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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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markets trying to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my challenger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines cause a report. this is a greece is rushing to reinsure investors that it's worthy of the next bailout for the prime minister says it is doing all it can to cut costs that says george hopper dry as a tool for the euro zone's main lender jack. the un's raise powerful body parts all discussing the palestinian recognition of it and so wednesday the u.s. is lobbying to slow down on the decision making process of the security council to allow these talks with israel to resume. under immigrants and break in the doing
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mob better to a much better job of getting employment in the locals so they show foreign workers are soaking up the ninety percent of u.k. they can seize and britain's top bankers. say fish after not sameas one of the world's leading experts on u.s. foreign policy walter russell mead explains that the way the land lies for america's global future. walter krause so me thank you very much for being with us today sir it's good to be here it's a pleasure now you call this twenty first century while this roller coaster ride in the history of time terrorists i wonder what spills and thrills to expect before the ride is done well when you look at the way the internet is already changing
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everyone's lives you look at how migration is sending people all over the world you look at how the world economy since two thousand has just been up and down and up and down this is a much more thrilling than life use to be i was in i came to this part of the world for the first time back in the one nine hundred eighty s. and very little it happened politically for a very long time and they did some ways the unfreezing in russia began and unfreezing in other parts of the world we're seeing it today in the arab spring not necessarily for better not necessarily for worse but far more interesting how do you make of the violence that there is right now in the world has it always been that way and it's just that weren't aware or has it got a really worse well if it you know it kind of ebbs and flows in the world i mean you think about china in the one nine hundred fifty s. russia in the one nine hundred thirty s.
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you think about germany of course in the thirty's and forty's so there's been times when the pace of death was faster than it is now but also times when it was slower . you look at the war in the congo and people say as many as two million people have been killed in a series of civil international conflicts in the congo in the last and i'm afraid that as we have more technology. we don't become better we simply become more able to do things both good and bad that is technology doesn't change who we are as human beings but it turns up the volume so that we are able to express whatever is in us good or bad more fully so you think it brings the good that's good out of us as much as the bad as the bad we're all the same as before we are just louder. do you believe that china is in the revolutionary state i wonder why does it have
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anything to do with a fight that it's getting older faster than it's getting richer well that's a problem for china you know pre-revolutionary i don't think i've ever used quite that word but what i see is that the chinese government is a stream leacock of them i have nothing but admiration for their ability to manage their growing economy and so on and certainly look at thousands of years of chinese history in many ways this government has delivered more for more people than any other but at the same time every success they have at fostering more growth and more development means they have a more complex society which then becomes harder to to manage especially when it comes from the top down corruption becomes more of a problem i think the chinese financial system is. is in a much shakier state than might appears for a very long time you commies been growing at ten percent
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a year. it's hard to lose money as a bank when the economy is growing that quickly so i think there might be a lot of stupid loans and many corrupt local officials their brother in law is getting money for something and so should something happen to china off that very rapid path of growth we might very very quickly see that there are many more many more prob. and them then it now looks like they have but in that case where the child is revolution look like. i left my crystal ball at home. but i think what you would have is more than a billion people all trying to live their lives in their own way and i think you'd have a lot of confusion when you look at. chinese history and certainly before one thousand nine hundred forty nine you had a very long period of chaos and disorder before an order was formed it might take
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china a while but that's it's so speculative so i know that you're an advert democrat you voted for apartment house and this morning and in some ways yes in some ways no. i have to say when i voted for him i didn't think oh this is the one everything is going to be perfect i thought that he would be able to manage our foreign policy. effectively not perfectly no one and i think he has. i think we're in fairly good shape and he's been able to do some of the things that the bush administration tried to do but without all the trouble and aggravation and so moyes which is good to masterfully i think he made some mistakes at the beginning he he thought that the country had elected him to transform the country i think he was actually look to be more like bill clinton and try to keep
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everything nice and so he's gotten out because he tried to do too much and do some things people didn't expect or want he's now on the defensive and this is a difficult time for him what do you think shapes the valley's of a farm is a restoration lot of things i think he's very much a product of the kind of ivy league educational system. he sees himself i think is part of a new kind of america almost the millennial generation in some ways looking to build a post racial society i think he does he's he's not as much on the left as some people have thought he is i don't i don't think that's right i think he i would consider more a kind of tuchman. in the in the mold of people like mcgeorge bundy the sort of great harvard technocrats of the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's i think is where he is to think he's going to get reelected that's
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very hard to say but i know that you've described the united states e.u. and japan as financially responsible superpowers so i was wondering how do you think the world kind of forced to be led by responsible super powers well of course there are a lot of financially irresponsible non superpowers too i think financially they're not superpowers right but i guess what i'm saying is who else can it be led by that was that in my second question that if united states actually loses their leadership who would it be well that's partly why i think it may be less likely that the u.s. will lose and in some ways the dollar as a reserve currency it's the chinese are not going to internationalize theirs for a while the euro is is not really an alternative to the dollar so what is it the swiss franc the south african rand ok but do you still get a sense that the superpowers are losing says the per prince and even think ational
