tv [untitled] September 27, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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greece can find a way out of a debt crisis the find message from the prime minister who is in germany but top level talks aimed at securing another slice of the bailout. we're hearing about this part of it are expected to know that tax hike to brady and i think that's despite growing public anger. the u.n. security council prepares to submit the palestinian statehood bid for recognition despite fears objections from israel and the u.s. which is valid to be so the. last is the u.k. struggled to create new jobs amid the strong gries non-employment it emerges the nine out of ten positions are being taken by immigrants.
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a very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow the greek prime minister says he's confident his country can emerge from this crisis ahead of talks with germany's chancellor comes in and says it comes as lawmakers in the thousands are expected to approve an unpopular property tax is part of the measures to convince the e.u. and i.m.f. to hand out an eight billion euro bailout for more on this as course live now to our correspondent sara first is in athens just how exactly is the greek prime minister planning to convince the need is to hand over this latest slice of bailout money. well we're hearing from the greek prime minister just but enjoy speaking
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to the german industry and is this a very positive rhetoric you think this. is a crisis now the ten times this expected to get that. same conference as she probably going on right now is to she's going to say much of the same thing this though the line from these leaders is that there's no question if we take sitting from the usa and the polls still not been speaking about publicly now here in athens in a month. the opinion really quite significantly you'll excuse the being a little bit skeptical about that find a speech because we've been here before and we see the same things being said in your country still one sick brink of a deep deep financial crisis if they think it is this cash injection ten point eight billion dollars. a year is a leader then the country very very quickly will be struggling to even pay for the
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stuff that the naming on the ground here with things and phrases like a nothing to the polish state saying today all this property rights is another austerity measure this designed to try and convince you as a leader is making the right moves at the people who said this is really a matter anymore we're not they want to pay and of course they don't but it's not a case of that is that they simply can't have the first time seeing people below the poverty line being taxed and they say that that's simply unacceptable in another list i was just speaking to the four talking to said that really what you seeing from countries such as germany that hold a lot of the carrot the main is if they're trying to buy themselves some time here we've been punished is being seen very much as the black sheep of the year you say well actually they're saying that really they fear that becoming a sacrificial lamb look what countries such as germany is poisoning the patient essentially tried to say i simply aren't having any of this or the house that
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a lot of common interests are pretty much the people in the grease will have to the fault what's grease on mouse. lizzie. very different topic clients what's being said privately. for the last year and a half a lot of people in saying that to. feel it it's just the fight is simply not that nixon. was talking it's a good. thing it is like the controls to. the situation seems extremely out of control and have a listen to what he had. either we're going to have a default i default to that we can organize and protect our interests i can't believe we're going to have i kind of control bankruptcy you know there were. those
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going to dictates to us he used trying to avoid i don't know i think so practically . i was on a task. made of yours wrong i mean we were going to be used to sacrifice for them in order to solve a risk that was going to be. necessary in things we are not followed by the words and then the disaster is the only possible way out. now it's very important what you're saying there about that. because a lot of people saying that you think it's simply are going to greece exiting the euro. exit that anyone could lead and that really would be the end of the day is to get. a lot of people think about this control to float that really. big let's do this their way not dictated by the leaders that what we've heard is that what's expected from a lot of people is the euro they need to have a choice that's the rational way or the irrational way and told me that the russia
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way would be to attack this problem have everything out in the eighty's now be honest about what's going on and have back control of the city a rational way and a lot of people certainly think that's quite possibly what we've seen which is more the more talks more discussions and in the end will very painful this is because people simply are working the case for enough and. we'd like to your opinion on the crisis in greece or log onto our web site r.t. dot com to take part in our latest poll today we are what do you think we are and leaders of the scuffing behind the scenes so far the most popular responses how to escape a lynching from angry voters. think they're discussing how to manage to control the fault and some of you believe they might be talking about whether the euro zone and how far the bailouts can stretch to get involved in the debate and head along to
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r.t. and cast your vote. on the way here on r.t. arming an ally or setting off a time bomb explosive revelation that the us sold heavy weapons to israel but used to start a new war in the middle east. here as security council decided to perspire own further discussions around the palestinian bid for membership until wednesday this is washington refuses to back down on a promise to block the move in support of its ally israel but. no reports of palestinians could still gain an elevated status at the world. what the palestinians would need would be nine out of fifteen of the security council members to support this application no vetoes but us president barack obama did state last week when he was addressing the general assembly that the only way there
