tv [untitled] September 26, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT
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switched roles now it is and this is now is across what's happening. well it all started with the weekend's big news that led to mir putin will in fact be running for president in twenty twelve and you'd like president medvedev to go on to become his prime minister of finance minister former i think we can say now of course the finance minister alexei kudrin scam ends up about that news him saying that he doesn't see himself working in images government obviously talking about him possibly becoming prime minister the president not happy about the comments they were making in the last one was there and a visit he calls them moderately inappropriate and this is what he had to say he sat down. and yes it was if you think your views on russia's economic agenda differ from mine as president you can resign but you have to answer right here and now are you going to resign that this should be in your what's the. furnish the gist of my opinions do differ from yours but on only take such a decision after i've talked to the prime minister listen to say the shifting of
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the most absurd the scale of what you can talk to whoever you want including the prime minister but as long as i'm the president i make these decisions you have to decide very quickly and give me an answer today or you believe you reconsider the differences you're talking of and all if these differences do exist which he no other way than for you to resign although this would be an unpleasant outcome anybody of was still a thought yes because of some very harsh words there from president medvedev as alex on the spot there is a fiscal position now is that what this means. throughout our takes no one can really say oh we're going to see some reaction force upon the markets and for all those that were saying everything we can see is that just politics are stacked and boring it might just be that they were very wrong the reaction has been a very mixed here in russia and up process the flow out of course social media was just a buys into even if you look at twitter and lots of comments both positive and negative
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. if we just go stateside in this not very unexpected western media really party and their criticism about russia and its democracy i just want to take you through one of the tweets that was written by a u.s. senator john mccain known for his anti russian rhetoric by nancy putin in specific rhetoric saying surprise surprise shocking news which it is running for president again in the back here in a moscow the presidential aide to meditative are ready to approve it she writes nothing to be cheerful about it's better to play ice hockey stick a stadium but of course the big announcement was made on the weekend and he goes on to write it's high time to switch to a sports channel now with that said it's no secret that both teams and men dead if they're still called and into a very nice here in prosecuted as president is now bringing stability to. the ninety's next to tell you that is very much see as a strong leader here in the country and that's part of this new region and made it
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on a ticket bringing united russia to the parliamentary elections in december and then on to the presidential election. of his correspondent listen our there are fast moving developments in the russian politics couple of hours ago. eurozone leaders are working against the clock to set up an extensive rescue plan for the region to head off from plunging the global economy into a new recession the idea now is to apparently boost the size of the eurozone bailout fund two trillion euros that's out the i.m.f. or it may not be able to help out the bigger european economies leaders are also planning to write off half of greece's staggering debt but analysts say default still on the cards never happened greece has been hit by another wave of public protests against public cuts but the priority now though is to prevent the so-called too big to fail countries talking about italy and spain from being dragged down and as art is going to church you can reports the global end of the i.m.f. is being accused of disproportionate policies. the leadership has changed but the
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methods have not for a day. spirit economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of draconian budget belt tightening greece's push to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public assets at fire sale prices some have no choice but to cut dificid know the i.m.f. form ahead domenic stress collins said their forcing greece to pay back its debts would unacceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to accept losses on greek debt but feel as their p. has never been the i.m.f. strong point it's a new situation where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the member principle and interest we're not in the business obsessed of subsidies we're not in the business of giving grants the u.s. and europe are holding the most votes in the organization and veto power despite
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the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organization's policymaking is been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning and prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the u.s. was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organization proved completely we've done didn't get in the case of united they should have taken a much stronger position warning about the build up financial excess in the private economy. that right out the gate and that will completely drop the ball and it must be able to monitor the rich. united states as well as other countries it will only lose its credibility some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern all of the big decisions at the i.m.f. are made by the us treasury department well even the head of the world bank has
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accused the top advanced economies if you caucus in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying do what i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i do a do what i say not what i do world well fracture to the detriment of all. the always key here in must change with the i.m.f. members themselves their own problems any doubt whether the organization will be able to take adequate measures to work off possibly another global crisis as well lending money to the world's weaker economies the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable things that come with measure it's the one thing is clear the world demands an i.m.f.
