tv [untitled] September 26, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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was. chaos consumes the big apple protesters speaking out against corruption on wall street face mass arrests and her spray to the face so as the second week of protests continue why are so few in the mainstream media in any attention to. what the headlines do show saudi women getting the right to vote and victories in the sports world so why is there so much silence on the occupy wall street movement when it's in america's own backyard. and government shutdown showdown of verted once again so with the decaying middle class massive unemployment and a congress stuck in gridlock why is congress made restrain so much time panicking
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the people they represent. look nobody would ever do it. this way and. our feet like it would be better for wall street and so it seems everyone is trying to pin down what's behind the economic turmoil we'll take you to one bounce the first twenty eleven where doods from all over again on the state of the union. say good evening it's monday september twenty sixth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you watching our team. well it is what some are calling the beginning of a revolution hundreds perhaps even thousands of people frustrated at their government and at the fact that it is the wealthiest who are constantly getting protected and given handouts all the number of people who suffer continues to grow
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and finally there is a movement of those frustrated people taking to the streets and i'm not talking about greece or libya this is happening right here in the u.s. and some of the country's largest cities namely new york and los angeles a large you have been covering the protest in new york since day one and today we win you the very latest from the occupy wall street protest and take a closer look at who is and does not there are he's honest aasia charkha has more. police brutality running wild in new york americans dragged punched and pepper sprayed the woman on the ground screaming to be relieved by police stuff because. over eighty people were arrested over the weekend at peaceful and high wall street protests among them eric beaten up and held for thirty six hours the deep scars on his hands speak for themselves the activist
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a shocked by the price americans are paying for speaking out about injustice the police response has been. overly violent and brutal they based what they collected them into a around a map and then mace them and they were even warned captain stepped up face their faces and then tried to run away and avoid cameras that were around. the occupy wall street movement was launched to kickstart america's own arab spring or the moment. of the people's revolution come this government is not working in the best interests of the people or this nation. but for now it remains a fringe movement with the anticipated twenty thousand people yet to gather they're being i said they grew it to something like what i can in egypt you know. you know . make them be wishful thinking you know the people of europe will be brainwashed
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as. they took america's nice train media a week to catch up with the demonstrations protesters say some networks deny them coverage. c.n.n. fox i'm really disappointed. police responded in huge achievement child id and we were calling it carson it shut down their headquarters he said that he would eventually occupy wall street beating up on. other c.b. outlet. are covering the occupy wall street rallies are not doing nearly enough whispers a couple things is you know but it's people don't want people to know that the scale of. you doing there's been coverage but it's like you know a bunch of people one article alternative news sources are the ones spreading the word far and wide is not to be expected that the mainstream media would not cover you know that this type of movement you know what would they write you know they actually benefit from the system you know the stain the way it is so i would not
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surprising that that that is because it's been a complete blackout of the media twitter and other social networking websites are bringing people out as three years into a recession wall street has still not been held accountable for triggering the common americans worst nightmare and it's true. really american people have to know when you're going to. become the spirit. you just wrote the book. the main reason i'm here is because of good corporate media to me you know you're only get the truth from a turn of the few so it's one in six americans are living below the poverty line unemployment is at a you know this is the highest been in a generation and you know. people are just can't find jobs so we have to send a message we have cinemas you are paying attention to it we want things to change when the system changes. but the system is far from ready to change it is yet to start taking people's outrage seriously. while demonstrators marched the streets of
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the financial district bankers shamelessly toasted life with champagne right in their faces the u.s. political and corporate elite in greece's uprisings when they're far from american soil the considerable that's taking place at home banquets politicians largely the media and many americans turn a blind eye about the financial district over us or tolerate it outraged the rest of the work goes about its business as usual this is. r.c. . now if you have the cable networks and major newspapers are paying attention to this they're starting to but for the most part it's not the lead story even though even those who are starting to who are there are often focusing on maybe the wrong thing or focusing on the arrests and not the reason the protesters are there in the first place so we wanted to take a closer look at this and help me do that earlier i spoke to georgetown university journalism professor chris chambers along with rap artist and activist marcel card