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could be an independent palestinian state is through direct negotiations and and peace talks between israelis and the palestinians washington said it would cast a veto if it had to but let's remember that u.s. credibility and influence in the middle east is at stake here u.s. president barack obama has been seen supporting the so-called arab spring the tunisians the libyans the egyptians and so for the u.s. to cast a veto now against the aspirations of the palestinians would be as some critics have said hypocritical the palestinians do have another option and that would be to take the vote before the general assembly where they do have the majority of support that would only raise the. status at the u.n. to observer state a nonmember observer state but they would be able to file lawsuits at the international criminal court and participate in many forums but at this point it is stuck within the security council with washington pressing very hard for the
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palestinians to back down and not put them in a position to palestinian envoy riad monsoor addressed the media following day one of security council consultations here's a bit of what he had to say we all know in the security council this is this is an exercise in which there will be for them and this pressure but so that the number of countries and members of the security council but we've crossed that we have many friends in the council and that election should be between us and the friends is a solid relationship and. the poser. and they are supportive of justice for the palestinian. president mahmoud abbas said he would return to negotiations only only if israel halt its settlement construction and since that has not happened and since the statement made by the quartet did not
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include that then the president of palestine said that there's no point in talking so while the international community is trying to come together right now to get both sides back to the negotiation table it seems that the palestinians are really driven and determined but as the u.s. continues to stand by israel washington's knock on the funnel for new revelations of its dealings with the country its claimed white house supply of bunker buster bombs the weapons that best suited for destroying underground nuclear facilities in iran a deal survived through the bush and the situation in two thousand and five founded a bit concerned that israel could pass the technology on to china. shortly after two thousand and nine observers fear the move could lead to new. obama is putting himself in the position of whether he wants it or not he very well
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may face a flight of the israeli f. sixteen go over rocky airspace and a phone call from benjamin netanyahu saying it's gone what are you going to do he's not going to do anything about it or obama has given them everything they need to get us into a war with iran a war that would be a disaster for american soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and bahrain for example for a navy in the persian gulf and for the entire global economy and who knows what kind of repercussions certainly israel will have a whole new fight on their hands with hamas and hezbollah on their borders etc you know if israel was run by secret agent traitors that have taken over the country they couldn't do worse than they're doing with benjamin netanyahu in power over there and the same thing for and then yahoo here in the united states of america they are hell bent on isolating both of us from everyone else in the world on this issue and everything else and if it comes to a war with iran which is very well could with benjamin netanyahu and the prime minister chair over there it would be an absolute disaster but everyone else seems
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to know that this is a really bad idea that specially when there's nothing to fight about when there just is not a nuclear weapons program no one just zero seven the national intelligence estimate of two thousand and eleven came to the very same conclusion again that they're just not making nukes all the hype you hear to the contrary notwithstanding. the syrian foreign minister is accused foreign governments of fueling gun arrest in the country the crackdown on anti-government protests that now into its seventh month keeps the reports of the storm and its egypt central city of rough done with residents saying thank for their armored vehicles and for that early on tuesday un police more than two thousand seven hundred people have died because of islands they can. lose from. conflicts you know. foreign countries china they say. well i think damascus has already a program that is very serious about instigating reform and has initiated
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a series of regulations regarding the media a multi-party system but the opposition unfortunately has been refusing to sit down and dialogue with the regime so the problem here is not the syrian leadership but the opposition which is being encouraged by and thought of freedoms from abroad whether by the gulf cooperation council or all of the nato kirky especially and other groups working on their ground so i don't know what you define as military intervention but if you have an armed mutiny that is being financed and supported from abroad i don't think you can call that a peaceful uprising. now the u.k. has been trying hard to reduce the debt but the spending cuts the full thing growing numbers of people out of right now it's in the. job they can see there are going only to be seen as ninety percent of all new positions are seen i bet it has
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more. jaymes amongst the growing ranks of unemployed he's been trying to find a job in social housing since may competitions fears that fathers it's agencies now working for each job so you just find that you know looks like this but they will get short listed of it as look at salaries slightly less maybe going to go back to college and maybe do some parts on unemployment snow it eight percent the highest for fifteen years but no matter how hard jamie tries the odds are stacked against him job centers like this one helped fill one hundred eighty thousand new vacancies in the last twelve months but only eight percent of those went to british workers at foreign nationals more successful in the job market nine times out of ten reversing that trend was a key election pledge of the new government promising to slash immigration but a year on it's only increased the migration was nearly a quarter of