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that does not work solely for the benefit of the few i'm going to check out what if a one party. cuts of all cut similarly only recipe come from the i.m.f. pretty sure david campbell bannerman told me people living in the eurozone won't take being forced into further austerity but i think what's happening is democracy is reasserting itself a lot of countries are saying no you're getting real trouble on the streets of greece the cia actually prophesies that agree a military government in greece is a possibility god forbid. you know there are serious political movements in spain amongst young people in italy i think the democratic price of yet more is potentially too great and that actually takes us really to the edge when it comes to the euro is a very serious situation this is the a move in the right direction to stabilize things but democracy may just not have it the world is very interconnected which is why this is all happening in the banking sector particularly is very interconnected as in french brains in
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particular are very exposed to greek i think i've seen a figure of forty five percent of greek actually been due to french banks so there is concern about the knock on effects to those growing in france and elsewhere of course if it hits french banks it hits all the part banks around the world we're very interconnected and so yes there is real concern here. if you mean it's on this channel r.t. from moscow arming israel what proved to be too much for president bush was no problem for obama as we report we look into why america feels current leader had no trouble at all signing off a supply of bunker busters to tell of the that's coming up for you also to protect and to subdue british police get powers to blanket ban marches and demos is right paranoia leads to a rollback of the rights of expression we report from london as well. palestinians optimism over the un statehood bid specially the last week but now
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they'll have to play the waiting game is the security council considers the proposal that when i say she is expected to study the requests for up to several weeks parties were deported as across the latest for you in new york. it's no secret that the united states has promised to veto the palestinian bid for u.n. membership and state but nonetheless palestinian president mahmoud abbas made history on friday submitting an application for palestinian statehood and the security council haas to consider that application and that as you mentioned is a process that is beginning today security council members will meet for closed door consultations that's a process that can last for weeks we do know that there are six security council members that have already thrown their weight behind the palestinian bid needs to be nine out of fifteen security council members to approve it for it to pass but we do know that the u.s. said that they would wield their veto if they have to now washington doesn't really
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want to be put in a position to do this because its credibility and influence in the middle east is at stake and that is why the obama administration worked tirelessly all last week to try to convince the palestinian leader to not present the op with his application for u.n. membership and statehood now there is another option if this fails in the security council there can be a vote in the general assembly the majority of u.n. members do support the palestinian campaign for membership and statehood at the u.n. it would elevate palestine to nonmember observer status and that would allow palestine to join and participate many forums and file lawsuits with the international criminal court president mahmoud abbas said he will only return to the negotiation table if israel halts settlement construction and accept the nineteen sixty
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seven lines on a basis for talks those guidelines were not put out by the middle east quartet and as a result of that and israel has not has not stopped or. building settlements as a result of that president abbas said there is no point doing business as usual this has been a process that has lasted for nearly two decades so at this point it doesn't look like the palestinians are being very receptive to the middle east force quartet statement that allowed both parties to go back to negotiations table within one month and then have everything settled within one year right now all eyes are on the u.n. to see if the palestinian bid for u.n. membership and statehood will and will in essence go through the course for the new york reporter. member of the palestinian legislative council joining us on the line from ramallah tonight thanks ever so much for being on the program we do appreciate
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your time now as we heard in that report the speculation is going to be weeks before we get any indication of how the security council going to respond to the state what do you think is going to happen personally. well the consultations on the big day will start today they have started suppose. three o'clock new york time so this is around the time that they're been discussing. the application and also the way to deal with the application there is a possibility that there isn't a there would be an agreement in the security council today or tomorrow or. the application would be special committee. which usually is a process by the closer. and closer to the application for my legal and technical and procedural. approach and to.
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their considerations or their results to the security council in a later date this may take days and may take. a few weeks and then we should suppose that the council itself will have to meet and to start the vote on the application so it's one subject that ok that's that's the way it's all going to work but how do you think it's going to go the end of the day. the end of the day we have nine members of the security council that recognize the state of palestine and we realize that the united states doing all they called. using threats and temptations and pressure was in order to influence the decision was of. all
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members of the security council and that they have had some success with two or three of these. kids going on. on diplomatic work and also all kinds of contacts are going on by the palestinian delegation in new york and also by the arab. states in order to convince these states to stick to their position of the recognition of the state of palestine and the way it was very vocally in the security council on the palestinian appreciation up to now i believe. is a pledge by and. they will vote favorably if the. applications brought to a vote in the council and we have now. which is the.