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today i started out by asking marcel if this occupy wall street movement and he's been there every day if he thinks it's the start to a revolution. i think what we see right now is the embryo of a very broad fightback movement that may have the potential to grow into something larger i initially went to the troy davis rally the day after his legal lynching which took place in union square and i think in large part that's what gave the occupy wall street a great deal of militancy because when we had a spontaneous march from union square to wall street we were brutally attacked by the police and the n.y.p.d. very clearly showed their true colors by doing that by bringing out their butts hons by bringing a rubber bullet guns by bringing out here guests and having absolutely no regard for what was a very peaceful protests so we ended up going down to wall street and we met the folks from occupy wall street then it really showed on the police the fear that
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they had of people actually organizing so yes i hope it's the beginning of a revolutionary movement we have to organize organize organize in order to get there and not just on wall street but in our communities and says i want to talk to you about for the new idea that that that i know this is a subject that you teach a lot about in your classes let the media focus is to cover and when they don't they're in the i think when it came on network time at some point during the day you will see some coverage of that right but they're not so much focusing on the quite the whole point of this process this is been going on. for ten days now are artie has been there from the beginning what do you think about that well i mean you have to look at the core bias of the networks i mean they do benefit from this i mean from corporate ownership for the media from the one nine hundred eighty s. but that's that's that's pretty structural and pretty much something that we all expected what's underneath this is a basic bias in this country against this kind of grassroots movement when it's not
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from say the right wing really because look at the treatment you have no even steven called there. on comedy central you think they would be very sympathetic to the mars i want to talk to us turnout has not been as large as expected there was talk that this would bring at you know twenty thousand people and when you think about it you know new york is much larger than wisconsin but i'll keep an eye wall street hasn't seen the same type of numbers i'm wondering if you think that there might be a connection between the media coverage or lack of media coverage and the turnout. oh absolutely and not only the media coverage but the way that we've been taught in this society to talk about the concept of democracy when we're taught that the united states is a democracy which it is it but even if you take their you know for what they tell you it is there you know the full extent of participation that they want to be involved in in this process is goading and i think
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a lot of people are beginning to see that it doesn't really matter whether you vote in a republican or a democrat you're going to get the same results at the end of the day you're going to get these bailouts you're going to get gentrification you're going to get unemployment you know everything will fundamentally remain the same so i think that people are coming out now even if it's in small numbers because they're tired of being passive they're tired of being told put a piece of paper in a ballot box every four years and that's your democracy and i'm wondering how i want to talk to you chris about one of the videos that's sort of gone viral in the last twenty four hours and instances of police brutality and i want to play a little bit of the video that we've been seeing of a woman being sprayed in the eyes by police and then we'll talk about it. the other.
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so chris what kind of story to pictures like this how well it goes back to the classical connor and the dogs that are in the civil rights movement which got a lot of middle americans off their sofas basically now the other the flipside of that is there's no kind of commonality between the protesters on average americans who are out of work having their being foreclosed on the center etc. you know those are terrible pictures but there is they're going to be removed and they're only going to do is motivate the people who are already pretty much motivated to go down there. to the group of people i was free to need to be some kind of common thread here otherwise again will be as some hippie chicks who had it coming and that was georgetown university journalism professor chris chambers along with round artist and activist marcel cartier. well the u.s. senate has passed a last minute deal to avoid a government shutdown yet again after much ado it seemed it may have been much ado
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about nothing after a female announced that it won't in fact run out of funds early this week as most believed a battle had broken out after house republicans tried to force democrat senate democrats to accept a budget cut from the program they wanted on the threat that disaster victims would be deprived of. assistance for days or even weeks well earlier i spoke to richard asco in our los angeles studio he is a writer and senior fellow at the campaign for america's future. well i attended it once i found it you know i went down there or with an experiment in mind because i knew that they were trying to keep the demonstrators away from the public and away from wall street choi just went to the stock exchange and to try to see if i could find it and i couldn't there was no way anybody could be seen from a wall street itself but wall street was barricaded and very hard to get through normally it's
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a protest free and walkway the whole street and people were barricaded herded into small tunnels on the sidewalks and there were a lot of police tracks or heavy police presence and i finally had to do a little bit of google research before i could actually find the demonstration itself which was several blocks away it's really interesting because i know that when the sort of concept of this first came out it was all over twitter or facebook and it seemed like there was going to be a large crowd of people thousands even and i do remember hearing from the new york mayor mayor michael bloomberg talking about his concerns he said he was concerned before these protests even started he said that he feared riots in the streets of his city and i'm going to read you this quote that he said he said quote we have a lot of kids graduating from college can't find jobs and that's what happened in cairo that's what happened in madrid you don't want those kinds of riots here the damage to a generation that can't find jobs that will go on for many many years so