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a million last year up to twenty percent on two thousand and nine and britain second biggest annual total ever way off the government's five figure target we're probably over promising given the restrictions that they face it didn't make sense to bring the number down to an arbitrary level we've actually been having a more honest debate about the limits on what the government claims its target can be mitt by capping normally you immigration but that ignores how most are coming from within the e.u. the restrictions don't apply entry numbers for eastern europeans rose by eight times in the last year alone as they continue to cash in on the open borders it's unlikely going to have a measure of pronounced will meet that target and might come close but it is unlikely to meet its measures are necessary for others the problem lies at home
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pretty patel's an m.p. and from an immigrant family herself she knows what it takes to. succeed here it says most don't go back to thirty forty years ago and you've seen immigrants come to this country what they wanted to is they want to work hard and get on in life they really see that families think about eccentric search or you know new days gone past or you start a tremendous british work ethic in this country we really did i think with the fact if you lost some of that it was easy to see that at the job center where most i met with migrant workers the problem is that a lot of that but it's not there in the minimum wage jobs and the low paid work so they need to be forced into taking these jobs the government claims it's now doing just that it says we are reforming the welfare system to ensure that we in the benefit dependency which is trapped so many people and finally ensure workplace but once the long term unemployed can be forced to look for jobs there's no guarantee
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they'll get them coming back to the immigration problem the government simply can't keep michael bennett. london so have you at this hour a walk in the wilderness for the people. in the arctic find out why polar bears have become a much an invaluable source of income but also. russians looking for a new finance minister following the surprise dismissal of a. monday president the minister who said he wouldn't serve any new governance if it's headed by medvedev but it's become the first fallout from the planned reshuffle that the top of the country's political pile. of a story. well the reactions that are coming out coming from the political elites at the moment after get of issued this ultimatum to get in to say get on board.
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couldn't said he would consult with prime minister vladimir putin now we're hearing today from dmitri. that consultation never happened so they didn't have to talk to decide his future f. residential aide. says that as soon as. president made his position untenable and the only option for him was to slip and disappear and go eventually he was dismissed now one of the biggest names that we're hearing from is the chairman of the state duma. also a senior member of united russia the leading party here he says that. yesterday this disputes over couldn't saying he wouldn't work in a government headed by may get it is just the tip of an iceberg and it has many other things going on in the background however he wouldn't say he wouldn't elaborate on what those other things were so this certainly seems that we we haven't heard the full story as of what's going on between alexey couldn't. stay
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with us here on r.t. business report just a little later on we'll be looking at who could be the potential successor to the finance minister who was dismissed after eleven years in the job. it was high enough but it is not the top stories from around the world this hour on libya's leaders have a pretty pouncer reform rules which were used by the gadhafi regime to jailed dissidents it comes as forces continue this in egypt ponoka japanese hometown so it's been under sustained attack of hundreds injured civilians will still be the simple rules thing the law is but estimates thirty thousand people. yemeni anti-government activists are bound to revolt and following president adly of the speech in which he failed to promise to step down over one hundred forty can have been killed across the country in the past week in violence that's escalated since the president returned again and after medical treatment of more than fifteen
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hundred people appear to have died since transfers between us and government to this the security forces began. the suicide car bombs exploded just outside a police compound in southern afghanistan leaving at least five people dead and injuring dozens more it happened in helmand province one of the country's most violent regions officials say the bomber waited for a police truck and detonated his explosives when it stopped the taliban's claimed responsibility. powerful typhoon nesat slant into the philippines bring it with it monsoon rains and strong winds that have toppled trees and flooded parts of the capital at least seven people have died puting a baby fell into a swollen river government offices and schools closed all dozens of domestic flights canceled. panels and her back rated from the worst affected areas heavy downpours are expected to continue for several decades. brutal
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useful for residents of the icy arctic island. polar bears are a common side despite the obvious dangers they're also a huge draw visitors artie's a result of reports on those who get to go go to get closer to wilderness and the region's most famous inhabitants. bear watching and bearing being watched the moment you arrive any longer be an airport the king of the arctic never lets you out of his sight he watches you collecting your backs from the belt and browsing in the super and your shop enjoying spitzbergen spectacular scenery or simply doing the crusher is the pulling very cult of personality here it makes some dictators down south look like timid hairs given the archipelago officials culture him there is a good picture of. promoting. the wrong words since it's also