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a lot. i think that the american economy is in a period of deep restructuring if you look at the last three hundred fifty years of sort of the rise of global capitalism you'd argue that the british and the americans have we've had many financial crises ever since the south sea bob dole in the dutch tulip bulb believin in some ways and when there's a financial crisis and economic crisis some countries seem to be faster to innovate and some countries say we knew capitalism was a terrible system all along we're going to have nothing to do with it so the argentina's hims and some others try to get away from it and then when the time comes for the next wave of grown. with they've isolated themselves i think the british and the americans and are still prepared to try something new my guess is that the whole world has reached
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a stage where the old system economic system doesn't work we don't know how to make the transition to the new and we're floundering around trying to invent i think the americans are going to get there faster than some others so let me just recap because there's been a lot of talk their past two years that the world becoming not color. and european things are going to stay the way they are the world order for a while well i guess what i would say is the whole the goal of american foreign policy is not actually a uni polar world i think people. think the united states actually is more a grettir garbo and that is we would like to be left alone for example the european union from the united states point of view is the perfect solution the europeans aren't going to war with each other they aren't going to war with us they're pretty prosperous they like a lot of the things we do so the european if the united states had
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a dream for europe that would be it it's ok now we have much less power in europe than we did in one thousand nine hundred five when we could decide who ate what's ok but you have much more power in other parts of the world right but again what we want to say is we would like every place to more or less be like you are happy rich at peace so that you can be left alone so right so that the world would be the way we wants it to be but we wouldn't have to make it perform that's the american goal and so in that sense. multi-polar world in which most or all of the polls kind of like the american way without us to make an. and you see that's the goal and to some degree the emergence of india the emergence of europe the fact that brazil is growing into
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just that kind of power suggests that that we're getting that what americans would consider a binondo multi-polar are really rather than say the one nine hundred forty s. when you have the soviet union germany and japan that all heat that system and are trying to destroy it how would america like to see russia america would like to see russia happy free democratic and secure thank you very much for this interview thank you.
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the latest in a science stand six months from. the future covered.
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bryson if you remove the old song from phones to these. stones on t.v. dot com. it's .
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easy. to. see. greece is rushing to reassure investors that it's unworthy of the next bailout of the prime minister says it's doing what it can so called costs as george has the talks with the euro zone's main lead to the gem of. the us most powerful body puts off the scots in the palestinian recognition bed until wednesday the us is being to slow down the decision making process of the security council to allow the peace talks with israel to resume. and immigrants in gretna doing a much better job asking employment than locals so they show foreign work is a staking out and ninety percent of u.k. baking season in britain is the job market it's.
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good to see you on a huge. it certainly does the fashion the on the firing par of there on the russian top of all of us in a couple of hours off gets going again. we've got to create all this. thanks indeed for joining us this is sports today i'm busy evening so let's get started right now. testing times as soon as the champions league group stage draw was made this was the one siesta fans are waiting for enter in moscow darts major tonight. caucuses clash mega rich come from behind twice to join f.c. church in monday saw russian premier league fixture. on team greens
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former world number one golfer tiger woods teams up with the commute kelly july calver following the break up of his partnership with another bad man steve williams after their teen years. one of the biggest nights of the russian football year is upon us european giants ensure they are in moscow to take on sask in their second champions league group match of the season it's an injury hits army men side they'll come out against on the luzhniki turf of the muscovites are hopeful of a midfield you absorb and toss it and alexander's sonia recovered sufficiently from knocks and can feature at some stage they would be a big boost sisko said second to church trips and to be here for fighting back to church legal and the opener surprisingly twenty ten winners enter our balsam the italian i'd fit replaced coach gian piero yes perini with cody around yuri last week their fourth manager in just over a year but the boss new units lidsky says he does not think the change at the helm
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will affect the outcome. you have seen. well we don't mean you will make much of a difference we should be relying on our own form in the first place interim a have changed a good coach but the top level players are still there so regardless of which means of the game any team in the world will finally be challenging to play them. now enter will be without influential playmaker away from the schneider the dutch midfielder miss last saturday's three one triumph along with a high end injury that result was interest first victory of the season humbling run your winning starts the club enter also messing with figure de young steinke of each defender maicon through injury while their former portuguese star louis figo he's bracing himself for a stern test the night sky is granted and that's because he's the one point of view
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is your point so. we have to get a good result here through the openness to continue the competition pretty tough because it comes from three posts. by all of them so as to be a perfect game. now elsewhere tonight byron munich are preparing to host champions league debutantes and manchester city it's been one of the best starts to the season on this legal leader's history with by registering nine successive wins in all competitions without conceding one goal however since they are also enjoying a fine run in england stopping the table with another much exercise is of course united after six weeks. or so and that's what i hear from. the same. for their stadium i think it is game that is important for him and for the one like at the end. i like to play this game.