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a couple things here richard first of all do you think that you know this this protest the occupy wall street can be compared to what happened in cairo or madrid and also do you think that it was because of his concern that you had this experience of not being able to find it because of all the blockades. you know i think what happened in cairo is called democracy and i think mayor bloomberg problem and it's a longstanding problem is one with democracy you know during the two thousand and four republican convention in new york city he and his police force violated the civil liberties of demonstrators over and over and over and what he did last week and is still doing now is right out of the george w. bush playbook which is to tell americans who want to demonstrate in public so that they can have something called as bush called them free speech zones that are far away from the action where they can't be seen as a free speech is something that needs to be corralled up and hidden from public
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view and i've got news for all of them which is our free speech zone as by the united states of america but this is something that a lot of people have a lot of trouble with and bloomberg went way too far it's inexcusable to herd these protesters and keep them so far away and it's inexcusable the way they've been treated by the police i just think it needs to change and i was out of a few other things with you i want to talk about what's going on here in washington if you were here a couple of weeks and i think right for you were in new york right now we're dealing with what could possibly be a government shutdown over a spending bill about three and a half billion dollars money for you know the victims of natural disasters and it's being whole that held up here because a lot of the republicans in congress say we will absolutely give you that money we will put that money in as long as we take it away from somewhere else they're wanting to take it away from a program that goes to building manufacturing fuel efficient vehicles talk to me
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about the crazy politics in d.c. when this happens ground. well it's a combination of radicalism and corruption in the sense of political pinions being bought off by wealthy corporations and individuals who don't want to pay taxes and it's what happens when you negotiate with the economic terrorists which is what they really are at the end of the day if you allow them to hold the entire us government and the function of government hostage over and over again they'll get used to doing that and will do it over and over again so i think what we're seeing is the inevitable end point of a failed strategy by the president and leaders of the democratic party to say a if you hold a gun to our head we'll give you what's in our wallet there comes a time to say we don't negotiate under these conditions but richard happened long ago our food is going to start happening now but this was
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a long time coming this seems to be a strategy though that isn't working i mean whether you look at the polls of the way the american public views congress they're angry at this approach you can also look at the s. and p. downgrade a few months ago citing the fact that the u.s. congress is unable to get things done for the certainly the economic institutions the american public do not see this as a good strategy why on earth would they be doing this again. well i don't know that they are doing it again in fairness to the president and other democrats i think why they've done it in the and i hope they don't i think why they've done it in the past is because in a variety of reasons the president has wanted to position himself as a ball of party and ideology as if ideology were a bad thing by the way we have we have a lot of ideologies in this country you all that we all agree on including freedom and justice but but i think he wanted to position himself a certain way that maybe the way his personality is wired he wanted legislative
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accomplishments what he's up against the republican party that would not allow him to name the republican party the official state party of the u.s. government they just don't want him to get anything done so he needs to accept that fact and accept that this is basically kind of warfare and move on and hopefully he has hopefully from now on he's going to start getting stronger and stronger about articulating an alternative case which is what the public actually wants a job creation and a more sensible approach to taxation for the rich and and dialing down on this abstain obsession with cutting spending when we need spending to save ourselves first even the i.m.f. thinks that's crazy the international monetary fund that's known for being advocates of that sort of thing so so they really need to move beyond that and if they do maybe we won't have to hide demonstrators away from public view because
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their their viewpoint will be getting spoken a little bit more regularly in washington i also want to talk about you talk about the president here in new approach some are saying the president has finally taken his gloves off there's a lot of different perspectives out there in terms of what's happening right now with president obama in his third year i want to talk to you also our bounce the president's relationship with social media i mean just today we saw him in his you know linked in campaign and the president using facebook and twitter. and you tube and all kinds of things to try to to reach the masses and get the message across how effective though do you think this is i mean certainly it is a media savvy lighthouse and a social media savvy administration but is it doing the job. well you know twitter was a key part of the arab uprising because the messages being sent on twitter were ones that the public wanted to hear i think it's fine to be savvy about social media as long as you're saying what people need to hear now i'll give the president some
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credit for moving much more toward public opinion not only of his party but of people across the political spectrum calling for jobs and so on i would give him a lot of credit for that i give the progressive movement a lot of credit for that because they've been pressuring him for a long time to do exactly that and i think he's coming around but i think it's great to use social media if you're using it to say things people want to hear i hope we'll continue to do that and i hope we'll get stronger in his positions and i hope you'll follow through with real actions well sorry for being all over the place with it with my questions to you but you always like to cover a lot of bases and if there is a lot of geography as well richard as co-writer and senior fellow campaign for america's future in our los angeles studio well the united nations general assembly has finished its sixty sixth session but still many questions have been left unanswered including that what's the deal with the palestinian bid for statehood so