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critical ward of the critical number. but the work is still going on ok in order. to do is give you your thoughts about the middle east quartet and their latest utterance on this even as that side of it goes on that you've just so adequately described the middle east peace quartet wants your country the palestinians and israel to return to peace talks within a month with this final deal the talking about to be achieved within a year that's the deadlines they've put forward i guess though standing by looking at enemy decades of fruitless talks between the two parties is that naive. the main thing in our point of view palestinians is not the deadline because we've heard a lot of deadlines and we were promised many deadlines before and nothing came out
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of them beginning with the roadmap itself which promised the creation of a palestinian state by the end of two thousand and five we are now in two thousand and eleven and we did not see the. the the pledge to the materials over the main thing we think is could you just clarify one thing is that sorry sir could you just clarify for me very briefly just get it straight in my mind what the palestinian state the ins response is to that request from the peace corps to what is its stance or not yes are we really we believe the main thing is to define clearly. the terms of reference of the negotiations which means that the negotiations will be based on the sixty seven borders and any talk about swaps will be equal and on the basis of an agreed. agreement by the parties
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and that the israelis should come up to their obligations under the road map this is phrase that is already. incorporated or provided for in the last statement of the quartet that the call to reiterate the obligations of was parties and of the road map and to us this should mean that the israelis will have to seize all settlement building activities according to the very clear text of the map of the road map on this issue thank you very less the israelis accept. we do not think that. it will be. only results that could come out positively from this text or from the. position that is taken by the court ok this is
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a huge subject we could talk about an awful lot more of course but i'm afraid time is against is for this hour here on our team mr case a member of the palestinian legislative council thank you very much for being on the program much appreciated. well as president struggles to contain the fallout from the palestinian statehood bid reports of a merge which claims to secretly approve the transfer of fifty five high tech bumper bunker busting bombs to israel that apparently months after he just took office even though that earlier been rejected by president bush who fear that israel at the time would sell the technology to china american political satirist and columnist ted rall told me the u.s. follows israel's every whim. it seems that there is very few limits that the united states is willing to cross in order to support israel at any cost you have to almost wonder how it is that the tail wags the dog in this respect israel is a training mission the size of new jersey and it has no oil wealth it has barely
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a strategic position and yet it's telling the soul the world's sole remaining superpower what to do and it just goes on and on in the bunker busters a five thousand pound bomb that is only used in order to penetrate deep deep fortified positions iran does keep its is is said to keep its nuclear research facilities deep underground and the only way to really access them would be using exactly the sort of weapon so it's not speculation to ask where they're going to run would be interested in would be would care about this transaction this is very much an escalation of the conflict between israel and iran. people of britain have long been able to march in protest for those voices of being silenced in parts of london for an entire month the government's letting police stop a blanket ban on public gatherings in some areas for some is putting freedom of expression under threat as artie's laurent found out. the view of workers activists
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on the home office ban on marching is clear it's an attack on the basic democratic rights in this country three september in six areas of london anyone marching like these people did last winter is liable to be arrested and fined or even imprisoned. the ban was prompted by plans by the anti muslim english defense league seen here in luton in february to march through tower hamlets the area with the highest concentration of muslims in the country but instead of banning one march on one day the home office banned all marches in six. as for an entire month activist richard seymour sees a wider motive of bias pastor doesn't necessarily mean to say that march isn't going to happen it just means that. more powers and that's part of the wider problem but if you're restricted to a static demonstration the police have
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a right to pen you in. a restroom very. small doses or non-offensive these people behind me are amongst the lucky few they still can march just by pure accident of geography we're here in lumberton which is not one of the six bars affected by the baton but if as many fear the government extend and widen the ban to take in more parts of london the scenes that you see behind me both small and large marches through london and many other cities across the country could be a thing of the past the band comes hot on the heels of widespread rioting in many english cities in august it also coincides with the introduction of government austerity measures which some say amounts to the dismantling of the entire welfare state many say public fear of civil unrest is being manipulated to prevent unions from turning out to protest fierce cuts and patrick regan from the workers'