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not only has to be a reality group a with both teams taking a first win in this year's tournament the home side even through proved on a goalless draw in the playoffs last season which allowed the spanish club to progress on a two one get scoreline though the yellow submarine languish in fifty place in the american league not believe coach water miles are already plenty in stuff that will come for golfing tonight and i want to see whether joe can opener they are a good team and they proved it last year even though we pleaded great match in their territory and it's going to be good at this level if it can be. anything could happen because they have more experience in the squad as it would if you play the best we. beat them we did it which is easy to. action on when i try. to make friends champions league after securing all three points in their first game against inter manchester united go head to head with basel the red devils fear
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it's not one despite being on top of group c. last year portuguese league shot ten feet to travel for a clash with romanian side the two low who are enjoying their first season in the company record nine time title winners. reale madrid host i accept a friend of a zero on his side leave group c. out for their one nil win over the comments i read a fortnight ago i love the bottom placed croats in the group travel to the seven time french champs league who also lost points during their first being read out with. princes to the russian game or something let's who has scored his third goal for big spending on g. and a southern russian darby against chechen side f.c. charging a visiting side hoping the scoring early in the first time off the alexander pub lenka break from terex so fast the cameraman burley caught it former sports like mon puff lanky dribbling past two defenders under goalkeeper before finishing into
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the bottom left hand corner on eight minutes. stuff a dozen minutes however to equalize a lofted ball into the charity penalty area benched the finding its feet at so for a time after game play of the year with a net is one more on the first half ended and how it stayed for most of the second as well doing most of the attacking but it's all action approach would leave them exposed by taking full advantage of just three minutes of normal time left so to shoot blasts off running half the length of the field here before firing to the back of the net. to deface during the drama wasn't finished yet the tireless mubarak yusufzai crossing to john carlos after all this nonsense box he heads home that's the equaliser to choose how it ended up in which will.
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be where i draw was witness for only the third ever time in world cup history so they are remarkably it was just come a day who fought to stablemates the same sides who also threw the two thousand and seven tournaments the game in. played in perfect conditions on the most positive of approaches that much he said cullen eventually fighting back tonight upon only a second ever world cup win twenty three twenty three how it ended all after the italy ensuring their qualification for the twenty fifteen games of victory over the united states as a jury also still in with a shot to meet ireland in this year's quarterfinals following the bonus points with . a rugby is set to get a massive boost in russia not just because of the country's deep you appearance up that world cup sevens has now become lympics sports on so it's set to be played in schools right across the nation richard bump or three caught up with one player
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who's overcome the odds to be a success in both codes. he may be enjoying five star hotels and first cross training facilities at this world cup however this hasn't always been the case for russia speedy winger like he must rush come on and present our he was a talented wrestler in his youth but eventually decided to switch to rugby in his early teens on the advice of his prada though he didn't have it easy in his formative years. when i started playing rugby the facilities were non-existent we would train at a local school in the basement of whatever it was full of rubbish and we would have to spend hours trying to clean it up with and then the coaches arrived and we were allowed to use the pitch to train on the log it was only after that that he started to improve. but he even has a ready made impression here in new zealand showing his first ever world cup try against italy while he's free and finds its express space this is obviously a dream come true for the twenty five year old and he says the whole of his
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hometown is following his every move because it has to me everyone which is our games because not only my family with the whole of my hometown everyone calls us to congratulate us even though we're not doing well in all of our matches it's a good human to be here for the country or for the national team and for the coaches of us crucial is not a rarity in the russian team in the seventy's we made a major part in its development where the new regulation played for the national side are establishing themselves as a major force in the shortened game being able to beat and beat the likes of england and france on a regular basis. sevens really helps your development in the fifteen man game as it teaches you to see the pitch differently you need a completely different set of skills and seventh so it comes in handy of junk up the market because it's been a tough year for flight he may have to constantly ask this year's best club rugby
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leaving behind his wife country year old son kim on the cross to die some four thousand kilometers away. he'll get to see his family in a couple of weeks i was very he's extremely committed to playing in the national team and just really wants to help his country improve it but of sevens i'm fifty nine game which lead to r t. you zealand. power i guess that brings us finally to golf for fourteen time major winner cheika woods has unveiled a man he hopes can return him to former glory the former world number one self hiring. his new county wood fired his previous five month steve williams in july after a thirteen year partnership the thirty five dollar bill using himself with who's best known for his long term association with another former we're number one for couples woods has been without a title for over two years on the slope to fiftieth in the world rankings since the much publicized revelations about his private life and subsequent to force.
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a leg injury didn't help him either well let's is all the sport i'll be back in just under two hours time with more whether it's next. week we'll. bring you the latest in science technology from around the world. we've got the future covered.
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