tv [untitled] September 27, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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greek government is said to approve more unpopular tax is a tries to convince european lenders to hand over another slice of the bailout to avert a looming default. he was a quick five minutes they will be heading to the lead to hold told the country that like this spirals out of. the u.n. security council prepares to submit the palestinian statehood bid for recognition despite fierce objections from israel and the u.s. which is about to veto the move. and is the u.k. struggles to be a new jobs of a stark rise in unemployment it emerges that night out of and positions are being taken by immigrants.
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ten am in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story greek lawmakers are expected to approve an unpopular property taxes they will to show that they are serious about tackling the country's debt crisis it's part of the austerity plan put together to convince the e.u. and i.m.f. to hand over an eight billion euro bailout loan our correspondent sara for has a latest from athens. we don't see it as today's a state emerges today as the peace plan into votes on that property tax extremely unpopular here in the country among the public coming of course on top of severe austerity measures that have been going on for a long long time now is the one on top of the other for the people here they take us to government spending they've had cuts to their pensions people have lost their jobs unemployment is extremely high here and now this property tax on top of that
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really coming at a time of great hope they can get that the prime minister george patton will be traveling to berlin slightly holding talks to discuss the debt crisis is not known where the eurozone leaders against the handing over that ten point eight billion dollars cash injection is going to be needed to keep the country of flights we've seen a lot of strike happen action happening here recently and later on today is thought that protesters are again going to gather outside the parliament building that as we said the greatest common amongst this rapidly meeting take place and we've been here before it really is a bit of a vicious circle they create these measures we get right to the point where they need the cash injection which really has been a country that's been taking to the brink publicly the line still very much in the e.u. leaders that they're not planning at least the u.s. and in fact that's very far from them eyes against the keeping rates in the usa and
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that even at the falls maybe not the way forward privately what people are saying is that actually the default is very much knowledge unlikely and indeed possibly even an exit from the usa altogether now speaking yesterday to professor constitutional law here in green he was to take me through the financial jargon of this idea of the controls the poles have listen to what he said. i before. we can organize. you know they were. made. for. this prank. mission. then.
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now that's the key thing there were he was saying about the. very concerned that if greece was. elected the year i don't really anyone could leave in the spectator is . pointing greek i would then turn the site to countries such as italy and spain and they need very very have a very serious problem indeed that could be the end of the money so it is looking like they control the flow is on the cards at some point that's looking for very much like the usa latest plan b. remembering of course that their fish alone when this all began with a plan. now seems that they are having to look at alternative obviously very concerned as we said in that people have very concerned that is going away to take beneficial to green there's been a lot of criticism of the way that we have handled the situation but the people here are struggling in the midst of this crisis this thing it's not entirely that
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pulls a lot of this comes it's a very bad policy decision making a very tough there's a lot of anger directed at the troika at the i.m.f. and the leaders as well really a lot of questions whether they're going to be able to guide the year i think through this crisis and whether greece is going to be able to survive. stay with us here on r.t. still to come arming an ally or setting off a time bomb explosive revelations for. weapons israel could be used to start a war in the middle east. the first u.n. security council. decided to postpone further discussions around the palestinian bid for a full membership to wednesday this is washington refuses to back down on a promise to block the move in support of its ally israel but as our he's marine important i reports palestinians could still gain an elevated status at the u.n. . what the palestinians would need would be nine out of fifteen of the security council members to support this application no vetoes but the us president barack
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obama did state last week when he was addressing the general assembly that the only way there could be an independent palestinian state is through direct negotiations and and peace talks between israelis and the palestinians washington said it would cast a veto if it had to but let's remember that u.s. credibility and influence in the middle east is at stake here u.s. president barack obama has been seen supporting the so-called arab spring that's in the shins the libyans the egyptians and so for the u.s. to cast a veto now against the aspirations of the palestinians would be as some critics have said hypocritical the palestinians do have another option and that would be to take the vote before the general assembly where they do have the majority of support that would only raise palestine's status at the u.n. to observer state a nonmember observer state but they would be able to file lawsuits at the