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revolutionary party says it's just the tip of the iceberg. talk about shutting down facebook social network sites. about it or your measures because what they're doing in britain is creating a story. which inevitably. the majority of the population will oppose them the home office can only stop marching it's powerless to prevent people from gathering but workers' organizations argue it's no good just standing there you've got to be able to march to make a statement as the unions did in march when more than a quarter of a million people turned out to protest the cup. activists say that's exactly what the government's trying to stop just in terms of where we are at the moment in this country with the process of a stirrer to being pushed through by the government trade unions are one of the major box opposed to that no public order legislation does tend to be used against striking workers something that's been very clear. there's been some recent
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examples of that people being pulled off the picket lines. obviously we can see any resistance to cuts freedom of expression and dissociation are enshrined in u.k. and european law with the u.k. renowned for its powerful union organizations but the ban gives police the ultimate power to step in and arrest demonstrators merely for exercising their right to speak out against the government and that's a dangerous precedent to set your emmett's r.t. london. twenty four hours minutes past eleven era moscow tonight thanks for being with us very soon artie's people of discuss the possible end of capitalism first that it's got across the business with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business update and as we've been reporting alexa could ring has resigned as russia's finance minister that follows
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a disagreement with president medvedev sparked by couture and publicly stating he would not work on de mint vet if in the next administration while christians resignation was announced after the markets had closed it became clear by mid afternoon could trust position was no longer tenable correspondent peter all of a brings us the market's reaction. when somebody who's as big a play hours alexy could today intend as their resignation the effects will inevitably be felt all the markets when that announcement was made that there was an ultimatum be issued from president midfield of two khodr and to get on board with medvedev policies or to tend to his resignation then the both of my six and the r.t.s. dropped by one percentage point no alexy couldn't is a highly respected figure in the financial world not just here in russia but also internationally he was credited with being one of the people to bring financial stability back to russia following the dark days of the mid ninety's. you know he's
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also one of those people credited with setting up. a reserve fund an oil reserve fund with excess oil revenue would be stored now that reserve fund became incredibly important in two thousand and eight when the global financial crisis hit the phone being in place meant that russia didn't suffer as badly as it perhaps would have done and how that money not being there the announcement of could that ins resignation came at the end of the business day here in russia the markets had already closed but from mid afternoon it had been pretty confident that his position was untenable untenable and that he would be leaving the post so the markets dealt with. for a couple of hours before close with pretty much the knowledge that this was going to happen we did see some sales taking place on both the vice and the r.t.s. but. it due to the volatile nature of the international markets at the moment it is
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very difficult to to say for sure what is the driving forces when it comes to see the markets go up and go down though will be interesting to see on tuesday morning when markets here in moscow reopen if they'll be any further changes in the if this the resignation of all the legacy could will be the driving first day in the making differences all in the russian markets. and as our t.s.p. to all of us has just been reporting the russian markets have closed makes you can see the figures on the screen they are chest and flat to negative and the mice exposed one and a half percent. let's have a look at some of the individual share moves on the minus six most energy majors were on the rise with the quilt gaining two and a half percent sperm banks leapt into the negative territory in the end of the trading session and telecom giant ross telecom also turned into red hat this comes as the company's listing twenty five percent of us preferred shares in the london.
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and european markets have ended monday's dredges session in the blood banking stocks were high all the miners were under pressure due to new commodity prices. so have time for novel more stories you can log on to our website r t v dot com slash business. world's leading. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the
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hello there at r.t. h.q. tonight in central moscow is kevin though is very pleased to have you come to these are the top stories from r.t. tonight the first fallout from dmitri medvedev and vladimir putin's presidential plans as russia's finance minister is being fired in the bed of sacked alexy could run after the treasury chief said on sunday he could not serve under a new government if russia's leading tandem switch jobs with the credit. bureaus and leaders scramble for urgent rescue plan to stave off the euro collapse and a new wave of global recession the international monetary fund's accused of not treating countries equally and it prescribes more cuts for europe while doing america's bidding. and the un's most powerful body meets for talks over the palestinian statehood bid which president mahmoud abbas handed in last week but the u.s. and israel are being blamed for stalling the historic move.
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