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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2011 5:01pm-5:31pm EDT

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finance ministers been fired earlier on this evening president medvedev dismissed alexy could after he said he couldn't work in a possible government where russia's leading pierce which rolls out his in this in hours across what's happening. well it all started with the weekend's big news that lady mayor putin will in fact be running for president in two thousand and twelve and you'd like president medvedev to go on to become his prime minister of finance minister former i think we can say now of course finance minister alexei kudrin scam ends up about that news him saying that he doesn't see himself working in images governmental obviously talking about him possibly becoming prime minister the president not happy about the comments they were making in the last one was there and a visit he calls them utterly inappropriate and this is what he had to say and he sat down with us that was if you think your views on russia's economic agenda differ from mine as president you can resign but you have to answer right here and now are you going to resign the ship do you know what's the. furnish just have my
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opinions do differ from yours but on only take such a decision after i've talked to the prime minister listen to say the shifting of the most of the scale of what you can talk to whoever you want including the prime minister but as long as i'm the president i make these decisions you have to decide very quickly and give me an answer today either you reconsider the differences you're talking of and all if these differences do exist i see no other way than for you to resign although this would be an unpleasant outcome would be a zealot thoughtfulness because of some very harsh words there from president medvedev as alex on the spot there is if it's all the position now and then what this means of course. through a process politics no one can really say oh we're going to see some reaction force upon the markets and for all those that were saying after the weekend's news that possibly politics are stagnant and boring it might just be that they were very
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wrong the reaction has been very mixed here in russia and up cross the globe out of course social media was just a buzz feed into even if you look at twitter and lots of comments both positive and negative i. we just go stateside and that's not very unexpected western media really party in their criticism about russia and its democracy i just want to take you through one of the tweets that was written by a u.s. senator john mccain known for his anti russian rhetoric by nancy putin in specific rhetoric saying surprise surprise shocking news which it is running for president again in the back here in moscow the presidential aide to majority of our party to our coverage she writes nothing to be cheerful about it's better to play ice hockey stick a stadium that of course the big announcement was made on the weekend and he goes on to write it's high time to switch to a sports channel now with that said it's no secret that both teams and medvedev in their so called and into a very nice prosecuted as president is known bringing stability to. the
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ninety's experts would tell you that he is very much seen as a strong leader here in the country and that's part of this new region and made it on a ticket bringing united russia through the parliamentary elections in december and then on to the presidential elections next. corresponds in this. talk about those fast moving developments earlier on call of hours ago in russian politics now coming up here in a few minutes time on this channel r.t. moscow arming israel what proved too much for president bush was no problem for a barber would look into why america's current leader had no trouble signing off a supply of bunker busters to tel aviv. eurozone leaders are working against the clock to set of an extensive rescue plan for the region to head off from plunging a global economy into a new recession the idea now is to apparently boost the size of the eurozone bailout fund to two trillion euros most of the i.m.f. or it may not be able to help out the bigger european economies leaders are also
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planning to write off half of greece's staggering debt but analysts say default still on the cards greece is been hit by another wave of public protests against public cuts but the priority now is to prove. the so-called too big to fail countries we're talking about italy and spain of course from being dragged down result is gonna should should come reports the global lender of the i.m.f. is bill your cues of disproportionate policies. the leadership has changed but the methods have not for a desperate economy the i.m.f. still offers the same bitter medicine of draconian budget belt tightening reeses push to redouble its austerity efforts at a time of deep economic recession and to sell a vast chunk of public assets at fire sale prices some have no choice but to cut dificid know the i.m.f. form ahead domenic stress collins said that forcing greece to pay back its debts would on acceptably impoverished the country and that everyone must be willing to
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accept losses on greek debt but feel lancer p. has never been the i.m.f. strongpoint it's an institution where my main shareholder is the united states of america well any dollar any euro that is invested in the fund goes buck. to the member principle and interest we're not in the business obsessed of subsidies we're not in the business of giving grants the u.s. and europe are holding the most votes in the organization and veto power despite the fact that emerging economies have been the engine of global growth in recent years the organization's policymaking is been under fire for being biased in favor of its top shareholders one of the functions of the i.m.f. is crisis warning and prevention but when three years ago the financial crisis in the us was sending devastating shock waves throughout the world the organization proved completely redundant in the case of united they should have taken a much stronger position warning about the build up financial exit to be.
