fear the government extend and widen the ban to take in more parts of london the scenes that you see behind me both small and large marches through london and many other cities across the country could be a thing of the past the band comes hot on the heels of widespread rioting in many english cities in august it also coincide. with the introduction of government austerity measures which some say amounts to the dismantling of the entire welfare state many say public fear of civil unrest is being manipulated to prevent unions from turning out to protest fierce cuts and patrick a reagan from the workers' revolutionary party says it's just the tip of the iceberg to the talking about area curfews that talk about shutting down facebook social network sites they're talking about dictatorial civil war measures because
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what they're doing in britain is creating a historic change in which inevitably. the majority of the population will oppose them the home office can only stop marching it's powerless to prevent people from gathering but workers' organizations are good just standing back you've got to be able to march to make a statement as the union did in march when more than a quarter of the million people turned out to protest because activists say that's exactly what the government's trying to stop just in terms of where we are at the moment in this country with the process of the stereotyping pushed through by the government trade unions are one of the major blocks opposed to that public order legislation does tend to be used against striking workers i mean that's been very clear i mean there's just there's been some recent examples of people being pulled off the picket lines and not to obviously we can see any resistance to the cuts freedom of expression and dissociation in shrine didn't u.k.
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and european law with the u.k. renowned for its powerful union organizations but the ban gives police the ultimate power to step in and arrest demonstrators merely for exercising their right to speak out against the government and that's a dangerous precedent to set your enemies r.t. london. more needs and it's cruises stories available around the. he was being lined up for you right now britain's estimated your rival was paying two point seven billion dollars have i been in libya seven times more than planned every chance i have now watched their exactly how much the. i meet russian stage of the digging machine is a probe that'll go on a major mission to dig around one of miles is moved through the secrets of its soil the details all online if you at all. and you had for all you travel as well for more on this little stories. and his what else is happening around the world this
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hour let's head fast to syria where the crackdown on protests continues and a seven month of demonstrations that have now begun by abolishing the strategic opposition says you have a little stand in the west of the country injuring at least seventy three. according to the u.n. you can two thousand seven hundred people have tried to reel in the violence embattled president bashar al assad continues to claim terrorist groups for the chaos on insisting security forces protests in turkey are. the first african woman to win the nobel peace prize has died while undergoing cancer treatment one gal you must time founded the green belt movement which is the millions of trees across the continent she also campaigned for democracy human rights and of particular the rights of women so i was elected as an m.p. in two thousand and two as a minister of the kenyan government she was seventy four. major who
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says there were two planes that hit several military targets in these him sound as libyan and the regime finds its besieged the area feared lies between the capital and the eastern city of benghazi both now held by the national transitional council and is one of the very stubborn strongholds for gadhafi loyalists meanwhile a mass grave has been discovered in trip. estimates are to contain almost thirteen hundred bodies it's believed that the remains belong to the inmates of gadhafi is top security prison the size of a massacre in one thousand nine hundred six. one american has been killed and another injured in an attack at a cia compound in kabul an afghan employee of the u.s. government carried out this old before being shot dead it's the latest in a string of attacks on the capital taliban insurgents staged an assault on the same district two weeks ago leaving dozens says i don't you know it is just days ago
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a former president and the peace to gay she was assassinated in his. we'll see we asked the russian finance minister how he found to prevent the global recession for biting again first though let's get this out of business ease with media. alone to whom welcome to the business date finance minister alex a quarter and says he will not be a part of the next government a primary shape of richard read it he says this is due to differences of opinion of a bunch of spending between the two of them but joining me now to discuss what kind of hold his departure would create on the challenges facing the next administration is the chief economist at deutsche bank thanks for joining us here us law so first off going to give us an idea of how the business and financial community views on that secret well i think certainly mr seen as probably the most prominent representative of the cabinet spouses liberal views
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that targets. macroeconomic stability especially fiscal. stability and regard i think he's viewed as probably the most significant heavyweight within the cabinet interims his liberal credentials and interims of his adherents to fiscal stability. in that regard i think his departure from the cabinet will certainly be seen by the markets as a very significant change and the stance. of the government so do you think he'll be missed absolutely i think he'll be missed and i think the markets will remember that it was under mr policies of prepaying external debt reducing the burden of accumulating fiscal surplus
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creating the stabilization fund of amassing hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth that was not spent for some inefficient projects but was safeguarded. for fighting the crisis on the sensually in two thousand and eight russia approached the first wave of the crisis with more than two hundred billion dollars worth of savings all of that really has to be. has to be the work of the work of mr cooder and so i think markets are member of those achievements his role in the dealing with the first wave of the economic downturn of the economic crisis and given the situation in which we find ourselves now the fact that we could be approaching a second wave of the crisis the importance of mr couper staying within the cabinet
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will be seen by markets aspire to really important right as well to push in has such improving the investment climate in the country is a primary goal for his administration his next to ministration do you think he'll select a finance minister who's also fiscally conservative well i think the pattern that we've seen with mr putin this typically he tries to have different constituencies that break each other so to say there are there are checks and balances within the construct and so within the government i think there will be a constituency that will be pro growth essential aid that will be targeting higher levels of growth while at the same time on the fiscal front the finance ministry will still be the board of fiscal stability of conservatism and it will take somebody as as impressive as a heavyweight as mr cooper and in order to convince the markets that there is
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someone out there in the finance ministry who is strong enough to pursue that line of fiscal prudence and fiscal stability and it can do is they can think up well it's very hard it's very hard to to find someone who's of the. same stature of the same experience has the same track record in the first post here. it's hard to say there are indispensable people but this is probably the closest that gets too big and dispensable within the ministry of finance i personally think there is a possibility that. other members of the cabinet will try their best to convince mr quadrant to stay and work on the new cabinet i think certainly if that is the case the markets will take it as a very positive news press office lot of chief economist at deutsche bank thanks a lot for your analysis and that's all we have time for nor join us unless they
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in south boston our must go this is as president of the. rather than prime minister putin prepared to level switch media at home when a poll would have to hold back the reaction opinions upon ranging from cooling the move this is definitely the right direction to a new school chess game. the un's raised. with school save the palestinian state to this which president mahmoud abbas two hundred miles between the u.s. and israel are being blamed for the stalling story community. and here is a needed scramble for an address in time to stave off a collapse under a new wave of global recession. is accused of treason countries equally as it describes and will cause behavior.
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