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restricted are some kind of. it has become a symbol for the soul. but people here always bear in mind the dangers when you begin has a higher percentage of gun ownership than any other municipality and already become should we be debating tighter gun controls following july's you can't massacre but here are the rules for granting firearms have been a nice. big deal a local taxi driver says he also believes his cell phone at home but never his rightful yesterday was because. once my friend and i were driving our snowmobiles in the countryside when we saw a polar bear we got pretty close to him he even started walking toward us when i realized that i left my signal goes home it was a close call now i'll try to be more careful but all in contras have a happy ending a seventeen year old british war was killed and for
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a few companions injury when hungry polar bear rampage through their camp in early august. just days before they had left an extended post in a blog about having seen the beer from a distance danger for people traveling in. it's very rare. in trouble which would have. been seventy two police report is yet to be released but local experts believe functioning rifles measured going to claim twenty five hundred people and three thousand polar bears living on this because bergen archipelago security is obviously an issue in mind and while locals and tourists are strongly advised to carry firearms at all times being lauded for barry is definitely not the way to go here well the death of the british teenager shocked locals some people killing the bear responsible was unnecessary. the notion that humans may be sacred just because
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it's human like it's medieval believe the nation polar bear spray came here from sweden i wonder misguide he trains hard to never miss anyone living here realizes that even your rifle is a polar bear like shooting yourself in the food i think it's a lot of course i'm also because of. the gates always has to carry the rifle and things like that so absolutely it's the attraction but that attraction. at least based on the dangers. and buried. the perfect recipe for peaceful coexistence but so far the majority of spitzbergen is locals until actually for the side by side and both communities are growing some of artsy longer pm spitzbergen. well when you're not dates of today's headlines in just a few minutes before that they were going to business update with.
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welcome to the south thanks for joining me as we've been reporting russia needs a new finance minister following the sharp departure of aleksey kudrin on monday jacob nell from morgan stanley russia says there are few candidates who could succeed could win but although hard to find it hard to match the confidence. i think there's quite a number of people in morse code knew how the qualifications on paper and perhaps personality to be the minister of finance visit the central bank governor who works in the ministry of finance his view can he was a deputy minister of finance deputy central bank governor those two could reach the president's economic advisor his deputy ministers in the ministry of finance such as school child you have a passage each to two to fulfill the role want to treat with the track record he has the credibility and you don't build it up overnight so i'm not sure leads to
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study this until today. take a look at the markets now here the figures for the r.t.s. and noise expose that are adding over two and a half percent this hour and let's have a look at some index holders on the rise x. energy stocks on the rise amid stronger crude look or this gaining just nearly two and a half percent financials are no exception with the country's biggest lender spare back up over three percent in other sectors airflow is among the main as up trade reported a twenty one fold increase in net profit for the first half of the year the company benefited from the sale of non core assets and rising passenger traffic. markets in europe are on the rise as well with insurers leading the rebound the foot seas are under a trap sand and the dax is over three percent higher among other stocks on the move german carmaker time around a five percent after it was upgraded to outperform from neutral by credit suisse
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turning to all those heads being. supported by speculation the european central bank may i levy a region sovereign debt crisis boosting growth and fuel demand light trading at eighty one dollars a barrel while brand is a one hundred five dollars. versus all major ross they have is in talks with italy's any over there trying to develop plans of a project in the black sea that's according to the business a reconnaissance quoting sources close to the deal now the newspaper says the european company put together a third of the joint venture which is expected to be sealed by the end of the year it will sponsor nephrons to win a role in any project in media earlier the russian companies discussed the possibility of working in the black sea with america chevron and exxon mobil the world's biggest train maker coca-cola invest three billion dollars into russia's economy by twenty sixteen that's not as it spans over the last twenty years
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speaking exclusively to our t.v. companies president car can't explain where the money. that's going to be investments in more production more distribution more marketing more branding more communication more support of our customers where we have seen opportunity in russia we have made some acquisitions like milton and like we've done. so those are complementary to our business existing business we feel that our portfolio is very rich and we will be focused on organic growth in the next few years. that's the business of it for this but don't forget you can always find more stories just all it's all web sites actually dot com thanks so much.
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