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that right. and. completely dropped the ball and it must be able to monitor the rich. united states as well as other countries it will lose its credibility some experts see the intimacy between the i.m.f. and u.s. corporations as a matter of concern all of the big decisions at the i.m.f. are made by the us treasury department well even the head of the world bank has accused the top advanced economies a few congress in their policies when countries with large fiscal deficits preach fiscal discipline the poor countries what are they really saying do what i say not what i do when countries pay homage to free trade but hold back developing countries with barriers what do they really say do what i say not what i do a do what i say not what i do world well fracture to the detriment of all. the
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old ways can in must change with the i.m.f. swankiest members themselves facing their own problems many doubt whether the organization will be able to take adequate measures to work off possibly another global crisis as for lending money to the world's weaker economies the i.m.f. is still facing the challenge of offering viable solutions that do not come with crippling measures but one thing is clear the world demands an i.m.f. that does not work solely for the benefit of the few i'm going to check out with forty four more r.t. . always cuts similarly in recipe coming from the i.m.f. right now british m.p. david campbell bannerman told me people living in the eurozone won't take being forced into further austerity. what's happening is democracy is reasserting itself a lot of countries are saying no you're getting real trouble on the streets of greece the cia actually prophesies that agree a military government in greece is
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a possibility god forbid. there are serious political movements in spain amongst young people in italy i think the democratic price will be more as is potentially too great and that actually takes us really to the edge when it comes to the euro is a very serious situation this is the a move in the right direction to stabilize things but the moccasin may just not have it the world is very interconnected which is why this is all happening and the banking sector particularly is very interconnected i think french buying some particular very exposed to greek i think i seen a figure of forty five percent of greek debt actually been due to french banks so there is concern about the knock on effects to those banks in france and elsewhere and of course it hits french banks it hits all the part banks around the world we're very interconnected and so yes there is real concern here now the story even following today reports emerged monday claiming president obama secretly approved
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the transfer of fifty five deep penetrating bombs those so-called buster bombs to israel just a few months after entering office now the country has been requesting that the weapons should come to them since two thousand and five a plea rejected by the bush administration previously which fear that israel could sell the technology to china scott horton is host of the antiwar radio of the antiwar radio station that's where it's called this is the man he's on the line now from california scott love to have you on the program the smaller this story emerged today didn't it in what way could the u.s. benefit from this deal in israel. none that i can think of other than money for those you know david and the receivers you know money poured the military industrial complex. for the united states for israel and for iran it bodes ill of course. this deal was rejected by the bush administration originally as i mentioned but nonetheless it was approved more recently by the obama administration and went
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on to win of course the mobo peace prize president so much critics might find that little bit rolnick. the paste loving what you make of. well he's the worst warmonger of all he's doubled down on every one of bush's bad moves i think some people might accept iraq but i won't until every last soldier is gone and i'm not counting on that happening soon and spread terror war all across the world and of course the whole idea of selling bunker buster missiles to israel is so they can use them on the natanz facility in iran so they can it has eighty five feet of granite for a ceiling there it's buried deep underground and you think i guess. it be naive to think otherwise that the us has to know this. this is why george bush refused to do it he made his decision we're not doing iran and he didn't want to leave the decision up to the israelis dick cheney apparently did but now obama is
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putting himself in the position of whether he wants it or not he very well may face a flight of the israeli f. sixteen air space and a phone call from benjamin netanyahu saying it's on what are you going to do he's not going to do anything about it george bush never let it escalate that far obama has given them everything they need to get us into a war with iran a war that would be a disaster for american soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and bahrain for example for a navy in the persian gulf and for the entire global economy and who knows what kind of repercussions certainly israel will have a whole new fight on their hands with hamas and hezbollah and their borders etc. the original reason given to the thomas i also mentioned by the bush administration for not doing it then was that it was worried that israel might take these bombs of technology to china and why not they do that all the time yeah they do that with all the best weapons technology we have or give them i don't know why this would be
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a different situation although i do think and maybe i'm wrong but i do think that bush's decision to not go along with cheney and plan to go ahead and start a war with. iran was part of that decision to not sell them the missiles that they would use in any attempted attack on the nuclear facilities there and remember now bush was making this decision right after the national intelligence council that is all sixteen american intelligence agencies agreed back in two thousand and seven that the iranians are making nuclear weapons and they haven't made the decision to make nuclear weapons and there's no evidence of a secret nuclear weapons program there just the open declared safeguarded nuclear electricity program i spoke to present my food over to the person only last month and he said the same thing to my face as well well ok i mean could this deal simply . in particular from its former allies in. egypt and indeed you know what's going to do for the standing of the u.s. in the middle east and its role in the peace process between the palestinians and