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international criminal court and participate in many forums but at this point it is stuck within the security council with washington pressing very hard for the palestinians to back down and not put them in a position to cast a palestinian envoy riad monsoor addressed the media following day one of security council consultations here's a bit of what he had to say we all know in the security council this is this is an exercise in which there will be among the structure. so that the number of countries and members of the security council but we trust that we have money friends in the council and the relationship between us and the our friends is a saudi the relationship and. the close of. and they support the justice thought of the palestinian people in palestinian president mahmoud abbas said he would return to negotiations only only if israel
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halt its settlement construction and since that has not happened and since the statement made by the quartet did not include that then the president of palestine said that there's no point in talking this can't be business as usual russia as a part of the quartet russia the u.s. u.n. and e.u. now russia is one of the many countries that he when that said they would support the palestinian bid for u.n. membership and stay put that statement but at this point. president abbas is saying that there is no point of returning to negotiations that have continued on for nearly two decades have not resulted in anything no peace plan nothing and just resort back to the way everything has been proceeding so while the international community is trying to come together right now to get both sides back to the negotiation table it seems that the palestinians are really driven and determined
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as the u.s. continues to stand with israel washington's now coming under fire for new revelations of its dealings with the country and its claim the white house may have sold dozens of bunker buster bombs to tel aviv weapons that could be used for destroying underground nuclear facilities in iran a deal to buy the bombs during the bush administration in two thousand and five found over concerns that israel could pass in psychology on to china but claims of now emerged that the weapons may have been secretly released shortly after obama took office in two thousand and nine observers fear the move could lead to a new war. obama is putting himself in the position of whether he wants it or not he very well may face a flight have to have israeli f. sixteen zero over raqi air space and a phone call from benjamin netanyahu saying it's on what are you going to do he's not going to do anything about it or obama has given them everything they need to get us into a war with iran a war that would be a disaster for american soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and bahrain for example
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for a navy in the persian gulf and for the entire global economy and who knows what kind of repercussions certainly israel will have a whole new fight on their hands with an awesome hezbollah and their borders and cetera you know if israel was run by secret agent traitors that had taken over the country they couldn't do worse than they are doing with benjamin netanyahu in power over there and the same thing for yahoo here in the united states of america they are hell bent on isolating both of us from everyone else in the world on this issue and everything else and if it comes to a war with iran which are very well could with benjamin netanyahu and prime minister chair over there it would be an absolute disaster but everyone else seems to know that this is a really bad idea and especially when there's nothing to fight about when there just is not a nuclear weapons program no one just zero seven the national intelligence estimate of two thousand and eleven came to the very same conclusion again that they're just not making nukes all the hype you hear to the contrary notwithstanding. syria's
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foreign minister has accused foreign government and the governments of fueling the unrest in the country this comes as international pressure on syria is growing with the u.s. urgency for you when sanctions russia's approach rivals the u.s. backed draft urging warring sides toward dialogue the u.n. now says that more than twenty seven hundred people have been killed by security forces in a government crackdown this year dr aloof from jordan university says the conflict is being fueled from abroad with foreign countries financing the opposition. but i think the mosque has already proven that it is very serious about instigating reform has initiated a series of regulations regarding the media multi-party system but the opposition unfortunately has been refusing to sit down and dialogue with the regime so the problem here is not the syrian leadership but the opposition which is being encouraged by interference from abroad whether by the gulf cooperation
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council or the nato kirky especially and other groups working on the ground so i don't know what to define as monetary and the ransom but if you have an armed mutiny that is being financed and supported from abroad i don't think you can call that a peaceful uprising. stay with us here on our team later this hour former nato chief george robertson tells r.t. that foreign military intervention in syria should only be considered if all else fails. because you can't intervene everywhere doesn't mean that you should it could be with you can you with the boys out of resolution the war is a un security council resolution i didn't these things apply out of the woman to what's happening in syria but. at the end it will stay just as it is and it won't take some time to work on. economic political.