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as the world waits to see if a new country will be added to united nations next r.v. correspondent marina point i give up the events from last week. it was a weeklong gathering of the world's most polluted police powerful people were part of the united nations. the pursuit of peace. imperfect world america's nobel prize winning president said in an ideal tone as the sixty sixth session of the un general assembly open yet at the heart of almost all diplomatic dialogue. demonstrations and media attention was the palestinian pursuit of official u.n. membership then i don't want the arab peoples of whom they wish for democracy in the arab spring the time is now for the palestinians when the time for independence . supported by the majority of u.n. member states president mahmoud abbas submitted an application for statehood historical bit the us a staunch ally of israel now to block with
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a security council veto these will not come through statements of resolutions of the united nations if it were that easy it would have been accomplished but as diplomats worked around the clock to bring israel and the palestinians back together at the negotiating table. delegations for thirty countries abandon the iranian president during his speech to the general assembly. if some european countries still use the whole acosta after sixteen cade's as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the zionists should it not be an obligation upon the slave masters or colonial powers to pay reparations to be affected nations mood ahmadinejad's annual attack against the west and israel was a reminder that peace is hard but we know that it is possible a possibility for the palestinians and israelis to resume negotiations was put forth by the middle east quartet friday russia the us the european union and the un
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presented both sides with a twelve month timetable to solve this sixty plus years within three months of the negotiation beginning to resent comprehensive proposals on borders and security that is the only way in the end we do. with the difficult issues around the table in because she asian the u.n. general assembly was this week's biggest political show a spectacular display of pride for the palestinians a quote theater of the absurd for the israeli prime minister the security council meets monday to discuss the palestinian bid for u.n. membership as the quest for peace goes on divisions over how to achieve it remain firmly in place bearing up for nigh on r.t. new york. well still ahead here on r t a first summer was a movie for others a new way to look at the world where the little guy always seems to come out on top
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in the. area of work. and good because you. could still do things with that of the but this isn't a case of mistaken identity it's a big deal about you first in los angeles coming up we'll talk to some of the do things out. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already being made who can you trust no one will if you have you with a global mission to receive where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called nationals when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. let's not forget that we are in the park.
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oh over the years the movie the big global city has become one of the most well known movies in the country just about everyone you talk to or seen it and you could say it's about black male mistaken identity and of course we're going so many people though can relate to the main character who has no problem saying about all day by the way and drinking white russian that a movement has formed attracting of thousands of people over the years are to correspondent ramon go and oh takes us to vote for us in los angeles and shows us why this anti-hero is so appealing in these turbulent times.
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why is this happening to me i done nothing wrong all on and you like a lot of us were just trying to get through life and were like what do i do to deserve best fans of the big lebowski from around the country are ticking a brick from the chaos of america twenty eleven. the corn brothers film has achieved cult status and jeff bridges immortalized the jew character who lives for white russians in bowling i'm the dude the film about a southern california slacker resonated so much that fans travel across the country to take part in the annual about ski test we flew all the way from kansas. driving from arizona to california. with a bunch of freaks like. you fans call themselves achievers and ironic reference to do's of ambition and like you do they since they're being scammed by the system work and screw it so many ways to live thank you it. was playing that game i think
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you can think it was. for wall street taking on the men from wall street to the white house a rowdy take on the president you know saying. dude you know why you're doing this tour in these uncertain times the little guy much like feel overwhelmed by outside forces he can't control. making the philosophy of you a lot more appealing. i think sometimes the bar and sometimes you. think you know. it's like ninety percent of americans right now know. how you employ mr know about it when those with the power seem more focused on saving themselves and although you think all those. crazy parties it's just a matter of. if you go. to learn
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a thing or two from the. oil to deal with life when it seems like the world is coming down on you get out. of work. and get. out of the fortune problems like knowledge or wall street speculators. instead. are taking on the lanes in style like. los angeles. not a bad way to spend the day with a bunch of dudes well we are done for this evening as going to do it but for more on the stories we covered for the r.t. dot com slash usa or check out our youtube page youtube dot com slash r.t. america you should also follow me on twitter you can find me at franzi.
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