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old meshes together to look doesn't look great does it. no it's nothing but bad news for everyone involved and you know if israel was run by secret agent traitors that had taken over the country they couldn't do worse than they are doing with benjamin netanyahu in power over there and the same thing for netanyahu here in the united states of america they are hell bent on isolating both of us from everyone else in the world on this issue and everything else and if it comes to a war with iran which are very well could with benjamin netanyahu in the prime minister chair over there it would be an absolute disaster and there will be no one to blame but the israel lobby and i guess there are a few allies maybe in the u.s. air force who are on board for this think but everyone else seems to know that this is a really bad idea and especially when there's nothing to fight about when there just is not a nuclear weapons program one just zero seven the national intelligence estimate of two thousand and eleven came to the very same conclusion again that they're just not making nukes all the hype you hear to the contrary notwithstanding ok scott
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hold most of the let's get this right the wall radio station coming to us there from california. in texas oh i got that bit wrong thanks for clarifying. now the united nations security council has held its first closed door meeting to consider the palestinian request for u.n. membership a bit will be considered now we hear on wednesday despite opposition from the u.s. and israel as told to a correspondent when important reliably think is a new york on chu good to see you there now the u.n. security council president says it will meet the as a said wednesday to formally consider this a palestinian request to ship what do you think really at the end of the day the palestinians should expect. well kevin the worst kept secret is the fact that the united states says it will veto the palestinian bid for un membership and statehood but nonetheless the palestinians how submitted
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an official application for statehood with the united nations now at this point what the palestinians would need would be nine out of fifteen of the security council members to support this application no vetoes but us president barack obama did state last week when he was addressing the general assembly that the only way there could be an independent palestinian state is through direct negotiations and and peace talks between the israelis and the palestinians washington said it would cast a veto if it had to but let's remember that u.s. credibility and influence in the middle east is at stake here u.s. president barack obama has been seeing supporting the so-called arab spring the tunisian use the libyans the egyptians and so for the u.s. to cast a veto now against the aspirations of the palestinians would be as some critics have said hypocritical the palestinians do have another option and that would be to
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take the vote before the general assembly where they do have the majority of support that would only raise palestine's status at the u.n. to observer state a nonmember observer state but they would be able to file lawsuits the international criminal court and participate in many forums but at this point it is stuck within the security council with washington pressing very hard for the palestinians to back down and not put them in a position to cast a veto russia is trying to help as much as part of the mideast peace quartet it's called is not only israel on the promise to the negotiating table to. but what happens. well that's a good question. it happened palestinian president mahmoud abbas said he would return to negotiations only only if israel halt settlement construction and
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since that has not happened and since this statement made by the quartet did not include that then the president of palestine said that there's no point in talking this can't be business as usual you mentioned russia as a part of the quartet russia the u.s. u.n. and e.u. russia as one of the many countries at the u.n. that said they would support the palestinian bid for un membership and stay put at statehood but at this point. president abbas is saying that there is no point of returning to negotiations that have continued on for nearly two decades have not resulted in anything no peace plan nothing and just resort back to the way everything has been proceeding so while the international community is trying to come together right now to get both sides back to the negotiation table it seems that the palestinians are really driven and determined to decide the fate of their country and with that they are taking this argument to the united nations and not
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swayed where they are planning to leave it and that's where it will continue on sunday when the security council gets together again to discuss this bit we're following it closely with you hope for the most important new york thanks so much. small stories from around the world know a brief syria first with the anti-government protests crackdowns now into its seventh month. to go position. in the west at least three people have been injured according to the latest news reports the u.n. believes more than two thousand seven hundred some of the country's wanted. to battle president assad insists terrorists are the players but his security forces are protecting said the. first performance with the nobel peace prize is one of the go in terms of treatment one who is seventy one front of the green movement which has planted millions of trees across the continent she also come playing for democracy human rights in particular women's rights my third became an m.p. in two thousand and two and served as a minister in the kenyan government. and you get
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a few fighters have entered the colonel's hometown now as this three day long of sold continues certain lies between the capital and the eastern city of benghazi both are now held by the national transitional council and one. is one of gadhafi loyalists most stubborn strongholds still hundreds of civilians fled to the war zone as revolutionary forces fired tank volleys into the city from the front lines of the on monday. it's midnight twenty and a half so the new one twenty an hour sort of moscow time outside the news looks this hour next we'll talk to former nato secretary general who explains whether he thinks the alliance today is taking the right direction see on r.t. .