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rights for the next prize and all of. the weapon of weiss rules or is the world. economic is to provide a use political influence church. of trying to take. new cares been trying hard to reduce its debt but the spending cuts are forcing growing numbers of people out of work now it's come out that what few job vacancies there are or are going almost exclusively to immigrants who are taking nine out of ten of all new positions are reports. jamie's amongst the growing ranks of unemployed he's been trying to find a job in social housing since many competitions fear that for others it's a just he's now working for each job so you just find that you know looks like is about for you he will get shortlisted a better look at salaries slightly less maybe going to go back to college and maybe
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do some parts on unemployment now it's eight percent the highest for fifteen years but no matter how hard jamie tries the old system worked against him job centers like this one helped fill one hundred eighty thousand new vacancies in the last twelve months but only eight percent of those went to british workers but foreign nationals more successful in the job market nine times out of ten reversing that trend was a key election pledge of the new government promising to slash immigration but a year on its only increased migration was nearly a quarter of a million last year up to twenty percent on two thousand and nine and britain second biggest annual total ever way off the government's point figure target i think we're probably over promising given the restrictions that they face it didn't make sense to bring the number down to an arbitrary level relation having a man. honest debate about the limits on what they could do you think government
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claims its target can be met by capping nor e.u. immigration but that ignores how most are coming from within the e.u. they are restrictions don't apply entry numbers for eastern europeans rose by eight times in the last year alone as they continue to cash in on the open borders as are likely going to have a measures of paramount's that target might come close. likely to refer to measures are necessary for others the problem lies at home pretty quick tells an m.p. and from an immigrant family herself she knows what it takes to succeed here but says most don't i go back to thirty forty years ago and you've seen immigrants come to this country what they wanted to is they want to work hard and get on in life they really do that all families think that except except sure you don't you days gone hartley's have a tremendous work ethic in this country we really did i think we could take the
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last summer was it was easy to see that at the job center where most time it will migrant workers the problem is that a lot of people hate it when they got used to not there in a minimum wage jobs and the low paid work so they need to be forced into taking these drugs the government claims it's now doing just that it says we are reforming the welfare system to ensure that we end the benefit dependency which is trap so many people and finally ensure workplace but it was the long term unemployed can be forced to look for jobs there's no guarantee they'll get them coming back to that immigration promise the government simply can't keep the bennett party london. stay with us here on r.t. still ahead a walk in the wilderness but the people of the spitzbergen are the to go in the arctic find out why former bears have become a much loved symbol an invaluable source of pain but also what hurts.
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russia is now looking for a new finance minister after the surprise dismissal of alexy cruder and on monday it's become the first fall out of the plan to reshuffle at the top of the country's politics a lot of your putin has announced he's running for president in two thousand and twelve and hopes current president dmitry medvedev will become prime minister cruder in reacted to the news by saying he would not serve in the new government if it's headed by my bed at medvedev said anyone who questions his policies should resign find out more about the possible successors to bring in our business voting coming your way in a few minutes. former ukrainian prime minister yulia timoshenko will return to court tuesday after a two week break in the hearings she's accused of abuse of power during gas deals with russia in two thousand and nine claims she denies pinochet goes been on trial since june and was arrested in august on charges of contempt of court her arrest sparked massive protests in kiev police clash between the shakos supporters who set up camp outside the port where the hearings are taking place. take
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a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe libya's new leaders measures to abolish the country's state security courts which sends opponents of the old regime to prison in hopes of getting rid of the remnant remnants of kentucky's rule this comes as forces of breached colonel gadhafi his hometown sirte city's been under assault for the past several days with hundreds of civilians fleeing the violence in the area jagow and civil war has so far claimed an estimated thirty thousand lives. yemeni anti-government activists have vowed to world vote until the end probably president ali abdullah saleh speech in which he failed to promise to step down more than one hundred forty people have been killed across the country in the past week in violence that's escalated since the president. after medical treatment abroad more than fifteen hundred people are believed to have died since clashes between anti-government activists and security forces again. are you that opened fire on egyptian pipeline to israel and
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jordan causing a large explosion that cut off the gas supply it's the sixth such attack on the pipeline since february when former egyptian president hosni mubarak was ousted the extent of the damage caused by the blast is not yet clear a security operation was launched in august to eliminate hundreds of suspected militants believed to be behind the attacks on the pipeline. former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn says a civil case against him over an alleged sexual assault should be dropped into his diplomatic immunity his lawyers are arguing that he kept his right to immunity as an international official between his resignation in may and his return to france in september a criminal case against him but dropped by new york prosecutors after a lack of evidence. or full typhoon assad has slammed into the philippines bringing with it heavy rains and winds of up to one hundred seventy kilometers an hour several fishermen were reported missing was also cause the death of