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us. george thank you very much for being with us again two years later now you've managed a global military organization now you're on a board of one of the world's top energy companies are there any similarities between energy markets and the war theater. well we we both operate a global marketplace we're dealing with global issues oil is politics. in
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everything whether it's national politics or international politics so i didn't leave completely behind what i did they took it because one of the things i didn't they do i wanted to do it in a dual wants to establish control ations with russia and to bring russia much more with the mainstream of west of. you know i'm in russia for a russian company. i want to join now you want to set what i will remember most from my time in the chair is meeting children to the countries that are meant to moscow to care for a decade later do you think children live in a better world for instance if we take libya how come there been so. much child casualties in with. help. these children. will live in a better world a more prosperous world and a world that signed chile three years of a lot of the fear of the previous generations the world war
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a localized war so there is no doubt that keeping prosperity of the world has improved the chances of living and the quality of life that's what we were seeing in the arab spring was a younger generation and remember that something like sixty percent of the middle eastern population is under the age of still seeing they wanted a bit of that action as well they wanted a bit of that prosperity a bit of the enjoyment people don't want to see all the g seven don't want to go to the ships by and large they want to. they want to have a host of whatever his family they want the children to go to schools and that's a huge events all desire whether it's don't turn. don't turn mosque or don't and. now i don't think that there were large numbers of children casualties. in tripoli i knew of the targeting is done and it is not very carefully if there were
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casualties it is because colonel gadhafi put those children and those civilians in to deliberately into danger and that of course has happened before and yet if you were head of nato today is there anything that you would do differently in libya no i wouldn't have done anything different i think secretary general rasmussen has done a very difficult job highly successful because no one knew that nato troops on the ground at all it was all done in either of the of the population who themselves through the lead cell of a transitional government you know made the offer of the refuge to the. as for wanting to leave cover the deficit i think in retrospect although it strained nato to the live in a chill it was a very good cooperation we should leave a lasting legacy in libya for the people that they will welcome here also
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a member of the british parliament are you concerned that the british military has set foot on another nation's soil by the british military one of the nato countries set foot on libyan soil that may have been a small number of people there giving some advice but by and large it was done by the libyans themselves and it was done with the backing of the arab league and it was done with the backing of the un security council so i think this template of hope these things should happen if there is a necessity to do it there was no need for any old say intervention the people did it themselves no need for little kid to venture in egypt the people did it themselves but in libya you had a desperate despicable dictator with a trite greatcoat of his own people who were undoubtedly have done it if we hadn't taken action but then why don't we try to do the same thing in syria look at the casualties that we have every day. well because you can't intervene everywhere
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doesn't mean that you shouldn't intervene where you can you know the war is weak resolution there was a un security council resolution either of these things apply at the moment to what's happening in syria but once a region at the end of its time just as it is a heroic meeting some time to walk over and there are other means by which you can enter the economic political diplomatic and has what i've been saying at this conference let's speak a period for the next surprise or keep all of the weapons available the weapon of last resort because the military pay for that you use economic poll used to put my they use political. influence cheve of trying to protect people. was only taking libya because gadhafi threatened his own people so that those who would rebel to be waived. thank you very much for the. question.
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well for. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realms of rush . we've got the future the. very first verses of the bible all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or knowledge is. sixty to seventy percent
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of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with the turds doing what we call making our presence felt to go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner invade another house religion and nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed a few more bombed and killed. a thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until a feat you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid to hear a religious jew calling another joe and not the way they really didn't.
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and here in moscow it's half past one. watching around the world these are all top stories russia's finance minister's been sacked for the first. putin this presidential plans off the comments he made over the potential kremlin top story tonight also headlining from us the dash for the cash in the eurozone his latest scramble for urgent rescue plan to stave off another global meltdown while the international monetary fund's accused of not treating countries equally. and the united nations security council says it will consider a bid for membership on wednesday with its leaders expressing hope of success despite opposition from the u.s. which holds of the. people of. capitalism as fight for survival after leaving millions of people struggling.


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