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a baby who drowned government offices and schools were closed while dozens of domestic flights were canceled and highland areas grounded more than one hundred thousand people had to be evacuated from flood prone areas. riddled but beautiful for the residents of the ikea icy arctic archipelago spitzbergen the polar bears are a common sight despite the obvious danger there are also a huge draw for visitors on a boy who reports on those who get closer to the wilderness and the region's most famous inhabited. their watching and bearing being watched can the moment you arrive any longer be an airport the king of the arctic never lets you out of his sight he watches you collecting your backs from the belt and browsing in the super and your shop enjoying spitzbergen spectacular scenery or simply doing the crusher is the pull of various cult of personality here it makes some dictators down south look like jimmy paris even the archipelagos stop officials bow to him paul barry is
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a good picture of. promoting small board. with ceramics since it's also restricted us through the holders it has become a symbol for the same. people here always bear in mind big dangers one european has a higher percentage of gun ownership than any other municipality in norway the country be debating tighter gun controls following july spears camp massacre but here are the rules for granting firearms have been eased. the local taxi driver says he often leaves his cell phone at home but never his raffle it was a bit of a. once my friend and i were driving our snowmobiles in the countryside when we saw a polar bear we got pretty close to him even started walking toward us and i realized that i left my signal going to home it was a close call now i tried to be more careful but all encounters had a happy ending
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a seventeen year old british poor was killed and for a few companions injury when hungry polar bear rampage through their camp in early august. just days before they had left an ecstatic post in a blog about having seen the beer from a distance for people traveling and then i tried to. pray. it's very rare i mean i have been in trouble which which has. a few police report is yet to be released but local experts believe functioning raffles may have been to blame but twenty five hundred people and three thousand polar bears living on the spitzbergen archipelago security obviously and to keep in mind and while locals and tourists are strongly advised to carry firearms at all times being loaded for bear is definitely not the way to go here well the death of the british teenager shot locals some people queuing beer responsible it was
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unnecessary. the notion that human like be sacred just because it's human life is medieval believe the old express a nation of all the various break here from sweden. in this guy he trains hard to never miss it he says anyone living here realizes that even your rifle is a polar bear like shooting yourself and good food i think it's a lot of choice i'm. because of. the gates always has to carry the rifle and things like that so absolutely it's the attraction but that attraction base is least based on the dangers. and buried. a perfect recipe for peaceful coexistence but so far the majority of its bergen's locals on two legs and four beside west side and both communities are growing. artsy along here piano bergen archipelago.
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of leaders business news stay with us here on our city. carol welcome to our business update southlands for joining me russian markets continue to climb and chooses morning sessions that despite sharpton partial finance minister couldn't on monday last week the r.t.s. style sixteen percent out of my six percent over and have fresh concerns over the global economic outlook and europe's debt crisis now let's get the latest from artie's peter our stock exchange. good morning peter so so how is this is really right now. well both the r.t.s. and device six are trading at the moment and this is being driven by well some early trading in asia this is a lot of people being looking to you to snuff out stocks in commodities in energy russia of course has the majority of it blue chip stocks in the oil and gas
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industry that's why they've seen this. both the indices both the r.t.s. and the my six that is also rumors going around among traders. that there could be a possible solution on the table to europe's debt crisis this is again driven a grab for oil and gas seeing russia take more rises there so all of these outside fact this could begin leaving the markets incredibly volatile out the moment it's difficult to say how much of an impact yesterday's departure of alec's you could in the finance minister he stepped down it's difficult to say how much of an impact but we'll have the russian markets out the moment but yes both the eyes r.t.s. on the my six looking good at the minute ok peter thanks very much we'll be following the market's performance throughout the day thanks for that. the rule has extended its losses thirty two year minimum against the greenback it lost more than
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a percent on monday with one dollar at more than thirty two ruble so far in order to support the russian currency the central bank has sold five billion dollars into trading sessions yourself with the knowledge from deutsche bank explains what the russian currency needs to rebound. what you need i think fundamentally is a joint effort by the european community to come up with a coordinated approach to the current crisis and such a package that is credible for the markets and would serve to stabilize the dynamics of the dollar versus the euro accordingly the dynamics of commodity prices and hands through this transmission mechanism as well. and now let's look at the markets let's look at the figures here in russia while we are testing my zits are adding three percent energy stocks are supporting b. this is on high oil prices and. three percent banks are also gaining with spare bank for the sense. asian stocks rebound from
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a sixteen month low following two days of gains in the us markets are also supported by greece efforts of the e.u. governors to continue to contain the region's debt crisis financial stocks and long be gainers in tokyo commodities sector firms also bouncing strongly along with gains for oil and copper futures are doing incorporation of china up by percent or time over six percent. and all prices are heading off amid speculation that the european central bank may alleviate the region's softened debt crisis boosting growth and fuel to mount plates read is currently trading at eighty one dollars per pound of grant is a one hundred five dollars per hour russia's all major role snapped is in talks with italy's any joint development of a project in the black sea that's according to the business daily caller quoting sources close to the deal the newspaper says that a european company would get a third of its one venture which is expected to be sealed by the end of the year response ross now wants to win
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